Love on Campus

By The Haydster

Published on Feb 17, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains love between two teenage males. If it is illegal to read this in your community, or if you are below the legal age, leave now. No responsibility is accepted by the author for any effects of this story , directly or indirectly. By continuing to read this, you accept that you are accessing this of your own free will, and indemnify the author against all cases.

Love On Campus by theHaydster Copyright 2006, theHaydster. All rights reserved

Note: Sex is not on the agenda for this story in the near future, and when/if it does occur, it will not be graphic.

Chapter 5

Sunday passed in a blur. I managed to get my work done somehow, but I was really worried. Theo presented a very real danger to us, and he was smart enough to recognise our relationship if he looked for it. Luckily that was probably the last thing that he would look for, as we were supposedly "dating his girl". Also, Alex was Felicity's "date" for the movies, so he would be the one under attack, and he shows no signs of gayness.

I had nightmares that night about Alex being attacked by Theo and other shadowy figures. I awoke soaked in sweat. The first thing that I did was call Alex to make sure that he was all right. Alex was having the same nightmare about me when I called and woke him up.We decided to sit apart today, and discuss things like that with Kate this afternoon. The day went by very slowly. I was afraid and lonely. Afraid for Alex and myself of Theo, and lonely because Alex wasn't by my side.

At three I arrived at Kate's room for our "concil of war" as she put it. I found Alex and Felicity there along with her. Once I sat down Kate got down to business. "Guys, this business with Theo changes everything. For a start, you need to tell Felicity" Alex looked at me, and I nodded. He took a deep breath and said "Felicity, Davo and I are in love. We are a couple." I looked at Felicity, and she was grinning. "Isn't it ironic that Theo thinks you are after me? I know it's a serious problem, but it is also funny" When she put it that way we sow the funny side of it. "Anyway", Kate went on, "The point is that Theo will be looking for any reason at all to cause trouble for Alex. Davo, this means that you will be a target too, and an easier one, as you are at Theo's collegc. I'm not sure that much can be done about this, except make sure that your curtains are drawn and your door is locked so no one else walks in on you, and be subtle in public."

We agreed that there wasn't much that we could do for the time being. "What if he does find out about us?" I asked Kate. "The term 'all hell breaks loose' springs to mind Davo. Theo will do everything he can to out you and there will be repercussions" Felicity, who had been almost silent told us that she would try to get Theo to see sense and lay off us, but she wasn't very hopeful.

We decided that there was little we could do at the moment, as the only real way to reduce the risk of Theo finding out about us was to break up. Obviously we weren't going to break up, as i couldn't imagine life without him now, and I knew he felt the same way. Kate & Felicity were going to try and tone everything down on the gossip front. This would help us, but the main thing that we had to watch out for was any possible photo evidence of us being together. The problem was that Theo was a smart bastard.

Alex & I went back to my college at about 4 and studied for a bit. We decided that there was nothing we could do about Theo to prevent him finding out about us if he tried hard enough. If there was any inkling of it, though, Kate was going to get nasty. Kate & Felicity would pull all the stops at their college to destroy Theo's social standing and his credibility. This was designed as a last resort, because things were bound to get messy if this happenned, as it might be traced to them or us.

The next few days passed uneventfully, without mucuh cause at all for worry. Alex's soccer team played their first game and won, which was a mixed blessing as they thrashed my college. Alex scored the winninggoal, which made both of us really happy. Needess to say, we didn't do any study when I went to his room that evening.We also realised that this gave us a tactical advantage over Theo, as it shot Alex up on the social scale.

The St. Andrew's College ball was coming up, and the girls naturally asked us if we'd like to go to their ball. We accepted, and dug out our formal suits. The college ball is a big thing, as in formal suit, evening shirt, cuff links, the works. Their ball was held at the City Hall (as is ours), and it involved pretty much a dinner and dancing. We hired a limo, as it could fit all eight of us (Josh, Tim, Jane & Kat were coming with us) and it was a nice touch. Alex looked super hot in his formal gear. We all looked good, but Alex was amazing.

We got a few looks when the limo arrived at City Hall, as it looked like we were the only group of four couples, and the only lot thal arrived in a limo. We got in through the doors and sat down at our table. There were five couples to a table and it turned out that we were paired up with Brett & his date for the night.

Brett is on Alex's soccer team. He is your typical sporto, and is into every sport. Luckily, he is also fairly nice and looks HOT. Hey, I may love Alex, but it doesn't mean that I don't notice other good looking guys when I see them. I didn't recognise his date, but she looked like your typical blond. Good looking, but nothing underneath the surface. Brett doesn't have a steady girlfriend, but not for lack of trying. He just can't seem to find anyone he 'clicks' with. At least that's what I've heard on the bush telegraph (gossip).

The meal was excellent, as was the wine. The eight of us kept sober, but Brett & Amanda (his date) got a bit tipsy. You should have seen some of the other tables though. The guys and their dates were drunk. I got some good photos that evening. After dinner some people started dancing. Alex, Felicity, Kate & I started dancing. Eventually nearly everyone was dancing to the band (who were up on the stage). When I looked around i saw that Josh, Kat, Tim and Jane had joined us dancing.

