Love on Campus

By The Haydster

Published on Apr 6, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains love between two teenage males. If it is illegal to read this in your community, or if you are below the legal age, leave now. No responsibility is accepted by the author for any effects of this story , directly or indirectly. By continuing to read this, you accept that you are accessing this of your own free will, and indemnify the author against all cases.

Love On Campus by theHaydster Copyright 2006, theHaydster. All rights reserved

Please email me at I need more ideas for the story.

Hi, welcome to chapter 10. This chapter is a bit violent, and the road will be a rocky for Davo & Alex for the next 2-3 chapters. Don't worry though, it will have a happy ending. After that, I need ideas though. Please feel free to email me with ideas and with comments. Josh & Tim will come back into the story next chapter too.

Thanks goes to Alex for reading over my stories and providing feedback before posting, and for being an inspiration.

Chapter 10

We walked out of the meeting a bit stunned about the seriousness of the plan they had for us. Alex put his arm around my waist. "Scared babe?" "More stunned about how serious this all is." He gave a quick kiss on the cheek just as Jane walked up to us. "Guys, I'm sorry to hear about all this, and if there's anything I can do to help around campus, let me know. I also want to say, on behalf of the Queer association, thanks for being brave enough to agree to this plan." Alex replied with "It was either go with the plan or have the case dropped, and we're not going to let that happen. They nearly killed us both." We exchanged phone numbers & email addresses then headed for home (college).

We arrived back in time for lunch, and our mates asked what the senate meeting was about, but we said we couldn't talk about it. Dan & Lou kept a watchful eye out for us. I thought it was a bit ridiculous until I remembered that our attackers had actually attempted murder. Alex saw me get nervous and gave me a kiss on the cheek, prompting whistles from the others, and Scotty (always the joker) said "What, no kiss for me?" I blushed at the whistles and Alex kissed Scotty on the cheek. Everyone, including Dan & Lou cracked up at the expression of shock on Scotty's face.

We attended lectures as normal for the next few days. Or rather, as normal as possible with 2 police officers as bodyguards. We went for our afternoon walks as normal too, but we walked through the Alumni Gardens now. One time we were on our walk when Lou's radio crackled "DeFinis, Eyes team, come in" "Eyes team, DeFinis here" "Baker, DeFinis, 2 men concealed in Alumni gardens, appear unarmed. Take extra caution" "Ok eyes, Definis out" "Eyes out"

"Ok guys, what do we do?" Lou asked us. Alex & I said we should go on, as two unarmed guys would not be a match for 2 armed officers. When we went in we were all very tense. When we heard a rustle in the bushes to our right all 4 of us spun in that direction and Dan and Lou prepared to draw their guns. There were 2 men there, and I had a major shock until it registered that they were holding pruning tools. It turned out the 2 guys that the surveillance team had seen were gardeners.

Over the next few days we were under surveillance a lot, by the police and by others. What the others didn't know, is that they were being watched by the police at the same time. The police had one major advantage over them, namely parabolic microphones. A parabolic mike is a mike that amplifies sound, but only from one direction. This meant that the police could listen to them, as well as see them. They discovered that the attack was coming soon, but not when.

Alex & I spent as little time apart as possible, and we decided to try for a bigger room next year, so we could live together. One evening in Alex's room, he brought up a topic that I hadn't thought about. "Davo, what are we going to do about my parents? They don't know about us but they are going to find out, after all we have been outed." "I don't know, but we are going to be out to them when we go to court." "I guess we had better tell them before the case, but after this trap has been sprung" "We won't have a large window of time then. Lou told me Gordon's lawyer is pushing for the trial to go ahead but they are stalling, because they want to trial these other guys with him, hopefully they will rat on him for the first attack on us." "We do have to tell them though" "Yes, I know babe, but we'll work out how later" A kiss from me stifled any further conversation.

Our uni workload had significantly increased, so we had to spend a lot more time doing uni work, and we couldn't really go to any events, as it would be too easy for someone to injure us in a crowd (after all, our attackers had tried to kill us). At least we were able to spend time together; the studying was made much easier with kisses interspersed. We also slept together every night, I slept so much better with him next to me in bed.

Lou & Dan had a phone call from HQ in a week, saying that the surveillance team had discovered that the attack was going to be this afternoon. The police teams were ready. I was scared to death with this news, and Alex was scared too. I couldn't concentrate that day, and neither could Alex. Dan & Lou had their guns, but in their pockets so they would appear unarmed. Before we went on our walk, they came into my room and Lou spoke to both of us.

