Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Apr 3, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 92 by Sam

The next day the movers show up and start packing everything up. When they have everything we head to the casino. I put Danny in the elevator so he can let them up and down it as they bring stuff in. We have already staked out our rooms. When everything is in we start to put stuff away. Danny handles the kitchen first as we brought all our food too and it needs to be put away first. When we are done he makes us some dinner and we eat and turn in.

When I wake up the next day Ty makes love to me then we get a shower and I put on my robe and we go to breakfast. After breakfast I go out the door to my hallway. I don't need a key as all the doors use a fingerprint to open. As I go in each room I start playing out fantasies in my head to figure out how I will enter and interact with the customers to give them the best experience. They are paying a lot of money for it, after all. I then go to my changing room and look through the closet at the outfits. Ty gave Liz my clothing sizes and she got a bunch of different outfits to go with the different sets. I then go through the connecting door to Ty's camera room. It is getting close to lunchtime so I head back to the apartment. After lunch I tell them we are going to do a trial run. They agree and all get dressed. I stay in my robe. I tell Danny he is the customer and we will run it from the customer elevator. Ty and Todd put on their headsets and Todd gets by the elevator as Danny heads to the first floor. Ty mans his cameras. I stand next to Ty so I can see what room Danny picks. Danny waits a few minutes on the first floor before getting in the elevator. Ty pushes the button to allow him up. When the elevator gets to our floor Todd asks Danny what his fantasy is then escorts him to the room. Danny goes in to wait for me. He went to the honeymoon room.

"Um... what is his fantasy?"

Ty asked Todd if he knew what the fantasy Danny wanted was. He says he has no idea, he just asked for the honeymoon room.

I then realized that Danny never got a honeymoon. We all got married in Vegas then came back home so they could go to school. He didn't get what me and Todd got. But I'm not Todd. I know we all love each other and me and Danny have lots of sex but am I the one he wants to have a fantasy with?

I head into my room and look through the closet. There is a tux. I get it on then I head back to Ty's room. He sees me and smiles then says everything is good. I head over and Todd is at the door. I head in. Danny is sitting on the bed and watches me as I come in.

"That was a great ceremony, wasn't it Tiger?"

Danny smiled. "It sure was baby. But now we really get to celebrate."

I walked over to him and started to undress. He did as well. When we were naked he laid me on the bed and got on top of me. He started to kiss me as I felt him enter me. He started to rock his hip in and out of me as he made love to me. He was being very passionate.

"I love you baby."

"Danny I can't reply to customers because I can't hear them, so I'm not going to reply to that. But you know how I feel about you."

"I understand."

He continued to thrust in and out of me as he made love to me. He used his control techniques to last the whole hour. When it was up, he thrusted all the way into me as he pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out of me.

"Well, Tiger. Did I make your fantasy come true?"


"Yeah. I know I didn't. Because your fantasy isn't to be with me. Ty, can you send Todd in?"

Todd came into the room.

"You need me Sam?"

"No Todd, what I need is to not see you or Danny until tomorrow. Danny, the room and Todd are all yours."

"Thanks Sam."

I left and went back to Ty's room. He was watching the cameras. It showed Todd on top of Danny thrusting his huge cock in and out of him. I left him to take a shower. When I was clean I sat in the chair in my room and thought about the experience. It went well. I had to walk naked to Ty's room as I wasn't putting the tux back on. I'll have to get a lot of robes and put one in each room so I can put it on when I'm done. Other than that all seemed to go to plan. I got up and went to get Ty. He was still watching Todd fuck Danny.

"Honey, let's leave them alone. If you want to see Todd fuck someone just wait for Saturday."

"Ok baby."

We went back to the apartment. When dinner time rolled around I made up some and put two plates together and put some drinks and a couple of cans of energy drinks on a tray and put it outside the honeymoon room. I knocked on the door and said room service then went back to the apartment. At the end of the night, Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

In the morning Ty made love to me then we took a shower and I put on my robe. Now that I live in the same building I work in I may never wear clothing again. I made up some breakfast. I went and got the tray from the hallway and put some more food on it as well as some orange juice and energy drinks then took it back over to the honeymoon room and set it down and knocked. Then I returned to the apartment to eat breakfast.

It was after lunch when those two finally joined us. Danny had a glow about him. I'm glad I finally gave him his fantasy. They headed for the shower as I went to clean up the dishes outside the room. I then went into the room to get it cleaned up. I picked up the tux and their clothes but I wasn't sure where extra sheets for the bed were. I took the tux and their clothes back to our apartment to get with Ty. Me and him then went around the hallway and rooms looking for a closet that had sheets and things in it. We never found it.

