Love on Campus

By The Haydster

Published on Mar 3, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains love between two teenage males. If it is illegal to read this in your community, or if you are below the legal age, leave now. No responsibility is accepted by the author for any effects of this story , directly or indirectly. By continuing to read this, you accept that you are accessing this of your own free will, and indemnify the author against all cases.

Love On Campus by theHaydster Copyright 2006, theHaydster. All rights reserved Please email me at I need more ideas for the story.

Chapter 6

Alex & I sat down on my bed, both our faces were white. We called Kate and told her what had happened. She was over in about a minute flat. Once she saw the email and the video she swore. I have NEVER heard Kate swear before, and her face went red. "Theo is a bastard. Once Felicity and I have finished with him, his life will be hell" she hissed. "Kate, don't do that yet." I replied quickly.

"Why the hell not, Davo?"

"If you do, he will definitely out us. I think we should see what he wants, if anything first"

"You have a point there, but I still want to slit his throat. Alex?"

Alex said "I agree with Davo, we should wait and see what happens. If he outs us, though, I'd love you to make his life as close to hell as you can"

We spoke about it for a while and Kate eventually summed up our plan. "Ok, so the plan is that Felicity and I will gather everything that we can on him, ready for release. In the meantime you find out if he wants anything. If he doesn't we can leave it at that. If he does, we have decided NOT to agree to what he wants, and warn him that we will release all this info about him if he outs you two. In the meantime, I suggest that you two don't change your behaviours, as that will make him think that you are scared." She left after that, and Alex had to leave soon too. Sleep was not easy that night.

During that night I had nightmares. I woke up sweating at 4 in the morning, and couldn't sleep after that. Alex slept poorly that night too. During the day we tried to act normal and unconcerned, but we were worried. I was jumpy and couldn't concentrate, neither could Alex. Josh & Tim picked up on this and caught us after our last lecture.

"Ok guys, what's going on here" Josh asked us.

"Theo knows" Alex said in a scared voice "He has video"

"Oh s**t, what's he going to do"

"We don't know, he emailed us telling us he'd think about what he wants. Whatever it is we're not giving it to him, and Kate's preparing a rumour counter-attack if he decides to out us."

"Good luck guys. Let us know if we can help"

"We'll let you know" With that we left for our colleges.

Tim & Josh kept me company throughout dinner, and walked with me to Alex's college afterwards. I appreciated their company and their support. Alex & I studied, or tried to until late. Eventually we finished and started talking. We got around to the nightmares, and it turned out that we were having the same ones. Eventually we were both incredibly tired. Alex looked at me and said "Davo, you're too tired to go to back home tonight. Why don't you stay with me tonight?"

"Won't that be even more incriminating if Theo finds out?"

"You can't walk back tonight, look how tired you are."

"Ok" I didn't take much convincing and I snuggled into bed with him. We both slept well that night.

Early the next morning I snuck out of Alex's college through the fire stairs, and got to my room at St. Mark's as quietly as possible. I wasn't spotted by anyone, thank goodness. I didn't need any more rumours.

When I got back, there was another email from Theo. He wanted me to meet him that evening at nine in a corner of the quad, and to come alone. No way was I going to come alone, so I called Alex and he agreed to be with me when we met him. What did he want from us?

The day passed quietly, with the exception of Josh & Tim deciding to hide nearby in case Theo wanted to beat us up. I was scared at dinner, and it showed. Theo smirked, and that got me really angry. I went back to my room and waited for Alex. He arrived at a quarter to nine. We walked down to the quad at nine, and Theo was there waiting for us.

"I told you to come alone" he started out with.

"I'm not going to see you alone. I don't trust you" I replied.

"You can't take both of us on" Alex put in, while he wrapped his arms protectively around me.

"Now you guys know that I can out you at any time"

"And why exactly would you want to do that?" Alex said belligerently, taking over the speaker's role from me.

"I can make your life hell at any time, got that faggot?"

"Whatever you want, we're not going to give it to you, so you can just take what you want and stick it!"

"Think about it. I want you two both to be my slaves whenever I want. If you don't I WILL out you without a second thought."

