Lover Boy

By Ersatzboy28 .

Published on Aug 29, 2012


This story is completely fictional. This is a love story between two high-school aged boys and their relationship, any relation to person's living or dead is coincidental. If the nature of the story offends you, or if you are under the legal age to view this content, I ask you not to read this. If you have any questions, comments or criticism, email me at

It had been a few weeks since our `statement' in the hallway, and I could feel the inklings of fear come back to me as it began to get passed around the school. The gossip started off small, with only a few hushed whispers as we walked down the hallways, but we started to feel the public's reaction after the third day. Once it had made its way across the school, the story of those two boys kissing in the hallway in front of Mr. Edwards was all anyone talked about for a week straight. A gay couple was like a double rainbow in a conservative school, a rare occurrence that would be a wonder to see, but eventually it would fade back into the scenery.

Bobbie only added fuel to the flames, telling his teammates not long after when they asked, then this classmates, and even the people who would stare at us in the hallway. He would grab me around my waist when we met in the hallways, or wrap his arm around me at lunch; one time he even kissed me on the cheek in Anatomy Class when people asked if we were really together.

It seemed like the only person he tried to hide the growing situation from was me; keeping conversation to little more than small talk when we would pass each other in the hallway, other than the times he would show off for his friends. Even when he would drive me home, he tried to keep the discussion away from what was happening at school, hoping I would not ask. It was as if everything about our relationship had become some show with roles we had to play.

For the most part we did, refusing to ignore the entire world's sudden interest in our personal life. I did enjoy the fame for a brief moment, gleaming with pride when girls would pass me in the hall and ask me if that cute junior on the swim team was really my boyfriend. However, after the curtain had fallen and the show ended, we quickly went back into few words and gut-wrenching silence.

With the strict code about PDA at school, to kiss in front of the Dean of Discipline meant that we had to deal with a week of detentions after class, most of which we actually went to. Following the detentions, we were regularly on watch from Mr. Edwards and his other Deans, at break and at lunch, they kept us in their sights, ready to give us another detention the second we came within skin contact with each other. They also cracked down on our constant absences, tardies and un-tucked shirts. It felt like wherever we went, our relationship was becoming little more than a show and an act of defiance.

Eventually, our near constant stream of detentions resulted in an emergency conference between our parents and the Dean of Discipline himself. Luckily, he had not broken it to them that he had seen us kissing in the hallway, most likely too disgusted by the turn of events to even mention them to my parents, who he might have assumed were accepting.

Bobbie's parents had a much different reaction, getting beyond pissed at our behavior for completely disobeying what they said. Our parents grounded us, but were still very lenient about keeping us in line, after a few days, my parents stopped caring about what I did like always, and I was right back in the passenger seat of Bobbie's jeep, making just enough small talk to keep him interested in the conversation. I was beginning to feel like Bobbie and I were cracking under the stress of our scandal and his selfish behavior.

"Don't you think you're over-thinking things Jamie?"

Joey Cook was one of my closest friends outside of my boyfriend and his cousin. Sharing a band class since 6th grade, Cook, as he liked to be called, was one of the few people I could talk to about Bobbie in my time of distress. He was the only person who knew I liked Bobbie since 7th Grade, when I asked him if he could talk to Bobbie on the first day of school, and kept it to this day. We sat close enough to each other that we could talk when we would take breaks, though we played different instruments, he ended up directly behind me when we took our places in the concentric arcs we played concert music in.

"In what way?"

"You know Bobbie; he does things without thinking..."

"But to tell everyone, to make some spectacle for the people around us?"

"I can't read his mind Jamie, Have you even talked to him about this?"

Twirling his trumpet in his hands while we waited for our teacher to begin class, he tried to balance out what he said so as to always make him seem impartial, Cook was never big on the troubled lives of high school lovers, but he kept what he said to an honest truth. I had not legitimately talked to Bobbie about anything the entire week, and me telling everyone else our problems without even considering him would only make the divide between us even greater. Maybe I was just looking for something to be mad about when he started to get very distant, maybe he had not even done anything wrong.

