Love Song

By romanticiser

Published on Jan 29, 2023


This story is complete and utter fiction - 100% fantasy. All main characters, environments and locations are fictitious. Any resemblance to people alive or dead is purely coincidental. All famous names are added for the story line and provide no assurances of approval or condemnation to the subject of gay sex.

That over with this story is a love story between two men of consenting age and contains sex descriptions of a gratuitous nature. If this story, or your reading it, is illegal or offensive then you are directed to delete it immediately.

If you got this far then either you're persistent and on your own or this just might be `right up your street'.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Acknowledgements, critiques, flames or any other email can be written directly to

Love Song

Romanticiser 1998.

Part 15 of 18

Daniel's knees trembled with the effort of holding himself up, His chest expanding and shrinking with the rapidly drawn breaths. My mouth still fastened to him like a leech, sucking the last remnants of his orgasm, with my hands holding him steady by the cheeks of his arse.

As his breathing settled down I felt his hands move from their grip on my shoulders to softly rise up my neck and lift my head off his rapidly softening cock. Looking up at him, watching his face as he lowered himself down to me. He licked his lips as he pulled me to my feet and into his arms. His face barely an inch away as his eyes drilled into me. Pulling me closer our faces tilting as the kiss started.

His soft lips overlapped mine, his tongue lingering at the entrance of my mouth running around the inside of lips. I again tasted heaven, to be pressed so tight, to feel his skin wherever my hands stroked and caressed. My tongue trying to locate his as it roamed only for it to slip and slide along me before retreating to his own mouth and then rapidly returning.

Needing to feel his tongue against mine, to taste him, I pulled my hands up and held his face tight against mine. My tongue lunging into his mouth, feeling his stroke the underside and then slip by its side to caress as much as possible. My body slumping against his even as my hands and lips tried to hold him.

My jeans bulging with confined passion from the feel of his body. I pressed into him, rocking my body against his.

Daniel pulled back and then gently separated us as I moved forward with him. He looked down and I followed his gaze, His cock was no longer soft, it was steadily climbing back to full mast. In a slightly self mocking tone he whispered. "Jesus H. What have you done to me."

I lifted his face and closing the distance between us "Love you any way I can." This time I locked my lips to his, my tongue ramming into his mouth as my hands pulled his shoulders into me. His eyes widened as he returned my dreamy gaze. His green rimmed pupils so wide I felt I could fall in them forever.

The kiss went on, my body wild on the contact with his. My soul in my mouth, warmed and exhilarated with each touch of his tongue.

I broke the kiss, feeling something was wrong, my hands feeling the tension in his back. Daniel's mouth was taking part but his body wasn't. His hands were on my hips, holding them steady and away from him.

Knowing I sensed something wrong Daniel quickly defended himself. "Your jeans were rubbing me, it's still a bit sensitive, you know."


Lifting my arm and pulling it over his shoulder he said "Don't be sorry about it, let's do some thing about it instead." Walking hip to hip, he guided me into the small bedroom. The two small single beds against each wall, bedding still unmade from Jan and Craig staying. Choosing the one opposite the window he lowered me down at the top. After pulling the sheet and blankets down to the bottom, he pulled me central in the bed and then reached for the buttons on my jeans. "Let's get rid of these."

I raised my hips as he pulled my jeans down to my knees. Kneeling he lifted each foot and removed my trainers and socks. Grabbing the hem of my jeans he stood up and pulled. I grabbed the bed to stop myself being pulled off as my jeans slipped down my legs.

Daniel threw my jeans on the other bed, and I reached for my T-shirt. As I pulled it off I felt his hands at my waist, his fingers slipping into my boxers. With one arm still in the T-shirt I lifted myself and felt the sticky material slide down my legs.

I felt Daniel's hands push me on to my back as he gently lowered himself on top and our lips drew together. My hands roaming over his soft skin as our tongues danced and caressed.

The weight of him lying on me, the pressure from his groin on mine as our dicks rubbed and slid along each other was getting me hotter than I thought possible. This was better than that first morning, I was fast approaching the point of no return again. I tried to slow down, to enjoy us being together longer but Daniel seemed intent on speeding up, grinding in to me, his body a steady weight above his waist and below a pumping machine.

I tried to pull away from the kiss and get my breath, Dislodging his lips they travelled down the side of my face and found my ear. Daniel nibbled and suckled on my earlobe as I panted, trying to stop the orgasm, willing it not to happen. Like a limpet his mouth latched on and his tongue forced its way into my ear and like Canute trying to stop the tide, my climax was upon me. My hands pulling his shoulder down as I humped urgently and out of control. The churning and pressure built up fast with an eternity spent in that second of ultimate pleasure before the rush of liquid love made its escape.

With the release, a peaceful lassitude and love for my man swept over me. I gently slid my hands down from their tenacious grip on his shoulders and lightly stroked my way down his sides. I slid them onto their favourite home, where they always wanted to go. Pulling hard on his butt I pulled him down hard, mashing us together. His hips still pumping froze and with a blast of heat on my neck and a groan Daniel quivered. His cock hard against mine blasted off, shot after shot, mixing with mine, spread thin like a glue joining us together. His muscles clenching and thrusting with no where to go.

Time slowed down with our passion spent. Daniel tried to lift his weight from me but I gripped him tight, not wanting to be ever freed of that burden.

He settled against me, his head resting by mine. Our breathing returned to normal as my hands gently caressed all within my reach. Daniel tried to get up again and once again I pulled him back. He lifted his head and looking down at me, his eyes roaming around my face before looking deep into my eyes. He pecked quickly at my lips and I tried to lift my head to take all those kisses and return them in a slow sensual one but he withdrew back. "At least let me pull up the sheets, my back is cold."

I released him immediately, ashamed of my selfishness. Daniel once more pecked my lips and then lifted himself on to his knees. The cool air rushing in between us, chilling against my warm skin. He reached behind himself for the sheet and blankets pulling them up over us as I guided him back down on top of me.

Settling his chest on mine I pulled the blankets up over our shoulders as Daniel initiated a long, slow and very deep kiss. Our heads rocking against each other as we tried to reach deeper parts. Turning slightly we inched our way to our sides, arms locked around each other. Guiding our movements through one kiss after another. I felt happy and peaceful in his arms, safe from the outside world knowing he'd protect me. My words few for the feelings I contained "I love you."

"I know."

Tired and contented, wrapped in the arms of the one I love, feeling his gentle breath on my cheek, I drifted off.


I woke suddenly, my eyes opening to see Daniel pulling away from me, his eyes watching my face. "Sorry, I didn't want to wake you, go back to sleep. You need it."

Standing up by the side of the bed he adjusted the blankets and quietly left the room.

I closed my eyes but as my ears detected the sound of the shower they opened again. Knowing it would be a waste of time trying to get to sleep again, I pulled back the covers.

Fresh cold air, shocking to my skin and waking me up further, I sat up. An itching in my groin pulled my body out of a stretch and I looked down. I needed a shower. "Daniel!"

Walking back into the room he said "I told you to get more sleep."

Not letting him guide the conversation I stood up, feeling ticklish pulls at my pubes. "I need a shower too!"

"You can't, not with that bandage."

"Then I'll take it off" Bending over I peeled back the sticky tape and rolled back several wrappings. With the lack of tension the rest slipped of my ankle. "Now I can have a shower."

