Loving Devin

By Jon H

Published on Feb 15, 1999



Disclaimer: Must be 18 years or older. If you aren't and you got this far, then I'm sure nothings gonna stop ya from continuing.. {that's such a stupid thing...I think most of the authors aren't even 18} If you don't like boy boy sex or boy boy love, this ain't fer ye so go do me a favor and see a psychologist or something... Any comments or suggestions send to elffiendx@hotmail.com. Here's the part everyone's been waiting for... SEX SEX SEX AND MORE SEX !!!!!!!

"Loving Devin"

I'd met Devin when he was 14 years old, we'd detasseled together, it was our first time for both of us. The first day I saw him, I decided I was going to get him, and we were gonna be friends. He just didn't know it yet. Standing at around 5'10, with brown hair, and these blue eyes you could get lost in, and weighing around 120 lbs, he was very slender, but he looked absolutely delicious. I made sure I knew what high school he was going to so that I could look for him when he got there. Then a year later I found him.

It was a few weeks into September, I'd seen him around, but I wasn't sure, but then I found out he had my 6th period teacher as his 5th hour teacher, so I looked at her seating chart, and finding it was him, I left a note with my teacher for her to give to him. Quite naturally, a few days after he got it, we ran into each other in the halls. Seeing him again I decided he looked as sexy as he was when I first met him, if not sexier. And the fact that he was more grown out meant his dick would probably be bigger and more fulfilling in my desires then it would've been when he was 14. Of course, I'm a virgin, so what the hell do I know.

I think at this point I'll go ahead and introduce myself [especially since I hope to have a story bigger than 5 kb long, so just bear with me here as I'm probably going to get alot of pointless stuff in here too]. My name is Jon. Standing at 5'10, with brown eyes and shortly cropped brown hair, and weighing in at 140 lbs, and being scrawny looking, I really don't think anyone would look at me twice. Hell, I'd be the first to say I was the ugliest thing alive, if one were to ask me. Okay, no more about me, back to the story.

I ran up to Devin and patted him on the top of his head [you'll find that I do that alot, I have this thing for people's hair, I just want to run my hand through their hair and touch it, and not just in one place either :-) ] He turned around "Hey, how's it going?" he asked me. "Pretty good," I replied, "haven't seen you around in awhile, how've you been?" I asked him. "fine" he replied.

With that, the conversation just came to a complete stop. I wasn't very good with people, in case you haven't figured out yet. So I just walked with him, and just before I came to the hallway where I had to turn down to get to my next class, I stopped him and said, "What are you doing this weekend?"

"Nothing, my parents are going out of town with my little brother and I'm trying to talk them into letting me stay here by myself so that I don't have to visit my Aunt Thelma" he rolled his eyes when he said her name, so I figured she was one of those types of aunts that have glasses and a big bosom and likes to pinch people's cheeks.

I smiled at the image in my head and said "well, hey, listen, maybe you'd like to do something this weekend, like, maybe I could stay over with you to keep you out of trouble and keep you some company as well..." I finished and let the sentence wander off. I told you I'm a lousy conversationist.

"Um, sure, I think that may be what I need to convince my parents" Devin reached into his notebook and wrote down his phone number and address. I wrote my number and address on the bottom half of the piece of paper and handed it to him. "I'll let you know when I get home and talk to them, okay," he asked, "and just to warn you, they'll probably want to meet you first." he finished. "Um, okay" I replied and with that fairly fled down the hallway.

After school that day I got in my 82' chevy malibu and drove home. Feeling like jacking off I ran upstairs and laid on my bed, and thinking about Devin, I unzipped my pants and pulled out my 6" cock. While not very impressive, I was still pleased with it. Slowly stroking it and fondling the head, and lightly scratching it with my chewed up fingernails, I got it to go up to 7 inches. Slowly I started moving the skin back and forth on it, giving it a hard massage. After about 20 minutes of this, I felt the tingling in my cock that signalled that I was about to cum.....

