Loving a Shadow Original

By Nate House

Published on May 3, 2006


Once again, thank you to all of those who gave me there support in reading my story. Some people have no idea how much that means to us, but you all do. The comments and suggestions, positive or negative, are always a help. I am glad to see that I have yet to recieve anything negative, other than constructive critisism, but everything is welcomed. If someone has an opinion about what he/she would like to see in the up coming episodes, then by all means tell me. Your enjoyment is was it's all about because without you, us writers wouldn't exsist.

I hope everyone enjoyed the second part of the series. If I may be self critical, I personally thought it came out a little to sappy, but hey that's how it happened. Everyone who wrote back to me said they liked it so I guess I did alright. :-). I recieved several requests for some more of "Anne's" poetry, so I'll try to work some in. Please enjoy part three to "Loving a Shadow".

Chapter Eight: Important Events

Event One: The Meeting

Anne and Misty were sitting in their booth eating quietly. Misty was so overjoyed that she could barely breathe let alone talk. Anne was growing more nervous by the moment. Just those short months ago hardly anyone even got her to speak and here she was engaged to a wonderful woman who loved her so much. This was the one person she felt close to and knew in her heart that she wanted to be with her the rest of her life. 'Now what do we do?' Anne thought to herself. 'We still have to tell mom and dad about this and we still have to graduate before we can actually get married... I don't know if I could put her through not seeing me for months on end...'

... "that's the last thing I need," Anne said out loud without noticing.

"What's that baby," Misty said at last. She'd only been quiet for the better part of the hour. "What's the last thing you need?" Her voice took on a more humerous tone. This did little to quiet the voice in Anne's head.

"For you to have to repeat that psychodic episode," Anne said bluntly, but coated it with love. "I could bear to get another message like that. I just worry about sometimes."

"Don't you mean all the time?" Misty kept her humor on full blast. "You don't have to worry about a thing. This time you'll have some people to help you and you'll have a phone so we could keep in touch."

"Can we not talk about that part right now, Misty?" Anne's tone was still subdued. "How are we going to tell mom and dad about this, I wonder?"

"Good point," Misty said taking in the thought. "Well I guess they already have a feeling about it. I guess with this on my finger they'll probably figure it out. Oh yeah, we're supposed to go home and help out with the work!"

With that the girls ran out of the restaurant like a bat out of hell. Anne completely forgot about the house work that needed to be done.......because of her, in her mind. They got some looks as they left the building though. Anne had an idea as to why, but didn't care what they thought. Some of them looked a little suspicous and had a laugh in their eyes that Anne didn't like. 'Why would those guys be looking at us like that? We don't know them, but they were laughing at my Misty for some reason...'

"Son of a bitch!" Anne yelled out as they were crossing the parking lot. She left her coat in the booth. She realized that everyone saw her arm and decided to give her some silent hell for it. "Misty start the car, I'll be right back."

She did as she was told, although she did have a questioning look on her face. Anne came out of the building a little bit disheveled after a few moments. Her hair was astray and her right glove was torn across the back of the hand; Misty did notice the reason why she ran back into the restaurant so fast. Anne was running back to the car, worried to high hell for some reason, but Misty just started to drive when Anne got in.

"What happened in there, honey?" Misty said worried.

"Nothing that would be worth your concern," Anne said sarcastically, but with a hint of her usual self. Misty knew something was up, but figured Anne was just trying to protect her as usual.

"...Anne just tell me what happened and I'll let it go okay?" Misty said for the fifth time as they got closer to home.

"Alright, those guys were some of Rachel's and Lindsey's friends. One of them was Rachel's brother and thought I owed him something for beating the hell out her. I told him that I didn't owe them anything and they feablely attempted to sway me differently. I just didn't want you to get involved with it, so I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark about it." Anne put her hand atop of her fiance's. Misty felt better, but had a feeling there was more to it than Anne was letting on.

Misty kept glancing over to Anne's right hand and looked carefully at the torn glove. She didn't see any loose threads like as if someone tried to rip it off, the cut was clean and precise. The track led back into her wrist and suddenly stopped. Anne was just looking out into the neighborhood, her face not saying anything.

"How did you get that cut on your glove, Anne?" Misty said startling Anne a little.

"One of them pulled a knife on me," Anne said evenly. She knew Misty suspected something about her "secret", but didn't want to confirm or deny anything. "He tried to cut me across the face, but this thing saved me from that humiliation."

"It must have been a big knife," Misty sounded more like a detective than her lover.

"Yes, as a matter of fact it was," Anne retorted matching her sarcasm adding in the metaphor; she was honest in her own little way. They arrived home just after they got done talking about it. There was a huge van along side a dump truck parked just beyond the driveway. The crews were moving in and out like bees. "I guess dad must've put down some good money for these guys."

The girls made good on their promise. They helped clean up the mess and reset their room to where no one could tell the difference. Fortunately for Anne, her guitar and amplifier were over at Kevin's house getting cleaned when Sid destroyed everything. The girls helped to set up the new livingroom while John and Cindy reset the kitchen. The work lasted the rest of the day and well into the night. Everything except the new foyer chandelier was finished and that was on it's way from France so it was going to take a while.

Dinner was simple that night, some chinese take-out. Everyone sat around the new table in the dining room. Misty and Anne were still trying to think of a way to break the news to John and Cindy to no avail. They had been so busy during the day that no one noticed the large ring on Misty's left hand. Now that everyone was gathered at one place and sitting down, it was harder to keep the secret going. Fortunately, Cindy decided to break the ice.

"Have something you want to tell us, girls?" she said putting her chopsticks down.

"What makes you say that, mom?" Misty retorted quickly with her mouth full of food.

"Well, I think I speak for your father as well when I say that you two have been acting weirder than normal. You've been avoiding us all day and since dinner started the two of you have barely said a word."

"I don't know how else to say this, so I'll just say it," Anne took a deep breath before continuing..."Misty and I are.........engaged!" John and Cindy just sat lost in their own thoughts about this. Not knowing what to say, they excused themselves for a moment.

"Do you think they're angry, Anne?" Misty said more nervous than she'd ever been. The look in her parents eyes were not the most inviting she'd ever seen either.

"I think they're surprised and just as nervous as we are," Anne said without any sign of tension. "I'm not overly worried about what they're thinking of right now. Your parents took me into their home and loved me like a daughter. Besides, they know I'll never let anything happened to you as long I'm breathing." Anne grabbed her lover's hand and stroked her thumb. "Baby, you're trembling," she said with a loving smile.

"I know I am," Misty said returning the smile. " I'm just nervous about what they'll say about it. My parents have always supported me in every decision I'ver ever made, but this is just too important to not be nervous about. Even if they say 'No' all we gotta do is go to Vegas," Misty said laughing, trying to ease her tension.

"We heard that young lady," John said as he came through the door. The grin on his face spoke volumes. "Well girls, in light of what you two just said, I don't think we have a choice but to give you our blessing." John was losing his control over the boiling laugh in his gut and it was obvious to the two young girls before him. "Anne, for a long time now Cindy and I have been waiting for this day. Misty wouldn't ever stop talking about you since before we moved here. Then we hoped you'd fall for her just as she did with you. I remember those long nights our daughter lay in stir because of you, but today you've proven to be a gift upon this family." John had to stop talking. His joy was just too much. He was so happy that his little girl had found her soul mate in this lifetime and he wasn't about to ruin it for her. He had to admit to himself that Misty would always be his little girl, but she has someone else to look out for her now.

"Thank you, daddy," Misty said wrapping her arms around her father's neck. "Thanks for being so understanding of me and my choices. Thank you too mom for always keeping me safe..." Misty had to give her mother a hug as well before her own floodgates opened. Anne was content with sitting back and enjoying the company of her true family. Misty went over to her and kissed her deeply in front of everyone. As luck would have it, the damn phone rang again to ruin their embrace...and in the middle of dinner.

"Thomas residence," Anne aswered after she let it ring a couple more times. "Oh hey Steven, what's wrong?....................Are you serious? You know what happens to people who lie to me..............I think we got a deal then. Sure, sure....... Tomarrow, when exactly?.............Not a problem. See you then. Bye." Anne's voice on the phone didn't speak for what she felt inside. She was on the verge of crying when Misty's hands came to her shoulders.

"What's the matter, baby?" she said worried.

"Remeber that New York big shot I told you about? Well he's coming down here to record our live perofrmance at the prom as our trial album for the studio."

"Oh my God, Anne that's great!" Misty threw herself onto her lover, nearly knocking her over.

"There's more," Anne said still without any hint of excitement in her voice. "He said he was going to be our producer and manager as well and was going to pay us a thousand dollars for every two hundred copies sold to be split amongst the band members, and we're already getting paid a thousand from the school just to be there anyway."

"Anne, why are you so calm about this?" Misty said still worried about her. "You should be jumping through the roof about news like this."

"Because I forgot how to be excited about news like this. I lost that ability a long time ago, but I feel so happy inside. I just got engaged and started a career in the same day..."

"I guess that's not bad for a high schooler," John said as he came in the room to congradulate his newest daughter. "If this guy needs any help with advertising, just let me know when you meet him, alright?" John finished with his offer and headed back ot to his chilling dinner.

"Sure dad," Anne just fell into her fiance's embrace once again. "I think this means that our time together will be a bit shortened, honey," she whispered into Misty's ear. "I know it's not what you wanted to hear right now, but we meet with this guy tomarrow to go over the contract and rehersal." Now Anne started to cry for her Misty. 'Oh my God, I'm actually crying...'

"I'll go with you, baby. What time are we going over there?"

"Steven told me that this guy is wanting us to meet him at Olive Garden when it opens, so we'll be up and out of here at ten-thirty. I guess that means that you finally get meet my brothers then," Anne finished with finally some display of emotion; she finally sounded happy with the whole idea. The girls rejoined their parents back in the dinning room to finish eating. Misty's hand never left Anne's grasp the remainder of the meal.

