Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Apr 12, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 97 by Sam

When we woke up Saturday, Ty made love to me. We had nothing pressing today as we haven't started working yet because we are still working to get stuff set up. Ty took it slow and he lasted half an hour before he pushed me over the edge and he gave up his load inside me. After we came I cuddled up to him. I really didn't want to get up. I just wanted to stay in bed with Ty all day. Though that was not possible as we had to get stuff put in place so we could open next week. But there was no rush so we stayed cuddled up for an hour before getting up and taking a shower. When we were clean we both put on robes and went to the living room. Todd and Danny hadn't emerged yet. We sat on the couch and watched some TV while we waited on them. When they came out dressed me and Ty giggled.

"We didn't know we were going in robes today."

"Well we aren't leaving the casino so why put on clothes?"

"Ok, we'll be right back."

They went back into their room to change. When they came back out in robes I pushed the button by the elevator and when it was green we headed down. We went to breakfast then came back up to the apartment. I then called a company meeting. They all removed their robes and got on the couch and I removed mine and lubed up Ty and sat on him. I then started to move up and down on his pole as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Ok, so Todd, any word on the uniforms?"

"Oh yeah, they are in my office. My name was on them so they took them up there. I'll go get them."

Todd put on his robe and went out the elevator.

"Ok, while we wait on that, what do we think about a schedule?"

"Well baby... Uh, can you slow down, I don't want to cum too fast."

I slowed down on him.

"Is that better honey?"

"Yeah. Thanks baby, I like to enjoy it. So what I was thinking is we stay with the hours we were doing at the store for now. I know we can be open as long as we want here, but we have other stuff we have to schedule around and the store's hours work for that."

"Like what?"

"Well, dinner, our Saturday night fun and us three have to work on Monday."

"Ok, that's true... Sorry Ty, can't hold it. OH YES!" I came all over Ty as I was pushed over the edge. This caused him to push all the way into me as he pumped his load inside me. When we came down I got off him and lubed up Danny and sat on him. I then started to bounce up and down on him. "Alright. So we stick to store hours. But we have to modify them some."

"What do you mean baby?"

"Well, for lunch, for instance, you normally give me a sandwich while they go at it. But they will be with me now so that won't work."

"That's a good point. Ok, so we put in a 30 minute lunch break. Also we need more than 15 minutes between customers for the fantasies. You were averaging 20 minutes from leaving the room to going in the other room because you had to change clothes. So I figure we put 30 minutes between the fantasies."

"Yeah, that will work. Danny, I'm about to cum but I want you to hold off until Todd gets back."

"Ok Sam, I'll try."

I came on Danny but kept going as he didn't cum. "Any word on the website?"

"Yeah, they have a test site up we can look at to see if it is good for us. If we like it then it can go live on Monday. If we want to change anything they can do that for us and we look at it again after Monday."

"Ok, we can do that today. We also need to get signs printed up with our hours and info on them."

"We can look at those today too."

The elevator opened and Todd came in carrying a box. He put it down on the coffee table then took off his robe and sat down on the couch. Danny stopped holding back and when I came he pumped his load inside me. When we came down I got off him and lubed up Todd and sat on him and started bouncing on his cock. Ty got up and opened the box. He pulled out a blue polo shirt. On the front upper left side it had our logo and STT Escorts in yellow. It looked nice.

"I got them in all our sizes. 3 each. There are also 7 robes."

Ty fished out a robe from the box. It was blue and had our logo and STT Escorts in yellow on its front upper left too. I liked them.

"Why 7 robes?"

"One for every day of the week. You don't wear clothing anymore so I figured you could wear a new robe every day instead of reusing it. Plus it is free advertising as you go through the casino."

"Ok, we can try them all on when I finish with Todd."

I rode Todd for an hour as he kept holding out. When he finally came inside me I got off him and we got dressed. Well, I put on a STT robe and the others got dressed. The uniform was just the polo shirt and they wore regular pants. They looked really nice in them and the robe was very comfortable. I had Todd and Danny start working on the signs with the hours for Saturdays and the new price and also told him to print a bunch with our rules on them. Ty and I went to look over the new site. I was a little shocked when we loaded the homepage as right there in front of me was a close-up of my face.

