Love with a View

Published on Jul 7, 2012


Author's note:

Sorry for the delay in posting! Life got a bit in the way and I never remembered to get back to writing. Not to mention that sex scenes are always kind of tough for me to write, because I try hard not to make them just smut. They need to mean something to the characters. In addition, this chapter turned into a bit of a mushy one, so I didn't want it to drag out much. I also have a lot written for the rest of the story, so I wanted to make sure I didn't make this chapter too long and bog the flow down!

Hope you enjoy the chapter and the story as a whole! Please let me know your thoughts on the story so far! Email me at and keep up with my story updates through my blog!

Thanks again! Randy Zak

Love With A View: Chapter 3

The drive home from the restaurant was a blur. The lights and shapes of the city around them flew by unnoticed as they raced to fulfill their desires. Ethan could almost feel the urgency thrumming in the air between them in the car. He wanted to touch Michael, but was afraid of what might happen if he started groping the driver in a car going 70 miles an hour. His lips still tingled from the kiss in the parking lot, and his whole body was on pins and needles in anticipation. He was glad Michael had insisted on them leaving right away without going back to the office for his car. Ethan didn't think he could keep his focus on driving while thinking about what was going to happen when they were finally alone together.

Mercifully, Michael's home was only a few exits away from the restaurant. If the car took the last turn into the parking garage on two wheels, neither of them commented on it. Once safely inside the garage and parked, they leapt out of the car and raced to the door of the condo building.

The doorman didn't seem fazed by their rushed state. He was a wizened older man dressed in an impeccable suit who barely batted an eye as they whisked past him to the elevators. It was by some miracle that the doors to the elevator breezed open shortly after Michael pressed the button. Grabbing Michael's hand, Ethan quickly stepped in and pulled his boss tight against him. Michael reached out and managed to press the button for his floor before Ethan threw his arms around his neck.

Before the doors to the elevator could even close, their lips met again in a heated kiss, filled with desperation and desire. Ethan felt like he might burn up from wanting this man so much. The fervor coming from Michael was just as intense. When Michael pressed him back against the wall of the elevator, Ethan felt a thrill race through him. He wondered if they could get away with pushing the emergency stop button and just continue things there.

Even while he was still he contemplating the decision to throw his boss down and have his way with him, the elevator dinged and the doors smoothly swept open, revealing the empty hallway beyond. Michael lifted his head and they stared at each other for a moment, panting to catch their breath.

"Come on," Michael said huskily. His voice sent a shudder through Ethan.

Firmly grasping his hand, Michael turned and pulled Ethan down the hallway and around the corner toward his condo. Ethan had been there once or twice before to pick Michael up and drive him to the airport for a business trip. Yet he'd never had his heart pounding in his ears like this before while walking this particular hallway.

Arriving at condo 503E, Michael fumbled to get the key in the lock and open the door. The moment he did, he turned and pulled Ethan to him, walking them backwards into the darkened room. Ethan didn't resist, letting the passion lead them. He barely noticed when Michael kicked the door shut behind them.

Their lips crashed together once more, and Ethan wondered how each time could be that much hotter than the last. He felt Michael's hands slide through his hair and felt a corresponding shiver race over his spine. He'd never noticed how much he liked having his hair played with until now. But now that he had figured it out, he never wanted Michael to stop touching him.

Suddenly, one of Michael's hands disappeared from Ethan's hair and he could feel the older man leaning to one side. A lamp snapped on beside them, causing Ethan to pull back and blink a little in surprise. Once he cleared his vision, looking up into his boss' heated gaze.

"I have to see you," Michael whispered, panting softly.

He pressed Ethan back against the wall, his hands frantically pulling at Ethan's jacket. Ethan shrugged out of it quickly, throwing it to the side as his own hands moved to return the favor to Michael's clothes. Michael reached up and stilled his hands.

"You first."

The deep, gravelly sound of his voice stilled Ethan's movements and he nodded. Michael's hands slid over the fabric of his shirt, fingers deftly unfastening the buttons that hid Ethan's chest from his sight. As Michael pushed the crisp white shirt off his shoulders and let it fall away, he ran his hands over Ethan's skin. His gaze followed the path his hands took, as if he was unable to look away.

"God, you look so good."

Ethan smiled softly. "I got lucky in the gene pool."

Michael's grin was almost feral. "I think you mean I got lucky."

Chuckling, Ethan winked at him. "Well, not yet, but you're about to."

There was a flash of desire that rose in Michael's eyes at his words. Ethan groaned as Michael moved in swiftly, lips landing at his neck to suckle their way over his skin. His eyes closed as his head tilted back, giving the other man more room. Ethan's hands gripped Michael's shoulders as the teasing sent shivers over his skin.

"Oh God.. Michael," he groaned, feeling himself hardening even more, which he didn't know was possible. He hadn't had anyone ever pay such close attention to his neck before and it was quickly becoming a very huge turn on for him.