It was nearly ten-thirty when everyone retired for the night. Anne went immediately over to the alarm clock to set it for eight. Anne turned around to catch her Misty getting dressed for bed, which is to say in almost nothing at all. Anne oticed how the greyish blue luminationform the moon captured her body perfectly. Her flawless skin glew like the heavenly body itself. Without realizing it, or just lost her own Utopia, Misty started getting completely naked before her eyes. Anne just sat on the egde of the bed watching her lover shed her clothes in sheer amazement. She'd done this many times before, but this was different somehow. Her body looked so beautiful in the light bring Anne's feeling for her lover to a new level. Misty's body was starting to sweat up, glistening in the light of the night. She walked right over to Anne and kissed her with all of her heart. Anne fell back on the bed under her weight. Anne didn't care that she still had her clothes on, in that moment she just wanted to make her lover the happiest woman alive. Anne felt Misty hands roaming allover her body; from the top of her head to the lower part of her legs. Anne was getting drneched in her lover's sweat as she lay on op of her.

Misty adjusted somewhat, positioning herself to where Anne's head was in her lap. Anne wasted no time in starting the night's events. She stuck out her tongue and tasted her fiance for the first time as such. The ring on her finger must have done something to taste of it because Misty's juices were even better. Anne made more noise than Misty whenever her tongue passed over Misty's pussy. Misty's breathing was becoming more and more hoarse as Anne's enthusiasm increased. Misty's panting was enough to get Anne off at the same time; she could feel her own orgasm building up inside as her own fingers probed her deep. Anne's attention quickly went to her lover's clit, knowing she wuold be rewarded soon. She sucked on Misty's clitoris even harder than she was fingering herself. Misty's pussy squirted out Anne's reward across her face, nearly passing out in the process. Anne did a good job of cleaning up after her messy lover's mess.

"Please let me do that to you," Misty said, barely able to speak at all. Her entire body was covered in sweat from head to toe and glowing from the light coming in from the window.

"Tonight is for you, baby," Anne said cleaning off her own fingers seductively. Bringing Misty's hand to her crotch she said with a gleam in her eye, "Besides you've already got me off." Misty quickly brought her dampened fingers to her mouth to savor the taste.

"I guess I did," she said laughing a little. Anne propped her up onto her lap, stroking her hair. Misty just laid in her lover's care thinking of her and her soon to bride. She didn't want to think about how far apart they were going to be or for how long that may be. She was smart enough to know that their wedding might be on hold for a long while and made peace with that idea, but just wanted to be in her Anne's embrace for now. Knowing that Anne would always be there for her and how much she cared for her, her mind relaxed with great haste. Before Anne could tell Misty to get dressed, she heard her sleeping. "I never want to be away from you," Anne whispered. "You will never have to worry about that Misty. I love you so much..." Anne felt her own mind shutting down as she bent over to give her lover her due kiss. Anne herself fell asleep before she got back upright.

The next morning's sun was shining right though their window. Fortunately enough the curtains were drawn so Anne wasn't blinded when she openned her eyes. She heard Misty in the shower humming to a song she didn't recognise. Anne did notice that her clothes were more off than when she went to bed. Her shirt was on the floor, next to her panties, and her bra had been moved about. Her skirt had been pushed up along her legs..."Looks like she did pay me back," she said with a huge grin across her face. Anne looked over at the clock to see it was only nine. Her head quickly found it's way back to the pillow, but fail in falling back to sleep. She heard the shower turn off and Misty walking back towards the room.

"Well, I guess you did have your fun after all," Anne said sheepishly.

"With the way you were moaning I didn't think you were asleep," Misty said returning the same look in her eye. "I couldn't just let you do that to me without repaying you, you know that."

"Explains that damn good dream I was having," Anne retorted smiling. She walked over to her lover and gave her a very good moring kiss. "See ya downstairs baby."

"Don't you think you should get fully dressed first?" Misty spoke up quickly, worrying what her parents would think of her going around without any underware on.

"Why would I do that exactly? They already have an idea of what went on in here, so I don't think they'll mind too much if they slept through that!" Anne pranced down the hallway giggling to herself. Misty watched her bounce her tits and ass, aimed for her attention anyway, away from her.

She returned to their room. She put on something that was a bit professional for today. By the time she got around to coming into the dinning room with everyone else, breakfast had been made and served. Simply French Toast, but with every other thing in the world to go with it. "Thought I smelled something good," she said taking her seat next to Anne.

"I'm glad to see atleast some of us got a good night sleep," John said as they startd to eat. All of the females in the room shot him a look that said 'Shut the hell up!'

"Dad, must we talk like that at the table?" Misty asked, her mouth full of food.

"Misty do we talk with our mouths full as well," John retorted trying to get under her skin. Anne kicked him in the shin laughing. 'Now I'm very happy that you decided to move back here' Anne thought to herself.

"When are you supposed to meet everyone, Anne," Cindy asked trying to change the subject. "I hear it's some kind of producer."

"He's offered us that proposition; yes," Anne said seriously. "According to Steven, his name is Robert Michim, or Bob, and what he wants is to meet us for lunch...at his expense no less, and talk to us about becoming our manager-producer. He offered us, out of his own pocket, a trip to a studio in New York with the recording of the Prom as a demo tape. Apparently he saw us while we were in Washington and liked what he saw. I figured there would be some talent scouts, seeing as the event was by invitation only, but who knew we would be the lucky ones picked." Anne rubbed her hand along Misty's leg, looking into her eyes. "Besides if Misty wasn't competing, the band wouldn't want to have gone in the first place."

"Sounds like a pretty good offer,"John said happy to see Anne finally getting somewhere with her future.

"Yes it does," Anne said quietly, thinking somewhat along those lines.

The girls cleared the table and washed some of the dishes. By the time they got around to everything, they were running a little late. Anne still hadn't taken a shower or even changed from yesturday. Cindy offered to take over the chores while Anne atleast changed and perfumed the hell out of herself. Misty drove like a bat out of hell to the restaurant. Fortunatly they weren't the only ones late. Bob himself and half of his staff got stuck in traffic and showed up after everyone else was seated.

Anne got to talk to some of his cohorts, methodically getting Bob's credentials. He sounded like an alright guy to work with, but had his own way of getting things done. She did notice that Misty and herself were the only women of the group. The waiter had just came out with the drinks when Bob arrived apologizing all to hell.

"Again, I'm sorry for being late," He said when he took his seat. "I hope I didn't miss anything too juicey." Everyone of his buddies laughed, lightening the mood of the band members. Bob started pointing down the table, trying to get to know everyone. "I already know Steven. You must be Kevin, the bass guitarist. Kurt on the four-string bass. Tyler on the cello. James working the drums. Next would be Tony playing the viola, but who's the girl sitting next to me?"

"That's Anne, Bob," Steven said with a great sense of pride, "she's Jason's little sister. The girl with her is Misty."

"Nice to meet you Anne," Bob presented his hand, but Anne didn't take as usual.

"The pleasure is all mine I assure you, Robert. No need for hand shakes," Anne's usual self kicked in. Bob retracted his hand smiling outwardly, but the presence of Anne made him feel a bit uneasy.

"Okay then Anne, you must be the guitarist," Bob's tone was a little more humored than before, trying not to make Anne look like she intimidated him. The rest of the band picked up on Bob's look when he spoke to her. Something in her eyes told him her story. He felt as though someone just took a deep look into his soul to find the things that he didn't want anyone else to see.

"Let me just say, I think you guys, and girls, have got a lot of talent. According to the story I read in Rolling Stone magazine, you all recieved the most votes in the fan poll. The article went on to talk about your history and the tragedy that befell upon you, but how the band kept going. Steven was the one who brought it to my attentio that Anne asked of you all a favor and everyone agreed without so much as one person complaining about it. Tell me how that works with all of you."

James spoke up first, "We are a family, bottom line. I'm sure Steven has told you already that no one in this group makes the final decision. Either we all agree to it, or we don't do it. When Anne spoke to Steven about her favor, the word 'No' never even entered my mind. She's been like the band's little sister for a long time now and with Jason's death, we seemed to grow more attached to her as such. I think of the people I play next to as my brothers, and now sister. The only person that we could all agree on to play the guitar poistion was Anne, when she finally got around to seeing us." James winked at Anne, trying to get her to loosen up a little knowing full well that she wouldn't ever think about it.

"I think I speak for the rest of us when I say I agree with James on that one," Kurt spoke out, rising to his feet. "What you see here, Bob, is the original band. Personally I always though of Anne as a member. She's always been there to help us out when we need it and we just love her like a little sister. She's even written the lyrics for more than a dozen of our songs for us, before she started actually playing." Kut took his seat once again as the waiter came out to get their orders. The girls didn't get anything big, but the men at the table were starving.

Misty was listening to everything Anne's brothers were saying about her. It made her feel better knowing first-hand that she'll have not just one, but six people to look out for her when they couldn't be together. Anne could hear her sobbing a little when this thought came to light.

"Well then Anne," Bob said, obviously taken a bit back by the band's support of the girl in the group. "From where I was, you playing was some of the best I've ever heard from a teenager. Where did you learn to play like that? The rifs you were playing rivaled that of some of the top bands in the world right now."

"Is that why you sought us out, Robert?" Anne said not taking to kindly to the compliment. "I know you are here today to sign us to a studio in New York, but would you be so kind as to tell me your financial motives for this benerous offer. I've never known anyone who would take a band that has never released an album and give them a shot like the one you're advertising."

"My motives, young lady, are entire insidental," Bob said stunned by Anne's response of seeming hostility. "The way my pay works out, much like yours, is how much your music sells. If you don't sell anything, then I lose all the money I'm investing in you here today and what I'm offering. Hopefully that won't be the case and all of us here today will reep the benefits of success." Anne's expression didn't change a bit. Everyone that knows her were laughing their asses off inside, but tried to keep this meeting professional.

"You have to get used to that, Bob," Tony said not being able to hold back any longer. "She's always like that about everything. It's her own little way of testing your guts." Anne shot him a look and his mouth quickly quieted.

"What exactly are you offering us, Robert?" Anne returned her eyes to his, her usual cold-heartd demeanor still showing.

"What I'm offering The String Metal Septet is your chance at success. I've already contacted my friends about your demo recording. That will be made at my expense and I will not seek compensation for it in the future in any way, shape or form. Assuming the recording company picks you up for the contract, I personally will have you flown up to New York City and get to work. Everytime we go on tour, do some kind of public showing or anything that involves playing your music, it will come out of my pocket. Period."

