Loves Promise

By Christos Kastellanos

Published on Feb 5, 2012


Love's Promise


Christos Kastellanos

Previously in chapter four:

Jason turned his head and looked up at Palmer, and he smiled when he saw how the moonlight caused Palmer's eyes to glow. He brushed his cheeks softly with his knuckles, causing a soft sigh to emit from Palmer.

"Don't please...I'm not sure if I can control these feelings that I am having for you, Jay," Palmer whispered, afraid that if he spoke any louder, his heart would give away what he was feeling.

"He was a good man, Jay, and if you rather we don't do this, I do understand. But I want you to know that when you are ready, I'll be here waiting for you," Palmer said and then they kissed again, long and deep, and then snuggled together and fell asleep. Jason knew that it was wrong to have these feelings so soon, but what he felt and what he saw now in Palmer's eyes erased all logic from him. He lifted up and then lowered his mouth to Palmer's, kissing him heatedly as he moved atop him.

"Are you sure Jay...really sure," Palmer asked, Jason nodded and then kissed him again, as Palmer wrapped his arms around Jason's neck.

"I have loved you from afar for over twenty five years Jay, but I respected your relationship with Carl," Palmer confessed.

"I know, there were many times that I could feel your love for me through how you looked at me or how your body spoke when you were near me. I too respected my relationship with Carl. I cannot say that I love, for it's too soon for such feelings. I don't know why I am even doing this, while Carl lays downtown awaiting... burial, other than for Carl not having wanted me to stay alone."

Chapter Five

The next morning, Jason woke and found that Palmer had already gotten up. He heard the sound of footsteps and rose, resting his head on a hand as he watched the door slowly open.

"Ah, you are awake," Palmer said, entering the room with two cups of coffee.

He handed one to Jason, who had sat up and was now resting against the headboard. Palmer looked handsome, standing there in his jeans and a warm smile on his face.

"Lose them and get back into bed," Jason said, motioning to the jeans with a nod of his head.

Obediently, Palmer set the cup on the nightstand and unfastened his jeans. They fell to the floor; he stepped from them and eased his body into bed beside Jason.

Jason wrapped an arm around Palmer, pulled him close until his head was resting against the soft bed of hair on Jason's chest, and Palmer turned his head slightly upwards, smiling at Jason. Jason slowly lowered his mouth as Palmer lifted his and together, their mouths met in an open kiss.

The kiss broke, Palmer lowered his head back to Jason's chest and he could feel and hear the pounding of his heart. Without thinking, Palmer's fingers were softly playing with a nipple that stood tall and hard on Jason's chest, causing a soft moan to emit from Jason.

Palmer felt the enlarging of Jason's manhood as it rose and pressed against his hip. He dropped a hand down to it, wrapped his fingers firmly around it and gently began stroking it slowly. Jason moaned, lifted Palmer's head up so that he could kiss him. All the while Palmer's hand stroked Jason, Jason kissed him deeply.

"I'm going to cum...oh God don't stop," Jason said, feeling a surge coursing through him as it rose from the depths of his balls.

Palmer lowered his mouth quickly down and covered Jason's cock just as it erupted. He swallowed quickly, drinking down each precious drop that Jason fed him. He sucked and swallowed until he felt Jason's cock begin to soften. He relinquished his hold on the softening cock and moved up to kiss Jason.

When he pulled away, tears filled Jason's eyes and ran softly down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry Jay...I knew better and still I seduced you," Palmer said, turning about to move from the bed.

Wordlessly, Jason grabbed Palmer's arm, Palmer turned and fell back into Jason's embrace. Jason held him tightly to him as his tears rolled continuously down his face. A soft knock on the door caused the two men to separate, but not quite soon enough, because Michael stepped into the room and saw the two naked men entwined.

"Don't Jason...I completely understand your need for comfort," Michael said, taking a seat on the side of the bed. "You missed some," he added as he wiped a glob of Jason's cum from Palmer's chin and put the finger into his mouth.

Palmer reddened and Jason laughed, needing that very moment to lighten his feelings.

"So kid, are you ready for your ride in the hearse," Palmer asked, hoping to lighten the tension in the room.