Michael murmured against his flesh as he licked and nibbled. "You taste so good."

Ethan sighed, tilting his head the other way as Michael switched sides. He couldn't seem to bring himself out of his stupor to return the favor. Once Michael made his way to Ethan's earlobes and began to suckle, Ethan knew he had to do something or else he might split a seam on his pants if he got any harder.

"Shouldn't we go to the bedroom," he managed to gasp.

Michael gave a groan as he eased up on his attack, nuzzling Ethan's neck gently. "I don't know if I can wait that long."

Ethan chuckled, letting his hand cord through Michael's soft dark hair. "Come on. It'll be a lot better in there. And the best things are worth waiting for."

They slowly broke apart and Ethan took Michael's hand, leading the way back to the bedroom. At least he tried. Every step was met with Michael trying to pull him close again. He continued to press their lips together whenever he could. The older man couldn't seem to go long with their mouths parted. Ethan didn't think he was going to complain.

They finally made it to the bedroom and Ethan pulled back slightly, watching the other man shedding his suit coat. He had lost his tie somewhere along the hallway to the bedroom, and his fingers were deftly unfastening the buttons to his shirt before Ethan could register the movement.

Stepping forward, Ethan slid his hands underneath the shirt, letting his fingers run through the light dusting of hair that covered Michael's chest. He didn't usually like hair on a man, but Michael wore it so well it just seemed right. He wanted to run his hands over his boss' strong, muscular chest forever.

Working together, they removed Michael's shirt and it fell to the floor in a crumpled pile. Ethan's inner conscience tried to tell him that it would get wrinkled, but thankfully, his libido put a stop to caring about that. He let his hands wander down Michael's sides, sliding around to caress the taught muscles of the older man's back.

Michael bent his head as they moved closer, pressing their lips together again. Ethan could feel his tongue seeking entrance to his mouth and parted his lips for Michael. The other man certainly knew how to kiss! He teased and tempted, never letting up until Ethan was almost dizzy with the lack of air.

He finally had to pull back to breathe, holding tightly to Michael to anchor himself as they both stood there, panting. Ethan felt their bodies press tightly against one another, flush from chest to groin. Both of them were achingly hard behind their pants, and Ethan wasn't sure how long he could last without some kind of relief.

"God, Michael." Ethan felt like his whole body was on fire. He looked up at his boss, seeing the burning desire in his dark brown eyes.

"On the bed." Michael's voice was again husky with desire. It sent a shiver through Ethan.

Slowly, he stepped away, moving onto the bed as gracefully as he could with his dick like an iron rod in his pants.

"Uh uh, gotta get rid of these first." Michael bent over and swiftly unfastened Ethan's trousers and slid them off after removing his shoes.

Ethan felt exposed lying there in just his black briefs. When the cooler air brushed his heated skin, he felt chill bumps grow over his flesh. However, the look of lust in his boss' eyes as he carefully examined every inch of skin that was now on display enough to warm him.

"Jesus, Ethan."

The whispered reverence in Michael's voice was almost hard to hear. Ethan felt a blush creeping up his neck and tried to shift the focus off of himself.

He sat up and reached out, hooking a hand in the waistband of Michael's pants. "Your turn."

Michael quickly toed off his shoes and together they unfastened and pushed away his trousers. As the fabric fell away, Ethan's eyes traced over the sizable bulge in his boss' underwear. He wasn't a giant, but by the looks of things, Ethan was going to enjoy the evening immensely.

He ran a fingertip over the front of the navy boxer briefs, tracing the outline of the hardened dick that was hidden beneath them.

"Is this for me," he asked with a grin.

Michael gave a shiver, looking at him with a heated smirk. "All for you. This is what you do to me."

"Mmm.." Ethan palmed the hard length, feeling it twitch beneath his touch. "I have got to taste you."

Without giving Michael time to respond, he leaned in, pressing his lips to the hidden length. He traced the outline from root to tip, eyes closing as he enjoyed the soft groans that came from Michael. Ethan loved to please his partners, and found that giving a blowjob could be almost as enjoyable for him as it was for the other.

Sliding his fingers into the waistband, he tugged Michael's underwear down and let the other man step out of them. Ethan's eyes caught sight of the full view of what he had wanted to taste. Michael was around six inches, cut with a perfect mushroom head that then traveled into a slightly thicker shaft. Ethan wrapped his fingers around Michael's cock, squeezing as he slowly glided them up and down. He smiled as he heard Michael groan.

"Very nice. I am going to enjoy this."

He bent his head, letting his lips wrap around the tip and his tongue tease across the sensitive flesh. As Michael let out a soft gasp, Ethan slid more of the thick length into his mouth. He closed his eyes as he felt the weight cross his tongue. It didn't take him long to figure out that he was going to enjoy this almost as much as Michael was.

