Lover Boy

By Ersatzboy28 .

Published on Dec 19, 2012


This story is completely fictional. This is a love story between two high-school aged boys and their relationship, any relation to person's living or dead is coincidental. If the nature of the story offends you, or if you are under the legal age to view this content, I ask you not to read this. If you have any questions, comments or criticism, email me at

"Jay, can you please come over?"

"What happened to the 2 weeks worth of detention we got for being absent so much?"

"But I'm sick! And I want to see you"

The tiniest uplift in timbre at the end of his sentence gave me the impression he was smiling on the other end; I seriously debated going to school for a second, but then Bobbie stopped me before I could reach a consensus. He let out a small giggle, and then spoke in a frank, nasally voice, giving a half-hearted attempt at trying to convince me.

"Those other times we ditched class; this time I'm actually sick, I need my doctor to come and make me feel better"

"You better hope I don't have a test today, you know my teachers don't let me make those up"

"If you fail, you can make me your slave, just please come over soon"

"I guess I'll just take my mom's car or something"

Hanging up the phone, I grabbed the keys from the counter in the kitchen and started up the car, thankfully, they would never know. Sunday morning my parent's loaded up my Dad's truck and made out for a camping ground a few hours away, in their own words they `needed a vacation from all the stress I give them'. I started off in my mom's car with the same abrupt quickness and desire as my parents had a day before.

I had taken a different route this morning, driving past school in a show of rebellion that nobody but I would know about. Something about the recent weeks had rubbed me the wrong way; whether it was the teachers or the students, I had grown to realize that the environment was just as toxic as the rumors said it was. We needed to be more careful whose toes we stepped on, especially the hotheaded, talkative clown that I had fallen in love with.

It had taken a little long than usual to get to Bobbie's house, taking the long way to his house gave me time to marvel at the world that I missed when I was locked up in school. To a junior, the sky feels crisper and the trees feel greener, the ordinary Monday morning grogginess was replaced with a new calm, the kind of relaxation that could only come from two boys spending a school day together. I could not help but draw the parallel between a day like this and the day we spent at the pool a week before, the clouds had been rolling in, but the sun in California never cared much for the forecast anyways.

I slipped into the front door and navigated the downstairs floor in search of my best friend, peering into each of the rooms; I found only silence. Heading up stairs, I was greeted once again by the absence of sound, no music, no TV, nothing. I crept towards Bobbie's room, wondering why he called me to his house when he was not even home. I touched my hand to the closed door before hearing a single low sound come from the other side.


It was Bobbie, but his voice was staggered, breathless and low, it was something I had become familiar with over the month or so we had been together. He would call my name like that in his sleep to the racy dreams he would tell me about the next morning. Even a few weeks ago, in his car and in his bed, I could recall perfectly that exact sound in his voice in my ear that sounded like a chorus of passion and heated lust. It was accompanied a few minutes later by the sound of a drawn out moan, the blood rushing through my body, I could feel the heat at the edges of my face. Part of me felt like leaving him to his own sensual moment, but another begged me to stay. Hesitantly, I turned the handle to the door and opened it just wide enough for me to peer in.

It was my best friend, my boyfriend, lying sideways with his face buried into the pillow, wrapped up in his teenage fantasy and his hands on his erection, moving them against his own body as he jerked himself off. I stood watching, transfixed in longing groans that he had let out as his breathing got more harsh and stuttered, his hands moved faster upon his cock, the moans becoming louder, but the sound of my name constant.

"Jay ... I want you... so bad"

I bit my lip to hold back my own arousal, it was something in the sound of his voice, the way it danced around my name like it was something special, even his words, jumbled between the sounds of his own approaching orgasm made me blush harder than I could have possibly imagined myself to. I had thought it was pretty sexy, watching my boyfriend getting off to the idea of the two of us together, and that it only made me want him more. I watched him climax, containing the sounds of his heightened moans by digging himself further into the pillow, his body spasming as he thrust his hips into his hands.

