Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Mar 20, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 84 by Sam

When we woke up Ty made love to me then we got a shower. We didn't have the store today as we were taking the weekend off. After breakfast I sat down with Liz to discuss possible sets. After lunch Rick and Liz packed up and headed back to Vegas. Rick said he would get the items we needed to Ty by the middle of next week. After dinner we all headed to Todd and Danny's room. Me and Ty got on the bed and laid next to each other. Todd got on top of Ty and Danny got on top of me. Todd pushed his huge cock into Ty and I felt Danny enter me. They started thrusting in and out of us. Ty was moaning next to me and I wasn't silent either. After 10 minutes I was getting close. I saw Todd bend down and put his mouth to Ty's ear. Ty said "Sam said he doesn't want to." Todd whispered more into Ty's ear and stopped thrusting. Ty looked at me then back to Todd. "Promise not to abuse it." Todd nodded. He restarted thrusting in and out of Ty. Ty turned his head to me.

"Sam, unless you are working or already in bed with me, if Todd or Danny ask to have sex with you, you will go with them and have sex with them without question. But if you are working or already with me, you will ignore their request. Also if I come for you and ask you to come with me, even if you are already having sex with them, you will stop and come with me. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ty."

"Ok babe, make Sam cum."

Danny started thrusting in and out of me harder. A minute later I came on us and Danny continued to thrust in and out of me. After we were at it for an hour they pushed into us and pumped their loads inside us. After we all came down they pulled out of us and we took a shower. When we were clean Ty and Todd laid on the bed. I cuddled up to Ty and Danny cuddled up to Todd.

In the morning me and Ty woke up. I cuddled up tight to him. After a half hour the other two started to stir. Ty rolled on top of me and kissed me as he entered me. He made love to me gently. After twenty minutes I came on us and he pushed all the way in me and came inside me. When we came down he told me to stay in bed and pulled out of me and got up. He headed for the shower. Todd told me he wanted to have sex with me. I don't want to have sex with Todd as that might bring up feelings for him I want to remain buried. But my legs lifted themselves anyway. Todd got on top of me and started to kiss me. I kissed him back as I felt his huge cock enter me. He thrust in and out of me as he made love to me. After half an hour he pumped his load inside me. When he pulled out, Danny got on top of me and I felt him enter me. He made love to me for half an hour before giving me his load. When he pulled out he helped me up and we went to take a shower. When we were clean I headed to me and Ty's room to get dressed. When I got there Ty was on the bed. I knew Danny just got out of the shower so breakfast would be a bit so I got in with him and cuddled up to him.

"Ty did you do something?"

"What do you mean baby?"

"I don't want to have sex with Todd, but he asked this morning and I couldn't help myself but let him fuck me."

"Oh, yeah. He told me he wanted to have sex with you again. I told him no as I know you don't want to but he said he would stop fucking me if I didn't do it. I'm sorry baby. But the rule I made is if they ask you to have sex with them you will unless we are already together or you are working."

"I can't believe he blackmailed you like that. Why does he want me so bad? He has Danny."

"Oh I can see wanting you baby. I always want you."

"I guess. But it is done. And with us all off for the summer I guess that means a lot of sex for me with that rule."

"He promised not to abuse it. And I can always take you even if you are having sex with them."

"Ok, well I need to get dressed for breakfast. It should be ready by now."

"Well, breakfast yes, dressed no."


"Well, I'm not going to program you but I want you to stay naked while you are at home. If that is ok with you."

"Is that a command from my husband?"

"Um... yes it is."

"Then I will do it. But my command as your wife is you are naked too."

"That's fair."

Ty undressed and we went to breakfast. Todd asked Ty why we were naked. Ty told him we are requiring each other to stay naked while at home. Todd smiled and looked at Danny. He whispered something to Danny and Danny got up and removed his clothes. Danny then looked at Todd and Todd did the same. When we were all naked we ate breakfast.

When breakfast was over Ty said he wanted to have a meeting about this summer. We all headed into the living room. I sat next to Ty on the couch and Todd sat next to me. Danny took a chair. Ty then began.

"Ok so it looks like we are going to be all off for the summer as the casino will be closed until at least September. So that means other than Saturday and Sunday we are free to do what we want. Now with Todd's program I gave Sam last night you both will be having sex with Sam. But all I ask is that after dinner he be with me and sleep with me, no rotating beds."

"That's fine as me and Danny want to sleep together. But we can have sex with him throughout the day right?"

"Yes, during the day you can both have as much sex as you want with him. I just want after dinner and the nights."

"Um... I'm not hearing anything about me getting a choice here."

"Oh, sorry baby, but with Todd's program, you can't say no."


"Wait, what do you mean Sam can't say no?"

"Well Danny, the way Todd worded the program, if you or he asks Sam for sex, as long as he isn't working or with me already, he cannot refuse and has to do it."

