Loving You

By Nan Valenzuela

Published on Oct 27, 2010


Disclaimer: Check the first few chapters.

Well I hope you have some time and coffee since I did ^^.

Loving You So it begins

"Remind me not to eat before I get on a roller coaster..." I patted Jake's back as he threw up again. "Ever."

"Yeah I think you shouldn't," I helped him up when he was finished and helped him to the sink. "Though it could have been since you ate about seven hot dogs..." Not to mention a burger, cotton candy, ice cream, and the corndogs. So many corndogs.

Jake splashed water on his face. "Yeah, but the food is so good."

"Still... at least if you eat wait a while before you go on any more rides..." I'm sure the people behind him would not want to get splashed with vomit. Especially when they are screaming and it gets into there mouths. Making more vomit for the people in the back.

"Yeah your right so what do you want to do next?" He got some paper towels and started drying his face.

Not see those poor people or children for the rest of my life. "Something that is not to fast or bumpy at least till the rest of your food goes down."

"Ferris wheel?"

Damn the niceness. I had a real fear of heights and being up that high was going to suck. But I just nodded and followed his lead. What else could I do? That was basically the only ride that went smoothly and it would give time for his stomach to settle.

We got the tickets and entered the basket. When it started going up I inched my way towards Jake. I did so not like heights. He gave me a smile when I pressed against his side, he put his arm over my should and I got closer.

It wasn't anything romantic for me, just out of fear and desperation. I did not want to look out the basket! I closed my eyes and pressed my head on his chest.

"Don't like heights do you?" I shook my head. "Look into my eyes."

"Why?" I clenched my eyes when the basket shook for a second.

"It you look at someone than it will make it less scary." I felt his hand on the back of my neck.

I took a shot of confidence and opened my eyes and looked at his face.

Jake looked into my eyes for a second and I froze as his head leaned down, his lips touched mine. I left my eyes open and his closed. I stayed still and waited.

When he pulled off his eyes opened and stayed with mine. "I just wanted to see how it would feel like."

"And?" There was nothing really there, at least not compared to Chris and Mike.

"Feels like something but its just not like Zack's something." He gave me a smile and rubbed my back.

"Wow, so you like Zack?" Well I did heard that they did have sex but I thought it was just sex. He nodded. "But if you do than why...."

"Well you reminded me of him and I wanted to see if there was anything that could happen with us. Guess not though..." He looked to the side. "But there was also the whole Angie wanting to make the other guys notice you."

So she did have something to do in this did! "I knew she had something to do with this." I gave a smile, she could not take a hint could she? Well she did want to help.

"She said that even if you had to do something it would be best if they still tried to get your heart. So that you can see their feeling and have yours confirmed. Or something like that."

I raised an eyebrow. "But why did she ask you to ask me out on a date than?"

He chuckled. "Since apparently I have the whole alpha male appearance and attitude that I would be perfect."


"Mike and Chris are both a jealous type. Even though Mike may not appear like it. Angie said that they suffer from alpha male syndrome. They each want the best for you but at the same time they want to claim you. In their mind you are their territory and they want no other male to get you. Since they are friends they backed off you."

I got it. "Since you weren't their friend they felt threatened. So they asked me out also so they could not lose me?"

"Bingo. Its not that big of a problem. Kind of nice if you think about it. Same thing is happening to me about Zack."

"You guys are all weird you know?" I took his arm off me and stared at my hands. "So how long have you liked him?" I smiled it was cute.

"Well ever since we had sex. Just something about him makes me want him. Can't really what it is though."

"Are you sure its not love?" I looked at him from the side.

He stiffened, "I don't know..."

I shook my head. "It could be love you know? Love at first sight that is. Love can mess up your life when it pops up," Seeing as how I was in love, with two guys, I had to know something right?

"That is true but how do I know if its love and not just a crush."

"Love is mysterious and you just want the person all to yourself. Nothing really matters but that person. When you are with them all you can do is smile and be happy. Everything around you starts to fade and then you know its meant to be..."

"I guess I am in love.... Shit this is messed up..."

"How is it messed up?" I looked at him again.

"I don't think he would feel the same way about me..."

"Why don't you ask him out? What do you have to lose? There is more to gain if you try. There is nothing wrong with trying. If you don't all you have left is regret for not knowing."

He started chuckling. "Hehehe this date was suppose to help you figure out your feeling and in turn you help me out."

"Friends help each other out you know?" I patted his back.


After we got out of the Ferris wheel, we sat down on one of the benches and I cheered for Jake when he called Zack. I was so happy for him when Zack said yes to his date offer. Turns out that Zack wanted Jake to call him for something like that and he was going to give up hope soon. Boy did he know how to hide things...

"So they are on a date right now?" Angie gave a little squeal. "I can't thank you enough for talking him into it."

That surprised me. "So you are saying that you tried to talk him into asking out Zack?"

"Yes but he just wouldn't. Both Zack and Jake both kept telling me how much they like the other one and I could not do anything! Do you know how I felt not being able to do anything?"

"Probably not but seeing as you can't help yourself from helping...." I sat on my bed and moved the cellphone back on my ear.

"He told you about my plan huh?" I heard her giggle.

"Yup. Though you are right about them being all alpha male and junk." I chuckled.

"Men are so easy to manipulate at times when it comes to people they like. It's sad at times really...." She sighed.

"So that's why you like women better?" I smiled, I never really knew her sexual orientation.

"NO! Eww Nate that is just icky! I mean sure it hot when its two anime girls but for me I don't want to have sex with another girl..." She made a gagging noise.

"Then why aren't you trying to find a guy for yourself instead of helping out everyone else around you?"

"Well for me I can have a guy just like that," She snapped her fingers, "For right now I don't want to deal with guys that are not gay. I don't want to fight off their hornyness."

"Gay guys get horny too you know?" She was friends with Zack, the poster boy for hornyness.

"But its just more hot to watch them do things..."

I gave a laugh. "Well I will talk to you later okay? I have to start getting ready for my date with Mike..." One hour and he would be here.

"Oh before you go how was your date with Chris?" I heard the excitement in her voice.

"It was nice call Mary to get the details okay?"

"Okay sir! Call me after the date for a threeway." I heard the line go dead and I put the cell on the pillow. "Time to get ready."

After a shower and a quick change of clothes I was ready. I smiled when I heard the doorbell ring. Just on time. Like usual. I hurried up to the door see Mikey.

When I opened the door I wanted to swallow my tongue. He was just as handsome as I remembered him. His hair was down and he had a tight shirt with black jeans on. His smile was still killer. "So are you ready?"

"Yeah? Are you?" I blushed, I had no idea why I said that. I locked the door and fallowed him to his truck. He opened the door for me and he hurried to his side.

"You don't get seasick do you?" He asked as he started the truck. I shook my head, I wondered why he would ask such a question. "Good seeing as I don't want our date to be ruined because of that question.

The car ride was nice. Just talking and him telling me about how his family was doing. Kelly tried to kill him for giving us a break but as soon as she heard of the date tonight she was ecstatic. His mom thought he was smart for giving me time to think. Apparently she had the same problem when she met Mike's dad.

I wondered why we were going into the woods until I saw a big lake and shut my mouth. It was so big and blue. The stars where twinkling in the water. Made is almost seem magical.

We parked in a small parking lot and I wondered if he was going to blind me like Chris did. Mike opened the door for me just as I got my seat belt on and took my hand in his as he locked the truck.

We stayed quiet as we walked down a trail leading to the lake. The only sounds I heard were of crickets and a few birds. I wanted to say something but his hand on mine kept me silent. It brought back so many memories.

"Just a bit more and you will see what I have planed for us." H squeezed my hand and gave me a bright smile. I smiled back and followed him.