Ethan traced every inch of Michael's cock with his lips and tongue, sliding the perfect member in and out of his mouth slowly. He sucked hard, bobbing his head up and down as he worked to give Michael as much pleasure as he could.

By the sounds coming from his boss, he was doing a pretty good job. Michael's body was vibrating and his legs tensed as he fought to keep still. Ethan considered telling him to move, but didn't want things to move too far too fast. He ran his fingers down behind Michael's balls, gently massaging the soft, sensitive skin there as he worked the older man's cock.

After several minutes, Michael finally reached down and lifted him off of his dick. Ethan let the length slide free with a little pop, looking up at Michael.

"I was enjoying that," he pouted.

Shaking his head, Michael gave a wavering smile. "So was I. Maybe a little too much. I don't know how long I can last if you keep that up."

Ethan smiled. "I don't mind it if this goes fast. I think we both have been waiting so long that it'll be over sooner than either of us want it to be."

"Yes, but I don't want to rush this." Michael leaned down, pressing their lips together tenderly. He pulled back, looking into Ethan's eyes. "I have a feeling that once I'm inside you, it will be over way before I want it to be anyway."

Chuckling, Ethan nibbled at Michael's bottom lip. "Guess you should take your time getting me ready, then."

A grin pulled at his boss' mouth. "Guess I should. Lay back, handsome. I'll go grab what we need."

Ethan scooted back, taking off his glasses and setting them on the nightstand. He turned and rested against the pillows on the bed, watching his boss stand and walk away to the bathroom. Excitement and nervousness were warring inside him. He didn't know what to expect, but he knew that it would change everything.

Stepping away from the incredible man on the bed gave Michael a moment to contain himself. He hurried to the bathroom, grabbing a condom from the box in his medicine cabinet and a new bottle of lube. He paused to glance at himself in the mirror. He smiled at his reflection, shaking his head. He couldn’t believe that out there, in his bed, was the object of his affection. The man he had been dreaming of for so long was now actually here.

Michael pulled himself from his thoughts and hurried back out to the bedroom. The sight that greeted him was enough to make him stumble.

Ethan had removed his hot little black briefs and now lay on the bed, sprawled out with one hand slowly stroking his own perfect erection. The tip was an angry red and it throbbed now and then under the beautiful blonde's light touch. Michael's own cock twitched in jealousy and he stalked over to the bed, staring down at the incredible sight.

"Jesus.. I didn't think you could get any hotter."

Ethan gave him a smile, flirty but with a hint of nervousness hidden behind his mask of bravado. Michael didn't want him to be scared. He was determined to prove to Ethan that he hadn't made a mistake in trusting him. He had worked far too long to get close to this man to ruin it now.

Michael dropped the lube and condom on the bedspread. Kneeling down beside him on the bed, Michael leaned over, pressing a tender kiss to Ethan's soft lips. He let one hand slowly glide over the younger man's soft skin. He traced a line up from his legs, over his hip and across his chest. Carefully, he made slow, soothing movements. Michael's improvised massage seemed to work and Ethan relaxed into the kiss, his hand stilling as he let his muscles loosen again.

Michael pulled back, smiling down at him. "Better?"

Ethan gave a nod, smiling softly in response. "Yeah."

"Good." He pressed a gentle kiss to Ethan's forehead. "Tell me if you want me to stop. I don't want you to be nervous at all, okay?"

Ethan smiled, reaching up to slide a hand around Michael's neck. He pulled him down and their lips met again in a tender kiss. Michael felt his heart seize at the feelings that raced through him when their lips touched.

Pulling back, Ethan gave him another smile, squeezing his neck gently. "I'm okay. Promise."

Michael smiled. "Good." He let his hand slide down over Ethan's chest and stomach to gently wrap around his dick. "I hope I can make you even more okay."

Ethan's eyes fell closed and he gave a sigh of pleasure at the touch. "I'm sure you can."

"Let's find out." Michael stroked Ethan's cock slowly as he trailed his lips and tongue over Ethan's chest, pausing to tease his nipples. He alternated between nibbles and licks, listening to the sounds of pleasure that Ethan made.

Continuing down his chest, Michael made his way toward the waiting prize resting against Ethan's flat stomach. The beautiful, perfect cock twitched in anticipation and Michael couldn't resist a smile. He leaned over, flicking his tongue across the sensitive head and listened to Ethan gasp in surprise. Chuckling, Michael pressed a kiss to the shaft, trailing his lips up and down slowly in a tease.

While he worshiped Ethan's cock, he grabbed the lube and popped the cap. He poured a little of the liquid into one hand, letting it warm before he put it to use. He nudged Ethan's legs wider apart and began to trace Ethan's cleft, spreading the lube where it was needed. Without lifting his mouth, Michael let the slick digit glide into Ethan's hole. It accepted the intrusion without issue and Michael heard a little sigh from Ethan. He gently stroked his finger in and out, easing the muscles to ready them for more.