Chuckling to himself he came up to me. "OK. I get the message, come on then." Half carrying me, and half guiding me we walked into the bathroom.

Steam billowed out over the top of the curtain, misting up the mirror and leaving a warm damp atmosphere. Daniel pulled back the curtain and tested the temperature. After checking that there was soap in he tray he pulled us both inside. As the water ran over us and flattened the hair to my head I slid my hands through it, angling it backwards. Needing both of my feet to stand I lowered my left leg and applied weight, tightening my face in concentration against the pain I expected. Feeling little if I only steadied myself I smiled.

His face close, with water runs down his nose and cheeks he said "Is this what you wanted?"

"Yeah!" I reached for the soap and started rubbing a creamy lather in my hands. "Undo your ponytail, I'm going to wash your hair after."

"OK. OK. I'm undoing it." As his arms lifted I cleaned his armpits, lightly teasing by pulling the soft red hairs. He flinched "Hey stop that!"

I manoeuvred him out of the flow of water and started to rub the soap into his skin. My hands pressing and massaging his skin. The red hair a dark crimson. I rubbed down his ribs and Daniel gasped and flinched away. "I'm sorry .. I forgot."

"It's OK. they're tender, but no real damage." His hands coming back down as his long hair spread out. A curtain of red behind his pale skin. Pulling him back into the flow I rinsed him of the suds I had created.

"Turn around"

Without hesitation he turned, his broad back tinged with dark freckles came into view, high round buttocks with deep dimples in the sides below. Trying to keep my mind on my job I lathered up my hands and slowly spread it over his shoulder blades avoiding his hair and tried to rub it in. Moving his hair over his shoulder, I freed his back to my ministrations. Up to his broad neck, soaping the large muscle running from his neck to his shoulders and down to the thin waist. Riding my hands over his lateral muscles and inwards feeling the depression either side of his spine.

Soaping my hands up again I started at his waist and went lower, massaging those hard cheeks of muscle, feeling them flex and move below the tight skin. My hand slipped around, the fingers daring to enter the dark crevasse between. His body flexed and pulled away.

"How can I clean you if you keep moving?"

"I'm not used to this, I've never had anyone clean me there before." His voice unsteady and nervous.

I chuckled "Well that's OK then, because I've never done it before either." He laughed and relaxed against my probing fingers.

Taking it slowly and enjoying it more because of that, I re-soaped my hands and slid them lightly in to that indentation above his tail bone.. Half pulling him and half turning him I rubbed one soapy hand across the front of his waist and down into his pubes as my other travelled lower entering the crack.

Daniel reached up and held on to the shower rail and croaked "Oh God!" His body tense and immobile.

Moving both hands lower I cleaned the top of his crack, feeling the muscles tense and push at my hand as I cleaned each side before pressing deep in to the join. My other hand sliding down and cupping his balls, kneading them and feeling a growing pendulous weight flip from side to side with my movements, briefly to lay its weight on my thumb and fingers before bouncing away.

Slipping even lower behind I felt that tiny wrinkle of skin and the muscular iris of skin, his anus. Cleaning each side repeatedly whilst crossing over that sensitive spot. In front my hand climbed to hold his half erect cock. The skin slipping and sliding under my lathered hands.

Daniel groaned even more. His hips jerking backwards and forwards, his knuckles white on the stainless steel rail. The feel of him under my hands and the knowledge of how I was affecting him was getting my cock to respond as well.

His gyrating hips and my slick movement frequented more moans, one finger teasing and twisting on that rosebud of flesh, the other hand sliding up to the top of his staff to slide over the top before sliding back down.

Wanting to be closer, to feel him against me, not just in my hands I stepped closer. My lips sucking at the enticing hairs in his armpit, licking at the skin whilst his arms held rigidly to that steel rail.

His body wanting to go in three directions at once trembled beneath my hands and as the tip of my finger pressed as though to enter him and I held his foreskin tight down at the base of his rampant, throbbing meat. I sucked at the skin below his armpit.

Daniel groaned even more and whimpered. "I'm cumming" his breath uneven, then stopped and all his muscles tightened before white hot liquid erupted, my hand now jacking him off for all I was worth.

Slowing down and stopping, just holding him against me I stayed still until his breathing softened from the hard gasps as he relaxed.

His head turned to face me, his eyes locked on mine as his hands let go of the rail, to fall useless by his sides. I unhooked the bottle of shampoo off the shower controls and flipped open the lid. As I poured some in to my cupped hand Daniel moved into the stream of water, thoroughly wetting his hair.

Turning again so that his back was towards me he tilted his head back. His long straight hair hanging down away from his back. Rubbing the soap into his scalp and then using both hands on the red wave hanging down his shoulders, I washed his hair. He stayed so still as I washed and pulled at his hair, cleaning it for as long as I wanted. "OK. Rinse."

Straightening up he left me to run my fingers through the fine hair, rinsing all the soap off and down the plug. Pulling slightly on his shoulders he silently took one step back out of the spray and I slicked his hair back, over his ears. Pulling his hair tight over his head and down between his shoulders, pressing the water out with both hands.

As he turned again to face me I said "I'm sorry I can't clean your legs but I can't get down there."

He pulled me into his arms pressing my cool body against his warm one. "Hush, It wasn't my legs that needed washing.". He tilted my head down and kissed my forehead. "Thank you."

Suddenly the water changed to freezing cold, both of us screamed with the shock and stepped out of the way. Daniel reached for the controls and quickly turned it off. "Sorry babe, I can't wash you now."

It slipped out of him, passing his unknowing lips. It didn't register in his ears. It didn't pass mine and I felt my heart flutter, my eyes going wide with his words. I crossed over the small space, the pain in my ankle a faint memory and pulled him into my arms, hugging him tight.

"What did I do? I'll make it up to you - I swear." I pulled back and kissed him deeply with all the love in my heart flowing out to him.


Chapter 10: Love is all around.

Daniel pulled me out of the shower and set about drying me, ignoring the rivulets of water that ran down his body. I tried to return the favour but he refused "Forget it, It isn't warm and I want to get you back in your clothes before you catch a cold." After drying me, he wrapped a towel around me and led me back to the bedroom whilst I complained about him getting cold.

The hallway wasn't empty, Tony was stood there a mug of steaming coffee in each hand. "Here drink this. It'll warm you up."

For a fraction of a second both of us stood there, surprised that he was there and then I remembered Daniel was naked, I stepped in front of him, hiding us both behind the small towel. A shooting pain in my foot making me wince.

Daniel told Tony "Leave them in the kitchen and .. we'll be out in a second."

Tony turned around and calmly walked into the kitchen as if nothing had happened. "OK, we'll be in here."

Rushing me into the bedroom he sat me on our bed and pulled all my clothing together by me. I handed him the towel and he dashed out for the rest of his, still lying in the bathroom.

We both hurriedly dressed and I was tying up the last of my trainers as Daniel came in to help me into the kitchen. His damp hair swinging unfettered around his shoulders.

Tony was sat at the table and John was hitched up half resting on one of its corners. Drinking coffee and waiting for us, Daniel sat me at one chair and stood by the cooker as there were no more chairs.

We had hardly picked up the mugs before Tony started, with a glint in his eye and a smirk on his face. "I presume you've managed to patch things up then?"

I could feel my face getting red even as John chided Tony for embarrassing us. I pulled the mug up to my lips, trying to hide behind its normality.

