Lovesick Toxic Fridays

By Not Given

Published on Mar 17, 2006



Foreword: This story is based on reality. Only the names have been changed, everything else is true to the final detail. Im using this as a tool I suppose, to express myself and confess my sin. I have included all the details I can remember and as such, this story may cause offence, if it does Im sorry, but what I see here is a story of love, even if it isnt ideal.

When I went to senior school (high school), I wasnt the most popular person. I was never good at sport and I didnt talk about girls and cars, so I was something of an outcast. Also, Im an only child so I didnt interact much with other kids. I did make some friends, good friends who, for the most part, have stuck by me for years and who I still see regularly. One of the friends who didnt stick around for long was a guy called Peter. He was easily over 6 foot by the age of 16 because hed been born with a muscle defect and had been taking steroids since as long as he could remember. Seems he took just a few too many and was very well built because of it. He wasnt the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he was cool all the same. There was also a rumour going around that he had a massive cock, but I never did find out if that was true or not. It would make sense with the steroids and all. Oh well, back to the story.

One day we got talking in class and it ended up with him telling me how funny I was and asking me to join him on a trip to the cinema. I told him I'd be delighted.

That Friday night, I went over to his house and saw two other boys there called Richard and Joe and I brought along my friend Steve making 5 of us all together. We set off to the cinema, and on the way, I spoke to Peter about the two guys that had joined us. I'd never seen them in class before and later I found out that this was because they were in the year (grade) below us. Joe was a real laugh, always cracking jokes. Richard was a little quieter. As I examined these two new people a little closer, I found Joe to be ordinary looking, but as for Richard, he was gorgeous. He was about the same height as me, maybe an inch taller, with blonde, spiky hair, a fairly thin face, he wore glasses but what I noticed about his face most of all was that his skin was amazing. He has the most wonderful soft looking skin with not a blemish on it, despite being 15 when he should have been covered in spots. He was gorgeous, a slim built. His hands were nicely maintained too, but his best feature was his bottom. It wasnt anything spectacular, but it was his, and to watch it from behind was a treat.

We reached the cinema, watched some easily forgettable film and went back to Peters house. It was about 1:00 am, Steve begged his parents for a lift home, and got one. As for the rest of us, we stayed over at Peters until morning. We all slept in Peters room, after a few hours of video games on Peters high-spec PC. He played an on-line first person shooter and was pretty good at it. At about 3:15, we went to sleep. Peter in his bed and Joe, Richard and myself on Peters floor. I got straight into a sleeping bag with my clothes on but the others all took off their tops and trousers. Unfortunately, Peter had switched off the light so I couldnt see a thing. I felt quite luck to be sleeping next to Richard. I lay there pretending to be asleep for about an hour before I cuddled up next to him as carefully as I could.

I should explain, I've always had a thing for arms, its almost a fetish, but not quite. Theyre just a symbol of manliness and strength. I like to watch guys arm muscles twitch when they write and so on. Anyway, that will explain why I found the next bit such a turn on.

As I lay there, wide awake next to Richard, I noticed that he was laying with his arm on top of the blanket under which we were all sleeping (apart from Peter). Even though it was dark, I could still make him out quite well by the moonlight now that my eyes had adjusted. I checked if he was asleep by giving him a little rib dig. He was, and so were the others. His arms were beautiful, so I just laid my arm along side his and felt his skin against mine, warm, and as soft as it looked. It was heaven and naturally, I got a hard on. I held his hand as he slept, then I felt his bicep, colder than his hand and not exactly muscular, but gorgeous all the same. I didnt want to risk waking him, so I returned my arm to my own sleeping bag and moved back to where I should have been sleeping. As I lay there in the dark, thoughts racing through my head of how I'd like to kiss this boy, pleasure him any way I could and expect nothing in return. I just knew that I loved this boy, totally and utterly.

