Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Apr 8, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 94 by Sam

In the morning, Ty made love to me then we took a shower. After our shower Ty takes the trimmer out and cleans up my pubes. I then put on my robe. He got dressed. When the rest of them were also ready I pressed the button by the elevator. Two minutes later and it is green so we go down and greet Officer Willie then head to the restaurant for breakfast. We are still closed so Danny fixes us a good breakfast. After we eat I let Officer Willie know we have three guests coming today at around 11 am. He relays their names to security so they can be let in. We then head back to the second floor to get ready. I tell Officer Willie he can wait by the stairwell for us and we will be down just before 11. He says ok and heads off. Ty's parents say they will be heading back to Vegas and we tell them goodbye as they go to pack.

We go through the door to the hallway and go to Ty's room. He has the key to the metal gate. He gives it to Todd and Todd checks the gate to make sure it works and secures. All seems good. We open up the bedroom and make sure there is lube. Ty checks the cameras to make sure they are all working. We put out the money box we bought. Now they are not paying today, but I wanted to do everything normally so we got a feel for it all. At 10:30 we lock the gate and prop the stairwell door open. We then head down and meet up with Officer Willie. At 11 he gets a call that our guests are here and directs them to us.

When they arrive we go over the way stuff works. We then head up. I have them wait at the stairwell door as I go into the room. Officer Willie stations himself outside the bedroom door opposite Todd. Todd opens the gate so Ty can go to his room and he locks it again. I take off my robe and get in the bed. For rapid sex I figure just to get on all fours. If they want something else they can ask before they begin. I tell Ty I'm ready and a minute later Stuart comes in. He takes off his pants and gets in bed. He lubes up and enters me. He grabs my hips as he fucks me hard. When he cums he pulls out and puts his pants back on then leaves the room and Dale comes in. He takes off his pants and lubes up then gets behind me and pounds me hard until he cums. He then puts his pants back on and when he leaves Dan comes in. Dan asks if I can be on my back. I turn over and lift my legs and he takes off his pants and gets in and gets on top of me and fucks me looking at me. When he gives me his load he pulls out and puts on his pants and leaves. I go ask Officer Willie if he wants a go. He says he does but he can't protect me and do it at the same time and this area is too open to the public so he declines. I guess he is right. I put on my robe and I talk to Todd as Ty gets through the gate. He has the three pamphlets to give to the guys. We close the bedroom and as we leave we close the stairwell door and check that it is locked. We then head to the restaurant where the guys are waiting for us.

"Ok guys, what did you think of the setup?"

"It was better than the store because we could see you and we knew we were fucking a real person instead of a hole in a wall."

"Ok, thinking about the overall experience would you say it was worth $40?"

"Maybe. Are you raising your prices because you moved over here?"

"Not the reason. With this setup I'll be getting less customers an hour because of the delay in people getting ready and then dressed again. Todd timed you and in the time it took to just get you three I usually have done 5 at the store. So if I don't want to lose money I have to raise my price. But I want to know if the experience is worth the price."

"Well, I would definitely say that was worth $40."

"Good, now after lunch we will do the fantasy rooms. Ty has a pamphlet for each of you that shows what we offer. You can look those over while we eat and decide on what you want."

Danny made a great lunch for us and I asked if they had come up with what they wanted. They each said they had so I told them where the elevator was and that Ty would call each one when it was their turn. I told them they could wait in the sports lounge and watch the game if they wanted to. We then headed to our elevator and went to the apartment and through the door to the hallway. I went to my changing room and Officer Willie stood outside my door. I got a shower then put on my robe and went to check on Ty. He asked if I was ready. I was so he called Dan. Dan told him he wanted the office set. I went to get changed into the right outfit. There was a business casual outfit. I put it on and found a clipboard. I took it as well. I then went to Ty's room and he said Dan was in and ready to go. I went back to my room and out the hallway door to meet up with Officer Willie and headed for the room. Todd was waiting outside the door and Officer Willie took the other side of it and I went in.

