Love with a View

Published on Aug 22, 2012


Author's note:

I wanted to take a moment to say a huge thank you to everyone who has written me expressing their thoughts on this story. I cannot even begin to tell you what it means to me to hear from readers and know that you are enjoying the story. I began working on this little tale quite a while ago, and at first, there wasn't much that I was attached to about it. When I started posting it here, it began to grow and evolve into something that I think is becoming really wonderful. I am so thrilled to hear from everyone who is reading! Thank you for writing me!

In pretty much all of my writing, I usually have a song that inspires me for each of my stories. Sometimes more than one! Until now, this story hadn't revealed to me what song was meant for it. Then, one day it just hit me. I already had the perfect inspiration piece!

The song that now has come to represent this story to me is "I Know Him So Well," originally from the musical "Chess." Of course, I'm using the John Barrowman/Daniel Boys version!!! I am a huge, huge, HUGE John Barrowman fan -- of his acting, his singing and just the incredible man in general -- so when I realized what a perfect compliment the song is to this story, I was thrilled. I think the lyrics really match the plot and the emotions of the characters -- John's part represents Michael and Daniel's part represents Ethan. Plus, any excuse to hear John's amazing voice is always a bonus. I highly suggest you check the song out if you haven't heard it before now!

And not to forget, I came up with an idea about the company! Dynatech, and Jack's company Pinnacle, are architecture firms! I'm still using very broad ideas and concepts, but this helped me get a handle on some of the ideas.

As always, please send me a note with comments or questions to or check out my blog for story updates at

Thanks! Randy Zak

The months rolled by after Ethan and Michael's weekend together, and things seemed to be going well. They went to dinner together several times a week, sometimes just enjoying a to go meal with a movie in one of their apartments. On weekends, they would run errands together, something that amused Michael to no end. Knowing what laundry detergent and shampoo Ethan bought seemed like such a tiny thing, but somehow it made it all the more special to Michael.

Michael wasn't a stranger when it came to dating men. He had been actively involved since his college years. Yet it never seemed that he would ever find someone he could spend the rest of his life with. Deep down, he was a romantic, and all the time he spent with Ethan had Michael convinced that the younger man was the perfect person for him. He had never been with anyone who complimented him so well. Ethan was intelligent, allowing them to have hours long conversations about almost any topic. It made for such a relaxing time together that Michael didn't want it to ever end.

Michael was on cloud nine almost non-stop at having Ethan so close at hand after hours. Even on nights they didn't meet up, he sometimes managed to get an hour or two of a phone conversation that allowed him to get the younger man to open up to him. He could tell Ethan was trying to be reserved, as if he was unwilling to fully commit for fear of the end result, but Michael tried not to let that upset him. He understood Ethan's reservations, and was doing his best to acknowledge them.

That didn't mean it was easy.

Every day, Michael wanted to let slip about his move to Pinnacle. He knew that he should have just waited to develop the relationship with Ethan once he moved and they didn't have to worry about policy. Yet he couldn't find it in himself to stop. Ethan was such an incredible person and being with him made Michael feel more alive than anything else. He couldn't give that up, even for the short time he had left at Dynatech.

It was hard to keep his secret to himself. He wanted to tell Ethan, to let the other man in on the important news, but he had to keep it a secret. Thankfully, Ethan was his usual dedicated self at the office. He never pried into Michael's work any more than he had to. Every now and then, it made Michael feel a pang of guilt at not telling his lover the truth, but he kept telling himself it was all going to be worth it in the end.

One day, he was busy going over more figures for the Skyline project when Ethan came into the office.

"Mail's here."

Michael looked up. "Oh good. Anything on the new proposal from Aston?"

Ethan nodded, holding up a large manila envelope. "Looks like this should be it right here."

"Good." Michael sighed heavily. "Maybe Kingston will back off a little bit now."

"Not likely," Ethan muttered, giving him a little smirk.

Michael chuckled. "True."