RING. RING. RING. RING. "Shit!" I shouted, startled as the phone started ringing. Falling off of the bed and running for the phone that was in my room by my computer, I grabbed the receiver and slipped on a piece of paper. "shit!" I shouted pretty much into the phone, "ow, hello?" I said into the mouthpiece. Hearing laughter on the other end of the line, I rolled my eyes and started to get a lil angry, since I didn't think it was that funny. "Sorry, Jon, it's Devin." OH,well, in that case it was okay. "hi," I said, feeling my anger melting at the sound of his voice. "Hey, my parents said it would be okay, and I was right, they want to meet you. Um, is now okay? They decided that they wanted to leave as soon as possible" he finished.

"Um, sure, it's fine by me, I wasn't doing anything important anyways!" I piped up, and rolled my eyes. A boy getting off is always important. "Hey, great, see you in about a half hour?" he asked me. "Sure." with that I hung up the phone, put my cock away, grabbed my car keys and fairly flew down the stairs. I got to his house about 45 minutes later instead, since I had trouble finding it.

It was a white house, kind of big, but not huge, with a garage, and there were 3 cars in the driveway. I pulled up and parked in the street, and sitting there, I waited, not really quite sure what to do. Sighing, I got out and hoped his parents wouldn't figure out that this lil gay boy wanted to screw their son.

Moving up the cracked sidewalk, I stepped up onto the porch and tentatively knocked on the door. "HI!" This 13 year old boy opened the door, I almost collapsed... He looked like a younger version of Devin.

"Um, hi" I replied. "I'm Doug, you must be Jon... Devin won't shut up about you." "huh?" was the first thing out of my mouth when he said that. "You better shut up you little twirp," Devin's voice came from somewhere inside. "Would you like to come inside?" Doug asked, "Of course he would." a female voice said. Looking up, I saw a blond haired female with blue eyes, standing about 5'6", looking to be in her late 30's, early 40's, with lines around her face, and she looked quite plump and motherly. "Hi, I'm Deborah." She said to me, as she opened the screen door to let me in. "And you're Jon. So, tell me, how'd you and Devin meet?" she asked.

"Um, detasseling, about a year ago. I met him again in school this year, ma'am." I replied, putting as much respectfulness in my tone as possible. She smiled. As I walked in, I noted that I immediately came in on the guestroom with the living room to the left, and down a lil hallway, there was the kitchen, and to the north of the living room was the dining room. With some stairs just around that that must've led to the bedrooms, and a basement. I smiled, noting that the house was bigger on the inside then it looked.

"Well, Devin's upstairs in his room, just up them stairs and first room to the left," she replied. I smiled at her and walked up the stairs quietly. Seeing Devin's door shut I walked in, not even thinking about it. I stopped right when the door slammed open, and my jaw just dropped and my dick sprang up...

Devin was standing in the middle of the room as naked as the day he was born. His hair was wet, and there were some drops of water left on his body. My eyes roamed downward, checking out his cute nipples, and I got turned on as my eyes roamed to the pubic hair that was still matted to his body from the shower he must've gotten. I looked at his soft dick that was cut and looked to be about 5 and a half inches long, and fairly thick too, and then I checked out his cute looking balls.

"Heelllooo," I said softly, and then turned around and walked out the door, face flushed. Shutting the door quickly, I looked at the table that had a bunch angels sitting on it, with a chair right next to it. Sitting down before I fell, I leaned forward and stuck my head between my knees.

"Um, hi," Devin's voice said to me as his door opened up. I looked up, seeing he was dressed in gym shorts and a plain white shirt, and not wearing much else. "Um, sorry I barged in on ya like that..." I blurted out quickly.

"it's okay," he said, his face turning 200 shades of red. I smiled. He was so cute. "So, um, I met the mom, she's pretty cool, and the lil brother is kinda cute..." I said to him, changing the subject, then realizing what I had just said, "as lil brothers go..." I put in hurriedly.

He looked up and smiled at me. "So, um, what do ya wanna do?" he asked me. I looked in his room and seeing the tv with a N64 hooked up to it, I said to him "we could play games." "Okay," he grinned, "You ever wrestle before?"

20 games of NWO and WCW later, and just as many losses on my side, I looked over at Devin, noticing that we were closer to each other then we were earlier. Putting the controller down, I reached up and patted his head. "Okay, lil boy, you win, for the 20th time tonight." Looking down at my watch, I noticed that it was 7:30 and that I'd completely missed judo lessons.

