Loves Promise

By Christos Kastellanos

Published on Jan 20, 2012


Love's Promise


Christos Kastellanos

Previously in chapter two:

Jason knocked softly on the door and when he got no reply, he slowly opened the door, finding Sean naked and on the bed. He reached out with his arms wide toward Jason, who stepped into the room, closed and locked the door before hurrying over and falling atop Sean. Their lips met, their mouth's opened and Jason's tongue invaded Sean's mouth. Sean's arms were wrapped tightly around Jason's neck as their kiss deepened.

"I knew of all people to come up here, it would be you Jay," Sean whispered against Jason's lips.

"You're just angry with Michael and we both know that this isn't right," Jason said, as he tried to reason with Sean, whose fingers were busy working the buttons on Jason's shirt.

"I don't want to talk about him... make love to me, darling," Sean said as he eased Jason's shirt over his shoulders and off.

Jason was straddling Sean's hips when the bedroom door shattered open. Both men turned to find Michael standing in the doorway, tears rolling down his face.

"So this is how you sooth the savage beast," Michael said, turned and left them both lying there in shock.

Now chapter three:

Jason hurried up from the bed; Sean dressed quickly and ran downstairs to find Michael. Michael was sitting in the kitchen with Carl with his head resting on his arms that were folded on the table.

Carl got up immediately when he saw Sean enter the room and placed a gentle touch to his cheek before leaving the room.

"He loves you so much Sean, and now he doubts your love for him," Carl whispered and moved on.

"Michael?" he said softly, coming up behind him and placing his hand on Michael's shoulder. "Its not what it looked like," he added.

"No...then why did I find you naked and lying beneath Jason?" he shouted, turning to face Sean. "Tell me Sean...had I not interrupted you; tell me that you and Jason would not be fucking."

"Jason didn't do a thing to was me and my anger that I was feeling towards you that caused me to seduce him. He refused me and was trying to reason with me when you came crashing into the room."

"I never once believed or even thought that you killed Derek," Michael said, standing and pulling Sean to him. "I admit that I may have had a suspicious look on my face, but that was because of how you reacted to me wanting to go down for a bottle of wine. You totally acted like a man with something to hide," he continued.

"Michael, before the fire, my wine cellar was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. I had wine dating back to the seventeen and eighteen hundreds. I never allowed anyone, not even Jason or Carl, to go down there without me being present. I keep the door to the cellar locked at all times so..." he stopped talking and got that deer in the headlight look in his eyes.

"What's wrong," Michael asked, staring at him.

"My keys to the cellar...I remember that I had to hunt for them because they were not in the usual place that I kept them. Don't you remember how I panicked when I went to retrieve them and found that they were missing?"

"Now that you mention it, you were quite upset that they were not where you had left them. But you did find them on top of the refrigerator, you may have set them there without thought," he said.

"But I was not the one that put them there; I never put them anywhere else but in the pantry behind my dry goods."

"Maybe with all the company that we had, you tossed them there and forgot about them?" Michael suggested again, but Sean shot him a questioning look.

"Michael, do I look like the type that does absent minded things like that?"

"No...but we all do things now and then that are not characteristic of how we normally do things," he reasoned.

"Maybe you do, but I can assure you that I don't. If Derek was murdered, then his killer had to be the one that took my keys and placed them after the fact on the refrigerator."

"We don't even know that Derek was murdered, so..."

"So what Michael, Derek took my keys, killed himself in the cellar and somehow managed to put the keys on the refrigerator after relocking the door?" he asked, looking doubtfully at him. "He was murdered, that much I am now sure of, but who is what I can't figure out."

"Well lets back up and look at the last time that we saw him alive," he suggested to Sean.

"He was in the living room, sitting with Jake on the sofa and James was standing with William by the fireplace when we stepped out of the room to go upstairs."

"Where were Jason and Carl?"

"Remember we met them coming downstairs as we went up," Sean reminded him.

"Right...I forgot that. Then what, what happened after we came downstairs?"

"They were still in the living wait, Jake was but Derek wasn't," Sean said.

"Derek came in from having been outside; remember how he said it was so cold out?"

"Yes and I said that I was going out to start the car so it would be warm for the ride to the airport. I had just finished cleaning off the car when you and your brothers came out with their luggage."