Ethan continued to sort through the mail then set it on his desk. "Here you go. Also, don't forget that today is when the representative for Mythos Builders will be here."

Michael groaned. "I almost entirely forgot about that project. With all the hype over the Skyline job, this one nearly escaped me entirely."

A knowing smile crept over his assistant's lips. "I thought it might have. They'll be here at 2. I have the East conference room on the 3rd floor booked for the meeting."

He sighed with relief. "Thank you, Ethan. I don't know what I would do without you."

Michael smiled at the blush that crept up his assistant's neck and touched his ears. The other man still didn't take praise very well, but Michael meant every word of it.

After Ethan left, Michael lost himself in his work for a few hours. Lunch came and went without his notice and he didn't pull himself back in to the world until Ethan appeared at his desk with a sandwich and drink. Michael sat back and stretched, trying to work the kinks out of his neck. "What time is it?"

"Well after when you should have taken a break," Ethan replied, putting the food on his desk. "Honestly, if I had known you were going to work through lunch, I would have taken away those papers."

Michael looked up, smiling. "You're too good to me. Thank you."

Ethan shook his head. "You're right, I am." He smiled. "Eat up. You have about 45 minutes before we need to be in the conference room."

Michael quickly ate his meager lunch, looking over the information for the upcoming meeting to refresh his memory. The job was simple enough, but one that Michael found himself looking forward to.

One of the charitable jobs that Dynatech allowed itself to become involved in, the Tyson House was going to be a much needed home for homeless orphaned youth in the city. It allowed the children a place to stay and get schooling to give them a chance at life they might not have otherwise. Dynatech had agreed to design a large, multilevel home that would be constructed by Mythos Builders. Everything was free of charge in donation to the Connor Fund, a local charity that led the project. The land had been purchased with money that the organization raised through donations and fundraising efforts. Michael found himself looking forward to the job and doing a little bit of good in a sea of corporate moneymaking.

As he was gathering up the materials for the meeting, Ethan came to collect him. Together, they made their way to the conference room and Michael saw that Ethan already had everything prepared. He favored his assistant with a smile and set his notebook down on the table.

"I hope this isn't delayed. I'm actually looking forward to this."

Ethan smiled. He appeared to be about to say something when his phone rang. The younger man retrieved it from his hip to answer. A short conversation later, he hung up. "He's here."

Michael nodded. "Good. I like a punctual man."

Ethan gave a quiet chuckle, smirking at him. Michael smiled back with a wink. A few minutes later, the door to the room opened and Michael glanced up. Instantly, he felt a shock rush through him at the familiar face that smiled back at him. Well, more than just his face was familiar. Michael remembered nights spent endlessly sharing skin, worshiping a broad, thick cock and alternating between being filled by it and sinking into a perfect heat of a firm, tanned ass.

By the glimmer in the deep brown eyes and the smirk on the other man's face, Michael figured the memories were just as strong with his old flame.

Michael stepped forward, offering his hand with a grin. "Angelo! My god, how long has it been?"

His ex smiled broadly, walking over to take the offered hand then pull him into a tight, manly hug. "Far too long, khriso mou."

Michael laughed, returning the hug and stepping back. "God, you're looking good these days. What are you up to?"

Angelo gave an eloquent shrug. "Work mostly."

Michael smirked. "You aren't a workaholic like me, Angelo. Surely you are out prowling more often than you want to admit."

Shaking his head, Angelo smiled. "I am a new man these days. My old life of excess is behind me, and now I work."

"Really? That's a surprise. I thought you would never give up your old ways." In their time together, Angelo had been a carefree spirit, content to spend his days traveling and his nights drinking with handsome men all around him. To know that the once playboy had settled into a working man was a bit of a shock.

Angelo gave him an enigmatic shrug, smiling. "Everyone is required to grow up at some point, I suppose. It just took me a little bit longer than most."

