Loving a Shadow Original

By Nate House

Published on Mar 9, 2006


This story isn't about just about sex. It is more about the emotions and romance that go into having a loving, sexual relationship. So for all of you looking to score easy, read a different story.

The story does take a little while to get going, but hey, that's life. I do hope you all enjoy this story and I would appreciate your thoughts about it. Be brutally honest (it takes a lot to hurt my feelings so don't be shy with you comments).

"Misty, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. She's not worth the trouble and besides no one even likes her. Don't waste your time! She's not worth it!!"

"I don't care Dianne. I love her!!...."

Chapter One: The Bitch and The New Girl

Six on Wedensday night. Anne just arrived back to the living hell she knew to be home, having just walked the five miles from her tutoring job at the junior high school. Thanks to the rich bitches of this town who provided Anne with her own means of support; her mother wasn't such a provider, nor does she care. To Kathrine all that mattered was moving up in the corporate world by any means necessary. Anne has come home countless times to find cars she didn't recognise parked in the driveway. There have been occations, however, when her mother has had repeat business. This night is such an occasion. The same silver Shelby Cobra that has been at the house ten times, according to Anne's count. Anne knows from experience that when she walks through the front door, her mother has an invisible "Do not disdurb" sign on her bedroom door. Anne heard the all too familiar sound coming from behind it accompanied by the matching odar. The man was moaning in ecstasy and Anne could hear her mother's screams of "Fuck me harder!!..." Being the sinically defiant girl that she is, she knocked on the door to let her mother know she is home. The man knew from this that he should be quieter.

Anne cooked herself a simple meal for dinner. As her usual routine dictated, she ate while she does her homework. Having come from this kind of disfunctional background, she is surprisingly in the lead for this year's valadictorian. Anne always uses her alone time to keep up with her studies, tutoring lessons and music.

The events in her life has left her with all the free time a seventeen year old could ask for; her brother and father are dead and her mother is a cock-needing whore who thinks of the house as nothing more than a place to have sex. All of Kathrine's time outside of her bedroom was spent at the law firm where she works as a legal assisstant. Anne's living relatives could only support her finacially through money transfers to her bank account, the only gift her mother gave her. Anne just ate and concentrated. Given her schedule of advanced classes of calculus and physics, she needed all the concentration she could get. This feet is hindered by the sounds of her mother and her man of the evening fucking in the next room; a typical day for Annebell Amera.

Nine, according to Anne's bedroom clock. She lay on her bed and counted the seconds before the usual routine. At fifteen, her mother came storming into her room. Anne remained on her back looking up at the ceiling. Kathrine started to rant and rave about how Anne ruined her day and the great fucking she was receiving. Anne remained as she lay as the one-sided conversation continued. Outside the man with the silver car went back to his home and wife; nothing outside the norm. Anne blocked out the details but did manage to hear how her mother was about to cum when she heard the tapping on the door. This made Anne smile and giggle a bit. Hearing how she ruined her mom's day always brightened her own. After about fifteen minutes, Kathrine stopped.

"What's with the curtousy mother? Normally you carry on for another ten or fifteen minutes before you stop, and you were ten seconds late today. Did he have a problem this time, I wonder?" Anne kept her expessionless face as she spoke in her usual, coldly steady tone. She knows this pisses her mother off something awful, but this is how she always is. The years of loneliness and emotional isolation removed every feeling she may've had for others that at one point in her life did exsist, but she knows those days are over. Her only satisfation is the misery of others.

"You little bitch! Don't you fucking sass me! But I do hope you're happy. I had to cut it short with the best fuck that I've had all week..." Anne let the rest fall on deaf ears; she heard the joyous news she sought. She sat up in her bed, looking at her mother.

"Yes," Anne said with a sinical grin when her mother stopped. "Hearing that I chose your best of the week to ruin always makes me happy, mother."

"Don't you fucking dare you little bitch!" Kathrine threw the mostly empty bottle of rum at her daughter. Anne lifted her right arm to her face; the bottle broke on Anne's arm, without her so much as flinching. Anne just looked coldly into her mother's eyes.

"As easily said into a mirror, my sweet mother," she said holding her arm by her face. This is the phrase that always makes her mother storm off to her own room to masturbate the anger away. Anne just smiled broadly and laid back down. Just a usual day and it ended before ten. "Mom's getting soft on me," Anne said out loud.

The next mornig at school was nothing special. Everyone moved aside as they passed Anne in the halls. Some did it because they fear her, others because they don't want to be near her. Then there are those who just plain don't like her. Everyone in every group had their own reasons for their reactions towards her. The nerds and brainiacs are jealous of her grades. The thug wanna-bes fear her because she could kick their asses at the drop of a hat. The jocks and perky-prepies hate everyone outside their group, but her especially so. This came from all the rumors (too many to count) about her, true or false, as well as her ability to insult them on a level they needed a dictionary to understand. The goths and other outcasts hate everyone outside of their group as well. The band geeks annoy everyone they come across, so Anne was the one avoiding them.

Annebell Amera, or better known as the "Bitch of Kennview High School", the only person in the student body to have no friends going to the school and still be in the running for Valadictorian. Anne wasn't just shunned by the student body either. The teaching staff and other faculty members hated her as well, though she never fully understanded why. She always made straight A's and behaved herself (unless severely provoked), but for some reason nothing worked. Perhaps it was because her mother had fucked all of their husbands, or wives, or it was their social class separation. Whatever the reason, Anne accepted this long ago as the way things were going to be; besides she found her contentment in their misery.

Thrid period, calculus. The usual suspects filed into the room after Anne arrived. She always sat in the front knowing her teachers can't stand the sight of her. She got her daily dose of the teacher's ass-kissers doing what they do best. The bell rang the thirty second warning....Anne caught herself staring at the door, but didn't know why. Something, some malevalent force, was keeping her eyes fixed on the hole in the wall. Try as she might, her eyes would not move from that spot. She had been staring at the door for about twenty seconds when a girl came practically running through it. Anne didn't recognise this person, but watched her as she made her way to Ms. Warren's desk. She was a brunette, almost black-haired, angel. Her body has been well taken care of. Her arms and legs are well toned and their isn't a hint of flaw in her skin. Anne noticed she has green eyes when she moved a lock of her possibly mid-back hair from her face. "She is gorgous," Anne almost said outloud.

Ms. Warren escorted the girl to the front of the room. The girl winked at Anne when the pair past her. Ms. Warren whispered into the girl's ear while pointing to a desk near the back of the room. The girl shook her head and smirked while telling the teacher something else. Ms. Warren crinkled her nose at the suggetion

"Students, this is Misty Thomas," the teacher began the normal introduction. "She recently moved back here from Iowa so try and make her feel welcome," Ms. Warren looked dirctly at Anne when she spoke of feeling welcome, something that is very foreign to her. Misty took the vacant seat next to Anne, much to her surprise. The lesson carried on as usual. Ms. Warren would bitch about the importance of math whenever someone started getting out of line. Throughout the class, Anne could feel a pair of eyes occasionally looking over her. Anne didn't know how to feel about that, concidering that it's never happened before. Not that Anne thought of herself ugly, she just never heard anyone's opinion either way, besides her mother. Near the end of the lesson, the feeling returned in full force. Anne turned her head to follow Ms. Warren as she paced in front of the classroom to catch Misty looking at her out of the corner of her eye. This only made Anne a bit more curious about the new girl. Finally, the lunch bell; Anne was the first one out the door.

It wasn't five minutes into the lunch hour before Anne felt the same ominous feeling of eyes looking over her. She sat down with her taco salad (her favorite) to eat and study, as normal routine would dictate. Anne felt compelled to look up from her Physics book at the body that was about to take the seat before her. As her head lifted from the pages, she got eyefull of someone's tits. 'Rather good looking to say the least'. Anne rested her gaze into Misty's eyes. Without any visual emotion or response, Anne turned her attention back to her book.

"Hi! I'm Misty," she said in a perky voice. She extended her hand, but Anne didn't even look up from her book. Misty's hand receeded shaking slightly. From across the table, Anne could feel the uncomfortable girl's confidence begin to fade. "Do you have a name or do you not talk at all?"

"I know who you are, Misty Thomas," Anne said coldly keeping her face in her book. Looking up at the girl in her usual expressionless face, "Though you were rather rude to me, I will give you this one curtousy: stand up, take your food and go to where you belong. If you want any chance of making the cheerleading squad you will heed my warning." Anne went back to her book as if the girl wasn't there.

"You're in Physics, too? So am I!" Misty seemed as if she didn't hear Anne at all. "Why don't you talk like a normal person? What's your name?" Anne didn't lift her head from her book. "C'mon, what's you name?"