"Fuck Joe, can't you ever just side with me on anything?"

"We agree on music, comic books and movies, that's not anything"


"By the way, have you heard that new album by Frank Ocean, pretty dope..."

Laughing it off, we continued speaking for a good half an hour before the conductor came back from his office and began getting us into working order for the competitions that would start in the spring semester.

Meeting Bobbie in Anatomy class later in the day, I tried to speak to him but was thwarted by him falling asleep on me, collapsing into his backpack without much more than a `Hey Jay'. Sitting through the lesson, I took notes that, hopefully, Bobbie would need for the test that would be next week, if we even still spoke by then.

Putting the desire to talk to him aside for the rest of the day, I focused on the last of my classes until lunch came around. Hardly focusing on whatever was being taught to me, I had convinced myself that what I was learning was not necessary, immediately sinking back into what I would say to him in the moment we finally got a chance to talk. My mind was, unfortunately, unable to focus on what I was going to say to him, leaving me confused and distracted. I had no idea what I would say to him, in fact I did not even know why I was mad, I just knew that somewhere, in the back of my head, something about our relationship began to disconnect, like my boyfriend was feeling something completely different from the nervous complacency I had about our kiss in the hallway. Maybe Joey was right, I was overthinking things.

I found my way to our usual table at the beginning of lunch, waiting patiently for Bobbie to show up before I went to go look for him myself. Eventually, Kaitlyn came over to the table, looking like she had something to tell me.

"Don't you want to go sit with your man, He and Todd went to go sit with their swimmer buddies and he wanted you to go with him."

I could tell from the way she looked at me that there was an obvious look of bewilderment on my face; I had never once spoke to any of his swimmer friends besides Todd, who normally sat with us at lunch when the other guys were with their girlfriends. Todd was a nice young man, quiet with light brown eyes that looked like they could do no wrong. He kept his hair perfectly combed over like the preppy kid he was, but never seemed to flaunt his looks. He usually was an accomplice to his rowdy friends, so he and I had found common ground over our mutual reticence. For the longest time I had a crush on him while I still pined over Bobbie, he was the definition of a sweet young romantic boy that plenty of girls lusted after. But in being so shy, he never found a way to express those feelings for the girls he wanted to ask out.

Finding my way across the quad and the lunch area, I had waded through the crowded tables and chairs that the kids usually sat on and came to the long picnic benches that the sports teams ate on during lunch. Eyeing Bobbie at the far side of the tables, I made sure to come up as quietly as I could behind him. Once I gotten close enough, I realized they were caught up in some conversation, with only Todd seeing me sneak up on my boyfriend as he focused on his friends, I said the first thing that came to mind. Putting on my best impression of Mr. Edwards, I caught him by surprise with my accurate imitation.

"I see your shirt's untucked again Mr. McAdams, that's a detention"

Bobbie had shot up immediately as I began talking, flinching into awareness as he tried to casually push the bottom of his uniform shirt into his shorts. Turning around, his face quickly contorted into a smile and he began laughing, as did his teammates around him.

"Shit Jay, you scared the crap outta me!"

Snaking his arm around my body, he lead me into the empty seat next to him on the bench as he sat back down, introducing me to his friends.

"Guys, this is my boyfriend, Jamie"

Scanning the table for first impressions, I was pleased to see that not a single one of them showed any outward sign of fear or disdain for me being there. With nothing stopping me from being with my boyfriend and his friends, I completely forgot the need to talk to him as I began to get caught up in the conversation myself. One guy, a blonde haired sophomore named Kyle, had brought up the most recent news that had been passed around the school.

"Are you and Jamie coming to the party tonight at Leila's house? It's supposed to be the biggest party or the year"

Bobbie answered before I did, replying in a tone that was difficult to read, it felt both restrained and wary at the same time.