We were awoken at 7:00 am the next morning so that Peter could go to work, which meant we all had to bugger off too. The following Monday we all got together and decided, much to my delight, that Friday night movie sessions were to become a regular thing. So, that Friday was pretty similar to the previous, only this time I wasnt laying next to Richard. I was laying next to Peters bed. I thought to myself, this would be the perfect time to see if the rumour was true. All I'd have to do was lift up the duvet and have a look, alas, two things prevented me. One, he was wearing boxers so I wouldnt see too well anyway and two, if he caught me, hed beat me to death, so I left it. As I laid there, I realised, I didnt need my hands to feel Richards skin against my own, so I stretched my legs out and started playing footsie with Richard. My efforts were soon halted when I discovered he had ticklish feet; he woke up and I had to pretend it was an accident. That night was not so good.

The next week, I had a totally different agenda. I brought my digital camera with me. As usual, we saw a film, went back to Peters and this time, I was next to Richard again. A usual I feigned sleep until they were in the land of nod, and then I got out my camera, set it to maximum exposure, and started taking pictures of Richard. They came out wonderfully and gave me plenty of stimulation over the next few days. Those pictures made me cum at least 10 times (not in one go you understand)

The next week was a little different. Steve didn't come along, and as a consequence, Peter changed the layout of the night. He brought some weed with him. He, Joe and Richard all lit up, but I declined on account of how dangerous it was. I protested that Richard didn't have any either but he did all the same. It was his first time he'd smoked anything, and it was strong stuff. I remember the smell now. The three of them got stoned pretty quickly, Peter who I discovered had done it a few times, took a little longer. We began to walk across the car park to the cinema but as we started to walk, Richard threw up. I started to run and help him but Peter grabbed me and told me to leave him be, so I did. As we continued across the car park, he said he felt a lot better. However this was not the case. A second or two later, he lost his balance and fell over. I picked him up around his middle and would have found the experience nicer if I didn't fear for his safety. The other two were stoned and just laughed. We sat down in the cinema and I made sure I was on the end and sat next to Richard in case he was sick again. He fell asleep and missed the film. While he was asleep, I held his hand, more out of worry that the burning desire I felt for him. They were as soft as ever, but a little grazed from his fall.

Later that night (or morning technically), we got back to Peters and once again, I was laid along side Richard. And again as usual, I waited for them to go to sleep before exploring the body of my beloved. This week, my hand ventured onto his thighs. They, like the rest of him had perfectly smooth skin, but I was tired, concern can be very draining, so I soon went to sleep.

A few weeks went by, the same as before with me exploring his body, then going to sleep. I never went anywhere, interesting just his arms and legs, and every now and then, his tummy, until 1 week, it all changed.

The Friday in question started the same as the others, but, there was one crucial difference. This week, I said Yes. The joint was rolled just for me. It was a weak one after what happened to Richard the first time. I just thought to myself, what have I got to lose I lit up, choked and coughed (it was the first thing I'd smoked too) and took a long drag. At first I didn't feel anything, but then, everything started to sort of slow down. My legs felt very heavy and I had to sit down (just because of the weight) I started talking absolute bullshit and before long I was totally stoned. I never fell unconscious though, being a bigger lad I was more suited to dealing with intoxication. The movie seemed hilarious, even though I forget the exact plot.

When we made it back to Peters, an hour or two later than usual on account of my insisting we have another joint after the film, we went upstairs and I was so stoned, I had to crawl upstairs. I took up my usual position next to Richard and then I saw the most amazing thing. Before Peter had turned off the light, Richard had taken off his trousers and shirt, and stood there in his boxers. I took the time to admire his bulge, but, it wasnt all that impressive, still it was nice enough. What I really liked was seeing his butt, and more still, seeing his bare chest. I've never been a fan of nipples, but his navel and tummy were so cute to behold. He laid down next to me under the sheet we shared and just as I began to imagine him with even less clothing, it was suddenly morning. I'd gone out like a candle because I was stoned and missed a whole weeks worth of feeling.