"I believe I've said everything I care to say to you, Misty Thomas."

"Are you always this mean? You seem so smart, I would've thought you be more open to talking........How did you know I'm a cheerleader?" Why did you call me rude?" Anne raised her eyes slowly to meet Misty's.

"Is the interrogation over with, Misty Thomas? If so, please be so kind as to rid me of your imputence and join your friends." Anne went back to her book and lunch, Misty rose to her feet to leave, but couldn't find the strength to move.

"Do you treat everyone this way? I'm just trying to be nice to you." Misty waited several minutes for Anne's response.

"Your generosity is wasted. I don't need your concern. You have been given your chance to leave, I suggest you take it, Misty Thomas. Your friends are waiting." With that, Misty took her seat once again.

"I want to be your friend." Anne burst into a histarical laughter. She was laughing so hard, she was on the verge of crying. She hasn't heard that phrase in years, and didn't take it seriously then either.

"Thank you. I haven't laughed like that in a long time." Her tone remained normal despite having a better laugh than hearing how she ruined her mother's day. "For that I will give you a second curtousy. If you have any sense of yourself you will take this time and leave, you have no idea for what you are in for." Misty's head fell in dismay and sadness; her high hopes slashed and her confidence killed. ".....and do yourself a favor: drop every notion you have of being my friend. Consider that to be a third curtousy, even though you are rude and insulting." Anne went back to her book and lunch, Misty took a seat at the cheerleaders' table. About thirty minutes later the bell rang to end Anne's favorite part of the day. She always uses lunch to get ahead in her studies, lessons, or music. Anne could write a poem about whatever was on her mind, take it home to her best friend and turn it into a song, and her singing voice wasn't half-bad.

The next two classes went by as usual. U.S. History and English were scheduled to watch one of those boring-ass educational videos. Anne knows they only serve the purpose of giving the lazy ass teacher a chance to catch up on whatever. She went to work on her poetry project themed "Poe Be Proud". The students had to write a poem that would sound like they were inspired by Edgar Allen Poe. This feet would be easy for Anne, however, everyone in her class expected something that would put Poe to shame to come from her. All of Anne's known work hangs on the edge of the dark side of human soul.

Last class of the day, Physics. Anne gave no thought to the "conversation" she had at lunch. She figured she scared the girl off or her friends reinforced Anne's last words to her. The warning bell rang, no Misty. Anne felt herself looking at the doorway again. That same unseen force kept her eyes focused on the open doorway. Misty appeared through the door just as the tardy bell rang. "Barely made it".........Anne was stunned; she thought that phrase just as Misty said it aloud. The events that transpired next were a perfect, word-for-word replay of Calculus. Again Misty took her seat, not the one the teacher, Mrs. Boresly, pointed out, but one immediately next to Anne. 'Damn this girl is persistant' Anne thought to herself. The lesson past away without a single word spoken or glace stolen. The last bell of the day rang.

Anne immediately went to her locker, as usual, to get her notes and other preparations for her tutoring lessons at the junior high school. The students in her lessons don't know the Annebell Amera the high schoolers know. Her students respect her as a teacher and an elder; not to mention they don't believe the horror stories they've heard from their regular teachers who also had Anne. She didn't care much either way. Her students' parents would pay her the twenty-five dollars if they pass of fail their regular classes, not that she's a bad teacher. As Anne reached her locker, she became aware of the folded piece of paper wedged into the door. This is definately a first. Never before had she recieved a note from anyone like this, whether if it said "Go to hell and die" or "I love you". Not in too much of a rush, she shrugged, 'what the hell'........

"I really want to be your friend. My cell number is at the bottom. Call me with your answer.



"Should've known. Wretched fool, though she seems to know me from somewhere. Hmhmm, imputent wench. She must not know me as well as she thinks she does," Anne thought over and over again. She put the note in her pocket and left for work. All throughout the lesson, however, she couldn't shake Misty's face from the front of her mind. Anne had her sessions planned to have a ten minute break between the two hours. Normally Anne would work on her poetry or music during these breaks, but she just kept studying the note and the number at the bottom: 534-1437. Anne felt something wash over her. A whisper of a nameless emotion long forgotton. 'Pity, perhaps. If so, why? Sympathy, maybe? Why do I feel this way? Could it be because she's a nice person who doesn't deserve her fate. I think I actually feel sorry for the poor wretch." Anne pushed it all aside to finish her lesson.

Anne's evening went by as usual. She saw a vaguely familiar car in front of the house. She decided it best just to make her dinner, do her homework and go to bed.

Chapter Two: "Love in the Mist"

The next day Anne was treated to a morning seldomly recieved. Her mom had to go to work earlier than usual; no drunken, poorly-fucked mother alarm clock. Anne's day was looking up already. She walked to school in the sun, another event that rarely happens, though her walk seemed more like a run with how fast she arrived. After all this, Anne did feel something amiss. 'Today is going to be........oddly different.' Nothing went astray from the usual routine. Calculus came at long last. Anne's first chance to see what was different about today. Misty took her seat, turned in her homework and all without as much as looking at Anne. 'Maybe this is what felt strange. Is she mad at me? Why would I care about such a simple thing like that?' With about five minutes left in class, Misty slipped her another note. Anne took it, but noticed everyone snickering and whispering. Lunch time.

Anne decided not to eat today. She couldn't until this mysterious and ominous aura subsided. 'Something is not right here. Annebell Amera doesn't feel for others. Why should today be any different? What is this calling? Something is calling my name...' Anne unconscously took the note from her pocket. She looked it over again and again........... and again.

"You didn't call me, but don't think I'm giving up that easy. You were wrong about the people here. Please talk to me after school before you go to the junior high school. Love, Misty"

Anne didn't look up when she felt the air stir next her; she knew who it was from the scents of vanilla and jasmine.

"Hello, Annebell Amera," such a comforting tone. Her breath is as sweet as her hair. Anne could feel eased by the thought of her eyes looking her over. "Can I talk to you today?"

"Free country," Anne said sarcastically, "I've already given you your warning, but if you insist..."

"Why do you act this way? It's like you want the world to leave you alone. Look at me please, Anne. I can see through all of that in these eyes. I know about your condition and I know about your mother." Her voice seemed sincere in its concern.

"Clever girl," Anne said with a sinical grin, "Gathering personal background before engaging in conversation. I must admire your resolve, Misty. Tell me: If you know as much as you advertise, then why would you ask such redundant questions, Misty?" Anne held her sarcastic grin and steady tone.

"I ask because I want you to tell it to me, you know 'from the horses mouth'. I'm just curious to know more about you, Anne"

"That was rather insulting of you. There's no need for name calling." Anne started to laugh a bit.

"Please just talk to me about you. Sorry if I offended you, but I'm curiuos to know why you are the way you are."

"Curiosity is the mother of discovery, however, I am quite disinclined to aquiest to your request." Anne's sinister grin never faded, her tone remained as it was, even as Misty's eyes began to water.

"Why would you refuse an offer of friendship?"

"Apparently, Misty, you don't know me as well as you think you do. Use that curious head of yours and discover more about me. Then we can have a conversation."

"Don't look now, but we are having a conversation. Our first real one to be exact."

"Playing on the conscousness of your conquest is normally a tactic that works, not on me, Misty. To answer your question though, I don't own a phone, so I couldn't have called you even if I would have wanted to...................... Your friends are waiting."

"What are you waiting for?" she asked obviously hurt by Anne's rejection.

"If it's any consulation, you do know how to put a smile on my face. Now I'll ask nicely. Please leave."

The bell rang as Misty stood to leave. Anne didn't follow her or watch her go, but a felt a strong urge to do so. As Anne walked down the hall to her next class, she felt a presense behind her--followed by a tap on the shoulder. Out of instinct, or because she knew who it was, grab the person's arm and threw him into the row of lockers.

Stepping back and grinning slightly and said, "It's bad for your karma if you touch me Daniel Stour. You and your cohorts all know that."

"Hmmhmhm, I know that better than anyone, Anne," Daniel said laughing. "We go back a while and yet this is the first time you seem distracted by something. Could it be that new friend of yours, I wonder?"

"Friend?.......Friend? If you're referring to that wrech that sat next to me at lunch........her name is Misty Thomas. Know her?"...... 'Did I just say it like that?'

"Yeah, I guess, we have the same history class. I've seen her writting a lot of notes with your name on them; depressing notes to be exact. Anne, I think she has a thing for you...and you seem to have a thing for her, too." Daniel had a serious concerning touch to his tone. "I think you like her and that scares the hell out of you."