"That's certainly the truth. What is your part in this job?" Michael couldn't remember Angelo ever expressing any interest in building when they were together. To be honest, he couldn't recall the other man ever working a day in the time they had been an item.

"My brother Niko owns the company. He enlisted my help in this to be the final say. Apparently, he does not entirely trust your company. Why I do not know!"

Rolling his eyes a bit, Michael muttered, "he must have met Kingston before."

Angelo gave a look of disgust. "Yes, I am familiar with your illustrious director. I am only grateful that it is you I am working with and not him."

Michael smiled. "Same here." He motioned to Ethan. "This is my assistant, Ethan Harper. Ethan, this is Angelo Rivera."

Ethan stepped forward and held out his hand. "How do you do?"

Angelo's wide grin was turned on Ethan and he accepted the handshake before pulling Ethan close. He was treated to a fervent kiss on each cheek and a boisterous hug as well. "I am very well! And even better now that I have met such a good looking man today!"

After he pulled back from the hug, Ethan seemed flustered. Michael smiled, patting him on the shoulder gently. "Don't hound him too hard, Angelo. He's too good at keeping me in line!"

Angelo smirked. "Ah! In that case, we must be careful. Anyone who can manage keep you in line is very important!"

Michael laughed. "Knock it off! Come on, let's get down to business."

Ethan stood near the doorway in the conference room, reading through emails on his Blackberry while Michael continued to charm, and be charmed by, the representative that Mythos Builders had sent over for the charity project. So far the meeting was going well. In the first half hour, the conversation between Michael and Angelo had flowed easily, and they both had a solid grasp on what their parts of the project would entail. Ethan was pleased to see the representative had everything in order for the job and he seemed to get along with Michael very well. Perhaps a little too well.

Ethan struggled to keep his composure as he thought about it. It shouldn't bother him. It really shouldn't.

The look on Michael's face when he greeted the man who was apparently very familiar with him shouldn't have given Ethan such a pain in his chest. It was obvious there had been something between them, and Ethan could only imagine.

But he didn't want to imagine it.

Angelo Rivera was nothing short of a Greek god. His heritage blessed him with shoulder-length raven black hair that he kept tied back in a modest low ponytail and a perfectly smooth complexion of dark olive skin. He was tall and muscular, oozing confidence and vitality. Ethan struggled against visions of him embracing Michael in bed, and felt his stomach drop at the thought of how perfect they would be together. Angelo stood equal in height, though he was broader shouldered than Michael. Both were strong, confident and handsome men. Men like that should be together, evenly matched in every way to complement one another. It reminded Ethan painfully of just how inadequate he was for Michael.

It was another hour before the meeting wrapped up. Angelo treated both Michael and Ethan to another round of bone-crushing hugs and enthusiastic kisses before he made his way out. As they walked back toward Michael's office, Ethan felt his mind spinning rapidly with all the crazy thoughts racing through it. Michael seemed energized after the encounter, and he spoke excitedly on the way back to the office.

"I think this project is going to turn out great, I really do! I didn't know what to expect when I first started it, but damn, I think it's going to be something special."

Ethan nodded, managing to muster up a smile at his boss' enthusiasm. He hadn't seen the older man so fired up about work in a long time. Ethan wondered if this strange man had more influence on Michael than he knew.

The rest of the day crawled by. By the time he was ready to leave, Ethan felt mentally exhausted. His mind hadn't stopped supplying him with wild visions of Michael falling for Angelo and the two of them running off together. On one hand, Ethan had to acknowledge that it would certainly solve his worry about him and Michael getting into trouble over their relationship.

But Ethan knew that wasn't what he wanted. True, he didn't want either of them to suffer for the fact they were together, but he certainly wasn't interested in losing Michael to a rival. Especially to someone who was clearly better looking and already had a history with Michael. Ethan wondered if he would have any chance should Angelo decide he wanted Michael again.

