Lover Boy

By Ersatzboy28 .

Published on Aug 12, 2012


This story is completely fictional. This is a love story between two high-school aged boys and their relationship, any relation to person's living or dead is coincidental. If the nature of the story offends you, or if you are under the legal age to view this content, I ask you not to read this. If you have any questions, comments or criticism, email me at

I awoke the next morning feeling hot and uncomfortable. I tossed the blankets away from me before I realized that it was really Bobbie that was making me sweat, and not in a sexual way. Sleeping on his bed together after we fell asleep last night, we had worked ourselves into a tangled up position on his bed. Built to typically hold two people, both of us squeezed into the middle by all the blankets left us skin to skin, with my arm under Bobbie's arm and his face resting in the curve of my shoulder. As good as his breath felt in the sensitive parts of my neck, his body on top of mine meant that I was roasting alive in bed. Bobbie wouldn't be awake for another hour or so because it was the weekend, meaning I would have to sit as my boyfriend slowly killed me with his body heat.

I tried to move my body underneath him, to wiggle free while he slept like a log, I wasn't going anywhere. Rather than fight with my guy, I simply relaxed and felt his body against mine for a second. My heart leapt with joy as I realized that, for the longest time, all I had wanted was Bobbie lying next to me like this, just the feeling of being held by the guy I had grown to love for the last 4 years. My best friend, now turned boyfriend was lying next to me and I felt content for the first time in a while that I had found the one thing that was missing in my life.

Shifting a little, I had felt that the pair of shorts I had slept in last night had bunched up in the back while we were asleep, probably from all the moving around Bobbie did while we were sleeping. Tugging on the sides of my shorts to pull them down, I had become aware that, at some point during the night, Bobbie had snuck his body as close to me as possible, the front of his body directly touching the back of mine. As was common for 16 year old boys in the morning, there was a rather shapely lump pressed directly against my butt.

"Uhh.... Bobbie... earth to Bobbie"

Seeing as he was still snoring loudly in his sleep, he did not respond when I whispered to try and wake him. He moved around on the bed, pushing his crotch into my body even harder. I could feel Bobbie's 'manhood' pressing into me, my sharp intake of breath was turned into a stifled whimper. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as I blushed harder than I had ever done before. I tried to pretend that I didn't enjoy the feeling, but certain parts of my body gave me away. With all my shifting and moving, I had involuntarily wrested my Bobbie from sleeping in; I could hear my boyfriend stirring already. Awakening slowly at first, he had let out a loud groan as he stretched out on the bed, his crotch still pressed into me. He took a moment to reorient himself, and then wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Hey Jay, how'd you sleep?"

"Good, I woke up a little while ago" I couldn't help but tell him "You uhh... didn't seem to want to let me go back to sleep"

Noticing that in that moment, his manhood was pressed firmly against my back side, he shifted abruptly again, trying to fix himself while he tried to cover his embarrassment with a suitable response.

"Oh god! Jay I didn't-"

I cut him short "It's okay, I'm flattered"

I felt the awkwardness coming off him as he got up out of bad, going to his drawers to find less loose fitting pajama bottoms to hide his 'problem'. Turning around to face him, I locked eyes with the sizable tent in his sweats.

"I'm still a growing boy Jay, I can't help it"

Putting on a shirt, I loved the way his body looked with or without a shirt on, his body was spectacular, his lean body was perfectly framed in the t-shirt he slipped on. His body was realistic, his arms and chest were a nice size, and while his stomach was not a model's perfect six pack, the way his stomach look naturally slim was much more attractive than any gym addict's. It was so Bobbie, so naturally fit that he didn't need to do 700 crunches a day.

"I don't think it needs to do any more growing"

Winking at him, he just smiled back at me. I got up after him, putting on one of his shirts because I hadn't prepared another set of clothes for their unexpected evening the night before. His shirt was a whole size bigger than what I normally wore, I didn't worry about it. It wasn't like we had anything planned today other than chilling around the house. Following him out the door of his room, he went downstairs to go meet his Mom and Dad for breakfast. The second we sat down at the table in the dining room, his parents, the horrible people they were, began making jokes once they saw I was wearing Bobbie's clothes

" What were you two doing last night? Waited until we fell asleep or what?"

