Love or Lust

By Ryan White / Licious Ryan

Published on Feb 5, 2012


Hey friends!

If you dislike stories that is not just about a quick fuck, then i suggest you leave right now...but ur gonna miss reading a good story. Im not a writer who just writes about sex, I like stories that I write to have a proper plot, storyline and climax. Like I said, if you want hardcore sex and cocks spunking everywhere on the first page, please go away.

If u wanna chat to me, talk to me about the story or shit like that, feel free to mail me on I LOVE GETTING MAILS!!! Makes my cock superhard knowing you read my stories.

Or you can follow me on Twitter under my name RyanMpenduloi

Luv, Ryan

Love or Lust 2

We discovered that Tanya had made a deal with the Angel Gabriel after she died in giving birth to her twin boys. The first one survived, the other one was still born. She called the living one Ryan before she died. As she gave her life, Gabriel told her he would give a life to her deceased son, and if she would complete a unknown task, she would return to Earth as a living person. We were introduced to Ryan and his best buddy Mark, to whom he had a crush on with. We read that Ryan's adopted parents were only 12 years older than him, adopting him when he was 10. Both Mark and Ryan were confused as a strange woman appeared to them both. Ryan came clean with Matthew, his adopted father that he was gay and in love with Mark, and in turn, Matthew told him and that was gay, and that Lilliana, Ryan's adopted mother, was a lesbian. Matthew ended up giving Ryan his first blowjob, whilst the woman was watching them through the window. Now for Part 2

Ryan felt the sun rays on his face as he opened his eyes. The first thought that crossed his mind was...did Matthew really suck me off last night? But as he leaned back into the cushions he knew it was true. A boy doesn't forget his first blowjob that easily! Just as he wanted to get up, he heard a soft knock on his door. It opened a little and Ryan saw the face of his adopted father. Things between them will never be the same again, not nessasarily being a bad thing and in a bad way, but still.

"Morning buddy, were you still asleep?" Matthew asked, himself a bit nervous and ashamed of what he did the previous night.

"Nah, i was up. Come on in, Matthew."

Matthew closed the door and gingerly sat on Ryan's bed. Ryan saw and knew what was going through his father's head. He leaned up and took Matthew's hand in his. Matthew looked at Ryan through his tear filled eyes as the latter kissed the inside of his palm. Ryan looked at his adopted father with so much love and pride, and what he just did, was to assure Matthew that what he did last night was ok.

"Im sorry, buddy" Matthew whispered softly as feelings he had never felt before in his 28 years of living. He didn't want to he confronted with these forbidden emotions traveling through his body right now. He had better leave before he did something he would REALLY regret. He stood up and walked out, leaving Ryan more confused than ever.

At school Ryan met up with Mark, once more giving him an instant erection as he saw his best friend.

"Hey dude, remember yesterday in the locker room, you said that you saw a woman watching us?"

"Yeah man, Im still getting my head around that...I was actually freaked out! I mean it might have been a turn on if she was actually hot! Uhm...why you asking?"

"Ok...this is gonna sound weird as fuck...but last night at Panarotti's...this woman dressed in white was like looking at me the whole time, and then later she like...dissapeared! Dude, the way that she was looking at me gave me the shivers!"

"I know, that's the way I also felt. Anyway, lets gets back to class. We're late as it is."

As they entered the register class and sat down, there was a knock on the door. It was the principal, followed by a teenage boy. Ryan looked up to see what was going on, and he nearly melted. He may have had a crush on Mark...but this boy right there...with his light brown coloured face, black spiked hair greenish eyes, sparkling face, his tight fitting white school shirt fitting him life a glove and the confidant way that he portrayed himself. Normally when a new student joined them in the middle of the year, he/she was mercilessly bullied and therefore found it difficult to make friends. But from what Ryan could see, this fucking handsome hunk of a dude, wont have any problems with the girls in the class, already undressing him with their eyes could already testify. The principal spoke a few words with their register teacher while the boy just stood around casually, before the former left the classroom.

"Ok class, we have a new student today, arriving from Kraaifontein High, his name is Clayton Fischer. Now please guys, you all remembered how awkward your first day was in highschool, so please do your best to make Clayton feel welcome."