"You wanted to see me sir?"

"Yes Sam, please have a seat."

I went in and sat down.

"Your performance has been slipping lately and I'm afraid I may have to let you go."

"Oh. Please sir, I really need this job. Is there anything I can do to change your mind?"

"Well there is, but you may not be interested in it."

"I'll do anything sir. I really can't get fired right now."

"Well then why don't you get undressed?"

I got up and took off my clothes. Dan took off his too. I went around his desk to his side and he put me on my back on the desk. There was a bottle of lube on the desk and he lubed himself up. He then pushed his cock into me and started fucking me. He changed speeds several times to keep from cumming. When his time was almost up, he thrusted all the way in me and pumped his load inside me. When he came down he pulled out of me. I got up and found my robe. I put it on and left for my room as Dan got dressed.

I took a shower then put on my robe. The robe I came in with was gone. I guess Ty took it to put it back in case someone requested that room again. I looked at the cameras and Ty and Danny were cleaning the office room. When Ty got back he asked if I was ready for the next one. I said I was. He called Stuart and then he told me it was the school room. I was not surprised. I went to the closet in my room. There was a schoolboy outfit. I put it on. Ok, so everyone always tells me I look 12. That is fine. When I put this outfit on I really looked 12. I hope CPS doesn't do a sting. They would never believe I was an adult in this outfit. I went back to see Ty. He looked at me for a long time.

"I know, I look 12."

"You really do baby."

"Well, for this customer, I need to look 12."

"Yeah, I know. Everything is good."

I went back to my room and out to the hallway. Officer Willie's eyes went wide when he saw me.

"Yeah, I know. This customer likes them young."

"Ok. But now I'm doubting that ID I saw."

We go over to the room. Todd is waiting outside the door. Officer Willie takes the other side and I go in. I go to a desk and sit down. Stuart is at the teacher desk.

"And why are you late for class Mr. Richards?"

"It's Lennox now. I missed my bus."

"Oh sorry. That is no excuse Mr. Lennox. You will need to be punished."

"Yes sir."

I stand up and remove my clothes. I then bend over the front of my desk. Stuart gets up behind me and he is also naked. He grabs my hips then I feel him spank me.

"Whoa Stuart. No spanking. It may fit the fantasy, but I can't have marks. I have other customers today."

"Oh, sorry Sam. I got carried away." He looked at my ass. "Don't worry, there are no marks."

He lubed up and pushed his cock into me. He then fucked me. Halfway through his time he pulled out of me and he touched my back. I looked back and he held his hand out straight and flipped it over. I took it to mean he wanted me on my back. I got up and sat on the desk then laid back. He helped pull my ass so it was over the front of the desk then pushed into me again. He fucked me that way until his time was up. He pumped his load inside me. When he pulled out he helped me get up and to the floor then I put on my robe.

"Hey Sam?"

"Yeah Stuart?"

"Sorry about the spanking."

"It's ok. You just got carried away."

"Yeah. Can I ask you a question?"


"How much to buy your underwear you came in with?"

"You want to buy my underwear?"


"Uh... Ty?"

Over the speaker. "Hang on Sam, I'll look it up."

I wondered what he was looking it up on. They cost $6 for a 4 pack at the store. After a few minutes he came back to us on the speaker.

"How about $50 Stuart?"


"Ok, take them and pay Todd as you leave."

I was confused so I just left. I went to my room and Officer Willie waited outside while I got in the shower. Ty came in and asked to see my ass. I showed it to him. He looked closely and said there weren't any marks. I then cleaned up. I put on my robe when I got out and went to the computer room and watched the cameras as Ty and Danny cleaned up.

When Ty got back he asked if I was ready for the next one. He has been timing all of this so he can make a good schedule.

"First, what did you look the price of my underwear up on?"

"Google. I typed in used boy underwear and several listings came up. They ranged from $25 to $100. I thought $100 was crazy so I went with $50. But if you want to increase the price we can."