When 5 o'clock struck, Ethan gathered his things and made a swift exit. He and Michael hadn't made plans that night, so he managed to get away with just a brief farewell. Walking through the parking garage to his car, a thought struck him. He climbed in his car and stopped by one of his favorite restaurants to order a meal to go. A nice relaxing evening with dinner and a movie would get his head back on straight.

Walking in to Topper's Bar and Grill, Ethan felt himself unwinding already just from the familiar atmosphere and the incredible smells coming from the kitchen. Despite the fact that the place looked like a dive from the outside, they had some of the best food in the whole city.

"Hey there, Ethan," the bartender called. "What you getting tonight?"

Ethan smiled as he approached the bar. The bartender was like an old friend now with as long as Ethan had been coming here. "Hey Tony. I'm gonna grab something to go. I've got some work I want to look over and I just did not feel like making anything."

Tony smirked. "Do you ever?"

Ethan laughed. "Yes!" He sat down at the bar to look over the menu and make his decision. A waitress came over soon after and he ordered his food to go. In the meantime, Tony brought him a drink for while he waited.

He barely registered the other patrons coming and going as he waited, watching the television over the bar. There was a baseball game on, and Ethan was pretty certain that the local team wasn't going to be winning today. They hadn't won a game in almost two months.

A man sat down next to him and ordered a drink. He took one look at the television and groaned. "Oh come on. Are they really going to get their asses kicked again?"

Ethan couldn't resist a chuckle. "Seems to be the way of things lately."

The man gave a scowl. "It's enough to make me turn in my fan card. I've never seen them so disorganized."

"That's what happens when your two best players are out," Tony commented as he slid a beer over to the other man. "Been a while since you came by, Jack. Busy?"

Jack grinned. "Not too bad. Working on some projects that are really getting good. I'm just hoping that Aston gets their act together soon and quits jerking me around. I'm so sick of waiting on the slowest damn company in the industry to answer a simple question."

Ethan perked up at the mention of the familiar name. He glanced over to the other man. "You work with Aston Architecture?"

"Not a lot, but they have the best skills for this particular job. Even if they take a year to make any kind of decisions." The man held out a hand. "Jack Parrish. I work at Pinnacle Architects."

Ethan had heard of the firm, and it was all very positive. They did good work, and seemed to be a fair organization. What a strange coincidence to run into someone in the bar who worked in the same field. He took Jack's hand in return.

"Ethan Harper. I work over at Dynatech."

A look of recognition came over Jack's face. "Ah, you're one of Kingston's lackeys?"

Ethan grimaced, shrugging. "Unfortunately yes. Thankfully, he doesn't make my life too hellish."

Chuckling, Jack sipped his drink. "I don't even know how you can handle it. From all I hear, that bastard is impossible."

Shaking his head, Ethan smiled. "I don't have to see him too often, but my boss does. I don't know how many times a day he complains about how he's treated."

"I can understand. Kingston is a controlling type. He likes to be in charge and doesn't trust the people he assigns work to. I couldn't work like that."

Ethan took a swallow of his drink, thinking about how Michael was struggling under Kingston's thumb. It definitely sounded like the director's reputation was widely known. Ethan didn't know what he could do to make Michael's work easier, though.

Jack leaned a little closer. "You know, we're always looking for new minds at Pinnacle. If you ever want to get out of the control of the puppet master, come on over. I think we have a job open right now that you would do well in."

Ethan was taken back by the sudden offer. While he had to admit it was tempting, he didn't know if it was the right move or not. On one hand, it would solve the question of policy between himself and Michael, but Ethan was hesitant to leave a job he knew well and enjoyed doing. "I don't know. I'm not really looking to change companies anytime soon."

Jack smiled, reaching into his wallet and pulling out a business card. "Well, just in case you ever change your mind. Here's my information. I really do think you'd enjoy working with Pinnacle. I guarantee you'll be respected there far more than you ever will with Kingston."

Ethan took the card, looking at it for a moment before looking back to Jack with a nod and a smile. "I'll think about it."

