Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Apr 9, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 95 by Sam

Sunday was a nice day. Other than meals I spent the day in the sling letting Ty, Todd and Danny get the cum out of their balls. I wonder how it is going to go tomorrow when they have to start working and can't just take me and fuck me. I hope they can manage. Don't get me wrong. If they need me to, I will go to their offices and sit on their cocks. But that might send the wrong message to the other staff. When we returned from dinner I gave Officer Willie the rest of the night off then turned in with Ty. After he made love to me we cuddled up together and went to sleep.

When we woke up Ty made love to me. We then got a shower and I put on my robe and he put on his suit. We then headed to the living room to wait for the others. I pushed the button by the elevator. It was green by the time the others joined us. Todd was in a suit and Danny was in a chef's uniform. We all went down in the elevator. We greeted Officer Willie as we went to breakfast. We are open now so we order what we want from the waitress. After we eat Ty signs the slip. Since he is the manager all of our meals are comped. This is great as I can wear a robe and not have to take money with me anywhere while I'm in the casino. They head off to their jobs as I get up and head back to the apartment. I tell Officer Willie I'll see him for lunch as I head up in the elevator.

At lunchtime I press the button and it goes green almost immediately. I hope that doesn't mean he has been waiting long. I go down and we head for the restaurant. Danny sees me come in and comes over to me. He asks if I could meet him in the bathroom. Well, I figured at least one of them would. I brought a small bottle of lube with me just in case. We head to the bathroom and Officer Willie waits outside the door. We go to a stall and he closes the door. He removes his pants and I take off my robe and hand him the lube. He lubes up and pushes into me. He grabs my hips and fucks me hard and fast. He just needs to cum. 10 minutes later I shoot my load into the toilet as Danny pumps his into me. When we calm down he pulls out of me and we use some toilet paper to clean up then he puts his pants back on and I put my robe on and take the lube. We head back out and I get a table and order lunch for me and Officer Willie. After we eat I get up to go after signing the bill. I get a text from Todd saying to meet him in his office. I ask where his office is as I really don't know where any of them are. He says on the top floor.

We head up there. When I get there it is a maze of offices. I look around and eventually find it. I go in and he says he needs to see me about a problem on our floor. I say ok and Officer Willie waits outside the door. I walk up to Todd and hand him the lube. He pulls off his pants and I take off my robe and lay on his desk and lift my legs. He lubes up and pushes into me. He fucks me hard too. After 20 minutes he finally gives up his load into me. When he comes down he pulls out of me and uses some tissue to clean us up. I then put on my robe as he puts his pants on and I take the lube. Two down, one to go. Though Ty usually has more control than these two. Ok that isn't true. All three of them haven't kept their dicks in their pants all summer. I head out. I try to find Ty's office as I know he is next. I get a text from him wanting to discuss our rent. Ok Ty. I find his office and go in leaving Officer Willie outside.

Ty starts to say he ran the numbers on how much everything cost for our floor and wanted to run them by me. I'm starting to wonder if this is really about sex or not. Ty is being really businessy. As he is saying numbers to me I go up to him and run my hand over his crotch. He is hard.

"Ty are we going to fuck or not? I'm not here for a business lesson. And you know Todd handles the money."

"Ok baby, I just wanted it to be believable. I don't want people thinking I have my wife coming up here for sex all the time."

He takes off his pants and I give him the lube and take off my robe. I lay on his desk and lift my legs as he lubes up. He then pushes into me and starts to thrust in and out of me. After 10 minutes he gives me his load. When he pulls out he cleans us up with some tissues then I put my robe back on and grab the lube as he puts his pants on. I give him a kiss as I head back out. We go down to the first floor as that is the only way to get to our elevator. When we get there I tell Officer Willie I'll see him for dinner as I go up in the elevator.

When I get to the apartment I start doing our laundry. I handle Todd and Danny's too as they are working and I'm not. I also throw in the outfits from Saturday. I have it done when it is time to go to dinner. I press the button and when it is green I head down. We go over to the restaurant and get a table. When Todd and Ty join us we order dinner. Danny has to work the dinner rush so he can't get off until 7 pm. The rest of us finish eating then head home. I tell Officer Willie I'm done for the night before we head up. We watch some TV until Danny gets home. I ask if he's eaten. He has so we turn in. Ty makes love to me then I cuddle up to him and go to sleep.

I woke up and Ty made love to me. We then took a shower and he got dressed as I put on my robe. We went out and I pushed the button. It was green by the time the others joined us. We went to breakfast and they went to work. I headed back to the apartment and told Officer Willie I'd see him for lunch. I did some housework until lunch. I headed to lunch with Officer Willie. I brought a washcloth in my pocket this time to make cleaning up easier. When I got to the restaurant I went to the bathroom as Danny followed. After he fucked me in the stall I cleaned us up with the washcloth, then I got a table and ate. After I finished eating I headed upstairs to the offices. I went to Todd's office and he fucked me on his desk. When he finally gave me his load I cleaned us up then headed to Ty's office. After he fucked me on his desk I gave him a kiss as I headed home.

When I got back I continued my housework and cleaned up the fantasy rooms until it was time for dinner. We ate dinner then returned home to wait for Danny. When he got home we watched a little more TV until we turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When we woke up Ty made love to me. We then took a shower and he got dressed and I put on my robe. We went out and I pushed the button. It was green when the others joined us. We went to breakfast then they headed to work. I told Officer Willie I wanted to take a walk. We walked around the casino for an hour then went back to the apartment. I told Officer Willie I would see him for lunch as I went up. At lunchtime we headed to the restaurant. After Danny fucked me in the bathroom I got a table and ate lunch with Officer Willie. After we ate I headed to the top floor. After I finished with Todd I went to Ty's office. After Ty fucked me on his desk he said he actually had stuff to talk to me about. I took a seat in his lap and he held me to him tightly.

"Dad said he has a photographer coming tomorrow to take pictures of you in your different outfits. He wants to put the pictures on the website so when people order a fantasy they can pick the room and what you wear. Mom said she has sent us some more outfits and they should arrive tomorrow sometime."

"I don't know Ty. Wouldn't that mean my face would be on the website?"

"Yeah baby. Is that a problem for you?"

"But then everyone will know I'm a prostitute."

"Baby, I don't know what to tell you but you have been a prostitute for more than a year and my dad introduced you to the entire company as the prostitute. I think the cat is out of the bag."

"Well, I guess you are right. Ok then. Maybe have him take a picture of me in my underwear to advertise the fact I'm selling them now too."

"Yeah. He will be your photographer and will take whatever pictures you want. He will then send them to us so we can send them to the web team."

"Ok. Can I talk to you about something else?"

"Of course baby. As your husband or manager?"

"As the casino manager. Officer Willie is my security officer right?"

"Yes baby. Is there a problem with him?"

"No. Officer Willie is great. Way too overqualified to guard me but I like him so I want to keep him."

"Ok, so what is the problem?"

"Well. Your dad said that security can't get onto our floor unless I push a button by the elevator. But what if someone manages to get onto the floor and I'm unable to get to that button? Officer Willie won't be able to come up to help me."

"That is if he knows about it. Ok. I'll have tech support add Officer Willie's fingerprints to the elevator and doors so he can get in if you need him. I'm also going to have them order you a personal panic button for you to wear. I don't like the scenario you just gave me."

"Good. And I know that it is unlikely. So is there anything else?"

"Not that I can think of baby."

I got up and gave him a kiss then headed back downstairs. I told Officer Willie I would see him for dinner as I headed up in the elevator. I watched TV until it was time to go to dinner. After dinner we watched a movie as we waited for Danny then we turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 96

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