Slowly he added a second finger, watching for any signs of pain or discomfort. But Ethan seemed to be taking it fine; his hips were even shifting on the bed, pressing more into Michael's hand as if asking for more. He still licked and sucked at Ethan's dick while he prepared the other man, hoping that the attention to his cock would distract him from any discomfort he might feel being stretched.

Michael sat up a little to look at Ethan's face. His assistant's eyes were almost completely closed and he panted, shivering at the sensations. His hips moved into the pressure now and then, trying to He continued to stroke the two fingers in and out, making certain to stretch Ethan well. Michael leaned down, kissing the soft, smooth skin of Ethan's hip. He couldn't resist the draw of Ethan's skin, wanting to always touch it and taste it.

Ethan gave a soft whimper. "Michael, please. Don't tease me. Just get me ready."

Michael smiled. "Sorry." He flexed his fingers, letting them stroke along Ethan's inner walls. He felt his fingers touch the gland he was searching for, wondering what Ethan's reaction would be.

Ethan gave a cry of shocked pleasure as he brushed across the younger man's sweet spot. He shifted, raising his hips to press Michael's fingers deeper inside. "More, please," he begged.

Obliging his lover, Michael carefully extracted his fingers and returned with three. They slid inside with little resistance and Ethan's groan sounded like one of pleasure. Michael smiled, watching Ethan's face as he gently stretched his hole.

Ethan opened his eyes and looked at him. "I'm ready."

"You sure?"

The answering nod was about as certain as he had ever seen Ethan. Withdrawing his hand, he opened a condom and rolled it on himself. When he touched his own cock, he realized just how achingly hard he was from readying Ethan. He had been so focused on his lover that he hadn't realized just what the sight had been doing to him.

Once he was slicked up, he moved between Ethan's legs. The younger man lifted them and opened himself more. Michael gave him a smile as he shifted closer, lining himself up and gently pressing forward. Sinking inside Ethan was beyond anything he could have imagined. It was all he could do not to lose control right away. Ethan felt incredible, and the way he whined and shivered sent shocks of pleasure through Michael's body. He leaned over slowly as he sank all the way to the hilt, gasping quietly at the feeling of completion.

He kissed Ethan's forehead gently. "You okay?" Michael couldn't stand the thought of hurting Ethan. He knew that he had spent a while stretching him, but still wanted to be certain.

"God, yes," Ethan panted, looking up at him through the loose strands of hair falling in his eyes. "So good."

Michael held his gaze for a little longer, just to be sure. Then slowly, he began to move. He withdrew almost to the tip then slid back to the root in one swift thrust. Ethan gave a gasp, his back arching a bit and his legs tightening around Michael's waist.

"Oh my god." The whimper that came from Ethan sent a thrill through Michael. Knowing he was giving the other man pleasure was very important, and Ethan was a very responsive lover.

Michael began to drive in and out in a steady rhythm, keeping his movements steady and strong. He groaned, hands gripping the bed sheets below his lover to try and keep his focus. He might not make it long at all at this rate.

Below him, Ethan was meeting his thrusts as best he could. His legs were wrapped tightly around Michael's waist and his hips thrust upward to send Michael even deeper inside him. Their matching moans and gasps of pleasure told Michael that they both wouldn't last very long. But he was determined that Ethan would find his peak first.

He reached down, one hand wrapping around Ethan's length and squeezing him. The answering cry was amazing. Ethan opened his eyes and looked up at Michael, a look of desperation there.

"Come for me, Ethan. I want to feel you."

Ethan gave a whimper, shaking his head. "No.. too soon."

"It's okay. We have all the time in the world for more." He leaned down, licking and nibbling at Ethan's nipple. "Come on, baby. Come for me."

Ethan's gasp and moan signaled he was close. His body trembled beneath Michael and his hands clenched in the sheets below. Michael angled his hips more, driving harder and faster, aiming for the spot inside his lover that would send him over the edge.

It didn't take much longer before Ethan finally passed his peak. He cried out in a mix of pleasure and surprise and his back arched stiffly, his legs tightening around Michael's waist to pull him deep inside. His muscles clenched around Michael's cock as cum coated both his stomach and Michael's hand.

Watching his assistant in the throes of his climax was almost too much for Michael. Never mind the sensations that the other man's orgasm was sending through him; seeing Ethan so far gone in pleasure was enough to start the chain reaction in Michael. He struggled against his own orgasm, his hips slowing their movements.

Finally, Ethan's climax faded. He looked up at him, panting through his recovery. He tightened his legs again, pulling Michael deep inside him. "Your turn, Michael."