"Hmm, I gotta go now I think." I said to him softly. He looked up at me and smiled. "Okay, if ya must.. ya sure ya don't want to play a few more times?" He asked me, looking in my eyes with those eyes that were as blue as the ocean.

I sighed to myself. "Nah, I can't, I'm late getting home, and I'm sure my parents are wondering where I am at." I replied. "Okay." Getting up he walked with me downstairs.

"There you boys are," said his mother, "you missed dinner, we kept calling up but you didn't come down, there's some left overs in the frig," she finished. "So, what time are you coming over tomorrow?" she asked me. "You mean he's STAYING?" Devin squealed, and he started jumping up and down. Stopping abruptly, he straightened out his shirt and looking at me he said, "yeah, uh, what time are you coming over tomorrow?" he asked, deepening his voice.

"Um, how about right after school tomorrow, I'll give ya a ride home?" I asked and offered at the same time. "Would ya?" Devin shouted, "that's great!" he finished quickly, then looked down at his feet. Shaking my head, I walked out to my car, glad that tomorrow was a Friday and I'd have him to myself for an entire weekend.

Elated and excited, I got up out of bed the next morning and hurriedly drove to school, almost getting myself killed in the process, and hurrying into the school, I found Devin and told him to meet me at the south entrance. He quickly agreed, and we both went our separate ways to class.

The day was hell for me. First Mr. Ellis was a major bastard and practically told everybody I had an F in his applied chemistry class. Then my friend like told me she was pregnant and I was like "that's nice, who's the bastard this time." I think she wanted to slap me.

Finally the end of the school day came and I fairly flew out of the school, and it was like forever before Devin finally came outside. "Gods, hi." I said to him. He looked at me and smiled. "Last one to your car has to sleep nude tonight," he whispered to me. I blinked at him, taken aback as he fairly ran to my car.

Needless to say I was indeed the last person to my car. Getting in and unlocking the passenger side of the car, I started it up and fairly peeled out of the parking lot, almost hitting another car.

As we got to his house, I made Devin help me carry my stuff in, which was like some spare clothes, a couple of blankets and a pillow. As we walked inside, his mother greeted us, and told us that there was pop in the kitchen, and leftovers as well. I smiled to myself, glad that I'd gotten paid and had over two hundred dollars in my pocket at that moment.

At about 5:00 that night, Devin's mother and his little brother left and headed for the Airport. Devin and I pretty much just sat in his room and played wrestling. About the 5th game I noted that we were getting closer and closer to each other.

I started to get hard, and try as I might, I couldn't get Willie down. After a little while, I gave up on the game and looked at Devin's face. He turned towards me and looked in my eyes. I stared in those deep pools forever, and it seemed like time had stopped. Devin was a god, and I was enthralled and at his mercy, I decided later on.

A few more minutes later, we both started to lean towards each other, and not really knowing what was happening, we kissed. It felt like lightning had just shot through my body as our lips met. I felt the pink fuzz on his upper lip rubbing against mine, kind of tickling me.

"Devin...I..." I stopped as Devin put his finger against my lips, silencing me. "SSSHHHHH" he whispered, then moving his finger, he put his lips back against mine.

"Lovin Devin Part II"

I whimpered quietly as he did so, and feeling his tongue probing towards my mouth, opened it for him. It was so delicious and hot, having this boys tongue in my mouth, that I probably would have died right there, had I not decided that there was more to him that I wanted before I did die.

Sitting there for about 5 minutes, I pulled away to surface for air and regain my composure, and then moving my head back down to go for his lips, I went around his lips and went straight for his neck, kissing it, and then pulling him up so we were both on our knees, I moved forward again and started kissing him, making it a point to put MY tongue in his mouth.

Slowly I started to unbutton his shirt, marveling at his cute, hairless boy chest, where the muscles were starting to develop. Running my hand over his nipples lightly, I marveled at how amazing they felt in my hands, and the warmth emenating from his body assured me that he was in heat. That and the tent in his britches.

I finally pulled his shirt off of him, and let my hands roam over his back, and then put one on his belly, probing for his cute belly button. I love belly buttons too, they're just wonderful lil things for a guy to play with. He moaned a lil when I started playing with his belly button.