Daniel distracted their attention away from me "I though you were going to leave us alone together. That's what you said."

John responded "We did .. have. It's nearly six and Dave's mum will be serving in half an hour. There isn't any food here so we though we'd come and see how things were going and if you wanted a meal."

I was surprised at how much time had gone by. I looked at Daniel and he looked as surprised as me.

"First though." I turned back to face John "We need to know how you want to handle this. The band and.." looking at me. "..your parents all know what happened yesterday but none know what happened today. The band thinks Dave is recovering and your parents think there has been a rehearsal."

He paused before continuing. "The two of you have to decide what you want people to know..."

Tony chipped in "What John is driving at is that. Are you a couple or not? Are you gay or not?" I quickly turned to face Daniel watching his face go pale, paler than normal almost ashen in colour. I pulled my eyes away unable to see or hear what was coming.

John put his hand on Tony's shoulder and said "I wouldn't have put it that way nor would I have been so blunt about it but now the damage is done and we have to go ahead."

"David, what are your feelings towards Daniel, do you want him to stay with you? Do you want your parents to know?"

I looked stricken back to Daniel's face, grey and unreadable.

Knowing they wanted an answer but unwilling to scare Daniel I deferred to him. "Daniel is the one you need to ask."

John was fast, not allowing Daniel to respond. "No - It's your decision, they're YOUR parents and YOUR feelings." He walked over and resting his hand on my shoulder. "What are you feeling now. Talk to me please."

"I'm scared."

"Scared of what? Scared of your parents finding out?" I shook my head. "Scared of the band finding out? Again I shook my head. "What are you scared of then?"

I was taking a quick look at Daniel's pale face when the next question battered at my ears "Do you like Daniel?"

My answer was automatic "No - I love him." Daniel's eyes on me, green and deep, large and fathomless."

"So you want him to stay?"

My answer was quiet but in the silence of the room still seemed loud "Yes."

"Do you want the band and your parents to know about you and Daniel?"

I didn't answer. I could feel tears running down my cheeks.


"Can't you leave him alone. He doesn't want to answer, he doesn't have to?" Daniel's angry words filling the room.

John turned to face him. "Then you answer because that's what he's waiting for."


"He's afraid of scaring you away, He wants the world to know but he's afraid you'd run."

I grabbed John's arm wanting to shut him up. Afraid he'd push Daniel away. He was right about my fear, why I wouldn't answer. But he was pushing him away..

John didn't stop but dug in unmercifully "You're the reason he wont answer, If he says yes' he's afraid he'll scare you away, if he says no' then he casts you out - either way he loses the one he loves. Well how are you going to answer?"

Tony stood up. Pulling me out of the chair he turned me towards Daniel and pushed. After one step, my ankle started to fail and I nearly fell. Daniel stepped quickly away from the cooker and caught me, pulling me into his arms, cradling me protectively, stroking my head against his shoulder. "You all right babe?" I nodded, safe in his arms.

Daniel's eyes angry at the abuse turned to face John and Tony "You bastards." His voice fading out silent the force robbed from his retort.

I looked up from his chest to see two smiling faces. Tony and John faced each other and Tony lowered his arms, hands upturned and out. John's response were his arms raised, hands facing down and out. Together they snapped their hands against each other. "Good work Tony."

"I thought you played beautifully."

"Yes but you got the timing perfect."

Turning to face us they smiled and Tony said "Haven't you ever seen good psychiatrist..."

"..Bad psychiatrist" finished John.


Part 16 of 18

The journey back in the car was troubled, Daniel was quiet, lost in his own thoughts and John and Tony seemed happy in silence. I wanted to talk to Daniel but I didn't want them in on the conversation.

The bright light from the glass kitchen door was like a beacon of inviting warmth in the chill air but I was afraid of what was coming. Daniel got out and walking around to my side, helped me out and up to the steps.

I held tight on to him and I whispered into his ear. "Daniel!" He turned to face me. "I love you, If you don't want anyone to know then I'll be silent. I'll do anything you want but please don't leave me."

He hugged me tight with a weak perturbed smile on his lips.

My mum was walking out of the kitchen, table mats in hand. She smiled at us as we opened the door and walked in "How was your day dear, got another song done. You've just arrived in time for dinner, your father will be finished in a couple of minutes and then we'll eat." She then vanished behind the door into the dining room, laying the table.

I looked at Daniel, trying to communicate without words, how did he want me to play it. I didn't want to lie but for him I would. "OK. Mum..."

My voice fell silent as Daniel interrupted me "We didn't have a rehearsal today Mrs. Tremain."

She reappeared heading for the cutlery drawer. "Oh I thought that..."

"Nah, Tony and John pushed us together to sort out what happened."

She turned to face us "Oh!" She tried to read the answer and when none was forth coming she turned back, her hands rifling the drawer for knives and forks.

Daniel stood silently by my side and I was just as lost, Daniel's voice had been unreadable, emotionless.

I looked at the clock, six twenty-five. "Mum does Dad need any help?"

"No dear, Harry's been helping him, they'll both be in to wash up in a minute or two."

Inside I cringed.

"Go and get ready, I'm going to start putting things out. There'll be more than plenty .... I thought all of you would be coming."

Daniel supported me as I took off my trainers and then removed his own. After putting both pairs in the 'clean' room he helped me in to the dining room. Tony and John following shortly afterwards.

Daniel left me at my chair and moved to sit opposite me, the place he had sat at before. I didn't want to let go of him, I needed him for moral support, he needed support, together we were strong - complete. Separate I felt weak, inadequate and nervous, my mind screaming for him to stay by me but no words or movement transmitted that.

Tony and John sat next to us, one either side. In silence we waited.

Mum appeared with a wide casserole in her hands, protected from the heat by a couple of tightly folded tea towels. "You all look chilled to the bone. This will warm you up, it's one of David's favourites - Lancashire hot pot."

She picked up the lid, lifting it up and quickly turned it upside down, and carried it back into the kitchen.

The smell of the lamb stew with its browned topping of sliced potatoes enveloped us all as my dad and Harry entered the kitchen talking about something ... me!"

Their voices loud and vibrant. "You should hear them, I couldn't believe it, Nat King Cole's song turned around and sung by my son."

"Your biased, I'll grant you he may be a good singer ... but better than Nat..."

Their voices fading slightly as they entered the Qclean' room. The sound of running water a background to their conversation.

"I'm telling you he is. I never heard him sing before. He always avoided the choirs and plays at school. You'll just have to listen to him yourself."

"Maybe I should, then I wouldn't get an over balanced view."

I lost my appetite.

"An over balanced view? Ask Anne. Anne isn't David a good singer?"

Before she could answer Harry interjected. "That's not what you said. You said he was better than Nat King Cole!"

Their voices already loud got louder as they walked into the dining room. Dad looked at the half empty table, the argument forgotten. "Where is everyone? I thought that everyone would want something to eat."

Mum answered as she entered with a bowl of broccoli. "They didn't have a rehearsal today. Now sit down before everything gets cold."

As he sat down he looked at me, questioningly. "How come you didn't have a rehearsal? Don't you have that record deal on Wednesday?"

I floundered at his questions, unable to answer.

"Mr. Tremain, Mrs. Tremain."

It was Daniel's voice, soft and nervous.