"Then it looks like you're going to out Davo & I. If you do, however, you should worry. If ANYTHING happens to Davo from you or any of your mates I will see you on crutches. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

"It won't stop others once you're outed. Think about it" With that he walked off.

We walked slowly back to my room. "We're going to be outed, babe" I told Alex, and started to gently sob in his arms. "I don't think that we will be, it all depends on how scared I got him" I lay a kiss on his lips, and he kissed me back. I was still afraid of being outed, but I think Alex scared him enough to delay it at least. After a few more kisses, Alex left for his college. I slept fitfully that night.

The next day we met up with Kate, and she reckoned that we had the right idea, but she wasn't sure whether our scare tactic would work. I also got a call from Theo that evening. He told Alex & I to accept his offer there and then or he would out us. I told him exactly where to stick his offer, and warned him that we had a counter weapon. He told me I was lying and to watch out. Alex had told him the same thing. I called Alex straight after I hung up on Theo. We were both worried, but we didn't really know what we could do. Surprisingly, I slept well, unworried that night. At six the next morning my phone rang.


"Davo, it's Kate. You've been outed"

"What! That bastard actually did it!"

"It's only a rumour so far, he hasn't released any evidence. I've put counter-rumours out. The best one is that Theo started this when he made a pass at you, and was angry when you told him you were straight."

I had to laugh at that one, but soon became serious again. "How credible is the rumour?"

"Not very credible, and I'm trying to quash it. Just deny it, and be careful how you act around Alex. I've called him too."

As soon as I went to breakfast I knew that some people had heard the rumour and they gave me a wide berth. Most dismissed it as a rumour though, as they had heard about how Theo was out to get Alex. A few guys shot me murderous looks, but they were the normal jerks.

At lectures Alex & I sat together again, but we were more careful to not fuel the rumours spreading around the colleges. Josh told us that there was a rumour that he had evidence, but it wasn't treated as being credible yet. After that I couldn't concentrate on the lectures.

Alex & I split up after the lectures; it wouldn't have been a good idea for us to go back to either of our colleges together. On my way back 3 of the football players turned up and started abusing me. I told them to get stuffed, and they eventually left once they saw that I wasn't getting annoyed.

Ok, there's something else I'd better tell you, I guess. I haven't told anyone, although I think Kate knows. I do Tae-Kwon-Do. I've reached black belt. You wouldn't know to look at me, but I can defend myself if I have to. I guessed that I should tell Alex if we got well and truly outed, if it would stop him worrying.

I had dinner without too much trouble from the idiots around the college. After lunch I called Alex and told him about the incident. He told me that the rumour had reached his college, but no one seemed to believe it, as he was a sporto. I told him that I seemed to recall a fact that sportos couldn't be gay. He laughed when I told him that. We both had a fair bit of work to do, so we hung up and got down to our work.

I worked through till dinner time, and finally got it all done. Alex & I chatted on the phone for a while, and he decided to come over regardless of the rumours. I made a half-hearted attempt to change his mind, but he wouldn't be deterred. Once he turned up we locked the door and I kissed him hard on the lips. I had missed that so much. Our kiss was interrupted by a knock on the door. It was Theo.

He walked into my room, closing the door behind him. When I told him to get out he replied "Ok, then I'll talk about you two being fags in the hallway. If I were you I'd listen to what I have to say before throwing me out."

"Speak then" Alex growled.

"As you can see, the rumour mill works well here. You've got a taste of what it would be like to be outed as the queers that you are. If you agree that you'll do what I want, when I want, I'll reverse the rumour. If not. I'll make that video public."

"GET OUT! NOW1" Alex roared at him. When Theo didn't move Alex picked him up and threw him bodily out of my room, then closed and locked my door. I heard him yell "That's it, you faggots are outed as of now!"

"Alex, he's going to release the video now"

"I know babe, but we had no choice"

"I know that too, but I still don't want to be out yet"

"Nor do I, but it's going to happen"

With that, he kissed me.

Please email me with comments and ideas. I've got no ideas past chapter 10. Flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 6

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