Clayton nodded to the teacher and sat down at the back of the class, while the latter told the teenagers to open their diary's to write down important future test dates. Something about Clayton, and not just his handsome appearance, attracted his attention. It was like they were connected in some way, but he knew that was impossible. He tried his best to get Clayton out of his mind while he continued to jot down the notes they were given. Last period of the day was PE, and Ryan had already been tortured of having Clayton in every single one of his classes and having to look at that beautiful face. It was the first time he actually have found a coloured guy sexy, but jeez louise, he couldn't help it. They were going to play soccer in the resounding heat and, lo and behold, Mark, Ryan and Clayton landed on the same team. They were playing shirts and skins, and, once more, just as the luck would have it, Ryan's team would have to play skins. Poor Ryan didn't know where to look between Mark and Clayton as they both took off their shirts. Difference was that Clayton had a stunning eight pack, as his strong stomach muscles shone on his caramel coloured body. But when Mark came up behind Ryan and playfully jumped on his back, Ryan had no doubt that it was Mark which he still loved. Clayton turned out to be a fantastic soccer player. He managed to score 2 goals and set up a beautiful elegant cross over to Ryan who headed it into the back of the net. Ryan ran up to Clayton and high fived him, which the latter gave back energetically. Mark came up running to them just as the coach blew the final whistle.

"Wow dude! Why aren't you playing for Ajax Cape Town or some shit like that?" Mark shouted as he patted Clayton on the back.

"Oh come on man, Im not that good!" Clayton smiled.

"Fuck that shit! You could seriously play for Man United one day!" Ryan joked, his eyes riveted on Clayton's bare ripped chest. Clayton just smiled as the three dudes walked to the lockerroom. Ryan knew instantly that being between both Mark and Clayton in the showers would not be the most ideal thing at that moment and time, so he faked a call on his phone and said that he had to go home immediately. Mark just shouted that he would see him later, while Clayton gave Ryan a long, hard look before saying goodbye aswell. What the hell was that about...Ryan wondered. As he got home, he wondered about what the fucking hell was going on with him. Just yesterday he was confused about his feelings for he has known Clayton for only a few hours and he cannot get him out of his mind! Life at 16...FUCKED to say the least. As he walked into the kitchen to get something cold to drink, he saw his father sitting outside reading his paper by the swimming pool. He poured a glass of Coke for himself aswell as for Matthew and walked outside to join him.

"Hey buddy! You're earlier than usual?" Matthew said as he looked at his watch.

"Yeah...I didn't wanna stick around after know...the showering and shit like that."

"Ah...I see. I know just how you feel, buddy. When I was your age, there was this guy, his name was oh man, he was so fucking sexy, Ryan! But just like today's times, the lockerroom is not the best place to get a boner."

"Matthew, there's this new guy in my class, his name is man you should see him...eight pack abs like fucking rock solid copper, dude!"

"Mmm...Im starting to get a good idea LOL! that why you didn't wanna shower after PE? Scared of getting all hot and randy around this Clayton guy?"

"Fuck Matthew, you know me too well...what's for dinner tonight?"

"I was thinking of putting some spare ribs onto the grill, but only if you help me, buddy."

"Sure, dude. Im gonna wash this sweat off me and then finish my homework."

As Ryan was walking away, Matthew just simply could not stop himself. He had a mental fight with his conscience the whole fucking day...and the latter was busy losing the plot thick and fast. It was like he became possessed at that point. Ryan was halfway back into the house when he was pulled back and suddenly he felt his father's lips on his. Ryan, although dazed, pushed his father back onto the brickwall, and attacked his mouth with his vigarously. Matthew, crazed with love for his adopted son, pulled Ryan closer to him, and nearly came in his pants when he felt Ryan tongue searching for and finding his. Ryan couldn't believe how good it felt kissing Matthew. He pulled away, looking at the latter with lust in his eyes...or was it love? Matthew pulled his son towards him in a passionate and fierce hug, and Ryan heard his father start to cry. He gently caressed Matthew's neck and kissed his cheek lovingly.

"Matthew...why is this so difficult for you?"

"You''re my fucking son!" Matthew choked the words out.

"Adopted son. And I love you, dude. Make love to me, Matthew. Please, I need it!"

