Loving You

By Nan Valenzuela

Published on Apr 25, 2010



The following story contains graphic sexual scenes between underage boys. Underage for a time being anyway. If this material offends you, then you should not be reading this story. Additionally, if the law where you live forbids you to read such a stories you should not read this story.

This story is purely fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events occurred, is purely coincidental. Don't forget this is a story, not everything done in the story is legal so I claim no responsibility on the actions the reader might do as a result of reading this story. As author I claim all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by The Nifty Archive of course. Without the express written consent of me.

Any who to the story!

Loving You

So I should say a little about myself. My names Nathan Angel Valentine, friends call me Nate for short. Im 17, 5'7 and weigh 140 and i am the shortest out of my friends. I have honey brown eyes and long chestnut hair, it reaches a little past my shoulders. Some people like my hair and others say why don't I cut it since it makes me look like a girl from the back. But it reminds me of my mom's hair and I like it.

I've been gay since I can remember. All my friends know and so do my parents, they both where pretty laid back about it. My brother gave me a smile and told me that he had a feeling. He went off to college two years ago to study computer engineering.

Senior year was starting in a few days and my friends where coming back. They had went to go skiing up in the mountains. First my best friend, the head cheerleader no less, busty, blue eyed, brunette. Mary was my best friend since middle school she was 18 and had a strange fascination for my love life. As I have a none existing one. She told me to go get one since she felt bad being in a relationship and I wasn't in one. Aside from her pushing, she was the bestest friend ever.

Chris the all American jock was my second best friend. Straight as they come, red headed, way taller than me, hazel colored eyed bud. He was dating Mary for the past three years, unlike her he didn't pressure me to find a boy. He was my friend since elementary. When I told him I was gay he laughed and took me for ice cream. Congratulating me for finally telling him. Weird but still not what I was expecting.

Basically they were my only friends, not that im anti social of anything its just that being openly gay does not bode well. Their friends are nice and talk to me a little but I wouldn't really say they where my friends. The other kids either ignored me or other things.

"Nate can you come down here for a second?" my dad called from downstairs.

"What sup dad?" Dad was tall. About 6 '1 and had brown hair and blue eyes. He was built pretty well considering he hasn't gone to the gym in the last few years.

He was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper like every night.

"Your mom called." He was still reading his paper. Not even looking at me. He was hurting.

"What did she say?"

"She's all moved in," he paused. "She wants to know if you wanna move in with her."


"Well bud?" He finally looked at me keeping his face neutral but I could see his in his eyes he was worried.

I reached out and took his hand from the paper and smiled. "Dad I want to stay here."

He squeezed my hand and gave a little smile. "You sure?"

"Yeah, my life is here with you and my friends," not to mention it would break his heart being left again. Mom left him two months ago with another man.

He pulled me down between his legs and gave me a real hard hug. I thought I heard him cry for a second but it was gone before I could be sure. He patted my back and kissed my forehead, messing my hair with his other hand.

It reminded my when I was a little kid. "I'll go make dinner so just finish reading 'kay?" He gave a little grunt and went back to reading.

I turned back and he was smiling as he read. After dinner he wanted to talk about my senior year. He drove me down to yoga class. Dad was still not willing to go inside saying a man is not suppose to bend someways. I liked the class because I was the only guy there aside from the owner. He was usually in the back.

After class we got ice cream. It was my addiction, my friends and dad just fueled my addiction telling me I was cute. Just cuss I would get all excited and start jumping up and down.

The next morning I made breakfast for dad and he went smiling to work. After calling mom and telling her I didn't wanna move she said she understood. But since she was still my mother she wanted me to go over at least twice a month. Also promising I'll call her every week with details of school and friends.

Just as I was making dinner for dad the door busted open and heard my name called out.

"In the kitchen!" After putting the lasagna in the oven, dads favorite, I washed my hands.

"Ohh I missed you so much!" before I could even turn I was mashed into cleavage. "Im sorry I couldn't call you more damn reception in the mountains."

She finally let me go after proclaiming I couldn't breathe, Chris was chuckling as he came over and gave me a hug.

"Hey squirt missed you too," he rubbed my head and poked me on the forehead. "Mom wants to see you later this week." I nodded.

After sticking my tongue at him we went towards the living room. "So when did you guys come back?"

"Just a few minutes ago actually," They sandwiched me Mary on my right and Chris on my left. "Mom dropped us off, she would have come inside but she wanted to unpack."

"Cool so how was everything?" Mary pulled me over to her so my head was on her shoulder.

"It was nice you should have come but no..." She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and gave me a squeeze. "Someone is scared of heights."