Pulling at my shirt, Devin tried to rip it off of my body, and not succeeding, he pulled out of the kiss, and tried again. And with a lil help from me, we got my shirt off. Needless to say, we were just a bit frantic {and horny} so it took a lil while...

Finally getting my shirt off, we went back to kissing, and getting our tonsils cleaned out by each other. I think he had hamburget pizza for lunch that day. With our hands roaming over each others upper bodies, I decided that I couldn't wait anymore, and started fumbling with his pant buttons. I swear to the gods this day, that the designers deliberately make it hard for people to get pant buttons undone when trying to get ahold of what's on the inside.

After about 3 minutes of fumbling with his pant buttons, I finally got it undone and pulled his pants down to his knees, and looking at the huge tent in his cute lil boxers, I decided that he was bigger then I first thought he was.

Devin pulled my head up and made me look at him. "It's not much, but I though..." he started to say, then looked down at the tent in his boxers. It took me a few minutes, but then I realized that he didn't think his wonderful dick was very big.

"Oh, honey, it's beautiful, I love it," I said, all mopey eyed and frantic to make this beautiful boy happy and more sure of himself. I also decided that my Devin was a twink, and he was my twink.

Devin looked up when I said that, and said "You really think so???" he asked me. "Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a dick up my ass tonight." I sang to him quietly. He smiled when I did that, and it was like the Gods were here on earth with me. He was so damn beautiful I would have cried... Uh-hmm, If I wasn't so manly, that is {puffs up chest slightly}.

I leaned down, and pulling the tip of his dick out of his boxers, kissed the head of it very lightly, and licked the leaky faucet a little bit too. He screamed a lil bit, and made this high pitched whimpering sound that was absolutely orgasmic and mind blowing at the same time...

I shuddered, loving the sound of it, and slowly started to lick the head of his cock, loving the salty taste, and the smell of his nether regions. I think I could have creamed my britches just from the mind shattering smell of it all.

Licking his fishing rod, I moved down, going to his fleshy, lightly haired sac. I love a boys sac, so soft, and comforting. It feels good in my hand. Licking his sac, and then sucking in one of his balls, I tried to give him a hickey on his sac, to leave my wizards mark.

He grunted, and shoved his hips into my face. I let go of his sac and went back to his rod, licking it like a lollipop. Getting bored with that, I decided to floor him. Putting his dick in my mouth, I started bobbing on it. It was amazing, for both of us. I loved every minute of it. He kept whimpering and writhing on the floor, in ecstasy and pain. And on the 8th bob, God came.

Without warning, he grabbed the back of my neck and tried to lunge down my throat. The head of his dick swelled up in my mouth, and I started swallowing hard, trying to vacuum it down. He started creaming, and I swear I could taste bananas in the cum. It wasn't that bad either, kind of salty and bland at the same time. I wasn't sure if I'd do it again.

Pulling off of his softening dick, I reached behind his knees and pulled him onto his back, and then proceeded to take the rest of his clothes off. Standing, I picked him up and carried him to his bed, and setting him on it, I proceeded to take my clothes off.

When that was done, I got into bed with him. "That was, um..." Devin stopped, uncertain of what words to use. "Mind blowing? Orgasmically out of this universe?" I asked apprehensively. "I don't think those are the words I'd use, " he replied softly. I looked down at my feet, not sure whether to cry or not. He reached up and grabbed my head between his hands, and making me look at him, he said "Honey, it ROCKED... MY... WORLD!!!" he finished, trying to put as much feeling and love into his emphasized words as possible.

Smiling at me, Devin moved his hands down and started stroking my leaky faucet. I groaned at his touch, never having been touched down there by another boy before. His touch was light and soft. It felt good. He slowly started to stroke it, massaging the pre-cum into my dick, and then he moved his hand to my balls, and playing with my balls, he moved his head down into my lap, he tentatively stuck his tongue out and lightly touched it to my dick.

"What are we waiting for? There's no holding back, cause with you I've got nothing to hide," I sung the words from Poco Legacy to him softly. Apparently agreeing with me, Devin went in for the kill, letting his tongue caress my dick, spreading the precum over the head and top upper part of the circumcision scar on my cock.

