Love on Campus

By The Haydster

Published on Apr 14, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains love between two teenage males. If it is illegal to read this in your community, or if you are below the legal age, leave now. No responsibility is accepted by the author for any effects of this story , directly or indirectly. By continuing to read this, you accept that you are accessing this of your own free will, and indemnify the author against all cases.

Love On Campus by theHaydster Copyright 2006, theHaydster. All rights reserved PLEASE email me at I run off feedback!

Thanks for reading this story. I am sorry to say that it may be a while before I can put another chapter out due to an operation I am having on the 19th. I will probably be unable to write for a few days, and then I will have uni to catch up on.

Thanks goes to Alex for reading over my stories and providing feedback before posting, and for being an inspiration.

Chapter 11

We decided to call my parents first, as we thought they would take the news best. I dialled the number and my mum picked up.



"Davo, we haven't heard from you in a while"

"Can you put me on the speakerphone; I need to talk to you and Dad."


"Son, what's happening?"

I told them the whole story. I could tell what their reactions would be.

"I'm so happy that you're all right but please don't do anything so dangerous without talking to us first" Mum said through the phone.

"Son, I don't want anything like that happening again. You should have told us before you did this." He sounded like he was getting angry

"Dad, would you have let Alex and I do it?"


"Then our attackers would have gotten away with trying to kill us, and they may well have succeeded. Now they're going to stand trial."

"You're right. Please talk to us before you do anything like this before" He said in a calm voice

"I don't intend to do anything like this again Dad. I'm sorry, but we have to call Alex's parents now."

"I suggest that you don't tell them about you're relationship at the same time"

"We won't. Bye for now Mum & Dad"

"We love you, dear. Give Alex our love."

"Keep well, son."

I turned to Alex. "They took it well, now you have the hard job" I said, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. "I know, but it has to be done" Alex replied, while he picked up the phone and started dialling. I heard yelling coming down the phone line when he finished explaining what had happened.

"Mum, Dad, I didn't tell you because it had to be done, and you would have told me not to do it." He replied.

"Mum, I'm fine, I'm safe now. I'm not coming home, it's all right."

"Dad, I've already explained why Davo and I did it."

"No! He did not talk me into it, I decided it freely."

"No! My boyfriend did not talk me into doing this" Uh Oh. Alex shot me a look of horror as he realised that he had just let the cat out of the bag. I heard two voices yelling at the other end of the line. Alex shouted back "We'll talk about this later, bye!" as he slammed the phone down.

I gave him a hug as he started to break down. "They called me a bloody fag Davo and said that they would not have a son who was a cocksucker" Alex started to cry. "Calm down babe, they were under a lot of stress. It's not as if they were thinking clearly."

"Don't take their side"

"I'm not taking their side babe; I'm just saying they didn't mean what they said"

"They meant it all right!" He yelled, breaking away from me. "Leave me alone!" With that he ran into his room.

I heard him slam the door, and started crying myself. A minute later I heard a knock on the door, and then Josh & Tim walked in. "What's going on Davo, where's Alex" "He's locked himself in his room. His parents know and he accused me of siding with them."

"Why would he do that?" Josh asked, sitting next to me on my bed.

"He let it slip when he was arguing with them on the phone about the police thing"

"Ah, not the best time to come out to your parents."

"I tried to explain that they would accept him, and said that they didn't mean what they said. He shouted back that they meant it and told me to leave him alone."

"Ok, we are going into his room right now and getting him to listen to sense." With that the three of us knocked on his door. It was locked and he yelled for us to go away. I could hear him crying. Josh herded Tim and myself back through my room onto the veranda, and we discovered that he hadn't locked his veranda door.

I walked into his room, Alex was crying on his bed. When he saw me he yelled "Get out! I don't need you telling me that my parents actually love me! They hate me! I don't need a boyfriend! You caused all this!" When I continued to walk towards him he threw a punch at me. I reacted instinctively and flipped him. He landed hard on the thin carpet. Then I realised what I had done, and I did the only thing that I thought might calm him down. I threw myself on top of him (taking care to pin his arms) and kissed him. I felt him melt into my kiss, and he started to relax. I saw Tim peek through the curtains of the glass veranda door, then he winked at me and waved goodbye. I knew that I could handle it now.

When I broke the kiss Alex pushed me off him and started to cry "I'm sorry Alex. I pushed you away. I tried to hit you! I'm so sorry, please don't hate me babe, please don't hate me!" He was starting to get hysterical so I kissed him again. I gently broke the kiss and said "I don't hate you babe, your parents weren't the only ones under stress. I'm sorry for not seeing that you were at breaking point too. I could never hate you. In case you haven't noticed, I love you" He gave me a wan smile and replied "If I hadn't noticed, that kiss was a pretty good clue" I put on a surprised face "What kiss? Oh you mean this?" I said jokingly, and kissed him again. I eventually pulled my lips away from him and we both got up off the floor.

"Alex, it's time to go to bed but you need a shower before I'll be able to sleep within a kilometre of you. Phew!" I held my nose and grimaced. "Hey! If you don't shower I won't be able to sleep within 2 kilometres of you!" With that we bosh started laughing. It was good to see him happy again, as we went off to shower (together of course).

For further reference, don't kiss someone's hair when it is full of shampoo. I forgot that and spent a few minutes trying to get the shampoo out of my mouth while Alex nearly wet himself laughing. We eventually got clean and got back to our rooms where we got changed into our pyjamas. I then went to Alex's room where we spent the night. We slept wrapped around each other until about 8:30 the next morning. I expected to have nightmares after what had happened, but I didn't.