"I've been thinking about that, and I really doubt that the killer would be watching the house," he said. "It's daylight and I am quite sure that he would be sure that his nest of spiders had done their work on me."

"Maybe, but I would feel better with you under police protection," Palmer said and Jason nodded his agreement.

"Yes, but let me give you an alternative train of thought," he began as he looked at each man.

Palmer had nestled back against Jason once again and Jason's arm was around Palmer's waist, holding him against him.

"Your SUV has heavily tinted windows and if you pull it into the garage, I can slip into the back, while Jason sits in the front with you. Once at the funeral home, pull your SUV into their garage and park it."

Both men listened intently to Michael's well thought out plan, nodding now and then in agreement.

"So what do you think?" he asked, looking from one to the other for their response.

"It might just work Jay, but I still don't like the idea of leaving Michael so vulnerable."

"I agree, but then he's got all the bases covered. He gets in and out under the cover of a garage where threatening eyes cannot see. Yes honey, I think the kid has a good plan," he said, kissing Palmer hard and deep.

Michael smiled at the two kissing men; it warmed his heart to see Jason with Palmer. Yes, Michael had come to love Carl, but even Michael knew that Carl would want Jason to move on, maybe not this quick, but move on and find love again.

Michael stood and was thankful that neither man noticed his erection as he walked from the room. He missed his Sean and he went back to his room and called him, needing to share with him his plan.

"You know, this just might work, Michael," a cheerful Sean said from the other end of the phone.

"God I miss you and can't wait to have you back in my arms," Michael said with a longing to his voice.

"Today babe, the doctor said I could go home today if I promised not to do any strenuous lifting."

"So I guess holding my cock is out," Michael mused but Sean was just as quick witted.

"No babe, it means that I cannot hold Jay's," he said and suddenly Michael went quiet. "I'm just kidding honey," he quickly added.

"I know, but I am still insecure about Jay and the love that you two shared. It was one thing knowing that you and he once were lovers, but you never parted, you continued up until I entered the picture."

"I have told you a thousand times, babe, I was only involved sexually with them because I didn't have a partner that cared. Robert didn't give two shits if I fucked around with Jay and Carl whenever I came up here. He knew them and knew that they were happily married. It wasn't until I found out that he had cheated on me that I found out the reason he urged me to come up here without him."

"I know babe, but I've seen the size of his sex and fuck babe, it's huge," Michael added.

"Listen to me my insecure husband; you are all the man and all the cock that this boy wants. Now will you stop with your insecurities?"

"Yeah honey and you are all the man that I will ever need," Michael added.

He spoke a few more minutes with Sean, further enlightening him about his plan before he hung up. He hurried into the shower and when he stepped back into his bedroom, he found Palmer waiting for him.

"Palmer...what's wrong," Michael said, as he toweled his wet hair, oblivious to the fact that he was standing there naked.

His heart belonged to Sean and he trusted Jason, but he hardly knew Palmer. So as he looked with concern at the man, he could tell that something was bothering him.

"What's wrong, because I can usually tell when something is bothering someone," Michael asked, pausing from drying his hair.

"It's about what you saw earlier, between Jason and me," he said, his head lowered but his eyes now focusing on Michael's manhood.

"What happened between you two is your business and none of my concern," Michael assured him. "I don't judge the reasons why people do what they do."

"Thanks Michael, but still," he sighed, this was not easy for him. "He is burying Carl today and already seems to have a replacement. You must find us cold and callous," he asked and flinched when Michael sat down beside him on the bed, resting a muscular arm over his shoulders.

"I didn't know Carl as long as Sean did, but from what I did know, he loved Jay deeply and with all of his being," Palmer nodded. "I don't think, no I know that he would not want Jay to squander his life mourning him. Yes, it would appear rather soon to some, but only you two know your heart. If you're the man that comforts and fills that void left behind by Carl, then so be it, and fuck those that would say differently."

"What do you think Sean will think about Jason falling into my arms so soon?"

"He'll be happy for you both because he has always loved Jay. Oh how I do know that he loves him."

"Yes, there has always been a special love between them, Mike, but I want you to know that I did respect his and Carl's marriage."

Michael looked intently into Palmer's eyes and he smiled. "I know that you did, I do believe you. I don't necessarily trust Sean when it comes to seducing Jason though."

