Love on Campus

By The Haydster

Published on May 21, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains love between two teenage males. If it is illegal to read this in your community, or if you are below the legal age, leave now. No responsibility is accepted by the author for any effects of this story , directly or indirectly. By continuing to read this, you accept that you are accessing this of your own free will, and indemnify the author against all cases.

Love On Campus by theHaydster Copyright 2006, theHaydster. All rights reserved PLEASE email me at I run off feedback!

Hey! Thought I should warn you, there may be a fair old delay between this and the next chapter, as uni exams are on the way. Thanks for reading.

Thanks goes to Alex for reading over my stories and providing feedback before posting, and for being an inspiration.

Chapter 13

We rode back to St. Andrews where Kate let us in the back way, so we didn't have to go past the security guard, who never seems to let anyone in, even with an invitation. He also reminds me of a gorilla. The back entrance opens on to D wing, where Kate's room is. She is in room D204, which is not the 204th room in D wing. It works like most hotels, She's on the second floor, and it's the fourth room on the second floor. It being one floor up, Alex & I were conscripted to carry her bags to her room.

She had 2 ports (suitcases), a carry-on and her handbag (how she charmed the airline into letting her take 2 ports, I will never know). Once we got them out of the boot (trunk), Alex locked the car and picked up 2 of the ports like shopping bags. I struggled with the third port, which Alex had made sure was the pink one. Remind me never to take a job as a bellboy. I nearly died getting it up the stairs. By the time I got it to Kate's room I was sure the port was full of lead. Alex heaved the port onto the bed along with the other two, and he was also surprised at it's weight.

"Come on guys, help me unpack" Kate said, springing open her suitcases. I took one look at the port I had heaved to her room and saw that it was full of her uni books. No wonder it was heavy. Kate directed us as to where her clothes were to go while she unpacked her uni stuff. We left her lingerie till last, which she put away herself, thank goodness. Kate said that she had lots of photos of Perth, and that she would show them to us some time, but she was tired from the flight. "Thanks for helping me unpack, but I'm knackered." With that she flopped down on her bed, then jumped up again "Oh, I'd better see you out, so you don't get into trouble. At least everyone knows that you aren't a danger to the girls" Alex and I blushed at that.

We arrived back at St. Marks and went to my room. There was a message on my phone saying that we would definitely have to appear in court as the defence lawyer had informed the prosecutor that he intended to prove that the video and audio tape was falsified evidence, and everyone had pleaded not guilty. We were to fly down the day before the trial, but would not be required to stay after we had given evidence.

The St. Marks college ball was happening the coming weekend and we were expected to get dates for it. "Alex, since we're out, can't we take each other to the ball?" I proposed. "I don't know Dave, we are out, but we don't want to stand on anyone's toes too much. Also I'm sure that Kate and Felicity will be expecting us to take them, as they want to go to the ball." "You are right about that, but I am sure that there are some other guys that want to take them. Tiny and Scotty are a bit worried as they have no dates for the ball." "Still, guys just don't take other guys to the ball." "Alex, you mean that they haven't done it yet. Admittedly it hasn't happened before, but I can't see any reason as to why it can't happen. If you are set against it we don't have to do it, but I would really like it for you to be my date for the ball." With that Alex started grinning and said "Ok, to hell with treading on anyones toes. We are out or we're not. We are so we may as well take the benefits. I still think that we should check whether college admin lets us."

The office lady's eyebrows rose into her curly hair when we told her of our request. "I-I'll have to ask Mr. Johnsson about that tomorrow, it's never been done before." Alex replied with "That's why we're asking whether we can do it." "I'll get back to you tomorrow about it" she assured us. Then we had our uni work to catch up on.

As much as I love Alex, I still have to admit that when it comes to maths, he is terrible. It didn't help that one of our subjects was physics. I explained the maths behind trajectories and moved on from there. My problem was the lab report, I am no good with words so Alex helped me to get the right words and it sounded pretty good at the end. The work took us through to lunchtime.

After lunch we started to dig out our formal suits, as they would probably need to be dry-cleaned. As soon as I had got my suit out Alex came in with his and hung it up next to mine saying, with an evil grin, "By the way, you're the one wearing the dress". I promptly tackled him to the floor for that joke, or rather I tried to. As soon as Alex worked out that I was going to tackle him he put up his foot and flipped me over his head. As soon as I hit the floor he pinned me down. I gave up then and we took our suits to the dry-cleaners.

