Loving Brian

By Jerry Prime

Published on May 18, 2000



Legal disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any similarities to real life is cmple coincidence. This story is not meant to insinuate the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentioned within. If you are under 18 please do not continue to read or if you have anything against homosexual relations do not read.

Loving Brian

It was a hard day at work. I work at a retail store that sells high priced clothing, too high for to afford even with my twenty percent discount. We get some low key celebrities from time to time, like Star Jones and executive producers to local television studios, but today was crazy. Celebrities flocked to the store as though they were children flocking to thier mother.

I was working at the register in the men's department when Ricky Martin comes up. I was already helping another customer when he starts yelling at me to hurry up.

"Do you know who I am? I'm in a rush," he says.

"Yes I know who you are and you can wait your turn like everyone else in this line," I reply back.

"Excuse me. What did you say?"

"I said you can wait in line like everyone else."

"You don't care at all that I am Ricky Martin?"

"Yeah I do, but these people were here first and you can wait in line."

"Wow, you have a lot of guts. I like that."


"When do you get off of work? I want to take you to dinner to thank you for putting me in place," he says.

"I don't get off untill late and by then I'll be tired. I'm sorry," I reply.

"Oh, Ok," was his only answer as he leaves.

"Wow, that was amazing. Why didn't you lert him go first? I mean That was Ricky Martin," asks the man in the front of the line.

"It just really bothers me when celebrities try and use their name to get special priveleges. Not that I meat many celebrities. Actually he's the first. Besides the people in line would have killed me. The customers in this store can be viscious," I answer.

I than looked up to see who I was talking to. He was wearing sunglassess and a hat. I knew I saw him before but I couldn't remember where. He purchased his stuff and paid with his credit card, It was Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys.

"Looks like he wasn't the only celebrity here this afternnon," I said

"Oh, you noticed who I was," he asked with a goofy grin.

"How could I not? I listen to your Cd's. You kind of stick out, even with hat and sunglasses," I said calmly lying my ass off.

"Really? I thought I had a good diguise on," he said laughing.

"I really don't want to cut this conversation short at all, and I mean that, but I have a line of customers," I said with a tremble in my throat. I really didn't want him to go, but I knew there was going to be a riot if I didn't assist these people soon.

"Oh, I understand completely. I know you turned down Ricky but I figure I'll try anyway. Do u want to go to dinner after you get off work," he asked. "I mean you're one of the only people who I ever met to act normally around me. It's a nice change. I'll bring the rest of the guys too. They'll like hanging around someone who doesn't get all weird on us."

"I think I can manage to do that," I said coolly even though inside I was screaminYES!!!!!!!

"Great what time do you get off," he asked

"I get off a little after 9:30. You guys could meet me outside those doors. I have to exit the workers door."

"Allright. We'll see you then."


"Wait. I don't even know your name."

"Oh, It's Eric."

"Eric. Ok Eric I'll see you at 9:30."


Once he left the store I paged My friend Liz down to the men's register. I was in glory. I just met the man of my dreams and I am going to dinner with him and the Backstreet Boys. I was quite excited to say the least. "What do you want," she asked as she walked to my register. "It better not be a price check." "No. I have something to tell you but it will have to wait until our break." "Well that's in five minutes. I'll be back than."

Liz is my best friend. She is the only person who knows I'm gay. I would die without her. We've been friends since the first grade and we are now eighteen. That says a lot. She also puts up with my Madonna obsession.

The five minutes passed and I went into the break room. There she was waiting for me. I told her everything from Ricky martin to Brian leaving. She was almost as excited as me. Especially at the fact that I brushed off Ricky Martin. She's not a big fan of him at all.

"I'm going with you," she said

"I don't know if that's a good idea," I responded.

"Well I kind of have to go. You're my ride," she answered.

"True. I guess you can come but only if it's ok with them."


The rest of the day went by quickly. I went to my locker, got my jacket and ran ou the door with Liz following on my heels. They were there waiting. I was still in shock. Something was telling me that they weren't going to come but there they were.

"Hey guys how are you," I asked.

"So Brian tells us you're a really cool guy, and anyone Brian thinks is cool I usually do too," Kevin said.

"I don't know about cool but I'm not bad," I replied. I have always had low self-esteem and it's very hard fopr me to take a compliment.

"Who's this attractive young lady," Nick asked as he saw Liz.

"Oh this is Liz. Is it OK if she comes along. I'm kind of her ride home.

"Yeah, no problem. We like to meet new people. We don't get to meet many people on the rode. At least people who act normal around us," AJ said.

We stood there for about five more minutes talking when we decied where to go. We decided no one was that hungry so we went to a local diner. When we got there the waitress noticed who they were right away and wsa about to scream but Aj put his finger to his lips to keep her quiet. She did and seated us at a booth in the back. The guys gave her their autographs in appreciation.

We all sat down. I went into the one side of the booth first and Liz sat across from me. Howie was aout to sit next to me but then Brian plopped down before he could. I found that odd. Nick sat next Liz. I think they kind of liked each other.

"I'm starving," Nick said.

"That's a surprise," retorted Brian.

"Hey! No need for insults," Nick said trying to act hurt.

"So Eric tells us about youreself," Keven said

" I'm kind of boring. There really isn't much to tell."

"Oh shut up, you liar," screamed Liz.. "He goes to college for theater. He's only a freshman and already he has been in four shows and starred in two."

"Really? That's really cool. I like going to the theater when I can. Hopefully WE'll see you on stage soon," Biran said

"Hopefully," I said in response.

Dinner went by. We had a lot of fun. As I was saying bye to Brian he shook my hand and gave me a hug. When I let go of his hand there was a piece of paper. When they hopped in their car and left I read what was on the paper. It read:

I had a fun time. I hope we can do it again sometime. Call me when you get home. The number to the hotel is (215)555-4646.

I showed the not to Liz. She almost screemed

"So what are you going to do?"

"I was going to throw it away. What do you think I'm going to do? I'm going to call him." What does this mean. I wonder if he's gay or if just wants to hang out.

To be continued....

I hope you like it so far. I have a lot of ideas for this story. Please send feedback to mad_popo@yahoo.com. Thanx and I hope you're enjoying it so far.

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