Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Mar 22, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 85 by Sam

"Todd, what you did to Sam was wrong."

"I know babe, and I'm sorry."

"I'm not going to divorce you, but only because Sam said not to."

"I understand, and thank you Sam."

"But you need to be punished for what you did."

"Of course babe, anything."

"Sam, give me a blowjob."

I got up and went over to Danny and got on my knees. I took his cock into my mouth and started sucking on it, moving my head up and down. He was moaning as I worked my mouth over his thick cock. He grunted when he came, filling my mouth with his cum. I swallowed it all down and kept sucking on him until he was empty. While his cock was still in my mouth he spoke.

"Sam, get hard and fuck Todd."

I took Danny out of my mouth and stood up. My cock was rock hard. I lubed it up and Danny moved. I took Todd's legs and picked them up and he laid down on the couch. I got between his legs and aimed my cock at his hole. I then pushed in. Todd was in pain. He has only had my 4 incher in here so this 7 incher isn't going to be comfortable. But Danny's command didn't say to be gentle so I pushed all the way in. When I was all in I started to rock my hips in and out of him. I controlled my cum. After half an hour I pushed all the way into him and pumped my load inside him. He never came. When I came down I pulled out of him.

"Sorry Todd."

"No Sam, you had no choice and I deserved that."

"Yes you did Todd, and if you ever blackmail Ty to program Sam to do stuff against his will again, I will have him last all night."

"Of course babe, I will never do that again."

Danny got up to make lunch and I sat down next to Ty and watched some TV. When lunch was ready we all sat down to eat. After lunch Ty wanted to retry the meeting he wanted to have this morning so we all headed into the living room again.

"Ok so now Sam has reprogrammed himself. According to Danny he can say no to Todd if he wants to. He can't say no to Danny unless he is working or with me already. And apparently he can't get tired while having sex."

"Wow, really? I came up with good stuff this time."

"Yes, you also gave him cock control."

"Yeah, I figured that out when he did it. Did I give him programming ability?"

"No, but with cock control you know it is possible to get around that. Danny please don't try to program Sam."

"No, don't worry. I would never do that now that I know what it means."

"Ok so, what I was saying this morning, we have all summer off. Other than Saturday and Sunday we are off because the casino is closed until at least September. If Sam wants to, he can have sex with you during the day. But I want him after dinner and all night, every night."

"What about Saturday?"

"Yes, of course we still have the group on Saturday. But all other days he is with me."

"Ok, we have no problems with that."

"Good. Sam still needs to finalize his plans for his floor but probably can't start on that until we get the floor plans."

"Yeah, can we have a company meeting about that?"

"Of course. Now or when you get the plans?"

"Now. This has nothing to do with details that I need the plans for."

"Ok, do we all agree to switch to a company meeting of STT Escorts?"


I got up and had them all sit on the couch together. I lubed up Ty's cock and sat on it facing him. I put my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my hips as I started to move up and down on him. It felt good having Ty inside me.

"So my main thing with the second floor is what it means."

"What do you mean baby?"

"Well, it takes me farther from my customers that I want. I want college kids and the second floor is all about one on ones. College kids can't afford them and with the sets I'll have to charge more so that takes me farther out of range."

"Well, maybe we can design something like the hole for the college kids with little money so they still get a fuck."

"But also it is 30 miles away. That is a long drive for a 5 minute fuck."

"That's true. But nobody said we had to stop using the store. We can still do that on the weekend and save the fantasy stuff for some weekdays or Sunday."

"I guess, but I think once we raise the prices for the fantasy stuff it is only going to get me old and fat guys. Those are not the ones I like."

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't know you were unhappy with the one on ones. We can stop them if you want."

"Well no... Oh God." I came on Ty. He thrust a few more times in me and pumped his load inside me. When we came down I got off of him and lubed up Todd who was next to Ty and sat on him. I put my arms around his neck and started moving up and down on him. He put his hands on my hips as I rode his huge cock. It felt so good having him inside me again. "Ok, as I was saying. I don't want to stop them. They need relief too and I am willing to give it to them. It just isn't fun sometimes."

