Loves Promise

By Christos Kastellanos

Published on Jan 8, 2012


Love's Promise


Christos Kastellanos

After many--all right mostly all-- of my readers finished reading "The Christmas Visitor," they asked me to continue on with Sean and Michael's story. So here it begins and I hope that you will enjoy it as much as its forerunner.

Chapter One

Michael and Sean were home again, after taking Michael's brothers to the airport. As they snuggled up together in front of the fireplace in their bedroom, Sean noticed how quiet Michael had become. While he gazed at the man that he had married so suddenly, he could not help wondering what went on behind those soft brown eyes.

"Why are you so quiet, Michael?" he asked, lifting up and kissing the softness of his partner's cheek.

"Huh... what did you say?" Michael asked, suddenly pulled away from his thoughts.

"Where were you this morning? During our lovemaking I felt like you were not completely with me? Is something bothering you... maybe you are having second thoughts about having married me?" Sean asked, even as he dreaded Michael's answer.

"I'll never be sorry about you or having married you, baby cakes. I was just thinking about how my life has changed and what now..." Michael said and yet left his thought hanging.

Sean sat up and pulled Michael up against him, wrapping his arms protectively around his husband.

"Tell me Michael, what you did before you joined the Marines," he asked, kissing the softness of his husband's hair.

"Not much really, I worked on the ranch that I co-owned with my brother, Jake, but that ended when I came out, because he wanted nothing to do with me then." He said and Sean could hear the pain in his voice as he spoke of Jake.

"But Jake is gay isn't he? Look at how he was with Eric... fucking the man senseless while he was here."

"I know, but he and I had a long talk the day before he left. It seems that he hated me then back then because I had the courage to admit what I am. He hid his sexuality well, because James is the one with exceptional gaydar, and even he did not suspect Jake."

"Then why are you so bothered by Jake now?" an inquisitive Sean asked.

"He said some pretty mean and hurtful things when I came out, things that can never be taken back. He looked me straight in the eye that day I told him and said `I hope to hell that AIDS gets you and you're no longer a brother of mine. Just as James is dead to me, so are you,' and I will never forget how his eyes meant every word he said."


"No buts, Sean, he meant them and even while he was here, he never once pulled me aside and asked me to forgive him, much less say that he was sorry," Sean could hear the cracking in his voice and moved Michael's head back, now seeing the tears that were silently rolling down his face.

"Would you have forgiven him?"

"In a heartbeat, babe," he said, offering Sean a bittersweet smile.

"Oh, sweetheart, I'm so sorry! I never should have invited him here," a sorry Sean whispered as he kissed away the tears.

"Oh, God... No, babe... I'm glad that you did; it at least got us talking again. But what pisses me off so much is not only Jake's lack of remorse for how he acted, but how James just waved it all off as if it never happened. Dammit, babe, I always looked up to Jake for strength and guidance. He was my hero growing up because dad was always too busy to spend time with us boys, so I turned to Jake, seeing him as a father."

"Then you need to go see him and have a talk with him," Sean advised.

"I won't and I cannot! If he wanted to apologize, then he had the chance while he was here. I'm fine, baby boy...I have you now and that is more than enough for me," Michael said, turning to face Sean and once he had him in his arms, he kissed him heatedly.

The kiss acted like a billow, fanning the spark within Sean and turning it into a raging inferno. Sean wrapped his arms around his husband's neck as Michael lowered them both down onto the soft rug and climbed atop Sean.

"I love you, Sean, and please don't ever doubt my love for you. I married you because I wanted to spend eternity with you," he whispered against Sean's lips, and now it was Sean's eyes that spewed tears. "What's wrong, baby cakes? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, you always seem to say just the right words, darling. It's me... I'm so damn happy and in love with you. These are happy tears, sweetheart."

"Awww, baby," Michael replied and then as he took possession of Sean's mouth with his own, he sank his manhood deep into the silken warmth of Sean's ass.

