Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Apr 14, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 98 by Sam

When we woke up Ty made love to me. We then got a shower and I put on my robe while he got dressed. We went out and the light was green when the others joined us. I gave Danny a tote bag with towels and lube in it and gave Ty a duffle bag with towels and lube for his and Todd's offices. We then went to breakfast. After breakfast me and Officer Willie walked around the casino for an hour before I went to do my housework. I cleaned up the apartment until lunchtime. After me and Danny fucked in his office I had lunch then went to Todd's office. After he gave me his load I went to Ty's office. He fucked me on his desk and when he came inside me we cleaned up and I put my robe back on.

"Honey, can I ask you something?"

"Always baby."

"Can Officer Willie wear regular clothing?"

"I don't know. Why do you ask?"

"Well. When we walk around with him wearing the security uniform it feels like he is escorting me to the electric chair. I just feel if he wore regular clothes it would feel more like us just walking around as friends. I know he would need to wear the security uniform on the weekend so everyone knows he is security, but for the weekdays can he wear normal stuff?"

"I can ask Steve if he will authorize it. As long as he can still protect you then it shouldn't be a problem."

"Great. Ok I got a huge house to clean."

"Oh? Did you move?"

"Funny, but you have never had to clean it."

"Ok baby, you are right."

I gave Ty a kiss and went downstairs. I told Officer Willie I would see him for dinner then went up to continue my housework. When I had the house dusted and vacuumed it was time for dinner so I went down to eat. The others joined me. We then came back to wait for Danny to get home then we turned in. Ty made love to me and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When we woke up Ty made love to me then we took a shower. I put on my robe as he got dressed then we waited for the others. When they joined us we went downstairs.

"Officer Willie, you look good."

"Thanks Sam. Steve said I could wear regular clothes on the weekdays but had to wear my uniform on the weekends."

"Well I like it."

We headed to breakfast and then they went to work. I wanted to take a walk so me and Officer Willie walked around the casino for an hour then I went up. I cleaned up the fantasy rooms and me and Ty's rooms so they would be ready for the weekend as we would be open and working. I had everything done when it was time for lunch. After Danny fucked me in his office, I ate lunch then went up to Todd and Ty's offices for them to give me their loads. I then went downstairs and over to the apartment. Everything was done so I just watched TV until dinner. After we ate we waited for Danny then turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

On Saturday when we woke up Ty made love to me then we got a shower. He put on his STT uniform and I put on my robe. We then went out to wait for the others. They came out in their uniforms and we went to breakfast. After breakfast we got set up. I stationed Danny on the main floor by the stairwell door to direct customers inside. I asked Ty if he had a camera on Danny. He didn't but would put in for one. I told him until we did that I wanted a security guard next to him. Steve sent one over.

The rest of us headed upstairs. Ty got into his camera room to check that the cameras were working. Todd put on his headset and we got the gate locked. When it was secured I went to the room and took off my robe. When I got in the bed I asked Ty if everything was ready. He said we were so I told him to open the doors. He told Danny and Todd to open the stairwell doors. And now we are open. Since this is our first day being open I really didn't expect too many customers. I was wrong. For the first two hours we only got about 10 or so, but after that we had a line forming. When we broke for lunch we closed the stairwell doors but the line stayed. Ty had ordered room service and it was waiting by our elevator. Danny brought it up and we ate. After we were done I got a quick shower to clean up then we went back to work. At closing time there was still a line. I wasn't sure what to do. We technically didn't have to close as the casino is 24/7, but we had to eat dinner and have our Saturday fun, but every customer was money in the bank. After one had left I asked Ty what to do. He asked Todd to count the line. There was 10 left. So maybe an hour. I asked Ty to tell Danny to close the stairwell door on the bottom and get in line. If anyone tried to get in behind him he was to tell them we were closed and no others would be helped today. He did. When we got them all through I had them close the stairwell door and asked Officer Willie to take his turn as we were locked up now. After he was done we headed to dinner. After dinner I gave Officer Willie the night off, well, what was left of it, and we all turned in. Todd and Danny fucked us for an hour then we got a shower and went to sleep.

