Lovely Temptation

By moc.loa@N131TRJ

Published on Apr 16, 2006


LOVELY TEMPTATION Chapter one Author: Jackie Q Pairing: Kevin and Nick

Disclaimer: This story is totally fiction. I do not know any of the members of Backstreet Boys and I'm not implying that any of the member is a homosexually. Not that there's anything wrong with that. What every a man and another man those on his own time is his business. _________________________________________________________

Well, after that rude awaken, I decide to call my on again, off again girlfriend Kristin. "Kristin... Wait.. I know and I trying to..... Its not easy.... what do you mean I don't try hard enough?....I can't all....I...I can't always call you.... Yeah but this is apart of my job. Yeah, well if your so sick of this why don't you get a new boyfriend that will be there for you!... Wait, no Kristin, I.... No I didn't mean it. Wait! Kristin! Damn it!"

And that ladies and gentlemen was example of us 'off again'. This little game that we were playing was starting to get on my nerves and I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to pull this off.

Thanks to my dream and this freaking phone call, I'm now dreading this day . ________________________________________________________________

I had now made it downstairs and I was in a very foul mood today. I flop down on the chair and start stabbing at my food, I'm that pissed.

"What the hell is this?" asked AJ

"I understand that Lou wants to keep the budget low and all, but this is nuts." said Howie. He poked at it and I saw it move.

"I think it's still alive." said AJ

"I think mines growled at me." said Brian.

At that point I had had enough. I told you, I was in a very pissy mood today. After the little tiff with Kristin I needed to let off some stream. And my prime targets were the guys. Sorry.

"Will you just eat the damn food, its not going to kill you, now eat it!"

Brian looked down at his plate and poke at the food. " I think it will."

Not listening to there stupid complaints about the food, I continue to eat. That's when I realize that Nick was looking at me. It was making me feel uneasy. Great, even if he's looking at me I start to freak. "Eat your food, Nick!"

Okay I didn't mean to sound so mean, I really do need to practice how to speak to people. Especially if there young cute blonde boys name Nick. ________________________________________________________________

After breakfast, we all headed to the crappy tour bus that Lou got us. He said that once we got bigger our bus would also get bigger. I think that was bullshit but that was my own opinion. Once I got to my buck, I slide the curtain

open and hoped in and faced the wall. All I was hoping for was sometime to myself, just a little bit of time, to myself, not having to deal with everyone



And that wish is thrown out the window. I let out a huge sigh and turned to him. I'm trying not to look or sound agitated.

"Yeah Nick? What is it?"

I could see the frown form on his face. I REALLY should stop snapping at him like that. " Are you alright?" he asked in a soft voice.

"Yeah, why?"

"I, um, heard you and... Kristin." why did he have a ting of hate in his voice whenever he said her name.

"You did?"

"Yeah and I wanted to make sure that you were okay."

I sat up looking at him. "I'm fine Nicky."

"Did she break up with you again, Kevin?"

I couldn't lie. I nodded, looking down at my hands. I felt like a freaking six year old.

I felt his hand cup my chin and make me look at him. What I saw made my heart grow warm. He had so much love in his eyes. But it wasn't the love that I had for him, it was more like brother love then, LOVE. At least that what I think it was. His lips hitched upward into a smile, which I couldn't resist not smiling back.

"You don't deserve to be treated like that. You need someone who will show you love, show you that you the most important thing in that persons life. You

should be worship." I started to shiver when he lightly caressed my arm. Damn it! I'm hard again, this was happening to many times now.

I grabbed his hand and mad it stop moving against my skin. I could still feel the warmth from his touch. I cleared my voice, knowing if I was to speak, I probably would have squeaked. "I..I don't want to be worshiped Nicky. I'm not a god. It's nice that you care enough to want to see me happy, but you don' t have to worry about me and Kristin." I swear when I said her name I saw something flash in Nick's eyes. It was the same look that he gave Lou or Johnny whenever they made him do something that he didn't want to do.

"I hate her." Whoa, that totally took me off guard. "She thinks she can treat you any way she wants, but she can't. Don't go back to her Kevin, she'll just make you sadder. And I don't like to see you sad, because when your sad, I'm sad."

Okay, am I the only one who is starting to think Nick has lost his mind? Don' t get me wrong, I'm liking the whole, You should be worship thing, but why did he say it like it should actually happen.

I pulled away from him, to his dismay, a frown formed on his angelic face. " Nick, I appreciate what your saying to me and I get why your saying it, but you don't have to worry about me or Kristin..." "Who gives a shit about her." Damn! The tone in his voice sent shivers down my spine, and not in a good way. I have never seen him like this. He had such hate in his voice and his eyes were a cold ice blue. I cleared my throat and gave my self a few minutes before talking, I really didn't trust my voice. "Nicky, don't say things like that, it isn't like you to say things like that. Like I was saying, you don't have to worry about me or Kristin. I'll figure it out, you just stick to being a kid."

I didn't miss the scowl that Nick had on his face when I called him `kid'. He did have a problem with that, why? I don't know, but he'd get over it. I hope.

"Is that all you see me as? Just a kid? You don't see more to me then that?"

I looked at him not really getting what he meant. I was about to say something, when my dear sweet cousin ( can you not hear the sarcasms in my voice?) Brian call Nick. "Hey Nick want to play against me in a video game?" "Sure Bri, be right there." Nick never took his eyes off me when he spoke. "We can talk later, K?" he got up and went to play with Brian. Leaving me confused and hard. I guess that another trip to the bathroom for me.

See, I told you this day would suck. ___________________________________________

Well, I hope that you like the first chapter, Do not Worry I got more where that came from. If you have any comments or question for me, you can email me at ( . Until next time, Hugs and Kisses. J

Next: Chapter 3

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