"I didn't know you had a boat..." I wondered how it got there. The lake didn't seem to go anywhere else and I was closed off from what I could see.

"Well its not really mine. My uncle let me borrow it today." Mike took a firm grip of my hand and lead me to the boat.

Being on a boat brought back lots of old memories. When my parents where together and dad had the boat. He sold it after the divorce. Chris and I used to have so much fun on that boat.

"So how did you bring it up here?" I walked over to the bow and looked at the water. My reflection was distorted in the water.

"My uncle lived just down the road so he just towed it down here. After we leave I'll call him to pick it up." I nodded.

He started the boat and I help onto the railing. Something about being splashed in the face with trickles of water and going real fast was rather fun. Gave a little rush.

"Have you ever gone fishing?" Mike asked me when the boat slowed down.

I shook my head. "We aren't even wearing the clothes for fishing."

"That's true but we are in a big boat so I don't think that would matter much. Just so I can show you." Mike took out a fishing rod and slowly made his way towards me.

"I might suck at it though..." He passed me the rod and showed me the proper way to hold it.

"Don't worry its easy," His body was right behind mine, "It's just all about patience. If you wait long enough they will come to you."

With a quick flick the lure went into the water. "How long does it take?" I moved my body closer to his and smiled when he pressed his chest against my back.

"Depends on how long you want to wait. You can leave the fishing rod to the side though..." I did what he said. "Why don't you turn around?"

I slowly turned around and was lifted up on the rail. My face was facing his, no need to look up. "Hi." I smiled at him.

"Hi." He gave me one back and he went between my legs. His arms went across my waist, I held mine in the railing. I did so not want to fall in the water.

We just looked at each other and heard the water splash against the boat.

"Want to know something about fishing?" I nodded. "It's all about patience. With it you can catch the biggest prize in the sea. All you need to do is give it time and a little space. Eventually they will come to you. Then all you need to do is just reel them in."

"Don't they struggle?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes but that makes it so much fun. Seeing as the more time you have, the more you get to think on how much it would be to finally get the prize. Sure there may be other fish but once you get one you can be very happy."

"How about if the fish you get is bad?" I asked.

"No fish is really bad. Just needs attention and love. At times it doesn't matter who catches it. As long as you are able to see it. The beauty in fishing is the prize of the catch." One side of his lips turned into a half smile.

"We aren't talking about fishing are we?" At least I thought we weren't.

He chuckled. "It's just a matter of figuring out on where it belongs. Most things need patience. Though at time the patience can be quiet killer."

"Oh, so is there something that you don't want to have patience in?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yeah. This." He leaned in close an took my mouth in his. I moved my hands from the railing to his neck. Eventually his tongue probed mine and I let him in. I wanted this in such a long time. I wrapped my legs on the back of his and pressed my body against his.

After a few minutes of kissing we separated and pressed our foreheads together. I focused on his breathing. Shit. Yesterday it was the same with Chris. Fuck why did I have to think about him now?

"Are you hungry or do you want to lose air?" Mike asked in a bated breath.

"Doesn't matter..." I closed my eyes and focused on his body. It felt so familiar.

"Well if we eat we could have more energy to do things..." He whispered.

"Lets eat you perv." He lifted me off the railing and put me on the floor.

"Hey I've had blue balls for a while now so sorry," Mike chuckled and took out some food from somewhere on the boat. "Anyways lets see what my Auntie cooked us!"

Okay so dinner was fun. Feeding each other and having a little alone time. It felt special. After dinner we sat down and enjoyed the scenery. I was between Mike's legs and my barefeet were in the water. Occasionally Mike got a little touchy at times and I elbowed him slightly.

It was just perfect.

"You know I would ask why you are so happy. Though you did have two dates so I won't ask." I hopped inside Mary's car and just gave another smile. Sunday was fast. I just wanted to get to school just to see my friends. Also to see the guys I loved. So the love bug bite me today.

Mary was relentless. I just told her a few details about my date yesterday but she still wanted more. Though this time I just told her slightly more.

"Nate I'll see you at lunch okay? Chris wanted me to give him something before class started okay?" I nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I ignored the looks people gave me.

"Nate wait up!" Angie called out as I slowly made my way into the school building. I turned and she gave me a big hug. "How are you today?"

"Good you?" I put my arm over her shoulder and opened the doors.

"Great was waiting for you to show up and give me more details!" I noticed that more people were looking at me. Strange.

I gave a loud sigh. "You will get nothing out of me."

"Oh poopie!" She looked around and something caught her eye. "Look all those people are in a circle!" She pointed at the big group of people. "Maybe there is a fight!" She pulled me all the way to the circle.

Once a few people saw us coming they backed up.

Angie and I both looked at what they where looking at. The bulletin board had pictures of all my friends. Each one said contaminated. Three pictures had fag written on them. Jake, Zack, and mine. Those who lay with another man should be judged by death. By my hand I will decontaminate the people who these have touched. He will suffer.

"Who the hell wrote this shit on the bulletin board!" Angie called out and everyone took a step back.

That was almost exactly to what he wrote. Just now that it had pictures also Jake and Zack were in the mix now.

"Come on was it you!" She pointed to the guy she beat up at the football game. He quickly shook his head and hid behind a few people.

The principal, my friend Richard, took me by the hand and Angie followed. He looked at Angie for a second before he shook his head and took us to his office. "I want you both to stay in my office till I come back understand?" We both nodded, he closed the door to his office.

"How could someone write something so mean..." Angie gave me a hug but I didn't really pay attention.

It was all starting to make sense. Whoever it was was copying him or something like that. Though from the ways things where going it could mean that. It could be him. It was him if all the pieces fit together.

"Its okay Angie, it was just someone with hate in their soul, so don't worry." I hugged her back and kissed her cheek.

"This is why we need to get the club rolling in order to get the message out about accepting people for who they are." Angie gave a sigh.

"Well I think you will be happy to hear that the teachers agreed that it would be a good idea to have a gay-straight alliance club," Richard walked into the office and gave me a smile. "Seeing as it would benefit the well being of some of our students I will be the supervisor of the club."

"Really?" Angie's face lit up.

"Yes, but I will have other adults in the group with me." Richard looked at me and gave me a wink.

"You don't mean..." Would they?

"Yes. Kristen and Lillian will be volunteering to help regulate group activities," He gave a smile. "So I take it that you both will be the President and Vice President of the group right?"

"Don't we have to be elected though?" I raised my eyebrow.

"It's better to have two leaders already for a group like this Nate. Seeing as this was my idea I will be the President and seeing as Nate is gay and smart he will be the second in command." She gave a little giggle and clasped her hands together.

"Good. So I will tell you when the club can be started okay? You both can head to class while I will handle the situation. Seems like we found the culprit." He shook his head and went back to his desk.

"Who is it?" Angie asked.

"I can't give out a name right now. It's not proper policy to give out names of students who get in trouble."

"But shouldn't Nate know who put his picture on bulletin board?"

"Yes but for now the student's name will not be mentioned. I have to talk to the student so can you both go to class?" He looked at me and I nodded. I knew he will tell me when he could. If it was who I was thinking than I just had to do was confront him.

Each class had something to do with acceptance and tolerance of other people. Some people actually started to have debates about where people should be accepted or tolerated. In a few cases some people actually came out and started crying. Two girls and one guy. Some kids actually left class but they came back after a few minutes.

"Are you okay Nate?" Lucy asked when I reached the lunch table. I wasn't hungry so I was the second person their.

"Yeah however did it must have had huge balls. They found out who it is though." I gave her a smile.

"That's good who is it?" She asked.

"I don't know. Have you heard of any names?" I leaned in close to her.