I just went ahead and stripped the bed and put the sheets in our washer to get them clean, then remade the bed when they were done. I then started making a list of stuff we would need. Extra sheets was at the top of the list, then robes. Also cleaning supplies to clean the desks when they were used. We found a spot in Ty's room to store it all. After dinner we headed to the store to get the stuff on our list and more food. We also dropped the tux off at a dry cleaner. When we got home we put everything away then turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

After I woke up, Ty made love to me then we got a shower. I got dressed as I had to go out today. We then ate breakfast. After breakfast we headed back home. We needed to clean it from top to bottom and clear out the storage shed and tool shed so that we could sell it. We ordered pizza for lunch. We had it all done by dinner time and Todd's truck was loaded up. We can put the boxes in one of the empty rooms in the hallway. When we got back to the casino we started to unload the truck as Danny started dinner. We got it all put away and sat down to eat. After dinner we turned in as we were tired and had the store tomorrow. I cuddled up to Ty and fell asleep.

We had to get up earlier in the morning in order to get to the store. Ty still made love to me. We then got a shower and got dressed before going to breakfast. After breakfast we head to the store. It was a much longer trip to the store, but this is our last weekend for the store so we can manage. When we got there I started to get undressed while Ty went to take down our signs. When he got back he helped me into the sling and got me on the wall.

At the end of the day Ty got me down and cleaned me up so I could get dressed. They then cleaned the room while Todd got the money. When we got home Todd went to count the money and Danny went to the kitchen while I took Ty to our room. Ty made love to me then we got a shower. After our shower we went out to get the numbers from Todd naked. Todd gave us the numbers and I paid Ty and Danny then we sat down to eat after the others stripped off their clothes. After dinner we all turned in. Me and Ty laid next to each other as Todd and Danny got on top of us. They fucked us for an hour before giving us their loads. When we all calmed down they pulled out of us and we got up to take a shower. When we were clean we cuddled up to our spouses and went to sleep.

When we woke up, Danny got on top of me and fucked me for half an hour while Todd did the same to Ty. When we all came we got up and took a shower then went to breakfast. After breakfast we got dressed and went to the store. When we got to the store I got undressed and put on my robe as Ty and Danny set up the other room. I sat and waited for Ty to give me my signal. When he did I went to the first customer. It was a good day. Had a couple of students with their discounts.

At the end of the day we turned in our keys and asked Dave what we should do about the bed. He said if we didn't want it we could leave it for another prostitute to take over. Well we didn't need it as our setup had real beds. So we left it. I wished Dave a good retirement as he had a buyer lined up and would be retiring when the sale closed. When we got home I took Ty to the bedroom for our after work love making then we talked to Todd and I paid them. We then sat down to eat. After dinner we turned in and I cuddled up to Ty after he made love to me.

When we woke up Ty made love to me then we took a shower. We then headed to breakfast. After breakfast I wanted to walk around the casino. Ty said he would join me. So we put on our robes and went down the elevator. We walked around looking at all the machines and table games. There were a few employees getting stuff set up to open next week but not many.

"Hey baby. When we open are you still going to walk around in just a robe?"

"Absolutely. I live where I work now so I don't plan on wearing clothes much. Why? Is there a problem with me wearing a robe in the casino?"

"Not for me."

"Good. Besides, as the boss I doubt anyone would care what I wear."

"Um baby, you aren't the boss, I am."

"And who is your boss?"

"Oh, ok. Well you are right. Nobody should have a problem with it that works here."

We passed the elevator for our customers and I noticed the large neon sign that said 'STT Escorts'. That is good. Our customers will be able to find us easily. We then got to our private elevator and went up to the apartment.

"Ty, can you get some photos of the fantasy rooms and make up a brochure or pamphlet or something showing the different rooms and what they look like?"

"Dad already did. He says they will be ready by the end of the week. He is also paying someone to make a website for us showing the rooms in full detail."

"Oh. Well ok then. I want to try a full run of everything on Saturday. But with people I know so can you call Dan, Dale and Stuart. They don't have to pay because I want to just try it all out and get their opinions."

"Yeah baby, I can do that."

After lunch I did laundry and cleaned the apartment. After dinner we watched a movie then turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

The next morning Ty made love to me then we took a shower. After breakfast they got me in the sling and took turns fucking me until dinner was ready. They then got me out of the sling and we ate. After dinner we watched a movie and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 93

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