"What do you mean, that boy is head over heels in love with you," Palmer assured him and Michael nodded.

"I realize that, but he's too quick to react when something bothers him or just plain catches his fancy. I tend to think things out and I have never been spontaneous."

"Spontaneous is as a weapon to some or a way of dealing with hurt."

"I know this Palmer, but he reacts and then he thinks about the consequences," he told him.

"Then maybe you should be spontaneous, give him a taste of his own medicine."

"Like he did that day, rushing from me and into Jason's arms? I can't cheat on him like that, I promised myself never to do it. I took my vows seriously and I had hoped that he did too."

"I can just bet that he did, but lighten up kid, do something that is totally out of your comfort zone and live," Palmer said, slapping down his hand firmly on Michael's thigh.

Michael looked down at the hand that lingered on his thigh and then up to Palmer. Their eyes met and Michael reacted, pushing Palmer down on the bed and kissing him. Michael covered Palmer's body with his and pressed the man further down into the mattress. Suddenly he sprung up, moved away and hurried over to the dresser.

"I'm sorry Palmer...that was so not me, forgive me," Michael said, his back to the man.

Palmer came up behind him, wrapping his strong arms around, turning him and then crushing Michael's mouth with his in a heated kiss. As he kissed Michael, his hand wandered down to his swollen cock and began stroking it. Michael moaned against Palmer's mouth, "mmmmm," and then wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

After several minutes, Palmer felt Michael's cock swelling and he broke their kiss, dropped to his knees and captured the seed as it erupted from his cock. Michael fisted his hands in cop's hair and held on as he pummeled his cock deeper into the warmth of his mouth.

As good as his climax felt, the shame that he was feeling was just as strong for having done this with Palmer. He pulled away, turned and walked into the bathroom without a word being spoken. He cried. He cried hard and deep as he slid down the bathroom door to the floor. His shame was strong as he remembered how he had vowed long ago that if he were to ever find another man to love, that he would not cheat on him as he had on his last lover. But here he was, crying and why, for having done the opposite of what he had vowed.

"Michael," Palmer said softly and knocking on the door.

"Just go away, I'll meet you downstairs in a minute," he said thickly unable to stop the tears that were flowing down his cheeks.

"About what..."

"It happened and it's done. I'm fine now would you just leave, please?"

Palmer waited another moment and then reluctantly left the room, closing the door behind him. Michael got up, showered quickly and dressed for what he had to do.

Michael joined Jason and Palmer in the kitchen when he came downstairs. Although nothing was said to Jason about what happened, he could sense a tension between Michael and Palmer.

"Are we good to go here," he asked surveying the two men.

They both nodded and exited the kitchen and out into the closed garage. Michael got in the backseat and lay across the seat as Jason got in the front passenger seat.

"I have made all the necessary calls and the funeral home's garage doors will be opened and waiting for our arrival, under the disguise of you wishing to avoid the reporters that have gathered outside the funeral home."

"Reporters...why would there be reporters there," Michael asked softly from his position in the back, before Jason could.

"I called them to cover up for pulling the car into the garage." Palmer told him.

"Good idea, I never gave it a thought that it might look suspicious just pulling into the garage," Jason said and leaned forward when he saw all the people that had gathered for the wake and funeral. "How come you are waking and burying him the same day?"

Jason and Carl had sat down one day and discussed how they wanted to be taken care off when they died. Carl asked that his wake and funeral be the same day and not dragged out over two. Now Jason was surveying the crowd of people that had assembled.

"It's what Carl wanted, no long fanfare just a simple wake and laid to rest."

"Do you see him," Palmer asked.

"No, but if I know him, he will show up."

"I have three of my men in plain clothes and watching your back as well as the regulars on duty outside for crowd control and traffic. I told them that are inside that you'll run your fingers through your air if you need help taking him down," Palmer assured him.

"Trust me, I will not need any help taking down that bastard," Jason said with venom in his voice.

"Would you just leave enough for me to get vengeance on," Michael whispered from the backseat.

"I don't want either of you fighting him, am I clear here," he asked and they both reluctantly agreed.