"Why would you offer a deal that good to us and not someone else? Was it because we got the article in the magazine or because you honestly believe we have the talent for this?" Anne's tone did change, but it wasn't as inviting to the offer as Bob was hoping everyone would light up to.

"Steven, I see why you picked her up. She's pretty damn good with these matters," Bob called out, again trying to loosen Anne up to the idea. "Anne, I honestly believe this band has the talent to go far with this career. Your guitar, James's drums and your overall sound is something the people have never heard before. To put it simply, I want to be the one who gets you there, not someone who doesn't know how to market a band." The food was brought out as Bob finished explaining himself to this teenaged girl. 'Damn this girl is good. That's exactly the attitude we need to succeed in this industry.'

The conversation took on a much more personal mood after that. Bob with his group of lawyers and staff wanted to honestly get to know everyone in the band before he sent the disc off to New York. He planned to personally deliver the recording to the studio owner so that he could fly back with the contracts in his hands to present to the group. In all of his talkings, no one brought up any of Anne's past outside of what was aleady said. This struck him as odd, seeing as how eagerly everyone was ready to defend this girl, but no one wanted to actually talk about her. Misty didn't even talk about it when he shifted his attention to her. She did introduce herself as her fiance, which was stunning enough to him, but he was cool with that; he's been in this business for a long time so he's seen pretty much everything.

"Alright then," Bob said as the hour was getting late. "Steven you have my number so call me if there are any changes. I trust you will not disappoint at the gig. I would stay for w hile longer, but I have some other business to attend to. I'll see you all next week at the school." With that, more than half of the people had left the room.

"What do you all think about this?" Kevin said when he knew everyone was gone. "I thought he was a little high on himself, but I guess that proves that he knows what he's doing."

"I agree," Tony said next. "I mean if he didn't want us for the label he would've left after Anne got done grilling him. I'm also glad that no one said anything about Anne's past. Until we can trust him fully, I say we don't tell him about it."

"You already do trust him fully Tony," Anne said, her words dripping with disdain. "You've agreed to give him sole control over our future. From where I was sitting he does sound like he knows what he's doing and I'm willing to give him a chance with us, but I don't trust him.......and I'll be the one to tell him about this." Anne started to rub her right arm as she spoke of it.

"I guess then we all agree to it then?" Steven spoke out. Everyone gave their approval. "Alright, since that took longer than I thought it would, we'll meet at my house tomarrow for rehersal. Anne, when we meet on the weekdays, just come straight to my house when you get out of school."

"No need to wait for me," Anne said. "I called the principal last night and he agreed to let me have the next two weeks off for this. Besides, it's not like my grades will slip or anything," Anne finished with a big smile across her face. "By the way, I worked out a deal to have the equipment set up in the school, so we can practice there." Everyone left and went home after a few more minutes of talking about nothing.

Event Two: The Deal

The Monday after the meeting with Robert, Anne told her students about her quitting her tutoring job and told them about her up comng album as if it was already released. The students took it a little hard, but waited for their favorite teacher's music to come out.

Every afternoon for the next week, the band waited to hear from Robert. Steven got all of the equipment set up in the theater the night of the meeting, practically by himself. Anne and Misty stopped by to offer some help and so Anne could more formally introduce her fiance to him. Steven was always more than honored to meet someone that Anne liked, considering how rarely that ever happened. Misty introduced him around to some of her friends. He came to be quite the charmer in the eyes of the females and the bad ass in the eyes of the males.

No one was allowed to hear any of the bands rehersals during this time, not even Misty; they wouldn't want to ruin the surprise for everyone. Day eight of rehersals came around and still no word from Robert, but Steven wasn't that worried about it. He had faith that Bob would call him if things got tight. Mr. Hnery came into the theater to tell the band even bigger news.

"You fellas are not going to believe this," he said overwhelmed with excitement. It was obvious that this was not just something small.

After several tense moments, Kurt finally spoke out, "What the hell is it already?"

"Sorry guys, but I'm still in shock by the news myself. The Venetian Hotel heard about what was going on and they offered that the prom be held there free of charge, giving you the best possible venue for us!"

"Holy shit, you're kidding me! I know you are!" Steven said while everyone else started going crazy.

"I kid you not," Mr Henry replied. "So pack up all of your stuff and get headed over there!"

They wasted no time in tearing down and packing everything up. Mr. Henry offered his own van to help transport some of the stuff and Anne called Misty with the good news.

"Baby, get ready for this!" Anne said with that rush still going through her veins.

"What is it honey?" Misty answered back almost in a state of worry. She was at her own practice all the way across campus and just happened to be near her cell phone when Anne called. "Is there something wrong?"

"Hell no there's nothing wrong! The prom has been moved to the Venetian Hotel at no charge to the students or the band. Now we can get that hotel room for prom like we want and not have to drive there!" Misty never heard her Anne so extatic before, not even when Misty surprised her with the hotel room idea. She was a little taken back by this news, her heart was taken for a ride when she heard the mood of Anne's voice. She had to admit to herself a bit of jealousy towards the band, but reminded herself that this was Anne's career taking off. "Misty are you okay? I can hear you breathing. Did something just happen?"

"No, Anne," Misty said evenly, but tried to sound happy,"I have to get back to practice now. We'll celebrate when we get home."

"It's a date honey," Anne could feel Misty's jealousy coming through the phone. She tried her best to ease it away. 'I had a feeling this would happen. I just hope she'll be okay while I'm away from her for so long at a time.' Anne could feel her rush dying quickly. She helped pack up and unload everything to carry across town to the hotel. They decided not to reherse the rest of the night as it was already past six and Anne told them about her date.

"Misty, I'm home," Anne called out when she arrived home about thirty minutes later.

"Upstairs, sweety," Misty called back. Anne could hear a change in her tone already. She sounded a happy as ever to get to see her Anne. She ran upstairs to find her in a lovely ball gown, standing in front of the full length mirror. Anne gasped out loud when she found her standing there. The gown of emerald green made her glow in the evening light. The sky's purple shade did wonders for the atmosphere building in the room. "You like?"

"I...I think I do," Anne said trying to find the words to say. She walked over to her and kissed her lover for all she was worth. Breaking off the kiss when she could breathe no more, she gabbed her tightly against her body. "God, you're beautiful Misty."

"I've missed you this past week you know," Misty said returning the embrace. She could hear the sadness in Anne's voice when she spoke. Stepping apart a bit, Misty spoke first, "I think I've only seen you during school and that's not nearly enough for me you know."

"I know baby," Anne sounded very sincere in her apology. "I'm sorry that I've been neglecting you lately, but you know how I am about things. I don't want to be the one who makes everyone look bad, so I've had to practice my ass off to get ready for this. We all agreed to take a couple days off and rest, so I'm all yours again!" With that Anne threw herself once again against her Misty, tackling her to the bed this time.

"That was a nice way to say it,"Misyt said sitting up. She had hoped for something like this to happen soon. She was really missing her Anne and the time she spent with her friends was becoming insufficient to keep her mind off of her Anne.

"I've got another surprise for you, honey," Anne said softly looking into her lover's eyes. "I talked to the owner of the hotel himself and got it okayed that the band members and one more person of each's choosing can stay for free as well. He also gave me first choice of rooms, so we will be staying in the penthouse suite!"

"Oh my God Anne that's incredible," Misty said as her ryes started to water. "How did you pull that off?"

"I learned a few things in negotiation a while back, but I was just as surprised when he volunteered the offer. I hope that makes up for the time we've lost this past week." Anne laid her head on her Misty's shoulder. She wrapped her arms around her as tight as she could get. Misty rested her head atop of Anne's and they sat that way for a little while taking in every moment they could just being in the same room at the same time.

"What are we going to get for you to wear?" Misty said after about five minutes of their serenity.

"I don't know," Anne said trying to avoid the topic all together. "This is something that I don't want anyone else to know about. I guess we have to go shopping again." Anne had her eyes in lap and was rubbing her right arm.

"I guess so baby," Misty said in a much more happy of tone. "This will help to give us our time together that we've missed. And afterwards we can get something to eat."

"Sounds good enough to me baby. I think the mall is still open."

Anne helped Misty change out of her prom dress with great pleasure. She stripped her down slowly soaking in every inch of her body. Her skin was so soft and tender under her touch. Misty couldn't control her moan as it escaped her lips. Anne's fingers gliding over skin as Misty's dress fell to the floor. Anne wrapped her arms around her fiance's waist in a loving embrace. They stood like that for a minute enjoying every passing second before they parted.

"I gotta get dressed baby," Misty said still lost their Utopia. "As much as we would like, I can't go out in just my bra and panties."

"Okay, just ruin my fun," Anne's said laced with sarcasm. She did watch her lover keep bending over to in the dresser to find her clothes. Anne stood patiently by loving her Misty for everything she's done for her.

"All done," Misty said wearing a skimpy little top and a pair of tight jeans. Her tits looked like they would bust out from their protective material., not to Anne's disappointment to any extent. "What do yah think lover?"

"Gorgous, sexy, mine, it's all good sweety," Anne said with love in her eyes. The girls got out a few minutes later after some cuddling.

They drove to the mall laughing and just enjoying themselves. Being five past seven by the time they got there, they had to make quick work of finding Anne a dress before they closed; Anne knew she wouldn't really have another chance. They went to the same place where they picked out her gown for their big night out. Misty knew not to pick one that was sleeveless or atleast didn't come with a shawl of some kind. Anne wanted something that was more towards a cocktail dress rather than like what Misty bought for herelf. She found several that she wanted to try on. A couple were partially sleeved, but came complete with full arm gloves.

Anne wasted hardly any time deciding. Once she found the one that suited every condition of the night, she didn't even bother with the rest. She decided on a dark blue evening gown with a not-so-revealing bustline cut, but came over her shoulders perfectly to hide her "disability". he gown flowed nicely with how she would be holding her guitar adn that she would ruin the seems doing so.

Misty decided to wait outside this time, rather than going inside like on their last visit here. She wait in eager anticipation for her lover to reveal herself in her new attire. What she saw floored her. Anne looked more than stunning when she showed herself. The gloves came up under the shoulders and the neckline was perfect. It showed just enough to show off her nice bustline, but still covered her shoulder plate, and her scars.

"Anne, it's gorgous on you," Misty said with her hands to her mouth. She leaned in and kissed her passionately while Anne felt like doing more; she wanted to relive their last experience in that dressing room. "I think you're going to turn heads for sure."

