Love on Campus

By The Haydster

Published on Feb 12, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains love between two teenage males. If it is illegal to read this in your community, or if you are below the legal age, leave now. No responsibility is accepted by the author for any effects of this story , directly or indirectly. By continuing to read this, you accept that you are accessing this of your own free will, and indemnify the author against all cases.

Love On Campus by theHaydster Copyright 2006, theHaydster. All rights reserved

Note: Sex is not on the agenda for this story in the near future, and when/if it does occur, it will not be graphic.

Chapter 4

Alex turned white as a sheet, and looked like he was going to collapse. Josh came into the room, and said to me "So, you two are gay?" in a disbelieving voice. "Yes, we're gay. We are a couple. Don't out us, please" "Out you?" he giggled, "Trust me, I won't out you. I'll be right back" With that Josh dashed out of our room.

Alex looked like he was going to faint still. "Alex, calm down babe, It'll be all right". "No, I'm sure he will out us Davo, he's got no reason not to"

"Alex, he won't out us if he says he won't" I told him, trying to convince myself of the same fact. At that time Josh came back in, accompanied by Tim, a mutual friend of ours. After closing the doors & curtains he turned to us and said "Guys, trust me on this, Tim has to know"

"What choice do we have" Alex said hopelessly.

Josh turned towards Tim and said "I caught these two guys kissing each other. They'r afraid we're going to out them. Want to explain how we feel about it?"

Tim turned to us, and said "Guys, this is what we think about gay people" With this, he grabbed Josh and kissed him hard on the lips. We were stunned by that, and Josh was kissing him back!

When they finally broke apart, Josh looked at us with a grin on his face and said "Now are you convinced we're not going to out you?" Alex visibly relaxed, and his face started to regain colour. We all sat down and had a talk. Josh and Tim had thought that they were the only ones in college, as had we. It turned out that they had gotten together after one of the college parties. Tim had gotten drunk and told Josh how he felt about him and Josh had told him that he felt the same way. Luckily they were both able to remember their conversations the next morning. That happened about the beginning of the year.

All four of us were pleased to know that we weren't alone. "So, shall we all go and see Brokeback Mountain?" Tim said, causing the rest of us to crack up. We told them about how we got together, and they couldn't help laughing about me falling into the pool. It turned out they had seen that happen. We told them about Kate as well. We also talked about how we were going to avoid being outed. Alex suggested we go to a few things with a few girls we are friends with (Kate being one of them), and people may think that they are our girlfriends. The one snag is that we have to work out a way to make sure that the girls know that we don't want to be their boyfriends without offending them. They know that none of us have girlfriends, so the only way we could think of telling them that we're not interested without offending them is telling them that we are gay, and that is not exactly an option. We decided to run it by Kate, who might have an idea about it, and she might know some girls who would be interested as being our friends, but not our girlfriends.

The next day all four of us descended on St. Andrews College to see Kate. She ushered us into her room, looking confused for the first time in her life. Once we were alone, Alex said "Kate, let me introduce you to another couple. Josh and Tim" Kate immediately jumped up and gave them both a hug. "I'm so happy for you guys!" Once she had calmed down I explained the reason for us coming over. She replied, "I should be able to track down 3 girls who aren't out for boyfriends at the moment, but would like to have you as friends"

"There's another snag Kate, how do we explain to them that we're not after anyone?"

"That's simple; tell them that you're already taken. They'll assume its someone from out of town that you're with."

"Why didn't any of us think of that?"

"You're male." She said with a giggle. "Guys, let me see what I can do about it. I'll get back to you soon, but I've got a lecture in 15, so I've got to run. See you later." With that she shunted us out of her room. I explained to Josh & Tim that Kate wasn't being rude, she's just very direct.

The rest of the day went pretty normally, we went to our lectures and tutes. Alex & I sat together; we reckoned that we could get away with it. Unexpectedly, I was able to concentrate better when Alex was next to me. I expected to be more distracted, maybe its because he was right there. The brightest point occurred when Alex pulled me into a small area hidden from view and gave me a kiss that made me see stars. Wow!

Eventually Alex had to go back to his college, as did I. I had dinner and did some study. Once I had finished I did a bit of reading, then the phone rang.


"Hi, guess who?"


