Loves Always in Season

By moc.liamg@1002tbja

Published on Dec 24, 2021


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The Hardy Estate

Over the next few minutes, Ken explained his second proposal to his younger visitor. Everyone in the room smiled, as they watched Jordan's eyes light up, and his excitement rise. The young man was as giddy, and childlike as he was when he first learned he'd be an elf in the parade.

"So, let me make sure I've got this right." Jordan was so happy, his eyes twinkled, and his boyish giggling couldn't be contained. "You want me to dress up as an elf, and let your kid try and force me to take him to Santa?"

"That's right Jordan, I'll be giving you an address, you can put in your costume's pocket. I just need you to hold out for between thirty, and forty-five minutes. My son already knows you're ticklish, he saw the parade too. Just be prepared, he's gonna use that against you." Ken paused, and chuckled at Jordan's body shiver from the excitement, and fun he was anticipating. "There's also one other element, I've placed Two Hundred Thousand dollars in your savings account. That's a gesture of thanks for indulging both me, and my son today." All the men broke up with laughter, seeing the look of shock, and disbelief on the twenty-five year old's face.

"Papa Ken, I can't accept that. I wouldn't feel right profiting from helping maintain this magical time in your kid's, or any kid's life. I'm sorry, but that's where I draw the line. Please, take the money back. You've already given me way more than anyone else has, ever."

The older man snickered. Moving quicker than his target could think, Ken had the younger man pinned face down on the plush carpet. "Young man, I think we need to have a little discussion. See, the way things work around here is I do the giving, and you do the receiving. Now, that goes for everything from money, orders, gifts, and job offers." The playful captor chuckled. "Oh wait, I forgot to mention one last thing, and it's the most important things I give, and you receive...." With an evil glint in his eyes, the Hardy patriarch quickly trapped his prey's kicking legs, and pulled the wriggling feet up to his chest. In one quick movement, Jordan's squirmy feet, were released from the adorable candy cane covered fabric prison cell. "The tickles." As he let loose a mirth filled cackle, Ken's manicured nails lightly, and rapidly scribbled over the extremely ticklish pair of exposed, and helpless bare soles.

Jordan shrieked, and thrashed side to side. He continuously tried wriggling free, and bucking his tickle assailant off his trapped body. "Please, Papa Ken, Not the nails. It's not fair to start right off with the nails." The young man's laughter got higher in pitch, and volume, when he felt a devious finger lightly scratch along each toe pad, and its base.

"Do we have an understanding of how things work around here, young Mr. Baxter?" After his inquiry, Ken released Jordan's feet. However, he quickly turned around, so he was facing the young captive's upper body. With no warning, Jordan's ribs and sides were treated to a very thorough ticklish massage.

Once the new tickle attack registered with his brain, Jordan's legs, and fists pounded the floor. "Okay, I give up. I'll accept the money. You win. Uncle, Uncle" As soon as he relented, the raven haired man felt his tickler's arms wrap around his quivering body. The love, and warmth emanating from the older man's body, made Jordan smile, and press against Ken's chest. Unable to contain his happiness, tears streamed down the half Asian man's face. "Thank you, Papa Ken."

Ken used his free hand to wipe his own tears. He smiled, leaned his head down, and kissed the younger man's forehead. "What are you thanking me for son?"

"Everything you've done for me today. I'm thanking you for your loving heart, your family's pride in their civic duties, for all the good you've ever done, continue to do, and will do. You have no idea how many people benefit from your kindness, and sense of responsibility. I'm also thanking you, for tickling me, bringing me here the way you did, letting me help you keep the magic of Christmas alive for your son, and most importantly, for making me feel like I have a family, and am loved by a parent. That's a luxury I've never had."

Jordan's thankful declaration made the four men in the room totally speechless. Kennie, and Alayna were also speechless, and wiping their tears as they watched the video feed from their separate locations.

Still unable to speak, Ken's tears fell on the younger man's hair, as he paternally cuddled, and kissed the emotional, and fragile young man in his arms. "Jordan, I've never been so moved, or touched by something anyone said to me. I can't imagine the pain, and loneliness you've had to endure. I promise, to always be a father figure to you. You're truly an amazingly loving angel."

Jordan smiled, and kissed his generous benefactor. He chuckled to himself, as a playfully evil idea came to him, he just had to time it perfectly, otherwise, he'd be tickled into oblivion. Working hard to contain his excitement, Jordan carefully watched Ken's movements. As soon as Mr. Hardy was in the right position, he pounced.