The weeks crept by and the project continued along smoothly. Michael and Angelo worked closely, always smiling about something or laughing quietly over some shared, private joke. Day after day, Ethan watched them together, hunched over some blueprints or pages of figures as they worked through the issues that came up. A little twinge of uneasiness would spike through him as he saw how well they worked together.

Ethan kept himself as quiet as he could, trying not to call attention to himself. He spent much of his time doing research or running any errands that might be needed. Michael didn't seem to pick up on his change of behavior, mostly due to his constantly busy state. It almost seemed like he was on a mission, working until all hours of the night trying to get several projects finished. Occasionally, he would apologize to Ethan that he didn't have a chance to take him out to dinner, but Ethan would brush it off quickly, acknowledging his work was far more important.

One evening, Ethan was readying to leave for the day when Michael stopped at his desk. He leaned in, gently touching Ethan's elbow.

"I'm sorry to always be running out like this. I've got a ton of figures to go over before tomorrow. I hate to not be able to take you out again."

Ethan shook his head, forcing on a smile. "It's alright. I understand."

Michael held his gaze for a long time. "You're sure? I feel like I've barely had a chance to see you lately. Maybe we can get together this weekend for a little relaxing time."

"Maybe." He forced a smile. "And I promise I do understand, Michael. You have a lot going on right now and I don't want to keep you from it."

Michael smiled. "You never keep me from anything, you know that. Hell, you'd probably be pressing me to work even if you came over."

Ethan shook his head, giving a genuine little smile. "Not the way you've been going lately. I think you're trying to give yourself a heart attack sometimes by overworking."

A strange look passed over Michael's face, but he tried to smooth it over. "I'm not that old, I'll be fine." He gave Ethan a wink and squeezed his elbow tenderly. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Ethan nodded as he watched his boss walk away. What was that about?

It was early evening, and Ethan was sitting on the front porch swing of his aunt's home, slowly swinging as he watched the sun set. It was nearly August, and the evening was still very warm.

The door to the house opened with a quiet creak and Tessa stepped out on the porch. She walked over, carrying two bottles of beer and handed one to Ethan.

"You look like you could use this."

He chuckled softly, taking the beer. "Thanks. I think I could."

Settling down beside him on the swing, Tessa looked him over. "Alright, so let's hear it. What has you all mopey tonight?"

Ethan sighed, slowly pushing the swing into a gentle rhythm with a foot on the porch planks. "It's a long story."

"Since when has that stopped me from being interested?"

He was quiet for a little longer, just slowly rocking, before he took a deep breath and began to tell her all the thoughts going through his head. From his worries over being caught with Michael, to the random job offer from the man at Pinnacle, to the appearance of Angelo and the subsequent change in his boss. He even found himself admitting that he missed the nights they were able to get together, and the guilt he felt over missing them.

He sighed, looking out in the distance. "It's got me all turned around. I didn't want to let myself get close, but damnit, now that he's spending so much time with Angelo, I realize how much I liked him being around. And seriously, how can I compete with him? They obviously have a history, and they're so perfect together when you look at them. What in the world could I possibly offer?"

Out of nowhere, Tessa's hand landed on the back of Ethan's head with a solid "whack!" Ethan yelped and grabbed his head, looking at his aunt in shock. "What was that for?"

His aunt glared at him with a stern look. "I didn't raise you to be this unconfident!"

Ethan looked at his aunt in confusion. "You didn't raise me!"

Tessa gave a sniff. "I practically did, the way your parents were always working. And now off traveling the world in retirement, it's a wonder you can call them parents at all." She pointed one perfectly manicured finger at him. "Don't change the subject. The point is young man that you know better than to act like this. If you have a problem, you don't mope about. You face it head on! You don't whine and stew over if you're good enough for someone. Life is too short to wonder and work all the time."

