Lover Boy

By Ersatzboy28 .

Published on Aug 6, 2012


This story is completely fictional. This is a love story between two High school aged boys and their relationship, any relation to people living or dead is coincidental. If the nature of the story offends you, or if you are under the legal age to view this content, I ask you not to read this. If you have any questions, comments or criticism, email me at

The entire ride home we sat in silence, not the lingering apprehension that we arrived in, but with a comfortable moment of catharsis between the two of us. Bobbie held my hand while he drove home; we fought over who could squeeze whose hand harder, but eventually I gave in so that Bobbie would not break my hand before we got into his house, pulling into the long driveway, it brought his car right to the front door.

?Jay, you don?t mind if we eat dinner with my parents tonight right?, they want to interrogate you after our little moment in the park?

Opening the door for me, he grabbed my hand and held it as he led me to the entry way of his house.

The McAdam?s had been in town for almost 20 years, living a comfortable life with their only spoiled child as two well-known lawyers. With the money they had saved, it was no wonder they bought a palatial house in a private community, bordered on all sides by beautiful woodland, but it was a wonder why Bobbie spent so much time at my house when you could fit the entire home on his first floor.

Escorting me into the living room like a gentleman, I giggled at his faux chivalry, we entered through the hallway and into the dining room where we were greeted by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. McAdams were waiting at the dinner table, sporting sour looks on their faces. Bobbie had forgotten to mention that in our wave of passion, we were an hour late.

?Bobbie, you forgot to mention that you would be out later than expected?

His mother had clearly put a lot of effort into dinner; she had made Bobbie?s favorite spaghetti and meatballs. And while it was fresh and warm when she made it, by now it had grown cold.

?I know, it?s just, Jamie and I lost track of time??

From the deep blush he had on his face, he made it pretty clear we were not as forgetful as he had made it seem.

?We get what it?s like to be teenagers and in love, but next time, call us first? His Dad, ever the understanding man. ?Come eat the leftovers with us, we were about to watch a movie?

Grabbing the now ice cold plates of spaghetti and placing them in the microwave, we joined Bobbie?s parents in their TV room.

Sitting on the opposite side of the large couch from his parents, we settled in comfortably to watch the movie. The room, made up only of one long stretch of couch that extended along the length of the interior was placed directly across from the largest big screen they could find at the store. My attentions were quickly drawn away from movie and back to Bobbie, who had been absorbed by the criminal drama his parents were watching. ?Hey, wild boy, you have something right there?

Bobbie looked back at me, his face covered in spaghetti sauce. I took the liberty of wiping his face with my napkin.

?You can?t stay clean for a second can you??

Giving him a thumbs up, he gave me the brightest smile in the world.

?Thanks Jay, what would I do without you??

It began to blush, turning so red that I made Bobbie laugh. We settled down and began to watch the movie, Bobbie sneaking his arm around me somewhere in the middle. I cuddled next to him; the gesture was sweet, but it did not go unnoticed by his parents.

?It?s so cute, our little Bobbie is in love?

?And aren?t we lucky that it?s Jamie, we were wondering when you two would ever be able to tell each other how you feel?

Bobbie?s parents? comments left us both wincing a little at the awkward situation, aside from a wonderful kiss, we had not moved any closer to defining what we were. But we were lucky that they were okay with our relationship, whatever it was.

?I told you guys I would do it when I was ready!?

Bobbie began to pout like a spoiled child, his parents hated when he did that, but I thought it was cute.

?Oh Jaime, you would not believe how often he talked about you, we could tell that he was smitten as soon as you two met?

His mom wouldn?t stop until Bobbie had died of embarrassment. I would have never though that Bobbie, my Bobbie, my crush for well over 3 years, had felt the same way for just as long.

?Come on Jay?

Fed up with his parent?s torment, Bobbie stood up and stormed off in a hurry. Grabbing my hand, I followed him out of the room and up the stairs to his room on the second floor.