Ken wildly cackled, the minute he felt Jordan's nimble fingers invade his very ticklish, and deep pit hollows. Immediately, the elder found himself in exactly the same position as his younger victim was a few minutes ago.

Kennie watched, and laughed with excitement seeing his old man being taken down by Jordan.

The sudden turning of tables, shocked the three men in the room with Jordan, and Ken.

"Jordan, I thought we just reached an amicable, and unanimous agreement." Ken squirmed, and tried getting up, but Jordan had him pinned good. The older man quickly noticed the younger attacker made sure to keep every one of his ticklish spots out of his reach.

"Oh, we did. However, I just thought I'd try, and hold a counter negotiation session." A light giggle slipped from Jordan's plump lips. He reached behind him, and very lightly tickled just above his victim's hips.

Ken's boisterous laughter filled the room. Desperately, he tried avoiding the inquisitive fingers. "Now, son, we can talk this over."

"Oh, we are, Papa Kensie. I'm sure you've had your share of "ticklish" corporate meetings. Although, I'm pretty sure the ticklish part, wasn't actually carried out, quite like this." The giggling tickler, gently kneaded the back of his flailing prey's upper thighs, and calves.

"Oh shit, I haven't been tickled there in a long time." Ken squealed, and cackled. The tickle attack was thrilling, and a workout for the older man. He hadn't really been tickled since he was in his early twenties.

"Way to go Jordan. Fuck, I hope he says yes to being with me. We'd have a blast together." Kennie said to himself, as he got dressed in his own costume. "Finally, I get to see Daddy tickled." The brunette giggled, and continued to watch. "All I need is popcorn."

"Papa Ken, I'm curious about something." Jordan looked at his best friends, and smiled. Then, he leaned over, grabbed the wriggling legs, and slipped off the only protection his captive's struggling feet had. "Are your feet ticklish?" He giggled, then, immediately launched a devastating ticklish assault on the helpless pair of silky smooth, freshly bared soles.

The reaction was insane. Instantly, Ken was hurled into a bottomless well of incredible ticklishness. The fifty year old man thrashed, and laughed more than he had in years. As soon as Jordan's finger started exploring his toes, the man squealed, and giggled like a young boy. His pinkish white soles creased, and smoothed out, with each toe scrunch.

Everyone, especially Kennie was shocked when they heard the high pitched laughter and pleas that came from Ken's lips. Feverishly, the older man continued to try breaking free. However, he was savoring the playfulness, and fun tickles he was receiving. He couldn't help thinking, if Jordan, and Kennie did get together, the three of them would definitely be having a ton of laughs in the years to come.

"Here's my compromise Papa K. I will accept the money. I'll use what I need to pay off all my debt, keep 60% of what's left over, and the rest is going right to charity. That, sir is nonnegotiable." Jordan finished his presentation with a rigorous, but gently applied tickle attack to his writhing, and hysterically laughing victim's ribs, and deep, damp pit hollows.

Ken's wild laughter, and squeals turned to silent, gasping laughter. After a minute or two of the newly administered dose of tickles, the shrewd business man signaled his acceptance of the offered terms, in the form of multiple pats on the carpet. Instantly, a cold bottle of water, appeared in the exhausted man's trembling hand, and a damp cloth was wiping his sweat soaked brow. "You, my dear Jordan, are brutal. You've just made me extremely grateful none of my business associates know how ticklish I am. If they did, I'd be out of business within a half hour." Everyone had a good chuckle over the statement.

Jordan helped Ken to his feet. "I didn't go too far, did I Papa?" With tears in his eyes, and a slight smile, he hugged the older man, and kissed his cheek.

"It's lucky you never explored my belly button, young man. I see now, I'm gonna have to be on my guard, and make sure I'm firmly standing on my toes when you, and my son are together. I'd never stand a chance against the two of you boys." Ken, and everyone else shared a laugh, and hug. Eli, Kyle, and Jake headed for their next round of chores. "Why don't you go get dressed, and play with my kid. His room's upstairs, the very last door at the end of the hallway. Have fun, and remember, hold out, at least 30 to 45 minutes." With a bright smile, and chuckle, Ken handed Jordan the address, and his costume.

Jordan hugged Ken, and got back into the elf costume. He made sure to place the slip of paper with the address written on it in the breast pocket. Then he giggled, and skipped all the way upstairs.

Kennie could hear the jingling bell, as it got closer to his room. He smiled to himself, and got ready for his "magical" visitor. It wasn't long, before he heard a gently knocking on the door. Not wanting to give himself away, the brunette turned the knob, and let the door slowly open. He smiled, when he saw the side profile of Jordan's adorable face.