"Derek said that he was staying with Jason and Carl because the car would be too crowded if he went along. I remember Jake kissing him goodbye in the foyer and then going outside with me."

"Then the last people to see Derek alive were Jason and Carl, because you and I never went back inside. As a matter of fact babe, Derek wast with them when they were standing and waving goodbye on the front porch as we were about to drive off."

"And that was when Will asked us to wait, he said he had to piss and was afraid that he could not hold it until we got to the airport." Michael reminded Sean.

"Right, he got out and ran into the house and you were about to go back inside to get him when he came running out."

"Derek did not come out with him and he wasn't with Jason or Carl on the porch when we finally...," he paused as if a thought had just hit him again. "As we drove away, it was only Jason standing there waving, remember?"

"I think we need to talk to Jason and Carl," Michael suggested.

"Talk to us about what?" Jason asked, stepping back into the room.

"Were you listening to our conversation, Jason?" a surprised Michael asked.

"No, I was coming to see if you two had made up yet and I caught the asking part. So tell me, what is it that you want to know?"

Both Sean and Michael knew that they had to speak carefully so that they didn't sound like they were accusing Jason or Carl of Derek's demise.

"We began running through our minds the last time that we saw Derek alive after we finished discussing what I saw upstairs."

"It was the day that you and Michael took his brothers to the airport, guys. Don't you remember that he stayed behind with me and Carl?"

"I remembered that, but he wasn't on the porch with you and neither was Carl as we drove off," Sean said quickly.

"No they weren't and when I went back inside, Derek was no where to be found either. I assumed that he had gone to take his shower and Carl confirmed it when he joined me in the living room. Carl and I went home to shower and change, and we figured that we would come back after."

"Then he was upstairs in the shower," Michael said, looking suspiciously at Jason.

"If that is so, then someone else could have been in the house," Sean said, looking at Jason as Michael had looked at Sean earlier.

"Hey now...I know that look Sean Connolly, and I can assure you that when Carl and I left your house, Derek was alive. Carl heard the water running upstairs, so we both knew that he was in the shower."

"Then who could have killed him?" Sean wondered.

"For all we know Sean, his death may not have been a murder but an accident," Jason said.

"No Jay... Derek was definitely murdered, because I had to unlock the door to the wine cellar later that evening. I also had to hunt for the keys because they were not in their usual place. I would have seen him if it had been accidental when I went downstairs to get the wine that evening. I distinctly remember Palmer saying that he was found behind the racks of wine in the back."

"Then maybe the keys will produce fingerprints," Jason suggested and Sean shook his head.

"The keys were lost in the fire," Sean sadly said. "I hate to say it guys, but one of us killed Derek. There is no other explanation for his death."

"There has to be another explanation babe, I know that you and I didn't do it, so that leaves my brothers, William and..." he stopped short from saying Jason and Carl, looking at the man accusingly.

"Listen asshole, I no more killed the boy then I made love to Sean earlier," Jason said, glaring at Michael, his hands clinched into fists at his side.

"I still don't know if you did or not make love, after all, you could have been kissing goodbye when I came in," Michael suggested.

"Make love in less than ten minutes, what are you boy, crazy," Jason shouted.

"All I know is what I saw," Michael said, standing nose to nose with Jason.

"If you don't believe me, then at least believe your own husband, because it was me that was trying to get Sean to see reason."

Jason threw his hands up in the air, turned and left them standing there stunned. Sean flinched when he heard the bedroom door slam shut, because he knew that Michael had hurt Jason and hurt him bad.

"Michael listen to me, Jason is telling you the truth. I was angry and yes, I wanted you to feel betrayed and hurt like I was feeling for the accusing way you had looked at me. But the truth of the matter is, neither of us did anything. You came in before I could actually seduce him into doing it."

Michael looked long and hard at Sean. He knew in his mind that he had looked at Sean as if he thought that Sean had had something to do with Derek's death.

"I'm sorry Sean, I was wrong to not only look at you like that, but to even consider for a moment that you could have done this to Derek. Can you forgive me?" he asked, pulling Sean to him.

"Yes babe, if you can forgive me for having used Jason to hurt you back."

"Now that that is fixed, who could have killed Derek?" Michael asked.

"Finally, now if you want my opinion, I think it was Robert," Jason said re-entering the kitchen. "Yes I was listening that time," he added before being accused.