As they kissed, Michael methodically stroked his cock in and out of Sean, moving sensuously until they were both thrusting and heaving as one. Sean's legs were wrapped around Michael, his hips meeting each thrust and his body burning as the fire raged on, consuming him totally. Minutes passed until they were moving frantically, their climaxes exploding violently together and then...bliss, rapture and the most ecstatic afterglow that either had ever experienced.

"What did you want to do with your life, baby boy, because you surely can't be happy living in New York," Michael asked, spooning his body with Sean's and his chin resting on his head.

"I went to college and majored in journalism because I always loved writing. I own the town newspaper here and even though it doesn't compete with The Republican in Springfield, it has a fair size following. Jason runs it for me and has done a very good job at increasing its customer base, I must say."

"I like Jason; he seems like a man's man, someone that I can relate with, but Carl..." Michael paused and chuckled, "Carl is a bit out there for me, with his hands fluttering around, his excitement level way too high and his flamboyance is just way too much for me to handle."

"They have been together for years, and it was Jason that introduced me to gay sex," he confided and then looked at Michael, waiting for his reaction.

"He was your first, Sean?"

"Yes, and he was my idol when I was in my early teens. I remember the day that I made my move on him," he said and his eyes got that faraway look, as if he was reliving it.

"Tell me about it, baby boy," Michael urged, knowing that deep inside him, he had a twinge of jealousy surging.

"Really, honey, you want to know about my first time?" a curious Sean asked, not sure of what he was seeing in his husband's eyes.

"Yes, because it made you what you are today... a fabulous wife," he said with a bit of a smirk on his mouth.

Sean turned and leaned back against Michael, his eyes were again getting the far away look as his mind brought forward from his memories, that day.

"Well let me was a hot summer day and we had just finished cutting the hay in the field and the sweat was pouring off of us by the buckets. I started to walk back to the truck so that I could go back to the house and shower. I thought that Jason was right behind me, but he wasn't; he had totally disappeared from sight."

"Where did he go, baby boy?" a curious Michael asked.

"I'm getting to that, honey," Sean replied. "When I didn't see him, I went out looking and found him down at the brook that flowed through the woods behind the field. I was going to call out to him, but something inside me told me not to. I must have looked so funny then, sneaking quietly through the trees until I came to the brook."

"So, he went to the brook to cool off?" again Michael interrupted Sean.

"Are you going to keep interrupting me, or are you going to let me tell you?" Sean scolded.

"Sorry, baby...go ahead, and I promise not to interrupt you again," Michael sheepishly said, smiling coyly at him.

"As I was saying, Jason was just walking into the water when I came upon him. I saw that he had stripped off his clothes and I was totally enthralled with his body. He stood so still for the longest time, as if he was contemplating his next move."

Michael heard a soft sigh come from Sean, and again his jealousy surged.

"I found his body so appealing as my eyes took in every inch of it. He was ruggedly beautiful and oh, so masculine," Sean said, as his mind's eye remembered Jason's body back then. "His body was rock hard from head to toe as if it had been sculpted from the purest granite. His shoulders were broad, his body lean with muscles, and when he moved, it was with fluidity, handsomely muscular and bronzed to that perfect tan. He wore his hair long back then and it framed a sculpted face, with a straight Roman nose, a square jaw, and the plumpest of lips one could ever find. I hurried from my clothes and crept into the water just downstream from him."

"What did...?" Michael quickly placed a hand over his mouth when Sean looked back and gave him a glare before he continued.

"Jason didn't see or hear me when I got into the water; he was way too busy washing away the sweat and grime from his body. I swam up as close as I could without revealing myself to him, or so I thought, and it was then that he said without even turning...`if you are going to join me, then do so, Sean,' he said and then disappeared under the water, coming up in front of me. I nearly jumped out of my skin and fell forward, right into his arms."

"`Whoa there kid,' he said with a warm, welcoming smile on his lips."

"I was so enthralled with him as his strong arms held me close to him that I stood on my toes and kissed him. At first it was a soft kiss and when he didn't resist it, I stroked my tongue across his lips and his mouth opened. But before I could invade his mouth with my tongue, his tongue took mine captive, deepening our kiss as he pulled me tightly to him."

