Loves Always in Season

By moc.liamg@1002tbja

Published on Jan 12, 2022


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The Family

As soon as he heard Kennie's statement. Jordan's face lit up, and he tackled his new playmate. "I'm not done with my list of demands." Jordan straightened up, but continued sitting on his squirming boyfriend.

Kennie was wriggling, and trying to work himself free, but discovered, he was completely trapped, face down under his jovial assailant. "What are your terms, my cute sneaky man?" Jordan's fingertips lightly tickled, and drew circles on Kennie's neck. "Jordy, c'mon, not my neck. It tickles." The young Hardy man was squirming, giggling, as he tried, quite unsuccessfully, to block his boyfriend's playful tickle attack.

"I want to play an elf, for the Winter Wonderland." Jordan smiled, wrapped his arms around his excited man, and kissed his neck, before blowing raspberries on the skin. He giggled, when the sound of Kennie's childlike giggles, and squeals entered his ears. "I also want to be your equal. I don't want you going out of your way to buy me expensive gifts. I'm not after your money, I'm in this for you Kennie. And, for the first time in my life, the chance to have a truly loving family. Jordan sighed happily, and laid beside his boyfriend. "I also, don't want you to become jealous, if I'm being playful with someone. That's just my natural personality, I'm playful, affectionate, and loving. That being said, I'm also extremely faithful, and give you my word of honor, I'll never cheat on you, or breakup with you, just because I see someone I think is cuter. However, that's not an issue, I've yet to find someone's who's cuter than you."

Kennie was a bit surprised by Jordan's admissions, and terms. He gave everything he heard careful consideration, and took his time before answering. "Is that everything?" He asked, while lightly running his fingers through Jordan's hair. Kennie loved how silky, and smooth the half Indian's locks were.

"I think so, at least for now." Jordan softly giggled, and laid his head on Kennie's chest.

"Here's my counteroffer. I agree to all your demands, except I will buy you things...." Kennie paused, smiled, and climbed on top of the smaller man. With an evil smirk, the brunette grabbed hold of his boyfriend's wrists, pulled them up, above his head, and pinned them down. Kennie bowed his head. He softly chuckled, when Jordan squirmed, and squeaked as his nose lightly grazed his captive's exposed, and very ticklish stomach. "I will only buy you gifts for your birthday, holidays, and, if I truly think you'd love something I've found. They will be gifts with a lot of thought behind them." Kennie proceeded to blow raspberries on Jordan's bare stomach, as well as slip his tongue in, and around the deep belly button crevice.

Jordan writhed, under his boyfriend. His high pitched laughter, rang through the large space. The half Asian's legs, kicked, and pushed against the fake snow that continued to fall. Happiness, and unspeakable joy, shimmered, and sparkled in Jordan's eyes. His heart was totally overflowing, with the seemingly unending love he'd been shown. He knew, this was where he belonged, and this was the family he'd always wanted.

Kennie kept his ticklish boy's wrists pinned, with one hand. Still straddling the smaller body, the Hardy youth used his free hand to alternate tickles in the exposed, deep pit hollows. He giggled, and leaned over slightly. Licking his lips, he placed a kiss on Jordan's nose, as he was laughing his head off. Then, Kennie very gently, ran his slight chin stubble back and forth along his victim's sensitive neck. It only took a minute after, for Jordan to screech out his surrender. Jordan, and Kennie had just gotten to their feet, when they were knocked back down, in the fake snow. Kyle, Jake, and Eli tackled the couple. During the five way tickle fight, Eli somehow, got pinned, and tickled into hysterics.

"I do believe our son has found his one true soulmate. Just like I did." Ken smiled at Alayna, as the duo watched their boys playing in the snow. Even though the couple didn't give birth to Kyle, Jake, and Eli they were as much Ken, and Alayna's kids as Kennie, and now Jordan.

"Jordan's an exceptional, and loving young man." The family matriarch gazed lovingly at her longtime partner, and husband. "I also think your tickle fights with Kennie, will be less one sided. At least when our Jordan's around." Alayna chuckled. "I have a feeling, that will be quite often." The forty-eight year old, batted her eyes. She gave her husband's sides a quick tickle, then gently pinched, and smacked his ass, and ran off, laughing. Ken yelped, and giggled. The businessman playfully growled, and chased his cackling wife. When he finally caught her, Ken pressed Alayna against the kitchen wall. He gazed into her eyes, and placed a long, passion filled kiss on her light pink lipstick covered lips. "I love you." The couple said in unison, with a smile, as they continued making dinner.