"Robert... but what reason would he have for killing Derek? As far as I know, they had never met," Sean said as he considered Robert as a suspect.

"What matter does it make anyways, Robert is dead," Michael said as he held Sean possessively to him. "Not only that, but what proof or motive do we have for Robert having committed the crime?"

"Jealousy was more than likely be his motive, because he never got over me marrying you," Sean suggested.

"I could believe that had it been you that was murdered, but it wasn't."

Sean gave the idea some thought and suddenly, he remembered something.

"Don't you remember how strange we found our shower still running when we arrived back home from the airport?" Sean asked, turning in Michael's arms to look at him.

"Now that you mention it, our shower was running when we arrived home. We each blamed the other for having left it running."

"But we showered together babe and I distinctly remember you shutting off the water. Then maybe Derek was using our shower and Robert found him in it and thought that it was me," he further suggested.

"You could be right about Derek using your shower. Carl and I would have used the guest shower had we stayed. He probably decided to use your shower so that we could have the guest shower for us," Jason reasoned amongst them. "I think that we need to discuss this with the police and get their interpretation on the matter."

"I agree, but before anyone calls in the police, Sean and I have some serious making up to do upstairs," Michael said and then lowered his mouth down to Sean's.

"I'll see you two after, I am going to take a shower and see what mister is up to. He's been rather quiet and that is so not like him," Jason said as he walked with the boys to the stairs.

Once they were in the guest room, Sean turned just in time to see that accusing look on Michael's face again. He gasped and walked directly over to him and slapped him hard across the face.

"Leave... you and I are through," Sean said, angrily and adamantly.

"What the fuck Sean... why'd you go and hit me," Michael asked, rubbing the burning cheek with his hand.

"You don't believe me, do you?"

"Believe you about what now?" a puzzled Michael asked.

"You were giving me that accusing look again," Sean said standing over Michael who was sitting on the bed.

"Sean, listen to me, I..."

"No Michael, I am done listening to you. I am not a liar, I did not kill Derek nor did I sleep with Jason, but at this moment he would be a better choice for sex than you," he said, no longer quietly.

" want to fuck Jason, then go ahead and fuck him. But when you are fucking him Sean, know that I am packing my shit and leaving you," he yelled and stormed from the room.

Suddenly he was back in the room and yelling. "Another thing, I apologized for my moment of misjudging you earlier, but Sean, you are being totally unreasonable now. I was running through my mind all that Jason and we had said earlier about Robert, I was not even once thinking about you," he added and then turned but Sean grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"Now I am the one that is sorry, sorry for allowing all this to cloud my judgment babe," he said resting his head against Michael's chest. "Forgive me Michael," he asked, looking up at a frowning Michael.

"I guess so, babe...but don't you ever hit me again in anger," he demanded. "I'll let you have that one, but next time... well just know that you won't get a next time," he added and crushed Sean's lips with his in a bruising kiss.

Sean's thoughts and fears disappeared as soon as Michael's tongue invaded his mouth, loosing himself in the beauty and magic of the moment. Michael scooped him up and carried him upstairs and set him down in the bedroom. Michael's hands were busy shedding their clothes and once naked, he swept Sean up into his arms again and deposited him on their bed, covering Sean's body with his own.

"I love you baby cakes and I believe that you are innocent, now that is all that I am gonna say," Michael said as he slid his hardened member into Sean's welcoming ass, erasing any further thoughts of murder or betrayal from Sean's mind.

Sean arched his body against Michael's, as Michael began his rhythmic stroking in and out of Sean. Holding his crushing weight up with his arms, Michael plunged hard, deep and violently into Sean's heat, causing Sean to moan in ecstasy.

Sean was becoming accustomed to how urgent and violently, Michael liked to fuck him the first time around and even though Michael could be tender after, his rhythm always came around to being violent the first time. Sean loved how Michael made love to him, after Robert, it was good to feel a real man fucking him and feeling loved.

"Aaaaaggggghhhh fuck baby boy I'm cumming," Michael cried out and shot hard, long blasts of cum deep into Sean.

Spent, Michael pulled his cock from Sean and lowered his mouth down to his in a heated kiss. As if his desire had been reborn, Michael's hands began to roam gently over Sean's skin, teasing and touching, kissing wherever he touched, and finally, he gently caressed Sean's nipples with his tongue. Michael's touches were slow, excruciatingly slow, but they burned wherever he touched. His tongue caressed and teased to the point of shear ecstasy.