I had decided to leave him to his own devices, the intrusive feeling of interrupting him receding as I retreated back down the stairs to give him some time alone. I leaned against the wall in order to catch my breath, watching my boyfriend jacking himself was an erotic scene. It was so sensual, personal, and exciting, it was something unlike the theatrics they often had in porn, and it was exhilarating. I could barely contain myself, dick pushing against the hem of my jeans; all I wanted in that moment was to storm into his room and throw myself at him, do something forbidden, do something more physical.

It was then that I heard Bobbie's feet move from upstairs, sliding across the floor as he came towards the stairwell. Acting on instinct, I acted as if I had just opened the door.

"Hey Monkey, are you awake?"

"Oh Jay! When did you get here?"

"Just walked in the door, how are you feeling?"

"Sick, of course, can't you tell?"

Looking him over, he looked like he had not been able to sleep last night or shower this morning, he wore his typical sweatpants and t-shirt to bed, but they were ruffled as if he had not changed since yesterday. His face was stuffy and red and his hair a dirty mess, even his eyes seemed a bit dimmer, I felt empathetic to Bobbie, he was clearly feeling under the weather and there was little I could do about it.

My first instinct was to hug him, but I was apprehensive to grip him like I normally did when I saw him. He raised his hands out and I tentatively slid my hands around his back, minding myself with utter care not to increase his suffering. Conversely, Bobbie nearly threw himself on me, grabbing my shoulders like I was being dragged away from him and I felt his head fall gently on my neck. His body was warmer than usual, achingly hot; he had a fever, he always gets fevers in the wintertime.

"I love you sooo much, I thought you weren't going to come"

"I drove past school and made sure to give them a middle finger, sorry if I was a little late"

"Its fine, just make me feel better"

"I can't, I'm not a doctor"

"Then can we lay down on the couch? I'm getting dizzy standing up"

We went into the living room and I sat back into the couch while Bobbie laid against me, his head falling into my lap as he stretched out onto the couch. I turned the TV on, but could not settle on a channel, just as I was about to ask Bobbie what he wanted to watch, I heard him gently snoring. Feeling at his hair, I gently ran my fingers through it, moving in a steady rhythm through some natural compulsion.

A smiled formed on my face as I watched my boyfriend, my first and only love, relaxing against my body. From deep within me, I felt an uncanny acceptance of the situation; I wanted to be like this forever, always be so close to him.

Not long after I began to feel my own eyes grow heavy, leaning my body on the side of the couch, my head fell to the arm of the chair and my eyes fluttered to keep myself awake, until the only thing I could think about was being pulled into a sleepy dream.

When I had awoken several hours later, I was refreshed by the sound of a cool rain blowing; the constant putter of the water outside the window was framed perfectly by the placid grey sky that had signaled its arrival. Bobbie was still on the couch, but he was sitting upright, watching some old movie I could not name.

"Hey sleepy-head, I'm usually the last person to wake up"

"How you feeling right now Monkey?"

"Terrible still, but you really made me feel a lot better, especially when you were playing with my hair"

"I'm glad. What time is it?"

"Almost one, do you need a ride home later? Or can you stay here tonight?"

"I don't see why not, if you get me sick, we'll be left alone all day"

"Yes! I'll ask my mom when she gets home, let's watch some more movies, I got us a blanket"

Draping his blanket over us, our bodies meshed together as we watched another one of Bobbie's movies. He was a big fan of those movies from the eighties and nineties; he was raised on the movies that his parents loved. I could not see the attraction in those kinds of relics, but I happily conceded to watching them for hours on end.

Normally that was the case, but Bobbie found himself with a serious bout of nausea, so bad he ran into the bathroom; I followed quickly behind him, overtly concerned about his health, but I was halted at the door. The other side of the door was silent, rapping a worried knock on the door, Bobbie answer in short gasps, breathless and afraid.

"Sorry Jay, don't open the door, I could blow any second"

"It's alright. I'll go back to the living room"

The reply was quick and hurried, like he was trying to reach out and tell me not to go.

"No, please, stay there, I'm freaking out"

"Alright, just relax Bobbie"

The person behind the door responded only with frantic, quickened breathing. It was likely he was too afraid that he would be sick to relax, Bobbie had an immense aversion to vomiting, and it was so bad that he would panic until it would aggravate his asthma. I was hoping I could help him, but he did not want me to open the door.