Dad still looking at me slowly turned to face Daniel. I could feel the pressure of everyone's stares on Daniel, his face going slightly paler.

"There wasn't a rehearsal today because it was felt that David and I needed to sort some things out...." His voice didn't end the statement and I could see him swallow the butterflies in his stomach before continuing, his Adam's apple bobbing.

All in a rush he surprised everyone at the table. "Mr. Tremain, Mrs. Tremain would you please allow me the honour of taking your son out?" An almost unheard of formality, asking for my parents consent to date me.

Absolute silence, nothing but a sea of stunned faces, mine with the widest smile growing and tearful eyes.

Dad's face slowly rotated to look at me still shocked.

Mum recovered faster than dad and answered for them. Her voice unsure at the start "Thank you, Daniel. You are a very remarkable and courteous young man. I don't believe we have any problems with you ... taking David out but I honestly think you should ask David."

Daniel faced me across the table looking me in the eyes, mine going blurry "David, will you do me the honour of going out with me?"

Heads swivelled around to take in my reply.

I could feel tears running, tears of joy. I couldn't have been happier. My voice cracking with the emotion I felt. "I can't think of anything I'd like more in the world than to go out with you, Daniel."

Everyone sat still watching me and Daniel look at each other.

"Congratulation's Dave." Tony's voice amplified by a pat on the back, hardly felt. I was already on cloud nine.


After the quiet meal Tony and John said they had to go home but they'd be back tomorrow for rehearsals at one, sharp.

Stood in the kitchen by the back door John pulled us out of the house. "I'm sorry if we were rough on you this afternoon, but I think in the end it worked out for the best."

Tony hugged John to his side and continued "After talking to both of you yesterday and this morning, we didn't think you could make it unless you both realised how much you feel towards each other."

John shook both our hands. "I don't really like to play it abusive, but attacking is sometimes the only way to drive somebody to display their true feelings. I hope you can forget how we treated you and still call us friends."

With a wave they both walked to the car. As John unlocked the door he stopped and called to us. "Have a good night and remember you have to decide whether to tell the band. We'll support you either way but if you are going to tell them, then do it soon."

As we watched them leave Daniel pulled me close. "Do you want to tell the band."

"I don't really care as long as were together, that's all that's important to me."

"I suppose we should, I'm not sure about the rest of the world though."

"Well then let's just leave it with the band."

Turning me around he pulled us towards the house "Brrr, it's getting chilly, let's go inside."

I stopped him. "Before we go I want to say that I'm very proud of what you did tonight. You've made me the happiest man in all the world!" I pulled him into my arms and kissed him, deeply, letting him feel all the love I felt.

When we separated he hugged me close and with my arm across his shoulders we walked back inside.

There was an almost surreal quality to that evening, I lay with my legs out along the sofa, leaning back and resting my head on Daniel's shoulder. His arm around me and resting on my chest.

The TV was on, some wildlife programme, I honestly don't remember which one as I had a light 'buzz' on as my dad had served drinks and I was already on my second Southern Comfort.

My parents were sat together on one of the big chairs. Dad told us to go to bed at eleven. "You two, can do the milking tomorrow morning I need my beauty sleep."

I pulled my self up and Daniel stood up with me. Leaning over I kissed my mum goodnight and then kissed my dad's shocked face. "I love you both. Thank you for understanding."

My mum mumbled something but my dad looked hard at Daniel "You hurt him again and I'll finish the pasting I gave you."


"Go on, get to bed, but remember up at four. I'm turning my alarm clock off."

As we walked into the hall Daniel's voice was quiet and subdued. "You parents really love you." I didn't answer as his question seemed rhetorical.

A plaintive melancholy whisper "I wish my parents had been like yours."

I turned to face him. kissing him lightly on his lips and held him tight. Words an unnecessary addition.

We headed up the stairs. At the top I called out "Night all."

Their shouted reply "Goodnight!" faint.

Closing the bedroom door Daniel led me to the bed and sat me down on one corner.

"Do you want a shower?"

With a smirk on his face his reply "What is it with you and showers? Is it that you want to get your hands on me." I couldn't help it I blushed, he had hit the nail on the head. "I'm right aren't I babe?" I couldn't look at him in the eye and I looked down.

He pushed me back on to my back, straddling me he looked into my face. "I turn you on that much?" Feeling my face get redder I nodded. He sank on to me and kissed me passionately, his hands holding my head so that his tongue could almost reach my throat.

I pulled him tight against me, our legs intertwining as I rolled him over and returned the depth of kiss. Our hands trying to undress each other whilst keeping our mouths engaged. I got his shirt unbuttoned and slid my hands up his chest feeling his defined abdomen and chest with that soft downy red fur line. Feeling him moan in the kiss as my hands rubbed over his nipples, I curled my hands over his chest attacking those dark stiff nubs with my thumbs.

To get my T-shirt off we had to separate. My voice husky with desire "God I want you?" My hands going for his belt.

He looked up at me and gently cupped my chin. "You don't know what it means to me - to be desired so much." He pulled me down and our warm skin pressed against each other as our kiss resumed. Passion and lust and love all mixed together, drowning in sensation after glorious sensation.

I pulled us apart and went for his jeans again. Daniel lay as if crucified, his arms stretched out beside him, his eyes watching me fumble with the buttons. Getting the last undone I slid off him and pulled them down and off. His socks next and then I went for his boxers.

Daniel held on to his waistband. "Not until your naked too." Clothes flew everywhere as I rapidly complied with his wishes and then pounced onto his boxers.

Pulling them down over the hardened cock. Bright red and stiff, the large tube running underneath pronounced and heavy. His boxers didn't get past his knees before I had him groaning.

Daniel pulled me off despite my resisting, up to his mouth and he kissed me long and hard rolling me onto my back. He straddled me, pulling his shirt off and throwing it away. "Now I've got you. I want to do to you what you did to me in the shower. I've been dreaming of this for hours,

you nearly drove me insane."

He grabbed my wrists as my arms reached for them. "Your going to grab the bed. Not me." At my look he leaned over "Understand?" I nodded. He laid my arms out and I grabbed the edges of the mattress. "No moving!"

I called him as he got up from the bed. "I just need a couple of things - now stay there!"

I waited for a few seconds listening to a tap running and then he came out with a towel, a bottle of hand cream, an erection and a very wicked grin. Getting back on to the bed he said "I going to enjoy this. You on the other hand are going to love it."

Sitting between my legs he pulled the towel between my legs "Up" I arched off the bed and collapsed back down when he said OK, the towel under me.

"OK it's time." He lifted my legs and put them on his shoulders making me fully accessible to him. "Now remember babe - no moving."

Pouring out a handful of lotion into his hands he started to rub it into my waist. And then I went ballistic. His hands separated one diving to rub below my balls and slowly moving into the crack of my butt as the other slipped around kneading my balls and jacking me off. I moaned in the delightful torture, staying still was the hardest thing almost impossible, Daniel admonished me several times with "Still!" Even his words didn't stop me from jumping when his fingers touched my hole. Exquisite spine tingling chills ran up and down my spine, my bottom half rocking and thrusting out of control.