"I like it too, baby," Anne said feling happy that her lover approved so much. Anne went back in and changed. She came back out to the same greeting. They walked around the store for a little longer and found some lovely accessories to accompany the gown. Misty happily paid for everything on her own account.

Anne modeled her new dress to John and Cindy when they got home; both of them had to work late that night. She was much happy to be showing her self off in this one than the last time. When she came down the stairs, much like before, she was greeted with a big family hug and a camera. John and Cindy gave their approval and asked Misty just how much it cost her. Not too stunned by the three-digit number, they told Anne to go back upstairs and change.

"Are you sure you're okay with this dear?" Cindy asked when Anne was walking up the stairs.

"I guess so," Misty said looking at the floor not really sure about what to say. "I know it's going to be tough to keep out relationship together when we're almost half the country apart, but I trust Anne. She's never given me a reason not to. Besides, I know how she acts around anyone she doesn't know. I don't think anyone will try to take her away." Her face lit up when she spoke. She knew that Anne would never leave her for anyone else and she would never leave Anne. Just admitting that it will be tough was enough to make her think this is going to work out.

"Alright honey,"John said with all the confidence in the world. "I'm sure we'll be giving you this same speech a thousand times before the day, but remember that you two are always welcome back here if you need to work things out...for any reason. Never forget, Misty, if you need anything, just pick up the damn phone. Okay honey." John started weeping when his own reality set in. His only little girl was to be married and felt that loss in his heart that any father would get. He thought back through her life and knew that he could always count on her to do the right thing, no matter the circumstances.

Anne came running back down a few minutes later. She knew her parents just wanted a little bit of time with their Misty, something they rarely got anymore. They all settled in the living room to watch a movie or two while Anne told them the good news. John and Cindy were almost as extatic as Anne when she recieved the news.

Right after they got done with the first movie, the phone started ringing off the hook. John got up to answer it, "Hello? Oh hey Steven. Yeah she's right here, you want to talk to her about something?" John said winking. "Alright alright here she is.....Anne!"

"Hello, Steven," Anne said hoping for more good news, "You're kidding?!........I don't know what to say I mean that's never happened to me before..................alright Steven, see you then. Bye." Anne put the phone down as Misty came up behind her.

"What's up sweety?" Misty said as her arms came around her Anne's waist.

"Robert talked to the studio executives and came to an agreement. They told him that he wanted to see us right away. They want us to come to New York as soon as we can to discuss the contract. According to Robert, we leave on Tuesday at noon."

Misty sank back a little knowing what was coming next, but tried to hide it in her happiness for her lover, "That's great honey. Hope everything goes as well and make sure you bring me back smething good."

Anne could see past Misty feable fascade. She knew she wanted to be on the flight, but knew there was no possible way that can happen, not this time. She didn't even bother to ask how long they'd be gone, so she knew something was up. "We leave on Tuesday and come back Thursday," Anne said softly. "Don't worry. We'll be alright honey."

Just then John came over to Anne and congradulated her. Cindy did the same, but took Misty off to the side to have a little chat. Anne and John went back to the room and put the second movie in. They waited a couple of minutes before calling out to the girls in the kitchen. Misty came back with her eyes as red as a stop sign. She sat in the chair in Anne's lap, resting her head back against her lover's cheek. The movie ended to a sleeping audience. All four fell asleep about halfway through and didn't wake until six the next morning.

All day during school, Misty would not let go of Anne's hand whenever they were together. When they had to part for class, Anne almost had to force herself away so neither of them would be late. Whenever they got to calculus, Misty couldn't focus on the lesson. She went through hell to get Anne and was worried that something bad would happen. Much to her teachers' surprise, Anne showed up for class as if she had been there all last week. She didn't miss a beat in class, but still hated being there. Some of the teachers were a little harsh on her during the lesson, even more so than usual. Lunch rolled around and Misty sat with Anne at her lonely table, rather than with her friends like she normally did. The attention didn't bother Anne too much, she was just as protective of Misty, only Anne knew how to let it not get the best of her. The same story repeated itself during physics. Misty's attention was nowhere near where it was supposed to be.

When school let out, Anne followed her to her practice. She figured that if she returned the favor, then Misty would calm down a little. She sat in the bleechers and watched her Misty practice her ass off, even though their season had ended. Misty still thought it best to keep up with her training since she would be headed off to college and would be needing all the physical workouts as she could get. Anne trie her best to appear as though she wanted to be there and one level she did. She want to support her Misty just as much as she supported her. Anne kept an ear out on everyone else in the small audience as they would only whisper to each other about Anne's band.

Practice let out and Misty looked a little better. She was happy that Anne was there to keep her going. Anne was her only motivation anymore. Everything she's accomplished, she owed to Anne, though she only really gave her moral support.

Anne and Misty invited Diane over for dinner that evening. Misty made arangements with her parents to have the house to themselves. Anne said she would do the cooking as long as Diane and Misty did the cleaning.

"Diane, I have a favor to ask of you," Misty said when everyone sat down to eat. The aroma of Anne's cooking was dwarfed only by the flavor. All those nights of cooking for herself finally had a purpose.

"Anything, honey," Diane said eager as ever.

"I want you to be my maid of honor," Misty asked point blank. "Anne proposed to me the other day and as you probably saw in school, I said yes!" Misty's attitude sky rocketed. This had a profound effect on Diane; the only time Misty's been truely happy was when she talked in a any way about Anne for as long as she could remember.

"I don't think I have a choice do I?" Diane said sarcasticly. "Of course I would be your maid of honor, but have you two even decided on a date yet?"

"No," Anne said somewhat ashamed, "with the plans that we have going on right now, the wedding wouldn't be for a long while yet. Probably in about a year."

"Atleast you'll have plenty of time to plan," Diane said trying to cheer Anne up, but to no avail. "Just remember you two, if you ever need anything don't be affraid to ask, okay?"

"No problem cousin," Misty said also trying to cheer up Anne. The relatives spent the ret of the eening talking about what they were going to do in college next year. Anne tried her best to stay tuned, but felt an ominous aura taking hold of her heart. She knew what she wanted, but was affraid. Misty was the only person in her entire life that was able to bring her to her knees like this. The very depths of her being was put on the edge of a knife. She knew all to well what usually happen to long-distance relationships, but knew what would happen to Misty if she broke it off...especially now.

Diane and Misty chatted away, even while Anne cleaned off the table. Anne sat back down with the girls, still trying to keep her fascade alive. During their conversation, Diane got on the subject of her love life, and how far along it had gone. Actually, her and Daniel Stour were the newest item of all the gossip in school and their love was only getting deeper. Anne wasn't too surprised by this news, she knew that Daniel always had a thing for the perky types.

Evening gave way to night. Anne turned on the television while Misty and Diane honored their part of the bargain. Anne's thoughts weren't for the best, not that she suddenly got a case of cold feet two days into the engagement. Her worry for her Misty was taking control over her every move. Tha's all she's known for the past few months ad that's all se cared about. Misty's happiness was all that mattered to her and she could not stay focused on anything when they would be eight hundred miles apart.

At around nine-thirty, Diane hugged to betrothed ones as she left. She thanked Anne for the lovely dinner and headed out the door. When Diane was safely on her way back to her house, Misty shut the door and embraced her Anne. Anne could hear her weeping a bit as she put her arms around her shoulders.

"Misty, honey,what's wrong?" Anne asked, but knew already.

""What was with you tonight, baby?" Misty said tearing up a bit. "You seemed lost, like as if you didn't want to be here tonight. You just worry me is all." The embrace lingered on for only a few more moments, but to the girls an hour passed before they broke apart.

"You know how I get when I start thinking," Anne said wishing her thoughts would torture her no more. "I'm always worried about you, especially since I'm not always going to be there to protect you. I'm sorry if I ruined your evening with your cousin."

"No you didn't ruin it, baby," Misy said trying to cheer the both of them up. "She said she'd do it so it all went okay."

The girls went to bed before John and Cindy made it home from their own date. They went in to check on them to find they were tangled in each other. Both of the parents felt a smile come across their faces.

Tuesday morning was coming over the horizon. Anne stood by the window like she normally did and just watched. She'd woken up about a half hour ago and started to pack up for the trip; nothing too major for the one night stay in the city. The band wasn't planning on doing any touristy-type stuff, just what they were called there for. Anne did her best not to disturb everyone too much as she went about the house, but John has a nasty habit of snoring himself awake. As Anne was finishing with her packng, John spoke to her for a few minutes,as he would be the one to take her to the airport.

Anne sat back on the bed and watched the red sun rise, not the most comfortable of sunrises to watch before traveling. She felt her lover stirring in the bed beside her. A smile came to her lips as she watched her Misty dream the beautiful dream. Anne lowered her head and placed a kiss on Misty's soft lips. A light moan of appreciation was what Anne hoped to hear. Misty started to wake up herself, rubbing her eyes. The white walls of their room had a tint of red about them this morning, much to Misty's surprise. Her focus quickly went back to her fiance and gave her a kiss of her own. Breaking away, Misty saw the small carry-on bag sitting by the door and remembered what day it was. As disheartened as she felt, she couldn't help but feel a sence of pride for her Anne knowing that this was the big break she has been hoping for her whole life; a bright eyed smile greeted Anne.

"Good morning sweetheart," Misty said as she sat upright.

"It is, isn't it," Anne said looking out the window at the ominous sunrise. "It does worry me a bit when a red sun rises the day I have to travel. Thankfully, though, I'm sure everything will go as I'm planning. I want to come home and tell you the good news."

"Just remember to keep your head on your shoulders, baby," Misty responded with a bit of worry in her voice. She knows what's always happened to Anne everytime she gets her hopes up about anything. "I know everything will go well for you and the guys."

John came walking into the room as the girls finished their conversation. "Ready, Anne?"

"Yeah, just give me a second. I'll meet you outside." John walked out to the car and patiently waited. He knew those two coldn' be separated for anything and they would have to get their hugs and kisses out of the way before Anne went anywhere.

Anne's ride to the airport was in silence. With so many things rushing through her thoughts she didn't have time to think of anything to say. Her head filled with every possible scenario as to how things will play out once they got to the city. 'Will the guy like us and want to take us in?'..........'or will he hate us and want us to go back to the garage?.....' John on the other hand couldn't keep his mouth shut. He kept going on and on about her furture and the wedding; Anne's ears were turned off fortunately for her.