"I can't Jamie. I'm on pins and needles"

"It's okay, just keep talking to me"

"Yeah, Jamie, just don't go"

"I won't"

I had no idea what I was doing, but I sat against the door with him, talking about nothing at all while he started to regain his breath, and then eventually, his voice returned to a normal pace.

"How you doin' now Monkey?"

"Little nauseous still, I really don't want to get up"

"It's fine, I'm not going anywhere"

It took Bobbie a long time to respond, at first it seemed like he had picked a topic off the top of his head.

"Remember that first time you came to my house?"

"When? Freshman year? Yeah, I thought it was insane you lived in a house this big"

"Your parents couldn't make it, and I didn't want you to walk home in the rain, so I begged my mom to let you come over"

"You were so awesome for doing that, you even gave me one of your jackets"

"And before you left I gave you a hug, I was smitten from the beginning"

"So why bring that up? I almost forgot that even happened"

"Well I think about you a lot Jay"

"But what brought this on?"

Bobbie went silent on the other side, I figured he had some sort of ulterior motive besides reminding me of some specific memory from our early days.

"I think I'm ready Jay"

"To throw up or...?"

"No dumby, you, me, having sex..."

He opened the bathroom door and stepped out; he slipped his arms around my shoulders and looked directly into my eyes.

"Like right now? You're still sick though"

"Not now, when I feel better, you do want to have sex don't you?"

If I looked dumbstruck, Bobbie did not let on, he kept his eyes trained on mine, slowly moving me backwards until I felt my back pressed against the wall. Even sick and disheveled, I still felt an immense physical attraction to him.

"Of course I do, you know I love you, but let's focus on you getting better, get back on the couch"

The rest of the day was spent watching movies with Bobbie's parents, all four of us laying back on the couch until it was time to go to bed. Bobbie checked out early, the two of us going to bed just an hour after his parents fell asleep. At ten o'clock Bobbie was out cold before I had even brushed my teeth. Pulling the sheets up next to him, I crawled into bed and wrapped my arms around him; listening to the sound of his breathing until I was whisked off to simpler dreams.

It was much colder on Friday; the rain staying through the week and miring the streets to the airport with flooded dirt and other muck. Outside my window, I watched the people pass in front of me for all but a few fleeting moments. My parents were silent in the front; they seemed miles away from me over the past week. Little was ever said when the three of us were in the car. It was more for my sister than for any sense of attachment. For weeks at a time we would never speak, it was just something that was common in our house, we knew nothing about each other's lives, and it was just our family's way.

My sister, back from college on her Christmas break, had arrived at the airport several minutes before. Calling us from just outside of the gate, she had waited on the corner as we pulled up to the terminal to pick her up. Shaking her umbrella free of droplets, she climbed into the car, scooting up next to me as she sat her bag down between us.

It was all small talk until we made it home, me moving her bags into her near vacant room. Throwing her stuff on her floor at her request, she struck with a question that made me catch my breath with a dead beat.

"So you joined the swim team?"


"Your jacket, it says Varsity Swim, mom didn't tell me you joined a team"

"Uhh...I didn't"

"Then where'd you get the jacket?"

In reality, it was Bobbie's jacket; I had borrowed it from him some weeks ago and just never bothered to return it. I would wear it everywhere, even when on the frigid nights we would spend on the town. He was happy to be rid of it, telling me that I could keep it, so long as I was willing to let him borrow my shoes every once and I while.

"Well actually it's Bobbie's; he just let me borrow it"

At that moment, my sister gave me a look, and in all of a minute, watching my countenance for any sign of fear or preemptive attempt at forming a lie, she came to a conclusion that made my blood go cold.

"So you and Bobbie huh?"

"What about us?!"

"When did you guys finally get together?"

"What are you talking about?!"

"Don't play dumb Jamie, who do you think drove you to the movies and Bobbie's house all the time? You lit up like a firework when he was in the car. And Bobbie would sit next you every chance he got. I know young love when I see it"

Staring me dead in the eye, I felt like there was no point in avoiding the truth when she clearly had me found out, I relented.