"This isn't right, Sean,' he said, pushing me away from him, but not soon enough to realize that we were both hard. Your dad and I are best friends and what would he think or do if he were to catch me here like this with you?' Again he pushed me further away and turned, moving hastily from the water."

"To be honest, Sean, I would have done the same thing, had I been in his place," Michael warned.

"I know, but you have to remember that I was in love with him back then," he added, but deep inside his heart, Sean still held a love for Jason. "I followed him out of the water and reached him just as he was picking up his jeans. I pulled them from his grasp and stood determinedly in front of him. It was then that I saw his manhood for the first time. I gasped; it was so long and fat even though it was soft from the coldness of the water."

"`I know how you feel, Jason, but dammit, I love you,' I told him and again I kissed him and it was my tongue that now invaded his mouth. "He stood there for what seemed an eternity with his arms hanging quietly at his sides. I was just about to give up on having him when he slowly enveloped me in his arms and kissed me back, his tongue now invading my mouth. I was drunk with lust just from his scent. It was a mixture of man, my man, and it was sprinkled with the scent of the water and trees."

"Damn, baby cakes, you have me hard just imagining the scene," Michael said, his cock hard and throbbing against Sean's ass.

Michael lifted Sean and sat him down slowly on his swollen cock, and with Sean's back still to him.

"Mmmmm, does this mean that you don't want me to continue?" Sean asked, looking over his shoulder at Michael.

"No... but I find this a better way to listen," he mused, kissing Sean's full, pouting lips. "So tell me what happened once you two broke your hot kiss," he demanded, rocking slowly back and forth, moving his cock slowly within Sean.

"That's the thing, honey; he didn't break the kiss, but instead he slowly lowered me down to the leaves that covered the ground. His body was on top of me and our cocks moved seductively against each other, urging us further into our lust."

"If we take this further, Sean, you've got to promise me that you'll never tell another living soul,' he whispered against my lips. I mean it, Sean, your father must never find out what we are about to do. It would destroy our friendship and that, kid, is something I would not want to do.'"

"I promised him and he began kissing me heatedly from my ears down my neck and came to a stop when he reached my hard, tall nipple. I nearly screamed out with ecstasy when he bit it and then caressed it with his tongue. He suckled it for what seemed forever before moving on to my other nipple and repeating what he had just done."

"Dammit, babe... tell me more," Michael begged, as his cock began moving faster within Sean's love canal.

Sean closed his eyes momentarily and enjoyed the fullness and erotic pleasure that Michael's invasion was giving him. He was finding it hard to concentrate on his story with Michael's cock moving so inside him.

"Where... was I?" he stammered, leaning back harder against Michael's chest.

"Jason was attacking your nipples," he reminded Sean as his fingers moved to pinch Sean's nipples.

"How can I tell you this with you seducing me?" Sean asked, leaning his head back to look up into Michael's glazed eyes.

Michael dropped his hands down to encircled Sean's waist and let Sean continue his story.

"After I was screaming for mercy, Jason finally moved further onward. His tongue was a torch and it ignited a fire wherever it touched. I was delirious with ecstasy when his mouth enveloped my cock and his nose was nestled snuggly in my pubes.

"`I love the scent of boy, especially this boy that is seducing me,' he whispered after dropping my cock."

"Damn... damn, baby boy, I know just how he felt. I love your scent too," Michael whispered against Sean's neck. "Please continue," he urged.

"Well, he began sucking me and within minutes I was shooting my cum like a volcano erupting, shooting it into his mouth as my hips thrust upward, shoving as much of my cock as I could get into his mouth."

Michael opened his mouth; Sean shot him a look, and immediately closed it.

"I was laying there delirious with my afterglow, when he got up and looked around for his jeans. What are you doing, Jason?' I asked as I hurried to stand. I'm getting dressed. What does it look like I'm doing?' he said as he stepped into his jeans. My hands went to the waist of the jeans and stopped him from pulling them up. `No, don't... I want you to make love to me, Jason' I told him and he looked at me in shock for a long moment before he spoke."

Michael gasped and his movement stopped momentarily as he dealt with the jealousy that he was feeling.