Misty wasn't sure what to do with her day now. Her Anne was on a plane to New York and her schedule was pretty much open, even with her practices still going on. Diane couldn't keep her mouth shut over the joyous news of being her baby cousin's maid of honor. Misty did manage to find her two bride's maids that she wanted; that was the highlight of her day. Anne and Misty already discussed that James would be the ring-bearer and Steven would be the one to give Anne away seeing as he was the closest person as a father figure to her. During practice, Misty was the talk of the group. Even though she would rather not say anything about it yet as far as details went, she did talk to anyone who asked her. Jennica and Diane were the ones instigating everything, as usual.

Anne told her before she left that she would be calling around ten o'clock their time, or nine at Misty's house. She counted down the hours, then the minutes until the phone rang. John and Cindy knew better than to leave their little girl alone with Anne away. They all sat at the dinner table, with Diane in Anne's spot trying to keep Misty calm. Everyone knew all too well how fragile their daughter was about Anne. She worried night and day about her, fortunately that was mutual between them. Anne never told Misty why she doesn't sleep that well. She is always on her gaurd for her. Anne sometimes made the joke that she always has to keep on hand on the trigger, but that's hard to do in your sleep with one hand.

Nine thirty rolled around and the phone lay dormant. The family gathered in front of the television with Misty in the chair by the phone, tapping her finger on the end table. Nine forty-five came and the phone was still dead. Misty went to her room to get Bob's business card to call him herself. On her way back down the phone finally started to ring. Diane was the first to answer, but Misty quickly grabbed it from her. She heard the most soothing of voices on the other end, her nerves suddenly eased.

"I love you," Anne said immediately, knowing who it was.

"I love you, too, sweety," Misty said sitting down in the chair once again. "I was just about to call Bob and find out what was taking so long."

"I'm glad you didn't, because I'm using his phone," Anne said hinting to something. "The phones in our rooms are completely fucked up, it looked like someone threw them out the window. We've been waiting for over an hour for new ones that the hotel promised, but as you can see they haven't come yet."

"How was the flight, baby?" Misty asked glad to hear she was okay

"Long and boring," Anne said sighing, "everyone slept the whole way and the movie sucked. I didn't sleep a wink and they had my best friend locked away in luggage compartment. They stupid flight attendant didn't give me any paper to even write on. It was just a very bad flight."

"That does suck, but atleast you made it their okay."

"Yeah, I guess so. Robert's pretty pissed right now about our accomidations, so the whole band is pretty frustrated about today. I got to go, sweetheart. I'll call you tomarrow night. Bye."

"Good bye, sweety. I love you."

"Love you too."

Misty fell back in her chair, glad to hear Anne's traveling went about as she predicted. The flight sucked, the hotel fucked up the reservations and everyone's on edge. Diane noticed how her cousin started to drift off so she took her up to her room. Diane rejoined everyone to say her goodbyes and left for her own siesta.

The next day went about as Misty would have predicted. She couldn't focus in class, everyone that knew her was talking about her lesbian wedding, not in a good way either. She did her best to defend herself to the immaturity, but realised that Anne made a much stronger impression than she. Diane and the rest of Misty's close circle of friends were harrassed as well a bit, but the strength in their numbers made sure that didn't last long. Mostly these were people who knew their relationships were going no where and had to make Misty feel the same. With her ring on her finger, however, she felt that her Anne was always with her through most of this and had a feeling that these people will get what's owed to them when she gets back, with interest.

Anne never did call that night. Misty figured that was for the best. She knew Anne just spent all day with the most up tight assholes on the planet and needed some rest. She knew Anne would be home tomarrow and would tell her all about the deal, or no deal, that they talked about. John and Cindy felt their old memories coming back to when they were in a similar situation. John used to travel all over the country giving seminars and opening relations with other businesses for months, even years, on end. Cindy was fortunate enough to have her own agenda filled, but the feeling of loneliness and distance did have their affects on the couple. When it was all over, they found they were only closer, as they're sure their daughter and Anne will be.

Misty's dreams were filled with happiness that night. She kept having visions of her dream wedding and her happy life with Anne. In the twisted logic of dreams, she kept seeing a third person in the mix as a good thing. This person never said a word to anyone or about anything, but was happy to be living with herself and Anne. Suddenly, they were an old couple sitting on the porch looking out into the sunset, taking in the splender of it's beauty. The blonde woman was playing in the yard with some children and seemed to be just as happy with her life. Misty awoke when she in her dream went to sleep.

School was just about to end. Misty was sitting at her desk, just waiting for it to be over when she felt the door calling her name. It was a sweet, hypnotic voice, like that of the Sirens. As her eyes fell upon the window, Anne's face appeared. Misty's face immediately lit up. The bell rang and Misty ran out the door to greet her fiance. She jumped into Anne's waiting arms, giving her a hug as if she hadn't seen her in years.

"I've missed you so much," Misty yelled over the noise of the hallway. Everyone looked over at the couple thinking the same thing. Those who patronized and picked on Misty over the last few days quickly made their exits.

"I missed you too, baby," Anne said, almost in a sad way.

"Well, what happened yesturday?" Misty said as the girls were walking to Misty's locker.

"Sorry I didn't call you about it last night, but I was worn out beyond belief over all the shit you've got to go through," Anne said, sounding as if her brain was still racked from the meeting. "Long story short, we got the deal," Anne's tone wasn't the most uplifting sound in the world, but Misty jumped for joy anyway.

"That's great, sweety, but how come you're so down about it?"

"I'm just very tired, honey, sorry for sounding so dull," Anne wrapped her arms around Misty as if she didn't want this to happen. "We leave for New York the day after graduation, the same day you leave for Columbus. We start recording that day as-a- matter-of-fact. We settled for a wage of three dollars per album sold, more than some veterens of this business, to be paid after every third chart report. If we reach number one, the studio gives a bonus of a thousand dollars per person every week we stay there. Robert advised us to take the deal, seeing as it couldn't get any better than that, especially since they never even got to hear us play before we left. So we brought all of our stuff for nothing."

"Wow, sounds like they trust Bob's judgement pretty well for finding talent," Misty said listening to every word her lover spoke. For someone who is just about to finish high school, this was quite a lot of money at stake. "Where are you going to live though?"

"The studio has a few places we can choose from. The contract is only for one album, right now, but they already have us lined up for another meeting to renew if all goes to plan." Anne and Misty started walking out to the car before Anne even remembered to ask Misty of her time alone.

"I was bored most of the time, to tell you the truth," Misty said nonchalantly, "Diane and some of the others tried to keep me distracted, but it didn't help much."

"Misty, I know you better than that," Anne said sounding serious, "what else is bothering you?"

"I got some torment from the other kids that were jealous of us, but nothing too major. Diane, Jennica and Tammy were with me most of the time. It's nothing to concern yourself with, Anne."

"They're lucky I trust you," Anne said grinning. She wanted to kick their asses for saying anything at all, but knew Misty would rather her not.

Event Three: Prom Night

The girls did their best to enjoy every minute they had with each other. After this month, they'd be split apart by half the country; almost. Misty wanted so much to attend Anne's rehersals, but knew her surprise Anne kept teasing about would be worth the wait. They always have been. Whenever they were seperated at all, Misty would play with the ring on her finger, trying her best to keep all of those memories alive. She learned from Anne that sadness can give way to truth and those memories that Anne was tortured with for so long taught her that there was someone out there that would help her lift this burden and love her for who she is.

The event was scheduled to take place Saturday night, giving everyone one final day to prepare. Most of the girls made apoointments for their hair, nails, etcetera mostly in the afternoon. They figured if they were to show their man the definition of a lady, they would have to be at their best. Misty and Anne needn't woory with such nonsense. They knew the other was going to be happy just to be in the same room for more than an hour. Nevertheless, they did make those exact appointments.

Cindy sent the gowns out to be cleaned once more while the girls were soing their thing and John thought ahead and scheduled a limo to pick them up. He figured Anne was already a star and thus needed to be treated like one. When it was time for the girls to arrive home, at around two that afternoon, they had perfect hands and hair styles to die for. They hung around the house for a little bit until it was time to get changed into their newly dry-cleaned dresses. When they came back downstairs, John was already prepared to start snapping pictures.

"Okay, girls," John announced after the photo shoot concluded, "I have one more surprise for you. Close your eyes, take your mom's hand and walk over to the door."

Openning her eyes, Misty screamed out her approval, "Daddy I love you!!! How did you get this thing here with out us knowing?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," John retorted as usual. "You girls just go and have fun." With that, Anne and Misty hugged their parents and left. John and Cindy had their own plans for tonight.

The girls made good one njoying every moment they had together. They listened to some good, romantic music to help set the mood between them for tonight. The driver was pretty cool given his passengers. He knew they would find the cooler of booze in the side wall, but didn't really care if they took a drink or two. Anne knew better, however. Anne thought of alcohol as nothing more than her worst enemy. She had to slap Misty's hands away several times before they reached the hotel. Fortunately for Anne, Misty just gave her a look that said "spoil my fun".

The pair was greeted in the main ballroom by the rest of the band. Anne re-introduced her Misty to them, giving this one a more formal touch. The guys were stunned to see Anne in a dress, though. They knew this Misty girl was just for Anne if she could change her like this. They retired backstage to keep out of the way when everyone started showing up. They just sat in the small room to shoot the breeze for a while.

The clock seemed to be on acid. Before enyone knew it, it was time for the bus to arrive and unload; right on schedule as usual. Misty gave Anne one last kiss good-luck and went out to meet up with her friends. While the student body filled the room, taking their plces in the vast sea of tables, the band went through their routine of preparing to go out on stage. This is to say they did absolutely nothing. They sat back, almost in a meditative state, and let their nervousness disolve away. They stayed like that for the duration of the welcoming speeches by Mr. Henry and several pre-assigned students.