"Umm hello, Kennie you around here?" Jordan leisurely entered the boy's bedroom. "Is anyone in..." He was cut off, by a hand covering his mouth, and an arm wrapping around his midsection.

"Ha! Looks like a got myself an adorable elf boy, and he's gonna take me to see Santa." Kennie giggled, and wiggled his fingers along his captive's stomach.

"No, don't..." Jordan's laughter, and high pitched squeals bounced off the walls, and ceiling. His body squirmed, in a futile attempt at escape. The more his tickler's fingers explored Jordan's ticklish stomach, the weaker he got. Jordan's knees bent, and he fell to the floor, with his attacker on top of him.

Kennie smiled, and quickly wrapped some rope around Jordan's wrists. Then, he made quick work of tying his victim's ankles, and with a minute or two, he'd successfully hogtied the wriggling elf. His smile was wide, and bright, as he lay down, and faced Jordan. "Hi!" Kennie giggled, and kissed his prey's nose.

Jordan couldn't help himself, he started giggling at the cuteness of the man before him. "I take it, you're Kennie." Jordan squirmed, and tried twisting, to no avail.

The brunette eagerly nodded. "You're gonna take me to Santa, or else." Licking his lips, Kennie reached out with his left arm, and started very lightly tickling Jordan's chin with his fingertips. The light giggling, and squeals made Kennie's heart burst with joy. He couldn't believe how adorable, the raven haired man was.

"Papa Ken told me you'd use my ticklishness against me." Jordan said between his chuckles, and giggles. The more Kennie's fingers tickled his chin, the more he tried to block the sensitive area. However, that left the sides of his neck completely vulnerable, and Kennie was making sure he exploited his weakness.

"Yeah, Dad loves me very much. He's awesome for indulging my playful, childlike fantasies. I mean, a twenty-five year old going to see a mall Santa, is pretty noticeable." Kennie chuckled at his comment, and began tickling both sides of Jordan's neck, and ears with his fingers.

"I... I think it's really, cute, and adorable you have those fantasies." Jordan boyishly giggled, and blushed. "You're really a fun, and playful tickler, I love that." Again, Jordan was blushing.

"I think you're totally cute, I have for quite awhile. However, except for working together on projects, we haven't had time to actually meet each other. Although, I've set up the sound for your performances, when you sing and play guitar for the kids at Christmas."

Jordan gasped. "You're the tech guy. Kennie, I'd be nothing, without your help." The two paused, and gazed into each other's eyes. "You don't have to answer, but are you gay? I am, and I'm out."

Kennie smiled, and lightly brushed Jordan's cheek, which also caused the young man to softly giggle, and squirm. "Wow! Even his cheek is ticklish. That's freakin' awesome." Kennie chuckled, and softly kissed Jordan's cheek. "Yes, I'm gay, and am out too." The two men pleasantly sighed. "Now, back to business. You're gonna take me to Santa, or I'm gonna be forced to tickle you a lot more."

Jordan smiled. "You think you'll break me huh?" Jordan's eyes widened, and he gulped when Kennie wiggled his fingers menacingly in the air right above his very exposed sides.

"Famous last words, from the extremely ticklish, and captured elf boy." Kennie rubbed his hands together, and proceeded to unleash his awesome tickle arsenal upon the wriggling body before him.

Fifteen minutes later, a damp, tickled, and happy Jordan panted, and gratefully accepted the water his tickler provided. "You're an amazing tickler Kennie." His toes wiggled in the sheer green tights. In the time they'd spent together, Jordan hoped he could have a meaningful relationship with the young Hardy man. "Hmm, you've still not broken me kiddo." Jordan giggled, and squirmed in his binding.

"That's cause I've been taking it easy on you elfie." The brunette wrapped his arm around his captive's stocking covered ankles.

"Oh, fuck. I'm sooo not gonna be able to hold out long. Especially, with these tights on my already ticklish feet." Jordan said, as he started trying to get his vulnerable soles away from the gleeful Kennie.

"Nope, and you're completely trapped, and helpless Jordy." The giddy twenty-five year old wasted no time. His attack was hard, and devastating.

The instant Jordan felt the manicured nails rapidly strum up, and down his extremely ticklish soles, ear splitting shrieks, and screeches sprang from his vocal cords. Feverishly, the trapped man's legs tried kicking, and wriggling, but his captor's vice like hold was too strong, especially in his weakened condition. About three minutes later, the spent elf screamed out his ultimate surrender. He was instantly rewarded with a very firm, but gently foot massage. His toes were also getting their own massage, in the form of soft kisses, and Kennie's warm mouth. Of course this also made Jordan slightly squirm, and happily giggle. He'd never received such an amazingly loving treatment.