I moaned, the heat from his mouth driving me nuts, the caressing tongue being a new feeling on my cock. It was amazing and I didn't want it to end. I wanted him to keep going. But it eventually had to end, and as his speeding head kept bobbing up and down on my cock, I lost it and started creaming into his mouth. He kept milking my cock, getting the last of the jizz, and when it was apparent he'd gotten as much as he could, he moved up and put his mouth to mine, kissing me and sharing my seed with me.

"I love you" he whispered to me.

"I love you more" I whispered back.

Smiling at each other, we laid back in his huge bed, and curling together in a spoon like position, my cock between his crack, we fell asleep.

When I woke up, my head was right up against Devin's face, and deciding not to wake him, I kept still, lightly playing with his nipples. With my hardon between his cheeks, I lightly humped him. "Good evening, oh horny one." he said groggily. Looking out the window, I saw that it was indeed dark out. "I'm hungry, what'cha want for dinner?" he asked me. Grinning, I pushed into his crack with my cock. Squeezing in reply, he said "not yet, maybe later" teasingly.

"How about pizza?" I asked him, leaning over and kissing his neck softly. "okay," he mumbled back softly. Caressing his back and butt cheeks, I slowly got out of bed, and finding some shorts to put on, I walked downstairs and ordered some. The valley girl on the other end of the phone said it'd be about 45 minutes to an hour.

Turning on the tv, I went and laid down on the couch. Dozing off, I awoke to Devin kissing me. What a way to wake up. "Hmm, I love it when you do that to me, " I said to him, grabbing his plunger in my hand. Stroking it a little bit, I pulled him up and stuck my head between his legs, and putting his cock in my head, I caressed that ridge between the head and the lower part of the cock.

Moaning, he grabbed my head and started face fucking me. When I got his entire cock into my mouth, I started swallowing. He whimpered, and jerked his hips a little. Grinning with his cock in my mouth, I started humming.

After about two minutes of that, he jerked his hips and started cumming. Swallowing as much of him as I could get, I started laughing. "No fair," he said to me, "You play dirty." he finished. "You know you loved it" I whispered, smirking at him. Leaning forward, he was about to kiss me, when the doorbell rang.

"Pizza boy's here," I whispered to him. He looked down at his naked form, and started walking towards the door. Gaping at him, I grabbed him from behind and planting him firmly on the living room couch with about 4 blankets covering him, grabbed my wallet and went and got the door.

The pizza boy looked to be about 16 years old, with fine blond hair and these amazing green eyes. "Hi, that'll be about...." his voice came to a halt, and noticing his eyes getting wide, I turned around to see a naked Devin looking at me with a smirk on his face.

Smiling at Devin I turned around and pulled the pizza boy inside, leading this handsome boy into the dining room, I started stripping him. With me getting his shirt, and Devin working on his lower anatomy, we quickly got him stripped.

We'll, I'm getting slightly distracted so we'll have to leave this here. Stay tuned for more of Loving Devin.

"Loving Devin Part III"

I stared at this green eyed, blond haired pizza boy that Devin and I were stripping. The name tag on his shirt said "Barry". I liked the name, it sounded good. He had no hair on his chest, and with a flat stomach and these cute little nipples on his chest, I decided that he was to die for, but I was firmly in love with Devin.

Staring at Devin, noticing the lust in his blue eyes, I got a little bit horny. Noticing me staring at him, Devin looked at me, and grinned like a little kid that has a new toy. But he must have seen the look on my face, the reluctance, and the love.

I got up and went into the kitchen, not being able to look at Devin anymore, and not really feeling hungry for the cream anymore. Devin followed me in there and lightly started to rub my back.

"Jon, what are you thinking?" he asked me very quietly. "I am thinking I am in love with you, and not really sure I want to have an affair with another boy, when you are all I wanted." I replied, deciding to be honest with Devin from the beginning.

Something in me had changed. I didn't want Devin just to have sex with him. I wanted him for his mind, for his humor, and I didn't want to share with anyone else. I wanted him, and he was MINE. "I'm sorry, Jon, I wasn't thinking. I should have stayed on the couch where you put me," Devin sighed, then asked, "Now what do we do with that boy on the living room couch?" he asked me.

