Love or Lust

By Ryan White / Licious Ryan

Published on Jan 1, 2012


Hey friends! Happy New Year!

Just like with my Christmas story, I have another one here especially for the new year. Since I haven't seen my family in almost 5 years since my dad kicked me out for being gay, I have found a new family in my Nifty friends and readers. I love you all.

Hope you enjoy this one, since it is a little different than what I usually write.

If u wanna chat to me, talk to me about the story or shit like that, feel free to mail me on Im proud to say that I always reply to all my emails!

Or you can follow me on Twitter under my name RyanMpenduloi

Luv, Ryan

Love or Lust

1995 - Cape Town, South Africa

"Ohhh my gosh!!! Take this thing out of me!!!"

The screams that radiated from Tanya Meyer was making the nurses swore that they were going to lose their hearing. There was massive complications with her pregnancy and the supposedly proud daddy to be was no where in sight. Tanya kept pushing and screaming, until finally, the gynocologist could see the head of the of the tiny, fragile little creature.

"Okay, Tanya, I need you to be calm, you're doing a great job, now just push a little harder...there I can see his little head! Come on, Tanya, you're strong, you can do this!"

Tanya pushed with all her might, the last little bit of strength that she had left, until she heard the crying voice of a little baby.

"Tanya, you did it! Its a boy! Its a beautiful baby boy!" the doctor shouted happily and immediately gave him to the nurses to dry him up and cover him in blankets. Tanya was exhausted, and needed attending to. She smiled wearily up at the doctor, but even he knew that he did not need to tell her that something had gone horribly wrong. Suddenly, she lurched foward and clutched her stomach, while gasping for breath, while looking up frantically at the doctor with wild eyes.

"Its happening again! I dont understand, my little boy is already born, why does it still hurt this much?" she screamed in utter agony. The gynocologist quickly did his work underneath in the vaginal area, and could not believe what he had discovered. He came up towards Tanya's face and looked straight into her eyes.

"Tanya, there is a another baby inside your womb. My God, you're having twins."

Tanya smiled, but she knew that it was too late, for her and for her unborn child. She peacefully laid back unto the pillow, and closed her eyes. The doctor, sencing what was about to happen, quickly told the nurse to give Tanya her baby boy. Carefully, not to let his little head snap, they placed him on Tanya's chest. Immediately she opened her eyes and stared down at her son that she carried for an incredible 10 months. She always knew that there was a reason for the prolonged pregnancy, and the doctors warned her that she might not survive in giving birth. But the young mom of 16 did not listen, even if she did not survive, she would be able to give her child what she never had. A home, a family, and a better life than she ever had on the streets of Cape Town. Her little boy, that was lying so peacefully on her chest, would never knew that his father was shockingly a 12 year old boy, himself still a child, when a cold night in winter on the Cape Flats, turned into something much more serious. But her heart ached for his twin brother, that she knew had to be still born. There had to be something she could give him aswell... She smiled and looked up at the doctor, cuddling the small, fragile body close to her heart.

"His name...will be Ryan..." she managed to whisper before she took her last breath. As if in a vision, she felt her spirit being ripped from her body, but she also saw the spirit of her unborn baby boy. Suddenly a bright white light shone radiantly over them, and she heard a deep, angelic voice.

"Tanya, you gave your life in trying to save your son, Ryan. You knew that there would be complications, and yet still you did not abort him, like so many other young mothers would have done. Therefore, I am giving a new life, a new soul to your unborn child. Since a new life will be created, your boy would not be identical to Ryan, his biological twin brother. Your life on this Earth is over for now, but your spirit will live on in both of your sons. There is a condition though, that, if you successfully complete it, you would be allowed to return to Earth. Welcome to Heaven, Tanya."

Tanya closed her eyes and smiled. God was good, God was life. Her boys would be taken care of, more than she ever she awaited to hear what needed to be done in order for her to return to her boys one day...

2011 - Cape Town, South Africa

"Ryan here, catch!"

Ryan ran towards the ball flying through air and caught it with precision. He quickly used his tall, slender body to duck and dive though the defenders before overlapping the final one standing in his way and plunging to the ground, scoring the try for his Highschool. He managed to stand up and get to his feet before he was overwhelmed by the rest of his teammates. He was the school's star player afterall in his age group. The final whistle of the game sounded and they had won. Ryan was patted on the back and hugged by his teammates before running over to his parents. Both his mom and dad had huge smiles on their faces.

