Love on Campus

By The Haydster

Published on Mar 8, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains love between two teenage males. If it is illegal to read this in your community, or if you are below the legal age, leave now. No responsibility is accepted by the author for any effects of this story , directly or indirectly. By continuing to read this, you accept that you are accessing this of your own free will, and indemnify the author against all cases.

Love On Campus by theHaydster Copyright 2006, theHaydster. All rights reserved

Please email me at I need more ideas for the story. Note: This story will NOT include sex in the near future, and will not include graphic sex at any time. This story is a love story.

Chapter 7

Well that was it, we knew he was going to out us. There wasn't really anything that we could do about it, so we decided to just accept it. Alex was worried about me until I told him about my martial arts. We called Kate and she agreed that we were most likely outed, but she was going to do everything that she could to make life hell for Theo now.

"Well Alex, I guess we'll find out who our real friends are now"

"You're right there babe"

"If we're going to be out anyway by the morning, want to stay tonight?"

"Do you really need an answer to that question" he said. I found him a pair of pyjamas (we're about the same size) and we both went to bed. We both slept peacefully, wrapped in each other's arms.

The next morning I was woken up at 6 by Alex disentangling himself from my arms. "I've got to get back to college babe" "Uhh, what?" I replied dopily. "I've got to go babe, but I need a kiss first. I moved my face close to his, but as soon as he closed his eyes I hit him with a pillow. "Hey! What was that for?" At the expression on his face I burst out laughing. "That was for waking me up so early." Then I kissed him "And that's because I love you anyway."

Once he got dressed and left I felt alone. While I was getting dressed to go to breakfast I got a message over DC from some random giving me a hash link (a link to a specific shared file). I looked at it and, as I suspected, it showed the kissing seen between Alex & me in the computer lab. "Well babe, we're well and truly out now" I thought. Not really knowing what to do, I went to breakfast.

As soon as I entered the breakfast hall there was a sudden murmur and people started avoiding me. I swear it was like the parting of the Red Sea. When I sat down at my usual table one or two guys got up and left, but the ones that I knew as my friends stayed. My inner circle of friends is made up of Josh, Tim, Tiny (who is really muscular and tall), Scotty, Jim (James) and Dan. Alex doesn't count as a friend, even though we are friends as well as lovers.

"I s'pose you guys haven't heard yet?" I said, expecting most of them to reject me. "Nope, we've heard all right" Tiny replied, "and we don't care at all."

"Serious? You're all still my friends"

"Hey, you don't hit on us or our girls or give us graphics and we won't hit on your boyfriend and we won't give you details"

"You guys sure? It'll kill you socially"

"No it won't, and if it does, who cares?"

"I do. I don't want you to get picked on because I've been outed"

"One for all, Davo. Quit trying to put us off."

With that I blushed bright red, surprised that they were still for me, but happy.

After that, there was always one of them around when I was on my own (without Alex that is). We shared some subjects, so it was easy for them to do. They tried to stay invisible, but didn't do a very good job of it. I mean I could see that they were doing it, but it wasn't obvious to others. I asked them about it and they said that it must be coincidence. I didn't push it, but I knew they were looking out for me.

At lectures Alex & I were given a wide berth by most, but it was not too bad. The lecturers didn't change their attitude, bar one. He sneered at us as we came in, and then just ignored us. Alex told me that pretty much the same stuff happened to him as did me, but he had only a few friends left. When I got back to college I had a message on my phone from the Queer rep on campus, just offering support and giving me a number if I needed help.

One day some guy started calling me stuff like "faggot" and "cocksucker". He had me cornered and then Tiny seemed to materialise out of nowhere. "Is there a problem with my friend here?" he said cracking his knuckles and looking threatening. The guy blanched and took off at a great rate of knots. Both Tiny and I cracked up after that.

That stopped the name calling, except when I was in a crowd. At one time Alex & I were going for an afternoon walk and he had to go to the john. I stood around outside, but then a hand was clamped over my mouth and I was pulled around the corner. I was cornered by a guy I recognised from my lectures. His name was Gordon, and he didn't look happy. "You're all alone now faggot and I'm going to teach you what we do to faggots here" he sneered. I said in a calm voice "Go away now and I'll forget this. Stay and you'll regret it."

"In your dreams, you can't bluff me" With that I snapped into a defensive position. He threw a hard punch at me which I deflected "This is your last warning Gordon. Go" His only response was to throw a haymaker punch at me. I grabbed his wrist and pushed my foot up, flipping him over my head and he hit the ground hard.

I heard Alex come out of the toilet and I yelled "Over here Alex, we've got trouble!" He came flying around the corner as Gordon punched at me again. I had had enough this time. I deflected his punch and grabbed his wrist. I twisted his arm around his back and forced him face down to the ground. "F**k you, faggot" he spat out, struggling. "Quit the struggling, or I'll be forced to break your arm. Alex, call security emergency its **** ****"

Within 5 minutes Security turned up, and a police car turned up too. They handcuffed Gordon and took a statement from me. They said that he would most likely be let off on probation, and they would let us know what happened. As soon as they left Alex wrapped mi in his arms and layed a major kiss on my lips. "Babe, that was amazing, how did you do it?" "I've been taking Tae-Kwon-Do since I was 7. I'm a black belt now" I calmly replied. "It looks like this will get the message out to the people who want to hurt us" "Alex, It'll either do that, or it will make them want to attack us more. I'm not sure what will happen" With that I kissed him gently and we continued our walk.

I went back to his college with him, and unusually enough, there was nearly no reaction. Alex told me that the Dean of Students had talked to them about it while we were on our walk. He hadn't told me before in case no change had occurred. Of course a few guys avoided us like the plague, but that was to be expected. I had to go back to my college for dinner, so I kissed Alex goodbye in his room (no need to test people's tolerance levels) and left.

When I got back to college I told the guys about what had happened (leaving out the details of the earth-shattering kisses I got). If Tiny & Scotty had their way, Gordon wouldn't live to see magistrates court. Their red faces were a contrast to Tim & Josh's faces. They had gone pale when they heard about it, afraid of what would happen if they were found out. Tiny & Scotty calmed down a bit when I told him that Gordon was under arrest for assault. All of them were really surprised to hear that I had a black belt. I asked them to keep it quiet.

Alex was pleased to hear how protective they were, and asked me to thank them for him. His actual words were "Thank them for taking care of my baby", but I didn't exactly use those words to tell them. I did some study and went to bed. I had a nightmare that night, but good prevailed in the nightmare, as it did in real life. At least it did this time; I was worried about the next round.

Alex & I received letters from the St. Mark's College Council letting us know that Gordon would be expelled from the college if found guilty, and almost certainly expelled from the university. I told Alex that I hoped that he would be able to continue education in some way. Alex looked shocked (in a good way) when I told him this. "Davo, babe, I can't believe that you feel any sympathy towards the guy that tried to beat you to a pulp. You are incredible, and I love you for it." He swept me off the ground and kissed me hard on the lips. Lucky we were in my room at the time.

The next few days followed the usual routine. Get up, have breakfast, see Alex at lectures, split up for lunch, go for a walk at the end of the day, have dinner, meet at my college or his and study (interspersed with kisses) , go to bed. On the Monday we received subpoenas from the magistrate's court for Gordon's trial on 2 weeks time. We also received letters informing us that Gordon was out on bail, but was ordered to keep at least 150m away from us and to stay of university grounds. If he broke these conditions he would be arrested and held without bail until the trial.

Please email me with comments and ideas. Flames will be ignored. This chapter is a little smaller, but stay tuned for the next chapter, you won't regret it, I promise.

Next: Chapter 7

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