"I love you baby boy... I love you more than life," Michael whispered against the fullness of Sean's lips.

"I love you too sweetheart," he whispered in reply, and gasped when he felt Michael's cock sliding slowly into him.

Michael gave Sean what he wanted, a slow, leisurely ride that took them to heights of pure ecstasy and slowly brought Sean to his edge and kept him dangling on the precipice of it. Sean twisted, heaved, and writhed frantically beneath Michael, locked together in a tempest of sexual need and desire until Michael brought them both to that magic point of climax.

"Fuck me Michael... fuck me like I'm the last fuck you'll ever have," Sean screamed out and his seed spewed forth.

His hips rose and fell in unison with Michael's, as his climax heightened and then he felt Michael's climax erupting within him.

Eventually they came down from their climatic high, clinging tightly to one another and Michael eased gently from inside Sean, collapsing beside him on his back. Sean turned, Michael wrapped his arm around him and their mouths met in love's purest of kisses.

"Nooooooo, oh my God no," they heard Jason scream from down the hall.

They hurried from the bed, dressed even quicker and then raced from the room. They followed the sounds of Jason's cries and found him sitting on the servant stairs, holding the lifeless body of Carl in his arms. A scarf was wrapped tightly around his neck and his eyes were open and fear shown in them.

"Why... why you sweetheart," Jason cried out, as he gently rocked Carl back and forth.

"Oh my God... not Carl," Sean whispered, hurrying down the stairs toward Jason.

"I'll call the police," Michael said and hurried back to their room.

In less than ten minutes, Palmer Mathews arrived at the house. Michael took him to where Jason sat still holding and rocking Carl. He looked at the two men and then beyond Jason to Sean, and his brow shot up when his eyes locked with Sean's.

"I was on my way over here when the call came in that another murder had occurred," he said directly to Sean. "How interesting that you are here when this murder occurred."

"I had nothing to do with this murder...nor did I with Derek's," a stunned Sean shouted and quickly he stood, but sat quickly down when Palmer pulled his revolver and aimed it at him.

"You just stay right where you are," Palmer insisted and moved around Jason to get to Sean.

He turned Sean around, cuffed him and then carefully led him down the stairs. Jason looked up as Sean walked by and his eyes met Sean's, as if asking him why he had done this to Carl.

"I didn't kill him, Jay... my God, Carl was one of my best friends," he said in his defense.

"This is your scarf around his neck, I know, I gave you it for Christmas last year," Jason said and then lowered his eyes back to Carl.

"My God Jason, you can't possibly believe that Sean killed Carl," Michael demanded. "I've been with him almost one hundred percent of the time, so I would know if he killed anyone," Michael said now to Palmer.

"Almost being the key word," Palmer said. "I just received Derek's autopsy report, and the cause of death was asphyxiation and strangling."

Palmer formally arrested Sean and read him his rights before handing him off to his deputy to be taken away.

"But I didn't do it... I never killed anyone," Sean was screaming as Clay Wilson led him away.

"I'll call your lawyer," Michael called out, stunned and not knowing what to do next.

He knew in his heart that Sean was innocent, but what he didn't know was who was framing him and why. Michael stood there in silence as Palmer eased Carl from Jason's arms. Aaron, the medical examiner had arrived and he knew immediately how Carl had died. He guessed from the condition of the body that Carl had been dead for about an hour.

"An hour... that would put Sean with me and talking to you Jason," Michael said in Sean's defense.

"As I said, it is my educated guess," Aaron added looking up at Michael. "I will need to do an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death and time," he added as he paused from zipping up the bag that held Carl's body. "Palmer, could you give me two of those plastic bags over there, please. He has something beneath his nails and I need to preserve it until I can run tests on the material," he said and Palmer handed Aaron the asked for bags.

Once everyone had left, Michael turned to a tearful Jason and tried to reason with him. Jason only stared at Michael, refusing to listen.

"I loved him Michael, he may have been a bit on the feminine side, but I loved him with all of my heart," Jason cried.

"I know you did, but so did Sean. You know that Sean would never have done this to him, my God man, think will you," an angry Michael yelled, causing Jason to look up at him.