Chris was channel surfing. "Well sorry its just that if I went I would have been stuck on the hotel." He loved snow but he didn't wanna go skiing.

"But Chris and I would be there with you so it wouldn't be boring." She was still mad that I turned her down. Hell Chris must be mad to.

"Either way," I pulled from her grasp and huffed. If I did go they would have not had much fun. Not to mention I would have made them spend less time together. Just because they would have thought I was lonely. "You guys wanna stay for dinner?" Like I had to ask.

"Like we would miss one of your dinners," Chris pulled me so my head was under his armpit. "Maybe I could take some home?" His mother was still trying to get me to give her my cooking secrets. Not that I had any really.


After doing some catching up, dad came home and we had dinner. Talked for awhile again, discussing the party that Mary was going to have Sunday before school started, she did it every year. After trying to let Mary know I didn't wanna go for the hundredth time Chris joined and I caved. They were relentless.

I went to yoga class again with Mary tagging along. Chris was just like my father, they went to some sports store. Just like Chris and dad would never enter the yoga class I would never enter the sports store. I never really cared for them. So when Chris came over to watch games with my dad I was confused about what they talked about. Went in one ear and left the other.

After class we went for ice cream again. Mary kept saying how cute I was, Chris was joining in with her, and my dad laughed. We dropped them at their houses and was going to see them Sunday morning. They had to unpack and all that good stuff.

Saturday I did some running at the park with my dad, he wanted to spend some quality time together. It was funny how many breaks he wanted to take. Eventually he said running wasn't his thing and we went back home.

The rest of the day we watched some movies he rented and enjoyed each others company. It was nice we hadn't done that in a long time. After talking with Mary on the phone I fell asleep.

"Isn't he just precious when he is asleep?" I heard Mary say to someone. I was partially asleep but didn't wanna wake up. Hoping they would leave so I could get more sleep.

"Not compared to you," Chris spoke and I heard a little rustling. "But he is cute though."

"Come on guys I wanna get some sleep." I glared at them but they just smiled at me. Giving a sigh I looked at the alarm clock. Fricking eight in the morning.

Mary jumped on the bed and started tickling. After several threats, which where all lies, she stopped and dragged me out of bed. Doing a quick bathroom break and brushing my teeth, I put on some jeans and a plain white shirt. As soon as I got down the stairs Mary pulled my out the house and Chris locked the door.

"Sorry but we need to start decorating the house."

After giving my hellos to Mr. and Mrs. Allen, we started working on the house. We ate and chatted about random things. They were the bestest friends I could ask for. Around four people started coming over. A few sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Some of the people weren't even from our school. At some point Chris went of to talk to his jock buddies and Mary was with me until she was taken with the other cheerleaders.

Walking around aimlessly I found myself in the backyard. There was a pool and a couple of flowers. I walked over to the pool and looked in to the water. There was some noise behind but didn't give it a thought. Probably some couple making out or something.

Next thing I knew I was in the water, "Fags shouldn't be here," I wiped the water from my eyes and glared at Alex one of Chris's friends. He kicked dirt at me and left.

I got out of the pool and sat down on the chair squeezing the water out of my hair. I was trying my best not to cry, it usually happened from time to time when someone started pick on me. Compared to others I was lucky it was just teasing and a little things and they didn't hit me.

After a few minutes I got up from the chair and sneaked out the back. Walking wasn't so bad, there weren't any people out, and it wasn't that cold. When I made it home dad was awake and started fussing over me.

I lied and told him I 'fell' in the pool and that Mary couldn't find me clothes. So I decided to walk home so I wouldn't get her car wet. He eyed me warily but let the subject drop. He knew I didn't like to lie it was like stabbing myself.

My cell phone rang a couple of times but I just ignored it and took a shower. Luckily I left it behind and it didn't get wet. I cried for a bit, no matter how nice I was people still picked on me. It was one of the main reasons why he didn't make friends. After crying for a few hours I fell asleep.

School. Crap. I went took a quick shower and dressed. Just a blue T-shirt with some pretorn jeans. Slipping on my vans, not the wet ones, I went down stairs and started breakfast.

"Need a ride to school?" Dad asked as he sat down and read the morning paper. Morning paper and evening paper man.

I gave him his coffee, two scoops of sugar and milk his favorite. "If you don't mind I wanna get there early and get my schedule and locker number."

After eating he went to warm up the car. I got my binder and my book. It was just about taking care of dogs. Hopefully dad would take the hint. I gave up on backpacks when I kept finding things written on it and my stuff was kicked when I wasn't looking.