"Ryan dude! Im so freakin proud of you, buddy" his dad screamed as he picked up his son and hugged him fiercely. Where other 16 year old boys would have been embarrassed to let his teammates and friends see it, he was proud to show everyone his dad and his mom at that, who was just 28 themselves and sure as hell didn't look like it. When he finally was let lose, he gently embraced his mom, kissing her on the cheek. She was always so scared that Ryan would get a injury while playing Rugby that could do major damage, but there was no stopping Ryan's love for the game.

"Ok, alright! Pizza at Panarotti's tonight! Ryan, go and take a shower, buddy. You fucking stink!" his dad joked.

"Matthew! Were not at home now!" his mom shrieked.

"Come on, Liliana. Can't I be happy for my boy? Star player on the Rugby field, getting good grades and a friendly kid, not to mention sexy as hell!" Matthew bragged, lifting up Ryan's shirt to display his six pack abs. Ryan smiled cheekily at his dad, there was this bromance between them that no other of his friends had with their fathers. He loved his dad, but they were also the best of friends. Afterall, Matthew was just 12 years older than him. Ryan knew that he was an adopted child after his mom died giving birth to him 16 years ago. The first couple to took him in treated him very badly. They tended to forget they had a little boy in the house when they started to throw cups and saucers at eachother. The neighbours alerted the Social Services and Ryan was immediately taken away from them when he was just 5 years old. From then until he was 10 years of age, he was moved from the one foster home to another, never staying in one place long enough to make any kind of friends. Then, finally one day after his 10th birthday, he was called in by the matron and given the news that there was a young couple, who had just gotten married, who was willing to take him. They had the choice between Ryan and another boy and they picked him, since he was older and didn't need stuff like potty training or shit like that. Since then his life had turned from bad to fantastic. He loved Matthew and Lilliana, as he was told to call them from the start, since they were only 12 years older than him. Ryan finally got his wish and stayed in a school long enough to make some decent friends, and the little boy who wanting nothing more in his kindred heart than to have a family, finally got his wish. Still, he could never shake the feeling and need to wanting to get to know his biological family. Yeah, he loved Matthew and Lilliana incredibely, but there was always some part of him wanting to know where he came from, especially since he turned 16. He didnt have the guts to tell his adopted parents of his need, and they never questioned or pushed the fact, knowing and believing that he would come to them, if something was bothering him.

As Ryan walked into the lockerroom, he once more got a hero's reception. He walked over to his best friend, Mark, who was already underneath the shower, and busying washing his hair. Now as Ryan undressed, he got that funny feeling in the pit of his ripped abdomen as he always did when he was near Mark. He knew that he wasn't gay or anything, but Mark was always making him feel so...warm and fuzzy all over. But God knows, the lockerroom containing a highschool Rugby team was not the place to be thinking thoughts like that.

"Dude, you're the fucking shit! When you caught that ball and started to race down the field, I seriously thought someone stuck a battery in your ass. There was just no way you was gonna be stopped!" Mark said energetically, while wiping the access shampoo out of his eyes. Ryan tried his best not to stare at his best friend abs and stomach muscles.

"Fuck you Mark. You didn't say that when I banged your mom last night!"

"Oh that does it, come here, you piece of shit!" Mark laughed and started to tickle Ryan. He knew that was the maybe the one weakness that Ryan had. Ryan screamed and scrambled to get lose and in the heat of the moment, slipped on the slippery shower tiles. Mark luckily saw this and quickly stood his ground to catch Ryan.

"Holy fuck, buddy! Are you ok" Mark asked, all the playing and fooling around suddenly forgotten.

"Yeah Mark, thanks for catching me. Fuck, I might have broken my neck there if you hadn't!" Ryan said, fully aware that Mark's arms was still around him. He looked up into the eyes of his best buddy, but knew it was impossible. God didn't make them more straight and into girls than he did Mark.

"Well, yeah I gotta finish. The rests are taking me out tonight to celebrate," he quickly told Mark, to cover up his almost embarrassing mistake.

"Be glad, dude. The most that my dad gets to spending time with me, is when he pays money into my account," Mark said quietly. Mark's dad was a Marketing Salesman, and that meant he was seldom at home. Mark understood that his dad, as a single parent had to work and make sacrifices to keep them living, but he wished that his dad was home more often. His mom died last year due to cancer and since then, his father had buried himself in his work, to be able to keep the household afloat. Ryan once more felt that aching pain in his heart for Mark, which always made him wanna take Mark in his arms and hold him. That was not what boys should be doing to one another, but his heart wanted and yearned for it. Mark was done with his shower and got dressed, as Ryan sighed. Things would have been so much better if he found himself a girlfriend and then he could force himself to forget about these feelings for his friend. He felt the water starting to cascade down onto his body while he soaped up his hair, wishing with all his might that he could tell Mark how he felt about him.