"So, where's Santa?" Kennie asked after he'd released his captive. With a big smile, the brunette gently kissed Jordan's soft lips, and wrapped his arms around him. He was fighting hard, not to prematurely ask this amazingly gorgeous, and caring soul to be his boyfriend, and hopefully, his future life long mate.

Jordan blushed, and giggled. He was so happy, being in this guy's embrace. The love he felt in Kennie's kiss, actually filled the half Asian man with hope, the two might have the chance to become a couple. However, he didn't want to assume anything too soon, or read more into it, than what was there. "I have an address in my breast pocket." The raven haired young man paused, then looked up into the other man's soft, glimmering eyes. "I....I'm not usually one to just go with my feelings, on a personal level Kennie. And, I really hope I'm not gonna make a fool of myself for saying this..." Jordan was getting very emotional. His eyes were filling with tears.

"Jordy, please, don't cry, my angelic boy." Closing his eyes, the Hardy boy was reminding himself, Jordan wasn't his yet.

A light flickered in Jordan's heart. "Y...your angelic boy?" Jordan turned, to face his companion. He placed his hands on both sides of Kennie's face, and stared deeply into the quivering light, hazel eyes. What he saw in them, was love, Kennie Hardy, one of the most amazing men, Jordan had ever met, other than Kensington, was looking at him, ordinary Jordan with love, not lust, or even just friendship, but, looking at him with love in his eyes.

Taking a chance, Jordan gave Kennie a very passion filled kiss. This time, when their lips touched, both men felt each other shiver, and jump from the electricity flowing between them. Their arms wrapped around one another, and beads of sweat formed on their brows. Inside both Jordan, and Kennie felt sparks, and explosions bursting through their souls, and they could see fireworks going off behind their closed eyes. Finally, the two men separated, completely winded, and gasping for precious oxygen.

"Jor....." Kennie started, but was stopped by Jordan's index finger lightly touching his red, swollen lips.

"It's okay, my angel. I can feel your true feelings, but, we need to finish this, and get to Santa, so we can ask him for what we both want. After that, we can talk, okay babe?" Jordan giggled, and yelped, when Kennie jumped up, hollered like a little boy, and threw the elf over his shoulder.

"You called me babe." Kennie giggled, and lightly tickled the back of Jordan's fabric covered knees.

"That's not fair, I can't fight back." The squirming elf squealed, and boyishly giggled, then yelped when his bubble butt was gently pinched. "You're sooo gonna get it for that. You're a bad little boy, Kennie."

"Maybe, if you're a good little elf boy, you'll see just how bad I am."

The two laughed their way to the waiting car that Jordan was originally brought to the estate in. After putting Jordan in the back seat, Kennie handed the address, he'd been given to the driver, and they were off. During the ride, Kennie slipped his shoes off, and sighed happily. With his attention elsewhere, Jordan licked his lips.

The young Hardy's attention was quickly brought back to the present. His boyish giggles erupted, and energetically flowed forth, filling the car. Jordan's unannounced tickle assault on his unsuspecting sock clad arches, and toes, made Kennie wriggle, and squirm in his seat. "You're cheating, this isn't fair elfboy."

Jordan chuckled from his place on the floor. "All's fair, in tickling a pair of very ticklish feet. And, it seems, young mister Hardy, that yours are definitely a ticklish pair of adorable feet." The half Indian giggled, and made sure to keep his feet away from Kennie's grasp. However, he didn't think about his other tickle spots. In moments, the car was also filled with Jordan's own tickle induced giggling, which blended with Kennie's. The two men were enjoying mutual tickle time. Jordan, exploring Kennie's feet, and Kennie, tickling Jordan's thighs, and knees. The tickle play ended, once the car stopped, and was shut down. Both Jordan, and Kennie had big smiles, as they put their footwear on. Kennie, in his sneakers, and Jordan, in his elf booties. They giggled, like excited children. Their eyes shimmered, and sparkled, as the two exited the car. Jordan, and Kennie, held hands, and waited outside the abandoned looking warehouse.

Winter Wonderland

"Ken-Bear, look!"