"Guys, I know you're probably scared stiff about this, and I can understand that, but it will all be over today. We need you to act as normally as possible. We will be in radio contact with the Eyes team, so we know if we have to abort this op. If we see them, we have to act normally until they become hostile. I know that it will be hard, but we have to do it. Be prepared to hear gunfire, and if you do, hit the deck." With that we started our walk.

We were approaching the gardens when Dan's radio sprang to life. "Eyes to Definis and Baker. Operation is go. 6 people concealed in 2 places, suspect front and back coverage. Tactical teams concealed and ready. Confirm received" "Baker confirmed. Operation is go" With that they both clicked the safety on their guns off and kept one hand on their guns in their pockets, as we walked in. Dan & Lou a step behind, as usual.

When we rounded the bend in the path, we saw 3 guys come out of the bushes. Another 3 came out from behind us, blocking the other end of the path. "So, you faggots thought you'd escape us. You're going to die this time. Your cop friends are unarmed." Lou stepped in front of us, and Dan turned around and covered our backs. "Put your hands up, all of you. You are covered by firearms now, and you are all under arrest for attempted murder and intimidation of witnesses." With that two of the guys (one on each side) threw darts at us. I know that sounds lame, but when you see something with a needle-sharp tip flying at you, it doesn't sound lame at all. Dan & Lou were in front of us and took the darts in their shoulders. They were hit in their gun arms, and the guys ran forward as they both threw themselves backwards, knocking us onto the ground.

The instant we hit the ground, gunfire erupted from the trees around us. 5 unformed policemen came out to arrest the guys, and another 7 covered them with rifles. All six of them had been shot, in a leg and the guys who threw the darts had been hit in their arms as well. As soon as they were handcuffed the other officers put down their guns and came out to help with their wounds as well as Dan and Lou's. We heard sirens as 3 ambulances turned up. It turned out they had been called, and were waiting just off campus. It was all over, as the six guys that wanted to kill us were loaded into 2 ambulances and Dan & Lou hopped into the other one (they were bandaged, but the other officers told them that they should get their wounds looked at).

Another officer walked up to us and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Officer Casey of the SERT team. As you are still officially under police protection, I need to remain with you for the time being. I suggest that we return to your college as soon as possible." "Are you both all right?" He added, looking concerned. "I'm all right, a bit shaken up. Are you all right Davo?" Alex asked. "Me too" I replied. "Then I suggest we get back to your college as soon as possible, especially as the media will hear about this, it will be big news." Officer Casey put in. We left for college, after Alex giving me a quick kiss (that certainly helped me relax).

Mr. Johnsson met us at college. He had just received a phone call and been told what we had done. He shook hands with both of us and said how proud he was of us. After his congratulations we both went to my room to relax for a bit. As soon as we were in the door we both collapsed onto my bed and slept. I guess the emotional stress of it all had taken its toll on us.

I was eventually woken up by Alex's lips pressed against mine. I love getting woken up like that. Eventually we broke our kiss, and I sat up. "Babe, we've got to get up now. Dan & Lou are back and want to talk to us. We're meeting with them, Mr Johnsson, Sir Woods and Officer Casey in the college boardroom" I got up, and into some fresh clothes (Alex had already changed). Once we arrived in the boardroom Sir Woods shook our hands and acted pretty much the same way Mr. Johnsson had. After we had all sat down, Officer Casey stood up and began to speak.

"You all have a brief idea of what has gone on today, but I will go over it again. This afternoon David and Alex were attacked by 6 uni students in the Alumni gardens. Two of these men were armed with darts. Officers Baker and DeFinis both received dart wounds to the shoulder. After this happened they pushed David and Alex to the ground, allowing the SERT team to open fire. All six offenders were wounded in the legs and the two armed with darts received wounds to their arms which were holding the darts. They are all under arrest for 2 counts of attempted murder, assault on a police officer, resisting arrest, intimidating a witness and the two men with the darts are also charged with assault with a deadly weapon. I believe Mr. Johnsson has something to say." With that Officer Casey sat down and Mr. Johnsson stood up.

"I have received calls from the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), and from channels 7, 9 and 10. They want a statement from us as soon as possible. I have no idea how they tracked it to this college, or how they heard about it in the first place. If everyone is willing, we will hold a press conference here tomorrow morning." Everyone agreed to ten o'clock and the meeting was adjourned.

Once we got back to our room, we decided to call our parents. They would be very upset if they heard it on the news before we told them. They didn't know about this police thing, but they would be pretty sure it was us. We would tell mine the whole story, but we would only tell Alex's the bare facts. If we told them he was gay at the same time, there was a much higher chance of them flipping out. We still had to tell them about us soon, but I was not looking forward to it. Neither was he.

Please email me with comments and ideas. Flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 10

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