I quietly slipped out of bed and had a shower then got dressed. Once I was dressed I went back into Alex's room and woke him up gently. "Alex, time to get up, we need to get up and get ready." "Wha... Davo? How early is it?" Alex mumbled incoherently. "Alex, it's nearly 9, you need to get up?"

"Davo, can't we skip today?"

"Alex, remember yesterday, press conference" I said quietly

"Hell!" Alex threw the covers off, suddenly wide awake. "How long de we have?"

"We've got an hour, so no real rush. I've already showered and changed, so why don't you go and shower while I find some clothes for you?" With that Alex rushed off to the showers.

I found his suit while he showered, and laid it out on the bed. I had just found some dress socks when he came back in, glistening from the shower and looking HOT! "I need to see you just after a shower more often" I said, and he actually blushed, making him look even better. He got dressed quickly with my help and we left for breakfast at about quarter past 9. It turned out that there was a small article about the attack on the front page, no photos or anything, but it promised a full report tomorrow. Uh oh. We bolted down breakfast and were on our way to the boardroom at quarter to ten, as an ABC van arrived. As they came in the front door, we left the dining hall from the door that doesn't lead to the front entrance, and reached the boardroom the back way.

There were 7 chairs set up at one end and a lectern (those things they speak from at press releases and some lectures) with a cluster of microphones attached to it, I noticed the local radio stations as well as the TV stations. The crews were setting up their cameras as we walked in. Mr. Johnsson and Sir Woods were there and waved us over. Sir Woods greeted us with "Hi Alex, David. We're still waiting for everyone else, we've got about ten minutes left. Officer Casey will make a brief statement for the police and I will make a statement on behalf of the university. After that the floor will be opened to questions. You don't have to answer any questions and you can refuse comment. Dan & Lou will step in if a question is not to be answered or if you are pressured to answer a question you refuse to answer. Ok?" Alex and I told him that we understood. Soon Officer Casey arrived with Dan and Lou and the press conference got underway. The red lights on the cameras went on as Officer Casey stepped up to the lectern. "Ladies and gentlemen of the media, I will read the official police report on the incident, and then Sir Woods will read a statement on behalf the Australian University. The floor will then be opened to questions. Be aware that this is as open case, therefore some questions may not be answered. If you are all ready, let's begin."

Officer Casey cleared his throat and began "On the 12th of March David Andrews was attacked by an adult male. Mr. Andrews was able to defend himself and Mr. Alex Scott, who was accompanying him at the time, also witnessed the attack and called campus security. The man who attacked them was arrested. After receiving threatening notes telling them not to testify even though they had received subpoenas, they were attacked by six men on the evening of the 25th of March, at least one of which was armed with a knife. Both Mr. Andrews and Mr. Scott were hospitalised as a result of this attack. Upon their recovery they were immediately provided with police protection and a plan was suggested by the federal police. This plan was agreed to by them and by the university senate. At 4:26pm on the afternoon of the 30th of March, Mr. Andrews and Mr. Scott entered the alumni gardens on campus where 6 men surrounded them. 2 of these men were armed with darts and they hit Officers DeFinis and Baker, the officers charged with the protection of Mr. Andrews and Mr. Scott, with them before they could draw their firearms. At this time Officers DeFinis and Baker knocked Mr. Andrews and Mr. Scott to the ground whereupon six police marksmen from a SERT team opened fire. All of the attackers were wounded in one leg and the two men with darts were wounded in the arm holding the darts. The attack was captured on videotape by other members of the SERT team. Officers DeFinis and Baker were treated for puncture wounds to their shoulders. All six offenders have been charged with attempted murder of a witness and intimidation of a witness. The two men with the darts have been charged with assault on a police officer in addition to the previous charges. I will now invite Sir Woods to make a statement as Chancellor of the Australian University"

Sir Woods stepped up to the lecturn. "Ladies and gentlemen, due to this event a full review of campus security is occurring. We are lucky that Mr. Andrews and Mr. Scott were not killed in the original attack. These men who committed the original attack were not aware that campus security officers are armed and were very lucky that they got away. Regardless, one attack on campus is one too many. The university is currently speaking with the federal police administration to train security in police procedure so they will be federal police officers rather than security guards. On behalf of the university I would also like to thank Mr. Andrews and Mr. Scott for their courageous deeds. I believe that Officer Casey also has something to say about that."

Officer Casey stood up again, holding two small medallion boxes. "On behalf of the Australian Federal Police, David James Andrews and Alexander Graham Scott are awarded the Commendation for Brave Conduct. Congratulations." Both our jaws hit the floor. "If you would please come up here to receive your awards." In a daze Alex walked up to Officer Casey and I followed him. We shook his hand and he gave us our commendations. We sat down then, still in a daze from this. "I will now open the floor to questions." The room became crazy for the next fifteen minutes. I remember changing colour when one reporter asked me why I was attacked in the first place until Lou stepped in and told the reporter that the reason was not important. The reporter replied "The public has a right to know why this started in the first place." Alex took over here and told the reporter "I believe that David refused to answer your question. He has a right to privacy, and if you continue to press for that information I will refuse your right to run this story." That footage appeared on the channel 7 news that evening.

Please email me with comments and ideas. Flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 11

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