I can't, sweetness, and as much as I would love to, I just can't,' he said looking down at me and I could see the pain that was in his eyes as they stared at me. Why can't you? Is it because of dad, again?' I asked and he shook his head. Look here; do you see this cock of mine? Why, it would tear you wide open once it hardened and I tried to thrust it into your ass,' he warned, but I wouldn't listen. I know that you would not intentionally hurt me, Jason, so please... please can we at least try?' I asked him and I could see how it was torturing him."

"Damn... just how big was he?" Michael asked.

"His cock measures a full twelve inches and it's extremely fat," Sean said as he began rocking back and forth on Michael's throbbing cock.

"And I thought that I was big," Michael said, adding fuel to the fire of jealousy that burned within him.

"I finally convinced him that I would stop if the pain was too great so that he would at least try. I knew that it would hurt, I looked down again at his cock and I knew instantly that it would probably tear me wide open just as he had said, but I was determined to take as much of it, if not all of it, as I could."

"How much did you take?" Michael asked, and then realized that he was, again, continually interrupting Sean.

"He climbed atop me, straddling my hips and his hands held mine as he lowered his mouth to mine in an all-consuming kiss. He moved his body down and off of me, thrusting my legs onto his shoulders before lowering his mouth to my virgin pucker. My ass was bouncing as his tongue paid homage to my rosebud. He fucked my ass with that tongue of his until I was begging for him to fuck me. He sat up, spit several times into his hand and then slowly massaged it into my hole. He spit again and rubbed it around the bulbous head of his cock before placing it against my love tunnel's opening. `Push out and remember to take deep, long breaths when you feel me pushing in,' he instructed and I nodded my head.

"I remember my first time that I was fucked and it was then I vowed to never bottom again, it hurt so fucking much," Michael said, remembering his first time bottoming for James, his brother.

But then that was another story that he needed to share with Sean, he thought.

"You were a bottom?" he asked, surprised by the revelation. "With whom?" he asked, looking back at Michael.

"I'll tell you about it later, but first I want to hear about you and Jason," Michael said, but inside him he secretly wished that he had never asked.

"Well, as I was saying, Jason had told me what to do and then he lowered his mouth to mine and kissed me as he pushed his cock into me. I gasped and cried out when the head first slipped past the ring and tears began rolling down my cheeks. If I had not had my arms around him, he would have pulled out. I knew that I was too big for you, baby love,' he said to me and all that I could do was shake my head. I placed my hands to his face, cupping it tenderly and pulling him down for a kiss. More... give me more,' I whispered against his lips and then kissed him again."

"Did he?" Michael asked impatiently.

"He slowly pushed his cock into me as our mouths dueled. I was in pain but it was a different kind of pain... almost agonizingly sweet. Stop... I can't take anymore of your cock in me,' I finally cried out and he began laughing. What's so funny...? I'd like to see you take this,' I asked and he stopped laughing. `I'm all the way in, sweetheart; you have every fucking inch of my cock in you,' Jason said smiling down at me."

"You took all twelve inches of his cock into your virgin ass?" Michael said with a disbelieving tone to his voice.

"Yes... every fucking inch of his cock," Sean said adamantly in return. "He just smiled at me for the longest time and began, just a couple of inches at first, slowly pulling out and then ever so slowly pushing back in. I moved my legs from his shoulders and wrapped them around his hips as his thrusts took on a more urgent need. He found a rhythm that had us moving harmoniously together as he made love to me. I could see his pleasure in his eyes as he moved steadily in me, moving us closer to our edge. Well, after many long, ecstatic minutes of fucking, I could feel my balls churning as my cum began to boil and rise. I'm cumming again,' I cried out; he lowered his mouth to mine in a feverish kiss and my cock exploded, spewing my cum between us. Jason's thrusts quickened as his cock rammed unmercifully into me, and my ass muscles pulled and strangled his cock, pushing him closer to his edge and tumbling him over it...I'm going to cum, Sean,' Jason cried out. Sean stiffened when he realized that Michael's thrusts were just as urgent and he ground his ass down onto Michael's engorged cock, pushing him over his edge and into the abyss of ecstasy.