Mark was tying his shoes and waited for Ryan to finish his shower, when he felt a sudden, strange pang of pain in his chest area. He sat up quickly, scared to death that he was having a heart attack or something, but it went by as quickly as it came. He took a couple of deep breaths before resuming in tying his laces. He blinked his eyes a couple of times, but he could have sworn he saw a young, attractive woman slipping out of the lockerroom. Without bothering to put his shirt on, he raced outside to confront her. What was she doing spying on them? When he got outside, his young, muscled chest was heaving up and down as he frantically searched for the woman, but she was gone. When he returned to the lockerroom, he saw that Ryan was halfway dressed and he, still a bit shaken, returned to his sportsbag.

"We gotta be careful in here, buddy. I just saw a woman sneaking peaks at us in here."

"What? Damn, then she must have gotten an eyeful of your small package," Ryan said slyly. He loved to tease Mark about his smaller than average dick.

"Fuck you, Ryan. Damn dude, I would love to fuck my father up good and proper for giving me this baby dick. I mean, what's the point of working hard to get this rockin body, and then the girls takes off your boxers and your small dick stares back at them?" Mark said woefully.

"Well, I hear some girls like smaller dicks. Easier to suck on and not so hurtful when you fuck them for the first time."

"Like you would know, Virgin Boy."

Ryan laughed and they left the lockerroom. They got into Mark's car and drove to Ryan's house where Mark dropped him off. Ryan so wanted to kiss Mark goodbye, but...what the fuck could you do? He was a boy, and Mark was a boy. Fucked up world. He suddenly wondered why God created something such as homosexuality. He sighed, said good bye to his best buddy and walked into the house. That night was awesome. They each ordered their own pizzabase, to which they could choose their own toppings. Ryan chose cheese, salami, pepperoni, pepperdew, green peppers, chili's, bacon and avocado. He loved all the spicy things on his pizza when he slathered it with garlic when it was ready to eat. As Ryan took a chunk of bite from his third slice of pizza, and just got ready to wash it down with his bottomless Coke, he saw a woman, dressed in white sitting by one of the tables looking straight at him. Now normally he would just have looked away when it normally happened sometimes, but she was giving his a intence stare that started to scare him just a little. Somehow he forced his eyes off her as his mother started to ask him a question. When he looked back in that direction after a while, the woman was gone.

That night, Ryan brushed his teeth to get rid of all that garlic he ate. It was delicious when eaten, but afterwards it was a bitch on the breath. He took off his white wifebeater that he was wearing and got into bed. Just has he wanted to turn on his DVD player, he heard a knock on his door, followed by his father's face around it.

"Hey buddy, just came to check if your alright. You were very quiet at dinner and there after. Everything ok?"

"Yeah Matthew, I'm fine. It was just this woman who kept staring at me while we were at Panarotti's and it kinda freaked me out."

Matthew walked over to his adopted son and sat down on the bed. He reached out and ran his hands through the sixteen year old's hair.

"You forget, it wasn't that long ago that I was your age, dude. There is something else bothering you, I can tell. I've raised you since you were 10 years old, and I know you. Come on, Ryan! You know you can tell me anything," Matthew said while caressing the back of Ryan's neck. Ryan enjoyed this so much, the loving attention that he got from his adopted father, but was scared to tell him about the feelings he had for Mark. Then again, Matthew wasn't like any other dad he had ever known. Ryan took a deep breath and decided to take a chance.

"Okay, there is this...person at school, and everything about them makes me do I say good and warm, like I wanna be with them all the time. This person is so fucking sexy and beautiful, but the thing is...we're also close friends. If they don't feel the same way that I do, and I strongly doubt that, I'll fucking lose their friendship! Matthew, I don't know what the hell to do! Why must life be like this?"

Matthew moved up from the edge of the bed until he was sitting right next to Ryan. He placed his arms around the teenager and pulled him closer. He knew what he was about to say would require some skill, or he would end up hurting Ryan, and he loved his boy way too much for that.

"You're in love with Mark, aren't you?"

Ryan's head turned towards Matthew so fast that he actually felt a sharp pain in his neck, but he couldn't be minded. How the fuck did his dad know? But before he could say anything, the latter stopped him.

"Dude, don't say anything. I can see that you have feelings for Mark, and I've seen it for a long time. wanna know why I can see it? Because I'm gay aswell, buddy."