"Just a few but no one is for sure. Seeing as the principal said that if anyone said the name they would get expelled. At least until this matter is done." I mentally cursed. At least I know someone who knows him. Though I wondered who told Richard who he was the culprit.

"I'm so sorry Nate!" Mary wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me from behind.

"Don't worry Mary nothing really bad happened so no worries.." I petted her arms that were around my neck.

"Still.... Have you both heard anything about Jake and Zack?" She sat right now down next to me. "I'm worried about them too."

"Zack is fine with people knowing he is gay since they already knew. Jake on the other hand had to deal with a few assholes but I handled them." Angie sat right next to Mary and clapped her hands.

"Handled them how?" I asked.

"Something that cannot be proven was me." She gave a gave us a smile and dug into her pudding.

"I'm worried..." Mary looked at Angie for a second and took a drink from her soda.

"Don't worry its nothing really considered illegal." Angie took a bite from her pizza and gave out a moan.

"Guys! Did you hear about the cars that got painted pink?" Trevor kissed Lucy on cheek.

Mary, Lucy, and I each looked at Angie. "What about the cars?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Supposedly Jake got into this yelling match with these guys and got sent to detention. Then when the guys went to get lunch all of their cars were pink! They got transformed into freaking rabbits! Shit imagine what the guys will have to go through when they go to home!" Trevor started laughing.

"Serves those assholes right!" Chris sat down right next to me and gave me a smile. "Are you doing okay? Anyone pick on you." I shook my head. "Good."

"Well of course not seeing as he has powerful friends now. Mary and I can destroy someones social rank if we find out anyone messes with our friend. Trevor, you, and Mike can destroy guys who touch him now. Not to mention people are terrified of Angie at times." Lucy giggled.

Wow, I guess this was one of the reasons why people were starting to leave me alone now.

"Yeah so don't worry about it. Jake can protect himself and Zack got loads of people who watch his back. Not to mention that he can get back at people slightly lesser than my extent." Angie announced before she started eating again.

"Good all of our friends are okay." I waved at Mike and he smiled at me.

"Now lets stop talking about this subject. No one really got hurt and seeing as we can't do much lets change the subject." Everyone looked at me and nodded.

"So the last football game is Friday! Can't believe that this time we are in the championships!" Lucy clapped her hands excitedly.

"Yeah so happy! Can you pass me the ketchup?" I passed Angie the ketchup and smiled. She really didn't like much sports but she still went to them as she wanted to show support.

"After the game we should do something special you guys." Mary gave me half her sandwich and I took it. She wasn't going to stop until I did anyway.

"Like what a party? If so, no since we will the New Years party." Trevor gave me some of his chips and I thanked him.

"Something fun that we could all enjoy." Angie gave me her drink and I smiled. Okay, even though I was not hungry people where giving me food.

"How about camping? We haven't really gone camping in a long time. It would be fun if Zack and Jake tagged along also." Chris handed me his apple and I smiled again.

"That would be cool, my truck could carry all of us. I haven't gone camping in years either." Mike tossed me his cookie and I smiled again. Seriously I did not need all this food!

"So I guess we will all go camping on Saturday after the game night!" Lucy said excitedly. Trevor just kissed Lucy on the cheek. They were a cute couple.

"Well you can count me out, I am so not going!" All of use looked at her with confusion. It seemed like a thing she would like to do. Strange.

The week went by fast. Even if I got food they still kept giving me some. Apparently they wanted me to get more meat on my bones. I didn't tell them that I had a very high metabolism so it would be useless for me to eat more. Mom tried to get me more meatier and that did so not work.

Our football team won and everyone their got really excited. More so the fact that it meant that the winter break officially started now. The guys offered to take me with them to go get pizza but I shook my head. The house was empty when I got home. For some reason I dug into my closet and took out the package that came for me a few days ago.

I opened it and took out the photos of Mike and me. There was also the pictures of Chris and me. Whoever was sending these things to me was following me. The whoever I had a guess who it was. I forgot to ask Richard about the name but it was useless now.

I knew the persons motive slightly but I was still wondering why he wanted to do it though. With me out of the way what could he really get? Nothing that I was really aware of. Though I had something that he wanted. Though what I was thinking, could not really make sense. Unless. Though if he wanted that then why would he write that?

Was it all just a scare tactic? I looked at the little box in my hands. It seemed like it but I wasn't sure.

"Whoever invented camping should suffer a slow painful death!" Angie shouted out and made a few birds fly away. "LET GO OF ME! MOTHER HELP ME!!!" Angie smacked and kicked the guys as they took her into the truck. Lucy, Mary, and me just waved at the neighbors.

"Stop being a drama queen sweetheart its just two days of camping," Angie's Mom shook her head and closed the door behind her. There was a little click signalizing that she locked the door.

"SHIT GRAB HER!" I started laughing when Angie broke out of the guys grip and ran to her door and started pounding on it.

"Why is she afraid of camping?" Lucy asked as we all watched Angie start clawing the guys. It was kinda funny aside from the fact that the neighbors were still watching. Some of them actually where laughing.

"She has a thing with snakes and spiders..." Mary covered her mouth with her hand as Jake tossed Angie over his shoulder and walked to the truck. "Going out camping is just making her nervous."

"So why don't we just leave her behind? She won't have much fun if she is paranoid." Lucy was right about that but it was to late already. They guys had their battle scars now. Zack and Jake sandwiched Angie in the back of the truck so she could not escape.

"So lets get to back before they drive off without us." Trevor helped us get on the back of the truck with the camping gear. Mike and Chris were in the front driving.

"So how much damage did you get?" Lucy took Trevor's arm and started observing it. Just a few scratches here and there.

"Are those teeth marks?" I asked. With a getting a closer look I was surprised they where.

"Yeah that girl sure can bite. Shit I thought she would break the skin like my old dog used to do when he got pissed," Trevor shook his head. "This is the last time I'm going camping with her."

"Well it will be seeing as second semester will be more of studying and preparing for the finals..." Mary frowned, she hated test. "At least testing days are a few months away."

"Yeah than we have college to worry about," Lucy shook her head. "At least we will have summer break to have more fun."

College. I forgot about that. I tuned out their conversation and looked at the scenery. Eventually I had to pick a college to where I wanted to go. There were a few I was interested in but it would mean moving away from here and my friends also. I bit my lip.

Even if I did realize who I was really in love with. How could we be together with college slowly approaching?


"I hope the mosquitoes attack the guys tonight..." Angie growled out. "Hopefully they touch poison ivy and it spreads to certain areas..." I had a feeling that I had to stick to Angie like a honey on a bear.

I looked back at the guys setting up the camp and hoped that I could help them in some way. At least prolong Angie's wrath for a bit anyway.

"Look Angie is just today and tomorrow. Then on Monday we will go back home in the early morning so don't worry about it okay?" Mary patted Angie on the back before walking off to go give Chris a screwdriver.

It took about three hours to get the camp set up. It might have taken less time if Angie was sabotaging the guys work. Though I don't think she was the only one at fault. Jake, Mike, and Chris were all arguing here and there one how things should be set up and they also sabotaged it other.

"Well Nate and Mary are bunking with me!" Angie wrapped her arms around my neck. "Zack is sleeping with Jake. Lucy and Trevor have their one little tent. So that leaves Mike and Chris sleeping out on patrol duty."

I felt bad about that. We would have had two other tents if the guys didn't destroy two of them. Though I think Angie fulled their rage at times. It all started with someone taking someones tool or throwing a rock at someones back. I wasn't sure if Angie was all to blame.

Even though I knew how to cook I had no idea how to in a campfire. Luckily Mary was knowledgeable in that aspect. Seeing as she was a seasoned camper because of her dad. We ate a few smores and a few hot dogs.

"Angie you did not put that marshmallow on Jake's leg did you?" Mary asked as she started getting ready for bed.

