Love on Campus

By The Haydster

Published on Jul 23, 2006


THE FINAL CHAPTER OF LOVE ON CAMPUS IS HERE! This is the final chapter of Love On Campus, I will then devote my attention to College Mates, which I have left alone for way too long. I am not planning on a sequel, but if I get enough demand (and ideas) I may write one. I would love to hear from you, please tell me what you think.

Alex and I slept fitfully that night, worried about what would happen to us, and to Mr. Johnsson for defending us. At breakfast we told our friends what had happened, and they were outraged. All of them, Josh, Tim, Tiny, Jim and Dan said that they would spread the word and get as many people here to support Mr. Johnsson as they could at the hearing. Everyone knew that there was going to be a "review", but no one knew that it was in essence an excuse to sack him.

At 11:15 the college's hall started to fill, and at 11:45 Mr. Johnsson arrived. We spoke to him and expressed our apologies that this was going to happen to him. He dismissed our apologies again, and asked us to spread the word that he was grateful to everyone for turning up.

At exactly 12:00 the college council at the high table (the table up the front of the hall) called for order. All the college council were in their academic robes, and did not look happy at the amount of students that had turned up. Mr. Gavens stood up. "The purpose of this review is to determine whether Mr. Phillip Johnsson is to continue as principal of St. Mark's College, due to certain actions which he has taken. These actions include admitting a student to the college against instructions from the college council, allowing a student to continue at college against the will of the council, allowing students of the college to participate in a police sting action without the authorisation of the council, and allowing a sexual relationship between two students of the college. The recommendation is that Mr. Johnsson is removed from his position for violation of section 27 of his contract, as section 27 clearly states that the principal of the college must act under instructions given to him or her by the St. Mark's College council." Uh Oh, this did not look good, as Mr. Johnsson had breached his contract to help us. It looked like we would need a miracle here.

"The college council requests that all who have something to say come forward." With that Mr. Gavens sat down. Tiny got up and took the microphone.

"Gentlemen of the college council, I object strongly to the removal of Mr. Johnsson. He has done nothing but good for this college, and the student body supports him. The students are the customers of the college, so I suggest that you listen to the students before making any rash decisions.

Mr. Johnsson is here to act in the best interests of the students, which he has done admirably, and that should excuse him disobeying your orders, as he was doing what was right."

Tiny went back to his seat. "A very impassioned speech Mr. Flint, but it gives us no reason not to dismiss Mr. Johnsson" That set my blood boiling and I took the microphone as Mr. Gavens finished.

"Members of the college council, I object to the dismissal of Mr. Johnsson. It is not dismissal due to his duties, it is direct persecution. He has done nothing wrong, and you are persecuting him for doing what is right!"

"Mr. Andrews, he has disobeyed direct orders given to him."

"I am not denying that, but he was doing what his job description states, he was `acting in the best interests of the college'."

"The council will decide what is in the best interests of the college"

"Well the council has made bad decisions. Is it in the best interests of St. Mark's College to order the removal of a student because they are gay? Is it in the best interests of St. Mark's College to refuse a student entry because of something they can't control?"

"Mr. Andrews, take your seat"

"In not allowinging the college to participate in the sting action the college ignored it's responsibilities to the community. Mr Johnsson kept you from public scrutiny in that event. Finally, who is the council or Mr. Johnsson to deny love. I am that student that you issued orders to expel. If Mr. Johnsson obeyed his orders, I would have brought action, not against him, but against the council under the Anti-Discrimination Act. Mr. Johnsson has saved you from your own actions, you should commend him, not sack him."

I sat down, drained. Alex put his arm around my shoulders and squeezed me to him. We had done all we could, but the council had made it's decision. They exchanged looks and Mr. Gaven's stood up.

"The council has heard all these arguments, but they do not deny the fact that Mr. Johnsson ignored orders from the college council. Due to this, Mr. Johnsson is .."

"Wait!" an old voice broke in. "I, too, have something to say." Mr. Gavens sat down as Sir Woods, the chancellor of the university took the microphone.

"As chancellor of the Australian University, I object to the sacking of Mr. Johnsson as the head of St. Mark's College. What is more, you members of the college council are persecuting him for being fair. I sent notes personally to you, both by email and by registered post, informing you that the police action was sanctioned by the university, and that Mr. Andrews and Mr. Scott were housed in your college due to it's security under orders from the university administration.

As for the relationship between two students, you have no right to interfere with that, and the only people that have claimed it is a `danger' to the college community are in jail for attempted murder. With the notable exception of yourself, Mr. Gavens, who I believe perjured yourself in the federal court."

"How dare you! I did no such thing! Also, the university had no power to do what it did"

"Mr. Gavens, are you familiar with the college charter? This college is on university land, and the university therefore may have students housed there as they see fit. The university also has the right to agree to actions on behalf of the college. As you all knew, Mr. Johnsson was acting under instructions from the Australian University, therefore you have no case on which to sack him."

"Sir Woods, you forget that you are not on the college council! Mr. Johnsson is going to be sacked because he supports gay people. This college council sees them as the sickos they are!" All members of the college council nodded at Mr. Gavens' statement.

I cringed at this. Alex looked like he was going to kill someone.

Sir Woods stood taller "Mr. Gavens, that statement you just made clarified the position that I have suspected. By the way, that statement was heard by over 50 student's of St. Mark's College. Are you familiar with article 25 of the college charter? I am invoking that power now."

Mr. Gaven's glared at him and told him to leave. Sir Woods returned with:

"I assume you are not familiar with article 25 then. Article 25 states `The chancellor of the university may, at any time, suspend any member of the college administration and appoint a person to take that position until the matter may be brought before the university senate.' I am invoking that power now, and am appointing Mr. Johnsson temporarily in place."

"This council will not stand down, and will not leave its position!"

"University security, please remove these men from campus"

With that, the council knew it was beaten. As they left the room, a general cheer went up. We may not have been supported, but Mr. Johnsson was generally liked and respected by the students.

Everything after that was pretty calm. The High Court ruled against our attackers, and Mr. Gavens was charged and convicted of perjury.

Theo, who outed us, faded into the background, as he turned out to be all talk.

Kate, who was always there for us, is still there for us as we all study.

Alex, what can I say? Our love is still holding strong. Our love started out strong, and became unbreakable when it was strengthened by the attacks on us. I reached out once, to someone I loved, and he loved me back. Love is worth the risk, and I will always love Alex, and him me.


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