I don't think Daniel meant to do it but when two of his fingers rubbed as I rocked, they slipped in I groaned at first with stretching pain and then with pleasure and rocked down hard on his fingers. Fucking myself on his digits, pulses of light and colours in front of my eyes. Daniel twisted the fingers in me as he jacked my cock up to the brink only to fall back as Daniel stopped. Dribbled more hand cream on my throbbing cock only to restart pumping me after I calmed a little. During the third time his fingers twirled inside and touched something, firing me beyond anything I had ever felt. The words were out, driven out by a need so strong. "Fuck me, please, fuck me."

Daniel's hands stopped, withdrew and my body relaxed and complained at the lack of intense feelings. His voice seemed shocked at first and then negative "Babe! Are you sure? I can't I don't have a condom."

"I don't care, I love you, fuck me please. I need you in me." I pulled my legs back wide opening myself to him completely. My body and mind resolved and wanting, needing him. "Daniel please, I can't stand it. I want you in me - Now."

The order seemed to snap him out of inaction. Slicking himself up with his greasy hands. He approached carefully pressing my knees back to adjust the angle. Penetration was tinged with pain and a slightly uncomfortable full feeling. I could have withstood any pain, my love was now in me, joined with me.

He rocked slightly slipping in little by little. Then fireworks, he touched that spot and my mind flipped. I pulled him in to me in one thrust, gasping at the shock and burning feeling. His body resting on mine. Holding himself up with his arms over my legs as our lips locked in the most powerful kiss yet.

Pumping slowly inside he pulled back and pushed. My tongue in his mouth urging him faster. He groaned and rammed hard. My muscles clamping down as he tried to pull back. Sweat stung my eyes, dripping into my eyes. Daniel seemed possessed, his hips thrusting against me, hitting that spot of ecstasy on every thrust. My cock forgotten, rubbed only by Daniel's soft hairy abdomen and pushed by the ramming I received, I blew. Harder, longer and more powerfully than I thought possible, a pleasure so strong it was almost pain. My hands clawing at Daniel's back as I held on for dear life.

Daniel grunted and then croaked "Jesus!" and I felt his muscles go rigid and immobile except one, that one jerked and thrashed inside me before delivering molten lava in forceful spasms.


Part 17 of 18

Chapter 11: Things can only get better.

The van was quieter as we pulled out of the motorway services, Jan was now driving and John was sat with Tony in the set of seats in front of me and Daniel, Michael and Martin were half asleep, eyes closed, heads leaning against each other like book ends. The only conversation was Craig and Jan in the front.

Looking out of the side windows I watched the lorries in the slow lane as we passed them, edging a little forward each second, it looked like we were only doing a couple of miles an hour faster and you could easily see all the details on the almost stationary juggernauts with their wheels all a blur.

My mind wandered back over the last week, twelve days really and how things had changed. I was now a singer in a band going down to London for a record deal, my lover - my gay lover by my side. My thoughts turned to Daniel as they usually did and how he was now accepted at home. He even called my parents mum and dad.

He had moved in with us and although my ankle was now healing and I could walk fairly well, you would usually find us walking shoulder to shoulder with our arms around each other, relaxed and quiet in the fields watching the birds dip and dive for the first feed of the day. It had taken a few days before the cows had accepted him and for him to accept the cows. I smiled as I remembered that first morning.

Groggy with such an early start, we had got up, I told Daniel not to bother with a shower as we would want one after milking and then went down for a drink. My mum had loaded the coffee maker ready for both of us and it burped and wheezed at us as we walked into the kitchen.

Sat opposite each other on the breakfast bar, sipping coffee. I looked into Daniel's tired face, puffy bags under his eyes and a trail of hair, he'd missed when he made his ponytail, hanging down one side. He yawned again, his eyes hardly open at all.

"What's..." he paused as another yawn took control "..up."

A smile on my face. "Nothing, I'm just looking at the man I love."

He smiled and putting his mug down he got off the stool and arched his back, his arms out stretched to the limit. As he collapsed back into himself he said "I don't know how you do it every morning. This'd kill me!"

"You get used to it. It isn't as pleasant in the dark winter months but in summer when the sky is bright and the sun is just coming up it's nice to feel its warmth on your face. Everything smells fresh and the fields glisten with the morning dew."

I looked at the clock, it was time, I drained my mug. "Ready?"

"OK but you'll have to tell me what to do." He quickly drained his mug and put it on the counter next to mine.

As he came around and helped me up and into the 'clean' room. I tried to clear his worries. "The cows know the ropes, you'll hardly have to do anything at all."

I passed him my dad's boots and heavy plastic bib and braces. "Here, you wear these, they'll be a bit big but you don't want to get your own clothes dirty." Sitting on the bench seat I pulled on my own, the stained yellow bib and thighs marked with years of use.

"David, ... last night ... I want to tell you.." I looked at his face as he struggled for words. "When we.... I just wanted to say ..."

I put my hand on his shoulder stopping him dressing and fighting for words. He turned to look at me, his eyes bright and wide. "It's OK. love, I wanted it too."

We finished getting dressed in silence and as he helped me up he kissed my lips. A quiet whispered "Thanks!" as he put his shoulders under my arm.

The sky was just getting light, the West dark, East a grey light filtering down. I steered us over to the cow shed and turned on the power. The lights sprang into brightness showing pen after pen made from steel piping. Hooked above each pen the suction cups and rubber hoses were coiled, awaiting use.

I started the pumps and drained the steriliser from each glass bottle against the wall. "Right, can you go down and switch each bottle tank to 'Rinse' but make sure all the liquid has emptied first." I showed him where the rotary switch was and how it had to be turned to the left.

Daniel went down the line, unsure to start off but rapidly becoming more confident as he cleared the thirty pens.

"OK done. What now?"

"Well we switch this." I pulled a large lever and a pipe banged with the sudden release in pressure as the first tank rapidly filled with clean water and sprayed out of the hose, in six little jets, above the pen. Then we watched as the tank drained empty and ready for use as the second began to fill. "Now we go and get the cows."

The field the cows were in was only about a hundred yards but it took us a few minutes to get there. We left the gates open as we passed through. The herd was pulled together by the gate waiting for us. Marmery was first as usual, her yellow tag hanging from her left ear.

"OK. Open the gate and let them through, they know where to go." Daniel opened the gate and Marmery stepped forward her head turning to one side as Daniel walked in front swinging the gate open. Daniel stayed the other side holding the gate. Marmery just watched him, and then at my voice she looked forward and started to cross the field. Jessica and Heidi a couple of steps behind. We waited until the last cleared the gate and then Daniel closed it.

As we walked back following the cows Daniel asked "Shouldn't we lead them?"

"No, you don't need to, Marmery knows where to go and the rest will follow. They want to be milked, the pressure builds up and can be painful."


"The leader, she was the one watching you. The one with the yellow tag. She isn't keen on strangers."


"Don't worry, she'll get used to you in a couple of days."

The cows were crowded, patiently waiting by the barred entrance to the shed. "OK if you pull that bar out and let thirty through but make sure to check the colour of the tags, don't let a red one through."

Daniel reached over and pulled the bar out, unblocking the way. Marmery stepped through followed by Jessica and then Heidi in single file. Daniel's voice counting as each one stepped through "One, two, three... twenty-eight, twenty-nine and thirty." He pushed the bar forward and blocked the rest of the herd.


"We go and milk them."

Inside the air was warm and pungent with the smell of cows. Daniel's voice load "Jesus!"