Closing the door behind him, Bobbie motioned me over to the queen-sized bed at the center of his room. Overlooking his pool, the room was larger than most apartments with his own bathroom and walk-in closet connected at the side. Full of posters and pictures of famous bands and baseball players, right next his bed was a little picture of us, from the day we celebrated his 13th birthday with a barbecue in his backyard. Taking a place on the left side of his bed, he laid on the right side, turning inwards to look at each other, we sat for a moment and just stared into each other?s eyes, until Bobbie spoke first.

?So, I like you, a lot??

Getting flustered again, I tapped his side to keep him on track. He would always drag his words when he was nervous.

?You?re my favorite guy, I can?t be without you, James Forrester, will you be my boyfriend??

?You already know my answer, what would I do without my little wild boy??

Pushing myself towards him, he grabbed me around my shoulders and pulled me in, my cheek just in the nape of his neck. I was so close that all I could smell was Bobbie; I could even feel his heartbeat. We held that position for a minute, taking in the presence of each other as we pressed ourselves together. Trying to speak, it was difficult for him to hear as I talked directly into his neck. I turned my body around, so he was holding me in a spooning position that was easier for me to talk to him.

?When did you realize you were gay??

Bobbie took a few moments to answer, looking back on his past.

?I guess I always knew I was different, but when I met you, I knew that I liked you the same way boys were supposed to like girls. I knew I was gay, and when my parents told me it was okay, I knew I had no reason to hide it?

?Whoa whoa whoa, how did your parents find out??

?They checked my computer history one time, I think it was Guy?s Gone Wild or some stupid thing like that. They sat me down the next day, and told me that they loved me more for being who I was than who I thought they wanted me to be?

?I fucking love your parents?

Rubbing his hand, it had found its way onto my waist while he was explaining his story; it felt so good, being so close to him.

?Yeah, they love you too. But they said you should drop that Band class, there?s nothing attractive about playing a little musical dildo?

Reaching behind me, I grabbed his ear and pulled hard on it, causing him to flail around in pain, moving his hands up and down my sides in retaliation, he got me to let go as I jerked out of our position. I was horribly ticklish, and Bobbie loved to torture me with a few soft pokes along me sides.

He pulled me back into him and fell back into our same position as he kissed me on the cheek. The warmth of his lips on my skin made me ache to feel it again, it was clear his touch had a large effect on me.

?Being my boyfriend is a big responsibility, do you think you can handle my crazy antics on a regular basis??

?I can handle you crazy and happy, sober and drunk, I thought you would know that by now?

I reminisced about the time we had to walk home after our first high school party our freshman year, hoping to score major popularity points by being the most sociable drunks in the world, we made sure to make friends with all the people around us. I had learned quite a bit from my college-aged sister, teaching me ahead of time about taking it easy when you drink and spacing out every drink with the occasional drink of water. With her help, I left the party feeling only the slightest buzz; Bobbie on the other hand, made sure to take a drink for every conversation he started. Within an hour and a half, he was already gone.

By 2 AM, the police had already raided the house, forcing everyone to leave before more arrived and started taking people home. Afraid for Bobbie, we walked home in the dead of night, going two miles along sidewalks and forested areas until we got to his house. Halfway through the trip, Bobbie had lost it, throwing up along the side of the road while I held him, rubbing his back as his vomit fell on my shoes. By the end of the night, we were home and alive. With my help, he barely had a hangover, just barely; he learned to stay away from alcohol at that point.

"If I could handle you puking all over my shoes, then I think I'll be fine with being you boyfriend?"

For a second he was silent, like he was choosing his choosing his words carefully, but eventually he just let it slip.

"I was glad you woke up next to me in the morning"

I could feel his smile and he hugged me even tighter. We sat on his bed, talking about all the crazy experiences we had with each other, like a wall between us had been broken and we could finally discuss how we really felt. That wall had kept us from truly connecting to each other; kept us from realizing what we were missing by staying apart. Reviewing the insane things we had been through together, both good and bad, we came to a consensus that it would not have been as memorable or as exciting if we didn?t have each other.

Note: Thanks again to all the people who wrote in, and to all the people who are enjoying the way the stories going. You can expect a lot more from Bobbie and Jamie. Not everything is going to be rainbows and sunshine, but I hope you stick around. Sorry about the chapters being short, I promise the next chapter will be much longer, I don't want to throw too much at you right away.

Next: Chapter 4

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