"Thank you for your concern Daniel, but it is wasted on me. I don't need your concern and I think that Misty girl is a nice person."

"Did you just admit to me that your are scared?!" With that Anne landed a punch onto Daniel's rib cage. As he fell to the ground, Anne laid an elbow into his left kidney. She headed off to the next class of the day while Daniel lay on the ground gasping for air and trying to laugh at the same time. "I got to her good this time!"

'Damn that Daniel Stour. He's the only person who knows how to crawl under my skin, but he's always been right. Could he be right about this too? Could I actually like Misty? She seems to like me a lot for some reason, so why can I not show her in return? Why does she like me so much? She definately knows me from somewhere.' Anne's mind couldn't stop this bombardment of questions. She heard not a single word the teacher spoke the whole next lesson.

English came all too soon. Anne sat at her desk waiting for her time to present her poem. Suddenly, Misty appeared in the doorway. She seemed to be carrying something for the teacher. Anne followed her across the room to the teacher's desk........."Anne"........"Anne Amera.......Ms. Amrea? Your next. Are you ready?"

"Sorry, Mrs. Willim. Yes I am ready." Anne moved to the front of the class to present the poem, as directed by the assignment. Anne looked over the room to find the image of Misty gone. "Guilty Conscious," Anne labeled her work. The class eagerly awaited to Anne's work. Though the entire school hates her, they all respect her for her artistic talents. As with all of her other works, this garunteed not to disappoint.

"A hand of white reaches for me; His face I cannot see, But I know who it will be.

Through the shadow I see a sinical smirk. Now I will disappear from the earth, 'Cause he's the one who saw me first.

Under his hood of black, his teeth of white Are always smiling, but can never bite And will kill all within his sight.

With a light touch, he took my soul Into hell with others in the red bowl. I only add to it, making it grow.

All around me, I hear my new master, And his minions, joining him in this laughter. Now my soul burns all the faster.

They point at me and laugh, laugh at my cries. The others in chains and racks can't move the ties That hold them in pain; no one dies.

The rack pulls tighter, pulling my limbs out, The pokers burn my flesh, pain is all about. We open our jaws, but we cannot shout.

I open my eyes to see this bright gleam. Nothing at all was what it seemed. It was only an ominous dream."

All of time seemed to stop for those who witnessed the reading. No movement, no response, nothing. A mournful awe dominated the feel of the room. Not even Anne could've expected this many people, who harbored such disdain for her, to be so agasped by her words. Not a single mouth was closed.

"Well, Anne.....thank you for your presentation. Always a pleasure. Next we'll hear from Mr. Sanders."

The presentations continued. Anne drifted in and out of her daze. Most of the poems didn't interest her, in fact most didn't even keep Mrs. Willim's attention. Anne could feel a restlessness begin to creep over her as the class lingered on. She felt the confusing urge to keep her attention at the door. 'Stop it Anne. Just look back......over....here.........NO damnit!.....at the front of the class.....' Misty walked through the door just as Anne's attention went back to it. 'This is fucking great, Anne...' She tried to hide it, but it soon became obvious Anne was following the girl's every movement. Misty simply came by to do her teacher's bitch-work. As Misty left the classroom, her's and Anne's eyes met. Misty gave her a sly wink with a smirk on her face. '...The hell was that about?'

'Physics, at last' Anne thought aloud. Anne took her seat next to Misty, who surprisingly enough beat her to class today. The lecture dragged on forever. Anne didn't notice it, but Misty slipped another note into her bag. Misty figured she would read it when she got home. Unbenounced to Misty, Anne had done the same.

Anne had no lessons planned for after school today. She began the long walk home. She walked no more than ten yards from the campus when she heard a car honking behind her. Not thinking much of it, Anne contiued onward to her house. Another honk. Anne didn't know why, curiousity maybe, but she felt compelled beyond reason to turn her head in the direction of the noise. "Just as I thought."

"Need a ride?" Misty asked from her Mustang convertable. Anne noticed the custom royal blue paintjob as it sparkled in the afternoon sun.

"No thank you," Anne's voice was surprisingly polite, "however, I must compliment your parents' car. I don't have far to walk."

"It's no problem sweety. It's not far out of my way or anything."

"I said no thank you, Misty.........and don't call me that," Anne became her usual self. "I have a name, so use it." Misty tried to coax her further, but Anne quietly turned back around and was heading home.

"Diane was right, but I'm not giving up that easily." Misty said outloud.

The next few weeks passed by in a similar fashion. Every afternoon Misty would offer Anne a ride home, or to the junior high school, and every time be denied.

Misty could feel the wall around Anne starting to deteriate, but outwardly Anne remained the same. Misty's heart was strong indeed. Her strength was breaking through to the one thing she wanted the most, but was starting to wane with every rejection. After about three weeks of constant rejection from Anne and some occational torment from some of the student body (and faculty) Misty went home in tears to her parents' loving arms. She confided in them her love for Anne and how she was being rejected and hazed almost everyday. Her parents knew she was a lesbian long before high school and they were okay with it, but they had no idea what was going on when they weren't watching. The only thing that mattered to them was their daughter's happiness, but they knew they could not help her in this matter. They gave her all they could: confidence, advise, a loving home, a shoulder to cry on...everything they would want in the one whom their daughter choose to be with. The only thing her parents could tell her was: "We've never known you to give up on anything. We're sure she loves you just as much as you love her, only yours has shown itself while Anne is confused and alone. Trust us Misty, you two share the same feelings for each other..." Misty's perserverence never waned.

Throughout the next few weeks Misty wrote countless note to Anne, talking about nothing in particular, but two things stood out; the language she used and the fact they all ended with "Love, Misty". Every note she recieved, Anne thought more and more about how she knew her. All Misty had was the one note Anne wrote to her nearly five weeks earlier:

"Stop trying to be my friend. No one desreves the treatment you're recieving. I am sure you understand soon my concern. You are a very nice person, Misty, and I want you to stay that way so for the sake of your own sanity, drop the notion of trying to be my friend."

Misty must have read and re-read this one note more than a hundred times. Everytime made her feel like she had something to live for. "She does care about me, but how do I get her to admit it to me? She's afraid for me and doesn't want anything to happen to me, but her pride keeps getting in the way of her telling me that." Anne had no idea this care for her would ever materialize.

Friday, lunch time. Misty decided to sit with her cheerleading squad today. She already made the varsity squad and was the newly elected co-captain despite, Anne's warnings and the typical high school political bull shit. Diane was able to protect her to a point, but that was limited to a handful of people.

"So how's your girlfriend, Misty?" asked Jennica. She and Misty have been close friends since they were in elementary school and joked often of Misty's sexual orientation. Jennica was the one who first notice Misty's lebianism come into light. Most of the people at the school didn't care about a person's sexual orientation, not even the faculty.

"Anne? I'm not sure really. She's been avoiding me a lot recently." It was quite obvious Misty was not her usual, chipper self. All week, she had to cry herself to sleep. The emotional strain of Anne's rejections weighed heavy on her. She spoke as if something died inside her. Many a time, the thought of giving up crossed her mind, but she loved Anne too much to give up now.

"Why not just take the bitch's advise?" Jennica continued, rather sternly, "She obviously doesn't want anyone in her life and isn't worth your effort. You're too good for her."

"I don't know, Jennica. I feel so close to her......." Misty's tears cut her off as the reality set in.

"Well shit! It's your choice." Jennica looked around the table at everyone else. Talking as if nothing else happened, "So who else is going to the talent show?" Everyone raised their hands with enthusiasm, except Misty. "Oh come on girl, at least show up. Come on it'll help you take your mind off this Anne thing. It'll be fun, I promise."

"Alright, I'll go." Misty's eyes never lifted from her lap. Her eyes were flooded with tears and heart sank nearly into depression. A little while later, after some Misty-less conversation the bell rang for the next class.

Misty moped to her next class. Her dreams and hopes shattered. Depression, loneliness, heartbreak, suicide...every emotion swept over her mind. Her romantic thoughts about being with Anne were quickly unbecoming. She rounded the next corner only to walk right into Rachel, one of the school's girl soccer players.

"Sorry Rachel," the incidental contact stunned her a bit.

"Watch where you're going whore! Next time I'll put on your fucking ass!!"

"I said I was sorry, Rachel. Please excuse me..." Misty tried pushing by the girl only to be shoved against the lockers. By now a small crowd had gathered around.

"I'm not done with you bi..." she was cut off by a cold voice.

"Is there a problem here Rachel?" Anne's voice. "Because if you want one, I am more than happy to ablige you."