I was wondering the same thing. She was sitting next to Jake and she seemed to preoccupied with the marshmallow in her hands. "I don't think she did... but..." I looked at her closely, she had her lips pursed.

"Why you think I would do such a thing?" She shook her head. "Poor Jakey had all those ants crawling all over him." She gave a little tsk. "Not to mention jumping into the lake to get them all off him."

Mary and I both looked at each other for a second as Angie started to hum a song.

I felt something poking my face and I smacked it, trying to go back to sleep. "Nate wake up Angie is gone."

I eyes opened wide and I looked over to the side, yup she was gone. I rubbed the sleepiness in my eyes away. "How long has she been gone?" I gave a little yawn.

"Not sure I just woke up a little bit ago." I looked at her and hid a smile. Her hair was all puffy and in a messy disarray.

"Lets get our shoes and find her!" We quickly put on our shoes and headed out of the tent.

"Where is she?" Mary whispered. She was nowhere in the camp area. Mike and Chris where still sleeping in their mats.

I walked close the lake and cursed. She was nowhere in sight. "I don't know but...." Speak of the devil. Angie walked out of Jake and Zack's tent with a smile on her face.

"Angie what were you doing in there?" Mary walked over to her and crossed her arms.

"Nothing just checking on my cousin!" Her voice was sing song and skipped her way back into the tent.

Mary and I both looked at each other, we slowly walked our way into the tent. "Oh my-" Mary clamped her hand over my mouth and slowly pulled me out of the tent.

"I can't believe she did that..." I nodded. How could Angie be that evil? "But wait..." Mary took her hand off my mouth and walked over to Lucy's tent and poked her head inside. She covered her mouth with her hand and nodded when I raised my eyebrow. Yup, she did the same thing to Trevor. Not that I checked in the tent but from the way Mary was acting.

She pointed at Mike and Chris. I followed her lead and I covered my mouth the same time she did. Boy was I failing at protecting the guys from her wrath. Mary took my hand and pulled me into our tent.

Angie was digging in her purse when we entered the tent. "Angie why did you do such a thing to the guys?"

Angie froze and turned around slowly. When she saw it was us she gave a little smile. "I don't know what you are talking about..." She closed her purse and gave us a big happy smile.

"How could you write those things on the guys?" Mary huffed.

"I have no idea of what you are talking about..." She twisted a strand of her hair.

"Seriously Angie, how old are you?" I tried to have a serious face but it failed when I remembered one of the words. I started laughing at the way that could be taken.

Mary glared at me for a few seconds before she started laughing also. Eventually we all started laughing. "What the fuck!" Some one yelled from outside and we stopped our laughter.

"Dude can you shut the fuck up I'm trying to sleep here!" Chris yelled at the person.

"Dude look at my face!" Trevor yelled back. There was someone chuckling hysterically. Lucy? "Look at your face!"

There was some movement and next thing you know there was a loud noise. "Who the fuck wrote this!" Chris yelled out.

Mary, Angie, and I looked at each other, then we started laughing silently. "Dudes can you shut the fuck up! I'm trying to get my man in the mood..." We heard Zack speak out, and there was more laughter. "Oh shit you guys!"

"Shut the fuck up Zack! Take a look at your face! Lucy show him!" I covered my mouth with my hand. There was noway I could be silent when I remembered what he had on his face. How many licks does it take? There was also a drawing of a dick on his face.

Chris has a mustache drawing, a uni brow, the words ass master on his face, and he had whiskers on his face. Jake had the power of the rainbow written on his forehead, asses drawn on his cheeks, and on his chin said property of Zack. Mike had long dong written on the side of his face, Tarzan on his forehead, and a paw on his right cheek.

"Trevor has clam diver below his nose, a clam on his forehead, and Lucy's bitch on his neck." Mary whispered to me. She had a big smile on her face.

"It takes a few licks actually, about a hundred or so depending on how well you do it." Zack said, I could picture a smile on his face.

"That's not the point! Someone wrote on our faces!" Trevor growled out.

"What is all the screaming about?" Mike voice was filled with grogginess. There was laughter again. "Who the fuck wrote this?"

"What is everyone bitching about?" Jake asked everyone. There was more laughter. "Shit! Angie get your ass over here!"

Mary and I both looked at Angie but she had a smile on her face. She casually walked out of the tent and took my hand in hers. I took Mary's hand just encase I needed back up.

Mary and I both started laughing as soon as we saw everyone's faces again. Lucy was hiding her grin behind her hand.

"Is there something you need cousin?" Angie said with a smile.

All the guys where glaring at Angie, aside from Zack of course. He was actually checking himself out in the mirror. "Why the fuck did you write on our faces?" Jake started walking over to us.

"Who says that I did? I was sleeping. Though you should really wash that out before it becomes permanent for a while. Nate shall we go take a quick dip in the lake?" Before I could say anything she started running to the lake, with me dragging Mary behind me. We swerved around a tree and started running straight again.

"ANGIE! GET BACK HERE!" Mike, Chris, Trevor, and Jake said in Unison. As soon as they started running each made a face and fell flat on the floor.

After we got far away from the guys Angie slowed down and started giggling. Mary and I just stared at her with confusion.

"If they try something to get me back, oh they will wish they would be dead." Angie gave a little smile and started taking off her clothes. Mary and I eyed her curiously and started doing the same thing. If you can't beat them join them. Seeing as Angie was being sneaky there was nothing we could do. Just stay along for the ride.

After our little dip in the lake we made our way back into the camp. The guys eyed Angie as she passed by. They still had the drawings on their faces, guess they didn't wash it off quick enough. When we entered the tent, Lucy joined us inside.

"I should warn you that they want to get back at you..." Lucy had a smile on her face. "But oh my god that was so hilarious!" She gave a little giggle.

"Well hopefully Jake will warn them not to. Seeing as I have more tricks up my sleeves." Angie gave a little smile and changed out of her clothes into new ones.

"Well just don't do anything to me okay?" Lucy asked.

"Oh as long as you don't cross me you shouldn't worry. Right Nate?" I nodded. I remembered the guy who called me a fag and his punishment.

"I hope we survive this weekend..." Mary gave a little sigh and walked out of the tent.

Okay lets just say that the day had gone rather smoothly compared to the morning. The guys stayed away from Angie aside from Zack. Apparently he was used to the antics Angie pulled. Seeing as he was one of her helpers. He already knew that he was going to pay for his crime.

Mike tried to show me how to fish but it was basically useless. Each time I looked at his face a started laughing. At least he was a good sport and laughed with me. Eventually Chris intervened and told us to stop scaring the fish. I got nothing, Chris got two fish, and Mike got three. Chris where bigger and Mikes where longer.

Angie behaved herself the rest of the day at least from what I could tell anyways. Though there were strange incidents. Like Jake's tent collapsing on him, Trevor's compass was smashed, Mike's shoe had something suspicious on the bottom of it, Zack lost his chocolate bar, and Chris had somehow tripped into the lake.

Each time Angie had an alibi though so we could not be so sure. When Chris was telling us a ghost story in the middle of it Angie came out running with a knife and nearly scared us half to death. Though it would have been much scarier if Mary didn't through a cupcake at her when she appeared. Chocolate frosting was all over her face.

When we were about to go sleep Angie put something at the front of our tent, when we asked her about it she told us not to go outside.

Turns out the thing she put outside was poison oak and Jake was the poor victim. However Mike, Chris, and Trevor did scratch here and there throughout breakfast. No to mention the fact that they put on cream on their bodies.

"This trip wasn't so bad." Angie said as she sat in the back of the truck with me.

"Of course seeing as the guys feared you and stayed out of your way." Mary giggled. Trevor was in the back seat with Jake and Zack. Apparently they didn't want Angie in the front with them.

