Love on Campus

By The Haydster

Published on Mar 24, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains love between two teenage males. If it is illegal to read this in your community, or if you are below the legal age, leave now. No responsibility is accepted by the author for any effects of this story , directly or indirectly. By continuing to read this, you accept that you are accessing this of your own free will, and indemnify the author against all cases.

Love On Campus by theHaydster Copyright 2006, theHaydster. All rights reserved

Please email me at I need more ideas for the story. Note: This story will NOT include sex in the near future, and will not include graphic sex at any time. This story is a love story.

Chapter 9

The doctor said that the officer could come in, if we both agreed, and we did. The cop came in. He looked not all that much older than us with black hair and looked a bit like Alex, as in the sport player. "Hi guys, I'm Lou Definis of the federal police and I'm here to take your statements about the attack on you last Friday. Call me Lou if you like. By the way, I'm from the federal police because the uni is federal land." Alex replied with "Hi Lou, I'm Alex" "Hi Alex, so I guess that makes you David" he replied to me. "Yes" I said. We told him what had happened on Friday night, and everything that we remembered.

"Ok, I've got enough information for the time being guys. Thanks." Lou said as he prepared to leave. "Hang on, what happened to the guys who attacked us?" I asked. "We weren't fast enough to get them" Lou replied, with a sad look on his face "The gunshots you heard were the state police firing at them, but they didn't get any of them. As soon as you are out of hospital you will be under police guard 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until we catch the bastards who did this." After Lou left Alex & I kissed each other passionately. I wanted to make out with him, but it wouldn't be such a good idea as a nurse could walk in at any moment. The next thing I knew it was morning.

When we woke up at about 6 the next morning Alex & I felt fine. Of course we both felt better after a morning kiss. The doctor came around about 9 in the morning, and signed our discharge papers. Lou and another officer who introduced himself as John Baker met us and told us that they were assigned to guard us. Alex's parents and my parents wanted to take us home, but we decided to stay at uni. We couldn't very much say that we didn't want to be separated because we were in love in front of Alex's parents, so we said we didn't want to lose a semesters credit.

Lou drove us back to my college in his squad car, and we were met by Mr. Johnsson. He expressed his pleasure that we were both well, and asked us up to his office, as he had something to tell us. Once we were seated there (by we I mean Alex, Lou, John and myself), Mr. Johnsson took a seat behind his desk and began. "Alex and David, I have spoken with the police about the situation that you are in. Mr. Stevens (The head of Burke College) has suggested that you two live near each other, so the police can protect you better. As we have better security, Alex, you will be moved into the room next to David, if that is ok with both of you." Needless to say, we agreed and thanked Mr. Johnsson for his help.

We went to Burke College then and moved Alex. It didn't take long with the help of our parents and Lou. John couldn't help as he had to keep an eye out for us. Once Alex had moved Lou said that he and John had to talk with us privately. We sat down in my room and our parents said that they'd wait in Alex's room.

Lou started with "Guys, we have been assigned to guard you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We have rooms on either side of your rooms, and you are not to leave the block without us. We reckon that you are safe within the block, as everyone needs a security key to get in. Just in case, take these "with those words he handed us two personal alarms. "These things emit 120dB screeches, so don't set them off accidentally. We don't want to cramp your style too much, but your safety is our priority. That's pretty much for security for the time being. Oh, we have been told that you are a couple and don't care, so we won't freak if you two hold hands or kiss or anything while we're with you. The university senate has called an emergency meeting at 10 tomorrow morning to arrange what will be done to catch your attackers." With that he opened the door and let our parents in.

It took them 2 hours to assure them that we were fine (and we were). Eventually they left. Lou and John left to set up their rooms, making sure Alex & I locked our doors. While they were gone Alex & I took the opportunity to make out. We lay down next to each other on my bed and kissed like never before. He tasted so good. We lay next to each other and held each other tightly. I was so worried that Alex was going to die yesterday. I started to cry with relief and Alex noticed. "What's wrong babe, why are you crying?"

"I was so afraid of losing you yesterday when your heart stopped"

"You are the one that kept me alive, your love made me survive"

He held me in his arms until I stopped crying. I felt safe and secure in his arms, and we both drifted off into a deep sleep.