"So this IS your bitch, Anne!" Rachels eyes glared into Misty's. Before Misty or Rachel had time to react to the comment, Anne grabbed the back of Rachel's head and threw her face-first into he locker beside Misty. Rachel's nose broke immediately causing blood to smeer on the cold metal as the unconscous Rachel fell to the floor. Misty stood frozen; numbed by the shock. What was more traumatising was the unemotional look in Anne's expression.

"What a bother," Anne said looking down at Rachel. Anne knelt down beside the limp girl and whispered, "Don't ever call her that agian!" Misty was drowning in tears by this time, especially after hearing Anne's comments. Anne stood and looked at Misty with a much warmer expression. She smiled at the shaken girl and proceed on to her class as if nothing had happened. Misty slumped to the floor, hudled and shaking next to the puddle of blood coming from Rachel's nose and head. Jennica, Tammy, Diane and several others came over to comfort the traumatised girl, completely ignoring Rachel. They escorted Misty to the front office to have her parents pick her up while Rachel's friends had to carry her to the nurse's office.

"What the hell happened?" asked Tammy, who's view was being blocked in the crowd. Misty's face had gone ghost white. Shocked by the sound of Rachel's nose breaking against the locker beside her and numbed by the long emotional strain of her situation. She could hardly breathe let-alone say anything.

"From what I could see Rachel slipped and hit her head on the locker," Jennica spoke up quickly. "Isn't that what you saw Diane?" Diane, shaken by the experience as well, nodded quickly. "I'll call your dad to come get you. You really need to go home, sweety." Calming down by this news, Misty managed a weak "Thank you".

"Jennica, I'll stay here with her until her dad gets here. You and the rest go back to class," ordered Diane. They agreed without hesitation. "Thanks.....Diane,"Misty managed to get out with quite a bit of effort. Misty's head fell onto her cousin's shoulder and the screatching crying began. The people in the office could have thought her mom had just died.

After a long while with the help of soothing words, Misty was able to talk. "So she...... does ha.....have feelings for me," she managed between sobs.

"I guess she does, Misty," Diane's tone was still in comfort mode. "I mean she broke Rachel's nose and probably gave her a concussion, not to mention ended her year on the team because she wanted to give you some shit. I mean damn! That's devotion."

"Sh..she di....did that for me. Anne....does....love me!"

"I've known Anne since before she became the Anne we all know now. Trust me sweety, she does have feelings for you, but this is the only way she could show it. She doesn't want anything to happen to you. Why do think she doesn't want you around her?"

"I know Diane. Th..th-at's why I..I've been cr-crying. She can't o-o-open up to me..........I love h-h-her but I'm so afraid!" The tears returned in full force. Diane did her best to comfort her cousin.

"Why don't I stay at your place this weekend? Would that help some?"

"Yeah.....th-thanks." Misty's embrace on her cousin grew tighter by the minute until her dad arrived.

All weekend Misty was plauged by a recurring nightmare of Friday's events. Only in her dream Anne actually killed Rachel with a knife and then would abandon Misty to be alone and afraid. Anne would only repeat the phrase "what a bother" but would look at Misty rather than Rachel. She would have to be shaken from her terrorfying state by her mom or Diane. Every time this happened, she wouldn't give any excuse but that of "it was just a bad dream".

Sunday night came with Misty starting to show signs of feeling better. Her cheeks had more color and her eyes looked more lively, just like the Misty everyone knows. She decided to go to bed early this night. She could admit to herself she was feeling better and didn't think the nightmare would return tonight; not to mention she wanted to get up early to see who was performing in the talent show tomarrow. The others decided to stay up for a while longer. Three hours passed and it seemed Misty did get over her "bad dream". Diane and the the Thomases felt their worries for the girl ease away. Twenty minutes passed, the screaming began. The three of them ran up to Misty's bedroom, but arrived after she had waken herself from the dream. She was sitting upright with her hands crossed on her chest.

"Misty please tell me what's bothering you," her moher pleaded. "This is the seventh time this has happened this weekend. Did something happen with Anne that was so bad?"

"Anne killed Rachel.......she killed her in my dream," Misty's face was a ghostly white, her body rocking back and forth as if she was in a trance, but speaking regularly. "She cut her throat right in front of me, then stabbed her......stabbed her a lot....." Misty's arm moved like she was stabbing the bed; slamming her closed fist down upon the blanket.

"Diane....who's Rachel?" Mrs. Thomas asked. She wanted to keep the events that transpired on Friday a secret from her aunt and uncle, but no longer could she.

"Rachel tried to start a fight with her on Friday until Anne showed up and beat the shit out of her. Anne threw Rachels face against the locker next to Misty. Rachel had a broken nose, a concussion and minor skull fracture.......from what I was told."

"Oh my god Diane! Why didn't you tell us about this?" Mr. Thomas said quietly, hoping not to panic his daughter even more. "You said that you thought she was getting depressed and she needed to go home and rest. Why didn't you mention a fight?"

"I'm sorry Uncle John, but I thought that telling you one of the things wrong with her was bad enough. I didn't know THIS was going to happen."

Misty was still in her trance-like state. Saying that Anne killed her and slamming the bed. Cindy came to her daughter's side and embraced her tightly. The fear of losing her daughter to a mental institution was too much to bear. Misty continued to rock on her bed, but changed what she was saying, "I love you Anne, don't go away. Don't leave me!"

Cindy looked back at her husband for what to do next. He just nodded, telling her to play along. Cindy's grip grew tighter around her daughter. "I love you too, Misty."

"I need you to be with me Anne. I can't live without you....I think I'm going insane thinking about you."

Trying hard to hold back her tears Cindy replied, "You're not going insane sweety. I'm here for you. Just let it out. I'll take care of you, honey."

This brought Misty out of her trance, her face was flushed and her eyes looked rested. She looked around the room, lost in her own house. She couldn't remember why she was in her bedroom with all these people around. She couldn't remember the dream or even falling asleep. Finally, after five long minutes she recognized the people in her room.

"Mom, why are you crying? And why are dad and Diane in her, too?" Misty's tone was troublesome, but not hindered with fear.

"You were having your bad dream again Misty so we all decided to come up here this time," Diane spoke out quickly. "Are you feeling okay now honey?"

"I guess so.....when did I go to sleep?"

"About three-and-a-half hours ago. You said you wanted to get some early rest."

"I did? I don't remember getting changed or even coming up the stairs."

"Then try to get some rest Misty. Besides, we're gonna have fun tomarrow. Remember?"

Misty remembered the conversation at lunch on Friday, but nothig about what the hell just happened. Diane told her aunt and uncle she would be staying in Misty's room tonight in case this happened again. They agreed without any protest. They never met this Anne person, but she sure did a fine job of fucking up their daughter. Diane took a seat at the head of her cousin's bed with Misty's head resting on her soft shoulder. It wasn't long before the sound of a deep sleep filled the room, on the part of Misty anyway. Resting on her nurturing cousin's shoulder, the malcontent she harbored deep within her brain vanished. This would be the best night of sleep she's had in a long while; as for Diane, her concern for her baby cousin kept her awake through the night.

Misty and Diane arrived at school early the next morning. The faint dark blue glow of a cloudy morning was begining to reveal itself. They wanted to get a good seat for the day's events. In terms of school work, today is going to be easy. Only first and second period were scheduled as normal, and that was only to allow time to set up the stage for the show. Students involved with the event would be absent from classes all day and several teachers as well. Many other students would get to the theater early to "reserve" seats for their friends.

The pair of cheerleaders tried to avoid any discussion about Anne. Diane knew this would only spark another episode of dimensia for Misty. They walked and talked about this and that, mostly making fun of the acts they knew were going to happen. They were just about to the door when they noticed Anne had also arrived early this morning. She didn't seem to notice them through the window. Along with her usual school shit, she also had with her a guitar case. Diane couldn't remember Anne's name on the list of acts that was published in the school's paper earlier the previous week. Nothing in the music catagory or dance or anywhere. Anne disappeared into the dark of the theater door.

All morning Misty spend in a world of her own. She didn't hear or see anything but her own reality. She walked as though she was walking through the vally of death. Her face a ghostly white, her eyes blank as the dark side of the moon. Her worry for the the one whom she loves was too much to bear. 'Why would she be in the talent show? Everyone hates her........will she be booed off stage? I can't stand to see that happen. Am I going insane......how do I tell her that I love her without it being thrown back into my face like everything else I say to her? She doesn't know that I know what I know. I do know the old Anne, not the one everyone else hates. It's like.......loving a shadow...... I can look at it and it can look at me, but I can't put my arms around it or talk to it and it can't either.'