"Well it made things much more fun. I hadn't had a weekend like this in a long time." Lucy gave Angie a big hug.

"Well at least I know that I can handle being in the woods as long as I have someone to keep me occupied." Angie gave a big smile.

"Yup, all you needed was to emasculate a couple of guys."

The first week of vacation was weird. None of the guys visited me or told me not to come over. Mary told me over the phone that the Chris had been a victim of the poison oak and so was Mike. Trevor only got a little case of it so he was fine by three days.

Soon Christmas here and I was overjoyed. I gave dad a new briefcase and all his favorite breakfast meals. He in turn gave me a new laptop with my own little portable wireless system.

Mary stopped by to give me present from Chris and Mike, as well as herself. Turns out the guys still had the reaction. Mary gave me a friendship bracelet with a picture of her and me on it, Chris gave me a hug teddy bear and a few video games, Mike gave me free ice cream vouchers and some movies that I will not be mentioning.

I got Mary a pair of boots that she had her eyes on for months. She took the presents to the guys seeing at the moment they didn't want me to see them in a sorry state. I got Chris new gaming system, seeing as his old one was destroyed by him. I got Mike new sports jacket with his initials on it.

When Mary left a few hours later, Angie came over. Jake was suffering the most from the poison oak and Zack was playing nurse. Though I think it could be something to do with sex also...

"You do know that I don't like these types of things right?" I poked the bag and wondered how she could get the nerve to buy those things.

Angie giggled. "Whatever guy you pick, can tie you up and have his dirty way with you."

"With you and Mary I don't think my virginity is safe...." I shivered when I remembered the things that Mary gave me.

"You are still a virgin?" I nodded. "Wow I thought that Mike and you had already did it. Or at least when you and Chris were dating."

"We where kids in elementary school how could we know about sex?" I wondered when she lost it.

"Who knows one of my friends lost it in elementary school."

"Zack?" It was probably a safe bet.

"No someone you don't know. She moved away a long time ago. She did it when she was in fifth grade. Zack had it in like seventh or eight grade." She shook her head.

"So Mary told you about elementary school huh?" She nodded. "So you like your gift?" She nodded excitedly. "Give the others to Zack and Jake too okay?"

"Okay! I have to go see Mary though I'll give them to them when I can!" She gave me a hug and a kiss. "See you at the party!" I walked her out of the house and gave her another hug and kiss.

Zack gave me a few toys for Rex and Jake gave me a leather sweater I kind of liked it. Reminded me of the one Chris had. I gave Zack lube and some magazines that Mary gave me for my birthday not to mention a video camera that I bought myself. Jake I got him a new karate uniform with a gold pin on it.

Trevor and Lucy came by and gave me present also. Luckily I got something for them though it was only gift cards. Two hundred dollars each was sure to make up the fact that I didn't know what they liked. Having people give me money on birthdays and not using it till now was sure a great help now.

They gave me a bookstore gift card with exactly the same amount of money I gave them. They also brought me a few gallons of ice cream. To say they were my new best friends was certain.

"It's nice for your dad to let us have the New Years party here," Mary started sorting the soda bottles. "My dad said, I couldn't seeing as the last party we had someone puked on the pool."

I laughed. "Well we don't have a pool so the chances of that happening are slim."

"Well you never know, some people will have alcohol so you can't really say. There could be someone stupid and bring a inflatable pool..." Angie started counting the balloons.

"So where should we put the pool?" Zack walked in with Jake at his back carrying a big box.

The three of us started laughing, more so when they had a confused face. "You do know this is a New Years party right?" Angie asked from the top of the stairs, she was fixing the balloons.

"Yeah so? There is going to be drinking right? After someone gets drunk you can make them do almost anything. So we are going to fill the pool with mud." Zack gave a smile and led Jake towards the kitchen.

"Who invited Zack?" I looked over to Angie.

"Don't know, but I doubt anyone would get that drunk to mud wrestle someone. At least they no one is going to play strip poker...." The guys recovered from their infection and now they were extremely wary of Angie now.

"Nate where do you keep the cards?" Chris walked out of the kitchen and looked at me.

I pointed at the coffee table. "Why?"

"What's New Years without strip poker?" Chris grabbed the deck and tossed it in the air. "This year we have more people so it should be fun." He gave me a wink and walked back into the kitchen.

Mary and I both looked at Angie. "What?"

"You had to say that out loud didn't you? Chris does that every year! This time Nate and I can't back out now!" Mary growled.

I sighed. Since we started high school Chris has had a group of people come over and have strip poker. Usually Mary and I don't go to the party. Since I didn't want to know anyone and since Mary didn't want to strip. So she just said she wanted to be with me and Chris would backdown. This time however. It was my house and my party so we where both fucked.

"Sorry!" She gave us a little smile. "I didn't know that..." She scratched her head. "At least I didn't say that we could have truth and dare also."

"Hey good idea there Angie," We looked over to the side and Zack had a smile on his face. "Drunk people would not object things to that game! Jake we need to get more beer! Angie said we should play truth and dare!"

Mary and I slowly turned to look at Angie who just chuckled slowly and gave a little wave. "Well-"

"NO MORE!" Mary and I both yelled.

After making sure everything was set up Mary and I were trying to think of a way to get out of the poker game.

"Well I have an idea but we may need Lucy's help." Mary bit her lip.

"What idea?" I was curious and so so desperate.

"You will see..." Mary took my hand and we went in search of Chris. He was in kitchen with Rex. I think he was trying to get him to do a trick but it was useless though. Rex only listened to me and apparently Zack only. "Chris can I talk to you for a moment?"

Chris looked at Rex one more time before he got up from the chair. "Sure what is it?"

"I want to talk about the game."

Chris shook his head. "There is no way you are going to not play this game." His eyes landed on me for a second.

"I was just wondering if you could call Lucy and Trevor to play with us? Only us and them. Nothing more I promise." Mary gave Chris a sweet smile. When that didn't work I smiled at him too. Trying my best to get my puppy eyes out.

"Fine, I'll call Trevor and Lucy to come over so we can play the game. We are playing the game no matter what..." He looked at me and smiled again. "Just let me call them."

Mike, Jake, and Zack started arranging the living room in order to set up the big poker table. Angie went to go get the door once it rang and Mary called over Lucy and Angie to the top of the stairs. Trevor waved at us before going out the door with Chris. Something about more beer.

"So we should be in teams, that way they we can can keep our clothes on," Mary said when Angie and Lucy came. "Nate and I are good poker players, since we play it occasionally after yoga. If Lucy tells Chris that Nate is a bad player I doubt he will care that our team has a higher number than theirs."

"I was wondering why you were being so calm when Chris said no to canceling the game." I smiled.

She gave me a wink. "Of course I had a back up. If we are in teams we have a higher chance of not losing our clothes."

Angie giggled. "Sneaky little Mary."

Mary gave Angie a smile. "I learned from the best."

"So who should be on our team?" Lucy had a grin on her face. I guessed she didn't like playing the game either.

"Angie, Nate, Zack, and myself of course." Mary put her arm around my shoulder.

"Okay." Lucy gave a little wink and walked back to her boyfriend.

Chris flicked the lights off, on, and off again gaining our attention. "So we are going to play this game and truth and dare before anybody else comes okay?" All of us nodded and Chris smiled. "So how should this work? There are lesser people here than usual. Teams or individually?"

"Why don't we have teams?" Lucy asked, "But one of us will have an extra team member. But seeing as Nate can't really play he should not count as a member." I made sure my eyes weren't at anyone. If they saw them they could see that Lucy was lying.

Chris thought for a second. "Any one object?" No one did. "Okay Lucy pick your team."