As the night wore on, people got more drunk, and it made some of the dancing quite funny. The most surprising thing was that guys were dancing together in pairs! That's a sure sign of drunkenness. When there were enough guys dancing like that Alex & I snuck in a few dances, as did Tim & Josh. I saw Theo that evening, he was off his face, dancing with another guy! I made sure to get that on film, as possible insurance in case we were seen dancing together. The eight of us got a group photo, as well as pictures of our "couples". That is, us and our dates, although I really wanted to get a ball photo with Alex.

All good things come to an end (unfortunately), so the ball finished, and our limo arrived to pick us up. The girls had had a good time, and when we dropped them off at their college they thanked us for coming with them. We thanked them as well, after all, it was their college ball. We decided that it was too risky for Alex to come back to my college with me (we decided this before the ball, so we dropped Alex off at Burke College then we paid the limo driver when he dropped Josh, Tim & myself at St. Marks.

We chatted about the ball. When I told them that I had a snapshot of Theo dancing with another guy they nearly died laughing. "That's pretty powerful evidence against him if you ever need it" Josh managed to choke out. They insisted on seeing it, so I downloaded it to my computer, and all three of us burst out laughing. The photo was taken at such an angle that it looked like Theo was kissing the other guy! I called Alex and told him. He laughed at it too. it was about 1 in the morning, so we all got to bed, and I dreamed of Alex & I living happily together.

The next day was a Sunday, so everyone who went to the ball (quite a few at St. Marks) slept off their hangovers, while everyone else just slept in. I woke up feeling relaxed, and got through the last of my work for the weekend. Alex dropped by that afternoon, and we had a great time. I love him so much.

During the next week we were given our first assignment. It wasn't all bad news though, as we could work in pairs if we wanted to. Another excuse to see more of Alex! We had to do an chemistry experiment from a list (they were pretty complex), and write a report on the experiment, explaining the science behind it, as well as the normal write up. The labs were open 24 hours a day if we got swipe cards. After the lecture Alex & I made sure to get swipe cards, so we could work in the lab when we wanted to.

The experiment Alex & I did involved extracting the caffeine from coffee. There is a water based method to decaffeinate coffee, but we had to do it the old way, using all the noxious stuff. I swore never to drink decaffeinated coffee unless it was water-done once I saw some of the stuff that we were to use. We decided to start with the chemistry behind it that evening, and we were going to do that before we did the experiment.

The same evening I went over to Alex's room, looking forward to seeing him. As soon as he opened the door, I knew that something was wrong. Alex ushered me in and shut the door. Alex had recieved some hate mail from Theo. It wasn't signed, but it was obviously him. We decided to ignore it, as it is likely that Theo sent it because he could find nothing worse to do to Alex. When we looked at it that way, it was a good sign, because our secret was safe. The earth-shaking kiss Alex gave me put it out of our minds.

We finished the science behind the experiment that evening, and I left for St. Mark's after some making out. Tim & Josh had also paired up for the experiment, and they were making asprin. I made a crack (joke) about not beiing able to have asprin as I'm already light-headed from Alex's kisses, so I'd pass out if he kissed me if I'd had asprin. We all laughed about that one. For those of you who didn't get the joke, asprin thins the blood, so it can't carry the same amount of oxygen per litre. Got the joke now?

I was still a bit worried about Theo's note , so I gave Kate a ring and she spoke to Felicity. It turned out that as soon as she heard she went to his room and gave him a major serve about it. I think he was finally convinced that Felicity was not going out with Alex, but I was afraid that he would still be out for Alex's blood, as word got out about how Felicity had acted towards him.

The next day was a very busy day for Alex & I as he had a soccer game that afternoon, and I had a tutorial on at that time. St. Marks runs tutorials separate to the ones run by the uni, so students can get extra help. I needed some help on a maths matter that I just couldn't understand, and neither could Alex. Due to this, we hadn't seen each other all day. We couldn't wait until the evening though, as we had arranged to work in the lab at 9 that night.

When I arrived at the lab it was empty except for Alex. I leapt into his arms and he picked me up by the waist and swung me around while giving me the kiss of a lifetime! WOW! I saw stars from that one. Once I recovered I said slyly "So, did you miss me today?". He grinned at that one. After that we got on with the experiment and it didn't take long to do it. We bagged the results and put them away. We decided to do the tests for the purity of the de-caffeinated coffee the next day. We went back to our colleges and got an early night.

I woke up the next morning with a bad feeling about the day. That feeling was dispelled as soon as Alex came over. We kissed and sat down to talk. I decide to check my email and as soon as I opened my email I knew why I had a bad feeling about today. There was an email to me from Theo with an attachment. After scanning it for viruses I opened the email.

Davo, It looks like you and Alex are in my power now. I was out for Alex, but now I've got you and your boyfriend. You two didn't notice the other camera next to the security camera last night, did you? I thought Alex might say something I could use, as I knew you two were close. I know you have a photo of me dancing with some random guy from the St. Andrews ball. I think what I have out-trumys anything you could throw at me. I'll leave you and your faggot of a boyfriend to stew for a bit now while I think of what I want, now that I know that Alex isn't interested in Felicity. I wonder if she knows about this? Theo

As I read that I started to turn white, as did Alex. What did he have on us? I opened the attachment and nearly fainted. The attachment was a video of Alex & I sharing our earth-shattering kiss in the science lab. It was unmistakebly the two of us, our faces were totally clear. I looked at Alex. He was white in the face too. What were we going to do now? What would Theo demand in return for not outing us?

Please tell me what you think. Flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 5

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