"Misty..........Misty......wake up.......HELLLLOOOOO," Diane jolted Misty out of her substituted reality. "Come on. The show starts in ten minutes."

The girls walked to their perspective lockers and met back at the theater entrance. Jennica, the one in charge of organizing the show, met up with her friends.

"I noticed Anne is in the talent show," Jennica said in sarcasm, "I'm wondering what kind of talent someone like that has. I doubt it's really anything good."

"THAT'S ENOUGH, JENNICA!!!!" Dian ordered, slapping her across the face. "This girl has been in hell for the last week. She doesn't need any help from you keeping her there. Come on Misty let's get our seats." Diane escorted her weeping cousin by the hand down to the front row. They met up with the rest of their circle of friends gathered around. They all knew of Misty's feelings for Anne, and the of the magnitude of Diane's readiness to defend her cousin, they dared not to attempt a stunt like the one Jennica just tried. They all came to have fun and support their friend.

The show started with Daniels Stour's comedy routine. He was met with an eager audience, as he was last year. This helped to bring Misty out of her depression a bit. A pair of identical twins followed Daniel in a hula dance. Misty felt her nervousness grow as the acts passed. Several swing dancers, solo singers, a couple of piano players, but no Anne. Anxiety, fear, every emotion fathomable crept to the forefront of the girl's heart. The sorrowness of the aura around her resinated into everyone else. Even her friends' nerves were being tried. Nearing what wound normally be lunchtime for Anne and Misty, the principal announced the next act, "The String Metal Septet".

This name is foreign to everyone in the student body. The audience started to talk amongst themselves as to who this group is. The curtin started to rise to the sound of an electric guitar. This tune, which sounded like the dark side of Mozart, was met with the haunting melody of a violin and viola. A bass giutar and cello added to the meloncholy song which was mixed with the a bass and deep drums. The tune carried with it the sound of a ballad mixed wih the sound of a heavy metal band. Suddenly, all was quiet say for the violin which kept playing it's sadness. The stage lights came on, revealing Anne standing at the microphone at center stage. No one else in the band was recognisable, even if they too were in the light. Anne started to play her guitar again, in duet with the violin. The music began to carry a heavy emotion over the hearts of everyone listining, especially Misty. Anne's voice bellowed out, piercing the emotional barrier of everyone in the audience as she began to sing. The rest of the band picked up with the first sung note.

"I am here before you, here in your eyes. I'm hiding myself, but you see through my disguise. You see through me, you see the love in me I feel my heart begin to say "Please let her be".

I catch myself sinking into your eyes. My heart starts to tell me "No more lies".

I've only seen what I've wanted to see, I denied my heart, but I want to believe."

The power chords, bass, cello and thundering drums picked up.

"I feel my wall starting to fade, I can no longer resist. My eyes crack open, I see my love in the mist

My heart begins to open for you. Through the mist I see yours too. Loving you more than I do myself, Loving you more than life itself.

Seeing you smile in the shadow, I can no longer resist. Peering through the darkness, I see my love in the mist."

The band went into a ninety second powerful instrumental. The mornful tunes carried over the hearts and souls of everyone in the school.

"Looking at you I see my wall ending the fade. I look deep inside at the love we've made.

I've only seen what I've wanted to see. My heart made it true and now I believe

Loving you more, I can no longer resist. My eyes are open, I see my love standing in the mist......"

The song ended with the orchestra instruments playing for the last twenty seconds. The entire audience awarded them with a long standing ovation. Those who didn't participate in the applause were busy tending to the girl in tears in the front row. Anne found the reward she needed in the tears of the girl before her. The stage darkened once again, symbolizing to Misty some kind of omen that would change her view of Anne's affections towards her. This was the only thought on her mind as the show closed for lunch.

Chapter Three: The Truth Behind the Truth

Searching franticly in the mob of people in the cafeteria, Misty couldn't find the one person she wanted to see. No one knew what happened to her, or any of the band, after the lights went out. Through the crowd see saw her cousin waving to her. Diane and Misty fought there way through the other hungry students to their table.

"Can't find her either?" Misty asked with her head down.

"Nope. Where do you think she could've gone?" Diane asked. It was easy to tell her genuine concern in her voice.

"I don't know. I don't think she went to any of the classrooms just to avoid talking to me."

"Do you think she maybe went home, since her mom's probably at work?" Diane's tone was becoming much more suggestive than concerning.

"Yah, and just checked herself outself out of school?!" Misty retorted deep in sarcasm.

"Well, no attendance was taken today so we technically arn't here to begin with and I think Anne knows that...you know how she is about paying attention to detail."

With that Misty lept to her feet and headed for her car. No one paid her any mind, not even the teachers, as if it was normal for a student to just up and leave school like that. She ran through the hallways and didn't stop until she reached her car. What she saw when she got in scared the hell out of her. Anne was sitting in her car, waiting for her.

"Shit, Anne. You scared the shit out of me," Misty said out of breath.

"I've been waiting here for almost ten minutes," Anne said in her usual tone, "what took so long?"

"Why didn't you just come to the lunchroom like a normal person to meet me?"

"Because I am no normal person, in the physical sense, not to mention the mental. I have something I need to show you before we can go any farther with our......situation... why arn't you driving?" Misty found her fear growing once again. She started the car and began to drive out of the school parking lot.

"Where are we going?" Misty asked concerned for her Anne.

"Your place. It would be a shame for you to see the abomination I call a home. What I want to show you and my reasoning behind it......just trust me, you'll be much more comfortable at your house anyway." Anne's wall was fading fast. Her love for Misty is genuine in its own right, but needed assurance. "I just hope you are prepared for what I have to show you. While we're waiting, tell me how you knew about my condition."

"Diane told me about how you've changed from when the two of you were kids. As you've probably figured out by now, I am her cousin. Anyway, we were talking and somehow your name came into the conversation. Suddenly she started talking about the weather, or some other b.s. When I brought you up again, she told me to change the subject. I kept pressing her to tell me what she knew, she finally gave in. She told me that one day everything about you was different; how you spoke, how you dressed, how you acted, how you treated everyone, why the teachers started hating you."

"Why did you want to know in the first place? How did you know me? I don't think we've ever met before when I first saw you in calculus."

Misty continued driving towards her house, her mind going faster than her car. "Through all the pictures of you and Diane and her stories about you made me fall in love with you. No, I don't think we ever met before that day either, but that's how I recognised you. Your beautiful face hasn't changed much. I think true love just hit me."

"I think it hit me too," Anne confessed quietly. Her hard exterior all but vanished; she spoke truthfully, admitting to herself her love for this girl. "You probably don't know this, but since that day everytime we had a class together, something was calling my name at the classroom door and everytime you seemed to appear in the doorway. After our first 'conversation' as I remember you calling it, I kept seeing you even if you weren't there. Everytime I got one of your notes, I tried to convince myself this affair was nothing more than a farse to get me to break down, something no one could do to me anymore. That's when I decided to admit my love for you and show what I need to show you. I just thought my song would lighten the mood."

"I was wondering about that. Who was that band?" They were nearly at Misty's street. The houses were becoming much more like mansions, a fact that caught Anne's attention immediately.

"It was my brother's. I called in a favor. I told them about what was going on and they all agreed to help me without question. Those guys are the only family I've had for a long time after my father and brother were killed. Steven, the violinist, thought that my brother would love to here that I have a love in my life now." Anne put her left hand on Misty's leg and squeezed her thigh a bit, smiling at her. Her deep emotions finally being shown to someone was like a heavy burden falling from her shoulders. Anne could feel her entering a Utopia that would be only for her and Misty.

"We're here. Do you want to come in? No one else is home," Misty said grabbing Anne's hand on her thigh.

"Of course I do, Misty," Anne said holding her hand in return. Anne brought it up to her mouth and kissed her fingers gently. Anne began to stray into their Utopia from which there was no return. She knew once she opened the door to this, there was no closing it.

MIsty showed Anne around for a bit to help make her feel a litle more comfortable about telling her this secret. The sheer dimensions of this house boggled Anne's mind. The livingroom alone was nearly the size of her entire house. Above the marble floored foyer was a crystal chandeleir wrapped in a mahogany spiral staircase that led to the guest wing of the house as well as a full weight room. The first floor alone was larger than Anne's house all together, and had more rooms. A second flight of stairs, a split of two staircases, between the livingroom and the kitchen, led to the bedrooms upstairs and concealed the stairs leading to the basement, which was fully finished and furnished as an extra bedroom and study. The upper floor split off into separte wings of their own, one lead to the master bedroom and master bathroom, the other to Misty's. There were two bedrooms, each having its own bathroom. It was quite obvious to Misty that Anne fell in love with her house.

