Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Apr 10, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 96 by Sam

When we woke up, Ty made love to me. We then took a shower and got dressed. Well, he got dressed, I put on my robe. We then went out and I pushed the button. When the others joined us it was green. We went down and got breakfast then they headed to work. I wanted to take a walk so me and Officer Willie walked around the casino for an hour. Officer Willie got a call saying the photographer was here and waiting for us at our elevator. We headed back and there was a guy next to our elevator with a lot of metal boxes around him. He introduced himself as Taylor the photographer. I opened the elevator and he brought in all his boxes. We then went up. I had him set up his equipment in one of the empty fantasy rooms. He had a couple of bright lights that he had facing away from his backdrop but they had umbrellas on them that shined the light back towards it. He had his camera on a tripod and a little wooden stool in front of the backdrop. He told me he was ready when I was. I took off my robe and got in front of the stool.

"Ok, this is the first outfit."

"Ok, do you want a close-up of your dick?"

"No, I'm a bottom. My dick is not for sale so no need to advertise it."

He took a few pictures and asked me to push out my hip and put my hand on it. Then he took a few more. He then asked me to turn around. He said to thrust my butt out and arch my back then look back at the camera. He then took a few more pics. When he was done he asked me to get the next outfit. I went to my room and put on the underwear Ty got me. These had SpongeBob characters all over them. Seriously, I look 9 years old in them. I then went in and he took some frontal shots then asked me to turn around and then directed me in sexy poses as he snapped away with his camera. When he had enough he told me next outfit. I then started on the outfits. I was starting to have fun as we went through the shoot. He had me do front and back of all outfits and was always trying to make it sexy. When it was lunchtime I got out of the outfit I was in and put on my robe and we all went to eat.

When we got to the restaurant I told Taylor to get a table and I would be back in a few minutes. I then went to the bathroom as Danny followed. We went into the stall and he took off his pants and I took off my robe. He then pushed into me and grabbed my hips and started to thrust in and out of me. After 10 minutes I was pushed over the edge and came into the toilet and Danny thrust all the way inside me and gave me his load. When we came down he pulled out of me and I cleaned us up and he put on his pants as I put my robe back on. I then went and joined Taylor at the table. After we ate I asked Taylor if he would mind waiting here while I ran a few errands.

"It isn't a problem Sam. I was told I was doing a photo shoot of a prostitute. If you have customers you have to get during lunch that is fine. I'm paid for the day no matter how many photos I take."

"Ok, thanks. It won't be long. You can order dessert while you wait."

I told the waitress to get Taylor whatever he wanted and put it on our tab. I then headed up to Todd's office. After he fucked me on his desk and gave me his load I went over to Ty's office and he fucked me on his desk. When he came inside me I cleaned us off and put my robe back on as he put his pants on.

"How is it coming with the photographer?"

"Good. He really knows his stuff and I'm having a lot of fun."

"That's good. I'll let you get back to it as I know there is a lot to go through and my mom's package with more in it should be here soon."

"Ok honey. Have fun at work."

"The only fun I have at work is at lunchtime."

I gave him a kiss and headed back downstairs. We met up with Taylor and headed back to work. Around 2 pm Officer Willie got a call that the package had arrived. I went down in the elevator and got it and brought it back up. When I opened it I was confused. There was a wedding dress, a ballerina outfit, a catholic schoolgirl costume with red plaid miniskirt, and some other dresses. I thought maybe she sent the wrong box, but they were all in my size. I continued on with the other outfits then started on the dresses. We managed to get through them all and Taylor asked if I wanted some close-up headshots. I figured why not so I put on a shirt and he took his camera and got in close and took several pictures. He then had me do a few poses and then we were done. He started putting away all his gear as I took all the outfits and put them in the laundry room to be washed. When he was ready he loaded up all his boxes in the elevator and we headed down. I said goodbye as he left and we headed to the restaurant for dinner. After dinner we went home and I gave Officer Willie the rest of the night off. When Danny got home we turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When we woke up Ty made love to me. We then got a shower and he got dressed. I pushed the button then we all headed down to breakfast. After breakfast, Ty asked me to go up to his office with him so we could go over the pictures the photographer sent over. He wanted me to pick out the ones I liked best to send to the web team. I agreed and we headed to his office. I sat next to him as we looked at his computer. All the photos came out great. We started going through them. Ty mainly liked the shots from the back. I guess that is fine but I figured they should see the front too. So for every outfit we picked out a good front and back shot. For the underwear however, we just used the back shot. I don't know who designs kids underwear, but they made sure it showed off the ass really good. I noticed as we went through them Ty kept rubbing his crotch. I mean, sure, the photographer made sure the photos were hot, but I don't want my man busting a nut in his pants when he could bust it in me. When I felt he was getting too excited I pushed him away from the desk and got on my knees in front of him and pulled down his zipper and fished out his cock. I then took him into my mouth and started to suck on it as I moved my head up and down on it. After a few minutes he gave me his load and I swallowed it until I emptied him. I then took my mouth off of him and he put his cock away as I got back in my chair. We then continued to look through the photos. After we went through all the outfits, and he looked at the catholic schoolgirl one again, we chose a good headshot. When all the photos were picked he sent them to the web team. It was getting close to lunchtime. I told Ty I had to go or I would be late for Danny. He asked what I meant so I explained that I go to the restaurant at lunchtime so Danny can fuck me in the bathroom. He asked why we did it in the bathroom instead of his office. I told him that Danny doesn't have an office, he is a cook, they work in the kitchen. He said but someone could walk in on us. I agreed that was possible, but where else would we do it? He relented and let me go. I went to the apartment to get the things I needed and got down to the restaurant just in time. Me and Danny went to the stall and he gave me his load. I then got a table and me and Officer Willie ate. We then headed to Todd's office. I had to wait as he was in a meeting with someone. When it was over Ty came out of Todd's office.

"Baby, what are you doing here?"

"Todd is after Danny."

"Todd too?"


"Ok baby."

I went into Todd's office and he fucked me on his desk for twenty minutes before giving me his load. When we had cleaned up I went to Ty's office. After giving me his load he said he wanted to talk. So we got cleaned up and dressed and I sat in his lap as he held me.

"So all three of us get you every day at lunch?"

"Yeah. On Monday when I went to lunch, Danny asked me to meet him in the bathroom and we went into a stall and he fucked me there. Then after I finished eating I got a text from Todd to come to his office to discuss a problem on our floor. Well there was no problem on our floor, it was in his pants so he fucked me on his desk. Then you texted me to see you and you fucked me too. So every lunch I help all three of you out."

"And I'm always last?"

"Of course. I told you. I always want the last cock in me to be yours. I love you more than anyone Ty. I need to know that your cock was the last one to fuck me."

"Ok baby. But I really don't like that you and Danny use the bathroom. Anyone could walk in on you."

"Nothing else we can do. He doesn't have an office like you and Todd do."

"Ok, I'll just need to think about it. What do you have planned for the rest of the day?"

"I have to wash and put away all those outfits we used yesterday, but that is it."

"Ok, I'll let you get to it."

I got off his lap and gave him a kiss then headed back downstairs. I told Officer Willie I'd see him for dinner as I went up to the apartment. I washed clothes then put them away in the closet of my changing room. I then went through the fantasy rooms and dusted the desks and other furniture. At dinnertime I went down to eat and Ty and Todd joined me. We then headed back upstairs and I gave Officer Willie the night off. We watched some TV until Danny got home then we turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 97

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