I grinned, not really wanting to get rid of this blond boy either. The twisted part of me wanted to have fun, the horny part of me wanted sex, and the romantic part of me wanted love. "Well," I said to him tentatively, "we could set him up with your little brother." I said to him quietly, then turned to look at his face.

The look on his face was all I had wanted. With his mouth open, and his eyes looking at me in shock, he slowly nodded his head, as if wanting to speak. I leaned forward and stuck my tongue in his mouth, trying to get it down his throat, the feel of my tongue in his hot, moist mouth was mind blowing, and he was so soft, I wanted to cry, while holding on to him, and not letting go.

He pulled off, and looking at me said "okay, let's set them up. But can we at least have sex with him first?" he asked me, pumping his cock into my leg. I looked down at it, noting the veins, and the soft curve. It was perfect, and it was all mine. Sighing, I latched my hand onto his cock and led him out to the living room, where the blond boy was sitting on the couch.

Back in his clothes, and looking more composed, he was looking at the tv, not really wanting to look at us, I noted. Deciding to get right to the point, I walked forward and put Devin on one side of this boy, and then sat on the other side of him. With my knees up to my chest, and my back up against the arm of the couch, I sat there and stared at him.

With the slight curve of his neck, the soft white skin, the soft, silky blond hair, and those beautiful green eyes, I was surprised to feel that he must have been a virgin, when any boy or girl would have probably died to get ahold of him.

"Um, Barry, what are you doing this weekend?" I asked him, deciding to be as direct with him as I was with Devin. "Nothing, why do you ask?" he asked me a little apprehensively, still avoiding eye contact with me. "Because, I have decided to hook you up with Devin's little brother, and you two are going to have lots of sex, love, and heartrending emotions for each other," I finished.

Devin looked at me, looking startled again, but this time I think it was at the firmness in my voice. I grinned at him, and then reaching forward with my hand, deciding to have a little fun with this boy after all. Sliding my hand across the front of his jeans, I slowly started to caresss the bulge in his pants, and then sliding down to my knees onto the floor, undid his jeans and pulled them down and off of him.

Looking at his cut penis, I started stroking it, running one hand over the shaft, and the other across his chest. Devin grinned at me, and slowly leaned forward and started running his hand over Barry's chest, playing with his nipples, then straddling the boys legs, slowly guided the boys mouth to his hardening cock.

Leaning forward, I put Barry's cock into my mouth, and then reached up and put a finger up Devin's rear end, playing with it, and stuck a finger on the other hand up Barry's rear end. I decided that my dick would be the first one up both of these boys asses, and that they could starting calling me Pimp Daddy Jon.

Sliding down on Barry's cock, I licked and sucked and nibbled, playing with his dick and butt and Devin's at the same time. He moaned after a few minutes of this and started cumming, and feeling Devin's rectum squeezing my finger, I noted the cum spilling out of Barry's mouth and onto his cheek at the same time.

Getting all of the milk out of Barry as I could, I pulled off and looked at him. He looked at me, and then looked at Devin as well. "I have to go," he whispered to us both softly, "I have more pizza's to deliver, but can I come over tomorrow?" he asked us.

Devin and I both nodded our heads at the same time, apparently we agreed that we wanted more of him before giving him to Devin's little brother as a birthday present. Of course, I would have that boy's ass first too.

Barry quickly got dressed and left the house. I turned to Devin, and leaning forward started to kiss him, and played with his erect nipples at the same time, He felt so soft as I carressed his skin, running them over his chest, sliding down his warm, slightly sweat moistened back, then one hand slid up to the back of his head and brought it forward, and leaning my head forward at teh same time, I slid my tongue down his throat, into that deep, teeth filled, moist cavern filled with his tonsils.

Leaning forward, and pulling him onto my lap, I slowly moved my hand down his sides, tracing the outline of his rib cage, feeling the bones on his side, and pressing, feeling his warm skin, then traced down to the front, playing with his firm stomach, down to his belly button.

Pushing him backward so that he was on his back with his legs wrapped around my sides, I leaned forward and starting licking at his belly button, loving the salty taste, noting the small hairs that tickled my cheek. I was in heaven, loving it, the closeness, the sound of his heartbeat, his panting, and the soft, squealing shimpers coming from his throat.