"But those Football assholes are going to be there, you know they'll pick a fight the second Jamie and I get there"

The football team at school, made up entirely of hulking masses of rage and muscle, were also deeply homophobic and often got into fights at the parties they went to. It was only because they were popular that people ignored the damage they caused every Friday night from becoming too volatile when they were drunk, one of them usually having to go to the hospital for one reason or the other. If we went to that party, we would most likely end up with drama before we even got in.

"They talk a lot of shit, but, they just make fools of themselves and everyone knows it"

Another junior, a black-haired boy named Andrew pointed out that if they got into a fight, the swim team would back Bobbie up. As relieving as it sounded, I could not help but think that messing with the football team was clearly an unsafe decision. Somehow understanding my feelings with just a look at my face, Bobbie replied to him.

"You know what? I'll think about it, it's not like this is the last party of the year anyways..."

Getting into Bobbie's car at the end of the day, I had finally found the time to talk to Bobbie about his actions over the past week. Sitting quietly in the passenger's seat, we lingered in car until he drove up to my house, where I found the energy needed to open myself up to him.

"Bobbie, I need to talk to you"

"About what Jay?"

Bobbie has looked concerned, like he was already aware of what was happening, but he did not make a move, keeping his voice calm and patient to respond to whatever would come next.

"I want to know why you kissed me last week"

"Same reason I kiss you every week, I love you"

Still managing to hold back on letting my anger show, I kept myself neutral and easy sounding.

"But it feels like you're just showing me off, like I'm some trophy"

Bobbie being Bobbie, responded with both a joke and an answer at the same time.

"Of course, I love to show you off"

"Be serious for a second! Why are you letting our personal life become so open at school, it feels like everyone's in our business!"

"Let them talk, it comes with going public like that Jay"

"But I didn't want to go public, why would throw me out into the public without being there for me?"

Staying silent for a second, Bobbie searched for the right way to answer me.

"You... felt like I wasn't there for you?"

Without answering him, I looked away from him, trying to hide the truth as did the same with my face. Expecting some angry reply, I was shocked when I felt to comfortably familiar arms wrap around me.

"Jay... I'm so sorry"

From the sound of his voice, I could tell he was getting teary-eyed, looking into his face, his teal eyes glimmered with the traces of sadness in them. Returning his hug, I felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.

"It's just that, I want people to see the boy I fell in love with the way I do"

Forgoing the embarrassment that I felt for his comment, I continued.

"I wasn't ready Bobbie, it's just, I don't want to be something to talk about... I'm not as confident as you"

"Don't say that Jay, you are the greatest guy I've ever met"

Reaching for his cheek, I embraced his face in my hand as I pulled his lips into mine, feeling the burning passion that had been welling up inside me for a week without the outlet of Bobbie's lips to release it in a brief, loving kiss. Letting go of his cheek and ending the kiss, I opened the door to the jeep and ran up to my house from the sidewalk on the street.

"We're going to that party by the way, pick me up at 10!"

Bobbie returned to my house several hours later after night had fallen; opening the door for me, I slide into the passenger's seat after slipping out the window of my room, wearing a hoodie and the nicest pair of jeans I owned. Taking off in the car, we talked about how I would drive us home tonight, knowing how to keep myself under control around liquor, I would have still fun with Bobbie as he got crazy with his swim friends.

We had parked a few blocks down the street, a line of cars already forming as people were beginning to show up for the party in droves. Entering the house with the rest of the people flocking in, we met Bobbie's friends from the swim team, and quickly got to work on having a good time.

My boyfriend, doing what he did best, made a fool of himself that night, messing with his friends while telling the funniest stories. I began to loosen up too, joking around with his friends as we began to get better acquainted; even Todd seemed to come out of his shell laughing along with us as the night dragged on.

As with most house parties on a Friday night, the area had quickly become too crowded, quickly swamping the backyard with cups and empty bottles of liquor. We moved away from the backyard and ended up on the side of the house, where Bobbie and I got busy dancing with each other in the small area that was made for the DJ and the people that wanted to dance. Bobbie was a spectacular dancer, showing me a thing or two while we danced up close, our bodies nearly pressed against each other; it was just to two of us, enjoying our newfound love in a public place with people who accepted us and it felt amazing.

