Love on Campus

By The Haydster

Published on May 2, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains love between two teenage males. If it is illegal to read this in your community, or if you are below the legal age, leave now. No responsibility is accepted by the author for any effects of this story , directly or indirectly. By continuing to read this, you accept that you are accessing this of your own free will, and indemnify the author against all cases.

Love On Campus by theHaydster Copyright 2006, theHaydster. All rights reserved PLEASE email me at I run off feedback!

Hi guys. I have not had any complications with my op, and have had the stitches out today! Sorry about the delay, I had a major writers block. I'm running out of ideas so please email me any ideas. A nice announcement is that I have had no flames at all. Please don't feel obligated to do so, I am not saddened by being left out :p

OPINION POLL Please let me know: A) Should Alex & David have to testify in the federal court B) Should the film evidence be enough Please email me with what you think, and if you have ANY IDEAS AT ALL for how the story should go.

Opinion Poll II Should I start posting in HTML or not?

Thanks goes to Alex for reading over my stories and providing feedback before posting, and for being an inspiration.

Chapter 12

After the press conference was over we went back to my room, tired and still stunned by the presentation of the commendations. We both lay down on my bed and kissed gently. After about a minute we broke the kiss. "Alex, are you all right?" I asked in a gentle voice. "I'm stunned by these commendations, pleased that this will never happen again with the new security and saddened by my parent's reaction" he replied. "Babe, I think things will change for the better with your parents. I don't know why I think this, but I'm sure that they will." He gave a weak smile and we gently kissed as there was a knock at our door.

After making ourselves presentable, we opened the door to find Sir Woods there. `Sir Woods, please come in" I managed to get out, surprised to say the least. Alex jumped to his feet when he saw who it was. "Alex, please sit down, I'm not royalty." Alex turned red and sat back. I offered Sir Woods a seat and he sat down in the chair and faced Alex and myself, who were both sitting on the bed.

"So, I suppose you two were both surprised by the commendations that the police gave to you." Alex spoke for both of us "We were both stunned, Sir" "I hope you can cope with two more surprises, one major and one minor." "I think we can sir." "Firstly, the minor surprise is that the senate has unanimously agreed to forgo your HECS fees [fees payed to the university] to the completion of your degrees and for any postgraduate study up to a Ph.D [doctorate]." Both our jaws dropped. In Australia that can be up to $300,000 each. "That's very generous of the university sir." I managed to get out. "David, Alex, the senate decided that you had rendered a service to the university, and had risked your lives to make the campus safer. Before I forget, you can come to me at any time if you need to. Please don't hesitate." "Thank you very much sir." Alex took over speaking for us again.

"Now for the major surprise. By the way, both of these were told to the press after you left. We didn't want to overload you. The university has heard from the federal government and they are going to amend the Australian University Act, allowing state police full reign over the university campus. This amendment has happened because of you two. The bill (an act yet to be passed) is called the `Australian University Amendment Bill (State police control over campus, Davids and Scott)'. How does it feel to have an act named after you?" Both our jaws hit the floor again. Any more surprises and we'd have carpet burns on our jaws. "That's amazing sir, thank you for not telling us at the press conference, as we wouldn't have been able to handle that as well as the commendations." "I'm glad that I made the right decision then Alex. One more thing, the university is still federal land, so the 6 men that attacked you will have their case heard in the federal court. You can expect a call from the Crown prosecutor soon, and by the way, as this is a major case you should know the prosecutor is a QC. I also need to warn you, be careful when the case is heard, or you may be outed on national TV. I mean you are out on campus, but there's no need for the world to know, especially as the defence may use it against you. I need to leave now, the pile of paperwork regarding this is taller than I am" We both thanked him again and he left us.

"Wow, Alex, this is weird." Alex responded by saying in a nasal voice "Reality check in aisle 1 please" which we both laughed at. It was nearly noon so we decided to watch the ABC broadcast on the TV in Alex's room (he was lucky enough to have a TV). We sat down on his bed and watched the news report.

It's amazing how different news sounds when it applies to you. It was their top story, which made our jaws drop (yet again). They had footage of us gaping like fools when our awards were presented and has got copies of our uni mug shots. Luckily no one had actually found out the reason that we were attacked, it would not be good for Alex's parents to hear about it again on TV.