After dropping our suits off we went back to my room and went for an afternoon walk around the uni. We decided to go through the gardens, otherwise I knew that I would be too scared to pass through there again. Alex didn't seem scared at all to pass through there. I don't know how he did it. I was jumpy all the way through there and was glad to come out the other side.

The rest of our walk went pretty uneventfully, and we got to bed early that night, as we had an 8am lecture the next morning. Both our subpoenas arrived in the mail and we also received notes saying that there was no rule against us taking each other to the college ball. We called Kate and Felicity, and they were happy to go with Tiny and Scotty. Tiny and Scotty were ecstatic, as they were really worried about going stag. Going alone to the ball is seriously uncool. That afternoon our suits were ready, and we picked them up.

Throughout the week we pretty much followed the same schedule. Wake up (alternating between rooms), shower together and have breakfast, go to lectures and pracs, go back to college, study interspersed with kisses, go for walk and then have fun or make out (or have fun making out). The week passed quickly and I couldn't believe that it was Friday afternoon when it came around. After a light snack at 5 Alex and I started to get ready for the ball.

The St. Mark's College Ball is pretty much the ball to go to. I know I'm biased, but Kate told me that is the rumour around St. Andrews. Actually, she also told us that it looked like Tiny and Scotty had been too nervous to ask any of the girls at St. Andrews to the ball, as a lot of the girls thought that they were studs. The ball is held at City Hall in their ballroom and is a dinner and dancing. That is saying something in itself as most colleges hold their balls in their dining halls or something. I'm not saying that their balls aren't great, because they are, but the St. Mark's Ball is the ball to go to, like the way the Burke Blast (Burke college party) is the party to go to.

Tim, Scotty, Alex and I pooled our money to hire a stretch limo to take us to the ball and back. Tim and Josh wanted to take their dates separately. We were all dressed up and ready to go when the limo arrived at St. Mark's (Alex looks HOT dressed up). The limo took us to St. Andrew's where we were picked up Kate and Felicity. I swear I saw some of the girls turn green with envy. After all, two good looking guys, with good manners picking up two girls who are also good looking (I'm gay, not blind) in a stretch limo to go to THE ball. I can understand them being jealous. Tiny and Scotty were really courteous, helping the girls into the limo and they had even arranged corsages (flower arrangements to be worn, look it up if you don't know what it means)

When we turned up at City Hall around quarter to six (it starts at six) there were quite a few raised eyebrows when the limo turned up amongst a squad of taxis. The looks turned to surprise when Tiny and Scotty helped Kate and Felicity out, as all four of them look very different in their formal gear (Kate most of all, because she normally wears jeans and a t-shirt). A lot of the looks turned to shock when Alex and I got out of the limo. The student club ball committee had to be informed (so they could organise the tables properly), but they hadn't told anyone. We got a knowing wink from the guy at the door who ticked us off the guest list. Once he gave us our drink vouchers and we had our 18+ IDs checked by security, we went to our table.

The drinks at the ball work like this. You are allowed alcohol as much as you want for the first hour, but after that you need to supply a drink ticket. You are given eight drink tickets at the door and that's it. The idea is that it stops people getting drunk (it doesn't always work).

The round tables seat 4 couples so Tiny, Scotty, Kate and Felicity were sitting at our table. It also turned out that Josh and his date were at our table. We were surprised about that, as we didn't think he'd want to sit at a different table to Tim (after all, they are boyfriends). We asked where Tim was sitting and Tiny told us that he wasn't coming! We were all shocked at that news, but it turned out that he had something on that night. Once we all sat down (we were still waiting on Josh and his date) we had a drink and started chatting (I had a Coke, as I wanted to keep sober so I would get good photos). The last couples were coming into the hall when a gasp when up from the ballroom door. All heads at our table turned towards the door as we saw Josh and Tim walk calmly up to our table, arm in arm.

Alex and I were the first to recover. "Well, you two chose one hell of a way to come out" he commented while everyone else was prying their jaws off the floor. "No point in leaving stuff to chance" Tim replied with a smile. "Quit looking so surprised, I said I had something that I was going to, I just didn't say it was the same thing as you" He added, grinning. Tiny and Scotty were still open-mouthed, but Kate and Felicity were taking it in their stride now. Josh commented that Tiny and Scotty were about to get very dry mouths, which brought them back to earth with a laugh. It turned out even the ball committee didn't know about their plans, so they had shocked everyone. Once they had sat down and got a drink though, everyone seemed to have recovered from the shock.

Please email me with comments and ideas. Flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 13

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