"But that's just the point! Now that Angelo is around, suddenly work is the only thing important. He's burning the candle at both ends, and most of the time it's with Angelo and that project. He barely even thinks about the Skyline project anymore." He shook his head. "I know Michael is a hard worker, but I just can't help thinking that since he sees Angelo again, maybe he'll realize what he's missing. Maybe he wants someone who has made something more of himself and he's suddenly inspired with that knowledge. Or maybe he'll find out how much easier it is to not have to hide with me."

Sighing heavily, Tessa patted his knee gently. "Ethan, I've never seen you so worked up about someone before. You've never once been so insecure about yourself, yet this is at least the second time now you're feeling threatened. What in the world is going on?"

He gave a shrug, picking at the label of his beer idly with one thumbnail. "I've never felt like this about anyone else before. I really like Michael, and sometimes I wonder what we will have to do to make this work. Then I see him with Angelo and it reminds me just how different we are. But when he still tries so hard to spend time with me, it scares me. I'm afraid of what will happen though if someone finds out. It's enough that we're flirting with danger because of policy. Will he think it was worth it if we are caught?"

Tessa snorted in a very un-ladylike manner. "Policies are made only when one man is jealous of what another man has. The policy can rot in hell, for all I care."

Ethan couldn't resist a smile at his aunt's words. "I wish they could, but in truth, it does worry me. I care for Michael deeply, but if someone ever finds out, we could be in big trouble. I don't want him to have to deal with that."

"And what about you, hmm?" His aunt fixed him with a sharp stare. "I suspect you'd be shown the door faster than you can blink if it came out."

Ethan knew that was the truth. As just an executive assistant, any problems that would come about from a discovery of policy violation would come down hard on him. He had to admit, that scared him.

"I know it's a risk. But he said we could make it work. And I want to believe him." He sighed. "I just keep thinking about Pinnacle, and that maybe moving there would be the answer. Maybe we could make it work if I wasn't so worried about being caught."

"You seem to enjoy working with him though. Would you be as happy knowing he was working so closely with another assistant?"

Ethan blushed, glaring down at the floor. "It isn't like it would be any different than it is now. He spends all his time working with Angelo it seems like. At least if I were at Pinnacle, I wouldn't have to see it."

"Have you tried talking to him about all this? Maybe there's an explanation for why he is working so hard."

He shook his head. "I can't just ask him, Aunt Tessa. He's so caught up with work, I don't even know if I could get him alone for two seconds. And even if I could, I don't know what to say. Just 'Hey, I'm jealous you're spending all this time with a guy who is a million times hotter than me and has some kind of history with you, but at the same time I'm scared if we spend too much time together we'll both get fired'? Yeah, that would go over well."

"If you ask me, there would be a lot fewer problems in the world if people were just honest and talked when they had a concern." Tessa sighed. "You've told me a lot about him over the years, Ethan. And the way you talk about him, he sounds like a good man. But remember -- even the best men can make mistakes."

Ethan nodded, looking up at the sky. "I know. But something tells me that being with him isn't a mistake. I don't want to just give up."

Tessa reached over and gently patted his knee. "As long as that's how you feel. Just be careful."

He smiled over to her. "I will. I promise."

There were some days that Michael wondered what he was getting himself in to.

Struggling to get everything accomplished before he made the move to Pinnacle was not as easy as he had thought it would be. He had hoped to be completely finished and gone before August had settled in. But it was the middle of the month now, and he was no closer to being finished. It would probably be mid September or later before he finally got all the projects completed. Sometimes Michael cursed his inability to leave something unfinished. He would have loved to just walk out and leave everything to someone else, but his conscience wouldn't let him.

At least the Skyline project wasn't high on his radar. No matter what he did, Kingston would do whatever he thought was right in the end, so Michael just went through the motions, knowing anything he did would be ignored anyway.