I was so exhausted that I didn't have nightmares, or I didn't remember having them. I woke up in Alex's arms at 6 the next morning. I needed to go to the toilet, so I softly slid out of bed and put on my dressing gown (with the personal alarm in the pocket) and left the room. I came back to find Alex awake (just). I gave him a good morning kiss, which fully woke him up. "You wake me up more than any cup of coffee can" he said with an impish grin. "Shower?" I asked him. "Only if we go together" was his reply.

We got undressed and put our robes on (normally we'd just have a towel, but we had to have the damn alarms). Tiny saw us and gave a loud wolf whistle. I turned bright red as Alex gave him the finger. Showering was good; we washed each other (in between kisses). Yes, we did get hard, and we helped each other with that too (being as quiet as possible). Eventually we were both clean and we separated as Alex's clothes were in his room. We were told to dress up for the senate meeting so it took me a bit to get into my bag of fruit (Aussie slang: bag of fruit = suit). Alex knocked on my door just as I was putting my shoes on. I unlocked it and he came in. Alex was a knockout! I don't really know how to describe it, but he looked like a model for suits.

We were ready to go down to breakfast, and Lou came with us. Breakfast was uneventful; Scotty told me that everyone had been told that we'd be under police protection. After breakfast we did some study in my room until 9:30 when Dan & Lou got us for the senate meeting.

I guess I'd better explain about the senate. The senate is the governing body of the university under the Australian University Act It consists of the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, The president of the academic board, 8 appointed members and 6 elected members (including one student).

We turned up to the chancellery (the admin building) where the receptionist lady asked for our student IDs, then arranged for us to be escorted to the boardroom. We knocked and were invited in.

An elderly man at the far end of the table offered us a seat and introduced himself as Don Woods, the chancellor. All the other members introduced themselves too (the vice chancellor told us that the chancellor was Sir Woods). There were another 4 people that weren't part of the senate. They were Inspector Bailey of the Federal Police, John Edwards (Head of Campus Security) and Jane Smith (President of the Queer Association).

Once we were all seated (Dan & Lou remained standing) Sir Edwards began the meeting. He stood up and said: "This emergency meeting of the Australian University Senate has been called to discuss the assault on David Andrews and Alexander Scott. Inspector Bailey has a plan of action for the Senate to hear. Over to you, Inspector Bailey."

"Firstly, I should mention that this incident is a case of attempted murder, with multiple assailants using weapons. These circumstances allow the use of lethal force on our part, without warning if deemed necessary. This plan may seem like overkill, but safety of Mr. Andrews and Mr. Scott is our first priority. As this is a hate crime, and on federal land I have been given access to a task force from Canberra. The plan is that these men are given carte blanche or as close as is practical access to the university grounds and buildings. They will perform surveillance upon Mr. Andrews & Mr. Scott, or more importantly, they will find who else is performing surveillance upon them. We should be able to gather enough information quickly to work out when and where they plan to ambush them again." said Inspector Bailey.

He continued with "In this case, there is probably one person who has organised all of this, and he will likely not be in the group gathering information but will want to be in on the attack. This is why we will need to ambush their ambush team. It seems that the perfect place for them to attack would be in the Alumni Gardens. There is a path running through the middle, the path has a section not visible from either end and it is not far from the path of Mr. Andrews & Mr. Scott's afternoon walk." We both wondered how he knew that. He was right though. Inspector Bailey took a deep breath and finished explaining his plan. "We have been given access to a crew of eight police marksman that will hide behind the ambushers as soon as they are given the all clear by the surveillance team. Once the ambushers have tried to attack or have made an allusion showing their guilt with the previous attack, Officers DeFinis and Baker will arrest them, covered by the armed police concealed in the shrubbery."

He finished with "This plan must receive the approval of the Australian University senate before it may go ahead, and I ask that it is approved." With that he sat down

Sir Woods stood up and said "I motion that the plan put forward by Inspector Bailey is accepted. All in favour, raise your hands." I looked around and every member of the senate had raised their hands. "Motion passed. Mr. Andrews, Mr. Scott, do you agree with this plan?" Alex spoke for both of us "We aren't overly happy about it, but the people who attacked us must be caught." He gave my hand a squeeze under the table when he said this. Sir Woods ended the meeting with "Very well. Inspector Bailey, I will arrange top level security clearance for your team. Meeting adjourned"

Please email me with comments and ideas. Flames will be ignored. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Next: Chapter 9

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