Matthew was fucking speechless. This was the little 10 year old boy that he and Lilliana adopted 6 years ago. And now that boy had evolved into a tall, sexy 16 year old who was literally begging to be fucked by him. He knew that whatever he answered in that moment, would change their lives forever. Matthew reached out and caressed Ryan's cheek, the latter sighing of the feelings that was travelling through his young body. Matthew wanted to take Ryan into his bedroom and fuck the living shit out of him right then and there, but somewhere in the back of his mind, he decided not to. This was not the place and time, and certainly not while he was still married to Lilliana. Even though they were both gay, she didn't deserve this.

"Ryan, listen to me have thousands of hormones shooting through your body at the moment. You aren't thinking straight. This isn't really what you want, is it? You are in love with Mark, and I think you only want to sleep with me because you wanna feel what gay sex is like. Am I wrong?"

Ryan immediately let his eyes shut down as he knew that was his adopted father said was true. He knew that there was about 0% chance that he and Mark would ever do anything remotely sexual with eachother. He desperately yearned for and wanted to have sex with another boy. He gently and softly started to cry as he felt Matthew envelop him in his arms.

"Don't cry buddy! Im not mad or anything. Its normal for a gay boy to want to try stuff with another boy. I know I gave you a blowjob last night, and that shouldn't have happened, I know! But lets not try and correct one mistake with another, okay? Ryan, look at me."

Ryan looked up to his dad with his tearstained cheeks. Matthew leaned down and kissed his forehead and once more held him tight. He loved Ryan so much, maybe even more because he wasn't his biological son.

Later than afternoon Ryan was in his room, and he had since calm down, and cooly finishing his homework. He heard the doorbell downstairs but didn't give too much attention to it. That was until he dad leaned into his bedroom.

"Hey buddy, Clayton is here to see you."

HOLY SHIT!! Ryan looked around his room frantically. It was a complete mess, but nothing he could do about now. He stood up and walked down to the livingroom.

"Hey dude, hope you dont mind that I came over, I sorta asked Mark where you stayed."

"Nah, not at all dude, its cool. Wanna grab a Coke and a swim or something?"

"Sure, but I kinda didn't know that you guys had a pool, so if you could maybe borrow me some trunks...?"

"Hell yeah, come on up," Ryan said before running up the stairs again, and he heard Clayton following him. He was gonna be shirtless and maybe more with Clayton in his own room...FUCKING AWESOME!!! As they entered the room, Clayton immediately took off his shirt, showing off his superb eight pack body for Ryan's enjoyment. He knew that he would have to talk about something or change the subject because Clayton could not find out that was drooling all his his hot teenage body. He noticed a necklace around Clayton's neck, one that wasn't there when they played soccer earlier in the day.

"What's that thing around your neck, dude?" he asked.

"Ah, this is very special to me, man. See, I never knew my parents, my mother died giving birth to me, but the people at the hospital back then said that this was around her neck when she gave birth, and they gave it to my adopted parents and they gave it to me on my 14th birthday."

"Dude!!! You have GOT to be kidding! I was adopted aswell!" Ryan practically screamed out due to utter shock.

"Wow man, I wanted to say that your dad looked WAY to young to be yours. He would have had to be like 11 when he made your mom pregnant!"

Both boys had a good laugh about it as they walked over to the pool. Clayton was a really funny guy and Ryan's teenage hormones was indeed working overtime. He was in love with Mark, there was no doubt about that, but he felt a CONNECTION with Clayton, one that he had never felt with Mark. After it got late, Matthew came out towards the pool.

"Hey Clayton, your phone just rang and I answered. It was your mother, she wants to know when you'll be home."

"Mmmm yeah, I should probably go then..." Clayton said, not even hiding the fact that he was crap sad that he had to go, which did not go unnoticed by Ryan. There was something about Clayton...BUT WHAT???

Ryan and Clayton went upstairs to get change and out of respect aswell as of fear that he would get a boner infront of a semi naked Clayton, Ryan got dressed in the bathroom. It was then that he realised that he never took that shower after he got home! The water of the pool did wash away the sweat, but not the odour coming from his underarms, and he wanted to...impress??? He called out to Clayton that he as going to take a quick shower and that Clayton should wait for him downstairs. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't will his cock to go down, he was rock hard thinking of those steel like abs of his new friend. Ryan gently reached down and took his cock in his hands, slowly starting to stroke himself, feeling his foreskin glide over his sensitive cock head. He began to stroke his dick faster and faster, using some of the shower gel to make it nice and slick. His cock felt so warm in his hand and he, as he usually did when he jerked off, started to imagine that it was Mark's hand around his cock.

