Love on Campus

By The Haydster

Published on Feb 9, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains love between two teenage males. If it is illegal to read this in your community, or if you are below the legal age, leave now. No responsibility is accepted by the author for any effects of this story , directly or indirectly. By continuing to read this, you accept that you are accessing this of your own free will, and indemnify the author against all cases.

Love On Campus by theHaydster Copyright 2006, theHaydster. All rights reserved

Note: Sex is not on the agenda for this story in the near future, and when/if it does occur, it will not be graphic.

Chapter 3

The next thing I knew, I was lying down and opened my eyes to see Alex's concerned face looking at me. "Are you all right?" he said in a worried voice. "What happened?" I wondered if he had really kissed me, or if it was a dream? "You passed out when I kissed you"

"You mean you are really.. you mean..." I stuttered out. I couldn't believe it. It wasn't possible.

"Yes, I am gay, and I love you too."

"I don't get it, you're a sporto, and sportos are not gay, it's not possible"

"Well, then I'm not a sporto, if sportos don't do this" he said, then kissed me.

"I can't believe that this is happening"

"Well, you'd better start believing it, if you want it to be true?"

"I want it to be true, I want it to be true, but..."

"But nothing. I love you."

We would have continued on like this, but Alex had to go to a tutorial, because he would be failed if he missed it, so he went. I felt like I was flying. Half an hour later Kate came in, took one look at my face and shouted "Yes!" punching the air. "I told you there was a chance!" "Shut up" I hissed, closing the door to my room. I swear that she does not know the meaning of the word discreet.

Kate calmed down eventually; I swear that she was more excited than I was. "I was wondering how long it would take until you realised that you felt the same about each other", she said, sitting down next to me on my bed. I told her what had happened while she was gone, including my passing out (I blushed with embarrassment). She couldn't believe that neither of us knew how the other felt. According to her, it was totally obvious. When she told me that I blanched with fear, wondering who else had noticed. "H-h-how obvious is it?" I managed to get out. She laughed "Davo, you can only see it if you are looking for it. When you told me about it all, I was able to see that he felt the same way, but if someone doesn't know that you are gay they won't be able to tell."

We chatted about it for a while, and eventually Kate was able to convince me that there was nothing to worry about. I hoped that she was right. I'm no fighter, and if I'm outed I'll need to be. The guys at college are not very tolerant (at least I don't think they are, but there is no one out at college).

The next day I got up early, as usual, and had a smile plastered on my face through breakfast. My mates and I chatted about the usual stuff, parties & girls. Or rather they chatted, I listened about the parties so I could get photos, and tuned out when they talked about the girls. They were just out to get into their pants. When I think of how Alex & I feel about each other, I can't help but grin. When I got back to my room, there was a message on the phone from Alex, he said that we needed to talk (uh oh), and could I come by his room about 6 this evening. He ended the message with "You know what I want to say, but I won't in case someone else hears this message. Bye." I was worried. What does Alex want to talk about?

I turned up to his room at six, feeling incredibly worried. I was more worried than when everyone thought I had broken my back in a skiing accident (luckily they were wrong). As soon as I knocked the door swung open to reveal Alex smiling. His smile immediately left his face when he saw how I looked. He quickly ushered me into his room and locked the door behind us. "Davo, you look a mess, what's wrong?" he said gently. "You wanted to talk to me, you're going to leave me, aren't you?" I replied, trying not to cry. "I'm never going to leave you Davo, never." I said in a stunned voice, "y-you're not leaving me?" With that he grabbed me and kissed me hard on the lips. When we broke apart he was grinning. "Does that convince you, Davo?" I was convinced but I told him "No" and his face fell "I think I need another kiss to convince me" I continued, grinning. He was more than happy to oblige there.

"Davo, why I really wanted to talk is because we need to work out how to be together and not get outed, because that's something we do NOT want to happen. You haven't told anyone, have you?"

"Well, Kate turned up just after you left, and she took one look at me and knew. She's ecstatic about it"

"Can we trust her implicitly?"

"She'll never tell anyone intentionally, but she'll bring it up in a public place. She was always embarrassing me by pointing out cute guys to me."

"Ok, do you think that we can get her to be a bit more subtle?"

"To be truthful, Alex, no. However we can try. Have you told anyone?"

"No, I haven't. I don't intend to either."

"The hard question is, our parents turn up in town for a few days over mid-semester break, what are we going to tell them?"