I loved him, loved this, this was right, and all those gay hating, fag bashing bastards could go burn in there religions hell.

Closing my eyes, I let my head, my mouth, and my tongue go wherever it pleased, and just enjoyed it. I soon found myself attached to his nipples, letting my tongue roam over the slight goose bumps on his nipples, and loving the coarseness, and the taste. Devin was God, and I was his fervent, fanatic worshipper, and I would die for him.

Opening my eyes, and pulling off of his nipple, I looked up at him, into his face, and seeing the amazing glow around him, I couldn't help but wonder that I had managed to get ahold of this boy, this, this god that was reincarnated into the body of a boy. Leaning up over his body, I lightly pressed my lips up against, and started to cry.

"Why are you crying?" he asked me, opening his eyes and looking at me. "Because, I have fallen in love with you and it scares me, it's confusing and I don't know what to do" I whispered, answering his question. Closing my eyes, I got up, and pulling him up, went and locked the door, and shutting off the tv, and sticking the uneaten, forgotten pizza into the refrigerator, led him up the stairs and into his bedroom.

Lying him down on his back, I crawled into bed next to him, stripping before getting in with him, and laying my head onto his chest, listening to his heart beating, I feel asleep, insecure and feeling like a child that is lost and doesn't know where to go or what to do.

Devin lay there in the dark, listening to Jon breathing in his sleep, finding the sound comforting, and the warmth of Jon's body. Devin was feeling just as scared and unsure of himself as Jon was, never having felt this kind of emotion before in his life.

Being the eldest sibling in the family, and always confused, he had always known he was gay, ever since he was little. And the fact that his little brother was mostly gay, and that Jon had guessed that tonight, wanting to set Barry and him up, and surprised him.

He'd never asked his little brother if he was gay, not wanting to embarrass him, or make him feel insecure. Besides, being a gay 16 year old without a boyfriend, and always feeling lonely, and trying to keep the other kids from making fun of him, or beating him up, he had always had his own problems to worry about, much less his little brothers.

Devin slowly started to stroke Jon's hair, noting the softness of this boy', and the warmth. He smiled, loving this boy that tried to be so tough, when in reality, he was as insecure as Devin himself. But Devin did know that Jon was as in love with him as he was in love with Jon.

Devin closed his eyes again, wondering how Jon was going to set his little brother and Barry up, and how his little brother was going to react the fact that He and Jon were gay. Grinning, he fleetingly wondered what it would be like to have sex with his little brother, since he figured that that was what Jon had in mind, since the older boy seemed a little bit more possessive and controlling.

Devin closed his eyes, and started to wonder when he could get Jon to hurry up and fuck him. He knew it was supposed to hurt at first, but he didn't care, he wanted to be fucked, it had been what he'd been waiting for all his life, and now that he had HIS boyfriend, he wasn't going to let him go. Because he was gonna marry that boy someday.

Starting to feel secure again in his insecure world, Devin closed his eyes and started dreaming about what life would be like with Jon in the future, and what it could be like without him. The dreams scared him, he rationalized, knowing it was a dream, and he decided that he would rather die before giving Jon up.

Finally, his dreams switching to more sex with Jon, and his little brother, and Barry, Devin calmed down, and his dreams became normal.

Jon opened his eyes, knowing instantly where he was, and feeling his hand on Devin's hard cock, gently pressed down it, and started to stroke it. Letting go, he sighed, wondering where life's road was leading him, and lifting his head, he leaned forward, and gently kissed Devin.

"I love you, Devin" Jon whispered to him, having to say the words that came from his heart, and hoping instantly that he didn't wake this lovely angel that had his heart.

"I love you, too," Devin whispered back, having woken up when Jon had kissed him. With that, the two boys feel asleep again, secure in each other's arms and love, knowing that there would be tomorrow to continue to explore each other's bodies, and to plan how they were going to set up Barry and Devin's little brother.

Loving Devin part IV

Disclaimer: There is none, no one reads these anyway.

Copyright by me. NOT to be distributed anywhere else without Authors' {that'd be me, for you blonds out there :-) } permission. Have a nice day and enjoy. I'm sorry it took so long to get this part out, and my only regret is that it isn't up to my usual standards, but I've been having some problems and I'm trying to work them out. I'll write about it, and title it "Letting Go". So look for that story soon, in a Nifty Archive near you. Maybe some of you will be able to help me sort my thoughts out. Until then, enjoy, and please send some feedback to me.

