Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Mar 24, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 86 by Sam

When we woke up Ty made love to me then we got up and took a shower and went to breakfast naked. I like this rule of mine. But the others will need robes as only me and Danny have them and mine is stored at the store. We'll go shopping after breakfast.

When we got back from shopping we all undressed again. Todd asked if we could have sex. I agreed and we headed to his room. When we got there I laid on the bed and he got on top of me. He started to kiss me and I felt him enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me gently as he made love to me. He was being very passionate. I started to feel feelings I've long since buried start to rise in me. I allowed them to surface. Ty gave me permission to feel for Todd. After I came for the fourth time, Todd pushed all the way in me and pumped his load inside me. After we came down he pulled out of me and I cleaned us off and cuddled up to him.

"Thank you Sam. It has been so long, I really missed that."

"Well, I'm sorry I cut you off Todd. It wasn't your fault we broke up but I punished you as if it was."

"It's ok. I really love Danny but I still have feelings for you that I can't get rid of."

"Yeah, me too. But I'm staying with Ty."

"Good. Ty is a good guy and you two are perfect for each other. You were right about us not being right for each other. I've never been happier than I am now with Danny. But that doesn't mean I don't care about you too."

"Well, we can keep doing this as I've always liked it with you."

"I'd like that."

The door opened and Danny came in.

"It's my turn."

"Of course babe."

Todd got up and left the room as Danny got on top of me and started kissing me and I felt him enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me as he made love to me. After I'd cum three times he pushed all the way in me and came inside me. After we came down I cleaned us up and cuddled up to him.

"So are you and Todd getting along now?"

"Yeah. We worked it out and are fine now."

"Um... you aren't going to take him from me are you?"

"No Danny, I'm with Ty and will stay with Ty. Todd is all yours. We just want to have sex."

"Ok good. I'm glad you and him will be together again."

We enjoyed our closeness until he had to get up to make lunch. I went to the living room and sat next to Ty and watched TV. After lunch, Todd wanted another go so we went to his room and he made love to me for an hour and a half until he finally pumped his cum into me. When he pulled out Danny got on top of me and started to make love to me. He only lasted an hour. When he pulled out he helped me to the shower as I was a little weak from all the sex. I was ok while we were going at it, but when we were done it all hit me at once and I was really tired. After he got me clean he helped me to the couch. I cuddled up to Ty and we watched TV together until dinner. After dinner Ty took me to our room and made love to me. When we came I cleaned us up and cuddled up to him. I was so worn out I fell right to sleep.

The next day went the same way. After breakfast Todd and Danny had sex with me using their cum control techniques to make it last a long time. Then they did it again after lunch. Then after dinner I was with Ty so he could make love to me and we could sleep together. If this keeps up I'm going to have a great summer.

Wednesday when I wake up Ty makes love to me then we take a shower before heading to breakfast. After breakfast I go with Todd to his room so he can make love to me. After an hour and a half he cums inside me and when he pulls out Danny gets on me and makes love to me. After an hour he gives me his cum and he helps me to the shower. After we are clean I go to sit on the couch as he makes lunch. After we eat lunch there is a knock on the door. I put on my robe to answer it as the others go to get their robes.

"Rick. We were not expecting you."

"Sorry Sam, but I have the stuff you guys asked for and thought I would bring them by myself so we could all go over them together."

"Well, come in then."

"Hey Dad, what brings you by."

"I got your documents and wanted to talk to you all about them."

"Great, let's go to the living room then."

We all head into the living room.

"Ok, I figure we will start with Sam's floor."

"Oh, is this an STT meeting?" Danny asked.

"Well, I guess as it involves Sam's floor."

"Ok, Ty schedule the meeting." Ty took out his phone and scheduled the meeting.

"I put it until dinner if that is ok."

"Yeah, shouldn't last that long."

I got up and the others removed their robes and got on the couch. I took off my robe and lubed up Ty and sat on him facing him. I started moving up and down on his cock.

"Ok Dad, you can start."

"Uh... well, um, I have the floor plan that is currently there plus some plans I had a guy draw up of possible changes."

"Ok, baby, do you want to see those."

"Yeah." I got up off Ty and turned around and sat back down on him and started to bounce on his cock again. "Ok, let me see."