Suddenly, all was dark. The members of the audience started to talk amongst themselves as to the possible goings on. Misty and her friends could feel teh palms of their hands begining to sweat with anticipation. Slowly, the sad, but joyous, sound of a guitar could heard coming form the dark stage. No lights shone upon it, but their was an ominous feeling being eminated from the darkness. The sound of someone who was happy to be sad filled the room by itself for about a good twenty-five seconds. Right on cue, just as Kevin's bass guitar could be heard, the main light came on to show Anne sitting on a stool with her eyes closed, feeling the music flowing over her. Misty's grip on her cousin's hand was beinging to hurt, as Diane quickly let her know. The duet played their sad melody for fifteen seconds when, seemingly out of nowhere, the rest of the band appeared on stage. The audience went immediately into a histarical applause. This didn't seem to have an effect on the band members, if you looked at their faces, but inside they were feeling the pride wash over them. The music kept on playing, with the sounds that they're known for mixing perfectly, without a single lyric to be heard. The song seemed to flow from that of a sad melody to a much more happier tune. Some people took the liberty to start dancing along to the music, changing with it. After nearly nine minutes of this addictive sound, Anne's guitar was all that could be heard playing the same tune as she started with, but she finished the song with a longer note on the last chord. The band immediately recieved their due ovation. Not a single person in the audience was in their seats. Even some of the faculty joined in on the applause.

Steven came over to the center mic, waving over the crowd. "Hey hey! They like it!" he said sarcasticly. "We'd like to welcome you all here tonight and hope you all have fun out there, cuz we're having some fun up here and...ugh...that's what it's all about, man." The audience quieted just enough to hear their speaker, but instantly returned to their previous state. "Personally, I think we should all thank the one person who managed to put this whole thing together," Kevin said, taking Steven's place after the crowd settled a bit. Both of them waved at Anne to get over to the mic. As Anne walked towards center stage, she saw her Misty in the second row, behind the dance floor nearly ripping her cousin's hand off. This made her smile broadly, something that the student body was stunned to see.

"How we doing tonight?!" she said, happy to be there. Misty felt relieved when the students lit up with applause to her first public speaking in front of these people. "I am very humbled to be in front of all of you here tonight and want to thank the hotel staff for letting us use their establishment for this evening..." Anne's words were drwoned out to the audience's acceptance of her thanks.

She turned away from the mic to say something to Steven. The room went quiet as he started to play his violin. He was soon joined by the rest of the band in this song that had a beat you could dance to. It had a sound that kept the heavy metal part alive, but appealing tempo to envoke the party side of the students. Kevin came over to the center whaling on his bass guitar. His voice had a growl that was typical of a heavy metal artist, but flowed nicely with every octive.

"What lies before me here? I feel no more fear. Can you tell me what it was? I need to know because I know it's face somewhere. Soon we'll meet up there!..."

There was a break of fifteen seconds where the band just played their instruments while the dance floor was being littered by the eager student body, and even some faculty.

"...Something called Human Let the slaughter begin! ...Something called Human Here at it's own end!"

The feeling in the room was beyond definition. The only word that cmes close to the emotion was that it was pure electric. It surged through everyone that could hear the music, even those down the hall. After about twenty seconds of the band playing, Kevin picked back up.

"Tell what I'm feeling now! Something dead is rising somehow. I need to know what this is! I have something I know is His. Knowing I have to give it back, I slowly start to fade to black."

The same sequence of notes played during the intermissions before the chorus. Anne looked out over the crowd to see her Misty even got up to dance. This made her even happier she was with her.

"...Something called Human Let this nightmare end! ...Something called Human Let my nightmare end!..."

The band payed for an additional two minutes before the song nearly ended. Everything went quiet say for Anne playing a last solo of a lifting happy tune to end the song. When everyone was sure this was the end, the gave those on stage their due ovation. No one was in a seat this time. Kevin and Steven could be seen smiling and laughing, while Kurt was pointing over the crowd while having a huge smile across his face.

Steven once again took center stage. "What you all think of that?" He recieved his answer as he hoped he would. He waited for the room to quiet down a bit before continuing. "We have a confession to make here tonight, I'm affraid. Not only did our own Anne get us this great place..." the audience didn't seem to want him to speak as they went in and out of their histarity. "...but she also got a deal with a recording studion in New York and they are here...tonight, recording this event!" Again, the band recieved their due approval from their fans. Anne was smiling to herself knowing that these people normally don't even like this kind of music, but for some reason they voted to have them play and that was enough to make her feel proud.

Kevin took over Steven's spot while everyone got quiet once again. He and Anne started to play a tune that came from the darkness. It wasn't anything like "...Something Called Human", this one was almost evil. It was laced with the haunting cound of Tyler's cello, giving it a more sinister feel. Despite so, some people found they could dance to this melody. Misty took her seat with her friends to listen this song. The music went on for the better part of three minutes before the entire band picked up and Kevin started to sing.

"Gripped tight in the hands of fear, Please tell me why I am here! 'This room is filled with the sorrow' Why my brain tells me, I don't know. I've done this unforgivable sin! Now I'm dying from within..."

The song took on a feeling of dimensia, rather than evil and dark. The tune stayed laced with Tyler's overly haunting sound of sadness as some people were near the point of tears by what they heard.

"Things are not what they seem to be. My end is all that can set me free. This growing void within my soul Changes everything I seem to know. This is why I've cut my skin. I've done this unforgivable sin..."

Kevin's bass cut out of the song, as did Kurt. Anne's guitar prevailed as the dominating sound during these thirty seconds. People could look up to see her playing with her eyes closed, letting her fingers dance gracefully over the strings. Kevin started playing again as he finished the lyrics,

"Flash the thought into my head. I don't want to see it though! The blood on my hands... I don't want to see it anymore!..."

The music came like classic heavy metal. Anne's playing captured the attention of everyone listening. This went on for forty seconds, before the music cut out. The crowd was a bit more subdued in their applause this time. Most of them were deeply saddened by what they just heard and didn't really know how to respond to that. Anne looked over to her Misty and smiled at her lovingly. She returned the gesture, knowing that she was on her way to fame. The start she got couldn't get any better. If these people liked it, then she knew other people across the country would. Unbenounced to the students, the last song was just to slow down the pace a little.

Without any one speaking this time, Anne went over to the mic as Kevin stepped aside. Some of the couples were eagerly awaiting the next song as they figured it would be a slower song. Anne immediately started to play a song that was from her own heart. She was playing without thinking of the notes while Steven was giving her the proper backing with his mournful melody. Anne did tell Misty about this song and the history behind it, but everyone else was intrigued by the duet. James would occasionally tap the symbol lightly to give it that extra feel. Anne started to sing after a minute of the three of them playing.

"Forevermore these memories never go away. In my mind scarring they always stay. Open my scars, see what happens to you. Ne'er stare too far, for you'll not get through. Sleep my friend, dream the nightmres that Scare you deep, then we'll have that little chat. The depths of your dreams bring into the light The violence in my mind that keeps up the fight. My scars are bleeding the blood from deep within. Only to drink would be your deadliest sin..."

The tone of Anne's voice soared. The mix of her voice and playing brought many a tear to the eyes of those willing to shed them. Tyler started to play along with the trio, adding to feel of darkness that drifted from Anne's heart. They all knew the origin of this song thus the looks of sadness on their faces as well. Misty had her head on her cousin's shoulder, crying to the sound of her fiance's voice. The intermission lasted for about four minutes, four minutes of the saddest ballad in the band's arsenal.

"Make it stop, please now end my pain; ne'er Do I want this to happen, can't breathe the free air. Go you there where the memories remain. Go to where everything is all the same. Piled deep these damn scars of mine, Empty the blood, make it my time! Forevermore my brain is now scarred, Thank you God, my soul has drifted far..."

Most of the students who had dates were already locked in their dancing embrace, feeling in their own hearts the depth of Anne's message. They didn't know what made her write it, but they were glad she did. The music of the song played for another three minutes before it ended. This time, they were greeted with much more than before. Misty was the first to her feet to applaud her fiance, followed closely by those around her, sprialing outward.

"We're going to take a little break now to let you all have your fabulous dinner," Kurt said after everyone took their seats once again. "We''l pick up right where we left off, so enjoy your dinner." With that the stage went dark once again and the students, and faculty, filled the room with their approval of the evening thus far.

Backstage, the group was ecstatic. Their adrenaline was pumping like the Colorado River through their veins. This rush could keep them wide awake hours after the event ended. Bob met with them when they got to their "dressing room" to give them the good news.

About ten minutes later, Anne appeared from the doors adjacent to the stage completely freshened up. The heavy sweat was gone, but her heart was racing. This was the first time this school has ever accepted her for anything, and now she had to find someway to tell Misty the great news she just heard. Anne knew that she would have to fight her way to the table where her fiance was sitting and that would be a problem. She took a deep breath and strated to walk towards her woman. She tried to keep as low a profile as possible, she didn't need anymore attention than she had already recieved. Fortunately, Daniel Stour found her first and kept her somewhat hidden from everyone until she reached her destination. There she was greeted with great enthusiasm.

The girls at the table were completely uncontrolable as Anne took her seat next to her Misty. They kept screaming in her ear, almost to the point of pain. Diane was enough of a force to get them calmed after everyone in the room found out where she was. Mr. Henry did his part of crowd control when he announced that dinner wouldn't be served until everyone took there seats accordingly, much to Anne's relief.

The entrees were presented to the students and faculty in the most professional manner. Formally dressed waiters and waitresses brought out each of the four courses according to how fast they were consumed. Anne thanked each one that came to her in a different language, trying to keep Misty's friends on their heels. They had already done their part for her, now she just wnted to eat with her fiance in a warm setting. All the other people at the table were whispering to each other rather than speaking aloud. Misty grabbed Anne's hand under the table telling her how well she'd done tonight.

"Wait till you hear the best part," Anne voiced out over everyone else, getting their full attention. "Robert told us that the CDs that are being recorded tonight are going to be available for pre-order for everyone here tonight. The exact cost I'm not saying, but the students have first dibs on what they get to be a part of." Anne noticed how the attitude toward her changed when they heard this. Everyone flooded her with questions about eerything and Anne being Anne, neglected to mention anything further.

After about an hour of things being a typical prom dinner, Steven came over to get Anne. He was greeted with everyone thinking he was a star already, which he palyed off nicely. He did happen to notice the guys sitting next to the girls were a little annoyed with his presence, so he made his exit quickly. Anne gave Misty a kiss before she left, in full view of everyone. Most of them knew, but those who didn't acted like they'd seen a ghost.