His parents still hadn't called, and Alex refused to call them. I agreed that the ball was in their court and they were the ones that had to learn to deal with it, as it sure as hell wasn't going to change. After we had finished the watching the news the phone rang, and I answered it. "Alex's room" "Hello, is that David?" An unfamiliar voice said "Yes, who is this?" "This is Alex's mother, please put me on speakerphone" I did so. "Alex, are you there?" she said in a scared voice. "Yes, I am here" Alex replied in a gentle tone, his mum sounded like she was about to burst into tears at any moment. "Your dad and I are sorry for how we treated you. It came as a really big shock to us, and we hope you can forgive us. When we saw the news report it brought home to us the fact that we were on the brink of losing you forever in two ways, we nearly lost you altogether to them, and then we nearly lost you as a son by our own doing. Please forgive us." "I can forgive you if David can. I'm sorry Mum and Dad, but if Alex can't forgive you than I won't be able to." "I forgive you Mr. and Mrs. Scott. I hope you are aware how much you hurt Alex, but if you can accept him and accept our relationship I can forgive you." I told them. "I accept that, and I hope you are happy together" Alex's mother replied. "Son, I wish you weren't gay, after seeing what you may face. However, if you are happy with David, you have my blessing". "I forgive you, Mum and Dad" Happy sounds of crying came from the other side of the phone while tears streamed down our cheeks too. We spoke with them for a while and eventually hung up. When we did Alex grabbed me around the waist, picked me up and spun me around while giving me and star-spinning kiss. The kiss he gave me in the computer room (the one that we were outed with) was nothing compared to this one. I had never seen him so happy.

We went and had Subway for lunch and then did some more of our uni work in my room. At about 3 the phone rang, and I picked it up. "Hello?" "David Andrews, what the hell do you think you are doing, not telling one of your closest friends about things like this!" Uh Oh. Kate had been on the other side of the country, doing her uni work externally since before we were attacked. Alex and I were in for it, as we had forgotten to tell here anything. "I only found out about this after being told by my parents that something was going on! Am I supposed to wait for the news to find out that you are going to be on national TV!" She calmed down after that. "Dave, put me on speakerphone as I'm sure Alex is there too" I put her on speakerphone. "Alex! How come you haven't told me what happened?! In case you haven't realised it, the news is not the preferred way to find out when things happen to your friends! Now that's out of my system, both of you tell me what's actually happened, apart from what I already know" We gave her a basic rundown on what happened since we had been outed, and she was shocked about everything that had happened to us. She told us that she was flying back in 2 days, and couldn't wait to see us as soon as she got back. She also told us to keep her informed about anything else that might happen in the future.

Two hours later we walked into dinner and were bombarded with questions by our friends as soon as we sat down. Tiny asked us why we didn't tell them, and Scotty asked us what the hell we were thinking when we did it. We answered all their questions the best that we could. We didn't tell them about the commendations, the HECS fees or the amendment bill. They wouldn't have believed it anyway (I wouldn't have believed it if we weren't given the commendations and told the rest by the Chancellor).

The next day was surprisingly calm. It was Saturday so we slept in. I woke to an empty bed; Alex was already up and about. I could hear him in his room. I snuck in through his unlocked door and pounced on him from behind. He jumped out of his skin and spun around, allowing me to kiss him good morning. We both got a good laugh out of it. He looked so hot just after his morning shower. When I mentioned that he said I looked hot after my shower too, and on the subject I'd better shower. I showered then we went off to breakfast.

After breakfast we were called by the Crown prosecutor, James Smith. He informed us that we would need to appear in the federal court in Canberra in two weeks time. We were going to receive subpoenas within the next few days. Gordon's bail had been revoked as he was seen on university grounds (although not among our attackers). The other six of them were being held without bail. Mr. Smith also told us that this case could be a high profile case, as a bill had been drafted because of it.

The next day we got up early as Kate wanted us to pick her up at the airport. After dragging Alex and myself out of bed at 5:30 I swore to tell her just to catch the train in next time, knowing that I'd never actually do that. We showered and got on our way. Alex was able to arrange for a parking spot at college for his car. It's a Toyota, and a bit of an old bomb, but Alex swore that it hadn't failed him yet (hey, at least he has a car). So Alex and I drove off to pick up Kate.

As soon as we were on the road Alex & I started arguing about the music to play during the half hour trip. We share a lot of things, but taste in music is not one of them. Eventually we both agreed to turn to one of the radio stations and just listen to whatever was on. We eventually arrived at the airport at 6:30. After finding a park (at least early flights make parking easy) we went into the terminal for Kate's flight to arrive.

"QF612 from Perth has now landed. Disembarking at gate 12". Once the PA (public address) system finally told us where Kate's flight was coming from Alex & I got to the gate. After about 5 minutes the doors opened and everyone crowded around the doors, as happens when a flight comes in. Alex and I hung back until we heard "Davey! Alex!", upon which Kate collided with me and gave me one of her rib-cracking hugs. She may be slender, but she is strong. After attacking Alex in the same manner she said "Come on guys, let's go and get my bags".

We all went to the baggage claim, Kate telling us all about her time in Perth. We also filled her in on the details that weren't on the news. Finally Kate's suitcases arrived on the conveyer belt and we got it loaded onto a trolley. At least she didn't take her hot pink suitcase with her this time. I commented on this and she responded with "At least it's not triangular". I turned bright red at this, and Alex snorted with laughter. "Come on, let's get your luggage out to Alex's old bomb" I said, quickly changing the subject and inadvertently leaving myself wide open for Alex to reply "Ah, Davey, I see you are walking back to uni" I decided to remove my foot from my mouth then, and we made our way back to college.

Please email me with comments and ideas. Flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 12

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