I was the first awake and I stood up to go the toilet. As I looked down, I saw Richards rear sticking out from under the sheets, tight in his boxers. I couldnt believe my luck, the guy I fancied more than anyone else in the world, and I could get right up close to his butt. Better even than that, upon closer inspection, I noticed a skid mark had come through to the outside. I couldnt help myself, I crouched down slowly, checking they were all still asleep, then I put my face right in the gap between his butt cheeks, and sniffed the holy grail. To a straight mad, it might have been foul, but to me, there was no better smell on earth. As I knelt there, I suddenly remembered the camera in my bag, I grabbed it and, shaking wildly, I photographed the heavenly shrine of his hind quarters. As I lined up to take the 4th photo, something even more blissful happened. Richard farted and I was down there like a shot. I sniffed so deeply I almost ran out of room in my lungs. The smell was beautiful and unrivalled to this day. Then I panicked because Peter was starting to wake up. Luckily, he hadnt seen me take the pictures or sniff Richards butt, but I decided to quickly go to the bathroom where I relieved myself in more ways than one. I'm getting hard now just thinking about it.

The next week was better yet, hard to believe, but true. We all got stoned like last week and watched a film as usual, and also as usual we made our way to Peters house, where I slept next to Richard again. This week, I was stoned, but still very conscious, and about an hour after the others nodded off, I made my most daring move yet. I was shaking with fear, my heart was pounding quickly, but still my quivering hand slid towards its goal. It made its was under the covers for what seemed like an eternity, until, I felt my finger tips brush over his soft cotton boxer shorts. I froze. The only thing separating his butt cheek and my middle finger, was a thin layer of cotton. I slid my hand across the firm, round cheek until my middle finger settled in the gap in between his cheeks. I left my hand there for quite a while, just thinking how wonderful this was. I started to rub my cock but I was so worried that he might wake up at any second that I stopped soon after I started. He twitched in his sleep and I instantly withdrew my hand in terror. I rolled over, and went to sleep.

The next week was the best night of my life, ever in the whole history of my memory. Youve probably guessed already but, just let me tell the story. Same old routine, got stoned, saw a movie, went to Peters. That night, I thought Id go for the number 1 target. My hand crept beneath the duvet and found his underwear more quickly this time. Just for clarification sake, he was laying on his side facing away from me. Like the week before, my hand settled in the gap of his butt cheeks, then the realisation of my undertaking caught up with me and my heart banged furiously in my chest. My hand worked its way cautiously up to his waistband. I paused in the small of his back to feel his skin as soft as ever. I groped around the elastic carefully, but I couldnt find a way in, they were just too tight. So, I moved my hand down and tried to gain access through a leg hole, only to have the same problem. While I was down there, I managed to feel his testicles through his boxers but I was too disappointed to really care. I withdrew my hand, and moved across to the front of his boxers where I found a way in. The hole in the front of them that you piss out of, and it wasnt elasticated. Without a second thought, I manoeuvred my hand through the hole and placed it gingerly into his patch of pubic hair. Very slowly, I moved it down until I touched his scrotum. My penis throbbed for release. I moved up until I reached my goal. I touched the base of his penis and paused. It was so soft and perfect. I then continued to slide my hand along his shaft until I reached the head of his penis. Mores carefully than ever before, I placed the tip of my index finger inside his foreskin. It was wet, and a second later, so was mine. I came without even touching my dick. I have yet to have a better orgasm. I slowly and carefully removed my hand and placed it beck under my half of the cover. I laid there for a minute or two, staring at him, thinking about what I'd done and admiring his beauty. I felt really guilty in a way; however, my worries were soon put to rest. He turned over and to my absolute horror, his eyes were open. I thought Fuck, this is it, I'm done for but he just smiled at me. I dont know if hed just woken up or if he knew I'd touched him, but he didn't say anything so he either didn't know, or, didn't care.

A few weeks after that, Peters mum found the weed stashed in Peters desk draw and that was the end of Friday nights. I was devastated. I had to deal with a shattered dream and withdrawal from cannabis at the same time, the former being by far the harder to do. I still saw him around school but nothing ever happened again. I left and he's still there in his final year.

As I said before, there is not a single word of fiction in this but please do not ask to see pictures or Richard because the answer is no, sorry. Still if you wanted to see a pic that didn't show his face, I'm sure I could sort it out for you. I still love him to this day, and I think about him so often it's almost like he's here with me. Who knows, one day I might tell all, or even show him this story with the real names filled in. I hope I can see him again, well have to see.

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