"But that's not right. He has the right to say no. What if he isn't feeling like sex or is too tired?"

"It doesn't matter. If you request to have sex with him he has to do it."

"But that isn't right. You have to change him back."

"But if I do then he won't have sex with Todd as he already has told us he doesn't want Todd in him anymore."

"So you know Sam doesn't want to have sex with you and you had Ty program him to have sex with you if you asked and not be able to say no?"

"Well, yeah babe."

"And this morning you had sex with him, knowing he can't say no and doesn't want you to have sex with him? That's rape Todd. You raped Sam... oh my god... I had sex with him this morning too... oh no... oh no, oh no, oh no... I raped Sam... You made me rape Sam... I'm never having sex with Sam ever again!"

Danny got up and ran to their room. Todd followed but the door was locked. He knocked on the door.

"Babe can I come in?"

"Leave me the fuck alone!"

Ty put his hand on my back.

"I'm sorry baby."

I just leaned against him with my head on his arm. Todd returned to the living room and sat back down on the couch.

"Ty, can you fix Sam?"

"Are you sure Todd? It will mean he will never have sex with you again."

"Yeah, I'm sure. I would rather lose Sam than lose Danny."

I got up and went to their room. I knocked on the door.

"Tiger, can I come in?"

"Are you alone?"

"Yeah, it's just me."

Danny opened the door a crack to peek out then he let me in. He closed and locked the door behind me. He was crying. I took him over to the bed and we sat down.

"Sam I'm so sorry. I didn't know what the program meant. I just thought it was Ty giving us permission to have more sex with you. I didn't know it meant you couldn't say no if you didn't want to."

"It's ok Danny."

"It really isn't Sam. I raped you this morning."

"No you didn't Danny. I like having sex with you so I wouldn't have said no."

"But you would have to Todd right?"

"Yes. I would have said no to Todd."

"But you couldn't and he had sex with you. I can't believe Ty would program you that way. I thought he loved you."

"He does Danny. Don't blame Ty. Todd blackmailed him to do it. He said he wouldn't have sex with Ty unless he gave me the program."

"Oh my God. I can't believe this. Todd blackmailed Ty so that Ty would make it so he could rape you."

"Um... I guess you could see it that way."

"Well I guess Todd is going through a second divorce then."

"No Danny, I'm not going to tell you whether or not to divorce Todd, that is up to you, but hear me out first. I've been a little harsh with Todd. I cut him off when I divorced him. And I think that may have been wrong of me. It wasn't Todd's fault we got a divorce. And when we were married he allowed me to sleep around with Ty and you and all the guys at the store. So then I divorce him and cut him off. So I've decided to end that. I know it may bring up feelings for him but I'll have to deal with those when they come. So I'm going to start having sex with Todd again. I hope you don't divorce him just because he got desperate as he really is a great guy."

"Yeah, I know, but what he did was wrong. I won't divorce him. But I will punish him."

"Good. Now there is a program that needs to be fixed."

"Yeah. It really needs to be fixed. Do you want me to get Ty?"

"Nope I got this. All I need you to do is repeat after me."

"But I can't program you Sam."

"I know that Danny. But just repeat what I say. Can you do that?"


"Sam, have sex with me."

"But Sam..."

"No Danny, it is Sam, have sex with me."

"Sam, have sex with me."

I lubed Danny up and straddled him and sat down on his cock. I started moving up and down on him.

"Oh Sam this is so good, but it is still rape."

"I know Danny. I'm raping myself with your cock."

"What do you mean?"

"I said the words, you just repeated them. I can't stop myself and I caused it."

"Oh, are you going to fix the program?"

"Yeah. If Todd asks to have sex with me I have the power to refuse. But I will no longer refuse because of my possible feelings for him. It is ok for him to have sex with me. If Danny asks to have sex with me, unless I am working or already with Ty I will do it and cannot refuse. I also give him cock control with all rules in place. When I am having sex in any position I will not get tired... I think that is it, I just need to cum now."

"Sam that is still me raping you."

"No Danny, I gave these commands so it is always a yes. Just a little secret for you. I love to be forced. It turns me on."

"Oh. Ok I guess. But what is cock control?"

"You will have to ask Ty as I'm about to cum and when I do I will forget all of this."

A few more bounces on his cock and I cum on him. I continue to ride him as my orgasm subsides. I see the tears on his face and stop.

"Danny, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

"No Sam I'm ok now. Keep riding me."

I started bouncing up and down on his cock again. I came four more times before he finally pumped his load inside me. When we came down I got off of him. I started to look around for my clothes but I couldn't find them.

"Danny where are my clothes?"

"Oh, we don't wear clothing at home anymore. Your orders."

"Oh. Well good. I hate clothes."

We went and took a shower as I put a lot of cum all over Danny, then we went out to the living room. Danny took Ty aside and asked him what cock control was. Ty explained it to him. Danny then went over to Todd and sat next to him.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 85

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