In the morning Todd and Danny fucked us and then we got a shower and put on our uniforms. We headed to breakfast then came back to get ready. There were only three appointments today but that is still good for our first Sunday. Since the website got all the information I needed I was already dressed and had a script in my head before the first customer arrived. Danny was on the ground floor by the elevator. He and the customer got into the elevator and I looked at him. I didn't recognize him so we let him up. We do this to weed out any ex boyfriends. Todd directed the customer to the room and when he was ready I went over. This was the office set and he chose the business casual clothes. His fantasy was to fuck an employee as a reward. Well, it is his fantasy. When we were done I put on my robe and left. I got cleaned up and changed into the clothes for the next one. I then sat by Ty to wait for the next customer to enter the elevator. We scheduled all different rooms so they didn't need to clean them right afterward and we could just clean them after we were done. When the next customer was in the room I headed over. This was the classroom and I was in the schoolboy outfit. After this one was done he had selected to keep my underwear so I took it out of my clothes and put it on the desk for him then put on my robe and left.

After I cleaned up we had lunch. Danny brought it up in the elevator after he had taken the customer down in the other elevator. After we ate we went back to work. I put on the next outfit and waited for the customer. When we were all done I got my shower and put on my robe. I then helped to clean the rooms we used. After all was cleaned up I washed the bedding and the outfits I used as Todd counted the money. When the washer was going I took Ty to the bedroom so he could make love to me. When we were done we went out and Todd gave us the figures. I wanted to know how much of that was Saturday. We made more this Saturday than ever before. Not as much Sunday but we only had three customers instead of the normal six. I paid Ty and Danny then I rode Todd and Danny as they watched a movie. After dinner we all watched a movie together then turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When we woke up, Ty made love to me. Then we got a shower and he got dressed and I put on a robe. We then waited for the others. When we were ready we went down to breakfast. They then headed to work and I took a walk around the casino for an hour. I then headed upstairs to do laundry. I got the sheets put on the fantasy beds and put away the outfits. When Ty's and my stuff was done I went to lunch. Danny fucked me in his office then I ate and headed to Todd's office. After he fucked me I went to Ty's office for his load. I then went back to the apartment to start on Todd and Danny's laundry. I had it all done by dinnertime. After we ate we waited for Danny then turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

In the morning, Ty made love to me then we took a shower. When he was dressed and I had on my robe we waited for the others then went to breakfast. After breakfast I came up to do housework. At lunchtime I went back down. I was headed to Danny's office when he stopped me.

"Sam, I don't think we can do this anymore."

"Why not?"

"Someone complained. I got a call from HR that someone told them I was having sex with a prostitute in my office during lunch. I have a disciplinary hearing tomorrow at 9 am."

"Oh, well that sucks. But don't worry, I will go to the meeting with you. Now then, if they already know then there isn't any harm in doing it again before the meeting is there?"

"I guess not."

We went into his office and he fucked me for ten minutes. When we were cleaned up I got a table and we had lunch then I headed upstairs. Todd gave me his load then I headed to Ty's office. After he fucked me on his desk we got cleaned up.

"Honey, how much power does HR have over Danny?"

"Well, they can recommend disciplinary actions but as he is a department head I have to sign off on all of them. Why?"

"Someone told them me and him have been having sex in his office and he has a meeting with them in the morning."

"Oh. Well you don't need to worry. I'm not going to do anything to Danny. And I'm the only one that can fire him other than Dad."

"Good, so I can have fun then?"

"Oh God, what are you going to do?"

"Defend Danny against this injustice from the HR department."

"Just don't fire the whole department. I think we do need them."

"If you insist honey."

I gave Ty a kiss and headed downstairs to finish my housework. After dinner we waited on Danny then turned in. Ty made love to me then we cuddled up and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 99

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