The one project that did give him hope was the Tyson House. Learning that he would be working with Angelo had been a surprise, but thankfully, the other man had a good head for the work that would be required. He apparently had matured in the years they had been apart, and brought a lot of good information and ideas to the table. Michael found himself laughing more often than he had in a while because of Angelo's playful personality.

The biggest thing that was bothering him was how little time he and Ethan got to spend together. Granted, he was doing all this for them, to give them a real chance to be together. But it didn't seem to matter if in the meantime they barely got to see one another outside of work. Michael kept telling himself it was all worth it in the long run.

One day in his office, Michael's calendar popped up with a reminder. He glanced at the time and saw he had to head out or he would be late for his meeting. Gathering up the folders he needed, he grabbed his raincoat before he made his way out of the office.

Michael stopped by Ethan's desk on his way out. "I've got a lunch meeting with Angelo. I'll be back before 2. Is there anything going on I need to be aware of?"

Ethan shook his head as he consulted his calendar. "No, sir, your schedule is clear until 3:30 when you have a call with Aston's project coordinator."

"Great, just what I need to help me digest my lunch." Sighing, Michael gave his assistant a smile. "I'll see you in a little bit. Want me to bring you anything back? I'm going near that deli you like."

A touch of color rose on Ethan's cheeks at the suggestion and it gave Michael a little thrill. Apparently Ethan liked it when he remembered the little things. Michael filed that information away for later.

"I'm fine, but thank you," Ethan replied.

"Alright, but let me know if you change your mind."

Michael reached over and risked a quick squeeze to Ethan's shoulder. He truly missed their closeness lately, and hoped that he could fix that very soon.

Michael hurried to his lunch meeting at a quiet little restaurant a few blocks away. He was sitting in a booth looking over the menu when Angelo slid in on the other side. The other man was grinning in a way that Michael knew very well.

He raised an eyebrow, smirking at his old ex. "Someone got lucky."

Angelo chuckled. "I cannot fool you, can I?" He shrugged eloquently. "I was very lucky to have my partner stop by the office today and we were able to enjoy a little time alone."

Michael grinned. "You are impossible. But to hear you say partner is a surprise. Is it that serious?"

Angelo smiled, nodding as he reached into his wallet and pulled out a picture. He handed it over to Michael. "This is Curtis. He is the only man in my life now."

Looking at the picture, Michael smiled. Standing with Angelo was a very slender man with short, well-styled dirty blonde hair and deep brown eyes. They made a very interesting pair, Angelo's dark skin contrasting with the pale blonde's. And yet, somehow they seemed to match. They both wore a look of pure happiness that Michael felt a little envious of.

He handed the picture back. "That's great, Angelo! How long have you two been together?"

Angelo grinned as he slipped the photo back into his wallet. "Going on a year and a half now." His face was almost glowing as he talked about his partner. "He's the best thing to ever happen to me, Michael. You know how hard it is to live with me. Curtis is really the perfect fit. He keeps me in line, but allows me to still be myself."

"How did you two meet?"

"I had a dinner meeting one day a few towns away and when I walked in the door, there he was. He was the host at the restaurant and I nearly stopped breathing when I laid eyes on him. He was so handsome, so graceful. I admit I nearly made a fool out of myself the entire night trying to catch a glimpse of him. Before I left, I made it a point to ask him if he was at all interested in going out with me. He seemed surprised at first, but I was able to convince him in a date." The grin stretched over his face a little wider. "The rest is history."

Michael smiled. "Well, I'm glad to hear you found someone, especially someone who can keep you under control."

Laughing, Angelo nodded. He took a sip of his drink before pinning Michael with a stare. "What about you? You seemed to be pretty close to that young man helping you."

Michael smiled at the thought of Ethan. "Yeah, that is a recent development. I've had a huge crush on him for a while, but just lately managed to convince him to let me have a chance."

Angelo laughed. "You always did have a stubborn streak. No matter what, if you set your mind on something you got it. It seems that extends to your conquests as well."