"We got together 2 months ago, but we're still pretty secret, only his parents know"

My sister pulled me into a hug, telling me about how sweet it was that we finally ended up together. It was weird, normally my sister was opposed to any sort of physical connection, maybe college really does do a lot to change people.

"Well your secret is safe with me. But I'm happy for you; I know how long you guys liked each other, is he a good boyfriend at least?"

"He's amazing Steph. I'm literally in love with my best friend"

"So you loooovvveee each other? How sweet"

"Shut up"

We talked a little more on her bed, telling her about the time in the park, and at the party, and last week when he was sick. My sister was someone I never really got along with when we were young; now that we had mellowed out and matured it began to look like we were more alike than we had realized.

"So have you guys, you know...?"

I felt my face get hot; I was beginning to think I was telling too much to my sister. I tried to come up with a convincing enough lie, but it seemed impossible to my sister's constant eye for falsity.

"Sex? We've talked about it a little bit, when we first got together he told me he wanted to wait for awhile, but then last week he told me he was ready"

"I won't tell you have to live, but there's nothing rushing you guys into sex"

"I know, but we don't have those barriers other couples have to work through. We did enough of that when we were just friends"

"Don't get caught Jamie, if you ever need someone to cover for you, just call me"

"I'll remember that, thanks Steph"

I was eager to leave her room as she began to unpack her luggage. As I closed the door to her room, I was reminded how many times I would scream at her through it, throwing me out because I would never leave her alone. It had seemed like it was ages ago, but we were different people ages ago. I went back to room to call Bobbie, hoping to talk to him about our special night.

It as a few days later that we set a date, with the end of the winter semester closing we tactfully pulled out a passing grade on our finals, it seemed like the rest of December was for Bobbie and me. As we were preparing to leave to go back to his house, Mrs. Reyes passed us in the hall, holding her bags as she had to do some final delivering of papers before leaving for Christmas Break. She was holding a small pack of forms, which she handed to us.

"Oh! Boys come here, I've been looking everywhere for you, here are the packets you need for the junior retreat."

"What? I didn't sign up for the Junior Retreat"

"But your name's on the list, it's a fun retreat Jamie, and it's a free week off from school"

"Yeah Jay, a whole week off from school in the mountains, they say it's going to snow the week we go."

It was typical Bobbie, who I later found out wrote both our names on the sign-up list. He did it without even needing my answer, though to be honest, I had already wanted to go, but my parents would never have lent out the money for me to do it.

"I'll ask my parents, Mrs. Reyes. But I really do want to go"

"Great! I'll see you boys after break then"

Getting into the car, Bobbie hardly gave me a moment to speak before he started apologizing and explaining himself. For once, it seemed like Bobbie was not shortsighted, which was new. I could not be mad; he had the guts to do what I wanted to do, he just gave me the push to do it.

"Sorry Jay, I just thought you would want to take a week off from school, and I really want you to go with me"

"Don't be sorry Monkey, I already wanted to go, I just didn't have the courage to ask my parents"

"You could tell them you get school credit for going or something; besides, it's a week without your parents. That's got to be pretty exciting"

"Hell yah, and a whole week of snow, fun and of course, you. That reminds me..."

Snaking my hand up his shoulder, I unconsciously rubbed my thumb across his bicep. Bobbie's face, now plastered with a coy smile, was getting pinker by the second. He pulled up in front of my house, but left me with one more assuring reply.

"Yup, it's all set, I gotta plan. You just bring your sweet ass and a blanket. And maybe sleep before we leave, we won't be doing much sleeping tonight"

There was a certain amount of mystery when it came to our discussion of sex. Bobbie left everything intentionally vague to add to the surprise of the our little date. I had not tried to get my hopes up, but often over the past few weeks my mind had been lead to the idea of the two of us, in his car, exploring each other in the most intimate way. I was also reminded of that night two months ago, just a few days after we had became a couple, where I got too frisky and Bobbie had stopped me, as willing as he was, he had not wanted the two of us to go all the way so early into our relationship, but I thought about it nonetheless.

