Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Apr 5, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 93 by Sam

On Thursday it is after lunch. I'm in the sling and Todd is behind me pounding my ass. He has been going for a while and the others are a little upset. The elevator starts up and we all look that direction. Todd doesn't stop pounding me though. When the doors open it is Rick and Liz. Ty goes to greet them.

"Mom, Dad, good to see you."

"No Dad, it isn't a meeting. This is just a normal Thursday for us."

"Hang on. Todd can you stop holding off now so that Sam can hear my parents?"

"Fine, but I was going for a record."

A few more thrusts and Todd grunts as he pumps his load inside me. When we come down he pulls out. Ty gets me out of the sling but I'm a little weak and out of breath as Todd has been pounding my prostate for a couple of hours. Ty helps me to the couch so I can sit down.

"Sorry to drop in unannounced Sweetie."

"It's ok Liz... you two... are always... welcome."

"Well we just came so we could be here for the big meeting tomorrow."

I finally managed to get my breathing under control.

"Well it is great to have you. Liz, have you seen the fantasy rooms yet?"

"No, not yet."

I got up and put on my robe then took Liz to show her the sets. There was a little dust on the desks so I made a mental note to come by tomorrow and dust everything. When she had seen everything we went back to the apartment. We all sat and chatted until dinner was ready. We then all sat and ate. We watched a movie before turning in. I insisted on them staying in the spare room. They insisted that we were in a hotel with many rooms available. True, but I still win. We said goodnight and Ty made love to me before I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

In the morning, Ty makes love to me before we get a shower. I then put on my robe and so does Ty. We go to eat breakfast. After breakfast Ty goes to get dressed in his suit. So does Todd. Danny puts on his head chef uniform. I stay in my robe. Rick and Liz also get ready. When Liz sees what I'm wearing she gives me a smile. I think what she wears around her casino may be about to change. When it is time for the meeting we go down in the elevator. I stay next to Ty as we walk through the casino towards the theater. He keeps a hand on my shoulder. When we get to the theater the front row is empty and Rick has us all sit in it as he takes the stage.

Rick does the normal introduction of himself then goes on to introduce the management staff. He starts with Ty then goes on to Todd and Danny then a few people I don't know that handle the other departments. He then gets to me.

"And our resident prostitute Sam Lennox."

I stand and turn so people can see me.

"Sam there is no way anyone can see you. Why don't you come up on stage?"

I went up the stairs and onto the stage next to Rick.

"Sam is also your casino manager's wife and my son-in-law so I suggest not upsetting him. Thank you Sam."

I went back to my seat next to Ty and he put his arm around me. When the meeting is over Rick says he has a few people he wants to introduce to us then we can mingle if we want. So I wait with Ty and Rick comes back with someone I know very well.

"Officer Willie."


"Oh, so you have met. Sam, Security Officer Willie here..."

"Officer Willie, you're in security now?"

"Yeah Sam, it pays more and there is less bullcrap to deal with."

"As I was saying. Security Officer Willie here will be in personal security."

"Oh, he's going to be Ty's personal security officer? That will be fun. But let's drop the security, I've called him Officer Willie for too long so can we stick to that?"

"If you want Sam. But Officer Willie will not be Ty's personal security officer. He will be yours."

"Mine? Why do I need one?"

"Ty insisted that you have one."

"Yeah baby. We won't be able to be with you all the time anymore and I want to keep you safe."

"Oh. If you insist. So does that mean he lives with us?"

"No Sam, Officer Willie stays in one of the hotel rooms and there is a switch by your elevator that you press to let security know you want to go out. They then call him and when he gets to the elevator a green light comes on next to that switch to let you know it is safe to come down."

"So he is on call all the time then?"


"Ok, but is there a way to let him know I'll be in for the night so he can go out if he wants to? I don't want him waiting by the phone if I have no intention of going out."

"We can set that up."

"Well great. It will be fun having Officer Willie around all the time."

Rick also brought by a few of the cooks and wait staff so Danny could meet them and I met them too. Hey, they will be handling my food when Danny is at work so I want them happy with me. He then brought some hotel staff for Todd to meet. When the meeting broke up we headed to the restaurant so Danny could feed us. There is more room to work in this kitchen then in ours so it is easier for him. Officer Willie followed behind us. When we got there and sat down it got annoying. Officer Willie kept standing. He wasn't too close but he was standing while we all sat down.

"Officer Willie, you can sit down too."

"I can't actually Sam. My orders are to stand whenever I'm guarding you, even if you sit."

"Ty, tell him to sit down."

"Um... Well, can you guard him properly sitting down?"

"Of course, as long as I'm close enough. I'm highly trained."

"Then sit down close enough to him to keep him protected."

"Sorry sir but my orders do not allow it."

"Dad, help me out."

Rick picked up his phone and made a call. A few minutes later another security guy showed up.

"Is there a problem sir?"

"Yes Steve, can you give Officer Willie permission to sit down?"

"I find that it is easier to protect someone standing and ready."

"Officer Willie says he doesn't need to stand to protect me. So let him sit down."

"If those are your wishes sir then he can sit."

Officer Willie got a chair and put it about 5 feet from me and sat.

"Would it be easier if we got a bigger table so you could sit at it and eat too?"

"Oh, I can't eat while I'm on duty."

"Oh fuck, get Steve back here. I'm not going to eat while my security starves."

Rick called Steve back. When Steve got back to the table.

"Ok, I'm tired of your rules so I want you to tell Officer Willie that he can follow any of my commands as long as he thinks he can still protect me. Even if it violates your rules."

"Yes sir. Willie, do as he says as long as you can still do the job."

"Will do sir."

We all moved to a larger table so Officer Willie could join us. He said if he was at the table he would need to be right next to me and not across the table from me. So I had Ty on one side of me and Officer Willie on the other. Danny made up an amazing meal for us. After we ate we headed back to the apartment. I asked Officer Willie up too because if he was going to be guarding me I wanted to get to know him more. Also he wanted to see my ID as he didn't believe me when I told him I was 28. Well, after I won that bet we sat down and I got to know him more. Rick sat down with Ty so he could get all the contacts for his people. At dinnertime I wanted to test the button by the elevator. I pressed it and ten seconds later Officer Willie's phone rang. He told them he was on the way. Danny took him down in the elevator and when they got down there the green light came on so the rest of us went down too. After dinner I told Officer Willie that I would be upstairs the rest of the night. He said goodnight and would see me tomorrow.

"But tomorrow is Saturday."

"Yes Sam, I work every day. Especially the weekends when you need the most protection."

"But I'll have Todd and Ty."

"Even so, I was told to work those days to keep you safe."

"Well, ok then. See you tomorrow."

I headed up in the elevator then got the cleaning stuff and dusted the fantasy rooms. When I was done I went to bed and Ty made love to me before I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 94

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