"Oh, fuck, babe... cumming," he grunted and blasted Sean's insides with warm, man cream.

Sean lifted himself off Michael's cock and stood, looking down at his exhausted husband as he sat there reveling in his sweet afterglow. Michael looked up at Sean's semi-hard cock and pulled him forward, engulfing Sean's manhood with his mouth.

Sean placed his hands on Michael's head to steady himself as he fucked furiously into his mouth. Soon his cock was hard and shooting his seed deep into Michael's mouth.

"Am I as good?" Michael asked Sean after they had both regained normalcy.

"As what?" Sean asked, perplexed by the question.

"Am I as good as Jason, when I make love to you?" his jealousy had to ask.

"No, babe, you are a million times better, my jealous husband," Sean said kneeling to kiss Michael.

The next day they took off early for the beach and after a bit of hunting, they located the nude beach. They found a spot amongst the various naked men and women that populated the popular beach and spread their blanket out on the soft, white sand. Michael stood, dropped his shorts and after giving his cock a couple of tugs, laid down on the blanket to sun. Sean sat and inched his shorts down and off, not being so brazen as his husband.

They had been lying there for a few minutes when Sean heard a familiar voice coming from a shadow that lay over him.

"I thought that was you, sweetheart," Robert said, dropping down and straddling Sean's hips with his legs.

"If you value your life, mister, I would recommend getting your sorry ass off my husband," Michael warned.

"Your husband... when did you get married?" Robert asked, shocked by the news, and more so, by the realization that he was not going to win Sean back.

"We got married New Year's eve if you must know. Now, if you don't mind, and even if you do, get the fuck off me," Sean commanded.

"But babe... you and I have a history together," Robert tried to reason with Sean as he kept an eye on Michael who was now rising.

"You had a history, Robert, and I am sorry to say that you found me not enough and had to seek sex elsewhere," Sean replied, gasping when Michael bodily removed Robert from him, tossing his lotion coated body into the sand.

"Now look here," Robert said threateningly to Michael.

"No, mister, you look," Michael said with his fists resting on his hips as he stared down at Robert. "If I ever catch you coming around my husband again, I won't be so gentle, if you know what I mean. Now get the fuck out of here," he ordered and laughed heartily when Robert hastily rushed away, his body glistening with the white sand that covered him.

"You may have won this battle, mister, but you have hardly won the war. I'll get you back for humiliating me in front of all these people," Robert grumbled softly as he hurried back to his spot on the beach. "And your fucking slut also," he added, glancing back at Sean and Michael, who were now engaged in conversation as if Robert didn't even exist.

"I don't know about you, Michael, but I've had enough sun for the day," Sean said, starting to gather their things and placing them into the beach bag they had brought.

"Sit, dammit," Michael commanded, stretching out again on the blanket. "I am not going to let that dweeb chase us away," he added, staring sternly at Sean.

"Okay, darling," Sean said, lying down beside him. "My knight," he whispered, half lying over Michael's chest. "Just what did you do in the Marines?" he asked after giving him a long, deep kiss.

"I was an MP, and a damn good one if I do say so myself," he proudly said. "No one messes with my husband and gets away with it," Michael added and then kissed him again.

"So, what are your plans for work, now that you are out of the Marines?" Sean asked, hoping to divert Michael's attention away from Robert and back to him.

"I had thought of becoming a cop," he said softly, glancing at Sean to gauge his reaction.

"Really, and just where did you plan on being one?" Sean asked, now sitting and looking at Michael with questioning eyes. "Because if you say New York, then forget it. I am not going to lose you to some street thug," he added.

"Truthfully, I was hoping to talk you into staying here and letting me apply at the Springfield Police Department," Michael said again, cautiously moving back for Sean's next reaction.

"You're serious, aren't you Michael?" Sean asked, already allowing his mind to work out the details for such a move for him. "I would have to sell my condo in New York, and of course that would also mean quitting my job at the magazine," he said, more to himself than to Michael. "I think I can manage that," he finally said, turning his attention back to Michael and smiling.

"Really, baby would give up New York for me?" an excited Michael asked, sitting up and pulling Sean into a hard kiss.