Rick showed the current plans and the revised ones. I asked about the rooms we would use for changing and cameras. He showed me those and the door between them so I didn't have to go out to move between them. They looked ok. I came as I was studying one and Ty thrust a few more times in me and gave me his load. I got off him and lubed up Todd and sat on him facing away from him so I could continue to see what we were studying and moved up and down on his big cock. Ty asked about setting up a possible room with a hole for handling customers like we do on Saturday. Rick looked over the plans and said it might be possible but wondered if a hole was right.

"Well we need something for the customers with little money that don't want an hour and just need a quick fuck."

"Baby, what about what we did at the start. It didn't last an hour but we still got them in and out."

"You mean with your friends?"

"Yeah. We didn't have the store yet but they were still in and out quick."

"But what about security?"

"Well on the security front. Here is what we got. Every room has 4 cameras and a microphone so Ty can see every inch of the rooms and hear what is going on. The rooms for the sets do not lock so Todd can get in fast without problems if there is an issue, but your changing room and the camera room do lock."

"If the rooms don't... " I was pushed over the edge and came and Todd thrust all the way in me and gave me his load. When we came down I got off him and lubed up Danny and sat on his cock and started to bounce on him. "Sorry. If the rooms don't lock what keeps people out when not in use?"

"Well, the stairway doors to the second floor will be locked from the stairway and the elevator will be locked out of the second floor. The only way to get onto it is if Ty presses a button in the camera room that allows the elevator to go to the floor. And there is a camera in the elevator that goes to Ty's monitor so he can see who it is and you approve them before they are let in."

"That seems well thought out. Now about the line day. If we do it the way we did it back then it would mean they are with me. Of course Ty will have the cameras and Todd will be letting them in. But is that enough security?"

"For the line days I can have casino security monitor the line and weed out anyone that might be a problem."

"That might help. But with the elevator thing it would mean a big delay between customers."

"Well on the line day we can... Dad, is it possible to put up a gate blocking access to the rest of the floor and have the room next to the stairs be used for the fast fucks and the rest of the floor locked down so we can just have the line go through the stairwell?"

"Yes, I can add that to the plans and have it put in. What would you want in that room?"

"Just a bed, but lots of cameras. They pay Todd then go in and do their stuff with Sam then leave and the next one comes in. It won't be as fast as the store though."

"Well we can charge a little more as it isn't just a hole to make up for the slower customer rate. Plus we can control the hours so we don't' need to shut down just because the store is closing."

"What about set ideas?"

"Well, me and Liz talked... " I came and Danny pumped his load into me. When I came down I got off of him. Rick had taken his pants off and was in a chair. I went over to him and lubed him up and sat on him. I started bouncing up and down on his cock. This was scheduled so I could feel it. "Me and Liz talked and came up with 5 set ideas but if we make all the rooms set ready then when we get an idea for another one we can just put it in."

"Well, what do you have so far."

"Honeymoon suite for those that want romance or to just fuck in a bed. Office for the bosses that want to do an employee. Classroom for students that want to do another student or teachers that want to do a student. Doctor's office for doctors that want to do a patient. And a campground for the outdoors people. Those are what we have right now."

"Those sound good for a start. And of course the one by the stairs is just a standard bedroom for the quickies."

"It sounds good. Does anyone have questions about anything?"

"Yeah, on the one on one days. How do we control who gets in the elevator?"

"Why don't we have Danny stand by the elevator and check the ID of the customer to make sure it is him before he takes him into the elevator?"

"Yeah, I can do that and wait at the elevator to take him down too and then wait for the next one."

"Yeah, that should work. Can we give Danny something for protection in case the guys try anything with him in the elevator?"

"We could have security be with him."

"Yeah, that would make me feel better. Danny is cute and some guys are aggressive."

"I'll cut their balls off if they touch you babe."

"Thanks Todd."

"Well I think that is everything."

I bounced on Rick faster and in a minute he was pumping his load inside me. When we came down I got off of him.

"This was the best business meeting I've ever been to. I'm really going to work closely with you guys."

I went to take a shower as the guys put their robes back on so Rick could show them their stuff. When I got back I took a chair and just listened in. When it got close to dinner time Danny got up to make dinner. We all sat down to eat then Rick took the spare room and me and Ty turned in to our room so he could make love to me. I then cleaned us up and cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 87

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