"Forget it, you wont even be able to smell it in ten minutes. Can you grab that bucket over there?" I pointed to a white enamelled bucket sat in the corner on the opposite side from the pens. Daniel came back with it and I pulled a cloth from the steriliser inside. Wringing it I said "OK now watch this." With Daniel one side and me the other I wiped Marmery's udder quite vigorously. "OK after cleaning her, we unhook the cups and squeezing the cup like this." I grasped the rubber ring on the side tight I showed Daniel the inside ring widen as I clenched my fist around the cup. I slid it onto Marmery's first teat. I quickly repeated it for the others and then told Daniel "Turn the bottle tank to milk, all the way right."

Daniel did so and the hose flexed in the sudden section and milk spurted inside the tank, the regular pumping sound in our ears. "That's it, we now do the next cow and so on."

"That's all you do?"

"Well not quite, we have to feed them, check to see if they've got anything wrong with them." The cow next to Daniel lifted its tail and I could see Daniel's face almost curl up as the splats hit the floor.


I grinned "Of course we also have to constantly keep the place clean by hosing it down."

Daniel gripped my hand tight, pulling me from the past. I looked up into his concerned face. "You're quiet babe, everything all right?"

"Yeah! I guess, I'm just nervous."

Intertwining his fingers with mine. "Don't worry, we're are going to be great." Lifting my hand to his mouth he kissed my fingers.

"Hey you two, cut that out!" I looked up at the loud voice, Martin was smiling at us. "Can't you two lovebirds ever stop." Everyone's head turned to face us, except Jan and Craig who were deep in discussion, facing up the motorway.

I smiled back "Of course we can stop..."

Daniel finished it off "...But only when we're knackered."

We both grinned and Tony and John laughed as the others groaned.


The building was a modern squat brick one, acres of glass and stainless steel pipes running around. A grass bank and gravel path ran to the entrance. Two shiny steel tubs stood at the entrance with green foliage hanging over the sides. John opened the large glass door and stepped inside, we all followed into the foyer.

A smartly dressed woman wearing a telephone headset and in a green blazer with a multicoloured scarf tied around her neck looked up. "Good morning and welcome to Chrysalis Records, What can we do for you?" Her smile seemed genuine behind the light wooden reception desk.

"Good Morning, We're Kielhouse Razz, we've come to see Carl Jennings." We all walked up and surrounded the desk

"Hold on a moment and I'll just check the records." Her fingers flew over the keyboard and white writing on a bright blue background scrolled down the sides. "Ah yes, a ten o'clock appointment. If you'd kindly take a seat I'll get some one to escort you to his office."

We looked around at the three double seats that seemed randomly placed in the foyer. We all sat down except for John and Craig who wandered along the walls viewing each picture and poster.

A couple of minutes later a secretary with greying blond hair, middle forties, wearing a grey skirt suit walked up to us. A brilliant lime green credit card hanging from a chain around her neck. "Kielhouse Razz?" As we all turned and stood up "Follow me please. Mr. Jennings is expecting you."

She guided us to a door with a computer lock and slipped the card through the swipe mechanism. When the light turned green she opened the door and we all traipsed through.

We followed her down a light, airy, silent corridor passing brown wooden doorways with computer locks on all of them. John remarked that security seemed very tight.

Her response was a quiet laugh hidden behind her hand "Well it isn't really. only the front desk and the studios require them, we've turned them off elsewhere. I personally thing the designers got a bit carried away."

"Here we are gentlemen." She opened a large wooden door and entered something that looked like a very stylish sitting room. Marble floor and very large soft white leather settees. A bar and large entertainment centre ran down one wall, The television must have been a good fifty inches across. "Please take a seat. Mr. Jennings will join you shortly."

In fact we didn't have to wait at all, he entered just as she was leaving. "Hi everyone, my name is Carl. Welcome to Chrysalis." He was probably in his late twenties, early thirties, dark curly hair over a well tanned and smooth face. He wore a black polo necked jumper and grey shiny trousers. He was slim and around 6 foot in height. His shiny leather shoes were silent as he walked across the marble to shake our hands.

John introduced himself first and then each of us as he shook our hands. My fingers wrapped around his hand touched the two heavy rings he wore. "Why don't we all get comfortable." And he sat in the middle of one of the large six seater settees. As we all sat around Jan, Craig and Martin next to him and the rest of us facing him across a large glass coffee table with a slim phone in the middle.

"Coffee, Tea? Drinks anyone, help yourself the bar is fully stocked."

I helped myself to a cup and poured coffee from a large filter machine sat at one end of the bar. Daniel and Jan had followed me and there were a few minutes shuffling around with spoons as the silver sugar bowl and milk jug were passed around.

"Now, that we are more comfortable, I'd like to talk about a possible recording contract. It all depends on whether you can repeat your performance that you did at the Roxy." He paused and drank a little from his tea. "I must say you pulled a real coup, for the style I've rarely heard it played better and the last song was unbelievable. I didn't think any man could get that high without sounding either like an opera singer or one of the BeeGees."

"I was there to listen to 'The Lighthouse Family.' But you absolutely floored me."

John spoke for all of us, as agreed in the van coming down. "We can not only repeat it, we can improve on it."

"Now that would be fabulous, I'm sure you would be top ten material if you can do as you say. Do you mind if I call in Paul, Paul Dobson, one of our top producers."

Without waiting for a reply he picked up the phone. "Jennifer can you find Paul..... Ah! Superb, send him in."

A few seconds later we were being introduced to a plumpish man in his middle thirties, wearing a tatty brown pullover and jeans.

"This is Paul, one of our geniuses of the sound engineer's station."

"Hi Folks" he waved briefly.

"Paul I'd like you to take them through a full sound test and then let's see if they can do what they did at Chester again."

"Follow me guys."

We followed him down the corridor and he then stopped by a door, pulling a card from his back pocket he swiped the door and we entered a recording studio.

It wasn't what I was expecting. It was far smaller than I thought it would be, about twenty five foot square with large dark matt tiles on the walls. There were pages of sheet music lying on the floor, scattered about The odd microphone stand lying on its side. At the back behind a glass panel banks of computers in black and silver lined the wall.

"Sorry about the mess, guys. 'Streethouse Preachers' were here until gone 10 last night and the cleaners weren't allowed in."

He walked up to each of us and handed us each a yellow card on a chain. "These'll let you in and out whilst we're in here. The loos are two doors down on the right, after the corner, can't miss 'em. Did you bring your gear or do I need to rustle some up."

John stepped forward "We brought it but it's out in the van."

"OK you go get your van and I'll show you where to unload."

"Jan?... Thanks" as the keys flew threw the air. He caught them and left.

Paul picked up a yellow card and then we followed him out, around the corner to a large set of double doors with 'Fire Exit' written above it. Sliding his green card in to a slot he waited for a green light and then pushed the doors open.

The view was out into the car park. Our van was about sixty feet away. John came around the corner and seeing us climbed in and reversed the van close to the doors.

"I'll get the studio ready. Just pull the doors together after but don't remove the card until the doors are closed. It sets the bloody fire alarm off. OK."

He headed back to the studio and left us to get our equipment.

It took three trips, four if you count Jan and Craig coming in with the amps and being told to take them back as the studio didn't need them.

Five minutes later the drum kits were up and Craig, Michael, Martin and Daniel were being shown jack points in the wall.

Paul walked out of the little back room with headphones. "Here wear these, they're infra red so no leads." We all put them on. as he walked back to the room. "Can you hear me." at our nods he laughed "You can talk guys, you'll hear everyone as normal."