Lucy gave a little smile. "Mary, Nate, Angie, and Zack."

Chris gave a little smile when he looked at me. "Jake, Trevor, and Mike are with me."

"Do we have to play?" I gave a little whine as Mary and Angie sat right next to me. Lucy was sitting next to Mary and Trevor was sitting next to Mike who was next to Jake next to Zack who was next to Angie. Even with the plan I still didn't want to play. Unfortunately Trevor brought an extra deck so we could all play.

"Yes, its a tradition. Also you guys got an extra player, so no complaining Nate." Chris gave me anther smile and looked at his hand.

I looked at mine and suppressed a smile. I had two two's and three sevens, Full House. I looked over at Mary just as she looked at me. She moved her eyes slightly and I understood. I rolled my eyes, it tolled her that I had a good hand and for her to get new cards.

"Anyone want cards?" Mary tossed a few cards and Chris handed her a few back. She looked at her hand and scratched her palm meaning hers sucked. A few of them tossed in cards and got some, I shook my head when he asked if I wanted some and nodded when he asked if I was sure.

"So what do you guys got?" I smiled when the other team had nothing really just a pair here and their. "Well looks like I win." Chris put down his hand and showed three pairs of fives.

"No you don't Chris..." Chris looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I win." I put down my hand and the guys cursed.

"What you want us to take off?" Mike gave me a smile, meaning that he was happy that I won.

"Umm..." That was a good question.

"Nate if you don't mind can I tell them what to take off?" Mary asked and I nodded. "Jake shorts, Mike shirt, Trevor shoes, and Chris pants." The guys stood up and they took off what she said without complaint.

Jake had blue boxers, Mike had a white wife beater under his shirt, Trevor had white socks, and Chris had white boxers.

Chris shuffled the cards and gave new cards to everyone. I shook my head telling Mary that my hand was bad and she tapped her foot telling me hers was bad too. This time I got cards and they were still bad this time Mary coughed signaling she had a good hand.

"Cards?" We all put our cards down and I got worried when Mike had a straight. Though it was soon washed away when Mary put down her Royal Flush. "Shit again!" The guys stood up and waited for Mary.

"Jake shirt, Mike shoes, Trevor shorts, and Chris shirt." Mary smiled when they started taking clothes off and Zack whistled at the guys. Angie giggled and Lucy gave a little aah-ooh-gaa.

Jake was had no under shirt so you could see his tanned slightly muscled chest, Mike had white socks, Trevor had black boxers, and Chris had a blue shirt under his shirt.

Chris gave us all cards again and this time I had a straight so I made my hand into a fist. Mary gave a little sneeze, it meant that she had a good hand too. Mary and I both refused new cards and waited for the others to get their cards.

"Well girls plus two others read them and weep," Trevor placed down his Straight Flush and I bit my lip. He beat Mary and me with that hand.

Zack, Lucy, Mary, and I all got up and groaned. Jake, Mike, and Chris had a evil smiles on their faces. "Angie, we lost. So get up and stop looking at your hand." Zack poked Angie on the shoulder and gasped when he saw her hand.

I looked over her shoulder and smiled. "Is this a good hand?" She looked at Zack and then at me. Royal Flush.

"Oh yeah put it down!" Zack sat back down and gave a big grin. The guys looked at Angie, each one confused but when they saw the hand they all cursed and stood up.

Lucy and Mary high fived each other and I kissed Angie on the cheek. The rest of us sat down and waited on Angie.

"Well...." She tapped her chin. "Jake shoes.... Mike, Trevor, Chris take of your shirts."

Everyone on our team whistled when they took off their clothes. All of them had something covering their body half but not their upper body. I blushed when both Mike and Chris looked at me. My dream a few nights ago was so wrong. With Jake and Trevor there made it worse, there was something tenting in my jeans.

"Guys lets get our game one!" Chris shuffled the decks and handed us cards. This time Mary and I had bad cards again. When I got my new hand I mentally cursed, I only had one pair. Apparently Mary had a good hand though so I relaxed.

"Okay hands everyone!" Mary singed out and we put our cards down. Mary had a Four of a Kind. On our side she had the best hand however...

"YES!!!" Chris slammed down his hand and all of our team gave out a groan. He had a Straight Flush.

"Dammit!" Mary cursed as all of us got up and looked at Chris.

He gave us a wicked smile. "Nate shirt, Zack pants, Mary boots, Angie shoes, and Lucy sandals."

Zack and I both looked at each other with opened mouths. This was so unfair! The girls took their things off and patiently waited for us.

I gave a sigh and took off my shirt wishing that I put a undershirt on. "Oh my god you got a belly button ring?" I blushed and sat back down ignoring Angie.

I heard Chris chuckle but ignored it, also the whistle that came from Mike. I was too focused on the clock, hopping the torture would end soon.

"Cover your eyes ladies," I looked at Zack as he took off his pants and maneuvered them off his shoes. My eyes bugged out when I realized he had no underwear on. I looked away quickly and blushed.

"My eyes!" Trevor covered his eyes.

"Zack where is your underwear!" Angie smacked Zack on the head as he sat down. He just gave a big smile and blew a kiss to Jake.

Mary and Lucy where both giggling at Trevor's antics. After everyone calmed down, Chris handed us our cards.

"Hey guys why don't we make this a little bit more interesting?" Zack put two cards down and looked at all of us.

Chris raised his eyebrow and gave him two cards. "How so?"

I had two pairs and Mary had a bad hand so each got new cards. "Truth or Dare Strip Poker."

"And that is?" Mary asked.

Zack chuckled. "It's basically strip poker with a twist. The winner gets to ask one of the losers a Truth or Dare question. They can either give out a truth or they can do a dare."

Chris tapped the table with his fingers. "Anyone want to try that?" We all nodded. It would beat both games sooner. "Okay we start with this hand." Everyone agreed so we all looked at our cards.

Hopefully someone had a good hand since mine sucked. "There is no need for that seeing as I have what my best buddy hand!" He gave a smile and put down his Royal Flush.

"You little shit tricked us!" Trevor gave out a grown and he got up with the rest of his team.

Zack gave a cocky grin. "As you saw I'm not that little."

I giggled when Trevor shivered.

Zack clapped his hand together and rubbed them. "Drop trou." The girls giggled and I blushed scarlet when all of the guys lowered their remainding shields. Mike had no underwear on either for some apparent reason.

When I looked at his face he just gave me a wink and smile. Chris had the same smile when I looked at him. "That's it baby show me your kibbles and bits!" Lucy started giggling as Trevor blushed harder.

Mary was on a laughing fit at the guys nudity. Angie was covering her eyes saying something about not wanting to see some part of her cousin.

Okay so the tenting in my pants was increased now by ten fold. Something about seeing both Mike and Chris naked was very hot. Chris was very well endowed like Mike, the dream did him semi justice.

"Now for the dare I want to pick...." Zack did eeny meenie miney moe. "Catch the tiger by the toe if he roars let him go!" He landed on Trevor and gave a wicked smile.


"Sing I'm a little tea pot." Zack said with a even more wicked smile. Mary actually fell off her chair and started rolling on the floor. Cackling at Trevor's fate.

The other guys gave a sigh of relief and sat down as Trevor cursed. "I'm a little tea pot short and stout," He glared at Zack as he started singing. "Here is my handle here is my spout," He made his hand into a spout. "When I get all steam up here me shout!" He actually did shouted. "Tip me over and pour me out!" As soon as he was done he sat down.

"Chris, you guys have one more shot seeing as some of you still have socks on..." Mary smiled sweetly, though her face was red from laughing so much. "Unless you just want to stick to truth or dare?"

"Last game then we get ready for the party...." Chris shook his head as he started giving us our cards.