Sitting in the livingroom just blindly staring at each other, Anne had to muster all she could to tell her new friend of this secret. "You remember when we first met? What I said to you?"

"Sure. You practically told me to get lost. You said something like you didn't want anything bad to happen to me or some other b.s." Misty was trying her hardest to ease Anne's emotions.

"I'm sure you remember what happened between you and Rachel. Are you prepared for that to happen over again?"

"I remember you smashed her face into the locker and that you stood up for me. Later that weekend I started going crazy, as my mom told me the next day, but I can't remember what exactly happened."

"I said I wanted to keep you a nice person. Do you remember that? I want to keep you that way so atleast one of us will be. I can no longer be a nice person and I have this constant reminder of why I can't be." Anne started to rub her right arm. She kept her eyes on the floor the whole time she spoke of being nice. "Are you ready to see what happens to nice people who are too nice?"

Misty nodded her head, "What are you telling me?"

Anne threw her trenchcoat off from her shoulders. Misty fell back in her chair in disbelief of her own eyes. "This is why I cannot be nice to anyone ever again! Are you ready to live with this?!" Anne's right arm wasn't that of flesh and bone, it was made from metal! From her shoulder on down to the tips of every finger, pure metal. The shoulder of the device was bolted into the colar bone and there was an obvious scar from the operation.

"How did this happen sweety? When did you get this? You think this why I couldn't love you? I will always love you, sweetheart. You mean to tell me your own mother doesn't even know about this...." Misty's voice trailed off from Anne's ears.

"No, my mother does know about this, but she chooses to forget about it because of what it reminds her of." Anne took her seat next to the teary-eyed girl.

"Tell me Anne, how did this happen to you?"

"I was walking back to my house, quite a few years ago from Diane's, when this strange man appraoched me. He asked me for some change, which I was more than happy to give. Back then I was like that. As I reached into my pocket to give him some, he pulled out this knife and swung at me. The details are a bit hazy, but what I do remember was the blade going into my shoulder and blood running down my arm and while I was crying and bleeding to death, he gathered all that he could and left. Someone passing by must have grabbed me because the next thing I remember I'm laying in a bed, my arm already amputated, with my mother in tears outside my room. At first I thought she was crying for me, but I later found out that the same guy who nearly cut my arm off also robbed a store that my dad and my brother were shopping at and stabbed them both to death. The police never did find the guy and my mother blames me for what happened, all because I couldn't remember what the guy looked like. My mom hates me and constantly reminds me that she would have rather have me die, than have her husband and son get killed. This eyesore is both of ours to remember why I am the way that I am and why my mother is who she is." Anne was in tears before she finished her life's story. Misty was balling her eyes out, leaning on her love's shoulder, the real one. Anne's wall was finally broken through completely by this girl. She was the only one who knew who actually made Annebell Amera who she is now. Misty didn't care either way. She knew the truth behind the truth and that was that mattered to her.

"This really is quite a secret that you had," Misty said through her sorrow for her girlfriend. "Diane didn't tell me that you were even in the hospital."

"I never said I was in the hospital. My uncle found out what happened and had me fitted for this arm, from what I understand. I've had this for a long time and everytime they have to replace it, for whatever reason, it hurts like hell."

"...because of the pain it reminds you of?"

"Because it's connected to each one of my nerves. Think of someone hitting you with a blunt knife on an open wound. That'll get you close to what it feels like. The emotional part of it is just overwhelmed by the physical pain."

"What do your uncles do for a living anyway to have you fitted with kind of equipment? I've only heard of one other person to have successfully been fitted with a mechanical arm before. His face was all over the news, I'm sure you remember."

"Don't ever ask me that again, Misty. I love you, I don't want to have to kill you. Let's just say they work for the State Department, but because of my successful operation of this fake limb, they went public with the knowledge and put one on that guy. That's when they came forward with what they were doing behind closed doors. It's funny how we have already made a breakthrough with human cyborization, but haven't figured out how to make a flying car." Anne's tears had dried, as had Misty's. Anne could feel Misty's warmth from her girlfriend against her chest. A question came over her in that moment that must be answered quickly. There would be no turning back afterward. "Misty, can I stay here with you?"

"Of course you can sweety. You're always welcome here, besides my parents want to meet you. Of course you can stay here tonight." Misty was overjoyed that Anne asked the question she had been hoping to here for a long time.

"I don't mean it like that. I don't know why, but I want to live here with you. I need to get away from that whore I must refer to as mother."

"Are you out of your mind? Sorry...wrong way to put it....but my parents don't even know you that well and we haven't been able to prepare your room for........." Anne let the rest fade away.

"Call them...please Misty. I need to get away from that thing before something bad happens. I've put up with it for far too long. Please have your parents come home so we can discuss this. I don't want to go back to that slut-mom. I don't know why, but for the first time in my life I can be happy and this is my only way to be so....."

"Alright baby, I'll call them up okay?" Misty and Anne had switched places. Anne had a death grip around Misty ,with her head buried into Misty's chest, who was taken aback by this shift in Anne's demeanor. "Just let me get up to get the phone."

The whole while Misty was gone, Anne sat on the couch thinking deeply about abandoing her own mother for her life with Misty. Anne spent her time searching for her Utopia that she once had that made her happy and tried to make it right for her and her girlfriend. The depths of her heart was swarmed with the conflicting battle of her deep love for Misty while trying to forget about her mother as a living being. The whore who reinerated day-in-and-day-out that she was alive because the guy didn't do a good enogh job in the first place was easy to forget, but it was the worry she harbored that her love's parents would hate for being as such.

Anne's patience were running thin. Misty hadn't returned for almost an hour. She did make good use of her time by wondering around the house hoping for the positive. She helped herself to the kitchen freely getting herself a drink and some lunch. She just sat down on the formal dining room table when Misty came bouncing in.

"They're on their way home!!! They sounded so happy too!!!!"

"Calm down sweety. Nothing has been decided yet. Don't be getting your hopes up." They chatted mindlessly for the next twenty or thirty minutes. They both seemed to be sure that Misty's parents would go for this plan. They rushed to the living room when they heard the cars come up the driveway.

"Misty, dear! We're home!" her father called out, oblivious to the fact they were only a few feet away. Anne quickly sprang up and put her coat back on.

"We're in the living room mom and dad," Misty said calmly to her parents. Anyone could feel the tension and anxiety rising in the room with every step her parents took. Anne's uncertainty of her future took full effect on her. Her nervousness growing so much she could feel her throat begin to dry and her breathing became horse and raspy.

"Misty dear," her mother said in a polite tone, "please go up to your room while we discuss this 'important thing' that you told us about." Cindy's demeanor was pleasant, yet uncomfortable. Anne knows all too well how the rich act to your face. They tend to be sweet and nice while condescending in being so. However, Anne knew nothing of what Misty has been through because of her.

"So," John began taking a seat next to her on the couch with Cindy standing behind her husband, as if she didn't want to be any closer to her, "you must be Anne. Let me just say that my opinion of you is a bit lessened than what Misty's is. You have put our daughter through hell. She hasn't been able to stop thinking about you ever since before we moved here."

"I know, she told me," Anne said in a rather spirited tone. Her usual self in this circumstance had hidden away deep inside her. "Diane told me that Misty was falling into a state of depression."

"Yes, she has to say the least. She's been having nightmares about you killing someone and then turning around and saying that she can't live without you. What the hell did you do to her anyway? Tell us your side of the story, Anne. Please."

"Let me say that I've never killed anyone, but can you tell me about these nightmares? I want to know something before I go into details with my story."

Cindy spoke up quickly, "She says that you killed someone by slashing her throat and then repeatedly stabbed her. Later on she told us about having her arms cut off, or sometimes her legs. Why do you want to know this?"

"I would call that a preminision, by definition, almost verbatum to my story......before I told it to her." Anne took her hands out of her pockets, took off her coat and showed the Thomases what she showed to Misty. Cindy nearly fainted and John fell back in his seat. Her metal arm shining bright in the afternoon sun. "To answer your question, I tried to protect her. Misty, as far as I can tell, has been a nice person all her life. I was once that way as well at one point. I learned the hard way that being nice has bad consequences. That would explain the dismembering dream. The same man that did this to me also stabbed and beheaded my brother and father. I was told it was the same kind of weapon that took off my arm. My brother, my father and my own arm was the price I paid for being nice. I wasn't about to have someone else's life taken away as mine was because of their personality, hence my initial malcontent towards your daughter.......when we first met." Anne sat back for a second to think of what next to say to these people. She already almost put them into shock just by revealing her past to them.