"Well baby I don't think we will get very many students during the summer."

"Yeah you are probably right. I'll just deal with it. It is only one day a week now so I'll cope."

"We can always make it so you like it."

"What? You want to program me to love having sex with old fat people?"

"Well, I wouldn't put it that way. But I would make it so you enjoyed having sex with a paying customer."

"I guess we could, but I hate being mind fucked."

"Well we can drop it now but it is available in the future if you want."

"Ok, but is there a way to get college kids?"

"Well how about we do what bars do? Like for ladies night. They charge men full price but give women a discount."

"So like you get a discount for being a student?"

"Yeah, if they have a valid student ID they get a discount."

"If we do that Todd, you will need to check it when they pay."

"I can do that Sam. Um... do you want me to hold off or cum as soon as possible?"

"Depends. Are you liking it?"

"Yeah Sam, your ass always feels so good."

"Then hold off and enjoy it more."

"So what discount would you be comfortable with baby?"

"Well I'm not sure. Todd said we make about $200 an hour at the wall and I don't want to go less than that"

"Well since these are who you want, maybe make the price $200 an hour for students and keep $500 for everyone else?"

"Yeah for now that works." Todd grunted and pumped his cum inside me. When we came down I got off of him and moved to Danny. I lubed his cock and sat on it. I then put my arms around his neck and started moving up and down on him.

"I can make some signs that say student discounts on them and put it on our facebook page."

"Yeah, go ahead and do that."

"Do you want to maybe have some days during the week to work since we are all off?"

"No, not at the moment. We'll see as the summer goes on but for now I want to stay just Saturday and Sunday."

"Ok does anyone else have something to add?"

"Um... can we keep going?"

"Don't worry Danny, I'll keep riding you when the meeting ends."

"Ok then."

"Well then meeting over."

I continued to ride Danny until he gave a grunt and came inside me. When we came down I got off of him and he went to start on dinner. I sat next to Ty and watched TV.

"Is that how all company meetings will go?"

"All those for my company. You can run your company's meetings however you want."

"I may copy your company's ideas on how to run a meeting."

"I may sit in on some of your company's meetings."

"I hope you sit on all of them."

"Depends on how long the meeting lasts. Todd has a slow fuse."

"True, but he won't let Danny not get any so he won't hold off."

"I hope so. I don't mind having sex with him. His cock feels really good. It is just the possibility of feelings coming back."

"Baby, it is ok to have those for Todd. You loved him a lot and I'm willing to let you love him again. He allowed you to love me when you two were married so it is only fair that I allow you to love him now."

"You're a very good guy Ty. Now about the meetings. The only problem with my meeting style is if there are other people. You three are all I would be able to hear."

"That's a good point, but opening up your hearing during sex would be dangerous."

"I know. But how about you just do it for meetings. Then you three are always there in case something goes wrong. Plus Todd came up with a way to stop others from programming me even though I can hear them."

"Ok, I'll ask Todd and we will come up with a program for tonight."

When Danny had dinner ready we all sat down to eat. After dinner I sat and watched TV until time to turn in. When we turned in Ty got on top of me and started kissing me. I felt him enter me and he started thrusting in and out slowly as he made love to me. It felt so good.

"Baby, I got with Todd and I have a program that we think will work and keep you protected during meetings. Also because Danny has cock control too we came up with something to keep others from giving you commands when our three cocks are inside you."

"Ok good."

"But also I don't want you to be unhappy when you are with a customer. So even though you said not to, I'm going to program you to fix that too."

"I figured you would."

"Ok, Sam, if you are in a scheduled company meeting, you can hear everyone, even when having sex, but will not accept programming from anyone else's voice but mine, and only in person, not on electronic devices. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ty."

"Sam, when you have a cock in you that has cock control ability, you will only follow cock control commands from the person whose cock is inside you or from me. You will not follow commands from anybody else. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ty."

"Sam, when you are with someone that has an appointment, no matter who they are or what they look like, you will want to have sex with them and will enjoy it during the appointment. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ty."

Ty continued to make love to me until I came on us. He then thrust all the way into me and came inside me. I cleaned us up then cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 86

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