"Jay, can you go get me some water, I think I'm calling it a night"

My boyfriend, thoroughly tipsy from taking shots with Todd and Andrew, had them help him into a chair as I went to go get him some water that I had left in the car, predicting this exact moment two hours before. With me holding his keys for the night, I opened the door, took the two bottles of water that I left underneath the passenger's seat, and brought them back into the house, making my way past the crowds of people as I tried to find my boyfriend. Clearing the living room without a problem, someone's foot shot out from inside the crowd, sending me barreling towards the ground and dropping the bottles of water.

"Watch where you're going next time faggot"

Picking myself back up, I was able to get a hand on one bottle of water, while the other was held in the hands of a mountain of a man. A linebacker for the football team whose name I could not remember, he and his friends quickly became aware of my confusion. From the way he slurred his words it was obvious that he was in an unhealthy level of intoxication.

"Getting water for you fucking fudge-packer boyfriend, that's cute"

His teammates produced a loud cackle from behind him, it was clear he was expecting me to fight him to get the second bottle of water back. Naturally, I split the difference and took the one bottle with me, forgetting the asshole and his group of friends to attend to my boyfriend.

"Keep it, you sound like you need it anyways"

Returning to my boyfriend not a minute later, I handed him the water and made sure he relaxed himself before he began to sober up. In the meantime, we continued to joke around, oblivious to the same linebacker and his teammates as they approached us.

"Hey you fuckin' sissy, I was talking to you"

In a heartbeat my Bobbie jumped up, getting in the linebackers face, still a tiny bit shorter than he was, Bobbie refused to back down as he got closer and closer to him, the anger welling up behind his words.

"Don't call my boyfriend a sissy you asshole"

Not a moment after, both the football and the swim team got into it with each other, the crowds of people back out of the way as they prepared to watch the groups of guys throw down right in front of them. As the only sober person in the scuffle, I had to think quickly to keep Bobbie and his teammates from getting hurt.

I looked around, trying to find something that I could use to get their attention or keep them distracted, jumping at the garden hose that was rolled up on the side of the house just a few feet away from me. I turned the nozzle as far as it could go and let it loose, spraying the linebacker and his friends with a constant jet of cold water; the chilly fall night working in concert with the hose to cool down the hot heads of the Football team.

Flinching at the sudden blast of freezing cold water, Bobbie and his friends backed out of the stream of water as it passed. I grabbed Bobbie and Todd by the arm, telling Andrew and Kyle to follow me as I pulled my new friends away from the backyard. We booked it to the front of the house, where I tried to calm the four swimmers down. Bobbie was the first one to speak.

"Sorry Jay, I keep pushing you into these things"

"Yah Jamie, We didn't mean to make things worse, but we stick up for our friends"

Opening the jeep, I order the four of them to get into the back of the car, being the designated driver; I was the only one still sober and calm enough to get them home.

"Get in the car; I'm calling it a night"

Piling into the trunk in the back of the Jeep, Bobbie to his place next to me in the passenger's seat as I drove them home. With only a permit, I was pushing it by driving them home, but with the roads empty at one in the morning, it was all too easy for me to get the four of them home with no traffic in either direction.

Pulling up to Bobbie's house, I stopped the car, with the two of us sitting alone in the front seat, like we always had at late nights like these. Bobbie reached for the door, only stopping when I asked him to close it. I turned on the radio while I turned off the car, hoping to talk to him before he went back inside. The first thing that came onto was the CD player, turning to Frank Ocean.

"Bobbie, wait. I want to thank you"

"Don't thank me, I was just being a drunken mess, you were the one who saved me. You're right; maybe we weren't ready to be so open so quickly"

Already beginning to sober up, I could hear the genuine sincerity in his voice, turning to face him, I noticed the rather large welt that was beginning to form on my boyfriend's face. It was only in the light on the inside of the car that I was able to see it, but it was clear from the reddish purple color of the skin that Bobbie had been hit in the middle of arguing with the football team. Reaching out to touch it, Bobbie flinched under the pressure of my fingers.