Dad dropped me off rubbing my head telling me to have a good day at school and left to work. At six in the morning there wasn't lots of kids seeing as class started at seven. The early birds where usually freshman trying to figure out the school geography.

I made my way towards the office. "Hello Mrs. Dixon, how are you?" I gave her a smile and she gushed.

"Well hello there sweet heart. Fine why thank you how was your break?" She was a nice lady. She was around forty but I never asked.

"Fine thanks, I was wondering if I could get my schedule?" I gripped my binder, hoping to god that she would say yes.

"Why sure hun. Want your locker information also?" I nodded.

She started digging through the file cabinets. Usually they had stands out in front with teachers giving out the schedules. Last year a few kids where saying somethings to him and he didn't wanna relive it. They where... Very unkind.

"Wow you sure got some high level classes hun," I could see the pride in her eyes. She was one the few adult friends I had. A couple of times I came to the office to get away from the name calling and taunting.

She handed me my schedule and she started getting my locker information. "Wow I didn't think I tested so well." All the classes where AP. Thank god that he took his gym classes in the beginning of high school. In that class people treated him like he had the plague. No to mention the occasional shove and occasional stuff stolen from his locker.

English, Psychology, Algebra, Japanese, Chemistry, and World History. He was disappointed in having English first but happy that he got in AP Japanese. According to his schedule he had B lunch. He took out his glasses case from his pocket and put them on. He could see but his eyes were sensitive to light at times.

"Eyes acting up?" I nodded again. He got his Locker information and it was next to his first period lucky. Some had there locker in the other side of the school from their class. "Are people picking on you again?" A worried tone.

"No, I just wanted to get it now so I can figure out different routes just in case." He put the papers in his binder and sat down on the office chairs. Best time to find a way around bullies or basher. After seven years people still gave him grief for being gay. He never mentioned to anybody the teasing and stuff so they wouldn't have to worry about him.

"Well you can always come here if you need to. Richard and I are always happy to have you hear," Richard was the school principal, Mr. Connells. "Are you going to help Lillian at the library again?"

"Hopefully I can," aside from the office his only 'safe' place was the library. "Mrs. Arnolds might need help."

"She always wants your help," Kristen smiled again. After getting to know Richard, Lillian, and Kristen, they didn't let him call them there last names. "Maybe you should ask her now. Right now im busy so I can't be much conversation."

"Its okay," waved and left the office. A few more people where walking around. He went to library, unlike some other schools the Library was separated from the school and was its own building. It was kinda small but was a two story library.

"Im sorry but the Library is clo-" Lillian stopped and ran to give me a hug. I hugged her back gently. She was pretty old, her hair was completely white, and her face was full of wrinkles but she still had youth. "Oh Nathan, how are you?"

"Im fine Mrs. Arnolds. How was your break?"

She frowned and grabbed my hand and lead me to a circular table. "What did I tell you about calling me Mrs. Arnolds?"

I chuckled and corrected myself. "Lillian."

Her frown turned upside down. "It was pretty dull and boring. Thanks again for the food and cleaning." Over the summer I cooked her food and helped her clean the house. After Mr. Arnolds died last year he was helping her around the house when he could.

"It was no problem at all," I smiled and gripped his binder again. "Can I ask you for a favor?" I hated asking.

"Anything at all sweetie," she placed her hand over mine and I loosened my grip on the binder. "Just a way to repay you for your kindness."

He flinched and hoped she didn't notice. I turned to the side, "Can I help you around the library at lunch?"

"Why of course but that not really a favor now is it?" She chuckled and he did also. "Are you sure you aren't an angel?"

"Well it is my middle name," I looked back at her and we laughed again.

"That it is."

After the conversation, I helped her out around the library. She told me that it wouldn't be open for a few weeks or so until everything was in order and accounted for. But with his help it could be sooner. He said his goodbye and started for the main building. Class was starting in a few minutes.

There was way more people in school, I put my head down and kept on going. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I tensed.

"Easy there baby its me," Mary got in front of him and lifted his head. "Chris and I are worried about you last night, you know?"

"Sorry I forgot to do something and I had get home," He really felt bad to lie again. He smiled, "But its all done with so no need to worry about me."

She eyed me warily, she opened her mouth and closed it. "What is your schedule?" I gave her the schedule and she frowned. "Good job on getting all these glasses but I don't have any with you. Lunch we have the same though." She smiled again. "Chris has it also so you can eat with us."

She put her arm on my shoulder and we continued. "Actually..."

"Oh no!" she made me face her, cupping my chin so I could look eye level. Man did I hate being short. "Last year we had the same lunch and you barely ate with us. The year before that we didn't have lunch the same time but you did with Chris and you didn't even eat with him. Freshman year we had it together and the first day you had it with us and you never ate again with us."