Bobbie hit his Dad as I sat down, the McAdams were a different type of family, but I had always thought their quirkiness was a refreshing change from the way my own conservative family. The McAdam's were the most accepting people in the entire world, they had accepted Bobbie when he came out to them months ago, and helped him every step of the way to push us together. They even gave him the idea to take me to the park yesterday, knowing I could never say no to their son. They were everything I wished my parents were, even if they were my boyfriend's.

"Oh Michael, stop it, you know Bobbie is a good kid"

Mrs. McAdams appeared from the kitchen, carrying a plate of pancakes and eggs in each hand. Smiling at her husband, she set the breakfast on the table, as she joined in the conversation herself

"I remember when he first met you Jamie, he would stress himself out every day worrying about what he looked like, and how his hair looked, it was adorable."

I could see Bobbie squirming in his seat as his parents told me about every single embarrassing story, not sparing a single detail. As much as Bobbie hated when his parents brought up their memories of their awkward adolescent son, I thought it was really sweet that they loved every little thing about their gay son.

"And remember when he fell in love with Nick Jonas when he was 13? He made us buy him tickets to go see the concert.."

I was the biggest fan of the Jonas Brothers back in 8th Grade, and unknowingly, Bobbie was too. After a second I was able to put two and two together.

"You we're going to buy me Jonas Brother's tickets weren't you?!"

" Remember how you had a picture of them on your binder in 8th Grade? I thought maybe if we went together, you would like me"

I grabbed Bobbie from behind and gave him a hug, he could really be a sweetheart when he put some effort into it. We ate breakfast quickly, talking about what happened to us yesterday and why we were so late for dinner. His parents laughed it off, telling us it was okay to be late for dinner, but if I made Bobbie late again, there would be (imaginary) consequences.

We spent much of the rest of the day sitting around the house, not too interested in doing anything else but spending time with each other. Picking out a movie from his parent's collection, Bobbie and I cuddled up together on that windy fall afternoon, watching Speed, with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock. Bobbie was a sucker for any movie from the 80's and 90's, he cuddled up next to me, lying his head across my shoulder while he watched TV.

His face resting against my shoulder, I stole a kiss on his cheek while he was busy watching the movie, completely distracted; he didn't even notice as I started playing with his hair.

"Hey! McAdams!"

My boyfriend, so unable to focus that he let his head slide off my shoulder, bumbling at the sudden jerk in his neck, rested his head in my lap instead. Looking down at him, he was looking up at me. His beautiful teal eyes told me more about how he felt than anything else in the world. He loved me, really truly did, and I wanted nothing more than to give him the same love in return. I spoke first, hoping not to ruin the wonderful silence that had occurred between us.

"I love you"

"Love you too"

It was better than any conversation I could have had with him; more telling about ourselves than the thousands of conversations we've had while we were best friends. We had been connected on such a personal level, it was a wonder if we could ever go back to being just friends after this. But I stowed the fear in the back of my mind, hoping that I did not show on my face the worry I felt at becoming so emotionally open to someone. Looking back at him, he showed a concern for something else entirely, although it was a more superficial desire.

"Lemme watch the movie Jay!"

After Speed ended we spent the rest of the day lying around, his parents taking us out to dinner where we discussed all the crazy stuff that had been going on in our lives besides our relationship, like how my music was coming along, or how Bobbie was doing in school. We had rounded out the night by going to get frozen yogurt, and when we got home, his parents went to bed. We stayed up playing video games until way past midnight, where we decided to go for a late night drive.

"Bobbie you idiot! what if the cops catch us out past curfew?"

"Don't worry, we'll park in front of someone's house, they wont check down these streets at 2 A.M."

"You sound like a criminal! If we get caught..."

"We'll be fine, you worry too much Jay"

He drove half way across town, and taking a right past our High School, he ended up in some dark cul-de-sac at the far end of the street. The city never placed street-lights down residential streets, meaning it was pitch-black save the lone porch-lights that gave off just enough light to tell where the street was.

Parking the car in front of someone's house, Bobbie turned on the radio, drowning out the unbearable silence of the night with the CD we were listening to yesterday. With no one but us awake in the dead of night, Bobbie felt comfortable enough to begin the conversation, holding me close to him with the fall night's chill on our breath.

"Sorry the jeep isn't very warm, I just thought it looked cool when we bought it"

"Its fine, I just wish I brought my jacket"

Pulling me closer to him, I began to understand why I had gotten so uncomfortable in his bed, he was like a oven; even without his own jacket, his body had always ran warmer than usual. But now, it was a godsend, as I moved closer to his body, I could feel the chill of the night leave me as he warmed me up. Picking up the conversation, Bobbie looked like he had something on his mind.