Palmer pulled his vehicle into the vacant garage and immediately the door began closing. He waited until it was closed completely before he and Jason exited the vehicle. Michael sat up and exited also and then froze when he saw exiting the car beside Palmer's, Sean

Michael raced around the SUV and surrounded Sean's body with his strong arms. Their mouths met in a kiss that was all consuming as Palmer and Jason stood watching.

"Ahem," Palmer coughed and they broke apart, but Michael held Sean protectively against him.

"Michael, I'll leave it up to you to tell Sean what we are doing," Palmer said and Michael nodded.

"Is he here already," Sean asked, looking at the three men.

"I didn't see when we pulled into the parking lot, but that doesn't mean anything," Jason said.

"It's almost ten so we had better get moving," Palmer said, Jason nodded and gave both Sean and Michael a gentle squeeze on their shoulder before leaving them in the garage.

Once they had left and closed the door, Michael turned to look at Sean.

"Are you really alright Sean," he asked, stroking his knuckles softy across Sean's cheeks.

"I'm a little sore from the rope burns, but other than that, I'm fine. Palmer told me about the spiders in your bed and how quick thinking saved you. I just want to know why he's doing this; I have never done anything to him."

"Well hopefully we'll have all of our questions answered when we get his sorry ass," he said pulling Sean to his chest and holding him, his chin resting on Sean's head.

Michael got quiet, very quiet as he stood there holding Sean. His mind had drifted back to earlier and what he had allowed to happen with Palmer. Sean pushed away a bit and looked up at Michael's eyes.

"Ok Michael, out with it, I want to know what is really going on here," he demanded, thinking that something was being held back about what was going on inside the funeral home.

"Nothing is going on, I have told you everything that we are going to do," he assured him.

"Then why so quiet?" he asked.

Michael turned away and then turned back, drawing in a deep breath before he began speaking.

"I cheated on you, Sean," he said with a great guilt in his heart and voice.

"Ok, with who," Sean asked.

"Palmer...I kissed him and then let him jerk me off and suck me when I was ready to shoot," he confessed and turned away from Sean, no longer able to look at him.

"Michael, look at me," Sean said, placing his hand on Michael's shoulder and turning him to face him. "How did it happen, babe," he further asked and Michael told him the entire story.

"Its over and done babe, and who am I to stand here and accuse you? Look at how I was with Jason, just the other day. Now let's forget about it."

"Ok babe," he said and then pulled Sean into his arms. "O God Sean, I am so sorry and I promise to never ever betray your trust again," Michael said, pulling Sean to him and kissing him heatedly. "I don't want to lose another relationship because of infidelity," he said and Sean made a mental note of it.

"If anyone is guilty of cheating, it's me Michael. After all, it was me that tried and failed to seduce Jason that night. How about we both forget that anything ever happened and start fresh, ok," he suggested.

"Ok baby cakes...oh God how I have missed you," he said and kissed him passionately long and hard.

They climbed into the backseat of Palmer's SUV and waited for the signal from Palmer that they were needed for their part.

The lines were long and it took well over an hour for the people to slowly file into the room, pay their respects and then walk off. Jason stood stoically beside the coffin and waited. Finally the coffee he had drunk that morning needed escape and he turned to the next person in line.

"Would you excuse me," he said softly to one of Carl's friends and walked away to find the restroom.

He saw Palmer looking at him suspiciously and Jason mouthed the word bathroom as he passed. Palmer nodded to one of his men, who immediately followed Jason, but kept a safe distance behind him. He found an empty chair, sat down, and pretended to be in thought as he watched the door to the bathroom.

A few moments later, an elderly man shuffled his way towards the restroom, pausing every so often to take a breath and shot a smile over to the officer that was watching the door.

He continued on once he got his breath, struggling with the bathroom door and his cane as he walked into the restroom. Jason was standing at the urinal pissing and turned his head, nodding at the gentleman before turning back to stare at the wall.

"Hello Jason, do you remember me...Randy," the old man said, suddenly standing up straight and raising his cane high in the air.

Jason turned immediately, his cock still hanging out and felt the sudden crash of the man's cane as it came down on his head. Jason slumped down to the floor, his head aching and spinning.

