Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Apr 2, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 91 by Sam

On Monday morning we had just finished breakfast when there was a knock on the door. I put on my robe as the others went to get theirs. At the door was a guy, early twenties.

"Um... Sam or Ty Lennox?"

"Yeah, I'm Sam Lennox."

"I'm from the architect firm handling the casino renovations. Mr. Lennox commissioned some plans and we need to measure the rooms in this house so we can get the plans right."


I let the guy in and he used a weird device that shot a laser out of it to measure the rooms. After every measurement he put it in his iPad. He was only here for half an hour and then he said he was done and left. When he left we took off our robes and Ty helped me into the sling for the start of my day at home.

On Friday I'm getting ready for my party. There is a knock on the door and it is Rick. He hands me a present and says he has some plans to show us. I say that is great, but as I have a party in a half hour there will be no sex. He says that is fine as this is about our apartment not the business. He shows the plans and says the two master bedrooms are slightly larger than Todd and Danny's room. The living room, dining room and laundry room are the same but the kitchen is smaller as they used some of that space for the master bath of one of the rooms. It looks good to me so I put it up to the others. They agree. When it is time for my party we all head to the backyard. I introduce my old coworkers to Rick and we all have fun. After the party we all turn in. Ty takes me to our room and makes love to me. When we cum I clean us up and cuddle up to him and go to sleep.

When I wake up Ty makes love to me then we get a shower. After our shower we get dressed and go to breakfast. After we eat we say bye to Rick and head to the store. At the store I undress and Danny gets me into the sling then goes to stand by the door and watch the money box. At the end of the day Ty gets me down and cleans me up then he and Danny take care of the room as I get dressed. Todd collects the money and we head home. After Ty makes love to me and we get a shower then we go to get our numbers from Todd. I pay Ty and Danny then we eat and turn in. Me and Ty lay side by side as Todd and Danny fuck us for an hour. Then we get a shower and cuddle up to our spouses and go to sleep.

Close to the end of the month Rick came over to get the plans for the second floor finalized so they could get started on it. He had the final drawings from the architect of the apartment and of the fantasy rooms. He also had drawings of how each fantasy room would be set up to look. I took my time looking over all the drawings as the four of them took turns fucking me. When Rick pumped his load inside me I told him I approved of all the plans. He put everything away then they got me down so we could eat dinner.

Early September Rick says the renovations are done and comes up and takes us over to look at everything. When we get there we start by going to the second floor. Rick goes to a hidden elevator and opens the door by putting his thumb on a scanner. When the door opens we get in. There are no buttons, only another fingerprint scanner. Rick puts his thumb on it and the doors close and we go up. When the door opens we are inside the apartment. It is so similar to our house it is spooky. Except there is no furniture and the kitchen is much smaller and there are two master bedrooms on either side of a spare room.

Rick says there is a stairwell over where our backdoor was in case of emergency but it is always locked from the outside so nobody can get in that way. The only way in is the elevator that requires one of our fingerprints to work. He says he will have a tech come and get our prints before we leave today. He takes us to the front door and when we open it we are in the hallway of the fantasy rooms. He tells us he originally wanted to do codes on the doors, but switched to fingerprint scanners as they are more secure. All our fingerprints will operate the elevator and front door and only Ty's and mine will operate our two rooms. He shows us the camera and changing rooms and shows Ty the button for the elevator and panic button. He says the tech that comes to get our prints will show Ty how to use the cameras. He then says we can look around the casino all we want as it is still closed to the public. Todd wants to check all the hotel rooms. Rick hands him a master key card. Danny says he is going to check out the restaurant and Ty says he will walk around the casino. I will check out these fantasy rooms. Rick takes the others down in the elevator then comes back up and walks around with me. I go through each room and sit at the desks and lay on desks and beds. The campground set is a little dark and I ask if Ty can see me with it this dark. He says the cameras are night vision so he can see me even if all the lights are off. I'll have to check on that. When I'm satisfied with all the rooms we go downstairs and I check out the casino.

Even though it is closed, all the machines are on. I'm not a big gambler. I know the odds of you leaving a casino with more money than you went in with are zero, but I like the way the machines look. They make losing all your money fun. We head over to the restaurant and Danny is in the kitchen checking all the pans and lighting burners on the stoves. He then checked out the walk-in fridge. I had nothing to do so I sat at a table. Rick said he was going to look around more but I could call him if I needed anything. When Danny had finished all his checks he came and sat at my table.

"Everything good here Tiger?"

"Yeah. They made the kitchen just like the one in Vegas. I'm going to love it. What about you?"

"The desks are a bit hard so I hope I don't get too many of the school or office customers in a day, but they look good. The beds are much better than the one we have at the store."

"I can't believe it though. A little over a year ago my parents kicked me out and I was looking at either selling my body or starving to death. But now I'm going to be the head chef here and live with all of you. I can't thank you enough Sam for helping me."

"There is no need Danny. You did this all yourself by studying hard. All I did was give you a leg up."

"You did more than that Sam. You took me in when nobody wanted me. You saved me from going to jail and from being in debt for the rest of my life."

"Maybe, but you saved me too. Me and Todd. We were not right for each other and he was dying inside due to me. Who knows how it would have ended with us if you hadn't been there to show us what we couldn't see. We probably wouldn't be friends still and I might not have been able to be with Ty. So thank you Danny for helping me."

"Oh... I was always worried you thought I stole Todd from you. After all, I'm the one that went to him and had him fuck me."

"No Danny, you made us see what was really happening. Me and Todd are both much happier now."

Ty joined us when he made it over to this side of the casino.

"Everything look good honey?"

"So far. What about over here?"

"Kitchen is perfect."

"And the fantasy rooms are good as long as I'm not on the desks for too long."

"Well we can ask what room they want when they book and limit those rooms to only two appointments a day if possible."

"You are such a good husband. Making sure your wife isn't fucked by a stranger on a hard desk for too long."

"You know it baby."

Rick came over to our table with another guy. He said he was the tech that would be putting our fingerprints into the elevator and doors so we could use them and he would also go over the cameras with Ty. We headed over to the private elevator and I texted Todd so he would join us. As the guy is getting our fingerprints put in Todd shows up and gets his put in too. We then head up to the apartment and the tech shows us the panic buttons and explains that security cannot get onto the floor with their fingerprints unless we have pushed one of them. We then go to Ty's camera room and he goes over how to switch between the cameras and how to listen to the microphones. He then goes over the headsets that they will wear to communicate to each other when we are working. I of course will not have one as I'll be naked and I can't hear them through electronic devices when I have sex. But one of them is near me at all times so it is ok.

Once it is all done I ask Rick when we can move in. He says as soon as we want. The casino will open in two weeks after all the machines have been tested but we have free reign whenever we want. I ask Danny if he can cook in the restaurant kitchen yet. He says everything works but there is no food. Rick says the food will be delivered next week and there is a staff meeting set for next Friday so we can meet everyone that will be working here. I ask Danny if he can cook in the small kitchen in the apartment. He says he can. So I tell Ty I want to move tomorrow so we are ready and I can start to test the rooms. Rick says he can have a company move all of our stuff to the apartment. We agree and head back home.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 92

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