YAY! Four of a Kind. I looked over to the side and Mary was looking at me. I was surprised by her eye movement that she had a good hand. So we had a great shot at winning the game.

After everyone one had gotten their new cards we started putting down our hands. "Oh you got to be fucking kidding me! Both of you!" Chris slammed down his hand again and took off his socks. I closed my eyes when his cock jiggled.

"Seeing as Nate and I both got Four of a Kinds that you two of you have to do a dare for us." She clapped her hands and giggled.

After the guys took off their remainding items off I thought of a dare. Though I couldn't come up with one.

"Mary, Nate can I take your guys dares?" Angie asked sweetly. We both nodded. "Chris. Mike. I want you both to kiss each other."

I chocked on air and Mary started patting my back. Both guys had their mouth open and looked at each other before shaking their heads.

"Truth." Both said at the same time.

Angie gave an angelic smile. "What is your deepest darkest secret?"

"I masturbate more than four times a day..." Mike blushed and scratched his cheek.

"Oh that's not much of a secret! Most guys do that! Look at Zack! Jake and him have been having constant sex!" Angie pouted and looked at Chris.

"Well...." Chris scratched his head and thought for a few seconds. "Umm...." He looked at his hands. "I used to masturbate to a picture of Nate in middle school." He blushed.

My eyes slightly bugged out and my face started getting red.

"That's not much of a secret either...." Angie gave a loud sigh. "Put your clothes back on I'm tired of seeing my cousin naked!" She covered her eyes and made her way to the kitchen.

As the guys put their clothes on I made sure to keep my eyes on something else. I just got my hard on under control and I did not need it to be up again.

After we put back our clothes on we started taking the table apart and removing anything that could be stolen or broke. Around ten the people started showing up. People who I almost had no idea who they where. Most of the football team and cheerleaders, some of Angie's friends who I really cliqued with, some people I had class with.

Turns out Angie and Mary wanted people I knew to be at the party instead of strangers. A few people were playing with Rex and didn't heed my warning to not pick him, at least he did not pee on their clothes just their shoes.

There was to much beer at the party, that people actually used the mud filled pool. It was mostly used by girls though. Zack actually challenged a few guys and Jake had to help him out in the mud. I was semi grateful for the mud that I could not see their kibbles and bits. It was especially hilarious each time Angie yelled at the people who were covered in mud who tried to get in the house. They said the wanted to get clean, Angie's response was to use the hose on them.

The people started getting wise and stopped using the pool. At least for like an hour.

"So who are you going to kiss?" Mary asked me when I walked into the living room. I raised my eyebrow when I saw people taking shots off a guys chest.

"Kiss for what?" I kinda wanted to try that game if they let me take a shot from the guy. It seemed a little appealing.

"Some people believe if you kiss someone on New Years that you would kiss them forever. Or whatever you do for New Years that is what you will be doing for the rest of the year." Mary put her hand over my shoulder and drank something.

I took the cup and sniffed it. "Does it have alcohol?"

"No you can drink punch or soda its safe don't worry. Mike is making sure no one spikes it. Waits the point really though seeing as we have alcohol anyway." Mary shook her head when some guy started chugging down a vodka bottle.

"Who are you going to kiss?" I asked.

"No one seeing as the guy I want to kiss isn't here." I wanted to ask who it was but went to stop two people from going up the stairs. Once she stopped them she went to go check on the rooms.

"So do I get to kiss you when the clock strikes twelve?" I turned around and was surprised to see that it was Sam.

"Sam! How are you?" I gave Sam a hug and he patted my back. I missed him so much. I hadn't been to the mall to see him so it was a long time since I saw him.

"Good and you?" He rubbed my head.

"Great, why are you here? Not that I care or anything just curious." I gave him a smile when he smiled at me.

"Mary called me and invited me. Said that he was having a party and it would be nice for me to stop by if I had a chance. So why would I give up a chance to see one of my favorite students and a cute one to boot."

I blushed. When I took his class I had a crush on him. "Thanks for coming though I did miss you a lot."

"No problem. I missed you a lot too. I was going to ask you to stop by and show my students how to actually do correct moves." Sam and I stared talking about how things were going. Turns out that he moved his dojo from the mall into his own building.

After a while people started gathering in front of the television. A few people went to the back and I noticed a couple of people were making out. Guys girls, guys guys, and girls girls. Weird. Chris came out from the back and sat down on the couch just a few feet away from me. Mike was still next to the refreshment table.

I looked at the time on the television. Only a few more seconds and the clock would turn into twelve. I had to kiss either Mike or Chris. Whoever I kissed was going to get excited and the other was going to be crushed. But if I didn't kiss them than that wouldn't be so bad right? Not unless they took the initiative and kissed me first.












I think I was the most surprised out of everyone, Sam's lips where on mine. I just stood their surprised as his tongue probed my lips and slowly entered my mouth. He tasted weird and sweet, I never imagined this would happen ever.

"Happy New Years Nate." He gave me a small smile when he pulled away from me.

"You too..." What else could I say? He stuck his tongue in my mouth. It was weird, I never thought that would happen seeing as that he never appeared that way.

"Sorry about that but they say its good luck to kiss someone and you might need it." He rubbed my head and walked off somewhere.

I touched my lips.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe Sam kissed you!" Mary took my hand in hers. "Why did you kiss him?"

"I didn't kiss him!" It was a surprise attack.

"He didn't kiss him, the guy kissed him out of nowhere. Nate here was caught off guard... But who wouldn't that guy is a hunksicle!" Angie looked around the room and frowned. "He left the room..."

"Still Nate don't go letting guys kiss you..." Mary chastised.

"Yeah, we where waiting for you to kiss one of us..." I turned around and blushed, both Mike and Chris where looking at me. Chris shook his head. "Maybe one of us should have kissed him before Sam."

"Actually there is still time seeing as people are still kissing people..." Mary smiled evilly. I glared at her.

"Rock paper scissors?" Mike asked Chris.

"I'm not a prize..." I groaned out.

"Of course not!" Angie came out of nowhere and kissed me. "Happy New Years!" My eyes where wide and they became wider as she kissed Mary.

"Fuck why not?" I looked over at Mary and she leaned down to kiss me, I backed away but she caught me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "Happy New Years." After she kissed me she went to follow Angie.

"Well I guess it doesn't matter as long as we get a chance huh?" Chris asked Mike and he nodded.

I was about to object when Zack pushed them aside and kissed me on my lips. "Happy New Years!" He gave me another kiss and went on his way.

Just when I was going to say something else Jake appeared and did the same thing. Mike and Chris where surprised as I was. "Hey guys Happy New Years!" Lucy gave each one a hug and when she came over to me, I was kissed again.

Lucy gave Trevor a kiss as she passed him. "Sup dudes Happy New years." We said the same thing and bumped fists. At least he wasn't going to kiss me.

At least so I thought. He got close to me and gave me a quick kiss before making his exit. My eye twitched. What was this? Why where people kissing me?

"What the f-" Chris grabbed my face and shoved his tongue down my throat. I closed my eyes and let myself enjoy it. After a few seconds Chris let go of my face and gave me a smile. "Hey that is so-" Mike did the same thing Chris did only more urgently. Like he was trying to get me only to taste him and not Chris.

After he let me go I gave a little whimper. Two guys I loved kissing me was very hot. I blushed when both of them smiled at me. "You guys are evil you know that?" I shook my head and passed them.

When I got to the back yard people were starting to form a circle. Rex pawed my leg so I lifted him up. It was getting hard to do since he was starting to be his full Labrador size. He put his face in my armpit and started shaking. They were doing fireworks no wonder he was scared. I patted his back and kissed his head.