In the past few months it seemed like sex was a reality; and it left me with a fluttering pit of nerves in my stomach when I thought of it. On that night it was almost by accident, too absorbed in our own pent up attraction for each other that both of us had nearly done it without a second thought. But once I stepped back and thought about it with a clear head, I began to feel inadequate. Everything I knew about sex came from porn, or stories online, and I began to wonder if it would even be enjoyable with Bobbie, or if it would end up a sour memory at the back of our relationship. I did not even know if I would top or bottom, Bobbie never made a mention of it when we talked. Honestly with all these worries fluttering around in my head it was a wonder how I made it through the evening until Bobbie showed up at my house, just a little before midnight.

"Get your ass in the car! It's freezing!"

Jumping into the passengers seat, I looked at Bobbie with a hesitant smile, to which I received the same; he looked distant, his eyes drawing outwards to look at the road ahead. It was the same look he had when he first told me he loved me; it brought a sentimental feeling to my heart that calmed me a little bit. I had always pictured my boyfriend to be confident and hotheaded, but right now he looked like a kid, a young awkward boy trying to discover who he was, unsure of his love for me. I lightly touched the back of his hand as he was driving, not too hard; just to let him know he could relax.

"Babe, I love you"

"Yeah, Jay, I love you too"

Bobbie had turned off the road just around the area of the nature park at the far edge of the city. It was the first place we kissed and where we got lost in the park years ago. It was his favorite place to be when he was not at home. It was unruly cold tonight; I could see my own breath shine for a moment when I looked outside the window. I turned back to face my boyfriend, and he seemed as if he was trying to compose himself. He was looking in the mirror trying to fix his hair, making minute changes to the exact composure in some obsessive need for perfection. I grabbed his hand it pulled it away from his hair, gripping the inside of his palm with my fingers.

"Bobbie, please relax, you look perfect enough already"

"Hah. Im just really nervous Jay, I don't know why"

"It's alright, it's just us, and you know what..."

Unbuckling the seatbelt, I came close enough to whisper something in his ear, as if it was meant only for him to hear it.

"... I want you and only you"

Trying to set the mood, I turned on his radio, switching it to his favorite The Strokes CD; I gently kissed him on the cheek. The radio made a jumble of noise as it began to set itself to a particular track. Choosing the perfect song, it had lightened the mood a little.

"Is this `Barely Legal'?"


"Very funny Jay, cause your trying to `steal my innocence' right?"

"Bullshit. You were the one who said you were ready. It's more like giving it away"

Bobbie rolled his eyes, and let his body fall back into a more natural position. Now that I had him calmed, I began to feel the telltale signs of lust growing in me. Getting out of my seat, I hit the back of the bed of the jeep and pulled the blanket I had brought with me. Kicking off my shoes and socks, I reclined in the back of the bad, laying my back on the blanket.

I looked directly into his eyes, with a mixture of both need and want for him to join me; hoping to entice him, I began to slide my pants down my legs, throwing them into the same heap I had made with my other clothes. The cold touched my body, wrapping itself around me in an unavoidable shiver. I never broke contact, peering into those teal eyes; a blended picture of blue and green.

In reply, Bobbie began to shift in his seat, a sign of his excitement, and a devilish smile appeared on his face. From my vantage point he seemed so fragile, so much more unsure of himself than the man I had fallen in love with. To everyone but me he tried to act like he knew what he was doing, but in this moment I could see the same freshman who stood a half-foot taller than his friend and struggled to make his feelings known. It was someone I had not seen in awhile, not since he began to mature more, his self-consciousness was seemingly replaced by a startling confidence, but in actuality it had never left him. He was fighting with himself to find that fabricated confidence, to let himself become vulnerable.

Reaching a hand out, Bobbie watched me for a few moments before taking it, enclosing his own hand in mine. Falling back towards the bed of the jeep, I had reeled him into the back with me. I could feel him shake, whether from the cold or his nervousness I could not tell. Now we were both shaking.

"Jay, do you want me to..."

I silenced him. He fell all around me, the insides of his arms bordering the sides of my shoulders. As always, his neck was exposed when he held me, touching my lips to it briefly, I could feel the utterance of only a soft, barely audible moan, then a sharp intake of breath. I answered back to him, running my hands up the side of his flanks to remove the shirt that confined them.