"You're WHAT?" Ryan shouted.

"Ssshhh...stay calm. Don't worry, Lilliana knows that I'm gay...and so is she. I think its time that we have a little talk. We were both twenty-two years old, and we both knew that there was no way we would ever have kids of our own if we chose to live our lives the way we wanted to. I was into dudes, and Lilliana is still a lesbian to this day."

Ryan was trying very hard to understand all this information, but slowly but surely started to see it for what it was. He always wondered why Matthew and Lilliana never had any children of their own. They were twenty-two when they adopted him, and had 6 years to have sex to pop out one of their own, and still they hadn't.

"I know its a lot for you to understand, we wanted to keep it secret for you until you turn 18, but mentally I think you are mature enough to understand. We loved you since the first day we saw you, Ryan. When the matron and social worker told us what you had to go through before, we knew we had to take you, as we could give you a better life."

"Matthew...yeah man this is a lot to cope with, but in a way...I'm glad. Because you know now what I'm going through. I don't know if you could call it love, but I do know that I wanna be with him and think about him all the time. But, fuck!!! There is no way that he would like me that way I do him. Matthew, you should see him with the girls. There is just no way."

Matthew pulled his adopted son closer to him and kissed his forehead, closing his eyes as he did so. He loved his son, and for the first time, he wanted to show him how much. He pulled away and looked deep into Ryan's eyes.

"You're beautiful, buddy. I love you so much..." he whispered before leaning in to kiss Ryan tenderly on the lips. Ryan was so shocked, but at the same time so turned on aswell, but this was his father! The fact that they were only 12 years apart helped the sheer weirdness of the situation. But, he was a 16 year old horny boy, and Matthew, although his adopted father, was a fucking sexy man. Ryan rubbed Matthew's back as the older man started to kiss his way down Ryan's rock hard teenage six pack. He had to do a double take when Matthew reached down and took off his boxers, allowing Ryan's stiff and fuck 7.5 inch cock slap against his muscled teenage chest. Matthew took the hard organ in his hand and started to toss the cock off slowly, watching the cockhead appear and dissapear over and underneath the foreskin. Matthew wanted to show Ryan how he loved him. He kissed Ryan again and then shoved him back onto the bed. He leaned down and took the strong cock into his mouth. Ryan's young body lurched upwards due to sheer emotion running through him, making it even more of a turn on that his father was doing this. Matthew sucked the whole tasty dick down his throat, while he slid his lips all the way back up, letting the glistering cock pop out of his mouth. He looked up into Ryan's eyes and then started to really do a job on his 16 year old cock. Ryan had wanted to cum ever since Matthew kissed him but this not even he can control. Ryan grabbed Matthew's hair and felt his balls draw up against his groin, before blasting his young sperm into the man that adopted him 6 years ago. Matthew swallowed over and over, before he could just not keep up with the torrent of sperm that his son was giving him, watching Ryan slump his limp body against the bed, and breathing heavily at that. Matthew willed the sperm down his throat, and then pulled his son upwards and embraced him.

"Im sorry, buddy. I wanted to do that ever since you had hit puberty. But I always would be a one time thing, never again. I love you, Ryan. I love you so fucking much, as if you were my own flesh and blood. What happened here tonight, was to show how much I love you, and that you can trust me with anything. You understand, buddy?"

Ryan nodded, as he felt the afterglow of his first ever blowjob decend on him.

"I know Matthew. You gave me my life back six years ago. Im glad we did this...truth be told I always fancied you, until I started feeling this way about Mark."

Matthew pulled away and held his adopted son's face in his hands.

"Then you go for it. I want you to be happy. Tell Mark how you feel, and if he then rejects you, he was never a real friend to begin with. Whatever happens, there is someone out there, who is gonna be just perfect for you."

And as his father, the man he saw more as a brother, hugged him tightly again, at that moment, Ryan knew that everything would turn out alright. He would have been less amazed if he knew that he was being watched. And outside Ryan's bedroom, a beautiful woman, dressed in white, turned around and walked away slowly.

Thanks for reading! What was the deal that Tanya made with Angel Gabriel to return to Earth 16 years ago? What happened to Ryan's twin brother, to whom Tanya gave her soul to live on? And who is this woman watching both Ryan and Mark?

This is the first chapter in this 4 part mini series. I really hope you guys like it. Please tell me what you think of the this chapter by sending a email to me at I will reply to every one I get. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Ryan White xxx

Next: Chapter 2

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