"Mrs. Arnolds need help with opening the library and I volunteered."

She gave a huff and they where inside the school. "Fine, but after words you have to eat with us got it?"

I nodded. She said the same thing last time. "Well go to class and I'll tell Chris your okay. See you squirt." She walked down the hall and waved when she reached the corner.

He turned around and found himself already in front of the class. He smiled again, she always got him to class the first day of the year. He tried not to let her do it but she always managed.

Like usual he was first in class. Talked to the teacher and signed a few things and went to the back of the class. He sat next to the window. Being in the front let to people writing stuff on your back or on your things without you noticing. More so putting things on you. The middle is worse. People trying to trip you or actually tripping you and stepping on your hand. Also with the things before. The back is safe people can't do things to you without seeing and you can walk the wall to avoid being tripped.

When class started no one sat next to him and he was fine with that. He was lonely but he could live with some loneliness than being hated. The class ended and they weren't getting homework for a few days!

"Hey," Chris popped out from the corner with Alex and James behind him. Chris rubbed my head and took my glasses. "I forgot about these." He put them back on and fixed my hair a little. James looked tired and Alex was glaring at me. "Where did you go at the party?"

I knew that was coming. Alex glared even harder, urging me to tell him. Giving him another reason to torment him. "There was something I had to do at home." Again I felt my stomach clench.

He stared, "Well next time say something I was worried," The warning bell rang. "Well better get to class see you later bud." He patted my shoulder and went past me. James passed by also and Alex shoved me to the side.

Psychology was pretty empty it turned outs there wasn't many people interested in AP Psychology. This time I sat on the middle seats since the class had ten students in it. There was four girls and six boys excluding himself. The class went by and the homework was to give a short essay on yourself.

Algebra had a few people in it like fifteen. This time he sat on the back better safe than sorry. Class went by again and no homework either.

He was happy to go to Japanese he was interested in foreign languages and other cultures. Spanish and French didn't interest him. So Japanese was the only option and he didn't regret it.

As soon as he got into class he was surprised. It wasn't even a class. It was a teachers lounge. Hardly a place for a class to get taught.

"Surprised aren't you?" Richard came behind him and patted his shoulder. "Im surprised you scored highly on Japanese seeing its not your native tongue."

"Im just really interested in it so I want to learn more." He blushed.

"Well since your the only one on your level I got you this place just for yourself. Mrs. Hei will be here sometime next week there was some family problems so she can't make it." I nodded. I still wasn't able to grasp the fact that I got my own teacher for a period. Just myself and nobody else. Another safe place.

"So what will I be doing in the mean time?"

"Do other work for other classes for the mean time. Mrs. Hei said it would take time to get work for you on your level anyway. So get on to work. I can trust you by yourself now can I?"

"Yes s- Richard."

The rest of the day was pretty much the same. I didn't get harassed, maybe due to the fact that I was getting smarter. I helped Lillian with the books at lunch period and she gave me part of her salad. Seeing as I didn't get food from the cafeteria. Chemistry and World History went fast there was more kids in these classes then before.

Mary and Chris where waiting for me in front of the school.

"So how was your day?" Mary wrapped her arm around my shoulder and started their way to Chris car. There was a few people staring.

"Pretty good." Hopefully it would stay like that for awhile.

The next couple of weeks went by in a flash. Dad was extremely proud at my schedule and wanted to celebrate but I stopped it before he set the wheels in motion. I got harassed here and there but still nothing to severe. Jillian was really happy that we opened the library two weeks ahead of schedule. Mary dragged me to her lunch a couple of times. When she didn't I went to the library. Like last time she stopped dragging me when I showed no interest a few days ago.

Today was the first time I was actually really hurt. Thankfully it was Friday and the homecoming game was tomorrow. So Mary and Chris wouldn't see me. Alex cornered me with some other kids I didn't know and started pushing me. They didn't punch or kick but when I fell Alex stomped on my hand and spit on me.

It stung but it wasn't broken. I wrapped it in a bandage and put ice in it. It was my left thankfully so I could still write. After finishing a few assignments I started dinner.

"Hey Nate how are you... What happened to your hand?" Dad rushed from the kitchen door and grabbed my hand apologizing after I winced.

"I fell and landed on my hand. Its nothing dad its just a little tender right now." I pulled my hand back and continued cooking.

He was silent but I still knew he was looking at me. When we ate he didn't speak of it but I could tell he wanted to say something. Like usual Mary called before I slept and we talked a little.

