Love Through Hyperspace

By Ryan Collins

Published on Dec 6, 2001


This story is completely imaginary. If any gay material offends you; then why are you reading gay material? As for anyone under 18 you know the drill you shouldn't be reading this.


As I departed the hall, I regretted not having the chance to talk more as well as having the escape. I made my way to class. For what seemed like hours, I played the event of meeting Daniel over and over again. But this time I was in hyperspace; I could do what I wanted -- anything I wanted. I walked to Daniel as he sat at the cramped table. I said nothing, I only gestured with my finger for him to come to me. He glided from the table like an angel ascending. Everything around us disappeared; every thing was white, but was suddenly interrupted by tones of blue to black, then cream. We were now on a midnight beach, with the heat of the day but the breeze of the night. I looked to the ground and I looked back to him, into his eyes. They sparked blue and white, reflecting the stars. His gaze pierced through me, it made me feel so much, so much acceptance, so much love. He stroked the side of my face gently as a tear rolled down my cheek. He then placed his palm on my cheek and smiled at me. Our faced grew closer until our lips met. I could feel his tongue tickle the tips of my lips. We parted our kiss to look upon each other. He opened his mouth and I could hear the singing of angels.

"Luke...Luke, get up!" Said a voice as I felt a sharp blow to my ribs.

"Oh eh o... what?" I mumbled.

It was my friend Kirsty, who rudely awoke me, as I was beginning to snore.

"You were drooling. Anyway Baron Von Spank-a-lot will be back in a minute."

I laughed. Kirsty is one of the funniest girls I know, she was so open, so uncaring of what people thought. She definitely had my admiration. She was a pretty girl, but people never really noticed as much as I did. How ironic that I, a gay man should notice her beauty. Kirsty and I told each other every thing; we always confided in each other. I was desperate to tell her of the first guy to ever approach me. I was desperate to tell her about Danny; I needed her advice on the subject of Danny. I looked around For Baron Von Spank-a-lot then turned to Kirsty.


"What?" She groaned.

"C'mon we're skiving this shit, I have something to tell you."

"But..." She protested

"Never mind Spank-a-lot, I'm sure he's busy in the toilets."

We peeked out of the class door, looking left and right for any signs of Spank-a-lot. I gave Kirsty a nod and we proceeded to the stairs.

"Phew we made it, what are we gonna tell Him? And most of all what was so important that you couldn't have told me in class? You know that bitch is going to grill our ass, don't you," She whined.

"Right, here's the deal, death in my family and as you are my best friend you followed me, to console me in my time of emotional incapacity. My mom will write us a nice note explaining the details." I explained.

We had finally reached the main doors of the college and made our way out into the stormy weather. Kirsty winced as the rain blew in her eyes. She then looked back to me in confusion.

"Wait a minute Luke; your mother doesn't even know me. She wouldn't even write you a note for skiving of never mind me, some bird that she does not know,"

"Who said anything about my mother writing us a note?" I grinned.

"But! Oh fuck it I give up," she giggled.

"I have my mothers hands."

We waited silently at the bus stop, in that awkward silence where you expect to hear bells and see some tumbleweed drift pass. The rain battered of our faced as we signalled for the bus to stop. We took our seats -- water rolling down our faces as we sniffed. The bus started again and I pressed my head against the window, which was steamed up. I watched the random shades of dark and light drift in and out of the window until Kirsty escorted me off the bus.

We were now in Edinburgh at the Princess mall food court -- next the Waverley Station. We took the nearest seats available. Kirsty looked at me; I looked at my feet.

"C'mon spit it out, I'm freezing my tits off here. C'mon I want to hear the dirt. Spill the beans!" She ordered me.

"Um I dunno how to say this, but here goes. Umm a guy kinda invited me back to his dorm. I don't know if he's gay or not, but I think I'm right in saying he was interested in me." I smiled.

"Whoa that's great Boo. So what is he inviting you back for? Are you going to get laid? So tell me his name?" she fired.

"Ok, firstly his name is Daniel, he's so beautiful and he's interested in me. Secondly I don't know if I'm gonna meet him, thirdly..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa hold it right there, pal. What's wrong? Why ain't you going to meet him? Does he have a hump? What? This is the first guy who you actually like and he has taken an interest to you." Kirsty interrupted with surprise of what I had said.

"Look Kirsty, as confident as I seem. I... I'm scared. This is the first time a guy has approached me." I snapped.

My whole body shaking and my eyes filled with tears; I retreated to the defence mechanism of shoe watching. Kirsty took my hand.

"Luke; Luke, look at me, don't be scared. I know Daniel. He asked me about you a couple of days ago but swore me to secrecy. Luke he is so like you, so different so kind and gentle. He really likes you." She smiled gently.

I was completely shocked; my emotions were everywhere. All I knew is that I had to see Daniel. My heart was pounding, my head was spinning string music was churning around my head. I looked upon my friend one last time and said goodbye.

" Where you going?" Kirsty asked as I left.

I did not have the time to reply. Rain saturated clothes I knocked on the door, the cool wind blew through my hair.


Note: Skiving means ditching class.

Bird/Burd means a woman.

Next: Chapter 3

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