Michael felt a growl rising in his chest. He shook his head, trying to stall the inevitable.

Apparently, Ethan was having none of it. He began to work his muscles around Michael's cock, hips thrusting upward to increase his pleasure. His hands reached up and stroked over Michael's chest, fingers teasing his nipples and searching out any sensitive spots on the older man's skin.

When he leaned up and latched his mouth on to one of Michael's nipples, his entire world shifted. Michael wrapped his arms around Ethan, his hips moving into a frenzy of thrust, pounding deeply into his assistant as his orgasm began to crash over him. He gripped at his lover tightly, a deep moan of pleasure rising up in his chest as his body was wracked by the spasms of completion. Michael's hips gave one last surging thrust before stilling, his body trembling as he emptied himself into the latex barrier that was buried deep inside his lover.

Ethan's arms slid around him, holding him close as Michael buried his face in the younger man's neck. He muffled his cries against Ethan's sweat slick skin, allowing the other man to soothe him down from the peak. Slowly, his heart rate slowed and he began to feel the world again. Michael was almost afraid to move, wondering how anything could compare after that moment.

"Oh, god," he groaned, nuzzling deeper into Ethan's neck.

Ethan gave a weak chuckle, running a hand over his back. "No kidding. Wow."

Michael sighed, slowly lifting his head to look down at his lover. "You okay?"

Ethan smirked. "You really have to ask me that?"

Feeling a flush rising, he smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I can't help it."

He gave a chuckle, brushing back a strand of hair from Michael's face. "It's okay."

Michael smiled, staring down into the face of the younger man he was so hopelessly in love with. He leaned down, quickly brushing their lips together. "Let me get up and I'll go get us a cloth."

Ethan returned the kiss, nodding. "Alright."

Slowly, Michael eased back, ensuring the condom remained in place as he slid out from Ethan's depths. The younger man gave a shiver and Michael was glad to see it seemed to be from pleasure and not from pain. He quickly got up and made his way to the bathroom.

Disposing of the condom, he grabbed a washcloth and hurried back to bed. He made certain to wipe them both clean, then tossed the cloth into his laundry hamper in the closet.

Climbing back in bed, Michael settled himself beside Ethan, thrilled to the core when the younger man shifted closer and reached down to twine their fingers together. Michael rested his head on the pillow beside Ethan and tried to wrap his brain around the fact that he had just taken a step he never dreamed might actually happen.

They were both quiet for a long time, enjoying the afterglow of a very good round of sex. Michael felt more relaxed than he had in a very long time and he didn't want the moment to end. He didn't know how long they had been busy, but the sun was long gone from the window now.

An insistent beep from somewhere in the darkened room made Ethan groan. "Damn cell phones."

Michael chuckled. "I agree. The rest of the world can just go to hell right now."

Ethan sighed, sitting up. "Let me at least check to make sure it isn't anything life altering."

Michael watched the younger man get up from the bed and make his way over to his pile of clothes nearby. He enjoyed the view as Ethan bent over to search his pockets for his phone. He shifted his weight as he stood, and Michael was treated to the wonderful sight of flexing muscles under the soft skin. He grinned to himself, thinking that he knew exactly what that skin felt like, what it tasted like. Michael felt his cock try to stir again just at the sight of Ethan's beautiful ass.

He was pulled from his staring by Ethan turning back around. Michael raised his eyes to Ethan's face to find his assistant smirking at him.

"Really? You can't possibly be that needy."

Michael chuckled. "I can't help that you're so hot I just want to stare."

"Down boy." Ethan rolled his eyes, smiling as he walked back over. "Thankfully, that was something that can wait until Monday." He glanced at the clock nearby, groaning as he sank back onto the bed. "I didn't realize how late it is. At least it's Friday. I won't get back to my place until really late, so I'm glad I don't have to worry about getting up early."

The thought of Ethan going home now brought a feeling of unease to Michael. He didn't want to sleep alone that night; not after being so connected to the man he was so totally infatuated with.


Michael heard the word escape his mouth before he thought about it, but he didn't want to take it back. He lowered his gaze before he lost the courage to continue. "Stay tonight. Tomorrow is Saturday. We can wake up late, have a lazy breakfast and just talk all day."

Maybe he was moving too quickly. Maybe he was being too needy. The thought of scaring Ethan off again tied his stomach up in knots. Just because they had fallen into bed together didn't mean that Ethan was ready to pick out curtains and name their children yet.

Nervously, he raised his eyes to get a sense of Ethan's response. Ethan was staring at him with a thoughtful expression, but at least it wasn't outright fear or unease.

For a long time, Ethan was silent as he apparently thought over the offer. The anxiety Michael felt waiting for a decision almost tortured him. Ethan stared at him, his deep green eyes shining with emotion. A smile grew on his lips and he slowly nodded. "I'd like that."