Kyle, and Jake kept Eli's arms pinned above his head, while Kennie straddled his giggling bodyguard's squirming lower legs. Jordan untied, and removed the restrained, muscular hulk's sneakers. He chuckled listening to his new friend's boyish laughter caused by his boyfriend's, and best friend's random tickles. "This is freakin' awesome." Eli's comment was rewarded with more unannounced tickle attacks. His body squirmed, and struggled under the weight of his three captors. Eli yelped, and involuntarily jumped, the second he felt Jordan's arm wrap around his sock clad ankles. "Jordy, you wouldn't..." The trapped man's laughter dramatically increased, in both volume, and pitch, as soon as the playful tickler struck. Jordan slowly dragged his nails up and down the length of Eli's helpless soles. Not wanting him to have all the fun, tickling their friend, the other three added their tickles to the mix.

"Let's go easy on him guys." Jordan said, after about five minutes of continuous tickling. They all released their hold on Eli, then wrapped him in a group hug.

Eli's heart was bursting with love for the guys, he claimed as brothers. He looked at the four other men. With tears of joy in his eyes, he gave each one a kiss on the cheek, and the strongest hug he could muster, without crushing them. "Thank you for that. It was awesome. I love being tickled, as much as I love doing the tickling." He chuckled, grabbed Jordan, and Kennie around their waists, and pulled them into his lap. "I'm ecstatic the two of you got together. It's been hard, watching you two be lonely. You both have really big hearts, you deserve to be happy, and loved." Eli's statement, brought tears to everyone gathered around him.

"Eli, I don't know what to say." Kennie said as he wiped his tears. Then, he and Jordan wrapped their arms around the bigger man, gave him a kiss, and hugged him

Eli playfully kneaded his fingers between Jordan's, and Kennie's ribs. He smiled, as the two guys squirmed, and giggled. The couple sat on either side of him, and were joined by Kyle, and Jake. "Jordan, I need you to focus, completely listen to what I tell you, and be totally compliant. I'm not going to listen to you bellyache, complain, or refuse my instructions. This is not a negotiation, these rules are in place for your safety." The second Jordan took a breath to speak, Eli gently placed his index finger on his friends lips, and shook his head no. "Jordan, I told you, you need to listen, and obey."

In a habitual act of defiance, the half Asian looked directly into his friend's eyes, and attempted to stare him down. However, he was met with an even deeper, more stern, and authoritative stare. Jordan tried to maintain his determination, and willfulness. He could feel his eyes start quivering, and getting moist. Within seconds, he blinked, and lost the stare down. He closed his eyes, bowed his head, and a solemn expression came across Jordan's face. It was quickly replaced with a smile, and his boyish giggles. The half Blackfoot was being tickled on both sides by Jake, and Eli. Finally, he squealed out his surrender. After calming down, he kissed Eli, and Jake's cheeks, then placed his head on Eli's shoulder. Kennie's smile, and approving nod, made both Eli, and Jordan smile. "Okay El, I'm ready to listen. And, I promise to comply with your rules. I'm sorry, for trying to be defiant, and stare you down." Eli gently rubbed Jordan's back, and hugged him.

Eli proceeded to give Jordan the run down on all the procedures, telling him he'd have his own bodyguard, when he was in public, and not with the family, or at the office. Eli also informed him, that a security guard would be periodically, driving by his apartment. Finally, Jordan was given a handful of tiny circular thin disks.

Jordan held one between his index finger, and thumb. "What are these?"

"They're undetectable tracking devices. You put them under the insoles of your shoes. They're just in case you're ever alone in a jam, or if you're kidnapped. One more thing, I'm having cameras hidden that records your front door, and living room." Eli paused, as he watched Jordan's expressions. He knew the younger man was about to draw the line. "Jordan, hear me out. The cameras are just for your safety, I'm not gonna be constantly monitoring you. It's just a precaution. You're about to become much more noticed, and you're also gonna be seen as someone of great importance. Not just because you're Kennie's mate, but because you're Papa Ken's personal assistant. People can get crazy, and even though I know you keep firearms, and can protect yourself, no one's invincible. Jordy, you're a very loved, and respected young man. I know you don't see yourself that way, cause you're just being you, but that's exactly why you're so loved, and people look up to you."