"What am I to think, the very scarf that I bought Sean and that he wore just last night, was wrapped around my baby's neck? Huh Michael... what would you think, after all, you even thought that Sean had maybe killed Derek."

"I know I did, but he's been with me most of the time today. Even when he wasn't with me, he was not gone long enough to strangle Carl and return, acting as if nothing happened. If for no other reason than the love that you once had for Sean, believe in him and his innocence."

Jason sat there stoically, mulling over everything that Michael had just said. He tried to remember the last time that he had seen Carl alive, and when he remembered, he looked up at Michael.

"You... you were the last one to see my Carl alive," Jason said as he stood and looked directly at him. "I was with Sean in the guest room and when you came crashing in, you were alone," Jason said, now standing directly in front of him.

"He was in the kitchen when I decided to go up and talk to Sean, and he was quite alive," he added. "He never left until Sean joined me in the kitchen," he said looking directly into Jason's eyes.

Jason gave what Michael said more thought. Yes Michael had a temper, and yes he was strong enough to kill, but he was right, Carl had been with him and didn't leave until he and Sean came downstairs from having been caught in a compromising position.

"Carl gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me that he was going upstairs to clean up the shattered door and its mess. I stayed downstairs in case things got out of hand with you and Sean," he confessed.

"Then someone else is doing the killing and that someone either entered the house after Carl went upstairs, or else he was already hiding somewhere in the house."

"That may be so, but right now I have to get a lawyer for Sean," Michael said.

"Tim Bergeron, he's been the Connolly family lawyer for years," Jason told him as he pulled his cell phone out and keyed in Tim's number. "I don't know if he takes on criminal cases, but if not, he can recommend someone that will."

Sean sat alone in a cell and waited to hear from Michael, a lawyer or anyone that could help him. He had gone though the humiliation of being arrested and booked, and now he waited in silence. He had been there for what seemed like hours until Palmer came to his cell and unlocked it to allow his lawyer in.

"Just call out when you are done, Bradford," Palmer said and relocked the cell door and walked away.

"I remember you sir, you were friends with my dad," Sean said and Bradford nodded as he set his briefcase upon a small table and opened it.

"I'd like to hear the entire story from New Year's Day up to today," Bradford said, taking out a recorder and setting it on the table in front of Sean. "I have the copy of the medical examiner's autopsy as well as the physical evidence that was collected at the first crime scene," he added, now turning his eyes and attention to Sean.

"First off Mr. Bergeron, I'm innocent. I didn't kill Derek nor did I kill Carl. I have no idea who did or why," he said, unable to continue.

"According to Dr. Cooper's reports, hair follicles were found on Derek Roberts that matched your DNA. As for Carl Simmons, I am not sure what he'll find, but I was told that a scarf belonging to you was used to strangle Mr. Simmons."

"Yes... it was my scarf that was used, but I keep it hanging on a hook right inside the back door, sir," Sean said.

"Please Sean, call me Brad. Now would you please tell me from New Year's day on the events that lead up to the murders?"

Sean went over all the facts as far as he could remember. He told Brad about their theory on a third person that may have killed Derek.

"I might believe that this Robert fellow might have killed Derek, but from what I was told, he died in the fire that destroyed your house."

"Yes, he started the fire and must have gotten gasoline on his person so that when he lit the fire, it also ignited his gas drenched clothes."

"How were they able to identify him...this Robert?"

"Well he was burned beyond recognition, but a ring that I had bought him was on his hand and that was how I knew it was Robert. Besides, his car was found just down the road from my house and when the police chief searched it, he confirmed that it did belong to Robert."

"Ok, now let me take what I have back to my office and do up a timeline of the events. Is there anything else that you can think of that could shed more light on these murders?"

"No sir, I have told you everything that I know. You might talk with Michael Fitzgerald, he's my husband. He might be able to give you a different view on the facts."

"I'll do that son, now if you'll excuse me, I need to get this timeline going and see if we can find a solid alibi for you."

"What about aren't going to just leave me here, are you," Sean asked, standing and looking at Brad.

"There is nothing that I can do until you are arraigned formally in court. So until then, I'm afraid that you are a guest of our police chief."

"Great...this is fucking great. First I am arrested, booked and now I have to appear in a public court for the entire world to see."

Sean sat down hard on his bunk and lowered his head into his hands in despair.