"I've grown tired of New York, with its constant whining of sirens and having to always being alert for muggers... yes, sweetheart; I think I am ready to move back here. I do own the paper here in town..." he paused, "So let's do it," Sean declared finally as he kissed his husband.

"How long will it take you to wrap everything up in New York?" Michael asked, as he reflexively began helping Sean pack up.

"I should give Mr. Reynolds a two week notice, and there is also the condo to sell, but I can just turn that over to a realtor," Sean said as he mentally ran down the list of things that he would need to do before moving back to Shelburne Falls. "I would say two weeks, three at the most," Sean said, smiling at Michael and handing him his shorts to put on.

"Hey... I thought that we were staying here and sunning!" Michael said when he finally realized that they were leaving.

"I have a much better idea, Michael, on how to spend the rest of the day," Sean said, smiling down seductively at his husband.

"Give me one minute to get these on," Michael grinned, hopping on one foot as he struggled to pull his shorts on.

Unfortunately, it was much longer than Sean had first imagined for him to permanently move back to Massachusetts. It took him two months and in the meantime, Michael applied and was accepted by the Springfield police department. He was just finishing up the academy when Sean moved back; bringing the things he wanted to keep as the left the city. Sean stood in the foyer and looked around at the variety of furniture and boxes, wondering what he was thinking when he had decided to keep all of these things.

"We'll have a huge fucking tag sale," Carl said excitedly, clapping his hands together in applause.

"I could, I guess," Sean said as he looked around for Michael. "Have you seen Michael anywhere?" he asked.

"The last time that I saw that hunk of man flesh, he was heading upstairs with a box," Carl added. "Would you like me to go fetch him for you?" his heart pounding as he waited for Sean's answer.

"If you don't mind... I am sort of stuck here," Sean said as he placed a box here, and another box there, hoping to make a path between the living room and the stairs.

Carl hurried up the stairs and looked around for Michael, finally deciding that Michael must be in his bedroom. He placed his ear against the door, heard nothing, so he knocked softly.

"Come on in, baby boy," he heard Michael say, in a very suggestive voice.

Carl gulped suddenly and opened the door. As he peeked around it, he saw Michael sprawled out spread eagle on the bed, his left arm over his eyes as his right hand stroked his cock.

Carl gasped and tiptoed over to the bed and sat down on the edge, replacing Michael's hand with his mouth.

"Yeah, baby boy... suck your man's cock," Michael said, keeping his arm in place and his eyes closed as Carl pleasured his throbbing cock.

Carl knew that what he was doing was wrong, but he had had sex with Sean so many times that he didn't think Sean would mind this one time. So he sucked Michael's cock eagerly as his fingers played with the man's hefty balls.

"Mmmmm..." Carl moaned. Michael's eyes flew open and he sat up, seeing Carl sucking him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Michael screamed, pushing Carl away and getting quickly up from the bed.

"I was just helping you out, handsome," Carl said in his defense.

"My God, Michael, what is going on in here?" Sean demanded and then gasped when he saw a naked Michael standing there with a pillow hiding his groin.

"I heard a knock on the door and thought that it was you, Sean. The next thing I know, Carl here is blowing me," Michael declared, looking angrily at Carl.

"He did say come in," Carl said quietly. "I saw his cock standing up and with his hand stroking it, I couldn't help myself, Sean! Really, I couldn't, I just had to taste him!" Carl said, now crying.

"He misled me; he made me think it was you, Sean, that had entered the room," Michael said, feeling guilty.

"Carl didn't mean anything by it, babe. Before you entered my life, I was having sex with both him and Jason," he confided. "So he must have felt that you were fair game," he added in Carl's defense, and Carl nodded his head.

"How was I doing before you noticed it was me?" Carl dared to ask.

"That alone should have told me that it wasn't Sean... he can't take my cock down to the root like you did."

"I've had years of experience with Jay, handsome," Carl said proudly. "If Sean doesn't mind, could I finish what I started?" he also dared to ask.

"I'm fine with it... what about you, Michael?" Sean asked, shiftng his gaze over to Michael.