At my nervous cough, Daniel put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry babe, everything's going to be fine." Although I could hear him and the sound radiated to both my ears, the positional information my ears told me didn't match his actual location. Weird. I smiled at him "I'm OK." and watched his own face as he interpreted what his ears told him.

"OK. Guys time for a sound check. Just answer when I call you."

One after another the guys said "OK." and then I heard Paul's voice in my ears "Five" I answered "OK." Three more 'OK.'s and then I heard his voice again

"OK. I've got you now, check for each other.

"Can you hear me." said John and I turned to face the sound. The position my ears told me matched his real location. We all had brief chance at testing the gear.

"OK. OK. Can it! As long as you stay roughly where you are the system will keep you straight. Right lets check out the instruments."

"1 what are you.?"

"Lead guitar."

"OK play a few notes." Michael strummed a few notes and after a bit of fiddling with the controls. Paul stopped him. "What type of amp do you use? any special foot switches."

"Fender 730's and no I don't use them."

"OK Fender 730's straight.


"Pan Pipes."

"OK give me some."

So it went for the next twenty five minutes the only bright spot being when he got to 7


"Lead Guitar."

"You can't be number 1 is."

It took a couple of minutes to straighten him out before he understood. Finally we were all set.

"OK guys we're ready. The controls are locked in. Give us something instrumental first so I can set the levels."

Tony call the tune and the guys went into one of their numbers. I listened to the song change bit by bit as Paul twiddled with control after control. After the number he said "Got anything slow?"

Craig responded "Yeah but it needs vocals."

"That's OK I'm ready now."

We sang our arrangement of 'When I fall in Love'

"That's great guys. Let's have a five and I'll get Carl. You go get yourself a drink and we should then be ready. Just leave your headphones on the floor where you are and we won't need to reset after. OK?"

We all trooped back to the large sitting room and got ourselves coffee. All of us were fairly wound up, excited and eager.

I had only just finished my coffee when the door opened and Carl said "Sorry, I was so long, but I was on the phone to L.A. I'm ready now, let us go make a record."

Getting ourselves settled in the studio putting our headphones on I heard Carl say. "Can you do 'Show me heaven'"

Tony's voice echoed in my ears "No problemo!"

I turned to look over my shoulder at Daniel and I heard Paul's voice in my ears "5 don't move around so much. Face the way you want to sing and then tell me.

Turning to face Daniel's smiling face fully I said "OK"

"OK. 5 but stay that way, your voice will bleed all over everyone if you keep moving around."

"I understand."

Tony's voice started "Show me Heaven. Four, four with a three measure lead."

Everyone started playing and I waited for the intro. to finish and then I sang of my love, to my love."

I hardly noticed Jan's pipes flickering around on the notes I sang. I was looking at Daniel's face and his green eyes as they smiled right back at me.

After the last chord faded away Carl's voice was ecstatic in my ears. "Brilliant guys, just absolutely 'fucking' brilliant." The way he swore didn't sound right, almost as if he consciously added them.

Paul wanted us to sing a couple more songs and we could choose anything we wanted. John called out "How about number five?"

We all agreed and Tony said with a grin in his voice "Number five. eight, four with a 6 measure lead followed straight away by number two. Two, four with a 6 measure lead."

Tony and John started drumming fast as I concentrated on the beat Craig joined followed by Daniel for a measure and then rapidly by Jan, Michael and Martin. The beat fast, furious and ethnic. I wish I could have seen their faces but I was looking at Daniel.

I started to move on the fast beat steadying it in my mind. Each syllable a beat, each syllable a beat. Last measure, here I go.

'I wasn't jealous before we met,

now every woman I see is a potential threat.

And I possess if it isn't nice,

you've heard me saying smoking is my only vice.

But now it isn't true, now everything is new

and all I've learned has overturned.

I beg of you...

Don't go wasting your emotion,

lay all your love on me.

Don't go sharing your devotion,

lay all your love on me.

It was like shooting a sitting duck,

a little small talk, a smile and baby I was stuck.

I still don't know what you've done with me,

a grown up woman should never fall so easily.

I feel a kind of fear when I don't have you near,

and satisfy, I skip my pride.

I beg you dear...

Don't go wasting your emotion,

lay all your love on me.

Don't go sharing your devotion,

lay all your love on me.

I've had a few little love affairs,

they didn't last very long and they've been pretty


I use to think I was sensible,

it makes the truth even more incomprehensible.

Coz everything's new and everything's you

and all I've learned has overturned

What can I do...

Don't go wasting your emotion,

lay all your love on me.

Don't go sharing your devotion,

lay all your love on me.'

Leaning back and ramping it up I took it as high as I could go.

'Don't go wasting your emotion,

lay all your love on me.

Don't go sharing your devotion,

lay all your love on me.'

I faded my voice to nothing and everyone dropped off but Tony who then changed the beat down to a slow stately number and then John joined in reinforcing it. This was being played straight.

One verse after Jan, I started my voice fairly high and very slow. My eyes on Daniel as he slowly thrummed on his guitar and watched me.

'My love must be a kind of blind love.

I can't see any one but you!

Are the stars out tonight?

I don't know if it's cloudy or bright.

I only have eyes for you - dear.

The moon may be high.

But I can't see a thing in the sky.

Coz I only have eyes for you.

I don't know if we're in a garden.

Or on a crowded avenue.

You are here, so am I.

Maybe millions of people go by.

But they all disappear from view.

And I only have eyes for you.'

Jan played the last verse echoing my voice hauntingly.

And then the song ended.

"'Christ' guys that was incredible. They maybe cover versions but no one will ever 'fucking' realise it."

"Paul's voice was calm and cool. "That was great guys - I'll put your settings on file for when you come and record. If you want a copy of my mixes I'll have it ready before you finish with Carl."


Part 18 of 18

Although there was something terribly false about Carl's attitude and reactions, I had to admit I kind of liked the guy. He gave good advice and he didn't beat about the bush or try to make us feel like the new 'Beatles'. I noticed that their posy sitting room had been cleaned as we filed in. Our faces ecstatic in knowing we had pulled off what we had come to do.

Carl's voice was loud to rise above our exuberant talk. "OK. OK. settle down guys, grab yourself a drink, I want to tell you how things are going to be." He walked over behind the bar, pulled a bottle from a small fridge and then opened it. The hiss of carbon dioxide sharp and clear.

As we all made ourselves comfortable he then gave us a speech. "Now listen, I know you're excited but we have to talk business. Now I'll have Jennifer supply you one of our 'new finds' contracts but I've got some advice for you, before you go. First, I don't want this contract back for at least a week. You are all hyped up and wont make any sensible decisions for hours. Get yourselves a solicitor to check it out, he will tell you the terms and liabilities."

He drank from the bottle of fizzy orange, settled back in the cushions. "Second, Don't rush into any deals with agents or managers. The contract is for three chart records and an album, and after that it can be renegotiated by either side. Let's see what happens out there before lumbering yourselves in contracts and money problems. Your first record may struggle and flop."

"Third, It doesn't matter whether I like you or your local area likes you it all depends on the 'plebs' on the street, will they like it? Some of the greatest bands, I've ever heard, failed because the time was wrong or the sound didn't work. Mind you, I'm paid to second guess them and I think you can do it. I'm willing to risk our money to try."