"Wow, I was not expecting my face to be right there."

"Neither was I, but it looks good."

"Yeah, I guess."

We looked around. It had place holders for our hours for Saturday as we hadn't given them to the web team. It said appointments for Sundays were available and it said you could reserve online. It had nice photos of all the rooms and outfits and you could select what you wanted for a room and outfit and it also had a box you could type what fantasy you were looking for. I thought it was good. If we knew all of this up front it would make my job much easier. There was also a picture of me in the SpongeBob underwear that said if you bought a fantasy you could purchase the underwear I wore into it for $50 and had a checkbox for it on the reservation form. I told Ty it was fine with me and they just needed the hours for Saturday filled in. He said he would let them know. We then went to check and see what Todd and Danny had come up with.

Todd had some rule signs already printed out as our rules did not change any. They were working on the sign. They had the hours along with the lunch break on it and the price. He also had our facebook and twitter and that appointments for fantasies were available for Sundays and Ty's phone number and email. I asked Ty if we had a web address yet. He said we did but it just had an under construction page up until we approved the website. I told Todd to put that address on it too as it was approved as soon as it had the Saturday times on it and they would have that done Monday. He added it to the sign. It looked good so I had him print a few up. Since we were not open this weekend we didn't put them up. I did have him put the rule signs up in the stairwell we were using for Saturdays so as they waited, they could learn the rules. Since the others were not going to be put up until Monday when the website worked I said we were done for the day. It was just about lunchtime so we headed to lunch then came back to the apartment.

When we got back they took off their uniforms and I took off my robe. They really are nice robes so I will switch to only wearing them instead of the plain robe I usually wear. Ty got me in the sling and Danny got the mop bucket under me. Ty lubed up and pushed into me and grabbed my hips and started fucking me hard. After I came, Ty pushed all the way into me and filled me with his load. When we came down he pulled out and Todd took his place. When he finally gave up his load into me Danny took a turn. I asked Ty to schedule an appointment and ask Officer Willie if he wanted a go. After Officer Willie gave me his load they got me down as it was time to go to dinner. After dinner I told Officer Willie we were done for the night and we went up the elevator. We all turned in. Me and Ty laid next to each other as Todd and Danny got on top of us. After they fucked us for an hour we got a shower then cuddled up together and went to sleep.

In the morning Todd got on top of me and I felt him enter me. Danny got on Ty and they fucked us for an hour. After they gave us their loads we took a shower. I then told Ty to work up a schedule for Sundays. I told Todd to get me a sign that had all our information on it but also our location so I could ask Dave if I could put one in the bookstore. As they did that I sat at the table while Danny made us breakfast. I told Officer Willie we wouldn't be out until lunch today so he could sleep in. When breakfast was ready we all sat and ate then Todd showed me the sign he made. It worked so I had him print some up. Ty showed me the schedule he made.

He had us starting at 9 am. The first one was 9 to 10. Then the next was 10:30 to 11:30. He had an hour break so I could get cleaned up and also eat lunch then the next one was 12:30 to 1:30. Then 2 to 3, 3:30 to 4:30 and finally 5 to 6. That gave us 6 slots and at $800 each that was $4,800 for that day if there were no student discounts. We kept the student discounts but raised the price to $300. I have to charge more as I will be paying rent on all this stuff Rick is paying for. I know it is controlled by Ty, my husband, but Ty takes his job as casino manager very seriously. He wants to prove to his dad and himself that he can do the job, so he will charge me a proper amount. I don't have to pay for the apartment part of our floor as that is just a perk of being the casino manager, but everything on the fantasy side I do.