And just like that, the nerves eased and Michael felt a smile bloom on his lips to answer. He slid his arm around Ethan, pulling the other man tight against him and pressing a soft kiss to his temple.

"Get some sleep. We can talk in the morning."

Ethan settled against him, seemingly relaxed in their closeness. He sighed, tucking his head against Michael's shoulder and closing his eyes.

"Good night, Michael."

Michael smiled, his hand gently tracing down Ethan's shoulder and arm in a slow, soothing movement.

"Good night, Ethan."

He lay awake for a while longer, just listening to the sound of Ethan sleeping. It was the most wonderful sound Michael had ever heard, and he hoped that he never lost it.

Finally, he felt his eyes drifting shut and he lost the battle against sleep.

Ethan was not a fan of waking up early on weekends. He kept telling himself that he would start getting up with the sun for a run or some other healthy exercise. And yet, weekends passed with him rolling out of bed by 10 and wandering around his apartment tidying or just wasting time.

So waking up in the arms of someone was a definite shift from his normal Saturday morning routine.

As Ethan began to come back to consciousness, the feeling of a warm body pressed against his back and an arm looped around his waist made him smile. The hand gently resting against his chest was comforting. He could feel Michael's breath softly fanning over his neck, and right then, Ethan wished he could always wake up like this.

Apparently they had shifted in the night and ended up like this, with Michael spooned against his back and an arm draped over him. Ethan realized he liked the feeling. It wasn't often that he slept over with anyone. It had been several years since he had been in any kind of relationship, and any other encounters were mostly with friends with benefits. Neither of them had illusions that there was anything more to their night than slaking pent up lust and sleeping over didn't often factor in to their encounters.

Waking up in the arms of someone he knew so well was wonderful. He felt so calm and peaceful that Ethan wanted to stay in bed the rest of the day, just relaxing and enjoying the warmth and the company. He didn't want to think about having to go back to the rest of the world. Or about going back to work, where they would once again be at arm's length.

The thought of returning to work after last night was frightening. Ethan didn't know what he was thinking letting himself cave in. He started to feel a panic growing in his chest. Would he lose his job? What if someone found out about them? Michael seemed to be interested in more than just one night. Did he want a long-term sleeping arrangement, or did he want more? Ethan didn't know what he was getting in to.

A shifting of the bed sheets told him that Michael was waking. When Michael gently gripped him closer and nuzzled the back of his neck tenderly, he felt a little bit of the panic ease inside him at the gesture.

"Mmm.. morning." Michael placed a gentle kiss to Ethan's shoulder.

Ethan couldn't help a smile. No matter what, Michael was a good man. They would be okay.

He rolled over to face his boss. "Morning. Sleep well?"

Michael chuckled, his deep, sleep-infused voice sending a shiver over Ethan. "Best I've slept in a long time, actually."

"Glad to hear it. You sure wore me out."

Michael smiled. "That street goes both ways. You put me through my paces."

"Oh, you're not as old as you act." Ethan rolled his eyes playfully.

Grinning, Michael shrugged. "I am older than you though. Us old folks aren't quite as spry anymore." He chuckled. "I don't know about you, but I definitely need to refuel after that. Why don't we run out and grab something to eat?"

Ethan laughed. "Well, I don't think a wrinkled suit will be much good for going out this morning. And I didn't think I was going to need to pack a change of clothes yesterday."

Michael looked at him with a sheepish expression. "Guess you're right. Well how about this? We can eat breakfast here, then I think I can rustle up some clothes that will work for you long enough for us to swing over to your place and get you something more fitting. After that, why don't we just have a relaxing day in town? That is if you're not busy," he added with a worried look in his eyes.

Ethan smiled, realizing just how hard Michael was trying to not come on too strong. "I think that sounds great."

Michael's responding grin told him that had been the right answer. They got up and made their way to the kitchen where Michael threw together a light breakfast. Once it was over and Ethan was dressed in a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt, Michael led the way down to the parking garage.

Passing the same doorman from the night before while carrying his wrinkled suit and wearing his boss' clothes gave Ethan a moment of shame and nerves. But again, the doorman proved to be a professional and barely batted an eyelash as they walked out. Ethan was tempted to tip the man generously.

Once they were in the safety of Michael's car, Ethan felt himself relax. Michael backed the car out and they made their way toward Ethan's apartment complex several miles away.

Once there, Ethan glanced over to Michael as they parked. "Come on up. I shouldn't be long, but I don't want to keep you waiting."

Grinning, Michael climbed out of the car and followed Ethan up to his apartment.

Ethan was a bit nervous as he walked in. He didn't know why, other than it felt so intimate and private to be inviting his boss into his home. Granted, they were fairly well acquainted with each other's bodies now, but this spoke of more than just a fleeting coupling.

He made his way quickly to his room and changed into a more fitting outfit. When he walked back out, he found Michael looking at his bookcase.