Jordan closed his eyes, and started crying. Before he knew it, Kennie's arms were protectively wrapped around him. The half Indian leaned into his mate's chest, and let himself get swept away in the comforting embrace. "Why do I matter so much, when I never did before? No one ever wanted me, after they found out I was gay, felt I was too childlike, thought I was too clingy, or what my heritage was." The emotional, pleading question, and statement had every one assembled wiping their tears. The four young men truly realized how much hurt, and pain their Jordan continued to hold in.

"Jordy! Babe, look at me."

With tears in his eyes, Jordan complied with his boyfriend's request.

Kennie placed his fingers under his man's chin, and very lightly, started stroking the soft skin.

The other three men smiled, as soon as they heard their younger brother's light giggles.

"There's my sweet boy's smile." Kennie chuckled, and kissed Jordan's nose. "Baby boy, those other people weren't right for you. They didn't appreciate what an amazingly sweet, and loving person you are. They didn't see how strong, and resilient you are. You've never given up, no mater what faced you." Kennie gently lifted Jordan's chin. He gazed directly into the shimmering brown orbs, he'd come to love, and long to see the rest of his life. Leaning into the warm, smaller body, Kennie placed a gentle, but firm, loving kiss on Jordan's soft, quivering lips. The two men melted into one another, closed their eyes, and completely gave themselves over to the sheer power of their raw emotions, and passionate embrace.

The electricity they emitted, bounced back and forth between them. The sexual desire they felt for one another, raged through the young men's hot, longing bodies, and created a tent out of their clothing. Jordan was thankful, his costume was so stretchy. If it wasn't, he'd have shown everyone his generous endowment. The need for oxygen finally overrode the need to be connected at the lips. Totally spent, and breathless, Jordan, and Kennie separated. Both men had beads of sweat forming on their brows, their eyes were glassy, and glazed over. The guy's lips were puffed up, a bit sore, and bright pink. If you didn't know any better, you'd think the boys were higher than Mount Vesuvius. The sight of their friend's, consumed in the passion fueled flames, left Kyle, Jake, and Eli in a state of erotic arousal. Once the two heavily panting men broke their physical connection, all five men began rearranging themselves. Kyle, Jake, Eli, Jordan, and Kennie, kept glancing at each other. Suddenly, the five men started cracking up. They realized, it'd been a group activity.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

The group of overgrown kids jumped in surprise, when they heard the booming voice behind them. The guys stood, turned around, and gasped. A very rosy cheeked, and jovial Santa Claus was standing behind them.

"Santa!" Jordan's high pitched, excited squeal, echoed through the warehouse. The giddy twenty-five year old ran over to the winter season's most well known, and beloved, figure.

The other four guy's couldn't help giggling at their companion's enthusiastic reaction.

Jordan's eyes twinkled, just as they did on the float earlier that day. "Thank you, Santa. You've given me the most amazing, and precious gift this year. I got...a new family for Christmas. I love you, Papa Ken. By the way, you're the Dad I've been wanting all my life. You're also the most believable Santa ever." He whispered into the older man's ear, as he cried, and hugged the mythical, red suited being.

Under his disguise, Ken was once again, shocked, and moved to tears as he embraced his newest son. The young man's excitement, combined with his childlike belief that anything was possible, made the moment even more heartwarming. Once the two broke the embrace, Ken was the recipient of four more hugs, that were just as warm and loving as the first. Santa led the young men to his chair, where he sat down. After looking between the five young men standing around him, he then turned and smiled at his wife. Alayna, dressed as Mrs. Claus, nodded, and smiled back from her place on the porch.

Jordan looked at the very kind, loving, and overjoyed looking woman. Quietly, he broke away from the group, and ran up to the porch. When he got there the half Asian looked into the vibrant older woman's eyes, and gave her the biggest smile his face would allow. Jordan opened his arms, and gave the family Matriarch a very loving, and for him long overdue embrace. "Thank you, for being an amazing wife, and Mom to Kennie, and Papa Ken."

Alayna gasped, and had to wipe her tears. She happily returned his offered affection. "I'm not just their wife, and Mom Jordy."