"...I want you, however you want me"

It was his pants next, trapped briefly as it edged the side of his butt and down around his legs. Our underpants were off next, forgotten in the moment of passion. We touched, skin to skin. His face resting somewhere in my hair, I held onto his sides. He reached beneath me, gently touching my erection before finding my rear. He caressed a finger along the ridge just as it reached my hole. He probed cautiously at first, experiencing the moment to the fullest as nibbled at his neck. It started with a single finger. Then another. I found myself looking into his eyes once again. They spoke to me in ways I could never describe.

"I love you Bobbie"

"You too Jay"

Then he was back on my body, his weight against mine as I found my lips on his neck, his own face resting in the space just against my ear, touching my hair with his nose. Then I felt myself touched, his cock resting on the verge of my ass. Taking a breath like in a dive, I could feel his body as it became apart of mine. He moved in. He entered me. His breath was caught in his throat, as was mine caught on the skin of his neck. The feeling of movement, and then the end of it. Trying his best to hold his breath, Bobbie moved back out again. My body tensed, and gripped him harder in hope of never letting go. He started moving again, and I contained my own moans by letting them escape in quickened gasps against the flesh of his shoulder.

Becoming more familiar with my insides, he entered into a slow, longing pace of penetration as his own body rocked against mine. My hands came from his back and into his hair, pulling him into me. I moved my own body, matching his rocking with my own. He exhaled a loud breath mixed with a groan, almost a primal moan that made me more excited than I had ever been. His pace, slow and patient, touched my body in every single possible way I imagined it would, I was aflame with pleasure as he began to hit deeper in me, eliciting smaller more emotional moans from me. I begged him to keep going. He listened.

The entire scene seemed to never end. His body moved like it was perfection, his cock, hitting a single spot that made my body go numb and shutter with every motion and exit. My own erection, laying against the inside of his abdomen, was met with near constant friction from Bobbie's body. Though our eyes had not met, I could feel Bobbie lovingly trace my back as he hooked his arms underneath mine, in a position like an embrace. From his mouth he talked into my ear, all his fears destroyed by this one intimate moment.

"I love you so much Jay, I cant. I cant keep going"

Conversely, my reply was less intimate, my body writhing against his with every touch and movement making my body move closer to orgasm, I could only let out a frank assurance to him.

"Fuck, I can't last either, just don't stop, please"

Bobbie continued, upping the pace a few beats in what made a substantial difference, I was struggling to contain the constant moments of moans and sputtered breathing. As Bobbie began to approach his own climax, I found myself letting these sounds escape my mouth, turning into loud pangs of pleasure that seemed to echo throughout the car, soon Bobbie matched mine. My hands snaked down his back, grabbing his ass and roughly pulled him further into me as his thrusts became powerful, momentary pushes as far as they could go, burying his dick deep inside of my ass he reached his orgasm. His body spasmed; gripping onto mine in an effort to keep my movements parallel to his. There was something to his body as it pushed harder into mine that absolutely aroused me. My insides were hot, and as Bobby began to let his body relax, I had reached my own orgasm, pressed against the two of us.

"Holy Crap..."


Still maintaining our positions, Bobbie chuckled to himself, and I joined in. The car was warmer than it had been when we arrived. We were exhausted, trying to find our clothes in the darkness. Pulling on most of our clothes, we decided to go back to his house, where we could actually get some sleep.

Entering into his house from the backyard, we climbed out the back steps of the veranda and into the hallway that connected directly with his room. Our bodies were freezing once the heat had worn off, and my body as begging for sleep more than another round. Stripping to our underwear once again, we slid under the covers of Bobbie's bed, my head against Bobbie's chest, thanking the stars for our night together, and how absolutely in love with him I was.

Notes: Sorry for taking so long to post another chapter, life has been getting crazy lately and I have found it hard to come up with something to write. Bobbie and Jamie finally did it, but there is a lot more to the story than several chapters of fucking. There is more than a love story that is going to be written, so I hope you can stick around with me.

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