"I never knew you read thrillers," the other man commented without turning.

"I like the action." Ethan walked over, glancing at his books.

"Who's your favorite author," Michael asked, turning toward him.

"John Gilstrap. His characters are really good and the tension in the books is fantastic."

Michael smiled. "Interesting."

Ethan reached over, pulling down one of his favorites and handing it to Michael. "Here, you should read it."

Taking the book, Michael glanced through it before smiling back up at him. "Thanks. I think I will."

Ethan could feel a blush growing up his neck and suddenly felt awkward. "Okay, so why don't we head out? What did you have in mind?"

Michael grinned. "Come on, it's a surprise."

The surprise turned out to be a drive to a small town just outside the city that was known for a trendy outdoor shopping mall interspersed with parks, ponds and eateries. They ended up spending the day just walking around town and enjoying the sights. As long as Ethan had lived in the nearby city, he hadn't spent such a relaxing fun day just wandering and window-shopping. Michael's presence made everything seem more interesting. The older man seemed to have an energy and he made everything fun.

At lunch, they made their way to a café and sat at a table on the upper patio, overlooking the nearby park. They watched the people of the city as they walked by until Michael looked over at him intently.

"I feel like I've learned so much about you, but there's still so much more that I want to find out."

Ethan smiled. "Like what?"

"Like what your life was like growing up. What kind of things you like to do in your spare time. That sort of thing."

"Well, my parents were very busy when I was growing up. They were both extremely successful -- my father was a well-respected lawyer and my mother was an important HR executive for an accounting firm. To be honest, they didn't have a lot of time for me. They provided me with the money I needed for whatever came up, but they were so wrapped up in work that I rarely saw them."

"That's terrible." Michael looked appalled at his admission.

Ethan shrugged, sipping his water. "It wasn't too bad. I spent most of my spare time at my Aunt Tessa's house. I pretty much grew up there, with my cousins June and Mark. We're still all really close."

"Are you any closer to your parents now that you're older?"

"Not really. I talk to them occasionally when they call from whatever trip they're on." Ethan smiled. "They took retirement very seriously."

Michael smiled in return. "Traveling the world, huh?"

Nodding, Ethan rolled his eyes. "Like you wouldn't believe! Paris, Australia, cruises to everywhere you can imagine, Hawai'i..." He sighed, shaking his head a little.

"Sounds like you're pretty left out."

Michael's quiet tone made Ethan feel a little twinge of pain. He hadn't really thought about it before, since he was lucky enough to spend so much time with his aunt and cousins.

"Sometimes, when I was younger, it felt that way. The older I got, the less it bothered me. I started finding things to do that kept me busy and I never really thought about it after that."

Michael reached over the table, taking Ethan's hand and squeezing gently. "I'm sorry you've felt alone."

Ethan smiled, chuckling. "Thank you for the sentiment, but I'm fine, really. It's not so bad." He shrugged. "But honestly, my life wasn't that bad. I went to school, ran track a few years, and spent most of my free time reading." He chuckled, blushing a little. "Sorry to say I'm pretty much just a nerd."

Michael grinned. "I think nerds are sexy."

Ethan felt the blush growing deeper and shook his head. "Well, enough about my depressing life, let's talk about you."

Michael smiled. "Alright, what would you like to know?"

"Hmm, everything?" Ethan grinned.

Chuckling, Michael sipped his water before he spoke. "My life was much less interesting. You know my sisters of course. Our parents both died a few years ago. Mom passed away from cancer, and we all knew that our dad wasn't going to last long without her. They were so close, almost inseparable. He grieved himself to death less than a year later. So it's just been the three of us. Or I should say the five of us, including Autumn and Summer's husbands."

"Sounds like you're all really close. I always wondered what it would be like to have siblings."

"Not as much fun as you'd think," Michael replied with a grin. "We had a pretty normal life growing up. Our parents weren't the richest, but they both worked hard to provide a good life for us. My dad was an accountant and my mom was a teacher. But we did well and my sisters and I grew up happily enough. Autumn and Summer try to keep tabs on me these days, but I don't spend as much time with them as I probably should. I'm always so busy and they keep harping on me to come by more."

"You should. They're really nice and I can tell they care about you."

Michael nodded, smiling. "Yeah, they do. They keep me on my toes, that's for certain."

The conversation ebbed and flowed until their food came. They fell into a comfortable silence while they ate, punctuated by discussions of music and movies they both enjoyed. Ethan found they had a lot more in common than he expected. Who knew they would both like Harry Connick, Jr?

Finally, the lunch was over and they made a slow return trek back to the parking area. Along the way, they watched the street performers that were congregating and just enjoyed the afternoon as it faded slowly into evening.