Anne met up with everyone backstage to go over the list for this next round. "Did you tell her the good news, Anne?" James asked her after a couple minutes of silence.

"Not entirely," Anne retorted without any thought to it. "I want to wait until after the show before I say something like that. I did happen to mention to everyone about how they can get an advanced copy of the album though." Everyone started to giggle sheepishly.

The stage went dark again, but this time everyone knew what awaited for them and wanted it even more. The entire school fell in love with this band, ironicly it had the one person who no one wished to even be near playing up front. They didn't seem to see the Annebell Amera that they all know, they saw a different Annebell Amera now. One that they liked and wanted to be a friend to, not as though Anne didn't notice.

The curtain was raised and the lights came on right on cue to show the band members gathered in a line infront of the drums. Everyone immediately started to clap and whistle their approval. Kevin left the line and approached the center mic.

"Hope you all missed us up here..." the responce was what he sought. After things got quiet again, he continued, "I though dinner was pretty bitchen and hope we can make you all feel good about it!" He had a huge smile on his face by this point. He turned to everyone behind him, shortly after they scattered to get into their positions. Kurt went over and gave him his instrument. "Alright we're going to start off a little slower this time, we don't need any one hurlin on the dance floor...heheh" The audience got that joke and took it in like he was a professional comedian.

They waited for people to get on the dance floor this time with a partner before they started. Anne noticed that Misty remained in her seat for this one. Misty blew her a kiss, making her Anne blush a little.

Steven started with a sound of pride on the violin. It sounded like something at the end of a movie, when the good guys win. He was shortly followed by the rest of the band playing a more subdued tune. The tempo was slow indeed, much to the likings of everyone dancing. After about thirty seconds, the music turned somewhat like a song someone listens to when they hang themself as Anne's voice filled the room,

"Nothing more for me to give Having lost the will to live. Take a good hard look at me And know I should not be. In this life I'm just a pawn. Thankfully soon I'll be gone."

Anne's guitar was all that played for the next ten seconds before everyone else picked back up.

"This just seems to fade away It doesn't matter anyway. Can feel the darkness taking me. Can feel it now breaking me. Pull me back to what is real. Tell me what I truely feel

Looking deep into myself Look at me I need your help. I have you when I'm alive. For you I want to survive. My life it belongs to you. Can't do what I want to do."

The band played their power chords just before the last sung note. Anne looked out at the people dancing to her story, then saw Misty staring up at her with such a loving look in her eyes that brought tears to her own. Anne started once again after about ninety seconds of this intermission, the band playng their normal chords immediately before.

"Truely now I've lost myself. It matter to no one else. Death has yet to reach me here. Losing you is what I fear. You know you'll always have me. Thank you for setting me free!"

The music played without Anne or Kevin for the last fifteen seconds. Everyone stopped to give Anne what was owed to her. Misty rushed up to the stage after the song ended, pushing her way through the crowd that gathered before her. Anne reached down and grabbed her hand, telling her "I love you too".

"Anne, I think they like you!" Steven joked once Anne stood back up. The entire audience got the joke, but the logic behind didn't seem to strike them. The band played one of their older songs from when Jason was still alive. Anne knew the melodies to play, but the returning memories did make it a little difficult to keep up. They played their heavy instrumentals called "Impulsive Urge", which was greeted with even more ferver than their initial appearance. That was soon followed by a slower, but still powerful song called "...Forget It Not",to which Anne was crying the whole time

"Thanks everyone for liking that one," James said, coming all the way up to the center mix from behind the drums. "That last one was an ode to our founding band mate who was tragicly killed some years back and we thought it would be respective to play it for you here today on the anniversary of his death..." Everyone in the room felt the sorrow flowing through their veins. This news was foreign even to Misty. James turned his attention away from the audience when he felt the tears coming on. "Com'on let's hear it for him!" To this everyone instantly changed tune. Not even knowing this person, everyone felt obligated to pay tribute to his memory. During all of this, everyone on stage took turns giving Anne a deep hug, telling her something about her brother that she probably already knew. "Anne, do you have ant words?"

Anne approached the microphone as though her brother was pushing her to do so. The entire student body was urging her forward, but didn't understand the significance behind it. "The one who was killed......was my own brother. Some of the teachers know him, his name is Jason Amera. I'm not much for speeches, so I'll just let him know that his band finally has got the success he dreamed for and a great following of his fellow students at Kennview High..." the crowd cheered at the mention of their name.They had only a portrait of this person hanging on the main hall to go by nad never knew him personally.

Anne stepped back, out of the spot light to start playing a song that was very familiar to this audience. They had all heard it once before when they made their debut appearence at the school some months back. The students started to chant when they recognised the tune to "Love In The Mist". Diane forced her baby cousin to dance with her for this song, knowing that it was the one Anne wrote just for the two of them. Little did either of them know, she was sitting on her brother's grave when she wrote it. Anne started to sing and kept her eyes on her love; by this time, even Bob was weeping somewhat.

When the song was over, Kevin waived to eveeryone to get back into their line again. "Thank you Kennview High School! This has been a treat for us tonight as I'm sure it was for you. It was a pleasure playing in this great hotel in front of all you greeat people. Remember ladies to have your man wrap it up tonight," his usual jokes were taking over. "I want to thank Warner Studios for giving us this opprotunity. At that back table you'll find an old man sitting by himself, waiting for you to fill out a pre-order sheet of tonight's show. Don't forget to get yourself a copy. GOOD NIGHT!!!"

This late at night, no one had any voice left to cheer with, even Misty's friends. Their clapping and whistling said all they needed to hear. When the band got off stage, a large projection screen came down with the words "In loving memory of Jason Paul Amera......Dec. 5th, 2121--Nov. 17th, 2138" across the front. The ballroom was getting very empty by the time Bob made his way back to the "dressing room". Some of the students made room reservations, but still had to report back to the bus to check in.

Bob came into the room followed by the studio executives. The entire band was wired with excitement. Kevin and Kurt couldn't keep their voices under control when they spoke. Despite Anne's excessive sweat on her face, Misty was all over her, not that the guys minded much.

"You guys, that was awsome!" Bob said when he finally spoke up. "You guys are already on your way to Gold Status, you already sold a thousand copies! I have never seen that happen before." Everyone in the room could feel the rush coming from his pores.

"I am very impressed," Mr. Harvey said when everyone settled down a bit. "I'm glad that we signed you instead of someone else! So far, you're up to two thousand copies, and it hasn't even been printed yet. But we have a little confession ourselves: we didn't tell you all that we are also selling the DVD for the event as well, due to the demand for it this evening." The feel in the room was beyond any comprehension. All told they have raked in more than three thousnad dollars alone from pre-orders, let alone the thousand they got from the school.

Anne's fellow bandmates asked her and Misty to go out for the rest of the evening, which they respectfully declined. Kevin and the rest knew they would, but figured what the hell; they knew all too well their relationship will soon be put on a bit of a strain. Anne and Misty went up to their room, the best suite in the hotel to be exact. Despite Anne's opinion of liquer, she did manage to get a bottle of plum wine up to the room, with the help of her over 21 friends. This night was a celebration for her and Misty wanted to make it even more special.

"I never did get to ask you if you enjoyed the show," Anne asked as she opened the bottle. Misty waited to answer until the glass was in her hand.

"Hell yes I enjoyed it sweety!" she said with a newly found vigor. "The only thing that got me was the last part when you put that message up about your brother. I think everyone started the waterworks by then; I know I did."

The girls took a seat on the bed while sipping on their drinks. For the first time, Anne felt a small buzz running through her brain, which she could get use to. Misty was the person for a lot of firsts for her and she was happy for her to be so. Anne called down to the Bob, but Misty wasn't really listening to what she was saying. All she knew was that it involved the words "...bring it up...".

The girls just looked at each other for a moment, letting every emotion that they had for each other sink in. Anne brushed a lock of hair aside as her lips found their way onto her fiance's. Misty accepted the offer gleefully. As the make out session continued, they were annoyed by the knock on the door. "Robert, you asshole!"

Anne came back into the room a few minutes later with something in her hand. Without saying a word, she walked over to the TV and did some manuvering of the equipment. She retook her place by Misty's side and waited. Misty about jumped off the bed whe she realized Anne just put in the tape the studio made for sale.

The girls watched for what seemed like four hours, but in reality it was only just more than one. Misty's head had found it's way into Anne's lap and was quickly falling asleep. Anne wasn't helping her stay awake as she was gently stroking her soft, delicate hair and breathing softly.

Anne's mind strayed into the wonderous world she created just for the two of them. Misty's hot breath against the soft fabric of her dress added a more sensual version of her Utopia. Anne felt herself moaning to the small ministrations of her lover's breathing, keeping the big smile on her face. Anne felt Misty's hand stroking her strong leg up closer along her inner thigh; unknown to Misty that she was actually doing it. She was simply snuggling up to her lover's touch. Anne's thoughts were focused on their future as a married couple. Her dream seemed to involve someone who couldn't say a word. This little girl was so beautiful, having Anne's eyes and Misty's complextion and hair, yet so sad in a way no one could understand. She was so full of life at one time, then suddenly the life seemed to drain away like the sun setting never to rise again. Anne felt an uncondidtional love for the child, but was saddened whenever she was near. This dream would return to both the girls for many more nights, but neither of them teling the other.

Event Four: Graduation Day

Another two months passed after that night. It was the day Anne thought as a bitter-sweet one for her. She was elected Valedictorian and would be graduating with a perfect GPA, but she would be losing her Misty in just a matter of hours. After the prom, everyone in the school seemed to love her, but Anne knew beter than to give into that nonsense. They liked her because they saw now as most high schoolers see any good musicain. She did, however, play into it and kept Bob's phone busy with orders for the event. As the numbers kept coming in, Bob thought they would reach a million copies in a matter of days when they released the album.

Misty was looking forward to her new life at college, but was dreading the fact of being so far away from her Anne. It was because of Anne that she would graduate with a high enough GPA to get another scholarship should her cheerleading one fall through, which she snatched up quickly. Over the last couple of months, their love for each other grew. John took Misty out for an evening of "father and daughter bonding", as he called it, and got Anne her own ring. It was a perfect match to the one Misty was already wearing. She planned to give it to her at the ceremony, but couldn't wait that long; she caved into Anne's inquiries and gave it up just three days after buying it.

