Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Apr 16, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 99 by Sam

When we woke up Ty made love to me then we got a shower. I put on a clean robe as I had a meeting today and Ty got dressed. We then waited for the others. When Danny came out he was in a suit. A very poorly fitting suit.

"My God Danny, that suit does not fit you."

"It is Todd's. I don't own one."

"Well you look awful. Come on and take it off and I'll get you something to wear."

Danny took off the suit and I found a nice polo shirt and pants for him to wear. When he was looking good we headed to breakfast. After breakfast, me, Danny and Officer Willie headed to HR. When we got to the floor we had to search for it as there were many departments up here. When we found it we checked in and had a seat. Eventually a lady came out.

"I'm Ms. Tucker. Is one of you Mr. Anderson?"

"Yes he is right here." I grabbed Danny's arm and pulled him up then we followed her to her office. Officer Willie waited outside the door as me and Danny went in.

"Well, Mr. Anderson. I will say I'm surprised. You are accused of sneaking off to your office during lunch to have sex with a prostitute and you bring the prostitute with you to the hearing."

Danny looked terrified so I took over.

"Now Ms. Tucker, I take offense at the word sneaking. We walk naturally to his office at lunch to have sex. We do not sneak."

"You admit to having sex with Mr. Anderson in his office during lunch and to being a prostitute?"

"Of course. We do it every lunch and I love my work as a prostitute. I have a license if you want to see it."

"Ok Mr. Anderson. I have video evidence of you and this prostitute going to your office. Then this prostitute eats lunch in the restaurant with a gentleman and signs a comp ticket for the meal. So I guess you are paying for your prostitute with free meals. That is against company policy."

"That is interesting. So that is why my meals are comped?"

"Obviously. So Mr. Anderson, do you have anything to defend your actions before I impose disciplinary action?"

"He doesn't. What disciplinary action are you going to impose?"

"Well, with these infractions and since you say you have been doing it for a long time I would recommend termination."

"Ok, go ahead then."

Danny looked like he was about to cry. I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. Ms. Tucker started to fill out some forms then made a call.

"Ok, Mr. Lennox wants to discuss these charges before making a decision so we need to go to his office."

We headed upstairs to Ty's office. I sat next to Danny and Ms. Tucker explained the situation to Ty.

"So Danny, you have been having sex with this prostitute here during lunch every day?" Ty gets so formal when he is in casino manager mode.

"Um... Yes."

"And Ms. Tucker, you say the proper course of action is to fire him?"

"It is. The code of conduct specifies that is the proper course of action in this case."

I chimed in, "That is a stupid course of action for a little sex."

"I realize that to a whore like you sex is nothing, but in a workplace it is not appropriate."

"Um, Ms. Tucker, what did you just call him?"

"A whore. He admits he is one and has been having sex with Mr. Anderson every lunch for free meals."

"Um, just a second."

Ty made a phone call. In one minute there was a knock on the door.

"You wanted to see me Mr. Lennox?"

"Yes Sandy please come in."

I recognized her from the staff meeting as one of the managers Rick introduced. I think it was for HR.

"Ms. Tucker, would you please tell Sandy what you just called this person here."

"A whore. Ms. Baker, he admits to being one and having sex with Mr. Anderson in his office."

Sandy looked over at me and her eyes went wide.

"Mr. Lennox, she wasn't at the staff meeting as she was on vacation. She doesn't know who he is."

"Well then why don't I inform her? Ms. Tucker, the prostitute over here is my wife. And while he is a prostitute, he doesn't like being called names."

"Your wife sir? I'm so sorry. I didn't know." She looked at me. "I'm so sorry, um..."

"Everyone calls me Sam."

"Yes, Sam, I'm so sorry for what I called you. Please forgive me."

"Don't worry about it. You've made this morning fun. Just so you know, Ty doesn't let me work during the week so I can only have sex with our friends. Danny here is one of them. We are going to keep doing it. Ty won't fire Danny no matter how many complaints you get so you can just trash them when you get them. The only one that can fire Danny is me and I'm not going to do it just because he has sex with me. Now that the entertainment is over me and Danny will be going. Danny, when do you have to go to work?"

"Well I didn't know how long this would last so I took the day off."

"That's great. Let's go have sex all day then."

Me and Danny left and went down to the apartment. He made love to me for an hour then it was time for lunch. We went to lunch then up to Todd's office.

"Why are we up here again?"

"Oh. You don't know? You and Todd need to talk more and have less sex."

"We can talk more but we are not reducing the sex."

We went into Todd's office.

"Ok Todd. I have a question for you. Do you want me or Danny today?"

"How did the meeting go?"

"Danny got fired."

"I'm sorry babe. Are you going to be ok?"

"Yeah, because I still have a job. Sam says I can't be fired for fucking him so I'm not fired."

"Well good. Sam is it ok if I have Danny today?"

"Well he is your wife. I'll go have my husband fuck me. Danny I'll meet you in the apartment when you are done. Todd, go ahead and make it last."

"I have a meeting at 1:30 but I'll try."

I left them and went to Ty's office. He fucked me on his desk.

"How is Danny taking everything?"

"Good. But you might not see Todd for awhile as he is with Danny right now."

"We are going to stretch the limits of me being in charge as much as possible aren't we?"

"The only one above you is your dad, and your mom loves me so I think we are safe."

"I guess you are right. What do you have planned for this afternoon?"

"Danny is off so I'm going to see how far we can take his cum control."

"Ok baby, just don't be late for dinner."

I gave Ty a kiss then went to the apartment. Danny joined me half an hour later and we went to the bedroom. I had to suck on him to get him hard as Todd took a lot of cum from him but when he was he made love to me for a little over an hour. He then said he couldn't fuck again, but surprised me when he told me to get hard while his dick was still inside me. I got hard instantly. He then pulled out of me and told me to fuck him. I got on top of him and entered him. I thrust my cock in and out of his hole as I made love to him. I was having fun. I was being forced to have sex with Danny. Cock control was keeping me hard and the program to have sex with him if he asked was keeping me fucking him. When it got close to dinnertime I allowed myself to cum then we got a shower. When we were clean we both put on robes. Mine was a STT robe and his was his regular one. We then went to dinner and met up with the others. After dinner we went back upstairs and watched a movie until we turned in. Ty made love to me then we cuddled up and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 100

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