Ethan noticed that Michael began looking nervous as they walked back to the car. He seemed to be working up to something and finally as they entered the parking lot, he turned to Ethan. "Would you like to come back with me tonight? I'll understand if you say no. I just… I don't want this to end yet."

Ethan thought about the request. To be honest, he was enjoying himself more than he had expected. Michael was a wonderful man -- attentive and kind, not to mention handsome and an incredible lover. Ethan started to wonder why he had resisted for so long!

"Alright." He smiled. "The weekend is still young."

Michael grinned in response, sliding his arm around Ethan's waist as they walked back to the car.

Ethan leaned against him, wondering just what the rest of the weekend might hold.

They made love again later that evening, and Michael didn't know how it could keep getting better. He was afraid that it was all just a perfect dream, and he was almost afraid for the weekend to be over.

Afterward, they lay awake in the bed, just talking for hours on end. Sometime near dark, it had begun to rain. A lull in their conversation allowed the soft pattering of the rain beating against the window to fill the room with a relaxing cadence.

Michael sighed, resting his head on top of Ethan's. "God, this has been the best weekend of my life."

Ethan chuckled softly, running his fingertips over Michael's chest. "Flatterer."

Grinning, Michael kissed the top of Ethan's head. "I'm serious. And it isn't the sex. Okay, it isn't just the sex." He squirmed away from Ethan's fingers poking his side with a chuckle. "It was because you were here, and I learned so much about you. I finally got to spend time with you for real. I never thought that would happen."

"You never thought?" Ethan chuckled. "I certainly never thought it would happen. I never thought it was okay for it to happen, so I didn't let myself hope."

"Of course it's okay. I think we were meant to meet, and I want to see where this leads us. I think there is something special here for us."

"Michael, you know this doesn't mean things are magically going to be different between us, right?" Ethan looked concerned as he sat up and leaned over him. "There's a lot more that has to happen than just one weekend of great sex and conversation."

"I know," he admitted quietly. "I'm not always a very patient man, but for you, I would wait an eternity."

Ethan's eyes watched him for a long time. "I can't promise anything, Michael."

Michael reached up, gently running his hand over Ethan's cheek. "I don't want this to be the end between us, Ethan. Please, can we have a chance to make this work?"

Ethan looked uneasy, sighing. "What about on the job? You know that relationships between employees isn't allowed."

Michael had known that deep down all along, but somehow, he had been willing to ignore the thought of what might be wrong to try. Besides, if he played his cards right, he could convince Ethan to hold out long enough for him to announce he was leaving. Then there would be nothing to worry about.

"We can make it work, I promise. Just trust me. I know it won't be easy, but I can't lose you. Not now."

He had to find a way to make it work. He wasn't going to give up.

Ethan hesitated, thinking deeply before finally giving a heavy sigh and nodding. "Alright. But we have to be discreet at work. If anyone finds out, we would both be in very big trouble." He moved back, sitting down on the bed to pin Michael with an intent look. "Something tells me this might not be the best idea, but I admit that I want to see what happens here. I trust you enough to try."

"That's all I ask," he whispered. Sitting up, he pulled Ethan into a tender kiss.

They settled back down, Ethan resting against his chest again. Michael wrapped his arms around the younger man and held him close. He was afraid to let go for fear that it would all turn out to be a dream.

Sleep came relatively easy that night. Michael managed to get a restful night despite the fears that were lingering in the back of his mind over what would happen once they returned to work. Waking up with Ethan settled comfortably in his arms again convinced him that this was worth it, no matter what the cost.

They showered together the next morning, though they ended up wasting a lot of hot water. Michael couldn't resist Ethan's body, and finally got a chance to pay his lover back with a blowjob that made the younger man's knees weak. It was always a thrill for Michael to hear Ethan lose himself to the pleasure.

Once they had used up all the hot water, they got out, dried off and dressed. Michael had a feeling that their perfect weekend was ending. Ethan probably had a million things to do before Monday and as much as he wanted to, he couldn't keep the younger man there forever.

As Michael drove Ethan back toward the office to pick up his car, he felt a strange sense of conflicting emotion. On one hand, this was the start of hopefully a brand new chapter between the two of them. But on the other, there was so much he wasn't telling Ethan. Could he manage to keep everything working out until he moved to Pinnacle?

He tried not to let the thoughts get him down. Pulling in to the garage next to Ethan's car, he looked over with a smile.

"I do mean it when I say this was the best weekend I've ever had."

Ethan smiled softly. "It ranks pretty high for me too."

Michael chuckled, leaning over to steal a kiss before he pulled back slightly. "See you tomorrow," he whispered.

Leaning forward to return the kiss, Ethan then grinned as he pulled back. "Tomorrow."

Michael watched Ethan slide out of the car and walk around to his own vehicle. As he climbed in and started it up, he looked over and gave Michael a wave before backing out and driving away toward his apartment.

Next: Chapter 4

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