Kennie smiled brightly, hearing the adorable nickname his Jordan just gave him. The two guys gasped in sheer wonderment, as the door opened. Their visual receptors completely overloaded. Excitedly, Kennie,, and Jordan jumped, and squealed from the exquisitely created winter wonderland. Fake snow fell from the ceiling, gathering in mounds on the floor. Slowly, the couple entered the sparkling, fantasy world. They shared a hug, and very boyishly squealed with joy. All around them were decorated trees, twinkling lights, warm, glowing lamps that illuminated a glittering path, that led to an adorably decorated life size gingerbread looking house. The cozy, home even had smoke rising from the chimney. On the porch were two older looking people, sitting in rocking chairs, sipping on something the boys assumed was hot cocoa, or apple cider. They smiled, and waved at the boys. Kennie, and Jordan smiled, and waved back. To the left were rides, and an assortment of fun looking games, including a slide tube. To the right, was a large round picnic table. It was completely decorated, with shimmering candles, and sparkling glasses.

"YAY!!! YOU'RE HERE." Was all Jordan, and Kennie heard before they were tackled, and progressively tickled, in the snow by three very playful elves. The five men laughed, and rolled around in the snow.

"I wasn't expecting all this." Kennie said to Kyle, who was currently hugging the stuffing out of him.

"Mama, and Papa wanted to surprise you, there's more to come. We all loved watching you, and Jordan in your room?" Kyle said just before getting hit by a snowball, his giggling husband threw.

"C'mon guys, Mama, and Papa Claus need some more time, to get dinner ready. So, they wanted us to play with you guys, so we all have a healthy appetite. There's lots of food." Eli chuckled, and wrestled Jordan's felt shoes off. Then, he trapped the smaller man's ankles, and proceeded to nibble the sheer fabric covered toes. At the same time, his fingers were making random designs over both his squirming prey's soles.

"Don't nibble, and tickle my feet." Jordan laughed like crazy from both types of tickle tactics. His body wriggled, like a worm in the snow. Suddenly, both he and Eli were pounced on, by three other bodies. Within seconds, a massive five way tickle fight commenced. Somehow, during the playful roughhousing, Jordan saw something flying overhead.

"Hey, guys stop for a minute, and look up." The childlike excitement in Jordan's voice, made the other four guys, do what he said. They all gasped, in amazement. Realistic looking animatronic reindeer, were flying over head, with something glittery coming from their hooves.

"Wow! Guys, Rudolph's leading them." Kennie squealed with excitement. The guys had completely morphed from overgrown childlike young men, to kids at heart, still believing in Santa. Kennie closed his eyes, and felt Jordan, smile at him. Getting up, the young Hardy male, extended his hand to the object of his affection. He chuckled, as Jordan looked at him with a huge grin, and held out his arms. The two men giggled adorably, as Kennie knelt down, and lifted the slightly smaller man in his arms.

Jordan wrapped his arms around Kennie's neck, he sighed contentedly, and laid his head on the muscular chest. The half Blackfoot, softly giggled, and playfully kicked his legs, when Kyle, and Jake each very lightly tickled the foot they'd chosen. Jordan felt completely loved, and accepted. Without even realizing it, he'd let his complete unfettered, trusting nature come out, and buried his face against the warmth of Kennie's body. "I love being in your arms like this Ken-Bear." Tears started trailing down his cheeks. "Please, if this is a dream, don't ever wake me."

Kennie's own tears started falling on Jordan's costume. The soft, loving tone in Jordan's simplistic bequest, was all Kennie needed to hear. His heart told him, they'd shared something incredibly magical, and powerful. "It's not a dream, my sweet elfboy. I just hope you have the answer I'm looking for." The brunette gently sat Jordan on a log, in front of a realistic electronic brick fireplace. After wiping his tears, Kennie sat beside Jordan, held his hands, and started into the warm, loving eyes facing him. "Daddy, Mom, Eli, Kyle, and Jake worked with me to create your perfect day. You're such an amazingly loving soul, I knew I had to do something special to ask you to be my boyfriend, and hopefully future mate." Closing his eyes, Kennie waited for any response.

Tears streamed down Jordan's cheeks. He couldn't fathom these incredibly loving people doing all this, for him. Gently, he place his fingers on Kennie's chin, and lifted. Kennie's eyes slowly opened, and revealed the love behind the tears. Overcome with emotion, Jordan couldn't will himself to voice his answer. So, he just nodded, wrapped his arms around his claimed man's neck, and gave Kennie the most passion filled kiss, he'd ever given. "I'm proud, and ecstatic you want me as your elf boy. Obviously, my answer is yes, as long as you're my Ken-Bear. Exclusively, I want a monogamous relationship, or the entire deal's off, and we'll just be friends, and brothers. Papa Ken's asked to be a father figure to me." Jordan giggled, and playfully kissed Kennie's nose.

"Jordan Baxter, you're my perfect match. I'm honored, to be claimed by you."

Next: Chapter 4

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