"Increase it? You already sold them to him for $50."

"I mean for the future customers."

"You mean more people will want to buy my underwear?"

"Yeah. Especially if we get you little boy underwear. I already put it on the shopping list."

"Ok, that is weird. But I guess. I already sell my body. Why not sell my underwear?"

"So is $50 good for you."

"Yeah, that is fine."

I told him I was ready for Dale. He called Dale.

"He wants the outdoors set."

"Oh, what is he looking for? Cowboys on the range, father son camping trip, or boy scout jamboree?"

Ty asked Dale.

"He says he just wants to fuck outdoors."

"Oh, that makes it easier."

I went in and looked for an outfit. I grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I then went to Ty. Ty laughed when he saw my outfit.

"What? He said he just wants to fuck outside. This is what I wear when I'm just outside."

"Ok baby. No judgment. You are good to go."

I went back to my room and to the hallway. Officer Willie followed me to the room then stood opposite Todd as I went in. Dale was sitting at the picnic table. I went over and sat down on the other side.

"Sorry Dale."

"What Sam?"

"Well I try to come up with little scripts in my head to bring the fantasy alive. But I can't think of one for yours."

"Oh, then let me try."

Dale looked me up and down.

"So did you have fun swimming in the lake?"

"Yes it was fun. You should come next time."

"Yeah, Sam, it is hard to come up with one. Can we just fuck?"

"Sure Dale, how do you want it?"

"Well there are some sleeping bags over there, but that would be hard on my knees. How about on your back on the table?"

I got undressed then climbed up onto the table and turned over and laid down. Dale helped get my ass over the edge then lubed up and pushed in. He fucked me hard and kept stopping so he wouldn't cum. When his time was up, he thrusted hard into me and pumped his load inside me. When he came down he pulled out of me. He helped me get down off the table and I put on my robe.

"Again, sorry for not being able to bring the fantasy to life."

"No Sam it was good. The set itself made it feel outdoorsy enough for me."

"Good. I'll see you all in the restaurant."

I headed to my room to take a shower. When I was done I put on my robe and waited for Ty and Danny to finish. When they were done we all headed downstairs to the restaurant. Danny started to make dinner as we talked to Dan, Dale and Stuart.

"Ok, so how did you like the setup for this one?"

"Well the room was good. There was one thing. I recognized Danny from your birthday party, but if I didn't know him I wouldn't know he worked for you when I got to the elevator."

"Ok, so maybe some company uniforms?"

"Ok baby, we can look into those."

"What else?"

"Well I liked the fantasy. It really felt real. Sorry I got carried away."

"Good, and it is ok, you didn't leave any marks."

"What did you do?"

"Don't worry Dale, we have a long car ride home to grill him."

"On the car ride. Is it too far to drive for this?"

"I don't think so. You are offering more than a bed and a fuck. Plus it is getting harder to find prostitutes in town."

"What would you say that was worth? Including the hassle of driving out here."

"Well it is much better than what you charge $500 for. Maybe $700 or $800."

"I would say that was fair. It is a long drive but you get more for it."

"Plus you can gamble a bit while you wait."

"Well that is great information guys. Dinner is here so let's eat."

We ate dinner then said goodbye to the guys. When they were gone we headed to the elevator. I dragged Officer Willie in with us.

"Ok, we are no longer in an open to the public place. Do you want some now?"

"Ok Sam."

Ty got me in the sling and Officer Willie got behind me and entered me. He grabbed onto my hips and fucked me hard. After 10 minutes I came into the bucket and Officer Willie thrust into me hard and pumped his load inside me. When he calmed down he pulled out of me. Ty got me down.

"Thanks Sam."

"No problem Officer Willie. I'm going to be staying in the rest of the night."

"Ok, I'll see you in the morning."

Danny took Officer Willie down in the elevator then returned. We all headed to their room and had our group fun before cuddling up to our spouses and going to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 95

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