"Oh my God Marky..." he moaned as in his horny imagination, Mark was now infront of him, and stroking his cock. Ryan bit his lip not to make a loud noise, but fuck, his cock has never felt so good! Slowly, but surely the image of his best friend turned into the sexy Clayton. In his mind, Ryan saw him, the huge muscles in his brown coloured arms, Ryan's hands running through his hair before taking his cock into his mouth.

Ryan almost fell down as his knees buckled from that vision in his brain, as all that he would see and feel was Clayton's mouth sucking up and down his rock hard cock. In reality, Ryan was stroking his dick so fast by now that it was literally a blur. In his mind, Ryan saw Clayton standing up, releasing his dick and leaning into him really close. His eyes sparkled as he took Ryan's hand and placed it on his eight pack abs. Ryan moaned, feeling those ridges beneath his fingers as the intimacy between them became even more passionate. Ryan pulled Clayton closer and softly kissed him, while Clayton placed both his arms around Ryan's neck as he lovingly made out with him. Now in reality, Ryan's eyes were totally closed as his teenage dick was getting closer and closer to blowing their potent sperm onto the shower walls, but he didn't want that to happen, because then the image of Clayton would dissapear! But his cock was demanding release and he couldn't stop it. In his vision, Clayton grabbed both their cocks in his strong hand and started to toss them both off. Ryan fell down onto his ass, but he still wanked his dick until, in his vision, Clayton leaned to the side to kiss his neck, while still tossing off their cocks together. Finally Ryan's poor dick had enough, as he white, trick protein shot up from the depts of his balls and shot fiercely through his cockhead in a dramatic stream and onto his body. Four or five more streams followed the first one. Ryan finally opened his eyes, freed of the vision that he had just dreamt up. He looked at all the cum that was running off his body...and it didn't come from thinking about Mark, the boy he was seemingly in love with...but Clayton...

When he eventually got dressed, Matthew had already taken Clayton home. He explained to Ryan that Clayton's mother phoned again so they had no choice. Ryan slumped down, a bit depressed to say the least. He really wanted to spend more time with Clayton, and he still couldn't believe that he felt this way about a guy he only met that day earlier. He shook his head sadly and changed the TV to the soccer channel.

Meanwhile, Mark was on his way home from the shops where he went over to buy two bottles of Coke, since it was a very warm night in the South African summer. He wondered what to make of Clayton, who actually begged him to give him Ryan's address. There was something about Clayton that he didn't like, somethng that made him feel extremely cautious. As he came around the corner, only two blocks from his house, he walked straight into a woman, wearing a white dress, and a beautiful woman at that. She fell to the floor in the collision.

"Shit! Mam, Im so, so, sorry! I honestly didn't see you there!" Mark apologised and helped her up. Funny enough, there was no marks on her white dress.

"Oh, that's allright. I wasn't looking where I was going," the woman said friendly, while looking up into his eyes. That stunned Mark into silence...that was the same woman he saw in the lockerroom the previous day! Now that he was looking at her from close by, she wasn't ugly at all.

"You! You were spying on me and my friend yesterday!" he whispered, getting the creeps from her.

"Desperate times called for desperate measures, Mark."

Mark took a step back...he fully expected her to deny ever being there...wait, how the hell did she know his name? Before he could do or say anything, he felt her hand touch his, and the next moment he could have sworn that he became invisible...NO SHIT...he has!

"What the fuck have you done to me?" he shouted at the woman, really scared as fuck now.

"Let me take you back in time, Mark. There are some things that you need to see. Because if, what I expect to happen, does...then it will be all over for me, for Ryan...and for you. Let me take you back to 1994, then you will understand."

Before Ryan could respond, he felt as if his soul was being separated from his body. He closed his eyes...

Thanks for reading! This is the second chapter in this four part mini series. Who is this woman and what does she have to do with Ryan and Mark? Why does Clayton have such a strong effect on Ryan? Will we finally find out what was the task Angel Gabriel gave to Tanya in order to return to Earth?

FIND OUT NEXT TIME!! If you liked the story, please send me a email at and I'll mail you back!

Ryan White xxx

Next: Chapter 3

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