"Oww. Don't touch it"

"Haha. Want me to kiss it and make you feel better?"

Giving him the lightest peck on the cheek, one kiss lead to another and another, until we were caught within another moment of passion that had been created between us. We kissed for what seemed like hours, my lips leading down his neck, causing a long moan to release from Bobbie's mouth.

"Jay, do you mind? I.."

He began shifting awkwardly again, an obvious sign of his growing arousal for me. My thoughts quickly turned to my own growing erection that was pushing against my jeans; contemplating taking our relationship to another level, I asked Bobbie if he was comfortable.

"Bobbie, do you think we're ready?"

"I love you, I really do, but I can't wait anymore"

He tossed and turned more, trying to keep himself under control as I slid into the backseat. Not a moment later, he followed me into the back of his jeep.

"It may be the liquor, but right now, I want you so bad..."

"I'll help you out then, just let me do all the work..."

Bobbie laid back in the bed of the jeep, allowing me full access to his body as he relaxed himself. My fingers found my way to his pants, unbuttoning them as I pulled them down to his knees. Admiring the large tent he made in his boxer briefs for only a brief moment, I very slowly pulled them down. Bobbie made a joke, chuckling a little bit to cut the tension of the situation in half.

"Like what you see Jay?"

Releasing his stiff cock, it flopped out and slapped against his flat stomach. The perfectly shaped head of his dick matched well with the length of it, curving the slightest bit to the right. Grabbing it in my hand, I moved my fingers up and down the shaft, eliciting a loud groan from my boyfriend.


Spending a minute or so simply stroking his cock to get him worked up, I centered myself and, for the first time in my entire life, took the head of his cock into my mouth, wetting the tip with my lips. Bobbie's body had jolted with pleasure, shifting around with his back to the floor, breathing heavily. I took a sizeable portion of his cock into my mouth, allowing him to get accustomed to the feeling before continuing further.

"Jay you're amaaazing..."

Working up a faster pace, I moved my left hand faster on his shaft while I sucked his cock with an invigorated motion. Taking my lone right hand, I cupped his balls, holding them firmly in my hand as I worked them around with my fingers. The second I did that, Bobbie began to whimper and moan in a louder tone than before. His breath had begun to grow ragged and his body moved more with the motion of my sucking, telling me he was close.

"Jay, I can't... ahhh..."

Gripping his balls as I finished him off, I held his head in my mouth as I jacked him into an orgasm. Sending him over the edge, I felt his cock pulse in my mouth as it released shot after shot of cum into my mouth. Continuing until his cock had started to become flaccid, I finally let him go. Bobbie was a mess laying in the back of the jeep, panting like he had run a marathon, followed by several long drawn out moans.

"Jamie, I love you, like I fucking love you. I've never cum that hard in my entire life..."

"What can I say? You bring out the best in me"

"Want me to do you now?"

Moving his hands to the bulge in my jeans, he cupped my erection with his fingers. I told him to stop, moving his hand away.

"Not now. That was for you. Maybe tomorrow we could stay in your bedroom all day?"

My boyfriend smiled wickedly at my comment, cleaning himself up for a few minutes as he exited the car, telling me how much he had loved me for doing that, and how he would by me back in full later. I could feel myself blush at the praise I was receiving, for a blowjob no less. Working out the stress of the week, we both felt drained and fulfilled physically and emotionally.

Driving his car back to my house, I entered through the door and collapsed into my bed, falling into a fast slumber, thinking about how much more I loved Bobbie, and how complete I felt after another eventful week with him in my life.

Notes: Thanks again for reading the story, this one was particularly interesting because it took me awhile to find what I wanted to write. I have a lot planned in store for this story, so I hope to stick around. Sorry for updating so late, it shouldn't happen again.

Next: Chapter 7

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