Loving You

By Nan Valenzuela

Published on Jul 14, 2010


Loving You Jealousy and Chocolate

"Must... not.... kill... her...." I whispered as I saw the girl give her hair a little flip. Mike laughed a little and she put her hand on his shoulder.

"Is that jealousy I see? Or am I just seeing things?" Mary whispered just a little to the side of me.

"I... am... not... jealous..." Lies all lies, my stomach was hurting but maybe it was because of the tramp.

"Well I would be if my boyfriend was getting that attention." I knew Mary was playing with me but still. It made me just want to. Hell I wasn't sure what I wanted to do.

I clenched my hand and glared at the girl.

"If looks could kill..." Mary gave a little chuckle and smacked my back. "She would be six feet under by now."

I didn't even respond. I was clenching my teeth. Slut! The girl laughed a little and puffed up her breasts, practically showing them to Mike. He just smiled at her showing no care in the world.

"Wow I wish a girl did that for me..." Greg put his arm on my shoulder. "I wouldn't mind having those things on my face." I moved my eyes away from the girl and death glared Greg. "Hey im not approving of her just wishing she did that to me."

"Oh look at that!" Mary pointed to the girl.

I looked. Bitch! The girl had Mike's hand in hers, lifting it to her face. She said something and Mike spoke, she frowned and Mike pulled his hand away. You better take that hand away. I clenched my hand again.

"Angel, calm down theses are new shoes!" I looked down and I blushed. Since when was I holding chocolate, much less chocolate mush? I ignored it and look back at the pair. Freaking pair!

We continued to watch the little scene and as time went on I was debating in my head. I was starting to think of many ways to kill this girl then I was trying not to be jealous. However jealousy was starting to win.

The girl said something and Mike blushed. She put her hands on his chest and he laughed and gave her a smile. What the hell was he doing? Chances are he was being nice to the girl but still. "Is he flirting with her?" I whispered.

"Im not sure but it does look like he is flexing his muscles..." I did look like it... A knot started forming on my stomach.

There had to be a way to get that whore... I mean girl away from Mike... I lifted my hand and started to lick the chocolate from my hand. I had dropped the wrapper on the floor a little while ago.

"What should we do?" Mary leaned in close to me.

"Im not sure..." I wanted to go up their but I was scared especially with all the people around. "Wait Mary can you do something for me?" Maybe I couldn't do anything but she could right?

She gave me a confused look and so did Greg. I leaned into Mary and told her my plan, first she was against it but then she agreed. She checked herself in the mirror and added a coat of lip loss before she started walking.

"What is she going to do?" Greg sounded excited, maybe thinking of a cat fight.

I smiled. "Lets just say someone is going to be really sad." I took Greg's hand and we slowly made our way to wear Mike and the girl were. Thank God this was a video store and the racks were high enough to hide us.

"So do you got anyone special?" The girl twisted a strand of her hair as she fluttered her eyelashes. I tried my best to not think bad of her but slut kept coming to mind.

Mike gave her smile. "Sorry, but I do and I'm madly in love." I felt the knot in my stomach subside a little bit. The girls sad face had nothing to do with it. Yet I did feel sorry for her, not sure why though. She could be a really nice girl for what I knew.

The girls frown turned right back around after a second. "But she isn't here and if you did something no one would know right?" The girl played with Mikes shirt collar.

"Actually she is a-"

"Mikey baby! I was looking all over for you honey!" Mary tossed her hair behind her shoulder and wrapped her arms around Mike's.

The girl and Mike stared at Mary with confusion. "Mary what are-" Mary stopped Mike by placing her finger over his lips.

"Ah nice one little brother." Greg patted me on the back.

"Shh!" I whispered. I wanted to see how this would play out.

"Baby, have you got the movie yet?" Mary puffed up her chest as she leaned in closer to Mike. I smiled. At least I didn't feel jealous when Mary did it. Huh, so I am jealous.

"Im.... still looking..." Mike was confused, he stared at Mary before starting to look around the store. Probably trying to find me.

"Well find it baby I want to get back home so we can...." Mary slowly fingered tipped her way up Mike's chest. I wish I could take a picture of the girl. She was furious. "You know..."

"Im... not... sure..." Mike started chuckling nervously. Obviously he did not like how this was going. I felt bad but the girl needed to go.

"Oh sorry, I didn't notice you there," Mary turned her attention to the girl. "Im Mary and you are?" Mary put her head on top of Mike's shoulder.

"Va-Vanessa nice to meet you..." Vanessa was looking at Mary and back at Mike. The anger was radiating off her. "So Mike is your boyfriend?" She had a little hard time saying boyfriend.

"Actually he is my lover..." Mary kissed Mike's cheek.

Mike was starting to show he was getting uncomfortable. I was really feeling bad now.

"I see...."

My mouth fell open from what I saw next. "What the hell?" Greg took the words out of my mouth. Mike was kissing Mary. That was not on the plan. Mary didn't even initiate it.

