Loving Nick

By Jason Clarke

Published on Nov 10, 1999


This story involves members of the bands Backstreet Boys and NSYNC. I am in no way implying anything about the sexuality of any of their members. This is purely a fictional story. Enjoy!

This is my first attempt at writing a story like this so please bear with me. Please send any comments and/or suggestions to jaclarke@hotmail.com (ICQ #7964029)

Loving Nick - Part 20

"Get those hips moving!" Fatima shouted as the Backstreet Boys practiced their routine for 'Larger than Life'."

Lance sat with Justin in the auditorium, watching the rehearsal. Despite their romantic involvement, they still enjoyed each other's company a great deal. "So how are things with you and Darren?" Lance asked as he chuckled a bit at Nick's misstep on stage.

"Things are going great so far. I'm really happy," Justin answered. After a short pause, "You are okay with this, are ya, Scoop?" he asked with a sense of uncertainty.

"Sure I am. As long as you're happy, Just," Lance answered sincerely. Justin was almost like a younger brother to Lance and he would do almost anything to see Justin happy. "Just don't take things too quickly."

"What, you mean like old folks like you and Nick, having been together for ages and still haven't done it yet?" Justin asked with a smirk.

Lance laughed and punched Justin playfully in the arms. "Ha ha, very funny, you clown."

"Seriously, though, thanks for caring, Lance. I really appreciate it. You've always been amazing to me..."

"Hey, don't go inflating my ego now," Lance replied.

"You? Inflated ego?" Justin laughed. "That'll be the day!!"

As the two friends continued chatting, Lance's cell phone rang. "Hi, Lance here...today? Okay, what time? At your office? No problem. We'll be there. Oh? Just me? I guess so. I'll see you then."

"Who was that?" Justin asked curiously as he saw a nervous look on Lance's face.

"It was Nelson," Lance answered tentatively.

"What did he want?"

"He said that Mr. Spates wanted to see me this afternoon."

"You? Or us?"


"Why?" Justin was confused. "Why on earth would Spates want to see Lance...alone??"

"I have no idea...guess I'll find out," Lance replied, obviously distracted by the phone call.

"Don't worry, Scoop. He probably wants to discuss some new business proposal with you. I mean, you are the business mind of the group, you know."

Lance forced a weak smile, hoping that Justin was right.

"Right this way, Lance," Nelson said as he led Lance down a long corridor. Stopping in front of a large oak door, Nelson turned to face Lance. "Mr. Spates is waiting for you inside."

Lance knocked and went into room. At the far end of the room, behind a large desk, sat Mr. Spates. Lance approached the desk slowly.

"Lance, good to see you! Have a seat," motioned Mr. Spates.

As he sat down, Lance began to feel uneasy. For some strange reason, he had bad feelings about this whole meeting. In fact, he felt a little intimidated in the room, even though Lance has seen too much through his years with NSYNC to be intimidated easily.

"First off, I have to congratulate you guys on a job well done," Mr. Spates began. "You guys have worked hard and the results speak volumes."

"Thanks, Mr. Spates," Lance said politely, still waiting for Mr. Spates to get into the main topic.

"There is something that I am worried about though," the older man continued.

"Oh? And what is it that you are worried about?"

"Well, it's Justin. I know he is young and all, and sometimes he is not as mature as guys like you. But he has got to understand that he is dealing with a potential public relations disaster here."

Lance was confused. "What is this guy talking about?" Lance thought to himself. "I am not sure I quite understand you," Lance finally replied.

"You travel with him all the time, so you should know better than me. But reliable sources tell me that Justin is currently romantically involved with another guy."

Lance almost fell off his chair with that comment but managed to keep his composure. After all, he has had his share of surprises throughout his young career and has had plenty of practice at hiding emotions.

"Well, I can't speak for Justin, but I still don't see why you called me here."

"Lance, you are a smart young man, a rare quality in today's young celebrities. What I want you to do is to put this relationship to an end before disaster strikes," Spates explained.

"I beg you pardon?" was all Lance could utter. He was good at staying calm, but Spates was pushing his limits.

"I know Justin is your friend and this is going to be hard for you. I understand that. So to compensate you, here is a cheque for $100,000. Once you succeed, I'll add another $50,000."

"You are paying me to destroy Justin's life???" Lance was almost screaming by now.

"It's for his own good, Lance."

"You don't know that," Lance argued. "Even if you have a problem with Justin's relationships, which I don't see a reason for, it is between you and him. Don't use me as the middle man."

"Think about it, Lance, $150,000 is not a small sum of money, you know."