"I don't know about this... What about Jason? What would he think?" Michael asked.

"Not a damned thing," Jason said from the doorway, causing everyone to turn to him, no one having heard his entrance. "I tried looking around for you downstairs, but when I heard voices coming from up here, I decided to follow them."

"I guess it's your call, Michael," Sean said again, looking back at his quiet man.

"Oh, what the fuck... go for it, Carl," Michael said, tossing the pillow back onto the bed.

"Do you mind if I take care of your husband?" Jason asked Michael, who was deliriously happy with how great Carl was sucking his cock and half hearing Jason.

Michael nodded as he closed his eyes and tossed back his head.

"No fucking for either of you," Michael warned, his jealousy rising as he looked over at Sean and Jason, who were already stripping off their clothes.

"Just a blowjob, big guy," Jason said in a promise and dropping to his knees before a now naked Sean.

Michael pulled Sean closer to him and chuckled softly, watching Jason walking on his knees as he followed Sean's cock, buried balls deep in his mouth. Michael pulled Sean into a hot, long kiss, while Carl and Jason sucked feverishly on their cocks.

"This had better not become a habit," Michael whispered to Sean in warning.

"I promise it's just this one time," Sean assured him. "Besides, I was the one that came in and found your cock buried down Carl's throat," he said.

"I already told you, I thought that Carl was you," he added in his defense.

"And what about Carl and Jason? Don't they deserve pleasure also?"

"I'm not blowing way, Sean," Michael whispered, trying not to let either Carl or Jason hear.

"Then how about fucking me?" Carl asked, dropping Michael's cock and looking with hope filled eyes at Michael.

Michael knew that if he fucked Carl, he would have to let Jason do the same to Sean. He was already jealous with Jason blowing Sean, so how would he feel if he were to fuck him? He wondered, looking down at Jason's hard cock. He slowly shook his head as he gazed at the size.

"Do you want me to fuck Carl because I remember how you reacted that night when you thought that I was James?" he reminded Sean. "And you know that if I fuck Carl, then Jason is going to want to fuck you," he added, fueling the fire of jealousy within him.

"It's not like he hasn't fucked me before, because he has and each time it has been after he's fucked Carl and with Carl kissing me as Jason fucked me," Sean said, looking from Michael to Jason and then back to Michael.

"I don't know how this all got started... well, I do know how it got started, but this had better be the last fucking time that it happens," Michael said, pulling Carl up from his knees and tossing him on the bed. "I want you right here beside me, though," he added as he climbed between Carl's spread legs.

Jason gently lay Sean down beside Carl and reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the lube.

"You'll need this," he said, first squirting a large dollop into his own hand and handing Michael the bottle.

`My God, he even knows where Sean keeps his supplies for fucking,' Micheal thought as he grabbed the bottle of lube from Jason.

Michael and Jason both prepared their men and when they were ready, Michael watched as Jason eased his massive cock into Sean. Sean laid there, his eyes closed as Jason finished entering him, and let out his breath slowly.

"Hello, Michael...I'm getting rather cold here waiting," Carl said, reaching down to grab Michael's cock and placing it to his love canal. "Now push," he ordered, and Michael fully entered Carl.

Michael began with fast, urgent thrusts, one eye on Carl and the other on Michael, as Jason tenderly, slowly, and methodically fucked Sean. Sean was moaning loudly as Jason's cock fucked him, causing the demon of jealousy to rage inside Michael.

Does he moan that loud for me?' Michael questioned himself in his mind, watching how Sean moved as one with Jason. He's fucking enjoying it!' he thought watching how glazed over Sean's eyes were.

"I can't do this... I can't even keep my cock hard with you fucking my man and him enjoying it," Michael said, pulling his soft cock from Carl's ass.

"No problem, buddy," Jason said, pulling his cock from Jason and quickly moving to Carl to insert his cock deep into him.

Michael felt like a shit, looking down at his husband and wondering if he was angry for taking Jason away.

"Well, aren't you going to fuck me?" Sean asked, holding his arms up in welcome to Michael.