"I know your strength Jason, so I had to take a little of the bite out of you," Randy said looking down at him.

From where he was sitting on the floor, Michael could see a ring on Randy's finger. He gazed at it and noticed how a stone was missing.

"The sheriff knows it you, Randy," Jason said as he struggled to get up, but Randy pushed him back with the cane.

"You are fine and dandy right where you are," he ordered, stepping back and pulling a large knife from his inside coat pocket. "And as for this rinky dink town sheriff knowing it's me doing the killing, I doubt it. I made sure to cover my tracks, even when I slipped into yours and Sean's house via the underground entrance," he said.

"Underground entrance?" he questioned.

"Yes Jason, underground entrance. I didn't think that you or Sean knew that your homes were part of the underground railroad back during the civil war time, now did you?" Jason shook his head. "Robert and I did our homework and found old drawings in the Historic Society's archives, showing just where they were and how to open them."

"Why Randy...why did you have to kill them...for what fucking reason?" he demanded to know.

"We could have been so good together Jason," he said softly. "But no, you had to have that nelly, Carl as a mate. I wasn't good enough for you, just as Robert wasn't for Sean. Oh how can anyone forget Sean," he asked. "Yes Jason, I knew that you and Sean were fucking around, it was pretty obvious. That was why Robert always urged him to come up here alone, so he could fuck around back in the city without fear of being caught by Sean, but Robby got careless and now he's dead too."

"You killed your own brother?"

"Of course I didn't kill Robby, I loved my brother. I was with him and even helped him set fire to the house. But the fool was careless and in a hurry, spilling the fucking gasoline on him as well, and going up just as fast when he lit the fire."

"Then who killed Derek?" Jason asked, hoping to stall for time, knowing that he would be missed if he stayed to long.

"Robert did, he thought that it was Sean in the shower and when he realized his mistake, he had no choice but to kill the guy. Now stand up, we are going to take a little walk outside and away from all of these people."

Jason slowly rose to his feet, holding onto the wall for a moment while he waited for his head to stop spinning.

"But what I want to know is how you got into the police station to hang Sean," he asked, truly needing to know.

"I waltz right in wearing a police uniform that I bought. It was between shifts and I went totally unnoticed. I disabled the cameras and then once the guard made his rounds, I slipped into Sean's cell. Now enough of this chatter get your ass out the damn door."

He gave Jason a shove with the butt of the knife pushing him forward.

"If you make one false move or say anything to those cops outside guarding you, I'll slit your throat and them also," he assured Jason. "Now move it."

"What about Carl and Michael, why did you have to kill them," he asked, keeping up his charade.

"I'll tell you as we go," he said and began to tell the entire story to Jason. "Carl caught me coming up the stairs on my way to Sean and Michael's room, so I had to silence him. I just loved how you looked accusingly at Sean when you saw his scarf knotted around poor Carl's neck.

"You saw that, but how?" Jason asked, moving from the bathroom once he saw that the hallway was clear.

"Through the vent at the bottom of the stairs," he confided, moving quickly behind him as they moved toward the garage. As for putting the spiders in Michael's bed, it was easy, neither of you were there. I just slipped in, did my thing, and then left."

"Where's Jason," Palmer asked, coming up to Jim Nelson, the cop that had been watching Jason's return.

"He's still in the head, I guess, because he's not come this way yet," he said. "Some old dude just went down the hall also. Damn, I hope that I never get that feeble when I am old." Jim said shaking his head.

"There's an old man in there with him?"

"Yeah boss, a real old fossil, nothing threatening because he could hardly move. Funny thing though, his eyes were freaky. I have never seen violet eyes on a dude before, I wonder if he was wearing those funky contacts that change your eye color," he said and Palmer came alive, telling him to gather the others in the outer room and meet him back at the bathroom. "Make sure that the director keeps any and all people away from here," he added and Jim nodded as he hurried away.

Palmer pulled his gun and hurried over to restroom. He tried the door; it was locked, so he gently knocked on the door.

"Hey Jason, are you alright in there," he asked casually, not wanting to alarm Randy. "Jason, did you hear me, are you alright in there," he asked again when he had got no reply.