When we had everything finalized we went to lunch. We then came back to the apartment so we could have some sling time. After dinner we watched a movie then turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

In the morning, Ty made love to me then we got a shower and he got dressed while I put on a STT robe. These are really nice robes. I'm not sure how much they cost as Todd handles the money but they seem like much higher quality than the other robes we have. I'll still use those to move between rooms on Sundays but for walking around I'll use these. When we got to the living room I pushed the button on the elevator and it was green by the time the other two joined us. We went down and had breakfast then they headed to work. I told Officer Willie I wanted to take a walk so we walked around the casino for an hour before going back to the apartment. I told Officer Willie I would see him for lunch and headed up.

When I got upstairs I started on laundry. I had Ty's and my clothes and bedding washed by the time I needed to leave for lunch. When I got downstairs we headed to the restaurant. I was about to go into the bathroom when Danny stopped me.

"No Sam, I have an office now."

I was confused as he does all his work in the kitchen. Even ordering food involves being in the kitchen so I'm not sure what he needs an office for. He took me over to a door. We were close to the restaurant, but not really in it anymore so this is an odd place for his office. But right there on the door was a name plate that said Daniel Anderson and under it Head Chef, so I guess this is his office. He unlocked the door with his key and we went in while Officer Willie stood outside the door. Danny closed the door behind us.

"Uh Danny... this is a closet."

We were standing in a utility closet. It was empty with just shelves all around it.

"Well Yeah. I don't need an office really. I do all my work in the kitchen. I only need this for one thing."

Danny started taking off his pants. I took off my robe and found a hook to hang it on then gave Danny the lube. I bent over and held onto a shelf to steady myself. Danny pushed into me then grabbed my hips and started fucking me hard. After 10 minutes I shot my load all over the floor as he pushed into me and came inside me. I took the washcloth I brought and cleaned us up then he put his pants back on as I put on my robe. We then headed back out and he locked the door then I got a table and me and Officer Willie ate lunch. After I signed the slip we headed upstairs to Todd's office. After he gave me his load we went to Ty's office. After he gave me his load we talked.

"You got Danny an office?"

"Yeah, well I didn't want you two doing it in the bathroom anymore, so I got him an office."

"Well good. Does he have the only key?"

"Well, security has one as they have to, but those are the only two."

"Ok good. I'll stash some towels and lube in there next time so I don't have to carry them around. You and Todd should have those in your desks too."

"Well if we have lube in our desks wouldn't that tip people off that we are doing stuff?"

"Ty you are the casino manager. Are you going to fire yourself for fucking me in your office?"

"I guess you have a point. Plus that little washcloth you carry is full by the time you get to me. So ok, I'll tell Todd and Danny to put some lube and towels in their offices. Oh, the website is done."

"Really? That's great. I'll check it out then see if Dave will let us put up a sign. If he will, I'll run down there today and put it up."

"Ok baby, but be careful."

"Just because you and Todd have been driving me around for almost a year doesn't mean I can't drive."

"You can drive baby, but we drive you around for a reason."

"Oh, and what reason is that?"

"Well, we made it so you can't read when you have sex or are experiencing sexual pleasure. So if you are on a bumpy road like Tallahassee blvd. you won't read signs like stop signs."

"Oh. You didn't tell me that. Why did you do that?"

"Because you can be programmed easily by reading something if you are just experiencing sexual pleasure and it doesn't require you to cum to take effect."

"Oh. Well, good fix then. Maybe I'll have Officer Willie drive."

"That would make me feel better."

"Ok, I got to go if I'm going to get that all done today."

I gave Ty a kiss then headed downstairs. I told Officer Willie to come up as I was just going to check something then get dressed and we would head to the bookstore. I went on the computer and to the address on the sign and there was my face right in front of me. I checked to see if the hours and prices were right and they were so I called Dave and he said we could put up our sign. He didn't care as he was retiring soon. I got dressed and we headed out. I put up the signs by our customer elevator and by the stairwell we use for Saturdays then we drove to the bookstore. I put up our signs by the register and over by the booths. There were no other signs up so I guess no prostitute has taken my place. When we had that done we went back to the casino. I told Officer Willie I would see him for dinner and went up to finish the laundry. When I had Todd and Danny's stuff done I headed to dinner. After we ate we came back up and waited for Danny. We then turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 98

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