Love Series

By Aaron Saxon

Published on May 31, 2011


Hey everyone, sorry this took me so long to get out. I was burned out and I needed some time to recuperate.

I do hope you enjoy this chapter as it was a lot of fun for me to type up.

As always, the usual disclaimers apply. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal to read this or it's not your cup of tea, please leave now. Otherwise enjoy.


I held Josh for about 10 minutes more until he calmed down. I leaned down and kissed his forehead and wiped the tears from his cheeks before we broke our embrace. As we were doing this, we were once again called downstairs for breakfast. I decided to quickly throw on a pair of running shorts and a graphic t-shirt since it was still kind of warm out. Josh just kept his pajama pants on as we headed down for breakfast.

We ran into the kitchen and took our seats at the breakfast bar and waited like good little boys to be served. We were actually play fighting back and forth when our aunt wasn't looking, but somehow she knew even as we stopped as she served us bacon, eggs and some English muffins. Like typical boys we wolfed down our food.

As we were finishing eating, the phone rang. Aunt Mary answered the phone and then looking at me said, "Max is on the phone for you." I began to light up immediately at this but didn't recall giving him my number.

"Hi Max," I said. "How did you get my number?"

"Well, since we forgot to exchange phone numbers, I just looked it up in the school directory." He stated rather plainly.

"Oh." I said back into the phone. Then I yelled at Aunt Mary and asked he if we had a school directory. She yelled back from the living room that yes we did.

After a moment of silence, Max asked me if I wanted to come over today? I said I'd have to check with my aunt and uncle. I put the phone down and ran into the living room. I was nearly out of breathe when I entered.

"Aunt Mary, Uncle Matt," I said as I was trying to catch my breathe, "Max invited me over to his house today and I'd really like to go, so can I please?" I asked with my biggest puppy dog face.

I didn't know if Aunt Mary and Uncle Matt had had a discussion about Max and I yet and frankly I didn't care at that moment, because I was too excited at the prospect of seeing him.

They looked at each other and almost silently agreed that it was okay.

"You can go Sam, just as long as you're home by 10:00 pm."

I ran back to the phone and told Max that it was a-go. He was as excited as I was, but it soon slipped away as I looked at Josh. I turned away from him and asked Max if I could bring Josh with me?

"Does Josh know about you and about us?" Max asked with a little quiver in his voice.

"Yes he knows about me but he only knows I met a boy I like."

"A boy you like?" He asked sounding a little hurt.

"I told Josh that the boy I like is you, silly and he seemed really excited." I said with a little chuckle in my voice.

I know I couldn't tell because he wasn't there, but he would tell me later that he got slightly embarrassed when I said that to him.

After a moment of silence, I said, "If you want us to come over, we better get ready."

He said, "Ok, see you soon Sam." And then he kissed in the phone. I turned away from Josh again and kissed back at him into the phone.

It was definitely too soon for "I love you" but that's how I was already beginning to feel for Max, I thought to myself, and I ventured to think that maybe he loved me too on some level.

"Come on Josh, let's go get ready so we can go." I said ushering him up the stairs.

Aunt Mary stopped me before I could go upstairs and thanked me for inviting Josh to go along with me, even though it would cut into my alone time with Max.

"You're welcome, Aunt Mary." I said as I too headed upstairs.

As soon as I was out of ear shot, Uncle Matt asked Aunt Mary who Max was. She just simply told him that Max was a boy I had befriended from school and that if he wanted to know more, he'd have to ask me. Way to put the pressure on me Aunt Mary. Thankfully that conversation would come another day.

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly Josh can clean up, because by the time I got to the bathroom he was already showered and dressed. The bathroom was still pretty warm, so I entered and turned the shower back on. I took off my clothes and just as I removed my boxers, the mirror was starting to fog up. I stepped into the shower and got to it.

I won't go into the boring details. I just washed my hair and body and shut off the shower. I stepped out onto the mat and dried myself off. Wrapping the towel around my waist I walked the 10 steps or so to my bedroom.

As usual, Josh was sitting on my bed waiting for me. This really wasn't cute anymore, I thought to myself, but I loved my brother, so the subject of privacy could wait for another time.

I got dressed without letting Josh see much. God, he was so inquisitive, I laughed to myself.

After playfully nudging him on the arm, we headed downstairs so our aunt could take us over to Max's house.

Just as we were about to leave, the phone rang again. This time it was Max's mom wanting to talk to Aunt Mary about us spending the night there.

After about a five minute conversation we were told to go pack a bag because we were spending the night at Max's house. I tried not to show it, but I became so happy and giddy inside at being able to spend the night with the boy I liked. I really missed his kisses.

So, after throwing some pj's, a change of clothes for tomorrow and our toothbrushes in our back packs, we were on our way.

About 20 minutes later we pulled into Max's driveway and he was waiting for us on his front porch. When he saw me he smiled wide and I smiled back at him. His parents were inside so we were pretty safe to give each other a quick peck as Aunt Mary told us to have fun and then she drove off. I was pulled out of my daze from our kiss by Josh. I had momentarily forgotten about him. I started to blush and Max took over at this moment and introduced himself to my little brother.

After the introductions were made, we were welcomed inside to his mother and brother Cody in the kitchen. They were making a late lunch for everyone since we just got there. Cody and I bumped fists and I introduced him to Cody and in turn he rubbed his head and called him little man like I did. Josh smiled big at Cody. Our little group was broken by his mother asking us all to sit down at the table to eat. It was nothing big, but we all loved grilled cheese and she made homemade French fries to go with it. Max's mom Sarah made her grilled cheese with three or four different kinds of cheeses in it and the soda was plentiful too. We found out while eating that Sarah's husband Dan would be home later.

After we finished eating we decided go swimming in their pool. Luckily enough I could borrow a pair of board shorts from Max and Sarah found an older smaller pair of Max's for Josh to wear. Max and I kissed every so often because it was just us boys but we made sure not to do too much, we didn't want to make Josh or Cody uncomfortable. We played around in the pool for about 2 ½ hrs. until we got tired of it. When we got out of the pool we showered off in their downstairs shower and then got re-dressed. We headed upstairs to play some x-box before dinner.

By the time dinner rolled around, Dan...Mr. Parker, had arrived home from his work, so we all gathered around the table again as Sarah served us all. She made fried chicken , mashed potatoes this time, corn on the cob, green beans and a nice big salad. It really was a feast.

Okay, so here is where I'm going to end chapter 4 everybody. I have some fun planned for chapter 5, so stay tuned.

I hope you enjoyed reading this. Any comments or suggestions can be emailed to me at

Next: Chapter 5: Love 5

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