"Something is wrong, I can feel it in my gut," he said motioning to the funeral director, who came hurrying down to him. "Have you got a key for this door," he asked and the man pulled a ring of keys from his pocket.

He fumbled through them until he found the right one, unlocked the door and left when Palmer motioned him away. He had Jim, who had joined him with the other officers pull open the door as he stood with his gun aimed and ready. The bathroom was empty and immediately he gave thought to the garage. Pushing the other cops out of his way, he hurried away and prayed that he wasn't to late.

"I'm sorry that it had to end this way Jason, because I really loved you," he said lifting his knife to Jason's throat as he urged him over to the driver's seat and following him in, closing the passenger door behind him as the garage door slowly opened.

He belted him in after he handcuffed Jason's right hand to his left and told him to drive.

"Randy, it doesn't have to end this way, let me go and we can run away somewhere together," Jason said, saying anything and everything that he could think of to stall the inevitable.

"You must take me for a fool, Jason. I know that the place is crawling with undercover cops and that they must be just as many outside also. You are going to drive us back to your house and then I am going to kill you," he promised Jason as he turned the key in the ignition.

"How in hell am I supposed to drive with one hand," Jason asked sarcastically.

"Manage," he simply replied.

Jason backed the SUV out of the garage, threw it in drive and sped away, causing mourners to jump aside as the vehicle raced from the parking lot. Palmer came running out of the garage and cursed when he saw his vehicle driving away.

"Get your cruiser," he shouted to Jim and followed him to the car.

Jim turned the key and nothing, the car refused to start.

"What the fuck is wrong with the car," Palmer asked as Jim continued to try and start the car.

"It was running just fine when I drove here, chief," he replied but only to thin air.

Palmer had gotten out and rushed over to a truck that had a man getting ready to climb into it.

"Police, I am commandeering this truck," Palmer said, pulling the man aside and climbing up into the truck. "Keys...give me the fucking keys," he demanded and the man handed them to him.

He got the truck started, threw it gear and then raced away from the parking lot, hoping that Randy was taking Jason back to Jason's house.

Jason turned on two wheels into his driveway and came to an abrupt stop, causing Randy to lunge forward. Jason forced his own right arm up and over Randy's shoulder while grabbing for the knife. The two men struggled, but it was Randy that finally got the better of Jason.

"Nice try, I have a mind to end it right here," he said forcing Jason to exit the vehicle via the passenger door.

"What now, Michael," Sean whispered after he heard the door slam shut.

They were so thankful that the blackened shield between the front and back seat kept them from Randy's eyes.

"I don't know, let me think," Michael said, lifting his head above the edge of the door and looked out of the window and seeing Randy pushing Jason towards the back of the house, he sighed with relief.

"I know where they are going, come on," Sean, who had also seen, said and was already leaving the vehicle before Michael could stop him.

Michael caught up with him at the side of the house and they paused. Sean peaked around the corner and saw the tail end of Randy as he stepped through what looked like the cellar wall.

He motioned for Michael to follow him and he paused at the same part of the cellar wall, where he had seen Randy go though.

"Ok Sean, now what do we do," Michael whispered as he checked the ammo in his gun.

"We give them a moment to move along and then we follow them."

"Fine, but the door inside is over there," he said pointing to the back door a few feet away.

Sean didn't bother to explain, he ran his hand along the bricks until he found the triggering one and he gave it a firm push, causing the foundation wall to part.

"How the fuck did you know that there was a door there," Michael asked, looking bewilderingly at the door and then Sean.

"Long story now lets go," he replied and pushed open the door slowly, and hurried inside, followed by Michael. "Don't close it, we may need to make a fast get away," he whispered.

They followed the sounds of Randy's voice, feeling their way through the dim light that filtered down through the air ducts above them. They came to a bag of what looked flour, but on closer examination found it to be lime. It was old and mostly dust when Sean opened the bag. He looked up at Michael with a shit eating grin on his face.

"What are you doing with that shit," Michael whispered, watching Sean as he took a large handful and covered his head with it. He repeated it several times until a stunned Michael looked at him.

"You look like a fucking ghost," Michael whispered and Sean smiled.

"Let's hope that Randy thinks so," he said smiling.