"He's not a conquest, Angelo." He shook his head, a smile spreading over his face. "I think he's it. Ethan is everything I want in a partner. He's smart, funny, dedicated and knows almost everything there is to know about me. We work well together and I just enjoy being around him. I can trust him."

"You certainly seem happier than I remember you in a long time. Even more so than when we were together."

Michael smiled. "We had fun, Angelo. But I think we both knew that was all it was. We tried to convince ourselves that there was more, but it was never meant to be."

Angelo nodded. "We were young. Youth can blind us to the truth. Of course, we did not know that until we were older."

"How very true." Michael raised his glass with a smile. "To new love. May it last forever."

Raising his glass, Angelo toasted and took a long pull. He sat back and chuckled. "Listen to us, clucking about like old hens. Come, we have work to discuss. We can gloat about our luck with love after."

Michael grinned. "Good point. Alright, what do we still have left to finish?"

Ethan was sitting at his desk typing up an email, fingers flying over the keyboard as his eyes moved back and forth between the notepad in front of him and the screen. He proofread as he went, making minor corrections now and then. He worked quickly, trying to finish this so he could get something to eat. His stomach was still growling at him for not having accepted Michael's offer.

He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't realize anyone was approaching until they cleared their throat politely nearby. Ethan jumped in surprise, looking up from his work to see Director Kingston standing at the side of his desk.

The director smiled at him. "Good afternoon, Ethan. Is Michael in?"

Managing to recover his composure, Ethan cleared his throat lightly. "Uh, no sir. He's gone to a meeting with Mr. Rivera."

The dark look that passed over the director's face worried Ethan. "Again. I see."

Swallowing down his nerves at the other man's demeanor, Ethan managed to ask, "Is anything wrong sir?"

Kingston looked at Ethan. "Not right now, but just maybe. If that boss of yours isn't careful, he's going to get himself in big trouble."

Ethan felt a little ball of ice forming in his stomach. "Why is that, sir?"

"This damn project is a kindergarten job - any executive could do it in their sleep. He's spending all his time on it, and not much on Skyline. And every time I look, he's with that man. And from what I've heard, they're a little too close, if you know what I mean."

The curl of the older man's lip told Ethan exactly what the director meant, but he played dumb. "I'm not sure I do, sir."

"There's rumor about that Andrews might be a fag. I never believed it at first, but the more I see, the more I wonder if it isn't true. Oh, I know we can't fire him for it outright, but it makes my skin crawl to think about it." Kingston scowled. "Damn, it just isn't right. Two men like that. Not to mention with a client of all things!" He scoffed.

Ethan managed to stammer out a baffled, "no, sir." Apparently, Kingston had never heard anything about Ethan himself. But then that didn't surprise him, since the director rarely paid much attention to an underling.

Kingston continued on his ramble, not paying much attention to Ethan's response. "I heard from a few of the other executives that he was coming on to you at the Christmas party last year. I'm sorry you had to deal with that, and I'm just grateful you haven't made it into a big deal. Not everyone would be so forgiving after being insulted like that. But don't worry about it happening again. I'll see to it personally." Before Ethan could gather himself enough to respond, the older director patted his shoulder. "You just keep up the good work, son. Even if Michael doesn't stick around much longer, your work is fine. I'm sure we can find you someone else you can help. Someone who is a little more. . . fitting to work here."

Feeling like a traitor, Ethan nodded and replied, "Thank you, sir."

Giving him a smile, Kingston patted his shoulder again like he would an affectionate dog and turned, walking down the hallway toward the elevator.

Ethan sat in stunned silence for several minutes after the director had left. He felt a cold panic grip him. So many things rushed through his mind from the encounter. Michael could lose his job just because the older director was a homophobic bigot. Yet as much as it angered Ethan, he knew there was very little he could do to stop it. He had no pull at the company, and if he spoke up, he might call attention to their relationship.

The feeling of hopelessness that grew in his stomach was unsettling and suddenly Ethan didn't feel hungry anymore.

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