"That definately is important, but I'm confused. Why do you want to stay here insted of with your mother, your only family?"

"That whore is not my mother," Anne said in her usual tone. "For years, this freakish reminder of that day has plagued my mind, and her's. That thing that I live with only lives for sex. I've been raising myself since I was in high school. I've supported myself; got a job, pay the bills, kept my grades up only to have my mother tell me she wished that I had died and they had lived. Call me selfish if you want, but I think I've earned the right to get away from that thing."

"Anne," John said quietly, "would you please get Misty, but give us a few minutes before you return?"

Anne excused herself without saying a word. The weight on her heart and mind slowed her steps. She could vividly hear Misty's parents talking quietly, although she couldn't make out what they were saying. She found Misty siting on her bed, facing the wall, writing something that looked like a poem. Misty didn't hear her come in. Anne stood by the bed, looking over her shoulder. The scripture was very tender in it's language and beautiful in it's tune.

"Very nice," Anne complimented surprising her girlfriend.

"Damn Anne, you scared the hell out of me." Misty looked into Anne's troubled eyes. "What's wrong honey, what did they say?" Misty noticed Anne wasn't wearing her coat.

"They want to tell us both the verdict. They told me to come get you and then give them a few minutes before returning. They seemed to believe me, but I know they don't like me....at all." Anne sat next her Misty as she began to tear up. "I'm scared Misty. I don't want to go back to that life. I want to be with you forever. I love you..." Misty gathered Anne into her arms as they both began to cry. Anne felt her love for Misty growing with each passing moment. Anne felt her happiness returning that she had almost forgot she even had. Misty kissed Anne on her forehead as they heard John calling from downstairs. They slowly got to their feet and down the steps; they held hands the entire way down.

John and Cindy had gathered themselves from the shock that Anne put on them and were sitting on the couch. Anne and Misty were standing before them hand-in-hand with high hopes.

"Anne," John said politely, "it's quite obvious that you have been through a lot of trauma. It surprises the both of us that you have stayed alive as as you have. Most of my own patients would have killed themselves by now. Misty told us about that song of yours and what it meant to her."

Anne's agony was growing. She was waiting to hear the "but" part any second. She knew nothing but disappointment for her efforts. Misty started to wince as Anne's grip tightened.

"Please take a seat you two," Cindy said. She took a deep breathe before delivering the news. "Anne, Misty loves you and it's become clear to us that the feeling is mutual. Anne......you can stay with us for as long as you want." Misty jumped with excitement. Anne, however, hunched over in tears of her own joy.

'If this is a dream, please don't wake up......stay here with Misty, Anne....don't wake up...' Anne kept thinking over and over again.

Looking up from her hands, Anne said, "Thank you mister and misses Thomas, but which one is my room?"

"I think Misty should pic...." before Cindy could finish Misty answered.

"MINE!!! She can stay in my room, mom."

"When can I move in, Mrs. Thomas?"

"Anne, please call me mom now. Whenever you want to. We can go and get your stuff now if you like. John has a truck we can use."

"Okay, mom. Let's go already!" Misty was too excited for her own good. Anne on the other hand was very subdued. She reacted to the good news the only way she knew how. Hearing good news for once hit her like a ton of bricks. The thought of actually leaving that hell-hole was too much to fathom. The whole ride to her house, Anne spoke only to give directions, while Misty couldn't shut her mouth.

They arrived at the house a little before two in the afternoon, well before Kathrine's normal time to arrive. In the driveway, however, was a familiar silver Shelby Cobra. Anne looked into her mother's bedroom window from the driveway to find a familiar sight. 'Great!' Anne thought to herself. 'This is all I need right now!'

"See what I mean dad? She won't even notice us at all. Let's get this over with quickly, please?"

Anne entered the house first into the stench of raunchy sex. Kathrine only recently closed the door to her bedroom. Anne noticed a few wet spots on the floor from where they had been today. Anne carried several large boxes to put her things in, while Misty had a complete luggage set in tote. John and Cindy waited in the truck for the gilrs' return.

They walked passed the door completely unnoticed by either of them into Anne's room. Misty was dumbstruck by how empty the room looked. A drab sadness crept into the girl's heart. Anne had very little in terms of clothing and material items. She never felt the need for more than two weeks worth of clothes and had little use for anything else. Anne left her bed and dresser, but took the sheets and clothes. She broke her desk down and boxed it up. Misty found a full binder of poems and songs on the floor by the amplifier. Most of them dark and gloomy, talking of murder and insanity. One stood out from the others: "Freedom, At Last".

"I'm in a place where time stands still In my head, I feel the urge to kill. Locked up in this cage of steel; Wake me up, this can't be real. Kept inside this sanitarium, Inside my head is their eporium. Violent's will breeds violent deeds: "You will kill" is it's creed. It was easy how it took my life And it only took it one night. They keep me lock up in this hell. I'm getting better can't you tell?

They say I'm wrong, they say I'm right But through this hell I must fight. When the moon is full, they say I'm changed- Nothing that shows me I'm deranged. Now that the world id, I'm just one. I woun't know it 'til my sentence is done. I'm told my head is in their hands. I'm glad they know mothing of my plans. They say I'm good, they say I'm cured, But in their eyes they're not sure. They bleed me deep, it ends my pain And they say I'm the one insane.

They send me back into my room. Eventually this will be my tomb. Deathly lost, this can't be real. I can't bear this hell I feel. My pain and darkness filling me To the breaking point of agony. They say I'm right, they say I'm well, But I'm still locked within my cell. The man of Death, he is my friend. All my life he always has been. I've dreampt the same thing every night. I can see my freedom in my sight.

Go to sleep and you will see That your dream is my reality. Tiny whispers within my brain Keep me thinking I'm insane. All I want is to be let free. My end is all that can save me. I'm affraid of what's out there. I can't even breath the free air. When I'm with them, they keep me tied. When we refuse, we will die. It's now time, pull the switch of death. Now, at last, I take my last breath."

'This is how she's managed to stay alive all this time.' Misty clutched the book in close to her chest, feeling her tears once again overflowing. Anne continued to pack what little belongings she had.

"Finished," Anne said in joy. "I can finally get the hell out of here... baby what's wrong?"

"I just didn't know what it was like for you back then, sweety. It's just a lot to take in."

"Let's finish packing and get the fuck out of here. As you can here from the other room, I want this to take as little time as possible." Anne's voice was more rushed as she heard the screams deminishing. "Wait for me in the truck with mom and dad. Now, sweety! I don't want you to see what I must do." Misty could see the fury in Anne's eyes burning all the darker. Her irises had gone black as well as her heart. Anne waited to her the door close before she made another move.

She marched over to her mother's room with her "arm" free for all to see. With one punch, the door fell forward into the room. Kathrine was being fucked from behind by this oddly familiar woman. Kathrine's tits were bouncing heavily with each heavy thrust of her hips; Anne could see the leather harness of the strap-on around the woman's ass. She could tell by the sheer volume of their screams they didn't hear anyone "knocking". Several seconds went by before their attention was diverted over to the door.

The other woman, realizing Anne had been watching them, quickly pulled out of her mother and tried pathetically to cover herself with the blanket. Kathrine, on the other hand, was furious.


"Thank you mother," Anne replied in her usual cold voice, "that was all I wanted to hear you say."

"LEAVE ALREADY GODDAMNIT!!" Kathrine yelled as Anne stood in the doorway with a strange little smirk on her face. The other woman, who Anne finally realized is the mother to one of her students, was pressing her body against the headboard trying to get as far away from Kathrine as she could.

"Good bye mother. I apologize for the intrusion, Mrs. Johnson. You two have fun now..." Anne turned and walked out the door, waving her right hand to the women on the bed. Mrs. Johnson was speechless, to say the least.


Anne tapped on the bedroom window, "I don't ever plan to." Anne sinically smiled to her mother and winked at the lover. Kathrine got up, fully exposed, and closed the curtains.

"What the hell just happened, baby?" Misty asked her girlfriend.

"Something that I've been wanting for a long time," Anne retorted with a much happier expression on her face. "Listen to me, I'm actually laughing. Damn that feels good."

The two girls chated away like they have been old friends the entire trip back to Misty's house. John and Cindy took each other's hand and smiled. It had been weeks since their daughter was this happy. They returned to the Thomas' house and unpacked all of Anne's belongings, what little there was. Misty's room was plenty big enough for the two of them to live comfortably. Misty has been waiting her whole life for someone else with whom to share her king-size bed, she finally found her. Anne's best friends were put in a coner nearest to the bed and her small amount of clothes put through the laundry.