In the morning I made breakfast for dad and he went to work. His case needed more time before he could start finalizing. About six I was cleaning up the house and the door busted open again.

Mary was in her cheerleader uniform and she was smiling till she noticed my hand. "What happened?"

Why couldn't people just ignore when I got hurt? When they saw other people friends even get hurt they didn't even notice. "I fell on it yesterday. I was spinning on the chair and I fell on in. You know how I am clumsy." I was very. Dad and Chris teased me about it sometimes. Calling me a damsel in distress at times.

She nodded and started unwrapping the bandages. "What are you doing?" I tried pulling back but she gripped harder.

"Just checking on how it is then I can wrap it for you better." He did need someone with two hands to wrap it better he did a half assed job with just one hand. He had to stop a couple of times when it started getting undone.

She took a breath when she saw it. It was a big purple spot with a little red in it, it was puffed up and looking kinda gross. There was noway I could have caused it by falling. I just hoped she didn't ask if I really did fall.

She touched it and I flinched, "Sorry." She kissed it and started wrapping it again. She did it gently making sure she didn't put to much pressure. "So why aren't you ready?" After she was done she looked at me.


"Ready for what?" I asked, I undid the ponytail and shook my head around.

"For homecoming of course. Its senior year and there is no way in hell that im going to let you miss it." She grabbed my arm and started leading me towards my room. She gave me my jeans and a blue shirt and tossed my grey sweater. "Its kinda chilly so you will need it. Now where is your camera..."

I got out of my shorts and hurriedly put on my jeans. I would have argued but I already felt bad about not telling her the truth. I changed in front of her because she was like my sister but closer. As was Chris. She helped me into my sweater seeing as I could barely put it on.

After leaving a note for dad and making sure my camera had new batteries we where off. Mary barrowed her Mom's car for the night. Chris had to be there early since he was on the football team. Mary and I made some conversation, she was excited about the homecoming game.

She parked and started making her way towards the field where Chris and some other football player where talking. Damn. The guy was hot. He was a little taller than Chris had short blond hair, blue eyes maybe, he couldn't tell. He was pretty well built just like every other football player. He had a better physique than Mike thats for sure. Maybe weight trained. He shook his head and continued walking. He always looked and never touched.

He put his injured hand behind his back. Mary ran up to Chris and kissed him. He blushed and looked to the side.

"Hey baby, I was beginning to worry about you." Chris kissed her again, "What took you so long?"

"There was something that I had to pick up." She turned around and pointed at me. Chris's gaze fallowed and he smiled then ran over to me picking me up.

"Well, well, well. Seems like someone finally decided to show his cute little ass," Chris put him down and messed up his hair. Mary walked back and the guy fallowed.

"She dragged me here...." I pointed with my good hand.

"Good because we rarely see you in school," Chris gave me a little shove. "So going to cheer for me?" His smile grew wide when I nodded.

There was a cough and all of us turned to the mystery guy. "Oh crap sorry. Mike this cute little thing is my little bro remember I told you about him?" Chris talked about me to other people?

"Hi." He gave me a big bright white smile and reached out his right hand.

"Hi." Reluctantly I took out my left hand.

"What the fuck!" Chris reached for my hand and peaked into the bandages. "What happened?"

"I fell..." I looked over to the side. "Out of a chair you know how I am..."

"There is no way that-" Mary interrupted him.

"Nate I forgot my pompoms in the car. Also can you get me my lipstick?" Mary asked sweetly and took out her keys.

"Ah... sure." Saved by Mary. I took the keys and went to the car.

"He is lying." Chris said as soon as he was sure Nate was gone.

Mary gave a little sigh. "His dad called me and told me something was wrong with Nate and didn't tell me what."

"Why don't you confront him and ask him what really happened?" Mike was looking over to where Nate walked off. He was angry.

"Because he will just blow us off and say were making a big deal out of nothing." Chris punch his hand. "Mike you sure you wanna try? He might frustrate you to no end."

Mary looked to Mike then to Chris. She was confused. "What do you mean wanna try?"

Mike gave a laugh and patted his chest. "Im not gonna try. Im going to do it." He was still angry that someone hurt what was his. Even though he didn't know he was his yet.

Mary was even more confused. "What are you guys talking about?!"

Chris still ignored her, it was funny how she acted at times. "Never would have guessed you rolled that way. But still... I know you." Nate was making his way back holding the pompoms and was eying lipstick.

I made my way back and Chris was smiling. Mike was looking at me weirdly. Mary was saying stuff under her breath.


Well here is the first chapter. Any comments? Suggestions? Or just wanna tell me if you like it? Send me a message at phoenixlight@ymail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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