They hurried along, hoping against hope that the silence was not meaning that Jason was dead, but as they got to the bend in the walkway, they heard a moaning sound. Sean held up his hand to Michael, looked carefully around the corner and saw Randy fucking Jason.

Jason was gagged and tied as well as naked and lying on a stack of old blankets. Randy had simply dropped his drawers and was fucking Jason, his knife on the floor beside him. He felt confident or he would have never left his knife so far from his grasp.

Sean lifted a finger to his lips motioning to Michael to be quiet and wait, before he stepped around the corner. Randy was to busy fucking Jason and he had his face at Jason's neck, kissing it.

"Randy," Sean cried out with his best ghostly moan. "I've come for your mortal soul," he moaned again.

Randy immediately turned toward him, his face going as white as Sean's when he saw Sean walking toward him with his arms outstretched.

" can't be're dead," he screamed as he pulled from Jason and searched for his knife.

"Randy, now it's your turn to die and join me," Sean moaned out causing Randy to rise with the knife in his hand.

"I'll kill Jason...I swear that I will," he yelled as he kept walking backwards with his knife pointed at a struggling Jason.

"Kill him Randy...I can use the help when I finally end your life," Sean replied, hoping that Randy would panic and run away.

But he didn't, instead he took careful aim and just as he was about to throw the knife at Sean, Michael fired his own weapon, dropping Randy and the knife to the floor.

" that you," Sean heard from above, hearing the floor above creaking.

"It's Sean and Michael, Palmer, go around back and enter the open door in the foundation wall," he shouted up through the vent.

He heard several sets of feet as they hurried from the room above. Within minutes, Palmer and three other cops were racing down the dimly lit corridor to where Sean and Michael waited, guns drawn.

"Its ok Palmer, Randy's dead," Sean said, and Palmer froze when he caught a glimpse of him.

"What the fuck happened to're as white as a ghost," he said.

"Exactly, its lime and I used it to frighten Randy," he told the sheriff.

"Go attend to Jason, I hope that you have a key to those handcuffs," he said and stepped into a waiting Michael's arms.

"Come on baby cakes, let go get you showered," Michael said, leading Sean away.

"We'll meet you at the station after we shower," Sean said over his shoulder to Palmer, who was now holding a trembling and thankful Jason in his arms.

"Jim, you and the others wait outside and secure the area," Palmer told him and once they had left, he kissed Jason heatedly. "I thought I lost you forever, Jason," Palmer whispered as he looked down at Jason's fingers as they undid his shirt's buttons.

"I'm ready Palmer, lets make love," Jason whispered as he laid Palmer down on the blankets and eased his pants off.

The water was hot as it cascaded down Sean's body. Michael used the hand held shower and washed away the last of the lime from Sean's head and body. He hung it back in its saddle, closed the water and stepped from the shower, grabbing a large terry towel.

He gingerly rubbed the towel over Sean's body, drying him as fast as he could. He tossed the towel aside, lifted Sean into his arms and walked from the bathroom. He gently laid him down on the bed and climbed atop his body, pressing his mouth to Sean's in a tender kiss.

"I love you Sean," he whispered against his lips and then kissed him again.

"I love you too sweetheart, now make love to me," he said as he lifted his legs and wrapped them around Michael's hips.

"With pleasure...Casper," he mused as he slipped his cock into Sean's welcoming velvet sheath.

Sean gasped and then sighed, feeling Michael's balls resting against his ass. Michael lifted up on his hands, locked eyes with Sean, and began his thrusts. At first they were slow, gentle, but after several minutes, his thrusts became urgent as his need for release enveloped him and Sean.

"Harder...deeper honey, I'm cumming," Sean cried out and as Michael crushed his lips against Sean's, he shot his seed between them.

Michael's thrusts were hard and deep as he pounded into his husband, his own climax approaching, and approaching rapidly.

"Aaaaggghhh cumming baby cakes," he moaned and erupted with volcanic force, spraying his seed deep into Sean's love canal.

"I think we need a vacation from all this excitement," Sean said, as they clung to one another, riding out their afterglow.

To be continued...

There, no cliffhanger just a good ending to a chapter. I would like to hear from those of you that have been reading this story. I really don't get flooded with email so let's hear from you at

Thank you,


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