And to David at Nifty Archive, thanks guy, you do a lot for a lot of people that post stories on the archive, and most people don't realize what you go through to do this for us. I for one am grateful that we have someone willing to give his time to give us a place to put these stories. If your reading this {if he puts this disclaimer out}, I say send the dude a thank you e-mail, and a lil love.

I woke up, feeling the ray's of sunlight on my face, and Devin's hot lithe body right up next to mine. Smiling, I moved my hand up and stroked his short blondish brown hair. He was warm. I decided right then that I didn't know how anyone could live with having no one next to them, skin on skin, and not freeze to death.

I felt Devin stir as I caressed his sensationally soft skin. I tilted my head forward and gently kissed his ear, noting the softness and the smooth feeling. It was probably the next best thing to kissing.

"Morning," he whispered softly. "Morning," smiling, I gently touched his face with my hand, "your right, it is morning, and I hope I can wake up like this everyday, with you by me." I whispered softly, while feeling tears well up in my eyes. I couldn't believe I was getting all teary-eyed over a boy. I wasn't usually this soft-hearted. I usually never let anyone see me cry either. But something in him made me want to let him see me in all my glory, and all my death as well.

Deving sighed softly, then gently leaned forward and kissed the tears off of my face. "Don't cry baby, it's okay, I'll always be here for you, I promise," he said consoling me. Sniffling, I managed to conjure up a smile to reassure him, while wiping the tears away from my face.

Leaning forward I kissed him again, only gently pushing against his lips with my tongue to get him. It was so weird, feeling the roof of his mouth, and his teeth with my tongue. Devin responded, only catching my lower lip with his mouth and sucking. I gasped, as much as I could, considering we were fencing with our tongues. When he sucked on my lower lip it was amazing, the next best thing, I decided, to actually french kissing someone.

I shoved myself up, and pinned him against the bed, while getting his long legs up on my shoulder, and gently putting a finger in my mouth, I wettened it, then gently prodded at the entrance to his ass with it. He moaned, half in pain, half in something else. Pleasure? My mind questioned. Slowly pushing and prodding with that finger, I started loosening him up, then slickened up another finger and put that inside of him too.

When I decided that it was time, I spit in my hand, and started slicking up my hard cock. My dick was so hard it hurt. Leaning forward, I gently pushed it into the entrance to his boypussy, trying not to hurt him but trying to get in at the same time. I decided that boy wonder here was just to tight and pushed harder, this time penetrating the outer ring.

He gasped, and I moaned. It was tight down there, almost as tight as one of them japanese finger trap things, like the one they have on the movie called the Adam's Family. I can't remember if it's the 1st or the 2nd one. Boy, those things are tight, once they hook on, they hook on. Well, Devin was as tight as one of those, because once I was in, he hooked on.

Squirming in pain, Devin started to say something, but I leaned forward and kissed him, stopping whatever it was he was trying to say, and also trying to take what I was doing to his ass off of his mind. It worked, because he immediately settled down.

Pushing forward, I started to fuck Devin slowly, pushing in and out, while wriggling my hips. Devin gasped in pleasure, and I grinned. I decided that I'd get him to fuck me as soon as I decided that I was drink enough to bear the pain, which would probably be never considering that I don't drink, since I think it's like stupid and stuff.

I pushed forward, and pulled out again, and again, and again. Going faster, pushing, like on the accelator of your car, trying to go faster and faster. He moaned, the engine revved up, and I pushed harder, trying to go through his ass and into his stomach. Pushing more, and then pulling out, letting off the accelator. Easing up, I shoved my foot on the accelator again, shoving my dick in hard.

Devin screamed, and I cried out, letting the engine explode into the gas tank, sperm going everywhere, in his ass, out his ass, everywhere. Collapsing on top of Devin, I whispered "amazing", into his ear.

Falling asleep again, I gently curled up around Devin, pulling him to me. My last coherent thought as I feel asleep was that I was going to pay for it when I woke up again.

To Be Continued????

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