"Jay, I have a weird question"

"A dirty question or a legitimate question?"

"Legitimate. When did you know you liked me?"

"Definitely in 8th Grade, what about you?"

"7th, back before we even became friends, how do you think we met?"

I had thought back to it, and while there was clearly a mutual attraction, I didn't understand what it was until I had become aware of it, we did become friends in an abrupt way, it certainly made a lot of sense that we became friends because Bobbie was attracted to me.

"Great, our whole friendship was just because you wanted to get in my pants"

He chuckled at my statement, and teased me by tickling my ribs, before he continued with another question.

"This one's dirty. Have you ever dreamt about me?"

Looking at him oddly, I had nothing to hide, I had actually dreamt about Bobbie dozens of times, sometimes they were romantic and heartwarming; other times, they got pretty physical. "If you must know, I have had dirty dreams about you" "How dirty did they get?"

I felt like Bobbie was beginning to push it, but who else could you talk to about dirty dreams than your boyfriend? I divulged my little secrets, I felt confident enough in telling him anything, I couldn't see why this was any different. "You and Me, in your bed"

I felt him move his shoulders around tensely, he was never subtle about himself when he was aroused. "Alright, a dirty and legitimate one" "Shoot cowboy" "Was I..." He got flustered again "... any good?"

I couldn't contain the sudden giggles that erupted from my chest, he was such a little boy about things some times, insecure was definitely something that never described Bobbie before, it was an odd change. "Well it was never bad, but certain fantasies couldn't live up to the real thing. You've got quite the tool there McAdams"

Ending the conversation there, my reassurance of Bobbie's insecurities meant that our physical relationship, though it didn't exist yet, was off to a good start. Getting a little worked up, I pulled myself into the back of the jeep, he quickly followed behind me, laying back next to me, the jeep more than big enough for the two of us to fit in the back. The track turned to "Under the Cover of Darkness" by the Strokes, and at that point, we kind of lost our composure.

One thing lead to another, and we began kissing in the back of his jeep, we quickly forgot about insecurities and began to explore that unknown side our relationship. I had gotten too handsy with Bobbie and worked him up, and I could tell by the way things were escalating that maybe working him up wasn't the best idea. We were teenagers, we were prone to random outburst of physical desire, but somewhere between me kissing passionately on his neck and reaching for the zipper on his pants, Bobbie stopped me.

"What's wrong?"

He reached towards me and grabbed the sides of my shoulders, it was a thing that Bobbie did when he was nervous; he did it a lot when we watched scary movies or something startled him, it meant he was wasn't okay with what was going on. Looking at him, I could tell what was bugging him. "Sorry I got you all flustered, I kind of got lost in the moment, I hope I make you upset" "Don't apologize Jay, we're into each other yah but..."

Predicting what was coming next, I felt so stupid for pushing him out of his comfort zone with my sudden onset of lust. He wasn't ready for the physical side, and I threw myself at him. "You don't want to spoil it with sex right? You must think I'm the worst..." "That's not true, You mean a lot to me Jamie, I don't want you to think I only want the sex"

Getting back into the driver's seat, Bobbie patted the passenger side, waiting for me to get back into my regular position in his car. Sliding back into the seat, I looked at him while he tried to start the car. He had a look on his face like I was upset with him, his twinkling eyes filled with regret, which only made him more endearing. I meant more to him than having sex, and despite being a horny sixteen year old boy, he would ignore the obvious desire we had for each other and save the sex for when we were ready. I grabbed his hand and pulled it close to me.

"I guess us being together awakened more in me than I thought, I think it's really sweet that you care that much. I love you enough to wait, don't worry"

He stayed silent for a second, like he was mulling something in his head before he answered. "I love you too Jay, Please don't think less of me for it" "Are you kidding, I think I love you even more for telling me to stop, I bagged a good one with you"

Giving a reassuring smile, he started the car, driving back towards his house, where his parents would probably have a million questions for where we went at 2 in the morning, but hopefully, they wouldn't pry too much.

Notes: Thank you again for the people who wrote in, I'm sorry that the last chapter may have ended up a little crazy, it was my mistake. I tried to make the relationship between Jay and Bobbie a little more realistic by having them be honest with each other, revealing a lot about who they are by making such a decision. Next chapter will be dealing more with their friendships and school life as Monday rolls around, it'll be out next Saturday like it usually is.

Next: Chapter 5

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