Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Mar 26, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 87 by Sam

When we woke up Ty made love to me then we took a shower and headed to breakfast. We wore robes as Rick was still here. I wasn't sure what we were eating as I've never seen it before. I asked Danny and he said it was eggs benedict. He had studied the menu and he and Todd went to the grocery store after we all turned in. He was going to make one dish from the menu every meal until he was sure it was right. After breakfast Todd asked to have sex with me. We went to his room and took off our robes and I got in bed and he got on top of me and made love to me for an hour. When he finished, Danny took over and he made love to me for an hour then took me to the shower. When we were clean we put our robes back on and went to the living room.

"Dad left to head back to Vegas while you and Todd were fucking."

"Ok, did he say anything?"

"He said he would have his guys work up our changes and we should get something to look at next week."

"Ok, you want to do anything?"

"I'm watching this movie if you want to join me."


I took off my robe as Rick wasn't here anymore. I lubed up Ty's cock and sat on it facing the TV and rode him while he watched the movie. It was an action movie so it was still entertaining even though I didn't know what people were saying. When Danny had lunch ready we went to eat. It was another item from the menu. Getting restaurant food at home is great. After lunch Todd and Ty wanted to watch some movies. It was a superhero movie marathon. I was not interested. So I lubed up Ty and rode him looking at him instead. When Danny finished washing up he joined us on the couch. When Ty gave me his cum I got off him and sat on Todd and started to ride him. They were watching their movie and I was in my own world feeling Todd's big cock moving inside me.

"Todd, have you noticed how big a sex drive Sam has?"

"Well he is a prostitute." Danny said.

"Well he was like this even before Ty made him a prostitute. When we were dating he easily kept up with me getting multiple cums every fuck and still wanting more. And he is 6 years older than me."

"Yeah. I've been thinking about his sex drive recently. Even after a day at the store he is still ready for more."

"I know. On Saturdays he takes cocks for 10 hours then still wants you to make love to him and us to all have sex together for an hour before bed."

"I have a theory on it. Have you ever noticed something about Sam?" Ty brushed my hair off my face.

"Do you mean his appearance?"

"Yeah, look at his face and tell me how old he is just from that."

"Well, yeah he has a young looking face."

"How young?"

"Um... maybe 12 or 13."


"Yeah, about that old."

"And his height. 5 foot 4 inches (162 cm) is really short for an adult. But what about a 13 year old?"

"I guess it would be normal height for a 13 year old."

"And his old cock. 4 inches (10 cm) long. Small for an adult, but for a 13 year old?"

"So what are you saying? Sam is really 13 years old?"

"No, Sam is 27. What I'm saying is in the years you've been with him, has his appearance changed any?"

"Well his cock grew a lot."

"Other than what I did."

"No, he looks the same as when I met him. But looks don't change much in 2 years."

"So what are you thinking exactly?"

"Well, it is just a theory, but his cock gave me the idea. If programming can cause part of him to grow then what other effects can it have?"

"So you think he was programmed to look like this?"

"Well, when did you start jacking off?"

"12 or 13 I guess."

"And it is usually the same for most guys. But most guys can't be programmed when doing it like Sam can."

"So you think he was programmed when he was jacking off at 12 or 13 to stop growing?"

"Yeah. It could have been anything. TV with a commercial for an age reducing cream, his mom saying she wanted him to stay her little boy, Peter Pan movie saying he will never grow up. Anything. But I think something caused him to be programmed to stop aging at 12 or 13."

"So I'm fucking a 13 year old right now?"

"No, he is 27. He has the mind of an adult. But his body has stopped aging even if his mind kept maturing. That is why he has a huge sex drive as his puberty hormones are still going."

"Well he is hairless except for his pubes and under his arms and he doesn't have to shave but every two or three days. So are you saying he will look like a 13 year old for the rest of his life?"

"I don't know. It isn't like we have another example to look at. He is the only one I've ever heard of to have this issue."

"So do we program him to age normally?"

"Do you want him to change? I don't. I love how he looks. He may look 13 but he is beautiful. Also I'm not sure what a rapid age up would do to him. Also, this is just a theory. He may actually just be a short adult with a naturally young face. I haven't met his parents so I don't know. They may just be short normally."

"Yeah. Please don't change Sam. I love him like he is."

"Don't worry Danny, I agree with Ty that he is perfect the way he is."

When Todd pumped his load inside me I got up and sat on Danny and started to ride him. After Danny came I got off him and he got up to start on dinner. I just started over with Ty. I was still on Todd when dinner was ready so Todd picked me up and went to the table and when he sat down I started moving up and down on him again.

"Are you going to eat Sam?"

"How close are you Todd?"

"Not very. Your food is going to be cold if you are waiting on that."


Todd helped me off of him and I ate my dinner. When I was finished I went to sit and watch TV with Ty as the others were off limits now since it was after dinner. When the show was over we turned in. Ty made love to me then I cleaned us off and cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 88

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