Graduation Day Eve. After nearly seven months of dreading this day, it finally came. As the elected Valedictorian, Anne was expected to give a farewell speech to the graduating seniors and everyone in attendence. The school's faculty had gone over every detail with Anne and the graduation committee as well as rehersed countless times. The school's JROTC cadets will present the national colors in full dress uniform, then the speeches of the selected students and finally the walk.

Anne and Misty went shopping earlier that day for something formal to wear under their robes, as specified by school system. The found nearly opposite outfits with Anne wearing a dark skirt and blouse, while Misty bought a new white blouse with a blue skirt.

That night, Anne couldn't sleep a wink; Misty was fast asleep against her shoulder snoring. Anne's thoughts went astray with illusions of grandure, as they often due when she can't sleep. She saw her future as a successful musician and Misty achieved her life-long dream of cheering for a professional sports team.

Misty awoke to her alarm clock at six. Anne was in her usual spot by the window looking out to the horizon. She felt a sudden happiness sweep over her. She was proud of her Anne for achieving something no one ever thought she would. Anne felt the mutual emotion flood her own heart as she knew her Misty would indeed excel in her studies at the university.

She turned to look at the beautiful woman lying in their bed and smiled. "This is a big day for us," Anne said softly with an hint of fear. "To tell you the truth, Misty, I'm a little affraid right now. You're going to be going the opposite direction of me with no one to protect you.

"Don't worry about that sweetheart," Misty retorted as she got out of bed. She walked over to her Anne and tried to comfort her with a loving embrace. "You've taught me enough of self-defense these past few months, I'm sure I'll be okay. Com'on now, we've gotta get dressed." By now Misty was her usual chipper self, but Anne remained in her meloncholy state. The girls prepared themselves for what most would think as the greatest day of their lives, but Anne knew this wasn't such a good day.

The arena they were supposed to go to was more than thirty minutes down the main road. It was easy to find, but the length of the trip was enough to get the graduates' nerves on end. Anne took the liberty of inivting all of those close to her that could make it: the band, Bob and Mr. Harvey. Of course John and Cindy were their to see their daughters graduate. Fortunately for Anne she didn't see any sign of Kathrine's car; Anne felt a huge relief wash over her when this fact sank in. Misty had to stay with the rest of the student bidy while Anne had to take her seat on the stage as a speech-giver. Misty kissed her Anne a good-luck kiss before she headed off.

The arena stands were completely packed. With more than a thousand in the graduating class, Anne expected nothing less. Most of the people she would be presenting to didn't even like her a couple of months ago, but now they absolutely adored her. This didn't deter her from writing her speech about the truth of life. Her presense at the podium was much more commanding than it was before she first performed for these people. Anne kept her eyes closed until the ceremony began.

The principal called for the presenting of the colors, which the cadets did flawlessly. Anne always had a great respect for those who wore the uniform of a soldier, though she never once told them so. This wasn't out of spite, she just didn't like who they were when they were out fo the uniform. Mr. Henry gave his welcoming speech as did most of the people sitting with Anne. The moment finally arrived for Anne to give her short speech, which no one could see coming. She approached the lecturn, looking over the field of blue robes. She saw her Misty sitting in the forth-to-last row.

Anne took a deep breath before she started to speak in a tone that she even didn't recognise: "The winds of change affect everyone caught in it's gale. Listen to this gale howling through this great nothingness known as life. It cuts like blades into the hearts of weary and fills the void with grief and despair. Let the light of your dreams keep the void fulfilled and the blades of the hurricane at bay. It will guide you along your path leading into the future. let the light take you by the hand along this path less traveled by; the light that never fades."

Everyone within hearing distance immediately went into applause. Misty was the first to her feet screaming her head off. Anne took her seat beside Mrs. Warren who took her by the hand and smiled broadly at her. This took Anne by surprise, knowing that this bitch hated her guts and the fact that she didn't like to be touch didn't help.

Once everyone settled down, Mr. Henry started to give out the empty diploma books. Anne was one of the first names announced, sinse her name started with "A". The presentations lasted for nearly two hours. Parents, relatives and friends would go ape-shit when their child's, or friend's, name was announced. Anne recieve an ovation longer than anyone in the class. After a while, Anne thought they would never get to the "T's", but just as her mind came back from bordumland, Mr. Henry announced the name Gloria Taeas, signifying they reached what Anne was waiting for. John and Cindy had the digital and movie cameras ready for when they announced their daughter's name. They didn't have long to wait, as the school didn't have many student whose names ended with a "T". Anne felt her pride wash over her when they finally did announce Misty Thomas. Her love for this girl manifested itself in the form of weeping handshake, since they would frown upon the notion of jumping her on stage. Anne could clearly hear John, Cindy and her bandmates cheering for her as she walked across the stage recieving "congradulations" over a dozen times. Anne let the rest of the names fall on deaf ears after she recomposed herself to carry on with the ceremony.

The arena started to empty quickly after Mr. Henry gave his farewell speech to the students. Many a group filled the grass just outside the walls. Parents and friends getting snap-shots of those in blue robes and many hugs followed by the almost manditory "congradulations". Anne found her Misty talking to her parents and some of their relatives that came into town for the event. She made her way over and introduced herself to these people as Misty's fiance. They took a quick liking to Anne. After talking for a few minutes, they realized that she was just the one for Misty. A few encouraging words from John and Cindy helped with this decision, however. Anne was taken by surprise during a brief conversation with Misty's Aunt Patty when Kevin came out of nowhere and flung her around, hugging on her tightly.

"Everyone these are my brothers," Anne said quickly, but pleasantly.

Winking at Anne Steven spoke up, "We're just her bandmates, the same ones who sat next to you in the stands."

Tony snatched up Anne to take to the side to talk about the trip tomarrow. Misty stayed with the small group of Thomases to talk about whatever. No one made any plans as far as what to do afterward, but they all wanted to get to know Anne a little better before they saw her go down the aisle with their Misty.

Throughout the nice evening with the family, Anne noticed that no one brought up anything about why they haven't met any of Anne's immediate family. Not wanting to stir up the pleasantries of the evening, she kept this to herself. After a few more hours of some more family bonding, the rest of the family went back to the hotel to get ready for their flight back.

The girls noticed that the time flew by quickly. It was nearly eleven already and everyone was still up. No one caught on to how late it was already until Misty said something. John and Cindy said their good nights and headed to their room. The girls soon followed suit and went to bed.

Anne was attacked by Misty after she closed the door. Misty was all over her neck with her tongue and lips leaving a trail of saliva along her flesh. Her hands cupped her breats, her fingers pinching her nipples through her clothes. This sent Anne into a state of pure erotic intentions. Misty was attacking her Anne like a horny animal that needed to be laid here and now. She made quick work of the clothes that separted their bodies, in no time Anne was standing before her in the flesh ,and metal, ready to be taken by this hungry girl. Misty kissed her way down Anne's body, using her hands to get her wet between her legs while her mouth worked on her nipples. Anne's legs were spread as far as they could possibly go while Misty's fingers went deep insde her. The girls didn't care if the parents heard them or not, they knew this would eb the last time they have with each other and they were going to enjoy every second of it. Misty went further on down until she was kneeling before her lover licking at her opening. Anne held her in place with her right hand, using her left to play with her breasts. Misty's tongue lapped up every drop of wetness Anne had for her, she even left her dry for a couple seconds. Anne's moaning and screaming was enough to get Misty's juices flowing and she was still in her clothes. She started to rub her own pussy through the satin fabric of her thong while her tongue kept fucking her fiance. Anne's orgasm hit like never before. She squrited her girlcum all over her lover's face, which she happily accepted. Anne looked down at her Misty, who was still fingering herself, "Your turn!"

Anne jumped onto her lover, making her squeal a little from the impact. Anne licked her own cum from her Misty's face, using her powerful right arm to rip open her blouce. Anne wasted no time in removing anything that would get in the way of her returning the favors she recieved. In one motion, she pulled Misty's tight bra off with her left hand and her right hand ripped her thong from her treasure trove. Anne always did like to see Misty in just an open blouce with her skirt up to her waist...and nothing else. Anne went to work on Misty's breasts, using her left hand to fill the drenched void between her legs. Anne had her screaming for release in no time. Her back was arched and her nipples were sore already, but Anne wasn't through yet. She licked her bewteen her lover's thighs and went immediately to work on Misty's shaved pussy. Misty felt her eyes roll back into her head as Anne's experienced tongue entered her. Anne put her right hand atop her left breast, to play with her nipple and to hold her down. Misty screamed even louder than Anne, but they didn't care. Anne was bound to make Misty cum like she just did. Anne lift the hood of her lover's clit away from it's prisoner and sucked on it for all she was worth. Misty lost her voice as her screams got louder. Anne was soon rewarded as her fiance's orgasm came spewing out over her face and down her chin. Anne sat back, Misty's ass hit the floor.

"How's that for a going away present?" Anne asked, after her orgasm finished it's hold on her. She always got on of her won whenever she felt Misty go over the edge.

"Ama.....ama...amazzzzing," she managed to get out still shaking.

Both of them were covered in sweat and needed to shower before they went to bed; they wouldn't have time to do so in the morning. After a few more minutes of calming down, they both hit the shower repaeting what they just finished in the bedroom. After they dried off and got ready for bed, it was already well into the next morning. Exhasted from their fun, Misty fell asleep quickly wrapped in her Anne's arms for the last time for a long while. Anne was still awake. She watched Misty sleep for a little while before she tried to go to sleep herself. She looked so peaceful lying there against her breast, mumbling something while she dreamed. "I love you, Misty," Anne said before she too was off to join her in her dreams.

I hope you enjoyed part three of the series. There is more to come. I wouldn't leave you all hanging like that. This one was a little longer than I anticipated, but I enjoyed writing it so much that I couldn't stop.

I just want to thank one of my fans for allowing me to use her in the next chapter as a new character. Alyshia, thank you for letting me put you into the series. Don't worry, knowing how I write, most probably won't see this character coming, but rest assured, it will be interesting. ;-)

Once again, feedback is always welcome: positive or negative. Hope to hear from you.

Next: Chapter 4: Separation and Success

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