"I'm afraid so, son. I will see you tomorrow morning at the Greenfield courthouse," Brad said and gave a call out to be let out.

Palmer came immediately and gave a long look at Sean, and for a brief moment, his heart went out to the boy.

"Off the record Brad, do you feel that the boy is innocent?" he asked quietly, looking through the bars at Sean.

"Off the record, yes I do. Someone is doing a mighty fine job of framing him. If not that, someone keeps missing him and killing the others after being discovered."

"Well the truth always comes out in the end," Palmer said, shaking his head as he and Brad walked away.

Sean awoke suddenly; he sat up and sensed that he was not alone in the cell. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness and then he saw him, a shadow standing against the wall.

"Who are you...and what are you doing in my cell," he asked.

"I'm your worse nightmare...Sean," he whispered and stepped from the shadow.

It happened so fast that Sean didn't know what was happening to him, because whoever it was in his cell was now upon him and tying a gag around his mouth.

Sean struggled against the weight of the man, but to no avail, his body had Sean pinned to his bunk. He fought hard, slamming his fists against the man's chest, but still it didn't phase the man none. One, two and then three slaps struck his face in rapid succession. Dazed by the blows, he felt his hands being tied behind him as he realized that he was now face down on his bunk.

The man pulled him from the bunk and sat him on a chair as he fastened a rope made from his blanket around his neck. Sean shook his head fearfully as he realized what was about to happen to him...this man intended on killing him.

Where were the guards and how had this man gotten past them and into his cell, he wondered as he was stood up on his feet and then lifted onto the chair.

Again Sean shook his head no but the man paid him no mind as he saw the handmade rope go over a pipe that ran just below the ceiling. Again he struggled against the man's hold, but all he managed to do was tighten the rope around his neck. He felt the rope being drawn up and he stood on his toes, he didn't want to die but he knew that without someone's help, it was inevitable.

"Say hello to the devil for me," the man whispered and then kicked the chair from beneath Sean and left the cell.

Michael sat up in bed and he shook fearfully as he awoke from a horrible nightmare. Sean was in trouble, in his dream someone was trying to kill him and Michael was helpless to stop it.

He bolted from the bed and hurried from the room, down the stairs and when he ran into the living room, he grabbed the phone and dialed 911 and within seconds, the operator asked him what his emergency was.

"Connect me with the Shelburne Falls police station," he insisted and she connected him.

"Sergeant Frank Johnson," the officer said.

Michael related what he had called about to the man and the man assured him that everything was fine.

"Could you just go check please... I have this sixth sense about stuff like this," Michael insisted.

"One minute then," Frank reluctantly said, set the phone down and walked away from the desk.

Seconds felt like hours as Michael waited and then he heard all kinds of yelling coming from somewhere beyond the room that the phone was in.

"Hello!" he screamed into the phone, but no one answered his call.

He knew that something was wrong; he could hear Frank yelling for someone to call for an ambulance.

"Michael...what is going on," Jason asked as he rushed into the room.

"Something has happened to Sean," he said with a rush of panic in his voice.

"How do you know this...I never heard the phone ring," Jason said insistently.

"I had a nightmare and decided to call the station. I can hear police in the background screaming for an ambulance.

He was still listening when the phone went dead.

"Nooooo," Michael yelled and called 911 again.

He asked to be reconnected to the police but all he got was a busy signal.

"I'm heading over to the station, Jason," Michael said, running back upstairs to throw on some clothes.

"I'll go with you," Jason insisted, following Michael up the stairs.

Dressed and in the car, Jason raced along the streets as fast as he dared to go. He turned onto the main road and could see the flashing lights of the ambulance and also those of the coroner's vehicle as they waited outside the police station.

Palmer, who was out of uniform, came walking out, followed by a stretcher baring a sheet covered body and also Aaron, the coroner. Jason's car came to a screeching halt and he and Michael bolted from it. But as they tried to get closer, the more that other officers restrained them.

"He's my husband...I have a right to see him," Michael screamed out as he pushed against the burly officer that was holding him back.

Palmer turned his head to look at Michael and then disappeared into his cruiser after Sean was put in was placed in the coroner's car.

"Nooooo...oh my dear God no...not when I just found him," Michael cried out as he collapsed and fell to the ground in despair.

Jason knelt beside him and together they watched as the three vehicles drove away.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 4

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