I looked over to the side and my eyes caught someone. He stared at me and I stared back at him. For a few seconds we just looked at each other. I was about to go confront him but a shooting noise made me look up. A firework exploded in the sky, when I looked back at the side he was gone. I clenched my teeth.

I lost my chance.

The rest of the party was uneventful. Sam, Mary, Mike, Chris were all the designated drivers of people who did not have a way back home. Zack and Jake were passed out on the living room floor, they were half naked. Trevor, Lucy, and Angie helped me clean up the house and move the sleeping duo.

I think they wanted to have sex before they passed out seeing as they zippers where down and had no shirts on. I tossed a blanket over their bodies. Trevor and Lucy stayed over, they slept in my dads room. Seeing as my dad wasn't going to be back till tomorrow, he went to the parents party.

Sam didn't come back after his last round. Mary and Angie went to sleep in my room. Chris and Mike stayed in the living room with the other guys. I on the other hand was out in the backyard with Rex. I couldn't sleep. Seeing him just brought back so many memories, ones that didn't have him in it.

I looked at the moon. I went into the kitchen and wrote down his name on a piece of paper. I folded it and put it underneath Rex's food bowl. I was not going to let myself be caught for a long time if it came to that.

When school started people where still talking about the party. Turns out that a few people used their cells to get video of the people who mud wrestled. In the second week Richard called in Angie and me to tell us to start making posters announcing the club meetings beginning Monday. So throughout the week and weekend we made posters. With the help of Lucy, Mary, and Zack of course.

On Monday we cam extra early to put the posters around school. Zack showed up late claiming that his dog ate his alarm clock. Throughout the day I heard a few people talking about the club. Some good others bad. Though when I heard something bad another student told them to shut up seeing as Angie was President. The rumor was that she had ears everywhere and if someone talked bad about her friends they would pay. Same thing went when she was in a cause she liked.

At lunch we talked about the club and two guys who where blindfolded and wrapped in the posters. A few people accused Angie of doing it but like usual she had an airtight alibi.

After last period I started to make my way across school, wondering if I should try to find him.

"So are you going to the first meeting of the club meeting today?" Angie wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek.

"Today is the first meeting?" I raised my eyebrow. I didn't think the first meeting would be today, seeing as we just put the posters today.

"It did say Monday didn't it?" Angie took my hand and led me to the main building.

"Yeah but I thought it was going to be next week not this week." I wonder how many people where thinking the same as me.

Apparently I was the only one, seeing as lots of people had came to the first meeting. The first business was to assign the President, almost everyone choose Angie. The second part was Vice President, Angie voted me so everyone followed.

Angie was a born leader. She started talking about how people should be treated fairly and they should be accepted and appreciated. Not tolerated. Who wants to be tolerated? No one that is for sure.

After taking down the names of our new members, we started thinking of idea of what we could do to gain support. We got a few ideas but decided to think about them till next week.

The week was rather boring compared to the last few weeks of school. Nothing happened. I was excited when people asked me about the club and a few people actually said they would be coming do the meetings. They especially liked the idea about gay prom.

The next meeting we decided to have meetings every day in order for us to help people more. Either to give them advice from coming out or just to hear people vent out their feelings. We did not only hear from the gay side we also heard from the straight side. In the club it was our motto to help our fellow man.

For two weeks I was surprised at what people had to say. Some of them had really hard lives, the club was the only way for them to express themselves. I made some new friends, some of them were from the party too. Each time someone talked you could see their emotions clear as day. They had nothing to fear only to gain. They gained trust and acceptance.

After our meeting on Friday I declined the invitation to the ice cream shop. Least to say they were very shocked. I just felt like I needed a break from things and just relax. They understood and I said by goodbyes. I got home ate a quick lunch and left dad a message that I was going to be at the park for sometime.

I just walked around the park and saw people walk by happily. Eventually it turned dark and I decided to just stare a the water from the pond. Hopefully the ducks would be back and playing in the water.

I stared at the water. There was a nice image of the moon in the center of the pond. There was virtually no one else in the park, so it was rather quite. The people I saw where on the other side where the flowers and the swings where at.

I took a deep breath and sighed. It was a nice evening, it smelled of water and grass. There where so many things to think of. Even though my mind was constantly thinking, just being in the peace made it so much better.

Mike was sweet, kind, gentle, and I really loved him. He was my first date, made me see myself again, and was there for me a lot. He cared for how I was feeling and made me feel so special.

Chris was funny, smart, protective, and he is my first love. He was the first friend I have ever had and the first boyfriend I had ever had. Even though he made mistakes he still tried the best for me. Not wanting to hurt me like he did before.

Who did I love the most?

I closed my eyes and felt the breeze go throughout my body. If only I could get both. I shook my head. There was too much to think about. The school year was coming to an end, prom, and then going to college.

Whoever I chose would be far from me either way. They had to live their lives also. So what chances would we have of being together if their was going to be school getting in the way by making us live so far apart?

My cellphone started ringing and I flipped it open, pressing it against my ear.

"Hello?" Whoever it was I thanked since they took my mind off the impending doom.

"Nate where are you?" Dad.

"Just at the park thinking about things. You?" I leaned my head over the bench and stared at the stars.

"I just go home and read your message. Everything alright?" I smiled at the concern in his voice. He was really trying to get closer to me.

"Yeah just thinking about the future and college. I'll be home in a few minutes to start dinner." I got up and stretched.

"I'll order Chinese to give you a day off," He chuckled. "Hurry back son."

"Okay. Dad?"


"I love you."

"I love you too son."

"See you in a bit." I clicked the phone off and heard something in the back. There was a chance it could be that person. "I know you are there." I put the cell phone in my pocket and turned. There was nothing but bushes. I bit my lip maybe I was starting to get paranoid.

"So you noticed..." There was some rustling in the bushes. "Guess I've gotten sloppy."

"I've been to ignorant to noticed you...." I looked at him and shook my head. I should have known it from the beginning but at least I knew my brain was still functioning right. "I should have gotten to you at the party..."

"Well too bad for you that you have to pay for it now...." There was a quick movement and I moved out of the way.

Mary POV.

I frowned at my cell. "Why won't you answer me Nate?" I asked out but no one answered back. Of course not I was alone in my living room.

I wanted to ask him if he wanted to go see a movie or something. I asked dad for his car and when he said yes I left in a quick flash. For some reason Chris didn't answer the phone either. Unlike Nate's it didn't go to voice mail.

When I reached his house I felt something wrong. Something really wrong. One thing was the fact that Nate's dad was still here. He worked almost every Saturday. I used my key instead of actually knocking.

Rex came running down the stairs when he saw me he started whimpering and went into the living room. That was weird, usually when he saw someone he would run to them. I shook my head and went into the living room. Maybe Nate could tell me why he was acting weird.

When I came into the living room my heart stopped. Nate's dad was crying with Rex in his lap whimpering. I slowly walked over and put my hand on his shoulder. "Is something wrong dad?"

He continued to sob ignoring my presence. Rex gave another whine and moved his head slightly.

"Where could he be?" He started sobbing more. Rex's head lifted up slightly and liked his face.

"Dad where is Nate?" I was starting to get worried.

I heard the door open and close quickly. Rex gave another whimper. Chris walked into the room and was surprised to see me. Dad looked up and stared at Chris with red eyes. Has he been crying all day?

"Have you found him yet?" He asked Chris.

Chris shook his head slightly. "I did found this though at the park." Right between Chris's fingers was dangling a necklace. A heart and star dangled from that necklace, both covered in blood and dirt.

"No..." I whispered. Everything was just starting to look better and now...

Please don't be angry with me. >< Well I want reviews from you people. ^^ Tell me how you like it and who you think is the stalker. You will find out next chapter.

Rabbit ()() (^^)

Remember Review and I will try my best to get the other chapter out soon.

Next: Chapter 15

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