"I don't care. I'm not sure about you, but I know that there are some things in life that money can't buy." With that, Lance stood up and began to walk towards the door.

"I'm not going to stand idly by and see my investment go to ruins. Either you take the money and do as I say or else I'll do this myself. And don't blame me if it turns ugly," Spates said loudly.

Lance turned around abruptly. "You're threatening me?"

"No, Lance, just giving you reasons to reconsider."

Without answering, Lance opened the door and slammed it shut behind him. Walking briskly towards the elevator, Lance could feel the anger rising within him. His mind was spinning, trying to figure out a way to control the situation. "I can't let the other guys know," he said to himself.

"Can we eat yet?" Joey asked for the third time.

"You won't die of starvation, Joey," Chris replied jokingly. "He should be back soon anyways."

"Geez, what could they be talking about for so long?" JC wondered aloud.

At that moment, Lance walked into the hotel lobby, his head down and his mind occupied. He was totally oblivious to everyone standing in the lobby. He headed towards the elevator.

"Hey, Lance," Chris called out.

Lance slowly turned around and realized that everyone was waiting for him. "Oh, sorry guys," he apologized quickly. "You guys should've gone ahead without me."

"It's no big deal," JC answered. "Joey's the only one complaining, as usual." Everyone laughed at the comment. "Everything okay, Lance?" JC continued.

"Yeah, everything's fine," Lance lied. "Let's go."

Lance was quiet while everyone was waiting for the food to arrive. His brain was in overdrive trying to think of a way out of the situation.

"Something wrong, Lansten?" Nick leaned over to ask. "You're awfully quiet."

"I'm just tired, I guess." Lance forced a smile, not wanting to worry Nick. Once the food arrived, everyone stopped talking and attacked their dinner. Lance, however, just sat there playing with his food.

Justin looked up from his spaghetti to see Lance twirling his fork in his plate. "Scoop, you alright?"

Lance didn't answer.

"Lance?" Justin called again.

"Huh? Oh, sorry, wasn't thinking about something," Lance finally answered.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Justin was genuinely concerned about his friend. Lance seemed like a totally different person as the guy who sat beside him during rehearsal earlier in the day.

"I'm not feeling too well," Lance finally said. "I think I'll just go back to the hotel and go to bed early."

JC got up from his seat and walked to where Lance was sitting. "You want me to go back with you? I have some medication in my room if you want."

"I'll be fine. Thanks though."

As Lance got up, Nick said to Lance, "I'll go back with you."

"No, you finish your dinner. I'll be okay, really." With that, Lance walked out of the restaurant and headed back to the hotel.

Nick was about to go after Lance, but Justin stood up and stopped him. "Let me go, Nick. I think it has something to do with this afternoon."

Nick nodded and smiled at Justin. "Thanks," he whispered.

"No prob," Justin smiled back.

Justin headed into the street and saw the Lance hadn't gone far. He ran after his friend and caught up to him quickly. "Hey Scoop, wait up."

Lance turned around to see Justin running towards him. "What are you doing here? Go and finish your dinner."

"Geez, you sound more and more like my mom everyday," Justin said jokingly, trying to cheer Lance up.

"I'm serious, Justin. You're skinny enough as it is, I don't need your mom coming after me for not letting you eat properly."

Justin smirked at Lance's comment and continued walking with him. They didn't talk much during the walk back. Once they got to the hotel, they both went into Lance's room. Lance sat on the bed while Justin took a seat in the chair.

"How long have we known each other, Scoop?"

"Let's see...probably about five years now."

"How time flies, huh?"

"Yeah, I remember when I first met you, you were still a skinny baby who was always homesick," Lance continued. "Well, some things never change," he added, grinning at Justin.

"Always the joker," Justin answered. "But seriously, I never did tell you how much you did for me. I mean, you were so amazing to me...I don't how I would've gotten through those first years if it hadn't been for you."

"Don't give me all the credit," Lance replied. "You've been an amazing friend too."

"We're best friends, right?" Justin asked.

"Always," Lance answered confidently.

Justin looked Lance in the eye. "Scoop, I just want you to know that you can tell me anything. Anything at all."

"I know, Justin." Lance lied again. He so desperately wanted to tell Justin, or anyone for that matter, about this afternoon, but he knew he couldn't. "Justin, if only I could tell you..." Lance thought to himself.

...to be continued....

Hope you enjoyed this segment. I hope to have the next part out in a week or so.

As always, any comments/ideas/questions are welcome. E-mail me at jaclarke@hotmail.com (ICQ #7964029)

Next: Chapter 21

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