"You're not?" Jordan pulled back slightly, but, was still held in her embrace.

Alayna chuckled seeing the confused look on her new boy's face. The forty-eight year old gently kissed the younger man's damp cheek. "No, I'm not. I'm your Mom, just like I am Kennie's, Kyle's Jake's, and Eli's. I gave birth to Kennie, and love him unconditionally. I've chosen to be a mother figure to the other three boys, and I love them just as much as I do my birth son. Now, I'm extending that love, and desire to be a mother to you." She paused. "That is if you want that."

Jordan blinked, and was speechless. He kissed Alayna's cheek, and gave her a strong hug. "I'd love to be your son... Mom."

The five men were wiping their tears, as they watched Alayna, and Jordan. Ken looked at his only birthed son. "Come on up young man, and tell Santa what you want for Christmas."

Kennie giggled, and slightly blushed as he stepped up, and sat on Santa's lap. The brunette wrapped his arms around the bearded man's neck, His tears dripped on the white fur collar, as he laid his head on the older man's shoulder, and whispered. "I can't thank you enough for everything you've done Daddy. Not just today, but my whole life. You and Mom, are my ultimate hero's and role model's."

"What is this, make Papa Ken cry day? I've cried more today, than I ever did in one day." Ken chuckled under his beard. His statement made Kennie start giggling along with him. "Now, what do you want for Christmas Kennie?"

Kennie smiled, looked at the entire decorated warehouse, and then looked at the gathering of everyone he loved. He took a second, placed his index finger, and thumb on the edge of his chin, and looked like he was deep in thought. "Ya know, I could always use a fire engine red Porsche convertible." The second he finished his statement, Kennie's squeals, and laughter filled the area. The brunette wildly squirmed, and bucked. His Dad kept him pinned on his lap, while tickling his sides, and ribs. "Okay, I give, I give, no sports car." Kennie hugged his Dad, and kissed his cheek. He then whispered. "I've got everything I've ever wanted, and needed. You, and Mom, not only helped me with this plan to ask Jordan to be my boyfriend, but you've both loved, and accepted him, as your son. I love you, and Mom, more than I can ever express." He gave his Dad another hug. Kennie yelped, and giggled, when his Dad playfully spanked his butt as he walked back to the other guys.

Ken repeated the traditional visit with Santa with Kyle, and Jake. Then, it was Eli's turn. Just as he stepped up, Ken looked at Eli, and grinned. "Whoa, you're a big boy. Umm, why don't you sit on the arm of my chair." The five boys started snickering at the older man's antics.

"C'mon Santa, I'm not that much bigger than these guys." Eli's eyes sparkled with playfulness.

"Santa's not as young as he used to be, and there's no workman's comp with this job." The comment had everyone laughing their heads off.

"I could always go to the Santa union, and file a discrimination case." Eli crossed his arms over his chest, and stuck his tongue out at the older man.

"Fine, you win little boy. C'mon up. But, if Santa needs knee replacements, it's coming out of your salary." Eli did actually sit on the arm of the chair.

"Guys, dinner is served." Alayna, had gotten the food out to the long folding tables, while Santa kept the boys occupied. She walked over to the bearded man, sat on his lap, and placed a kiss on his cheek. The husband, and wife took a moment, and with a loving smile, gazed at their five boys. "Why don't you get in your regular clothes, and then we'll eat. We need to officially welcome our newest family member."

Everyone stood around the picnic table. "Everyone, please hold hands." The assembled group did as requested. "This family started with me, and my loving wife. Then, we were blessed with the birth of our son. We were ecstatic, when our next three blessings came along, and the family grew. The additions were Kyle, Jake, and Eli. Now, the family has grown once more." Ken paused, and raised a glass of wine. He gestured for everyone else to do the same. "Jordan, you've managed to capture the heart of everyone in our family. Not just through your tireless work with charity, but with your unending well of love, affection, and desire to help others. You're brave, strong, willing to stand up for what you believe in, and defend those who can't defend themselves." The family Patriarch had to pause, and collect himself. "You're the perfect fit to our family, as well as Kennie's other half. I know, it's very early, and the two of you need to get to know each other. However, my wife and I see the love behind, not only Kennie's eyes, but your eyes also. Welcome to the Hardy family, Jordan. You're now, and forever known to Alayna, and myself as our son."

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