"I'm sorry, baby boy, but I just can't take another man fucking you... I just can't do it," he said as he thrust his re-hardened cock into Sean's ass.

"Shhhh... just make love to me," Sean whispered, pulling Michael to him in a warm embrace and locking eyes with Jason, knowing exactly how Jason felt.

Outside Sean's house, a shadow crept from the cover of the trees, carrying a large can of gasoline in his right hand and a lighter in the other. The figure stood looking up at the only light that was on, and from experience, he knew that it was Sean's bedroom.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold," Robert whispered as he doused the back door with gasoline.

He cursed softly but bitterly when some of the gas splashed back on him, soaking his coat with the flammable liquid. Satisfied that he had the back covered enough to prevent escape and to quickly allow the flames to move up the side of the house, he trailed a path of gasoline around the house to the front, where he did the same to the front entrance.

Seeing a set of headlights approaching from down the road, Robert sought cover behind a tall set of shrubs. He watched the car come, drive by, and when he was convinced it was safe, he continued dousing the house.

"No one... no one humiliates me and lives to tell about it," Robert said as he knelt down to set the lit lighter to the gas.

The gas ignited and the flames rapidly followed the liquid up the house and around it, burning bright and fast, finally igniting the gas soaked wood in the back also.

The four men were cuddling comfortably together and sleeping in Sean and Michael's king size bed. Michael suddenly sat up, startled by a loud, blood curdling shriek; he then saw the flames as they licked at the window.

"FIRE!" Micheal screamed, causing Sean, Jason, and Carl to bolt from the bed, each seeking their own clothing before they raced from the room. Still naked and hurrying down the hall toward the staircase, Sean suddenly stopped, seeing the first floor foyer ablaze.

"We can't get out this way," he cried, forcing the others to turn and retreat the way that they had come.

"The servant stairs," Carl called out, remembering the back staircase that led down to the kitchen and to the back door.

They followed Carl as they raced to the end of the hall and again as they made their way downstairs, they stopped when they saw the kitchen was also on fire.

"We're trapped," Sean said in a panic as he began to cry hysterically. Michael shook him hard but he refused to stop. Michael lifted his hand to slap Sean, but Jason grabbed him by the wrist and stopped him.

"Never do you hit him," Jason said adamantly and struck Sean himself, causing Sean to come back to his senses.

"The only place to go is the back bedroom that I use for my office," Sean said, striving to curb his fear as he led the group to his office.

Michael looked out the window and saw that the flames had yet to reach this side of the building.

"It's a long fucking drop, but a broken leg or arm is still better than being burned alive," Michael declared, picking up a chair and tossing it through the window.

He and Jason worked feverishly to smash out the shards of glass that remained in the window. "I'll go first and try to break the other's fall," Jason said as he climbed up onto the window ledge.

"I hear sirens," Carl screamed, pulling Jason back into the room. "Wait, honey, wait for the fire department to get here," he asked, looking with fear and love in his eyes at him.

Sean was insanely quiet as he stood at the door and watched the flames as they began burning the carpet and walls at the other end of the hall.

"Awww guys...I don't think we have the luxury of waiting for the firemen to get here," he said with a quivering voice.

The others turned around and saw how fast the flames were moving toward them. Michael slammed the door shut and hurried back over to the window where Jason was reasoning with Carl.

"We jump together sweetheart, because I don't want to live if you don't make it," Carl said, clinging tightly to Jason.

"We are both going to make it baby," Jason assured his lover as he turned, letting his body dangle from the ledge before he let go, and dropping the two stories down to the ground.

"Michael, help us...we're going to burn to death!" Sean screamed out. Michael turned back toward the door and saw how the fire was now licking at the door to the room as thick black smoke poured in from under the door.

Sean began choking and coughing and staggered back from the door, falling into Michael's arms and blacking out. Michael looked at the door and noticed how the paint was bubbling, telling him that the fire was burning its way through.

"I love you, Sean," Michael said as he too surrendered to the darkness...

To be continued...

Well, there you have it guys--Chapter One of the sequel to "The Christmas Visitor." Let me know what you think at:

Thank you, Christos

Next: Chapter 2

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