"Fourth and final, you are not rich, this contract will not make you rich, if the cuts make a profit then you get 30 percent on the first, 40 percent on the second and 50 percent on the third. But it takes a lot of records to make money. So make a million before you spend a million. Got it guys?"

At our looks he laughed. "'Christ' I just 'fucking' love this business and this business is just going to 'fucking' adore you."

Standing up he finished "Now I've got to go and ring L.A. again, so you guys relax for a few minutes. I will send Jennifer in to take you out and give you the contract. I'll expect to hear from you in a week."

He walked to the doors and opening one he turned and said "You guys were absolutely 'fucking' fantastic - Until next week - arriveiderci guys." And the door swung closed behind him.


The 'Rosko' club was noisy and filled with people. Michael and Martin had insisted that we all go and celebrate. To be honest it didn't take much persuasion we all felt on top of the world. All eight of us sat round a table laughing, joking and drinking. I was already on coke, it wasn't that I was driving, it was just that the alcohol went straight to my head and Daniel refused to let me have another until I had sobered up a little.

We had got back at around five in the afternoon and Daniel and I had an early meal. My mum, dad and Harry, he said we couldn't keep him away, were over the moon. Dad was so proud of me you could see his chest fluff up as we told them.

I had driven us to the club where we were to meet the rest of the band, I hadn't known where it was but Daniel gave me directions. It wasn't a fancy club with a queue of people wanting to get in, two large bouncers in full tuxedos stood either side of a pair of glass double doors watching for trouble.

It must have looked odd but it took us a couple of minutes to work out how to lock the keys inside the car. Michael had told us to do it. He said that the coppers prowled outside waiting for people to come out carrying their car keys, as under the new law, about being drunk in charge of a vehicle, you didn't need to be driving it just carrying the keys. It seemed a sensible precaution and we had arranged for my dad to pick us up from Tony's place tomorrow, bringing the spare set.

Walking towards the doors the bouncers eyed us as we entered but didn't move or say anything. The foyer was scruffy and you could hear the loud music through the swing doors. Opening the swing doors the noise assaulted us. Trying to locate the rest of the band through the smoky haze, bright pulsing lights and mass of people was difficult. In the end we didn't find them, they found us. Craig came up behind us and steered us to a table in the corner furthest away from the dance floor. Two spare seats waiting for us.

I don't really like the taste of beer or lager and as the bar asked extortionate prices for spirits I had agreed on cider. The 'Diamond White' that John had bought me had tasted quite nice but the lads had watched me drinking it, waiting for something.

I had asked Daniel who was sat close by my left what they were waiting for.

"That's 'Diamond White'." At my puzzled look he explained. "It's twice the strength of any beer or lager in the world. Nearly four times stronger than this bud."

Less than half an hour later the cider had done its work, I had felt a cool flush rise up the back of my neck, turn at the top of my head and splashboard on the front of my skull. Well gone! Wahay!

As the evening progressed the lads had bought me a cider every five or six rounds interspersed with cokes and I was gently merry, not drunk, just relaxed and going with the flow. Daniel called it 'plastered'.

Around midnight the music on the dance floor had been cut. A little stage was lit up and the disk jockey announced that it was Kareoke Time.

We all dared each other to go up and sing a song. I tried to push them into going but they shouted me down telling me that I was a professional singer now and they weren't.

In the end It was finally agreed that they'd all go up and sing any song they wanted. Michael and Martin insisted that they sing together, counting as one, and then lastly I would sing any song they chose.

It was hysterical, John didn't even get to finish two verses of 'My Way' before he was booed off the stage by the 'half trashed' audience.

Michael and Martin sang their rendition - best word I can come up with, of the Pet Shop Boys' 'West End Girls'

Tony killed us all, we had tears in our eyes and my sides ached. It didn't matter if he couldn't sing. He'd spent the first two songs looking through the register for a track. I'll never hear the 'Birdy song' and think of it the same way again. He did it with all the actions, dance - everything, the audience loved him, like a clown he'd carried it off. The audience had shouted for more but he refused and came back to his seat with a smile that said 'Beat that!"

Daniel chose 'If ' and sang it, spoke it like Telly Savalas did in the late seventies he didn't really pull it off, his voice cracked and changed pitch all over the place. But when he looked at me as he sang 'If a picture paints a thousand words, then why can't I paint you?' My heart melted and I felt warm all over.

Craig did Rawhide, quite well. His voice wasn't quite on key but he managed to hold it together and he got clapped at the end.

Jan got up and strode on to the stage and asked for his song. When the music started I recognised the Beatles' song 'Yesterday' but he didn't sing it, the bugger had his pipes on him. He did it beautifully, the audience went quiet and listened, clapping furiously at the end. After he'd finished and got back to the table we all called him a cheat, his reply was that they didn't have any Swedish songs.

It was now my turn and I strode up to the stage with the lads surrounding the DJ and I looked at the TV screen in front of me for the words. I looked over the sea of faces down on the dance floor as I waited for whatever song to start.

When it did, I turned to look for Daniel but he wasn't with the lads. Tony grinning pointed to the front of the stage. I looked and there he was right below me, staring right up at me.

I didn't need the words on the monitor, my tape in the car had taught it me. Looking into Daniel's eyes my body started to move to the fairly fast beat - I was going to give this my all, for my Daniel.

'When the times grown in for me to show my love.

What did I stay away for.

Hiding from a word I need to hear now.

Don't think I'll hear it again.

But the nights were always warm with you.

Holding you right by my side.

But the morning always comes to soon.

Before I even close my eyes - Yeah!

All I do each night is pray.

Hoping that I'll be a part of you again, someday.

All I do each night is think.

Of all the times I closed the door to keep the love


Looking into Daniel's deep eyes I knew he'd picked it, I could feel it. I saw tears on his face and I knew I'd cry with him. And then I realised, I don't know how, that his choice of song was saying the words he wanted to say. From that point on, I not only sang them, I felt them. Each and every one as though spoken by his lips.

'If you can't forget the past.

I'll understand that.

Can't understand why I did this to you.

And all of the days and the nights.

Oh! I'll regret it.

I never showed you my love.

But the nights were always warm with you.

Holding you right by my side.

But the morning always comes to soon.

Before I even close my eyes - Yeah!

All I do each night is pray.

Hoping that I'll be a part of you again, someday.

All I do each night is think.

Of all the times I closed the door to keep the love


Surely we must be inside.

Of the dream we long to live.

If you stop and close your eyes.

You'll picture me inside.

I'm so cold and alone.

All I do each night is pray.

Hoping that I'll be a part of you again, someday.

All I do each night is think.

Of all the times I closed the door to keep the love


But the nights were always warm with you.

Holding you right by my side.

But the morning always comes to soon.

Before I even close my eyes - Yeah!

All I do each night is pray.

Hoping that I'll be a part of you again, someday.

All I do each night is think.

Of all the times I closed the door to keep the love


As the song finished and I came back to myself I knew tears were running down my cheeks. Daniel's face a splotchy red from his crying. The audience was quiet, absolutely silent, there wasn't a sound. They all stared as one, at me as I stepped off the stage into Daniel's arms. His voice quiet and meant only for my ears. "I love you." I hugged him tight, then we were surrounded by the rest of the band, slapping us on our backs, congratulating us and then the crowd went wild.

......... The End .........

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