Eventually we decided not to tell my parents unless they obviously suspected us, and not to tell Alex's parents at all. It looked like my parents might accept it, but Alex's would totally freak out. We also agreed that I was going to talk to Kate about it and Alex and I were "helping each other study" as a cover story. Well, actually, it was only partly a cover story, as we planned to continue helping each other with our uni work, but that wasn't the whole story anymore, not by a long shot.

The next day I went over to Kate's college, went through all the security, and eventually got to talk to Kate in her room. I don't know if I've said it before, but she has a habit of ignoring all the pleasantries and getting straight to the point. This time was no exception.

"Ok, what do you want to talk about?" she said bluntly.

"Kate, you are about as blunt as a brick wall. How did you know I wanted to talk about anything in particular?" She was right of course, but it is annoying sometimes.

"Do we have to go over this again? I know these things. Stop playing around with me"

"Ok, it's about Alex and me"

"I bet you two will make such a cute couple, I can't wait to see you both together"

"That's sort of what we're worried about. We aren't ready to be outed, so we need you to be a bit more discreet about our relationship, ok?"

"I'm always discreet"

I couldn't suppress a chuckle at that. "Kate, have I ever spent a full day with you when you haven't pointed out a hot guy to me?"

"Well, I don't need to now, as you have Alex. Trust me, I'll be discreet. So, when can I meet up with you two?"

"I think we're both free this evening, want to come over then?"

"Sure, call me and we'll sort it out"

When I arrived back I called Alex and he was free. We are lucky the phone calls between colleges are free, as it took us about 2 minutes to talk, and 5 minutes to say goodbye. Neither of us could bear to hang up on the other. Kate was due to come over at about 7. We were all meeting at my room, as my college has no limit on visiting hours. This allows for a lot of interesting noises at night. The doors to the main corridor are sound-insulated, but the doors to the communal veranda (shared by the top floor of three blocks) are glass, with curtains for privacy. If I go onto the veranda the night after a party, I hear a lot of interesting conversations, some of which even involve words.

Now that Alex & I are together I am able to concentrate on my lectures (sort of). We don't sit together because neither of us would concentrate, and someone would probably pick up on us being a couple. I am so happy; I don't ever recall being this happy. I feel like I am whole. I know it's an overused line, but it's true. Eventually the lectures ended (I was able to concentrate mostly) and I went back to college. Dinner passed uneventfully, I practically inhaled my food because I couldn't wait for Alex to come over.

Alex arrived first and as soon as the door was shut we were standing in the middle of my room, joined at the lips. That is exactly how Kate found us when she arrived about a minute later. When she walked in we broke away, and she gave us both a hug, then closed AND LOCKED the door, which we should have done. We are lucky that Kate was the only person in the hall at the time. We all sat down on my bed to talk.

Kate was so excited about us being together, as she's been trying to get me to hook up with someone since I came out to her. Kate told us that there was no problem with rumours, as she is well placed to stop them. She is amazing that way. I swear she hears stuff before the papers do. I have often told her to join ASIO (Australian equivalent of the CIA) when she graduates. Anyway, she will stop any rumours that may start to circulate about us; also she can warn us if rumours do get too bad.

Alex thanked Kate for this, as did I. We moved on to chat about normal stuff that college kids chat about, the next college party, who had hooked up with who and the antics that happened. The most recent was someone's bed (with them in it), ending up on the flat part of the roof of Burke college (Alex's college). I wondered how they did it and then Alex floored Kate & I by stating "It was pretty simple, we got him drunk and tied him down, then lifted the bed up"

I was stunned; I never would have expected Alex to have anything to do with it "You had a hand in it"

"Had a hand in it, I planned it. He had been annoying heaps of guys, so that's what happened. The best part was no one was willing to help him get it down."

"Remind me never to annoy you, Alex" I told him.

"The worst I could do to you is give you a hickey" he replied.

Kate cut in saying that a hickey on my neck when he had been in my room would be too much for her to play down.

It started to get dark, so I turned on my lights, and opened the curtains to the veranda. Kate left, as she had to get some study done. Eventually Alex had to go, and I was giving him one hell of a goodbye kiss when there was a knock on my veranda door. I FORGOT TO CLOSE THE CURTAINS! There was Josh Turner, one of my mates standing on the veranda with a shocked look on his face.

Please tell me what you think. Flames will be ignored. I'll try to get chapter 4 out soon, for anyone who is annoyed by the cliffhanger.

Next: Chapter 3

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