The girl gave a huff before she left. Mary pushed Mike off her and slapped him in the face. "Do that again and you will be walking funny!" She wiped her mouth and glared at him.

"Sorry but she wouldn't have left..." Mike smiled a little bit and rubbed his cheek.

Mary shook her head, "Whatever imma find a movie...."

"That was not nice of you Nate..." Mike turned and rubbed my head. Greg and I moved from our hiding places when the girl left. "You made Vanessa all sad." He gave me his smile and I crumbled a little bit.

"How did you... Never mind are you okay?" I reached up and touched his cheek. "She didn't hit hard..." There wasn't even a mark on his cheek.

"She didn't but it still hurt a little. Mary told me when she put her head on my shoulder."

I nodded, it made sense. "Well... she had no decency..."

"Some girls don't have any these days... Seeing as the scene is over imma go check something out over there..." Greg gave me a pat on the back before he left.

Mike leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Thanks for the help also sorry for kissing Mary it was easier to get her to leave though."

"Its alright as long as you don't do it again, okay?" I smiled and started looking over the movies.

"You bet, I'd rather only kiss you...." He put his arm over my shoulder and looked over the movies as I picked them.

Chris was laying on the sofa listening to his Ipod when we returned. I slowly made my way towards him, even though his headphones where blasting out the music I was still cautious. Making sure his eyes where closed I leaned over his face and blew air on his face.

"What the fuck?" He opened his eyes quick and moved is head up fast smacking it against mine. Definitely a bad idea on my part. "Shit Nate what the hell?"

My eyes watered a little bit as I rubbed my forehead. "I was just trying to scare you... No need to headbutt me Mr. Football player..."

"Sorry..." He reached over and patted my head.

"Yeah we brought a movie."

"DIE DIE DIE!!!" Mary shouted as more zombies exploded. We all turned to stare at her when she started laughing evilly.

"Guys start getting ready, we are leaving in two hours," Mom yelled from above the stairs. Mary gave a little groan when Mike turned off the TV. She grumbled a few things as she went up. Chris followed her and chuckled a little. She liked violence.

"So you coming?" Mike turned when he reached halfway up the stairs and noticed I was still on the sofa.

"No, I got everything ready before I left. So I'll go to the back for awhile." I got up and stretched a little.

"I'll meet you there in ten okay?" I nodded and he ran up the stairs.

I crossed the kitchen and went out the back door. I took a deep breath when the air blew, ocean air was very relaxing. I stood out their and saw a few people pass by as they set up to swim. I heard the door open.

"Wanna take a little nap on the chair?" Mike put his arms around me and laid his head on top of my head.

"Sure..." I was a little tired and why would I pass up a fine opportunity to be with him?

Luckily the chair was big enough for both of us and Mike was more than willing to be my pillow. After a few words we were both knocked out. The waves making it ever so tempting to go deeper into sleep.

I woke up sometime later to find that me and Mike had been covered by a blanket. I looked at Mike and smiled, he was so cute. I rested my head back on his shoulder and stared out into the ocean and sighed. Still a little tired I guessed.

There was some noise from the kitchen. I looked through the window and noticed mom cutting some fruits. Greg was right next to her, he looked kinda angry. I slowly got out from Mike's grasp and made my way to the door.

"Why don't you take him back?" Grr. Not this again. I did not need to hear another conversation involving me. Grrrrrr.

"Why should I he seems happy..." There was some noise of plates. "I see no reason for him to come here and live with me."

"You know he got better at hiding his feeling from us," Did I? "Though right now you can tell kinda what he is feeling," Was I slipping?

"He seems happy... Friends and Micheal..."

"So he can find friends here and another guy but you know dad might..."

"He hasn't done anything to warrant me taking him. I tried though when everything was settled."


"Don't you mother me..."

The room was silent.

"I don't want him to be hurt again."

"Neither do I, but things happen, he will get hurt again hopefully not that way." Mom always being reasonable.


"No buts! Just go get ready for your flight, got it?" There was silence. "Gregory I said go get ready."

Greg muttered something and left, I heard his footsteps go up the stairs.

"I know you're there Angel..." Mom resumed cutting the fruit.

I opened the door and chuckled nervously. "How did you know I was there?"

"Mothers know what there children are doing," She looked up and gave me a wink. "Also I saw you go out the back door. Who do you think brought you that blanket?"

I smiled. "Thanks for defending dad. Even though you didn't have to."

She shook her head. "He doesn't need defending just time. He just made a mistake that needs to be fixed."

"He does, he is doing a great job though," I walked over to the table and sat down. "He seems to be more withdrawn with Greg at the house though."

She nodded. "Wouldn't you be after..." She stopped looked at me and shook her head again. "I hope you like fruit cheesecake."

"Of course I do. Who you think gave me my obsession for ice cream and sweets?" She blushed. I wasn't the only ice cream addict. "I would be but Greg is still his son."