"Girls come down here!" John called out. They came running down the stairs like a herd of elephants. They found their mom and dad sitting in front of the TV.

"What's up?" Anne asked pleasantly.

"Anne, where do you want to go for dinner tonight? You and Misty go out for a while and you just pick a place. Okay sweetheart?"

"Sure," Anne said, obviously a little uncomfortable. She had to remind herself that she was in a loving household now.

Misty took Anne out to the shopping district downtown. Although it was more than eighty degrees outside, Anne still wore her large coat and gloves, to keep her arm out of view of the public. They shared a pleasant afternoon together, getting a quick lunch and doing a lot of window shopping, but not buying anything.

"Godamnit!!" Misty said dropping her head.

"What?" Anne retorted looking around.

"That girl standing over there by the pretzel shop. She's one of Rachel's friends from the team. Let's just go before she sees us." Anne agreed. They left the store as quickly as they could as low as they could. They immediately turned away from the girl to avoid any confrontation, but in vain.

"ANNE!" Lindsey yelled out to them. Anne stopped in her tracks at the sound of her name. Misty kept urging her to keep going, but Anne wanted to get this over with. She turned to look at the girl, who was running to catch up with them.

"So you were the one who attacked Rachel in the hallway. Let me just warn you to stay the hell away from us or your precous little girlfriend might have an accident." Lindsey did her best to stare Anne down, but Anne just kept her usual expression.

Looking directly into her eyes, she said, "I don't know you." With that simple sentence she took Misty's hand in her left and continued on their way. Lindsey began to run after them after several moments. As the girl entered Anne's arm reach, she threw her right hand back as she turned around to face her. Misty was standing behind her girlfriend. Anne's hand found it's way onto Lindsey's jaw on the initial swing. Her head hit the ground with an audible thud. Anne stood posed to defend her lover. Lindsey got to her feet, but had to brace herself against the wall for support. Her eyes were bloodshot and hazy. She looked over at the two girls then fell to the floor again. Grapping Misty by the hand, Anne walked over to the limp the girl and knelt down beside her.

"Let that be a warning to you. Stay away from her." Anne brought Misty to her side as she stood back up. They left Lindsey lying there in he middle of the crowded mall.

"Shouldn't we atleast tell someone to help her?" Misty asked.

"Let it be. Someone will come around to help it eventually." Anne said rather coldly. They kept walking until they found a bench to rest on for a minute, on Misty's request.

"What is it darling?" Anne said looking into Misty's troubled eyes.

"You just scare me when you get like that is all."

"I know how to control my rage. How do you think I've stayed alive all this time. I found a place to keep it locked up and only let it out when I need it. I would never even think about hitting you, if that's what scares you."

"I know that sweety. But you just feel out of my reach, like I can't bring you back when you get like that." The two girls stood up, Anne still looking down. "Baby, look at me...."

As Anne turned to look at her, Misty wrapped her arms around Anne's waist. Standing in a loving embrace, cheek-to-cheek. They got some odd stares from the people passing by. The two of them didn't care either way what those people thought. Misty turned to her girlfriend and kissed her on her cheek, causing Anne to blush a little. They were soon locked in a somewhat passionate kiss in the middle of the crowded mall, in full view of everyone. Some people were ogaling, some were embaressed to watch, but the two girls only saw each other.

The two girls pulled away from each other and headed to the nearest bench. "So where do you want to eat tonight, Anne?" Misty sat with her head propped up on her hand; she was quite relaxed. Anne, on the other hand, was sitting more tense than usual. It just hit her that they just shared their first intimate moment in full view of the public.

"Why don't you pick the place and we'll just say it was my idea? I've never gone anywhere to eat in a very long time and I don't know what all is around here anymore."

"How about Federalli's? It's a very fancy Italian place downtown. Sound good?"

"How fancy are we talking here? I don't own anything fancy and I'd be damed if I make you or your parents look like fools for taking me somewhere special. By the sounds of things, you all go there often. I do like Italian food mind you, but I would hate to get you all kicked out..."

"Don't worry, honey," Misty said up beat, brushing her hand over Anne's. "I'll get you a nice dress and then we'll go, okay?"

"Whoa! Did you just say 'dress'? I can't where a dress with this. Just imagine the embaressment of walking through a place like that and all of those people looking at the freak with the metal arm."

"If I cared about that Anne, I woundn't have mentioned it. It will be alright, I promise. Yes we may get some stares, but after that no one will even notice us there."

They spend the rest of the afternoon shopping for Anne. Misty already had plenty of them to choose from, unfortunately they wouldn't fit on Anne. Anne had to remind herself that she was still a woman at heart and would try her best to atleast present herself as a lady. After nearly two hours of 'maybes' and 'hell nos', they found a store that just might suit their needs. Misty was looking for an evening gown type dress, while Anne was looking for anything comfortable. Anne picked the about five different ones she liked and headed for the dressing rooms; Misty decided to join her.

Anne stripped down to her panties and bra, completely oblivious to the fact there was someone else with her.

"Oh shit," she said looking into the mirror. "You could've told me you wanted in here." Anne stood there in all her glory for her lover. "Which one first?"

"This one." Misty picked up a sapphire blue gown with what looked like Tiffany beading. Misty couldn't believe how fabulous her lover looked in lingerie. They both hesitated for a second to try and shake off their apperent nervousness. Misty made the first move. As Anne turned to step into the garment, Misty closed the gap between them and began to fondle Anne's breasts. Anne stood straight up immediately as Misty started laying kisses down the back of her neck and shoulders. Misty unhookd the clasp of Anne's bra and let it fall to the floor. She took quick notice of Anne's nipples being fully aroused. Anne could feel her dampness in her panties getting wetter by the second. Misty started rolling her thumb and forefinger over her lover's rock hard nipples. Anne was in pure heaven. She let Misty have her way with her. She wanted to be a slave to her wishes. Misty let one drop to Anne's pussy. Anne propped one leg up on the bench to allow her better access. Misty was getting even hotter by feeling how wet her lover was from her stimulation. Anne could feel Misty's hesitation moutning to go any further, however.

"It's okay. I want you to..." Anne said with some effort. Misty let go of Anne completely. She spun around to see why and was greeted with what she was hoping for. Misty took the liberty of getting undressed herself. "Let me help you, baby." Anne said with lust dripping from her words. Anne threw Misty's shirt off in one motion. Misty was standing against the door, which was starting to creek under her weight. Anne grabbed the front of her pants and dragged her to where she was sitting on the bench with her lover inches away. Anne could smell the sweet arousal of her girlfriend. Anne made quick work of dropping Misty's jeans to her ankles. She immediately started kissing Misty's pussy from outside of her thong. Misty was moaning and grabbed her lover's hair, trying to pry her way to remove the rest of her clothing.

Anne got the message. She stood up and kissed her with more fire than ever before. She reached behind her lover and unhooked her bra. Somehow, the garment fell to the ground, leaving the girls standing there in their panties kissing and fondaling each other. Anne took a seat back on the bench, leading Misty to her lap. Anne immediately attacked Misty's nipples with her mouth. Sucking on the sensative areolas while rubbing Misty's soaked pussy. Misty couldn't control herself from letting out her moans of pleasure. She didn't care if anyone heard them or not. She got out of her girlfriend's lap and removed her thing in a very quick motion. Standing completely nude for her lover to see, she went over to Anne and knelt down. She hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties and tugged them off quickly. She began to lay soft kisses on the iniside of her legs. Starting form her knees. She gently kissed her way up to the insides of Anne's thighs. Misty could see the sweet center of her desire staring back at her. Anne had hold of Misty's hair. She was massaging her breasts the whole time Misty worked on her legs. Misty needed no further encouragment to keep going. She put her nose on the edge of Anne's labia and started to lick her way into her slit. Anne was out of her mind high on sexual heat. She screamed out, but tried to keep it quiet since they were in a public place. Misty kept licking up all of Anne's girl-juice. She soon found her way to the petruding bud of Anne's clit. Misty removed her tongue and started to suck on it while fingering her girlfriend. This was to much for Anne. Her orgasm hit her like steam engine. Beads of sweat were all over Anne's body. Her breathing was hoarse. Misty got up and sat in her lap. She brought Anne's head against her chest, rubbing the back of her neck.

"How was that, lover?" Misty said in quiet, sexy tone.

"Amazing!" Anne said out of breath. As they sat there cuddling and rgaining themsleves, Misty's phone stated to ring.

Next: Chapter 2: Absolution

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