"Davo, you sound like you've had ten cups of coffee"

"Hey! I'm not that hyped up!"

"Did I say that I didn't like you like that?"

"Ok, you win."

"Anyway, I called to tell you that Kate has tracked down 3 girls that would like us just as friends."

"I thought that you just had to hear my voice"

"That, too"

"You're blushing, aren't you?"

"No, I'm not" I could tell that he was lying.

"Yes, you are. See you tomorrow, babe"

"Bye Davo. I love you"

"I love you too Alex"

After that I went to bed, happy that Kate had found a solution to our problem. I dreamt of Alex that night.

The next few days passed without any notable incidents. Alex & I spent a fair bit of time with Josh & Tim, just hanging out. On Saturday Kate called us over to her college and we met these three girls that she knew. It turned out that they were looking for some guys to go out with as friends, but weren't after anything other than friendship.

Their names were Jane, Felicity and Katherine (Kat). Jane had black hair that fell down her back and piercing eyes. She also seemed to be very perceptive (uh oh). Felicity was fairly short, and looked down-to-earth. She had auburn hair cut shoulder length. Kat was blond, with her hair shoulder length. Kat was about my height and a bit stockier than the other girls, but not fat.

Kate made the introductions and we chatted with them for a while. They seemed pretty nice. Kate suggested that we all go and see The Producers (a comedy) that evening at seven. After they had left Kate said that it looked like everything was going to work out with them. Alex had to go back to his college for lunch, so I kissed him goodbye before we left. I walked home with Josh & Tim. Saturday lunch consists of what we didn't eat throughout the week (more so than usual). One night we had chicken, the next night we had crumbed chicken, and the next night we had something that consisted of the crumbed chicken with cheese on top. I heard a tale of a piece of steak that lasted four days once. I guess we all developed cast iron stomachs.

When six PM came along I showered and got dressed in jeans and a polo shirt. I wanted to look good, but not for the girls. Josh & Alex have cars and can drive, so we were going to pick up the girls from St. Andrews at half past six. Josh & Tim arrived just as I had finished getting ready. We piled into Josh's car and drove to St. Andrews. Alex's car was already there, but there was no sign of him. The guard at the front told us that "our friend" had gone in to get the girls and that we were to wait out the front.

In a few minutes Alex arrived with the girls. Alex looked gorgeous in tight jeans (they gave a good view) and a white polo shirt that hugged his body but didn't look constrictive either. The girls had dressed well, but sensibly, as in no 20cm (8 inch) heels. Alex & I helped Kate & Felicity into his car, while Josh & Tim held the doors for Jane and Kat. We bought the girls tickets and drinks (soft drinks) for the movie. Alex got popcorn for all of us to share. We arranged our seating so that we could sit next to the girl we were paired up with, as well as our boyfriends. The girls didn't mind where they sat.

The movie turned out to be really funny. The movie is about producing a play, and the directors of the play and their team are camp as a row of tents (overtly gay). At least Kate didn't suggest Brokeback Mountain. All the girls enjoyed themselves and agreed that we should do it again. We dropped them back at about half past ten.

I went with Alex back to his college, where we did a bit of studying (with a quick kiss awarded for each right answer). This was followed by us making out on Alex's bed. By the time I got back to college, it was about midnight.

I got up at about 10 on Sunday and had some cereal, being too late for the hot breakfast. I had a bit of law work to do and had to do my laundry. I put my clothes on and got stuck in to my law stuff. At about a quarter past eleven the phone rang. It was Kate, she was worried. It turned out that Felicity had been asked out previously by Theo Miller, the resident prick, but she had turned him down. One of his mates had seen her with us at the movies and misread the situation.

Once Kate heard this, she pulled all the stops to find out any information that she could. How she did it without Theo finding out, and on a Sunday morning is a mystery. Kate's intelligence network had gathered enough information to tell her that Theo wouldn't risk getting kicked out of college by physically attacking us on the rumour, but he would be looking for something to get us with. Kate told me that she had called Alex, and told him to come over to her college at about 3 on Monday arvo, and we would hold a "council of war" as she put it. It looks like we may have to come out to the girls. It looks like keeping my relationship with Alex secret just got a whole lot harder.

Please tell me what you think. Flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 4

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