Mom looked at me for a second and started washing her hands. "You don't know what your talking about..."

"You mean dad hitting me or disowning me? Or the other thing?"

She put the fruit on the cheesecake and placed it back in the refrigerator. "How..."

"Awhile... Not really for like a year or so..." Since Chris's little speech.

"I see... What do you remember?" Mom was starting to make herself coffee, but I knew she was buying time not to look at me.

"Little things here and there. Like when you forgot Chris and me in the rain...."

She chuckled. "The bakery was having a sale..." She turned and took a sip.

I smiled when she turned to look at me. "I remember because I gained like five pounds from those chocolate cookies."

"You ate those?" She laughed and shook her head.

"Yeah took me less than a hour to finish them..."

"What else?" She asked.

I knew she meant something else but I wasn't ready to say anything. So I smiled and played dumb. "Nothing much just a few things here and there."

She smiled again. "Good, but you can tell me when your ready okay?" I nodded. Didn't miss a thing did she? "Now go get ready the plane is leaving in a hour."

"Call me when you get home okay?" I nodded. She gave me a hug after Aaron, the others where already on board.

The flight was boring. More so the fact that I was separated from my friends and Greg was passed out drooling on my shoulder. Mike and the others had the same plane but they where in a different section.

"I'll call you tomorrow okay?" I nodded. "Dad is in the parking lot so we can't wait with you but text me, okay?" I nodded again. "Can you stop nodding?"

"Well its faster than speaking..." As soon as we landed and got out luggage Chris went outside to start smoking. Very bad habit but he didn't really listen to us.

"Whatever I'll go with Chris by Nate. Later Gregory," She winked at Greg and walked away. She liked making Greg angry. He hated when people called him Gregory.

"Babe I'll call you later okay? I would wait with you but I gotta do something okay? Plus I wanna ask you something later..." He looked at Greg for a second. "In private." He leaned down and kissed me "Later."

I ignored the people who glared and started whispering when he did that.

"Getting brave isn't he?"

"Actually he was brave to begin with."

"Thats kinda stupid."

"How so?"

"Brings unwanted attention....."

It did but nothing I couldn't handle, right?

"Your dead..."

"I know..." Damn.

"Online shooters aren't your thing huh?" Greg continued to play as I waited to be 'reborn'.

"Yup..." Dad picked us up from the airport and dropped us home before he had to go to work.

"By the way your friends called while you where in the shower. Something about coming over and having a talk with you..." He said just as the doorbell rang.

"So.... you tell me when they get here?" I glared at him but he smiled at me. Grrr. My glares don't even work.

"Well kicking some ass makes me forget things," His smile got bigger.

"Ass." I looked through the peephole and chuckled. Zack was making a face.

I said hi as soon as I opened the door.

"Dude you are so in trouble!" Zack gave me a smile and pointed to the back. "Angie is pissed you didn't call and that you didn't tell her you were back."

"Really?" Crap. "What about you?"

"You where with fam so who cares right?" He put his arm around me. "So hows the puppy?"

"Good, taking a nap..." Rex ran down the stairs and started jumping on Zack's leg. "Never mind."

"So you are back." Angie gave me a little smile and reached over to give me a hug.

"Yeah sorry I didn't call."

After doing some apologizing Angie forgave me and was filling me in on her group or plan rather. Gay Prom. She already had a few people signed up but she needed more so Richard could approve it.

"After we get permission we can start planning how it can work. Seeing as someone is buddy buddy with the principal it won't be hard to get permission?" I knew where she was getting at.

"I'll ask."

"Good because that way the chances for him saying no are slim.... now."

Aside from Zack putting in his ideas of having Gay Prom with a orgy room, we had the idea of a masquerade prom. Prom was a long ways away but still needed to be planned to make everything perfect.

"Can you stop that! We are not going to let people have the option to be clotheless!" Angie glared at Zack.

"Well they won't be clotheless, they will still have the mask." He got this perverted look on his face.

"No you..." I tuned out the conversation, as I walked into the kitchen. The phone started ringing.

"RAPE!!!!" I ignored Zack's yell and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" It was silent. "Hello?"

There was a little rustling. Weird. "Hello, Nathan how are you?"

I froze. How... How... Was it him?

"Have you missed me? I surely missed you."

Close the phone. Close the phone. I wanted to but my hand was frozen.

"How long has it been since we have last seen each other? Four? Five years? Or was it sooner?"

Move dammit move! Close it.

"No matter the time I just wanna say. Hi." The phone went dead.

Sorry for the wait that was my bad but I finished my college class so I have 2 months to write and write. As long as my friends don't drag me out all over town again. So I am taking names of a girl for a certain reason. It will be used for a reason only for me okay? Joining my group by the way is a good way to kick me in my butt for taking my time okay? Just search for my group via my email on yahoo. If you need more help just give me a message okay? Next chapter guess who meets his in-laws?

Next: Chapter 11

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